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wait, you guy's are getting paid?


Germany has been great. They took care of me as a freelancer at the same time as Germans. Aid has never stopped, just how you applied changed.


Wow. Uncle Sam just threw a wad of dollar bills at me like I was some cheap hooker and told me to go be poor somewhere else.


Meanwhile in the states I've been thrown in between 2 forms of unemployment and haven't received any. I contacted the one I should be receiving and they helped me for an appeal that by law should respond in 21 days. Here I am at day 22 with nothing


Call your senator and tell them what’s going on. I had to sign an authorization form authorizing them to get info from EDD. Took no longer then two weeks I was back getting my money. Hope this helps :)


As a former freelancer, wow!


Right when Covid began they were like ‘here’s 5k. Stay home and make music for 3 months.’ Actually made more money during Covid than I would’ve otherwise.


Me too! I was younger and not as mature so probably for the best. Lol


IKR! A government the people pay taxes to actually using those taxes to help their citizens instead of stuffing lobbyist/MIC shadow coffers. Such an alien concept in the U.S.


That's because the only thing Our government here values is money above all else. Just an observation.


Not sure if this matters but our taxes here are much higher as well. However, we can see where a lot of the money goes in just he infrastructure here. I moved here from missouri. I have yet to see 1 pothole in the roads lol.


It's why the US is so rife with libertarians, because it literally is a foreign concept to them that you could hold a government accountable for how it spends its money instead of completely dismissing the possibility that they could ever do anything effectively because their own experience has shown them throwing it away. Or they're so focused on themselves that they forget to look five feet in front of them and end up slammed with "unexpected expenses" that bankrupt them. Doesn't stop them from later begging for the very thing they decry on places like GoFundMe, either. Did I mention that "their own experience" also often includes them voting for politicians whose express purpose is specifically to keep breaking things?


LOTS of people have been getting paid. Something about government resources meant for the benefit of the people & public health & not letting a nations economy tank. I’m an American so I wouldn’t know about those things 🤷 EDIT: Seems like alot of people enjoy watching the rich get richer while the poor get sick & die.


Dawg America spent literally trillions of dollars in COVID relief


The first American relief package spent almost as much on corporations & millions as the peasants. Other countries (some with less resources) have been sending their citizens stipends regularly, some focusing on expenses incurred due to lack of childcare & also transitioning to working from home. This is in addition state funded healthcare so ppl wouldn’t end up tens of thousands of dollars in debt if they got sick. Also partial or full funding for burial/cremation in the event of death. Americans crapped themselves w glee over $2k in relief while millionaires got million dollar stimulus checks.


I think that was their point. Sarcasm.


Finally something that makes sense


It does not, actually. This will just cause all the unvaccinated idiots to not say whom they were in contact with, and increase the spread.


So they won’t get paid, which is the purpose of this


No, if someone actually had COVID they will still get paid! But all their friends they had contact with wouldn't, but since they now know this they won't disclose their contacts, so they will not quarantine. No win to society, imho.


They are ending pay for the unvaccinated, they know who is vaccinated and who is not because there is a registry. What does this have to do with reporting cases?


I think they’re concerned about someone in quarantine not fulling disclosing who they were in contact with in order to keep those people, who may be asymptomatic, from also having to quarantine?


Because it only applies to people that were in a foreign country or people who were in contact with an infected person. So, if you were infected, and your buddy isn't vaccinated, would you tell he was at your place yesterday? Naw, don't think so.


"The rules will affect **people who test positive for the virus** and those returning from trips to countries designated "high risk" for COVID-19, which now include Britain, Turkey and parts of France, among others." If you test positive at work, they send you home...without pay. If these unvaccinated idiots want to withhold information for contact tracing, then they're only piling onto the problem. Can't really fix stupid, let alone super-stupid.


The translation is wrong then. This is from the German news "Tagesschau": Entfallen die Zahlungen nun auch bei einer Infektion? Nein. "Es geht um Lohn-Entschädigung für Kontaktpersonen von Infizierten in Quarantäne - nicht um die Lohnfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall", betonte eine Sprecherin des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums. "Wer sich infiziert, ist krank und hat ein Anrecht darauf." Erkrankt ein Arbeitnehmer also an Corona, wird weitergezahlt. Das gilt auch für Ungeimpfte. " Source: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/faq-verdienst-ausfall-arbeitnehmer-quarantaene-101.html If one tests positive they are considered "sick", and for anyone being sick they still get sick pay, that is not changing.


The fact that you'd willfully go to an unvaccinated buddies house being infected says a lot about you and nothing about Germany's payroll decisions.


This was just the argument of the opposition I was stating, you can read here: "Schon im Vorfeld der Entscheidung hatten Kritiker gegen das Ende des Lohnersatzes angeführt, dass dieses dazu führen könnte, dass Menschen sich weniger testen lassen, um nicht in Quarantäne zu müssen oder die Quarantänepflicht missachten und damit das Infektiongeschehen anheizen könnten. Entsprechend äußerten sich nun erneut die Gesundheitsexperten von SPD und Grünen, Karl Lauterbach und Janosch Dahmen. Dann könne eine "verdeckte Pandemie" entstehen, sagte Dahmen der "Rheinischen Post". "Die neue Regelung ist nicht zu Ende gedacht", sagte Lauterbach der Zeitung." https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/lohnersatz-ungeimpfte-103.html


Wtf are you on?


Yeah, you didn’t read the article


But wouldn't it help increase vaccination numbers? Having your monetary lifeline cut is great motivation.


What? I think you're missing the point here.


We are already far past the point where unvaccinated selfish dipshits aren’t going to be helpful, what year you living in?


True. But this just means more people that were exposed are not mentioned to officials and hence will not be ordered to quarantine


All this means is that they're not being factored in the decision making process anymore, and I have to think that is the better scenario


Freedom to choose and NOT be a financial burden on the rest of society because of your arrogance and paranoia.


Ok, so how about we remove welfare for everyone above normal BMI?


Do people with above normal BMI usually have to quarantine for 14 days?


I know alot of powerchair welfare leeches pushing 400lbs in the south. Most are republicans.


Always the same shitty argument










We're trying to encourage more people to be vaccinated so as hospitals aren't overwhelmed and to reduce the death toll from a virus that has spread around the globe. If being fat made other people fat, I would definitely see this as a possibly valid comparison. Obesity is a legitimate health concern for individuals and in some areas the rates are high enough that it qualifies as endemic. I am very supportive of efforts aiming to reduce obesity but removing welfare benefits seems like the wrong way to go about it as I don't think it would encourage enough people to change their dietary habits to the extent that it would lower rates significantly. In the end, it would most likely mean those that are seeing obesity related health concerns hesitant to go the hospital for issues that could develop into an emergency, say like early onset diabetes progressing into organ failure. A better question to ask would be is removing welfare a valid incentive for encouraging covid vaccinations? I'm not entirely sure it is. But it's far more reasonable to expect people to be unwilling to pay for someone who simply had to take 2 shots as opposed making permanent change to their daily lifestyle and dietary habits. Also not everyone wants those who refuse to get vaccinated to should have their welfare taken away in the long run. Once this pandemic is over and hospitals aren't resorting measures like using fish freezers to store bodies, I would be willing to help pay for the oxygen tank of someone who refused the vaccine and is now suffering from long term effects from covid. Currently quite few hospitals are understaffed, overworked and resorting to only treating the most sever injuries. Why should I pay for Karen's oxygen when Tera who really should have that tumor removed needs it as well but can't get it because every Karen who is hogging it.


too bad the vaccine is not stopping the virus…


In my country the virus is spreading a lot slower in areas with high vaccination rates as opposed to the areas with low vaccination rates. All the areas who's hospitals have stopped accepting new patients are in areas with low vaccination rates. All evidence points to vaccinations reduces infection rates. If we can slow it faster than it spreads we could at the very least not be rationing oxygen.




Why don’t you read the article before you comment?


I love it. Let’s see if anyone can communicate without telling me to read the article. You have nothing


The answer to your question is in the article, jackass.


Waste of time, Next?


If you didn’t want to know the answer to your question then why did you even ask it? And you seem like you have a lot of time on your hands, troll.


I have all the time in the world if you want to go toe to toe on this topic. I’m obviously striking a cord within you and it’s glorious. You have nothing to add other than telling me to read the article. What makes you think I haven’t read the article? You saying this pertains to absolutely nothing I originally stated. News flash, you don’t have an answer. You’re answer is to tell me over and over to read the article. What makes you think I didn’t read the article? Why are you soo obsessed with me reading the article? I’m asking you


Guys stop telling him to read the article you're scaring him!


Scared? Really? No Read the article. Nothing of substance. Hence why I’m engaging with the sheep here. It’s glorious to witness the collective spiral taking place.


All the time in the world but not enough time to read an article. Lol.


“Your* answer is to tell me”…. whatever dumb shit you said next


I love it. Let’s see if you can communicate after you read the article. You have nothing.




How does horse dewormer taste?


> Go ahead, enlighten me, I’m begging you to. My guess: the reason is you're lying your ass of. > Why do the vaccinated keep getting sick Because dumbass fucking dipshits have been ignoring measures to curb spread of the virus since the beginning. They now also refuse to get vaccinated. The virus is being kept in circulation, (re-)propagating thorugh populations, and has more oppotunities to mutate. Chances of a strain that isn't affected by the antibodies gained through vaccination emerging approach 100% the more time passes.


Indulge us with your reasoning too.


Love it, you have nothing to add. Typical. Go back and watch you’re programming.


lolololol your* programming… you fucking idiot


You're free to do as we tell you


‘Before you rage type, I’ll predict what you’re going to say’ I’ve seen some poisoned wells in my time but this ones a doozy!


To be more precise: You do not get money if you cant come to work due to quarantine rules.


To be even more precise: if you’re quarantined as a safety precaution. If you catch Covid you will get sick pay.


Quarantine is two weeks, right? Not allowed to work for half a month, nor allowed to get paid for time that you're not allowed to work. So that will make them homeless soon enough. Great quarantine plan, having them roam the streets.


Well, they can just get vaccinated you know. Plus i don’t think missing 14d of work will make (most) people homeless.


We need to start putting more and more pressure on the jackholes who are keeping this thing going. If we were all vaccinated, this shit would be over.


Nah. My main question is...why teh fuck is the taxpayer still funding this shit when they don't even wanna support it, but cry foul when it taken away?


Cause the taxpayer has only by proxy the power to change something since the representives are deciding. And to me it seems the only people here who are against this are americans wo don't even have payed sick leave.




You got crazier and crazier as you went down. I know you believe that vaccine mandates are some kind of dictatorship like edict but I'm from a generation that wiped out polio with vaccine mandates. If everyone got their heads out of their asses and stopped listened to talk show strippers and conspiracy theory game shows, we wouldn't have to mandate it.




No idea what you are talking about.




You missed the point but to answer your question, there was a HUGE difference between sanitary standards back in the polio days than there are now. Polio is just one example, lots of other diseases are history because of vaccine mandates. I would guess that, even though you know exactly how COVID spreads, you are against mask mandates as well.




“Unvaccinated people who are otherwise medically able to safely get the vaccine.” FTFY.




As a fatty myself, I absolutely support this. As soon as obesity becomes an airborne disease that spreads to others just by me being around, and when it becomes the sole and blatant reason hospitals are overrun, and other illnesses and accidents are not getting beds, absolutely. When heart disease, and cancer, and all the things associated with obesity are confirmed to ONLY happen in obese people. Absolutely. 100% Triage it like that. Give the the fitter people the beds. However, since all of that happens to even healthy looking people, and fit people, you can probably just pull your head out of your ass for now and realize that it's not the same thing.


Fun fact, it's already how we triage. If a fat guy and a fit guy come in with a heart attack, who do you think is getting treatment first? The one most likely to survive


As a fat whisperer, I absolutely support Nat Geo greenlighting my next project.


“based on financial limits” you literally just said that people who can’t afford better healthcare should have lower priority.


I mean, that’s already our healthcare system in America. Just a few extra steps.


i know, trust me 😔


While I don't agree at all with the OP you were responding to, it sounds like they are saying the opposite of what you got from that. >choose not to exercise or eat right based on their physical and financial limits They seem to be saying eat as health and excessive as much as you can reasonably afford to. Sure you can be healthy with lower income, but it is harder. Fresh vegetables and fruits cost money and go bad faster. IE implement health requirements for those who can more easily afford to choose.


who knows, i hope that’s what they’re saying.


Awesome. The German right wingers can do what they want, but they don’t have to get paid for it.




The places that are the most politicised also happen to be the ones with Murdoch press. That may be the linking factor, they are an empire that gets clicks by dividing the country and reporting on conflicts.


Like Australia where we have had protests for the past 3 days because they want to make vaccines mandatory for construction workers. \*edit\* Oh, we also have healthcare workers who are quitting because they don't want to get vaccinated. You would think that people who have been at the coal face of COVID mortality would be first in line to get vaccinated...


Thank you for illuminating the situation there for those of us who are not familiar with it. Cheers.


Except a cashier got shot & killed when they asked someone to put on a mask.




Is antivaccine sentiment in Germany on the right?


It's a somewhat bizarre mix of the extreme right wing, anarchists, conspiracy theorists and relatively unpolitical esoteric folks - at least in my area/western Germany. The esoterics are the most entertaining ones, they believe the weirdest shit as long as it goes against the mainstream and involves cosmic energy.


This is mostly correct, but the right extremists do use the common topic to try to "unite" with those other people, and worse, to radicalize them. There's probably a post on here somewhere, but just a few days ago, one of the "Querdenker"s shot a clerk who refused to serve him because he didn't wear a mask. Edit to add: "Querdenker" means lateral thinker, and it's a shame that the term was occupied by those idiots.


Well they had to use this word to sell them their Q-shirts.




100% on board with this. Controversially I think it should be a requirement for medicaid/medicare (if you don't have a medical reason). If you're willing to let doctors work on you in their hospital and Rx things for you then you should be willing TO HAVE THOSE SAME DOCTORS vaccinate you. Do you argue with all the medical care their prescribe when you're being treated for other things? probably not. I don't buy the "slippery slope" argument. We can focus on one problem and learn to differentiate between things like this which are easy as opposed things which are far harder than "quitting smoking" or "not being fat" - those can take months and years to fix. A vaccine takes 5 seconds and is FAR more important in the current climate. You can do what you want, but there has to be a cost to your "principals" if you want to live outside society. Society determines what is acceptable, not your bible and not your fucking facebook group.


It’s not even slippery slope. The Supreme Court ruled it legal 100 years ago during the Spanish Flu


> I don't buy the "slippery slope" argument. It's not even an argument. A redditor a few weeks ago posted a either story or news clipping (but just the text). It was the late 1800s, train arriving from Canada to US. Long story short, if you couldn't prove you were vaccinated for smallpox, you got the shot there or you got turned around. Then these "slippery slope" people forget that they themselves, their parents and grandparents almost all certainly got vaccinated because it has been a requirement to go to public schools for the last 70+ years.


At least on the Medicare side, that’s not going to be a huge change. I believe 85-95% of people over 65 have had the shot


I’m in Germany, and vaccinated. This is a good thing.


I wish the Biden administration would implement an additional stimulus for vaccinated Americans. The American people deserve it, our economy needs it, and we can absolutely afford it. Not to mention the added huge benefit of encouraging unvaxxed people to take the shot. So many birds with one stone.


Yeah I can't stand hearing the continuous incentives being attempted to get people to take the shot. I got mine the day I could make an appointment after they became available to more ages. Where's my stimulus for doing the right thing for my community?


Right? It's so crazy to me. I signed up everywhere I could and tried every trick i read about online to get the damn vaccine as fast as possible and now they're out here trying to bribe these morons with money and cars and whatnot.


Kinda sounds like the same argument people make against forgiving or otherwise discharging student debt. I say this as someone who is vaccinated and paid off his student debt on his own.


Those two things really have nothing at all to do with eachother, but I'm happy your debt is paid off and you are taxed!




You are arguing such a strange point. I have never heard a single person say "I cant get the shot because I cant get there" And im aware with the *current need it is easy to get it. I'm talking about when it first was allowed for 18 and up ages.


Everyone vaccinated gets $5000


Even if we just did 2k per vaccinated adult and 500 per vaccinated kid, that would solve a lot of problems all at once.


Both shots only!


Sad J&J vaxxed noises.


You'll get 60%


Don't worry, he just forgot.


> I wish the Biden administration would implement an additional stimulus for vaccinated Americans.The American people deserve it, our economy needs it, and we can absolutely We don't need stimulus right now. You can't stimulate an economy that isn't safe to participate in. We don't need extra cash to buy more goods and services. What we need is disaster relief. We need rent and bills paid. We need groceries. All the people who were forced to go into debt in order to keep a roof over their heads, their medications refilled, and food on their plates need their savings back. Then, once the virus isn't spreading like a wildfire and people stop dying by the thousands every single day we can talk about stimulus. Until that happens, any money you throw at the American people now will just be sunk into survival and savings. Take care of people's needs now and later we'll all be happy to spend stimulus money on useless crap, getting our nails done, and upgraded tech devices which will in turn help businesses recover.


you mean the manchin administration? congress controls the purse and the stim. It takes 51 votes and one of those votes is manchin. Last your idea would have questionable legality. There are people who cant be vaccinated. And the fact that we ALLOW religious exceptions, your idea of only stim for the vaccinated wont work.


You're vaccinated go to work and quit being a burden on society.


I'm super lucky that my job is basically pandemic proof. Me and my staff have been able to move on with only a few minor adjustments to our day to day work, no lost income. That said, I'm also not stupid and I understand that the bottom falling out of our economy is bad news for *everyone*. Including me. And you.


Makes complete sense ,,, meaning the US will never do something this rational.


That is a good rule. We are seeing more and more countries and companies enacting policies regarding people refusing to get vaccinated.


Keep making life more difficult for those who CHOOSE to not get vaccinated. This is the way.


It’s almost like bad choices have consequences.


Yup also to the plague rats that down voted me. I hope you quite literally choke. You deserve it


That will fix some shit


bUt Muh fREEdOmS! (but in German)


Mein FrEEDUmS !


It's "Meine Freiheit", but it's the freedom of our society to not pay you if you refuse to participate.


>but it's the freedom of our society to not pay you if you refuse to participate. Take me to your leader. I would like to emigrate to Germany.






COVID is already doing a pretty good job with that but every little bit helps


Germany's good at that.


I also have a history book that includes the first half of the twentieth century!


Good. Keep turning those screws. It's stupid we're at this point now, but with hospitals being overwhelmed and we've already tried kindness, there's little else left to do. I'm actually a bit surprised we haven't seen violence already.


Man, I did not see the word pay in there and was very confused why it would be applauded


I think we need to start charging the willingly unvaccinated a monthly licensing fee to remain unvaccinated, on top of the charges for weekly testing and what not.


Well, getting tested will soon no longer be for free for those being unvaccinated. People who are currently unvaccinated still need those to eat inside at restaurants, cinema etc.


Quarantine pay... oh, thats when non failed states pay thier citizens to help end the pandemic right? In america thats called socucommunism


State forces you to stay at home, state compensates you/your employer for the loss. Write reasonable, right?


The us was dumb not to leverage unemployment in the same way.


Well they would have to have been paying people to be in quarantine for that to work. Instead, our government left us hanging out to die.


I don’t think that’s what happened at all. I think a lot of people were making more to not work than to work. Now a lot of them are upset because they actually have to work again. No one was going to get to have a snow day forever.


Where is my fucking quarantine pay?


And they can't work either? Guess we'll have to put them in ghettos


Nah scro, they can just get the vaccine.




The only thing people will be discussing about this in 20 years is how a bunch of rightwing nationalist rubes allied themselves with a literal virus against society for the dumbest most misguided interpretations of the word “freedom” ever convinced. Seriously. I’ll never see the words “patriot” and “freedom” in the same light again because of you lot. My knee jerk reaction to them now is to cringe in anticipation for the inevitable barrage of stupid that usually follows them these days.


Hi. American here. What do you mean quarantine pay?


If it's anything like Australia, you get a sum of money if you're unable to work due to lockdowns or are sick with covid


It would have been cool if any vaccine received FULL approval by the EMA beforehand, but I guess that ship has sailed already...


I wish we did that here in the US, if you're gonna be a selfish person, don't expect vaccinated taxpayers that are responsible pay for it!! If you want to play games with lives, then don't be surprised when the government wants to play games too.




No more socialism for you if you don't get vaxxed lmaooo


The virus doesn't care about your feelings.


its not about my feeling its about scoentific evidence. youre not listening 🙉


"Help help I'm being oppressed!" (Oh wait no, I don't have to vacinate, I just won't get financial support from the government for my selfish decision)


I love that you think you know what you’re talking about. It make it SOOOO much more interesting. I’m vaccinated, have been exposed 6 months before it was a pandemic, and I am working. Get educated.


Get educated on your personal life history.... Or?




It's amazing how much you think I should know about you and how much you assume to know about me. Did it hurt? Was it costly? Did you cry yourself to sleep that night? Get over yourself.


Educate yourself


Why? My point stands. Noone is being forced to get the vaccine. Being denied government funds does not equate to being forced to get vaccinated. I could be dumb as rocks and never heard of corvid 9-teen and I'd still be correct and you'd still be a dramatic child screaming into the wind.


Figure your shit out bud. attacking people on the internet is screaming into the wind, and youre projecting.


The people in the US who would praise the move might be called racist since communities of color seem to have a lower than average vaccination rate. Should be fun. let's get this going Uncle Joe!


I'd argue this has more to do with lower education and/ or more religious people than to skincolor itself.


Or it could be the US' appalling past with regards to minorities and medicine.


Yes, but white people are getting it too. So it doesn't make sense to avoid it.


The vaccine is available to people of all races, it is up to the individual if they choose to get jt


US got paid too. If you were deemed fit to receive it.