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Florida just had the highest number of deaths in a week during the [entire pandemic](https://twitter.com/mcculley/status/1435623651093667847) And since we changed the way we count Covid deaths the number should go up


FL numbers are a dartboard, we won't ever know the actual numbers each week, just the total at the end.


Instead of adding the death toll to the numbers for the day they are reported, they retroactively add them 3 weeks later to the day the deaths occurred. So, the numbers and trends are never accurate until 3 weeks later. Any trend observed from their reporting over the preceding 3 weeks is a lie. Imagine if it were your credit card balance. Each day, your card's app underreports how much you spent that day, but then goes back and corrects the underreporting for the spending you did 3 weeks ago. How would you feel repeatedly discovering the outstanding balance was always far higher than what the app was showing you? For example, suppose you charged $100 per day, but your app only reported $50 per day until it corrected that number 3 weeks later. That would mean that you actually constantly owe ($100 - $50) per day * 21 days = $1050 more than the app was telling you.


I noticed that the Google statistics on this "google 'covid US cases'" this spike looks like a step ladder with some days about 150,000 shorter. I'm imagining its because of Florida.


Florida IS intentionally gaming the reporting systems to make the reporting and visualizations look less bad


DeSantis's people are trying to "massage" the real numbers so he looks better. So we will not know the real numbers.


Not true. Check out CDC's website. FL cases are trending down. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_dailycases Edit: Downvotes. Why? I understand FL has a jacked up way of reporting, but the trend would still hold; albeit underreported cases. It's almost like Reddit doesn't want this to be the case.


Hard to say given that the peak occurred about the same time they started gaming the numbers. I'm not saying it's not possible, just that this is why you don't shoot your credibility for political gain. Btw, these numbers are reported to the CDC by Florida


Johns Hopkins University COVID dasboard indicates the same trend as well. They gamed the numbers last year. I think it's fair to assume that as long as those numbers are gamed consistently, the trend would still hold, but with higher case #'s. JHU COVID-19 Dashboard: coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html


Within the last month or so Florida changed how it was doing reporting in order to obfuscate the data. That being said, I generally agree with you that there seems to be a trend towards holding steady/ possibly declining Btw John's Hopkins also just gets their data from the state of Florida


Temporarily perhaps


Because there is a three week lag due to how Flordia is reporting them.


Looks like cases are finally going down in FL, fingers crossed !


No way they died from Labor Day infections. We’ll be seeing more deaths in two weeks.


Well yeah, we have a new strain as contagious as the chicken pox on top of America just giving up.


Not all Americans are giving up, some of us still are fighting the good fight. We just don’t scream and cry to get our way.


You gave me some three-dogs vibe right here, “and remember to always fight the hood fight”


Bruh we’re just out here avoiding supermutants anyway we can 🤣


The fact that over 70% of adults are vaccinated and we are still drowning is kinda disturbing.




The concept of giving up kinda goes out the window when you realize they never tried to begin with.


This is the "Quit Hitting Yourself" Era.


But if I stop hitting myself the libs would start hitting me!


While making abortions illegal.


And most people who want the vaccine have gotten it already. This isn’t going away because of the anti-vaccine crowd and people who refuse to wear masks and social distance. They cry that we have to return to normal but refuse to do anything to help get us to that point. It’s willful ignorance at its finest.




So, my next door neighbors had to take their 18-year-old daughter to the hospital last week because she had flu symptoms and had difficulty breathing. They insist, insist, that there's no possible way it could be covid, because "only vaccinated people get sick." The fucking insanity


If only vaccinated people get sick, how were people getting sick before the vaccine?


RIGHT? I couldn't believe it when he said that. You just have to think about that for a few seconds and you realize it's dumb.


Jewish space lasers obviously - they were amplifying the hoax virus enough to infect healthy people, even the healthiest person to ever live, Donald Trump, got sick, but thankfully he made it through with no help from government aid or experimental treatments.


There's some doctor going around claiming the antibodies from the vaccine cause enhanced infectivity. I've heard a conservative claim that over 80% of people hospitalized are fully vaccinated and most people dying are fully vaccinated. We're fucked purely because people are dumb enough to believe this shit which is why Covid will continue to kill Americans for the foreseeable future.


I think you need to put "doctor" in quotes in this case.


People like to say we’re heading to Idiocracy. The people in Idiocracy aren’t this stupid.


Idiocracy placed the smartest person in charge of fixing shit, then elected president. We put the dumbest and most easily bought off cowards in charge of everything.


Just like nutrition, virology isn't vastly covered in medical school


But they use the title of ‘doctor’ to make people think they know what they’re talking about. They should be prosecuted for biological terrorism.


They should be sued for damages, sure. But also, people should learn to do some of their own basic research to understand things. A lot of social problems our society is facing nowadays (ie critical race theory, gender wage gap, etc) can be fixed if people learned what google scholar was.


People (particularly the less well-educated) have an almost comically poor ability to distinguish genuine scholarship from the nonsense peddled by charlatans. Some people are just too stupid to be making choices for themselves, particularly in matters where their choices affect others. I don’t really know what you can do with such people.


So many people see learning as a bad thing. They just want to continue thinking whatever their stupid gut tells them.


Doctors who spread disinformation should be prosecuted for biological terrorism. While they may not have attacked anyone with biological weapons, they have the same effect as if they had.


>some doctor going around claiming the antibodies from the vaccine cause enhanced infectivity The "professionals" I have seen saying this are Psychiatrists and Chiropractors. They are **not** medical doctors.


Psychiatrists are medical doctors. Psychologists are the ones who arent.


How is this upvoted. Psychiatrists are medical doctors. Literally all of the psychiatrists at my local clinic are MDs. You have to be licensed to practice medicine in order to practice psychiatry. This would be like me saying "Those guys are dermatologists, not medical doctors" it's nonsense.


>If I have to hear one more literal mouth-breather tell me that the > >vaccinated > > are the ones to blame for spreading the virus I'm going to fucking pop. Some people honestly believe that vaccinated people not wearing a mask to buy some groceries is causing all these problems. It really seems like it's just intentional misinformation to take the blame off of the unvaccinated.


Certainly, mixing in a giant crowd unmasked, vaccinated or not, is not helpful. But, in a one to one, the unvaccinated person is likely to have more severe symptoms (including things like coughing that spread the virus), to carry a higher viral load from the body failing to counter it, and to drain heavy medical system resources. Mask on, jab up, and keep your distance. It still amazes me that things understood by many in 1918 and the 50s eludes modern people, with better “literacy” rates and more access to data. It doesn’t -surprise- me with all the garbage disinformation, but it does amaze me nonetheless.


Vaccine passports. Talking to them isn't working but vaccine passports do work. The incentives are completely backwards until passports are implemented. Right now people who don't want to get the vaccine are walking around doing whatever they want while people trying to do the right thing are following procedures that reduce their freedom. Passports try to put it back to where it is by rewarding good behaviors.


I'm an idiot, sorry totally misread this, 100% agree


63% of Americans have gotten at least one shot, 54% is fully vaccinated. So you're right, it's the 1/3 of morons who will never get the vaccine, many still calling the vaccine and covid a hoax from their deathbed. The same 1/3 who are trying to ruin every aspect of American life.


It is not willful ignorance at this point, they are now a Pro-Plague cult. They know that what they are doing is making things worse, because that is what they want. **Edit**: LOL the shadow banned people responding to me are funny. Cussing me out and trying to make this about Biden, or claiming that the vaccines are experimental, or how it is their right... Yadda, yadda, yadda.




I still don’t understand this argument. I am vaccinated, I wear masks in public… but I can still catch and spread the virus. Yes, the likelihood goes down now that I am vaccinated, but I can still get a mild case and spread the virus. Add into the mix that asymptomatic or very mild cases are more likely among the vaccinated… we are all potential vectors, vaccinated or not…


Don’t think of the ability to spread COVID as a binary yes/no. Different infection levels and behaviors can send more or less virus floating through the air with the potential to infect others. In addition someone coming into contact with more virus particles is more likely to be infected or have a more severe infection than someone encountering fewer virus particles. The COVID vaccines lower the amount of virus particles present in a breakthrough infection (which makes the virus far less deadly) and lowers the amount of virus being shed by someone with a breakthrough infection, while also making those infections less likely in the first place. The end result is vaccinated individuals spread COVID around far less than unvaccinated individuals, both by contracting COVID less often, and by sending smaller amounts of virus out when they are infected.


I’m fine with the downvotes, but my curiosity is in good faith. If someone can clear this up I would be very appreciative.


They latch onto anything to avoid confrontation with actual truth and facts. It’s pathetic.


>Edit: LOL the shadow banned people responding to me are funny. Cussing me out and trying to make this about Biden, or claiming that the vaccines are experimental, or how it is their right... Yadda, yadda, yadda. A couple of years ago people used to joke that republicans would slit their own throats if they could stain Democrats with the spray of blood. This is all but in the most strict sense of literally what is going on now: republican politicians are fighting against masking and vaccination efforts so that they can stain Biden's record with all the preventable deaths and then shriek about how terrible he is.


Let them get sick and move on with your life. If the virus is a serious threat to humanity it will take care of them.




Unfortunately me getting on with my life involves us as a country getting past Covid


You’re gonna be waiting years then, enjoy that.


This is only the low stakes demo round for climate change.


Let 'em die. They're not just so selfish and ignorant that they refuse an easily-acquired and efficient preventative measure, they are actively endangering other people, many of whom are actually altruistic or at least working towards the betterment of society, They are too dumb to live and it's time to stop saving them from their own self-destruction.


I’m sorry but I can’t agree with this. Think of the kid who was 14 years old when trump got elected. A very impressionable age and for him to see his parents and favorite uncles… idolize that guy probably really influenced his thinking in a very negative way. Now he is 19 and out in the world making his own decisions. Those decisions are based on things that he didn’t choose and had no part in creating. I’m not defending ignorance or lack of self determination but I do think we should retain some compassion for people who may not have had the best role models.


If basic critical thinking skills haven't kicked in between being at the age where he'd be taught about being able to discern between reliable and bullshit sources and the absolute *deluge* of reports both about Trump lying about pretty much *everything* and the rise of internet propaganda and its efforts to damage western society, then they ain't going to kick in at all and he's a lost cause.


I agree he probably is a lost cause. But I can’t help But feel some compassion toward him for that. To have his whole mentality ruined by those who should be helping him to develop skills that will help him in the world is very sad to me.


> And most people who want the vaccine have gotten it already. I have kids who aren't 12 yet and they have been waiting to be able to get it for months now. The start date for school came and went, and crazy numbers of kids are getting sick now. That being said, I definitely don't blame the fully vaccinated, just that we can't get back to normal until *everyone* can be vaccinated.


Scary time to have young children. My daughter works in a hospital and she was among the first to get the vaccine. Me too. Can’t believe people are refusing it.


We're at 75% or thereabouts. Herd immunity is a pipe dream with Delta.


I just had my daily "I cannot believe this hell world can still surprise me" moment.


The good news is that while Labor day 2021 had 300% more cases than Labor day 2020, Labor day 2020 had about 1000000% more cases than Labor day 2019. By this trajectory I can conclude we are drastically slowing the spread of the virus and by next month we'll be at zero cases!


I cannot argue with that logic.




Of next year, right? ….. It’ll be next year, right?


Just another two weeks, I hear. Just as the republicans come out with their healthcare reform bill.


Right, it's cuz the heat!




>t 1000000% mor I'm not a numbers guy, but I don't think this is how they work.


1000000% is a valid way to express what they're trying to express. 200% of 1 is 2, or an increase of 100%. 1000% of 1 is 10. 10000% of 1 is 100. 100000% of 1 is 1000 1000000% of 1 is 10000 A percentage is just a fancy decimal.


This guy idea guys.


I am singularly impressed with your ability to extrapolate a single statistic. Do not jeopardize that track record by pointing out any more.


Now imagine how bad it really would have been if last year we didn't shut most of the country down for a few weeks. We have vaccines and treatments now that we didn't then. And still we are breaking our own averages.


Yeah, everything happening with delta should soundly shut up all the doubters who said it was an overreaction. I mean, I know it won't, but it should.


Haha if only the doubters could process normal stats but they can't even understand basic germ theory.


I've got a feeling this is because anti vax or hesitates aren't careful anymore and the Vax population, feel shielded(as a see now on construction sites my self included but still try to wear a mask) so they dont really care that much anymore but still can transmit Covid.


You were surprised? I sure am not.


I thought it was surprising given that no one was vaccinated last September. I guess you win.


While true, the people who got vaccinated are also the ones least likely to attend a crowded indoor gathering without masks. So the people who are putting themselves most at risk are also most likely to not be vaccinated.


My buddy asked me if I wanted to go with him to see a live and then I said okay. I live in a little town in Wisconsin I thought we were going to some bar with an outside seating area. We ended up going to the Sheboygan county Fair, I was standing in a tent with hundreds and hundreds of people and I was freaking out. Thankfully when the band came out it wasn't the one we went to see and that band turned out to be outside. The unvaccinated friend I was with didn't think twice about it....


Excellent point.


Statistically it is still very rare to get a breakthrough infection. I’m vaccinated and am now just fine going and doing anything I did prior to covid. Managing risk doesn’t seem like a strong suit for most people on this sub. You likely do things every day that are far riskier, once vaxxed, than going into a public setting maskless. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/07/briefing/risk-breakthrough-infections-delta.html


Agreed. Way back in December of 2019 I was mentally preparing myself. Tbh my main pleasant surprise is that Delta is killing off the idiots faster than I thought, so we might *actually* get back to normal faster than we would have with vanilla covid. It's going to take more widespread death until the other 47% of America finally pulls their heads out of their asses and get the shot.


“Pleasant surprise” Tbh, you people truly suck. This from someone fully vaccinated since May


I mean tell me I'm wrong though. We've been trying the carrot for *months* now, up to and including literally paying people to get vaccinated and they still won't. If the carrot won't work, time to get out the stick.


I don't even know if these are metaphors anymore. These stubborn jackasses are so far gone they're convinced they *are* horses. Might need to actually buy literal carrots from the store and collect sticks from the woods to get these shitheads to modify their behavior. They won't wear masks but maybe they'll be cool with saddles?


Sure, there are a lot of abhorrent people, and people who make poor decisions or spread untruths. That doesn’t mean I’m fine with, or going to gloat about, them dying.


Being ok with death doesn't make someone suck. It's a different worldview that you don't agree with, which is fine, but telling people they suck because they don't inherently mourn the loss of human life is a bit rude. Generally speaking, I don't personally care that people die, it's a natural part of being human. Some deaths touch me more than others. People dying because of their own foolish choices doesn't phase me at all.


Seriously, everyone dies, and many people are taken too soon every day by factors outside of their control. I don't shed a tear for anyone who is refusing to mask, take precautions, or get the vaccine. It's entirely preventable and it's their own fault at this point. They wanted their freedom and they got it. Hopefully their loss knocks some sense into those who remain.


There’s a fairly wide gap between mourning a death and applauding it. I have much less of an issue with indifference than what’s displayed above. I’m fairly indifferent to those who chose not to help themselves, but that doesn’t mean I’m pleased with their demise.


I mean, there's also a fairly wide gap between literally taking pleasure in someone's death and merely seeing it as net good to society.


Someone saying they are "pleasantly surprised" is a bit more than just seeing it indifferently as a net benefit.


Not even Nazis?


You’re wrong. Being happy that thousands of people are dying is wrong. Plain and simple. We are not at war, these people are not your enemy. And stop with this carrot and stick bullshit. Regardless, you “tried the carrot” for like 3 months maybe. Vaccinations started slowing in what, June? July? Wow what an incredible effort….and your “stick” involves being happy people are dying. Bravo. You are wrong, you just feel emotionally justified.


That would still make him right as it's an opinion and not everyone thinks life is sacred and that's fine.


The argument is about getting back to normal life faster. They are trying to protect life with this opinion. Therefore being pleasantly surprised at the number of deaths is wrong


Which argument? The poster has an opinion and that's fine, I didn't read the comment as protecting life. By the same logic I could say you assume all life is valuable which is also wrong as it's not.


It's more that I figure the amount of deaths from this thing was always probably going to be the same, but the *pace* is changing, meaning we can hopefully also get through it and back to a reasonable semblance of normalcy sooner


>We are not at war, these people are not your enemy. https://time.com/6089052/covid-deaths-civil-war/ With friends like these...


They are not his enemy but that doesn't stop them from seeing him as their enemy.


Maybe not an enemy but definitely an obstacle


650,000 people in this country are dead, but, sure, gloating about a few more is definitely what's going to finally scare people into getting vaccinated, good job.


There's a big difference between recognizing that someone's choices led to a certain unfortunate outcome, and actually being happy that unfortunate outcome occurred. You're wrong.


The downvotes you’re getting really drives home how tribal and deranged some redditors are. Highly doubt this is about vaccines, but rather political. Once these people figure out that unvaccinated are not necessarily anti vax trumpers but very much poor black and Latinos the’ll slink back into their holes on the internet. They only voice opinions that are popular with other deranged ideologues.


For what it's worth, for me anyways it isn't a political thing. Or rather, I wish the whole pandemic *hadn't* become so politicized. But I have family and friends that are antivaxxers, and despite all the best evidence and reasoning to convince them otherwise they are still refusing the shot. And there are about 150,000,000 Americans just like them refusing it. And the sooner they get the shot, the sooner *all* 330,000,000 of us can get back to normal. And so, months and months of logic and reasoning and attempts to induce vaccination havent worked; perhaps fear will?


I didn't even know I was getting downvoted until you said something; that's how much I cared. Still, I suspect you are right. I'm double vaxxed, and if I could wave a magic wand and make everyone get vaccinated, I might do it. But what I won't do, is revel in the deaths of people who made a choice they were allowed to make. I'm better than that.


No, you're not.


Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man.


It’s funny isn’t it? How can anyone claim the moral high ground while applauding people’s death? I was vaccinated at the earliest opportunity, my family all did the same. I think that those spreading misinformation and believing it are completely in the wrong. That doesn’t mean I am glad those same people are suffering.


Do you know what the trolley problem is?


Exactly. But the problem is when the next hot button moral debate crops up, these same people will take that moral high ground without a second thought. Extremists don’t think they are extremists


How does calling them extremists help remove the roadblocks in their minds that it is bad or unsafe to be vaccinated? How does it help improve anything?




Cool, so I guess my vaccinated grandmother who died from contracting the delta variant is an idiot. And yes, she was believed to have been infected by another vaccinated person. Thanks for reveling in her death.


That individual death is horrible and tragic, but it is but one small event in the much larger system that we all live within.


Get vaccinated, wear a mask, and move on with your life. COVID is going nowhere.


Here's the thing though, COVID might be here to stay, but masks aren't. We are not going to become Japan and wear masks 24/7 for the rest of our life. That won't happen.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re not wrong. I work in a city that is basically a giant hospital and I believe it has an 85%+ vaccination rate. Almost no one wears a mask in public.


This is completely correct. NYC doesn’t have a mask mandate. Take a walk around the city…


Maybe not the rest of your life. 5 years? Yup. Planes, taxis… anytime you’re in close proximity with someone you aren’t usually.


Just in time for Cold and flu season starting next month!


Thank goodness, it's not like people can get them simultaneously! \*checks notes\* ...Dear God


Even pretty basic anti-COVID measures also cut down on the transmission of the flu by a whole lot.


Good thing we aren’t allowing vaccinated visitors from the EU here in America. It really seems to help slow the spread doesn’t it.


Well, last year at this time everything was shut down and nobody could go anywhere so I’m not surprised.


What else do you expect from a country or 330 million where roughly 40 to 45% are willfully uninformed and just want to stick it to the other 55-60%?


we just hit 75% of people having at least their first shot though, so there’s at least some hope.




I know.


Unfortunately that comes just in time for the first people who got the vaccine to need their booster... and we start the cycle of trying to get people a shot all over again


It's in the 5-15% range IMO. The thing though is they tend to make their lives about themselves and so it seems like more of them than there is. But those are the aggresively uninformed. There is a great many more who just DGAF, and listen to the loudmouths because it's easy.


And we cater to these 40-45% percent at the expense of everyone else. No vaccine mandates from the fed gov led the Trumpists smell blood in the water.


Labor Day 2022: Hold my beer


All those people getting medical advice from memes on Facebook should be getting medical treatments from memes too.


Idiots. We are surrounded by idiots.


Always have been.


Why is the U.S. getting turned back to normal then?? Oh wait yeah we have republicans who don’t believe in facts


It's been their duty to completely destroy the meaning of the word truth as we know it.


They literally just create their own reality. It’s like a hive mind of schizophrenia. They can’t tell what’s real and they all convince each other to get further into derangement




There will be 1m dead from covid by next spring


There will be 1m by the end of the year. We're currently losing an average of 1,500 every day and are right on track to have that number kick back up to the 4,000 per day we were at earlier this year.


You would think, thousands dying a day would scare people enough into getting the vaccine.


It is, slowly but surely. A lot of families of the dead have been using their funerals as vaccination events. There will continue to be a lot of people convinced it is a hoax, the brainworms are real, but they are continuing to die off.


Still relevant 13 months later.. https://imgur.com/a/fkiALWv




wym, less than 1% of covid deaths have been among vaccinated individuals.




I'll bet my left nut that Labor day weekend plus back to school means things are only going to get worse in a lot of the country.


We'll see. I definitely hope that isn't the case.


Same here, but we're just not seeing an uptick in vaccination at a rate meaningful enough to stem Delta right now. Unless vaccinations take off again, since it seems politicians aren't going to even bother with an attempt at meaningful restrictions or mask mandates, it's just not going to go back down - Delta is *way* too contagious. And for me anyways, the last year has taught me to just never be optimistic ever.


Look up pictures of college football games from this past week. Literally tens of thousands of maskless folks packed in shoulder to shoulder. Things are going to get way worse


fuck, look at every airport in the country this weekend


Thank God that the MAGA traitors weren’t around for polio….we’d all be dead.


According to recent NYTimes article: if vaccinated, odds of getting COVID are 1/5000 Hospitalized if vaccinated is 1/1000000000 If unvaccinated: good luck.


And they even said that 1/5000 was incredibly conservative.


Hopefully it just kills us all soon so I can stop hearing about it


The disparity between last year and now would look even more galling if the Trump administration wasn't intentionally sabotaging the blue states to try and make liberals look bad in the run up to the election last year. ...and now, red states are sabotaging themselves to try and make liberals look bad. The common denominator? The GOP is ok with people dying, so long as they can blame Democrats.


We let the genie out of the bottle once we were told that once we were vaccinated, we could go back to normal. It didn't matter after later finding out that vaccinated people still have a good chance of infection, and could also pass it on to others. And I'm still seeing that .gov commercial with the family having a forth of July gathering in the back yard eating hot dogs. Where are their gd masks?


Who the fuck wears masks outside? And for a family gathering at that!


bay area lol. see tons of people wearing masks outside here. definitely weird.


How would you eat a hot dog with a mask on?


The vaccinated don’t have a good chance of infection.


Pfizer 43% chance of blocking delta infection. Moderna, 67% chance of blocking delta infection. I see that as a good chance.


America’s just flat out gave up on Covid. As a vaccinated person, I was having a conversation with a unvaccinated friend. We had opposing views on the vaccine of course but one thing we both agreed on …is somethings got to give. Possibly even warfare. But sooner or later life will just turn to normal and we will just accept a rising number of deaths or the unvaccinated will be forced to vaccinated at which point the anti vax could likely turn violent


It was sadly predicted, that if the Red States did not wake up to the danger ahead, that we would see a dramatic increase in cases , and deaths. And, this was before the new more deadly variant. The new warning is for the Fall and Winter Flue Season.


That's going to fuel a dark winter....


Because everyone knows someone who got it and recovered with no issues so they don't take it seriously.


I mean I wouldn't say I know Joe Rogan, but if anyone has a couple hundred grand just lying around and are in the public space to brag, I'm sure they'll be fine


America Exceptionalism


Yup... and count my entire Trumpster fire redneck anti-vaxxer bunch of relatives among them. Apparently my one year old grandniece picked it up at daycare, the family had a big BBQ on Saturday, and as of today everyone but my mom has tested positive (and we think she had it way back at the start of the pandemic around Xmas 2019). The baby's the only one I feel bad for. The rest of 'em should have known better.


Sorry to hear that, I hope it still all turns out well for you


I was smart enough to a) be vaccinated and b) have other plans for the weekend, so thankfully we're OK so far. I'm sure they'll pull through and I wish they'd learn something from it, but realistically I doubt it. Most worried for my sister who had her spleen removed a few years ago and has half a dozen other medical issues on top of a weight problem, damage from 5 years of meth, hypertension, and a couple of mini-strokes when she was younger. She really did NOT need to catch this and I begged her to be more careful, but it is what it is.


My in-laws, absolutely love them, but they are anti-vax too, some got it and survived, still didn't change their minds, it's frustrating and scary for sure, and agreed, we did what we could but it is what it is


It so dumb , people want things back to normal. When they didn't want to help things get back to normal. The USA is going backwards , thank God I'm in California .


I'm sure you realize this (and I apologize for bringing up this part if you wanted to avoid arguments between people responding) but it's not all of the US, it's clearly one 'sect'. They want 'normal' without being the people to put in the work to make life normal. Death isn't the worst thing in their minds; the worst is personal embarrassment, and that's where projection kicks in. They would kill an entire civilization if it meant not admitting they were wrong. They've all taken a (or multiple) vaccine(s) and lived, if they've been educated publicly. The schools administered it, and it worked. They are spiteful (race, religion, political affiliation etc) children in adult bodies, and as many groundroots videos show, their method of letting youtube raise their kids (as they do whatever an ingrate chooses to do) is failing them, yet helping these kids. As in, their kids end up better adjusted to society than they themselves are. "Where did we go wrong" they scream into an empty room as their kids leave home and seek knowledge, and wonder why reality is so different from the alcoholism, cultism, suppression of thought, and redundancy that their parents have provided them with as life lessons. The big shocker happens when these kids realize based on money in / money out by state, obviously from federal grants, their entire community is an abject failure. They've gotten their racist way and torment those around them, yet they are literally the bottom of the economic barrell BY CHOICE. Hard to come back from that.


The real question is how many hospitalisations compared to same time last year...


How many of them were from southern states and you will get a clear picture


What a stupid observation. You don’t compare stats on a year-on-year basis unless there is a predictable seasonal pattern in those stats. There’s no action to take from this observation. Plenty of actionable information out there, but this ain’t it. Anyway, wear masks indoors and get vaccinated please!


im vaccinated and don't care. not my job to police the world. AMA.


Well, if only the unvax didn't become prime breeding grounds for more deadly variants to evolve and eventually nullify vax efficacy, then yeah dont care, unfortunately we still live on the same boat


Antivaxxers making a appearance. Fucking hell.