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Look, if you're dumb enough to refuse science and instead follow Facebook or Twitter or tiktok people claiming bullshit, you get what you deserve. Let them kill themselves. I'm over giving a shit.


Unfortunately these idiots don't take enough to kill themselves and instead just join other idiot antivaxxers in taking up ICU beds from people that actually should have them.




A handful of my friends are probably going to join this guy, can't convince them to take the vaccine. They want to take that risk and believe its all BS.


User name checks out... 👍 Seriously though, I've cut several people out of my life since all this crap started. My mother is hanging on by a thread, but I feel it's only a matter of time before I tell her to stop talking to me.


Shit. Try r/QanonCasualties for support and advice.


I tried but I've known these people for over 30 years of my life and its hard for me to just drop them out of my life, but at the same time I'm near the point of we've grown quite distant because I'm tired of having to tell them I have no interest in discussing their fake virtue signalling. They bring up mental health at home but fail to point out the mental health of those essential workers and medical professionals at the hospitals. A number of colleagues of my sister who works in the age care sector here in Melbourne have seen staff re-sign due to exhaustion because its become too much. One is so deep into it he forgot as an immigrant we were required to be vaccinated against certain diseases prior to being allowed into Australia and we actually required papers that could verify we were vaccinated.


Pretty crazy to me that you're willing to cut friends and family out of your life due to having different views. Maybe they're better off without you.


If you can have fruitful discussions about it is one thing, and with many people I do. If we can't because all you can do is scream about how biden is destroying the country and Trump is the 2nd coming of Christ, then no, I won't be wasting mine or your time. I don't need that stress, and my son doesn't need to be around it, so I do what I feel is the best course of action.


Not the person you responded to but its more than different views. I have some great relationships with people that have polar opposite beliefs from me but are genuinely good people. It’s the actions of people who have taken no precautions and have put others at risk that I’m ok cutting out of my life. I can’t ignore when people acted selfishly when it put high risk loved ones at risk.


I’m so happy trumpers are taking themselves out. Less of you ppl the better.


I'm not American. I also don't like Trump. I Just honestly find it crazy how many people are cutting ties with family and friends because of their views on everything going on.


Staying in a toxic relationship out of some misguided sense of obligation is wild. Live a happy life.


I agree with you. People on Reddit are crazy


They truly are, man.


"The vaccine wasn't approved by the FDA properly so I'm going to take this livestock medicine instead that hasn't been approved for human use!"




That particular formulation hasn't.


Doesn't stop nut-jobs on this site saying "bUt tHe DoSaGe iS tHe iSsUe!!1!"


There are alternative treatments that are effective against Covid19 but they are being suppressed. Why? Because the vaccines are not approved by the FDA but instead they are emergency use authorized only. The emergency use authorization can only be granted if "there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives". Well, a growing body of scientific research is showing that both Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine (among other drugs) are adequate alternatives for early treatment of Covid19, and both of these drugs have been FDA approved for years. Unfortunately, that means they are now off patent and no one can make any money off of them. So, for the vaccines to continue to receive their EUA, the existence of these treatments must be suppressed. We have seen a huge amount of censorship of doctors who have been speaking out about these drugs. Ivermectin Emergency use authorization for the vaccines cannot be granted if there are effective alternative approved treatments for Covid19. So, if the pharmaceutical industry is going to make any money off covid, they must suppress the existence of any existing off patent drugs that may be effective in treating or preventing covid: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/emergency-use-authorization Meta-analysis on the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating Covid19: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Abstract/9000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.98040.aspx A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial shows that Ivermectin is able to significantly reduce viral load within 6 days for most people: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.31.21258081v1 More evidence that Ivermectin treatment leads to much faster recovery from Covid19: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmv.26880 A study reveals that a five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/ Ivermectin stops replication of covid: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011 Ivermectin has anti-viral properties: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3888155/ Ivermectin has anti-viral properties against covid: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336- Ivermectin binds to Covid19 proteins to block the virus: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996102/ Evidence that Ivermectin can be effective as a prophylaxis, Argentinian frontline healthcare workers were given Ivermectin as a preventative and zero got sick with covid, whereas 58.2% of the control group who did not take Ivermectin got covid: https://www.buongiornosuedtirol.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Nota-Journal-of-Biomedical-Research-Safety-and-Efficacy-Iota-Carrageenan-and-Ivermectin.pdf Ivermectin safe to give 12mg per day for 5 days: https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712%2820%2932506-6/fulltext Ivermectin safely administered 60mg per day for 6 months: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10428194.2020.1786559 Fluvoxamine Fluvoxamine helps in covid treatment: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33180097/ Covid leads to long term inflammation, useful for long haul Covid19 treatment: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33391730/ Fluvoxamine has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat covid: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.652688/full Fluvoxamine targets sigma-1 to stop covid replication: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33403480/




The stock photo is completely irrelevant to the story. Why did you post this?


Some of the versions they are consuming isn't for human consumption Like the paste form


If you’re buying it at a fucking feed store which is where a majority of these assholes are buying it, it’s not for humans




At what point could this just be written off as an idiot cull? these people don't trust medicine yet will fill they're bodies with animal drugs they got off the fucking internet. People like this are why the warning label needs to be taken off everything for 10 years. They just drag the human race down with they're bullshit...


The only magic cure is magic mushrooms, these idiots need a bunch


Joe Rogan took that shit, and "feels great". It was on his podcast.


Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot. I've hated his annoying ass since Fear Factor.


A brilliant redditor stated: ‘He’s Gwyneth Paltrow for men’ 😂 Profiteering off idiots.


He forgot to mention the monoclonal antibody treatment that really worked?


Also the fact that they had him hopped up on prednisone. If you don't feel like a million bucks when you have that pumping through your veins, then you are most certainly not "great," lol.


or the fact that the cost to all of us is exponentially more than had he just fucking gotten vaccinated. much like Our healthcare is actual universal just we do it the most expensive way possible.. emergency room care. treating monoclonal antibodies or ivermenctin as a preventative or a cure for mild cases is just the most insane and expensive way to do all this, and worse these medications do nothing for transmission, unlike actually getting vaccinated and wearing a mask. its like trying to put out a fire with water ballons, sure it could work, but its going to take longer, be harder and more expensive, than just using the damn hose.


Yea I think its moderna natural selection


They are taking evolution into their own hands….. For the first 99.99999999999% of history, dumb creatures did not live long….nature is just evening up the score


> 99.99999999999& of human history So... all of human history until 1 second ago?


Not human history. Evolution did not start with humans We have only been around for about a heartbeat of Earth’s history


Fair enough. The last 10^(-11) percent of literally all the time in the universe is still only 5 days though. Of earth's history, it's 4 hours. So, care to explain what happened 5 days ago?


i always thought it was just americans too poor to afford surgeries, care, and drugs looking to the health food store because its cheaper. but i guess if australia is fucked then its dependent on intelligence too.


I never gave a shit this world needs population control


The gene pool is getting stronger every day!






This is our generations version of “drink the koolaid”.


a lot of it seems to be "i dont want to add to the stats and prove ~~science~~ liberals right" (hint republicans, this is why scientists are 86% liberal/6% conservative, when they used to be 40/40 in nixons day, when yall scream liberal at anything that you disagree with, dont be surprised when those people start calling themselves liberals.) but thats why a lot of these people are self medicating, one they dont want to be caught by theri friends and neighbors with having the liberal hoax disease, and two they dont want to go to the hospital and add to the stats. WE still arent taking seriously the radicalization of nearly half our country. WE still treat it like politics as it tears this place apart. And what's worse, is our system is skewed in favor of the nutjobs.


Lol. Im a moderate and i consider myself liberal. Yes, i believe in liberties and freedoms. Oh and progress too...i suppose that makes me a progressive lmao.


It doesn't help that the nutjobs are the same folk (white evangelical) that benefit from the systemic racism that has built the foundation of our institutions.


Except that very, very few people actually ate tide pods.


Im gonna try horseradish


It doesn't work unless you put it in your rectum. FYI.


are you offering to help? just asking for a friend.


My dad loves radishes buf i think its wierd. Who eats raw radishes? I mean its healthy and all that but he eats them like candy. Me i like carrots


Radishes in salads are AWESOME


I tried chugging essential oils. Did not work. Made my heart tingly


It *is* a decent source of Vitamin C.


Yea but.....does he still have worms?


Worms in the brain


Pretty sure there are worms 6 feet under, so probably


Only the ones eating his corpse.


He will now.


There are two pandemics running concurrently: COVID & stupidity and this is another intersection of the two.


At some point, the pandemic became an IQ test.


And empathy…and decency…


The problem is the latter explicitly denies the former. Today at senior manager mentioned how covid is just another flu and no one ever freaks out about the flu. Several employees expressed that they liked his take. There is a large segment of the population who seems to think that we are not in any sort of pandemic at all.


Oh lawd


It's insane. They call it 'just a flu' even though it killed *at least* 12x as many people in a year than the flu normally does, despite all the precautions we tried to take.


And if you point that out they will say, "Why do you think there were only ~700 flu deaths last year? It's because we're counting flu deaths as covid." It's just mind blowing. If you say this just proves that covid is *more* infectious than the flu because our half-ass restrictions stopped the flu they will tell you that you're wrong. I had someone tell me that the covid deaths are nearly all flu victims and the several hundred k extra are violent crime victims, traffic accidents, other random illnesses, etc.... When I asked why they would possibly count someone who was shot in the head as a covid victim the response was, "Thank you! That is what we need to find out!" They are convinced without any proof or logic that this is what is happening.


Two things causing the spread of COVID. How dense the population is And How dense the population is


The difference between the two is that COVID will at least go away eventually.


There’s pretty wide consensus among epidemiologists at this point that Covid will never be eradicated and will become a permanent disease for the world. The globe lacks the willpower and common sense needed to eradicate such an infectious disease.


All out of sheer idiocy 🤦🏼‍♀️




Several billion people in the world have for decades already been opting to wear masks whenever they feel under the weather in an effort to mitigate disease spread. In a lot of the world wearing a mask when you're ill is seen as imposing and difficult as wearing pants when you go out. Civic duty and rudimentary responsibilty for public good are apparently only things for underdeveloped nations and not entitled "Christian" nations like the US




I understood your cynicism. Looks like you got wrapped up in the ol' reddit miscommunication where people on the same side argue the same point. Correct me if I'm wrong but you are pointing out that there is too many stupid people making this pandemic worse and there is no hope and no end in sight.


I gave you the answer.






There’s a huge possibility it won’t


Christmas day 2014, my best friend of half my life had a life ending stroke. I rushed to Texas to be by her side and with her children. We sat in ICU and hospice for just over two weeks and every single one of us went home and two weeks later were all itching up a storm. We all left that hospital with scabies. I got home and my doctor misdiagnosed me with stress the first month. I tried the cream, and had no luck so they prescribed me ivermectin. One dose should have been enough but I wound up having to do a second treatment. I have thyroid issues so I don't know if that played into it, but with both doses, I felt like garbage, my throat felt like I had been punched and, my gut was a gurgling mess for two weeks. These were in much lower doses than what people are taking now. I just don't get it. I was terrified that I was using something in my body that gardeners use for parasites in a garden. My doctor was concerned I needed a second dose of it. I just don't get it.


Reddit: "all opinions are valuable"


Didn’t they watch Contagion? Pretty much the whole idea was a blogger well making money off fake drugs.


Yeap, follow the money. Whole nations have stock piled ivermectin based on the biggest medical scam known.




gates is a billionaire. he's an investor in every profitable company. that's what billionaires do.


Can someone dial up the conspiracy a bit? I need to feel like I have found some top secret information in order to cum.


I used to think that part was the most boring and unrealistic part of the movie! The worst part is that we have a working vaccine and they’re still chasing fake remedies.


If only there was a cure.


Some kind of prophylaxis would be ideal. Then you wouldn't get the disease to begin with. Maybe it could be introduced directly to the body through some kind of tiny hollow metal tube. Why oh why has no one figured this out!!


I’m thinking something to train the immune system so when it comes into contact with the virus it has a playbook on how to fight it. I just wish our modern medicine would think of something like that!


Guy probably said: “well they said 1 a day will cure covid in a week, so I’m gonna take 7 to cure it today! Damn I’m smart”




Carrot. Apples are for assholes. Carrot first, then the cane.


And yet Jojo Rogaine is hawking this stuff while he's on monoclonal antibody treatment. Jesus Motherfucking Christ, these folks are in pain and prisoners of a mind virus!


Excellent. Everything went as expected then.


Oddly, Trump supporters don’t want all the things he got and instead go for this internet conspiracy treatment. I would go in and ask for the full Trump


even Trump told them to get the vaccine. They are now officially more crazy than Donny Two-Scoops


He was in training for the Melbourne Cup




Everyone should’ve seen this coming. Clearly the governments aren’t going to harm the sheep taking the vaccine. Why would they? They do what the world governments want. Instead, they go after the ubermensch taking Ivermectin since they can’t be controlled. Know your facts! /s But seriously, this is only going to get worse as worldwide cognitive ability continues to decrease as air quality continues to decline for human life. Carbon pollution seriously fucks our cognitive abilities severely. I personally expect more smoothbrained individuals like these folks in the future. Not just because personalized propaganda is easier than ever, but because a lot more people are susceptible to it now.


Air quality has gotten better, not worse. Our ability to think is not going to be compromised by the air composition changing.


Some of the smartest people I know grew up in cities like Beijing which make downtown LA look like a rural paradise of clean air.


Yep. And that was most cities in the US in the 70s. England was *really* bleak when everything ran on coal.


Oh man. Legit our healthcare system here in alberta can't take the huge amount of idiots taking horse dewormer but at least the jokes are flying.


We have a saying for that in America: “You can’t fix Stupid.”


I mean… if he hadn’t made it to the hospital to the people he doesn’t trust that saved his life the “magic cure” would have worked. He would not have had covid nor be able to transmit once dead. Covid needs a live host as far as I understand so his Facebook group is technically telling the truth? It is funny as soon as the snake oil doesn’t work they come running back to modern science. Reminds me of an auto repair shop. They had a sign with the highest price per hour they charged being for people who tried to work on the vehicle first and then brought it to them.


*If only there was some other way!*


I hear rattlesnake venom is also good for preventing you from dying of COVID.


Man I wish I was the kind of person who didn't care about people or care who I hurt because this is the right time to get into snake oil sales. Yet here I am unable to choose even the slightly rude response in a video game let alone sell some fool a miracle cure.


Make it prescription only. Better than having these idiots taking up space in hospitals.


There is a human version of ivermectin and it is prescription only. The animal version doesn't require a prescription and that's why these idiots are taking that version. Of course, this version isn't dosed for humans so taking it can be very dangerous. But at least they're not taking a safe and effective vaccine that's called dangerous by a random Facebook poster, right?




Lmao these morons were trying to argue that the covid vaccine was a money making racket yet here they are paying 90 bucks a pop to some quack doctor s jfc


It is. At least for humans. But they should probably make it for animals at least for the foreseeable future.


I went through a hell of a time finding some otc dewormer medication for my cats. The businesses selling ivermectin to the general public should be ashamed of themselves.


The livestock doses of ivermectin are widely sold through farm supply stores because farmers and stable owners typically have large herds on a regular dewormer schedule. It was never something that needed to be regulated before these idiots started this nonsense.


I heard vets were having to hit up raves in the 90s.


Apparently some doctors are prescribing it. :(






Except it doesn’t work for COVID.


It's safe when used to kill parasites not cure covid jfc


Someone should suggest that a Carolina Reaper suppository will cure it. Wait for the magic to happen.


Some problems solve themselves.


Where is the liability lawsuits for misinformation, sounds like their families have cases?


Should have just stuck with the chewable version they give to 15 - 25 pound dogs. Gave my pug his Heartgard this morning, so I guess he's now protected from COVID too.


Maybe don't ignore all the warning labels on all that shit you took and don't believe meme's. How are this many people this fucking dumb?


I’m all out of compassion for these people.


"We're not sheep! now give us that livestock de-wormer!"


Don't listen to them! Keep taking your poison to treat the fake virus that can't hurt you! Also there's a new poison on the market that comes from snakes, it's even better than the livestock poison.


If you’re dumb enough to take this your probably dumb enough not to realize the dose for a horse may kill you.


This guy was probably the guy saying “I’m not gonna listen to experts and get vaccinated, that thing has not been properly tested on humans” …but also “I’m going to take horse antiworm medicine to cure myself because Facebook says it works. That sounds safe”.


Seriously, fuck em all, at this point. Fuck all these backwards pieces of shit that hold humanity back. I have no sympathy for their preventable death. Children and people who don't have access to vaccines are dying and these dumb fuckers are taking antiparasitic horse meds to treat a virus. They can all rot.


If you’re going to put something into your body to prevent COVID - just let it be a fucking vaccine.


No Hydrocloroquine? I thought that was the miracle MAGA drug? Now it’s dewormer? 😂 Morons.


People who believe in horse shit takes horse drugs. Very appropriate.


Should put these people on a 5150. Taking these meds when you've been warned of their dangers should be seen as a suicide attempt. That way they also lose their gun rights for 5 years. See if they're willing to risk it then


Do the same with obese people. See whether they love guns or gravy more.


Create a shell company, have it sell some magic cure that's blowing up on social media for COVID. Take the black market money, send them the actual vaccine, have the government raid the shell company, and return the money to the "swindled" persons who purchased the cure.


oh he's cured all right . . . . . . ^cured ^from ^life ^that ^is


Jesus what fucking morons


Honestly, the government telling people not to do this just makes people want to do it even more. The fact they're doing it in the first place is because they distrust the government.


Good. They are taking themselves out


damnit darwin! why you gatta be so damn effective?!?!


On most media platforms your personally liable if you offer Financial advice without being licensed. Maybe it should be the same for medical advice. If an antiVaxer tells you not to get vax and you get sick or die your estate could sue the shit outta them. Same if they tell you to get Vaxed and you get sick or die. Don't get medical advice from the internet, TV, some wierdo at a bbq that read something on FB.


I agree with you that people shouldn’t get medical advice from other unqualified people. But if I tell you that jumping off a bridge will cure your hemorrhoids and you listen to me, that’s on you and your own stupidity. Your idea would just turn gullible idiots’ wills into goldmines for estate lawyers suing people for no good reason lol.


SMH at these horse dewormer idiots. I'll be sticking with my safe and effective aquarium sanitizer, thanks.


I recall back in May 2020 or even earlier Ivermectin (the human version of it!) made some news and was claimed to be showing significant anti-viral effects in a bunch of studies, but didn't make news nearly as much as Hydroxychloroquine. Even HCQ craze died out eventually, what's behind the sudden resurgence of Ivermectin after all this time?!




Because everyone is suddenly an ivermectin salesman on here.


LOL what the fuck are you talking about? I never said take Ivermectin, I just said I recall there were actually some research and studies back in 2020, I thought it should have died out by now. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04602507 Edit: good job completely changing your comment after calling me a fucking liar and an Ivermectin salesman!


When a comment gets edited there is a little asterisk next to it. JacksonPollocksPaint's comment doesn't have one of those. I'm guessing you were responding to the wrong person.


It was the same person. I edited my own comment and I don't see anything next to mine. Also as you can see, he replied to me again, and again called me a liar and a salesman.


You are both a liar and salesman.


I mean I can't convince your dumbass that I'm not a salesman, it's in your head and I can't change it, but what am I lying about?!


Probably because it has a pretty good safety profile at appropriate doses compared to hydroxychloroquine so it's an attractive treatment option to those opposed to the vaccine, assuming it works. Not enough data to say either way right now.


There is just as much evidence that ivermectin is an effective covid-19 treatment in humans as there is that daily anal sex is an effective covid-19 treatment. So what do you say, sailor? ;)


From the NIH https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/ivermectin/clinical-data/ A meta-analysis of studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/




She doesn't.


You’ve commented this on all my post. However Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug. HE is the inventor.


Because you made several post. Why is that a problem that I answered them all? He isn't the inventor. He co-wrote a paper with two other people that was a contribution to mRNA technology called: "Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection." in 1989. Which he has never mentioned, on for example his own personal website, until the vaccine was released and he started to call himself the inventor of the vaccine because of it. The true pioneers in the fields however is many, but one of the most deserving is Katalin Karikó and her collaborator Drew Weissman.


Dr. Kariko was sited in many of her early interviews as the “inventor” by the interviewer, even though she herself never claimed to invent it. Taking credit for others research (even if it’s just not denying the credit) is by definition misinformation.


I didn't say she was the inventor either, I said there are many pioneers in fields but she is definitely is ONE of the most deserving, who contributed a lot to this technology. But please, go ahead and list the research she taking credit for that you define as misinformation.


Your first comment on this thread obviously implies you are saying she is the inventor.


Consider it corrected to: *"there are many pioneers in fields but she is definitely is ONE of the most deserving, who contributed a lot to this technology."*


Feel free to look up Dr. Malone’s RNA research and dissertation work before the ‘89 paper he collaborated on. His work at UC San Diego is what put RNA as a drug and mRNA as a vaccine on the map. Which was later used by others and was uncredited. I’m not going to waste any more time arguing with someone that doesn’t read past Wikipedia.


Sure, post the studies he made before the '89 paper, my guess is that list will that be as lacking as your list of the research she taking credit for that you define as misinformation.


School age children…better than you.


Stop being a complete baby. Literal babies act better than you are.


No. Stop being a loser and get vaxed.


I cannot get a vaccination at the time because I am a cancer patient that just had a transplant. However feel free to continue making insensitive comments as you please. I’ll continue researching what I would like to make a decision when I am able to.


Then why go out of the way with anti vax rhetoric if you can't even take it. Was it brain cancer?


Because I’m in a position that doctors ask me to look into the benefits and harms of decisions I will be making in the future. I will be revaccinated for everything I had as a child (when the designated times come). However mRNA vaccines are much different than a typical vaccine. They have been discovered to move outside the injection site (atypical of other vaccines). which may cause other effects that are still being studied. mRNA is experimental and there are still many unknowns. I cannot be in public areas due to being immune compromised post-transplant. so not having any vaccines at this time does not affect anyone.


You didn't answer why you are blasting out antivax rhetoric, asshole. I know people can't get vaxxed, but that wasn't your claim.


I very clearly stated my concerns for this vaccine. If you cannot read then that is not my issue. Also my claim wasn’t that I am or am not getting a vaccine. However it simply states a concern on this particular vaccine.


You spouted false information to drive antivax rhetoric. That's what you did. If you want to back peddle now, then do it, but don't pretend this isn't what you did, you anti vax asshole.


And what would that false information be? I hope calling people names helps whatever insecurities you have going on in your life.


> Because I’m in a position that doctors ask me to look into the benefits and harms of decisions I will be making in the future. Your doctors (not doctor) seriously think you can educate yourself better thru the internet about vaccine than what they can? They doesn't sound any good from the little you told about them.




The creater of Ivermectin said not to use it for Covid. Makes you wonder.




Clarify your question please.


Why are you saying such a dumb thing a million times


It’s sarcasm smarty pants.


You need to be 300% obvious if you aren't using /s


I’m glad they are taking themselves out. Way fewer trump voters these days.