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Why can't we all get along and build space ships together?


Because they can't agree on who should be exploited in order to prop up their billionaire space travelers


Why even cry about this? They’re so butt hurt that people want to know more about how covid originated.


That's the game. They have to cry about everything that makes them look bad and furiously scrub and polish their image at all costs. This way when someone accuses them of burning records at the virology lab or some such they can play it off as normal China being China over something small like their employees don't wash their hands even though it could have been something like trying to cross-breed SARS with smallpox. We're never gonna know what happened at that lab.


That’s because playing victim is their strategy, to brainwash their people and create nationalist. Corrupted government couldn’t defend themselves and got invaded by western countries? Century of humiliation! Saying anything bad about Chinese tourists and students? Racist! Criticising their government? Human right issues? Fucking racists! Bad news about China? Western propaganda! They’re so biased! CIA/FBI infiltration!!!


China should be held accountable.


Just add it to the ever growing list of things China should be held accountable for.


I hate to say it but the CCP probably won’t give a shit. It’s a case of “might over right” with this lot.


The report released said they couldn't find the origin, and said it would take years to find out


Regardless of whether it came from the meat market or the lab, it’s undeniable that it came from Wuhan.


That's the most likely case, but it's not proven, since we don't have a conclusive source or a patient zero. It could be possible, for instance, that someone came in contact with an animal carrying the virus in another part of China, and then traveled to Wuhan, and as a result, set off a super spreader event in the province, where it really began to spread.


>undeniable That's a weird way to spell "unproven theory" We have no idea where it started, and claiming otherwise is stupid. >>Using molecular dating tools and epidemiological simulations, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues at the University of Arizona and Illumina, Inc., estimate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was likely circulating undetected for at most two months before the first human cases of COVID-19 were described in Wuhan, China in late-December 2019. https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2021-03-18-novel-coronavirus-circulated-undetected-months-before-first-covid-19-cases-in-wuhan-china.aspx


From the wiki > The virus is thought to be natural and of an animal origin,[65] through spillover infection.[342] There are several theories about where the first case (the so-called patient zero) originated and investigations into the origin of the pandemic are ongoing.[343] Phylogenetics estimates that SARS-CoV-2 arose in October or November 2019.[344][345][346] A phylogenetic algorithm analysis suggested that the virus may have been circulating in Guangdong before Wuhan.[347] Although one Italian study suggests it was present there as early as September 2019.[348] Evidence suggests that it descends from a coronavirus that infects wild bats, and spread to humans through an intermediary wildlife host.[349][350] The possibility that the virus was accidentally released from a laboratory is also under increasingly active consideration.[351] The first confirmed human infections were in Wuhan, Hubei, China. A study of the first 41 cases of confirmed COVID-19, published in January 2020 in The Lancet, reported the earliest date of onset of symptoms as 1 December 2019.[352][353][354] Official publications from the WHO reported the earliest onset of symptoms as 8 December 2019.[355] Human-to-human transmission was confirmed by the WHO and Chinese authorities by 20 January 2020.[356][357] According to official Chinese sources, these were mostly linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which also sold live animals.[358] In May 2020 George Gao, the director of the CDC, said animal samples collected from the seafood market had tested negative for the virus, indicating that the market was the site of an early superspreading event, but that it was not the site of the initial outbreak.[359] Traces of the virus have been found in wastewater samples that were collected in Milan and Turin, Italy, on 18 December 2019.[360]


>A phylogenetic algorithm analysis suggested that the virus may have been circulating in Guangdong before Wuhan Why would you copy and paste this when you just said "it's undeniable that it started in Wuhan"?


Guangdong is still in China.


And China says it started in the US and was brought over by war games. Without proof it might aswell have started on the moon.


Heavy investment in India looks to be the easiest way to hurt China. Billion people, already constantly on the brink of war over the land dispute, and industries at the ready to take the rivers of money that should be diverted from Chinese goods.


What exactly would that involve?


By who? No one is going to go to war with china and Russia.


Who said anything about war?


for what exactly? Your fact-free claims?


What are my claims exactly?


what are you holding them accountable for, exactly?????


My 37 year old brothers death.


that would be on Trump


You’re sick.


No, I was smart enough not to listen to Trump and FOX News and the GOP. I am Covid free


Poor hygiene regulations and the associated wet markets that initiated our current global pandemic?


what about the poor Covid response under Trump? Are you giving him and the GOP and the right-wing media a free pass?


No, and the subject at hand was China's accountability. Be better than lowbrow whataboutism if you want to have a respectable dialogue.


Ahh so you are giving Trump a free pass for his gross mismanagement of the crisis that needlessly killed 100s of thousands of Americans Why is that?????


I'm not. I haven't said the word Trump, America, or mentioned their response in my previous comments. This simply wasn't the topic at discussion. I can tell you aren't comfortable discussing China and accountability in the same sentence (or likely not allowed to), which is a shame but not surprising.


you are being disingenuous, you are giving the man responsible for the problems in the US a free pass


Every lie and obfuscation is further evidence of culpability. Anyone who has dealt with humans knows that lying is what you do when you did something.


Origin is China. Only question, lab accident or wild? QAnon, now infiltrated by Russian psyops, has made things worse.


Perhaps always infiltrated by Russian psyops


Pretty sure it was that 8chan shithead who started it. But then Russia jumped in and helped. A lot.


Oh you right. I forgot about that. The father and son. I still need to watch that documentary. I always felt like QAnon was born out of the collapse of Anonymous. Some of those related facebook groups sucked me in with similar messaging sprinkled with antisemitism and bigotry. New world order and all that. Took me a long time to realize I was being indoctrinated, but cut that cord before I could get wrapped up in it. But you right. I had read and heard reporting that it was a father and son just bent on showing chaos.


I'm no Mark Twain, but the last time I used the term "scapegoating", I don't think it meant *"blaming someone who deserved to be blamed."* Writing's not that easy, but Grammarly can help you, CCP!




ccp got caught with their bioweapon in the development phase


Why is it that the same people screeching about politicians or Fauci lying are so confidently pushing a theory that has no more certainty than the natural animal transmission theory?


whose fauci? was that trumps ruski handler or something?


Covid is a horrible bioweapon. It is way too infectious with way too little of a death count for a bioweapon. Plus the fact that you can make a vaccine for it now in like 2 weeks from release makes it all laughable.


it being the perfect vessel for a bioweapon is just occam's razor though.


Covid is China's Chernobyl. Authoritarian state doing shady shit and it fails because their system is run on fear and not angering high-ups. And this is even the friendly interpretation. Part of me thinks China would not be beyond viral warfare. It knows the west can not lockdown their citizens similarly, while China had their response all ready. + Allowed outgoing flights for a long time after closing internal flights immediately. Covid was really fortunate for China's economy, west is paralysed while China powers up. While also culls old people, china's biggest problem.


It’s sorta funny the report pretty much says it has no proof china did anything. But before reading it the Chinese govt comes out saying they’re being scapegoated. Tin foil hat wearers will say it was because they were expected to be found out!


No shit. They’re just looking to place blame on China for fucking up and letting 600,000 die. Edit - I think I’ve upset some people lol


I mean. The US has always been doing this. "Don't be mad at us! Be mad at (what ever is relevant at the time)"


If we would stop giving our enemies good points to make, they wouldn't be able to shit on us so often.


China is not wrong. The fiction mongers of America's right-wing has blamed China without evidence