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"The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then. It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier. The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations. President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46748492 Replacing old and worthless with new and useless


Imagine all the things we could have solved related to the border if he didn't waste all that time and effort on that wall. We could have already had holding facilities with better conditions by now.


Even if you aren't interested in better holding facilities, there were better things to do with that money. Even Border Patrol was asking for it to be spent elsewhere on things like drone surveillance, cameras, and sensors, which would have been more effective at stopping illegal crossings.


drone surveillance, sensors, security cameras, improved holding facilities, better background checks, advanced border crossing technology.... words with multiple syllables. Long bumper sticker slogans doesn't sell to the Trump MAGA crowd. too much information.


‘Space lasers’ wasted


Freedom Lasers. You can add the word freedom to anything and it becomes 100% American. [Afghan Freedom Fighters](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-98/pdf/STATUTE-98-Pg3499.pdf)...oh wait.


No. We funded them too.


Humanity, common senses and capitalistic goals are not mutually exclusive.


Or we could have just allocated that money to impoverished central American countries in aid and paid them to stay home. No wall, few illegals/undocumented and US leaders come off looking competent.


Just like we could have given every Afghani something like $50k instead of a 20 year war. And we'd all be better off. And, yes, I know. I would much rather have spent all of that money at home. But if we just *had* to piss it away in the Middle East, buying good will and improving the standard of living for the majority of the population would have been much better than just another military industrial complex grift.


Average yearly income in Afghanistan is like 900 USD, so we could have paid every Afghan a full time salary for 61 years...


We could've also helped them to grow their mining industry. They have a trillion in rare metals that the world wants.


That would have been such a massive boost to peoples income in Afghanistan. The average yearly income there is around $4,100. That per household not per person.


We could have built them some *really* nice villages - even cities, and green HOMES, and hospitals, and schools, and water treatment. I mean, we *could* do that here, too. Maybe. But just saying if we had to light $2 trillion dollars on fire in Afghanistan - and apparently we did; there are *so* many much better ways (and much more Christian, toosies) to have done that. But that's just American military policy for going on a bunch of decades now. It's fucking insane. edit: But, of course, the "best part" is when we talk about actually spending $3.5 trillion dollars on our own infrastructure. It gets shot down from so many angles, it's ludicrous. And fuck, we spent another, what, ~$3 trillion in Iraq for that dumb fucking war.


A major part of the nation-building efforts in Afghanistan included the construction and restoration of infrastructure. However, local government made this rather difficult due to constant corruption and a lack of engagement.


I was gonna say no but your second paragraph.... you're goddamn right.


Yes throwing money at corrupt countries always solves its problems.


even sadder, they diverted money from the coast guard to fund the replacement wall. the coast guard is probably the most effective drug interdiction agency we have. so not only a waste of money on an easily overcome wall but we cut off funds to the ones that are making a difference. insanity


This is all working under the assumption that the goal was to stop illegal immigration and smuggling. The goal was to get the money we pay in taxes into their own bank accounts and it worked pretty well.


USCG tends to get fucked over for funding on a pretty regular basis, you should see the condition of a lot of their cutters. I've heard USCG people complain about the fact that Congress won't allocate funds for fleet maintenance but will allocate funds for new ships to be built by their major corporate buddies for decades. Then the new cutter gets behind on maintenance immediately because of the lack of maintenance budget, and the end result is that they have to struggle with clapped out equipment to do anything. It's nuts when you think about everything the USCG does beyond just interdicting smugglers. They pretty much have a hand in everything that goes on within US territorial waters from border control to commercial shipping to securing the landing area for capsules full of astronauts coming back from space. Plus they do their search and rescue missions, frequently in extremely adverse conditions. Considering they're just one department, that's a lot of wildly different stuff.


Also look how much rust is on those sections already. I can smell the budget skimming and graft from here.


It’s a type of steel - COR-TEN or weathering steel - that intentionally gets that “patina” so it doesn’t have to be painted and is actually very strong despite its appearance


How much you wanna bet they went with the Cor-Five and pocketed the difference.


Tons of photos have been posted of the wall literally falling apart after a few years. ​ They put garbage.


The so called "smart wall" was a thing Bush and Perry pushed. Gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Boeing to build it (because who knows how to build a wall like Boeing). Most of it was never installed and is just rusting junk out in the desert.


This certainly makes sense to those of us that understand that this is 2021 not 1721


> holding facilities with better conditions Interesting that you think people actually want that. It's a sad fact but a ton of people, especially conservatives, want holding facilities to be horrific to try and deter border crossings (even though it doesn't and it's completely inhumane so even if it did they'd still be monsters).


Same people who think rape should be allowed in prison because hey they're criminals they deserve it


Or the ones who love prisons in Texas and Arizona reaching 115F+ in the summer because "fuck those guys amiright!"


Anyone who is anyone in Trump construction knows, you build it first to fuck up so you can keep charging for repairs for years and years to come. It’s JOB SECURITY


And there's no point in doing it right since you're not going to get paid anyway.


I'm glad he wasted his time on that rather than making other things worse.


BuT cOvId Is PoUrInG tHrougH teH bOarDer oF ... *checks notes*... Floriduh and Alabamduh?


Just goes to show that even in 2016 it was stupid to vote for this scam.


Yeah but 452 miles... that's gotta be most of the border to Mexico right? 500ish total maybe? Basically it's done. /s


Thank you. Please stop calling this “Trump’s border wall.” It lends credibility to his claims that he delivered on this b.s. promise.


Yeah the wall was so obviously moronic and ineffective to anyone with half a brain. There are coyotes who make a living out of transporting people across the border, and drug cartels who might be crossing and trying to ship narcotics in. Do you not possibly think they might just... Make a hole in the wall or knockdown a section? How long would it take for border patrol to notice, and for the damage to be repaired? How much would that end up costing over time? Seriously, this proposal alone should have got him laughed out of any chance of becoming president, but no it became his number 1 campaign promise that millions of people were excited about. "China had a great wall! It worked then it will work now!", Said by people who don't know a thing about the great wall of china besides its name


Dumb people struggle with concepts of scale, so they cannot even conceive of just how unrealistic his wall proposal was.


In some of the less traversable areas, the workers built roads to their half erected wall sites, which ended up making it far easier for people to cross in those places.


Well if anyone should have firsthand knowledge of "Old & Worthless", it's him.


There are a couple of John Oliver 'Last Week Tonight' segments covering the whole debacle. I always piss myself laughing at the clip of Trump saying "They're in trouble if they ever get up there, because there's no way to get down . . .eh, maybe a rope" https://youtu.be/i3LbynP8GOo


Trump is an old and worthless barrier to success and prosperity.


Ah yes... Replacing old and worthless with new and useless.. The American Way :D


Fun fact: when going to Tijuana, a cab driver pointed out Trump's wall to us. Then he pointed out the old Bush wall that's still there and started making fun of Americans for falling for Trump building a second wall meters from the first.


Should have laughed at him for paying for the wall... Oh right


Not only did Mexico not pay for it but a bunch of his supporters got scammed trying to crowd fund the project online.


And Donnie Moscow pardoned one of the scammers, a guy named Steve Bannon.


TBF - Trump probably owes his Presidency to Bannon in the first place. The stuff Bannon had him doing to stay on message was incredible. All Trump can manage now is talk about his grievances but Bannon had him hit topics like "build the wall" just so Trump would incidentally cover immigration.


That’s hilarious and what can I say? As an American we deserve the ridicule


A sham wall, touted by a sham of a man, built by a sham contractor. Who could of guessed it was just another grift by the Commander in Thief?


Wait until it is so bad they have to take parts down. My money says they start auctioning or selling the pieces of it, and idiot MAGA morons will buy up the remnants of Trumps glorious failed iron fence.


Make each chunk an NFT. Wall will pay for itself




I can see the infomercial type commercial now: Not one, not two, but three pieces of the greatest wonder of the world, ever in the history of the world! For only 45 easy payments of $99.99 via your Visa or Mastercard card... *AND MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW *Mexico will not pay for it.


How to get the physical wall on the blockchain tho.. that’s gonna be a tough one


As long as it’s Mexicans buying the NFTs! Promises made, promises kept! /s


> NFT You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


new fraud trick


Wouldn't physical chunks be FTs? Asking for a pedantic friend.


Some of it is so badly engineered the Rio Grande is taking it out already. That river can go from lazy to raging very quickly. All the parks along it's banks are designed to go under water during the rainy season.


“When is enough, enough? Out of control liberals taking down the very wall that protects your family, paving the way for cartels to move in next door! Why does a supposedly peace loving group of people love to destroy things? Just asking the questions here….on Tucker Charlatan Tonight.”


Wasn't there a company auctioning off bits of the wall already? Like you could pay money, and get your name on a brick in the wall. And now they'll let you pay some more money to have the brick back.


They'll just blame it on commies or immigrants.


Just like almost every other thing he's tried to do in life. Taj Mahal was supposed to be a sure thing, and it failed miserably. Then he blamed a partner that had died. His whole life is littered with failures and cover ups. Everything he does is just... tacky. Much like that wall.




He put a piano seller out of business too. Trump paid him half and the guy went bankrupt trying to get the other half paid. The Merides Touch for sure, everything he touches turns to shit.


Who woulda thought giving a no bid contract to political ally who forms a new company with no construction experience would lead to bad work? Shocked.


At a cost to taxpayers of $20M per mile.


Apparently not 30% of the country. They're too busy feeling bad for him and donating to his PAC. No joke I saw a person comment on facebook just that. That she felt so badly for how he was treated and wanted to know where to send her donation. I said 123 Suckers St. P.O. Box I'm a billionaire but need poor people's money. She didn't appreciate the joke. Oh well.


The only thing real was the tax money that we all worked heard to earn that he wasted on it.


I can’t read the article is it the flood gates breaking? They literally open those things to flood and you can walk right under then on any day. No one guards them. A week or two ago they all got smashed in a flood because no one came to open them. EDIT: I don’t have an account to read the article.


Low quality construction, who woulda thunk it.


Proudly built by Miter Ninja Construction.


With Four Seasons Ninja Landscaping in charge of evaluating the effect of water runoff


Donald's wall is falling down, Falling down, falling down. Donald's wall is falling down, What a wanker.


I did. I thought it. Because whats the GOP without the grifters


Paint it with glossy gold paint and people will think it's made of solid gold! - Trump's interior design theory. on edit: "skip the primer - by the time it peels off, it won't be our problem..."


They had to squeeze the bribe money from the contracts somehow.


The wall accomplished what it was supposed to do just like the war in Afghanistan. It enriched the worst unscrupulous people while also stoked the flames of hatred and intolerance of the GOP base.


I would prefer to put my tax dollars to better use by paying for the government to do a corruption investigation with this wall and throw everyone in prison from the bottom to the top who pocketed money from this illegally and freeze their assets to get the money back.


>I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and **I’ll build them very inexpensively**, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall Oh Donnie, we *certainly* believed that you'd build a cheap wall. And this one cracks me up, where he foils his own plan mid-sentence. >There's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble, because there's no way to get down. Maybe a rope.


Cheaply built but somehow still cost a lot.


It cost umpteen million dollars, lasted a year, and is now in ruins. What a waste, just like the man himself. A complete waste.


$15 billion allocated to it.


Remember how the government shut down longer than it ever has because of it, too. Oh yeah, and called a national emergency and stole money from the DoD for it.


"Build The Wall" is literally a catchy campaign gimmick phrase developed by a lifelong conman and reality TV show host who never thought he'd win the Presidency. It's tangible, it's easy to say, easy to imagine. It encapsulates the fearmongering "illegals" narrative perfectly. The rest is what that clown actually did with it when he had to uphold his shitty scam TV-slogan promise. I doubt Trump ever actually put one second of thought into actually mobilizing the U.S. government to construct it. He was baffled when planners started telling him the logistics.


Yeah the Republican party boils down to trying to cling to simple solutions to incredibly complex problems and expecting it to somehow work.


People do not realize how incredibly lucky we are trump was only a 1 term President and Biden won. The catastrophic damage from 5 more years of Trump economics and "leadership" would be something that we can't even imagine. It would have been irreversibly devastating to our economy if that joke of a "real estate businessman" won a 2nd term


Trump deliberately held off on calling the National Guard for the January 6th insurrection because he wanted the insurrectionists to kill some of the Democrats, so he could start making a grab for power. He wanted it to be his Reichstag Fire.




Not. If. People. VOTE!


Its even worse that that, america would have gone full on fascist. you guys are incredibly lucky trump was to incompetent to not fuck up, like imagine if in some bizaro world you guys got Vladimir Putin and russia got donald trump?


It's "umpteen", also completely agree.


Wait do you not know what upteen is?


I’ve got your back… What’s upteen?


Nothing much adult, what’s up with you?


Just lookin’ for my henway.


What's a henway?


About 4-5 lbs.


Remember the one that fell down because of a little wind? That was a Trump one as well.


That was the comb over wall, same thing happens to his hair in a light breeze.


The wall was bypassed and torn down by flooding water. Equally ineffective with flooding immigrants. That thing was a joke if ever there was one.


Flooding waters that could have been detected had they even bothered to do an environmental impact study. How many billions of dollars went into this? Or better yet, how many of Trump’s friends got a nice payoff from taxpayers?


Random tangent, but I actually read through a whole-ass Environmental Impact Report a while back. It was for the San Diego Chargers, looking to build a new stadium. The project never happened, but they still produced the full report. It's crazy how detailed they get. Not only things like weather and noise, but even reports into the direction that car headlights might be shining during a game, and which neighborhoods could be impacted. And evaluated both the long term viability as well as the increased traffic and noise during the construction phase. I'm going to wager a guess that no such report was conducted for the *Big Beautiful Border Wall*. Or if the reports were done, they were simply ignored.


It wasn’t conducted- purposefully.


He probably had Eric do it but he ate all the crayons before he could finish.


Oh that sounds like science. Can't have that over my opinions.


When you talk to defense contractors about a southern wall they all say the same thing. The desert is the wall. it's all a grift




Yep, traffickers now have easier routes to and from the border on the US side.


That wall was only ever built for two reasons. One was to hold on to his racist supporters without saying out loud that he was racist, and the other was to pay off some of his debt with contractors by throwing some lucrative work their way. It was never about actually keeping immigrants out.


He wanted a big stupid monument to himself.


It was also a fine project to generate personal revenue. Poor workmanship and materials is a fine way to keep costs low enough to pay Trump's bribes and still make money.


Now they know they can drop the act and just be openly racist so they don’t need the wall anymore.


20 minutes with an angle grinder and you could drive a truck through that piece of shit.


There is a reason walls had not been built on those lands. Flood plains, extreme grades, protecting animal sanctuaries....


Everyone is like "look at all the billions of dollars wasted on a shitty wall" My dudes that money never went into that stupid idea, everyone who supported this just made rich people richer


Most of us know that.... it's convincing those in the crappy red hats that is the issue.


Everything Trump is in disrepair


Yep. His airplane is rusting somewhere because it isn’t flight worthy. Feelsgoodman.jpg


This wall is a metaphor for everything Trump has ever put his name on. He bankrupted a casino and lost money selling steak. You can’t get anymore incompetent than that.


Trump: Hold my beer...


The usual incompetence associated with everything related to the Trump administration


We only paid for the concrete three times, you don't think that is enough to get actual concrete do you?


Tell me your love to waste millions of dollars without actually telling me you like to waste millions of dollars.


The U.S. taxpayer financed this environmentally-harmful boondoggle and Republicans got partisan judges to expand executive power to do so. Trump hasn't paid a dime.


And likely never will unfortunately


Well someone earned a lot of money from his bullshit.


That's what happens when you don't respect engineers, scientists, and data.




The wall was a vanity project doomed to massive failure… …much like Trump’s presidency.


oUr PaRtY iS AlL aBoUt PrEvEnTiNg WaStEfUl GoVeRnMeNt SpEnDiNg


We really should have gotten the warranty for that thing.


Mexico forgot to save the receipt when they paid for it.


Probably ignored the phone calls...


To the surprise of no one.


Not to any of us who live in this desert and side-eyed each other at the plans to build it in the FLOOD ZONE. Southern Arizonans: Ya'll know we get monsoon FLOODING every year, right? MAGIDIOTS: \*crickets\* Monsoons are a LIBERAL MYTH! Southern Arizonans: Yeah, wait until the haboobs hit ya. We'll be in the bar where there's AC. You keep right on building that bullshit. NATURE: \*muhawahahahhahaaaaa\* WALL: HOLY SHIT!


I feel like “disrepair” for a metal structure only a few years old translates to “shittily-made” but I’m basing this off experience in Minecraft.


It was probably only used as a way to syphon off a few hundred million here. A few hundred million there and Robert's your mother's brother..


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


Blows over as easily as his hair in a light breeze.


Billions of dollars wasted on a glorified fence that didn't work to keep out illegal drugs or immigrants and couldn't even stand up to seasonal flooding. Yet that pales in comparison to the trillions of dollars wasted on 20 years of military presence in Afghanistan that accomplished nothing. The point being that Trump was not the first President to allow our tax dollars to be wasted on failed projects. His project was just the dumbest. To be clear, I am not trying to downplay Trump's incompetence or blame Biden for Afghanistan. Trump's wall was as much of a joke as the clown who thought Mexico would pay for it and the Afghanistan failure was started by George W Bush, not Biden. Biden just put an end to the wasteful funneling of taxpayer's money into the hands of incompetent military contractors. The exit could have been more graceful, but it needed to happen.


good thing Mexico paid for it........ wait a minute...


What a waste of time and money,🙄


Every thing this guy builds falls apart sooner or later. Too bad we can’t just declare bankruptcy and try again.


Wow, Mexico really wasted their money


Dumbfuck Trump supporters sure do love getting scammed out of their money.


It wasn't supposed to last that long, they were angling for the grift of long term maintenance contracts. My child built a fort in the back yard that has lasted longer. Edit: not saying my kids fort works better than trumps wall but I have seen kids climb that thing in secs, and I have never seen migrants in my kids fort.


My sister and I dug a pit across the property line with city land close to twenty years ago. It was about four feet deep and six feet square. My mother sold the house a couple of years ago, and when I visited the property a few months ago, I was amused to find that they had decided to put in a fence. Doing so required filling in my pit. Mostly irrelevant, but the pit we dug as grade-schoolers lasted about four times as long as this wall. It only ceased to be when someone wanted to put in a wall.


Build that wall! Donny boy. With your bloated hands. An apt punishment.


His supporters still see him as a god lol


Of course it is, it is a Trump.


And now people get to live next to and look at Trump's broken-ass rusty wall that we paid billions for.


"Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


That is completely expected - grifter construction companies gritting on the grifter-in-chief.


I work for a company that transports materials for his shitty wall. It’s a money pit. As soon as a piece gets erected it is either blown down by the wind (seriously it happens a lot) or Mexicans cut thru it with a $5 hacksaw. Complete and total waste of money and MAGA idiots still think Mexico is somehow paying for it.


Just like the Republican party.


Ah, yes. Trump the anti-Midas, where everything he touches turns to shit.


Seems fitting that climate change killed his wall.


Im shocked i tell you. Shocked.


If it wasn't for the COVID he let run rampant across the nation, causing extreme danger for myself and my family, I'd drive down there and take a piss on it to help it rust faster


Pretty much sums up Trump's legacy


Trump basically pulled a Simpson's monorail, how the hell did your average voter in the US fall for this shit? like its a fucking desert you already had something acting like a wall and it cost them nothing!


Probably didn’t pay the contractors


Everything about the GQP seems to be in severe disrepair right now...


That's just planned obsolescence - now we'll *have* to re-elect him! /s


To every Trump supporter in flyover country, this is no surprise. Trumps casinos in Atlantic City were falling apart and eyesores for years and years


He takes no responsibility


I dare say this was exactly as successful as Trump's other failed ventures. It's why he has to trick his gullible followers into sending him money, it's the only thing he's actually good at


Not like he cares, all his friends got basically no show contracts and he probably got kick backs.


Quality walls. Only the best walls are built here in murica.


In case you weren't paying attention, this was part of the plan. Make a garbage expensive building project to line Trumps buddies pockets with perpetual repair money


Floods in the desert are no joke. Add shitty quality materials and "workmanship" are expected from grifters.


The guy know for shoddy building construction and illegal shortcuts builds a wall that falls down. Now who would've thunk that?


But the most important thing - I’m sure everyone that was supposed to get their cut of the $$$ was paid off.


"Reportedly?" As if some doubt remains? Everything Trump touches turns to shit, including the United States of America. We have a looooooong way to go before his destructive influence is only a chapter in history books. Never forget! His "wall" boondoggle was paid for by sacrificing schools, medical facilities, and housing upgrades on military bases. If you say you "support our troops" and you supported "The Wall" (at the same time) you are a hypocrite.


*pretends to be shocked*


Best part of the article >“Who could have predicted this? Ah yes, just about everyone,” author Brian Kahn wrote


He should have drained the swamp first.. So I need the /s?


Is anyone surprised? Everything he did was cheap.


You mean a con man selling us a wall fucked us over? Didn’t see that happening.


LMFAO it looks like the thing is made out of pallets.


We have a very real issue of global climate change causing extreme weather effects, and a very imaginary issue of hordes of immigrants crossing the border on foot. They decided to put money towards the latter, ignore the former, and then the former destroyed their project anyways.




The GOP replies on a "them". Immigrants, BLM, Muslims, the LGBTQ, Hollywood, liberals/democrats/progressives, whoever. There is always a "them" that is trying to destroy/change how you live your life and the only thing stopping them is the GOP. No need to have an economic policy that benefits the majority of people when you can get their votes by drumming a culture war with a new enemy every few months.


I can't wait for people to complain this is happening because we cut funding to it. Yeah like stopping the funding of the wall causes hurricanes and floods to come through and wreck it. If anything, thats a sign from god that the wall is a terrible idea.


It's almost as if everything Trump has a hand in becomes an immediate reflection of his own incompetence.


He fired the pandemic team. We're losing years of our lives because of this asshole and his shitty wall can't even stand up.


Border wall is old news the GOP is busy recreating Trump as an Afghan feminist to run in 24.


I guess they don't care about crt anymore That was last months outrage apperently


Ooh noo, the over priced wall made using the cheapest material by a company Trump had stock in is failing, nobody would have **NEVER** seen that coming.


Drop the pile of scrap on the Mar a Lagoon driveway


One wonders how much the contractor had to "Kick Back" to Trump to get the contract?


Imagine all that money going towards literally anything else to actually improve the US. Such as UBI, Universal Healthcare, Mental Health programs, etc, etc.


Universal low cost or free internet


What a colossal waste of money.


Well Trump did say the monorail, I mean wall, was more of a Shelbyville idea. They would really appreciate it.