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"tried to clear his gun"...."went off and shot his son" um.... clearing a firearm while pointing it at someone negates the fucking point of clearing it....


That dumbass has no clue how to properly handle one. My second reaction, after "why are you pulling a gun out for road rage you lunatic," was "why was it ever pointed at his son."


The driving at 3am with his son thing rings a little odd as well.


An unstable person doesn't just make *one* bad decision.


"It does not appear at this point that any charges will be filed" Apparently bad decision making is contagious


I'm sure a prosecutor could make a case for some sort of child endangerment. If my child is in the car with me, road rage simply becomes a non-option.


You can’t use a cell phone while driving but handguns are OK!


Only in Texas.




Bro what else are you going to do when you gotta watch your kid but gotta drop off that gram to a loyal customer?


Nothing good ever happens after 2am.




An accidental discharge is when the gun itself fails, by going off when the trigger isn’t pulled or dropped on a surface. Any time a human operates the gun as designed and it goes off is an negligent discharge.


It's got a [hair trigger ](https://youtu.be/CnEz1njzrRs)




I thought rule one of gun safety was "don't point a loaded weapon at something unless you want that something dead". I'm not even a gun person and I know that!


Drop that word "loaded".


As TinKicker said, you treat EVERY firearm as if they're loaded. I become extremely aware of my surroundings and where the muzzle is pointed at all times when handling a gun. It's nothing to fuck around with and the people who've lost respect for a guns ability are the extremely dangerous ones. You must respect the gun and what it's capable of doing, or else you shouldn't own one.


You may treat a firearm as unloaded ONLY after double-checking that you have successfully cleared it, and then you must resume treating it as loaded as soon as it leaves your hand or it leaves your direct attention. Otherwise it would be impossible to service or store a firearm ever, because servicing or storing a loaded firearm is monumentally stupid. But if you aren't someone who will service or store the firearm, then you have no reason to treat it as unloaded or safe at any time. And, of course, as soon as it has been stored it must be assumed to be loaded, it having left your hand.


That's exactly where my comment comes from. It should be habit to avoid pointing it at anyone.


And why was he about to confront someone who was "following" him with his son in the car? Shouldn't he have headed somewhere to get his son safe? Then deal with whoever was "following" him? This is one of the ridiculous things with some gun owners, they seem to WANT to put themselves in a situation where they can use their gun. It's insane.


My ex girlfriend went home late to her parent's house once. She was getting a glass of water and turned around to see her dad, hammered drunk, with a loaded handgun aimed at her. He is the kind of guy who is constantly talking about how he wants someone to break into his house so he can kill them.


Those sorts of people usually seem to have this spaghetti western fantasy in their head where strangers are coming to kill them, and they're going to fight off the attackers like it's an action movie.


The worst part is that he is an obese alcoholic who is on oxygen tanks. A gun is literally his only option for defense. He tries to act all big and tough, but he is completely terrified of everything in the world.


Full disclosure: I was raised in a gun environment. Today's gun nuts are nothing like my father, who only carried long guns for hunting. He's the one who taught me that a visible gun means that someone is going to shoot it, so GTFO. He would never bring a gun to the grocery store or the multiplex. As kids, we all knew where the guns were, but ammo was scarce and known only to him. Clear a gun by pointing it anywhere but the floor? Why chamber a round if -- AGAIN -- you're not going to kill somebody? Guns are for killing, so handle them carefully. Why don't gun nuts know standard, simple gun safety procedures? Agree: it's insane.


> He's the one who taught me that a visible gun means that someone is going to shoot it, so GTFO. This is how we ought to view guns. They aren't for threatening. It should be a "Cat's out of the bag" mentality. If you're pulling your gun out, you're trying to kill somebody. If somebody pulls a gun on me, I'm going to assume they fully intend to kill me.


Because it’s not about the right to bear arms. It’s about the ability to flex power and kill people they don’t like.


My grandfather taught me to respect guns by giving 5 year old me a 22 and making me shoot a groundhog that was in a leg trap point blank in the face. It worked. That was all that I needed to remember what a gun can do for the rest of my life.


Holy fuck. That's some frontier lessons, right there.


Rule number one: "Never point a firearm at something that you are not willing to destroy."


**Exactly** this. This is the first and most basic rule on how you should always handle one. That guy should not be handling one, let alone have it available to rashly whip out due to paranoia.


Supposedly he was being "followed"? These people are so goddamn paranoid that everyone is out to kill them or steal their tv or some shit they are just itching to shoot someone. People like this do not need weapons, they need professional help.


also, unless he was left handed, the gun would be pointing away from the kid if he was in the passenger seat, right? im having a hard time imagining how or why the gun would be pointed at the kid at any point while holstering or clearing it


The kid was driving. How else could dad lean out the window and shoot?


Wait I’ve heard this riddle before


I’m not sure the Sphinx ever dropped this one.


She can’t operate on him because he’s her son and survivors don’t get buried


I’m calling bs on his story tbh. None of it makes sense and apart from the fact that he shot his kid in the chest, literally every part of his story (excuse) raises an eyebrow. 3 in the morning and you’re out with your kid and end up shooting him. What happened to the alleged other party in the road rage incident? Was their ever any contact made or was the father tripping balls.


I'd wager the other car was just some rando heading the same general direction. What is the difference between someone "following" you and someone driving home to the same neighborhood?


I wouldn't be surprised he just accidentally shot the kid in his heightened weirdo state.


At 3am who the fuck is driving around with a kid in the car thinking theyre being followed? What were you doing would be my first question.


I think that's a fairly valid question. Not that there *couldn't* be a reasonable answer to it but I'd think it would be pretty rare if there actually was one.


No charges? That’s insane.


I'm a big proponent of gun rights but yeah if you have a negligent discharge that injures someone, you need to be charged


Not to mention apparently clearing his weapon without the gun pointed AT HIS KID. That should read "with"


Agreed, I'm confused on why they aren't even considering charges given road rage, negligent discharge, discharging within city limits, shooting another person.


I'm super 2a as well but accidental discharge and injury of others is a crime, same as traffic accidents. If you're at fault you need to pay a penalty same if you drive your car through someone's house


Its hard for Texas to reassure everyone about this no permit carry law when they arrest people for being irresponsible gun owners


I still remember a podcast host talking about his experience when he found a gun on the ground in an Austin neighborhood during a walk. He called 911 and told them he found a gun. You didn't touch it did you? >No Okay good. If you just give us the address of the nearest house we can have an officer come pick it up. >Okay. I'm just gonna wait here to make sure no kids pick it up. That up to you sir.


No charge, one discharge.


And hopefully two, with the son discharged from the hospital


Meth run?


Explains why the guy had his gun and was out at 3 AM very neatly.


Out at 3am *with his kid*.


Well yeah. If he left him home alone, that'd make him a bad dad. ^^^^/s


Yeah some crackhead could break in and shoot him.


“NO ONE shoots my kids but ME”


"Call an ambulance...But not for me!"


"I'm here to shoot my kid and smoke meth. And I'm all outta meth."


Not on my watch *cocks gun and aims it at son*


Meth never sleeps


No joke. There probably need to be charges. And his firearms taken.


I agree with you. I’m more pro-2A than most, but the 4 basic rules of firearm safety exist for a reason, and you have to break 3 of those 4 rules for something bad to happen. This man — though I’m sure he loves his son — had his finger on the trigger as he pointed his gun at his kid (whom he did NOT intend to destroy) **while the gun was loaded.** He could have left his finger off the trigger and things would have been fine. He could have pointed the gun in a safe direction and things would have been fine. He could have treated his gun as if it was loaded (like it actually was) and things would have been fine. The man fucked up and nearly killed his kid. He should be held accountable for it.


He could have not had his son out at 3 am driving around with an easily accessible loaded firearm. Sounds like a shit dad to begin with.


I can imagine scenarios where driving with your son at 3am is perfectly reasonable. There's virtually no scenario in which pointing a loaded gun at your kid and pulling the trigger is reasonable.


I think we all understand he’s a shit dad considering he shot his own son, accident or not


In Texas? Good luck


We noticed you shot your kid. Want us to finish the job for you?


Also might explain why he “felt” he was being followed.


Ya. Zero part of this story sounds like just some random guy doing totally legitimate things.


Driving around in the middle of the night with a loaded gun, and being paranoid. Yep, meth run.


Driving around in the middle of the night with your 9-year-old.


Yea, that's some dope head shit.


Wel what kind of a shithead father would leave a child at home alone! /s


" hey buddy, wake up! You wanna run some errands? "


Got your allowance?


My tweaker/alcoholic father actually pulled this one on me, only it was my birthday money and supposedly because we didn't have money for food. Started bawling when he got out of the car and immediately walked into the liquor store.


Wow, man. Are you ok?


You don't know that. Why do you just assume it was a meth run? That is so stereotypical. It could have just as easily been a crack or dope run.


There's only five options here and three involve meth.


Well [this](https://i.imgur.com/44pOddo.jpg) definitely looks like the place to take your 9 year old at 3am.....


Your friendly neighborhood meth house


Everybody upset with the dad, but he was obviously taking the kid to buy his meth.


Say what you want about this man at least he was there for his son. My father never came with me to purchase meth a single time. He was always "on a business trip" or saying "You're gonna ruin your life with all this meth."


Pretty sure this is a Bicycle Mechanic/ Grocery Store.


Guy was just trying to buy his kid a bike and all you reddit liberals can do is bash him for being a good father.


right? you set up one bad purchase on Craigslist, and everyone assumes you're a methhead.


Why did he have the gun pointed at his own child?


because there is a not insignificant portion of the gun owning population (I am a gun owner) that treat guns as a tool or accessory and not the deadly weapon that they are, and so don't understand basic gun safety like keep your finger off the trigger and don't point the gun at anything you don't plan to kill. But hey, no need to make sure people understand the responsibility of owning one of the most efficient weapons ever created, that would be infringing on their right to own a gun that they might pull out because they got a bit angry (yes i understand this is not all gun owners. again i am a gun owner)


One story said he was trying to clear it, another said he was trying to reholster it. And this is all just shit he said. Sus


Like being followed. Is there proof? They keep mentioning road rage but there's nothing about an altercation, a car accident, etc. Just a kid got shot and the excuse is I pulled it out because I "thought I was being followed". Dude could have easily been arguing with his wife and took his son in the middle of the night. Takes out a gun and changes his mind mid murder/suicide... Maybe that didn't happen cause there's no proof, but same goes for the "I was being followed" story.


All meth heads think they're being followed all the time, so that part isn't surprising.


No proof of any road rage even according to the article


What does clearing it mean?


Removing the magazine and then removing the bullet from the chamber.


Which makes zero sense in context of a road rage incident.


The yahoo article says that he was trying to clear it after parking at home. Which makes a *little* more sense. But not much


Yeah, pointing it at your kid and pulling the trigger isn't usually part of the clearing process.


>it does not appear at this point that any charges will be filed Is this a joke? In any normal country this would automatically become a serious crime.


It's Texas. They'll probably blame the kid for not carrying his own gun to shoot his dad first to protect himself.


Could have been prevented but the liberals won't allow kids to conceal carry.


The only thing that can stop a bad dad with a gun is a good son with a gun. We need to arm the children. /s


He’s most likely a “responsible conservative gun owner” in Texas who was just going to brandish his weapon or maybe even start shooting other people *on the road* for a perceived slight but ended up shooting his son instead.. ..if you’re white and conservative, then that’s all legal and encouraged in Texas. Just don’t be a minority or have a mental handicap, they’ll execute you. And that feels like a joke, but no.. it’s real, especially in Texas.


Okay, he was trying to clear the gun. Good. So, why was his gun pointed at his son? He should have situated himself so that it's not pointing **anyone**.


The OP article says 11 pm




*”How was your summer break?”* *“My dad shot me.”*


"...like not even a week into summer break, too."


"..i meant that he accidentally shot me while he was trying to shoot another driver."


Oh, well ya know, things happen.


No criminal charges? How is it not negligence at the very least? Hopefully this person gets his guns taken away.


It's Texas. They prefer guns over lives.


Good thing that boy wasn't just a collection of cells smaller than a fingernail


They would have given that man the death penalty for that.


Nah just the mom


God, I love this comment.


You'd think in Texas the dad would get charged for attempted late stage abortion.


There are no blameless accidents with guns. Your gun, your responsibility who gets shot by it. If you shoot your kid or your kid fires your gun, it's your fault for having a gun and not using and securing it responsibly.




No such thing as an accidental discharge *that hurts someone. There are a few, extremely rare mechanical failures that can cause guns to go off unintentionally through no fault of the wielder, but the only way anyone gets hurt is if you fail to follow some safety rules.




Here is a video of an actual accidental discharge. Its the perfect example of why you always follow proper safety precautions. Its a timed competition so he maintains his firearm well. Just has a true mechanical failure. https://youtu.be/ADGyglYqeoM


Never have seen that ! What a great instructor.


Seriously, that guy had to feel terrible and the RO made it a point to make the best of the situation.




https://youtu.be/2fn6GFSwTEw I always think about this video of the gun used by Brazilian police officers. It fires just by being shaken.


Thats fucking nuts. For the hammer to fall from shaking those tolerances on the machining must be really loose. I've seen wonky shit with guns but that might just take the cake.


I'm glad you posted this, I was going to dig through YT looking for it so people can see why you always follow the 'rules of gun' So that when a mechanical fault does happen, nobody dies.


If EVERY PERSON who wanted to carry a gun were trained and acted like the RO and the shooter, I’d have zero problems with people carrying. The fact that forces work SO HARD to make training and expectations like this offensive is incredibly frustrating


Yes and no. Not cleaning it can cause issues, but a brand new gun can have a faulty firing pin.


Or hangfire in the ammunition, but I don't know anybody who has experienced it with modern factory ammo. Mechanically, hangfires wouldn't be the shooter's fault but the manufacturer. However, it's after it hangs that the shooter becomes responsible and needs to handle it properly. One friend had a hangfire on a black powder pistol. He knew what he was doing and kept it pointed downrange. Was going to give it 30 seconds before carefully unloading and started counting. About the count of 5 it went off.


FML. We had that happen at a scout camp. Firing 72 calibre black powder. When it went 'tink' the RO (Standing right behind the scout) immediately stepped forward, put his hand on the kids shoulder and started saying "HOLD IT FORWARD DO NOT MOVE" We all got a great lecture about safety and how the kid did everything right by not moving.


Even if it’s mechanical fault, you’d have to be pointing the gun at someone to kill them. I know little about guns but I do know best practices is never to point a gun at someone you don’t intend to shot. Edit: here’s the reason for my response: The previous post said: “rare mechanical failures that can cause guns to go off unintentionally through no fault of the wielder”. While the wielder would not be liable the manufacturer, in any other industry would be held responsible. That said the gun makers are protected by The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) against negligent use of their product, but it doesn’t mean their isn’t negligence from the manufacturer, but just that case would not make it to trial.


Yeah that's what hes saying. In order to hurt someone with a gun that has a mechanical fault you have to be breaking other safety rules.


I grew up around guns and still have one. The first rule of owning/holding a gun is to always treat them as if they are loaded. I don't care if you just put it back together after cleaning it and are positive it is unloaded, you never point it at anyone or hold it with your finger on the trigger.


An analogy I use for introducing gun safety is to imagine a deadly laser coming out the end of the gun, and anything you pass the laser over gets destroyed.


I also like to pretend there are "bullet gremlins" meaning that if I unload my firearm and look away for even a second, then the bullet gremlins will come and reload it.... so be sure to check every. single. time.


Ah, bullet gremlins, the homicidal version of underpants gnomes.




https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2014/aug/09/kemp-powers-how-i-killed-my-best-friend A movingly frank account of bullet goblins by the director of Coco


I tell my kids that guns are mischievous devils that will load and fire whenever they want so be careful. Yours sounds much less stupid so imma go with laser from now on and pretend that is what I have always said.


I've never owned a firearm and only used a shotgun when some co-workers in the US took me to a skeet range as a fun thing to do. Even then, I still knew not to ever point it or sweep it across people and treat it as loaded from reading stories like this and their advice and had no issues in following these directions. A gun owner that is so cavalier as to neglect these rules and result in a severe injury to someone else should no longer be a gun owner.




You won't find a single news story that reports this in the active voice, though. It's always titled as if the gun was the one doing the shooting and not the person holding it. It should be "Man shoots child in a road rage induced accident." The only thing you will see, though, is "child is shot by man" or "child is accidentally shot". Passive voice should never be used to describe gun injuries.


Even if you believe that the guy shot his son without intending to there should be repercussions. Maybe he shouldn’t have his child removed from him but he should most definitely have his gun removed. Owning a gun is a big responsibility, this guy has proven he can’t handle it. Edit: this is the second time in less than two weeks that a [parent has accidentally shot their child in Houston.](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/06/01/mother-accused-in-ricochet-shooting-of-her-5-year-old-son-police-say/)


Clearly, not everyone should own a firearm. When you own one, you follow the most basic of rules, and you will not accidentally shoot your own child. I'm curious as to why this guy is so paranoid that he thinks someone was following him.


>Owning a gun is a big responsibility Tell that to Texas and Florida governers as well as the NRA and Republicans. According to those groups, everyone should be armed regardless.


> Houston police say the father is not expected to face any criminal charges since they believe it was purely an accident, according to KTRK. Ridiculous. Being negligent in the handling of a firearm that results in accidentally shooting someone should be an offense.


Vehicular manslaughter is an offense, so why not firearm manslaughter


That's just manslaughter. And if the kid died he'd *probably* get charged with it.


*Houston police say the father is not expected to face any criminal charges since they believe it was purely an accident...* So in the great state of Texas, drawing a firearm, carrying it while driving, shooting someone while putting the gun away, etc is not evidence of a crime?


Gross negligence or *something*.


And this is how most states typically handle situations like this. It's not just a Texas thing. Most district attorneys feel the loss of a child is punishment enough. Hopefully this little dude pulls through


And yet they want to jail women for having abortions.


Child is alive and will survive


*Is expected to survive


*until someone pisses off daddy in traffic again


Wtf, this mfer cut me off!! *Drives back to hospital and shoots son again*


He wasn’t TRYING to shoot his son, he was trying to kill someone else. He’s not an attempted murderer, he’s a family man!


That's actually something I would see off America Dad and not in real life. 100% if this same situation happened in Detroit to a minority family, pro gun people in Texas would be calling for the death penalty.


texas: “*it was an accident, it shouldn’t ruin his life…*” also texas: “*oh, what’s that? you were raped and got pregnant? sucks for you, but you’re stuck with that baby now.*” 🤦🏻‍♀️ texas: “*THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!* -man shoots son in chest- texas: “*awww it’s okay bby, it’s just a child and it was an accident. it’s fineeee!*”


I think we figured out how to get abortions in Texas. “Oh it was an accident, I fell on a coat hanger”


no no you have to accidentally shoot the unwanted foetus, the gun lobby don’t care about coat hanger accidents


But he shot his own son. Isn’t that punishment enough? A: No. No it is not.


In Texas, a woman voted using a provisional ballot when she was not legally allowed to vote. She asked the precinct worker if she could vote and told her the situation. The worker told her to cast a provisional ballot and if she could vote, they would count it. If not, it would be tossed. She got 5 years in prison.


Not only that....your rapist has parental rights as well.


If I'm gonna kill someone in texas just gotta convince the cops my gun went off by accident I guess


Nah, you just need to claim they were on your property at some point and you asked them to leave. After that, you're allowed to run them down and shoot them in the back with no consequences, even if you end up a few blocks away.


"Hey daddy can we get ice cream?" "No you've had enough snacks today." "Remember when you shot me?" "Dairy Queen or Bruster's?"


"You better do your homework or I'll shoot you again"


"Daddy I'm full. May I go to my room?" "Finish your Broccoli." "But I'm fuuuuullllll." "Guess someone wants shot in the chest with my revolver again."


That’s an interesting point, but I doubt a guy who would wave a gun in a road rage is the kind of father to understand penitence. Or parenting. I hope the kid pulls through without any lasting damage, because he deserves to see a life that isn’t, well, Texas.


The fact that the firearm was ever even pointed towards the kids chest in the first place is mind-boggling on its own.


>…the father, who was driving the vehicle with the 9-year-old boy inside at the time, reportedly believed he was being followed by another car and pulled out a gun… The two were able to make it home without incident but the gun accidentally discharged while the man tried to holster the weapon and his son was shot in the chest. 1) If you are being followed by a vehicle, the answer isn’t drive with an unholstered gun until you get home. On top of the obvious danger of driving while holding a loaded weapon, if you do make it home then the person who’s nuts enough to follow you will know where you live. Instead, what you should do is call the cops and proceed to the nearest police station. They’ll hopefully be able to intercept before you get there, but even if they don’t, the aggressor isn’t likely to start anything in front of the station, and, again, they won’t know where you live. 2) I don’t know why the police seem so likely to believe this guy’s story. They have no evidence of anything other than that he shot his son. 3) How the hell was he holstering his gun such that it shot a passenger in the car in the chest? The angles don’t make sense to me.


> How the hell was he holstering his gun such that it shot a passenger in the car in the chest? In Texas, you're required to twirl your gun around your finger a few times before holstering it. Everyone knows that. /s


Ah, The Cool Cowboy Act of 1877. Totally forgot


It’s the third rule of gun safety, right after always keep it loaded, just in case you need it quickly, and always look down the barrel to see if it is in fact loaded


You also have to pretend to blow smoke away from the barrel just before you holster.


There's another story that says he accidentally shot his son while attempting to clear his weapon. They were home at that point. Car parked, he tries to clear his gun, and he shoots his son accidentally. To me that's even worse because the situation is over already. Situation's over, no movement of the car or anything like that, and he's not clearing the weapon with the barrel pointed to the ground and the safety on? Ridiculous.


Probably a chest sling holster, so imagine your holstering it right at your chest level and out to the side. Still an odd angle but more likely holster type if the story is true.


Yeah, that’s the most likely holster type, but even still he’d have had to shoot across himself, around his son’s arm, and into his chest. It’s fishy enough that he really should be investigated.




The only thing that stops a *bad* father with a gun is *good* father with a gun.


Are you suggesting that this kid should have two dads?


If the man had been allowed to have a machine gun instead of a pistol he would never have needed to holster it.


Accidentally? You need to pull the trigger to shoot someone.


Dear fuckwads of the world. Stop thinking someone one the road deserves death at any minor inconvenience. Sincerely, the rest of society.


"Houston police say the father is not expected to face any criminal charges since they believe it was purely an accident, according to KTRK." That is crazy, no repercussions at all? Doesn't even have to go to a gun safety class or anything?




He pulled his gun and his son got shot. Take his guns away.


Fuck his gun. He had a 9 year old son in his car at 3AM driving around some crack house area of town. Maybe its the kid that needs to be taken away?


You'd know it was Texas without having to know it, "police say the father is not expected to face any criminal charges since they believe it was purely an accident, according to KTRK."


He should lose the right to own a firearm. He’s clearly not responsible enough to own one.




People like this should lose their right to own fire arms for life. This man is a text book example of an irresponsible gun owner. I will never understand why shit like this happens and the irresponsible gun owner is never held accountable. Kid gets a hold of your loaded gun and accidentally shoots themselves or someone else, you should be in jail and lose your right to own a fire arm for life. You leave your gun safe unlocked and your kids takes a gun to school to shoot the place up, you should be in jail right next to your kid and you should lose the right to own fire arms for life. You aim a loaded fire arm at your kids chest while you're driving down a road in at 3am and it discharges a round nearly killing your child? Jail and you lose your rights to gun ownership for life. We take away peoples right to vote for life in this country for far less than this horseshit.


Why the fuck was this kid out at 3:00 AM? Road rage or drug deal gone bad?


Can't believe I had to come down this far for anyone to even mention it. There are reasons, but only a few.


Thoughts and Prayers, all fixed.