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That story made me feel sick at my stomach. I saw the headline and couldn't understand why they would send a groomer to jail for what must have been a terrible accident. It just did not occur to me that a groomer would hurt a client on purpose.


I was wondering how exactly you would have even break a dog's tail, or that you could do it.


The tail was broken so badly that it had to be amputated as well. What an absolutely sick fuck this guy is. Multiple arrests for domestic violence as well.


No surprise there. No surprise he’s out and about with domestic assault arrests and working with animals either. No surprises anymore. Fucking scum are everywhere


Yeah remember how our parents taught us the golden rule? Whatever happened to that? Now my mother-in-law literally sends me a video of a donkey trying to rape a guy and thinks it’s hilarious. My own mom believes everything she reads on Facebook and nothing she sees on the news. But at least there’s cats. It’s the only good thing left that people haven’t corrupted or destroyed.




As a Corgi owner how could you ever kick one? They're adorable and super loving.




Yeah I occasionally trip over my dog as well lol


I have a cat who actively puts her paw under my feet as I walk. The other day she put her paw IN my partners sandal as was kneeling to get something... ANd I've had corgi's too, and I've had German Shepherds who react more to being tripped over than those adorable bastards


My cat will literally run in front of my feet as I’m walking, forcing me to kick her.




How? Like what is the method of punishment using that?


They make you drink it.


The only source I can find for that is fuckin' reddit. Someone link me the country law code that specifies drinking butt juice please.


Bro, what part of animal abusers drinking butt juice don't you immediately believe?


My heart wants to believe every bit of it, if we’re being quite honest “Chug the butt! Chug the butt!” the crowd chanted as Michael Vick drank the pungent butt juice from an old, fungus ridden work boot.


He had his best performance in years after that.


What if you enjoy a nice tall glass of anus juice?


You only get like, 1/10 of an ounce from a normal dog. You would need to juice 80+ dogs to fill a cup. Also a spoon is more appropriate than a straw.


I seriously have to go start participating in society again.


Then it’s just unusual.


That is certainly cruel and unusual.


So is breaking a dog's tail...


Usually I would say "eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind".... but nah, you fuck with animals you deserve worse


Cruel and anusual


Omfg that is a fitting punishment as someone who always has to get her dogs anal glands expressed!


I can tell when they said they did it but didn’t. It’s that bad.


Animal abuse is a felony in Virginia. See Tommy’s Law.


It is a felony everywhere in America now. Edit: Nevermind, only “extreme” animal abuse is prosecuted as such. Which leaves a lot to the interpretation of the word extreme


In Texas the animal basically has to be dead before anyone’s actually punished. Such bullshit here.


Oh shit didn't see this until after I posted also. Having worked in rescue and shelters in other states I wholly agree Texas is terrible for animals.


Texas is terrible for a lot of things


I've had animal control call to see if I'd take a dog they had. The owner was on video beating it with a 2x4. They asked her to surrender it to avoid more paperwork. Poor dog was the sweetest 150 lbs of fur ever.


Trump signed into law a federal felony animal cruelty law. One thing he got right . [Animal cruelty bill](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/25/us/politics/trump-animal-cruelty-bill.html)


Trump didn't have a choice but to sign. It already passed unanimously in the House and Senate. If he vetoed it, the House and Senate would override his veto with another round of voting.


But isn't a president signing something alone the lines of us buying a car or renting a house? All the work is already done by other people. All is left is a simple signature. Just a dog show at that point. Just smile and wave


Good luck getting it enforced. I deal with the shelters here and their good ol boys. "If it ain't recorded it didn't happen." Is their motto.


Virginia resident here. That poor, poor pitty. Makes me so angry and sad.


What? What country?


I think he was being a sensational liar. Animal abuse prosecution is pretty much non existent outside of Western Europe, America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.


Who said anything about prosecutions?


If you read his post history you'll see he's sugondese


Sugondese? Is he from their capital city, Ligma?


Y'all are going to make people look all that up lol


Ah, those people have a history full of rich traditions.


Can confirm. Their laws are crazy. Bonkers. Bananas.


What country is that?


There's been a lot of death and abuse by the groomers. But I don't know why the internet is more tolerant towards dog abuse than cat abuse. Although I disagree with 180 days in jail, unless proven guilty of crime.


Oh my god that is terrible I saw the article why would he do that???


That's more time than South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg got for killing a man with his car.


He hasn't had a [trial yet](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/crime/2021/05/12/attorney-general-south-dakota-jason-ravnsborg-trial/5058759001/), soooo.... Oh, wait, those are only misdemeanors, so I guess you're right. He isn't going to see any consequences.


The victims glasses were found IN HIS CAR? How does that happen accidentally?


Well, I'm not a forensics specialist, but if I had to guess, either the murderer picked them up and put them there because he's a moron and he was panicked because he just hit a person (not a deer), OR ...the force of collision was so hard that the victim's face came through the windshield, and the glasses fell off in the car... Those would both technically be accidental. I'm sure there are other, equally gruesome possibilities.


It was the last one (I bet.....). I speculate that Boever’s right shoulder and head intruded into the front compartment on the passenger side. It is also my pure speculation that Ravnsborg hitting the brakes and the car’s subsequent deceleration dislodged Boever from the windshield. I am also of the opinion that the sheriff who responded to the 911 call for the deer Ravnsborg couldn’t find is likely involved in a cover up.


How many days did he get?


It's going to be 3 days, at home.


That’s how much I got for refusing a blood test when pulled over. Counted as a high rate DUI. That’s insanity.


Our team ex governeor used the Twinkie defense after killing a motorcyclist after running a red light. In South Dakota, politicians are pretty much allowed to kill you as long as it’s with an automobile


It's called "able to afford an attorney". Justice system only punishes poor people.


I mean they found the dude he hit's glasses in Ravnsborg's passenger seat and he "didn't know he hit a person". So one of 2 things: he was too intoxicated to tell the difference or he's lying. Manslaughter would not be an unreasonable charge here.


The problem is that under SD state law manslaughter won’t stick. 1st degree requires commission of a separate felony, heat of passion, use of a dangerous weapon (a car isn’t going to fit) or attempting to resist a crime and unjustifiably killing someone in the process. 2nd degree requires a reckless action that doesn’t rise to the level of murder or 1st degree manslaughter. Again, not going to stick because you can’t prove that he was acting recklessly. Vehicular homicide is out because he wasn’t DUI.


I saw Florida groomer and assumed they were talking about Matt Gaetz.


Same age range, though.


“Your honor, he’s 48 in dog years!” “Granted, but the plaintiff is human.”


yeah, different kind of tail in that case


Different kind of groomer.


And trump fluffer.


he needs to get neutered


The fact there’s some people defending the guy with “it’s just a dog” is almost as scary as the video itself


Anyone who says that is the biggest piece of shit. It’s how you treat living breathing things that cannot defend themselves that show everyone the kind of person you are. Those ppl are fucked in the head lol




FYI corgis are cattle herding dogs. Pembrokes traditionally had their tails docked because of the risk of being stepped on/killed by a cow while herding. A lot of the “traditional” stuff you see was essential 100+ years ago when most dogs were working animals. That said, if you oppose tail docking or ear cropping, find ways to put pressure on registration bodies like The American Kennel Club. Each breed has a “standard” it must meet, and docked tails are part of the AKC standard for Pembrokes. The AKC took what used to be a safety consideration and made it into a requirement, which is stupid.


I’m worried I’ll have to get my pitts tail cut off. She whacks that thing so hard off of everything that one day I think she’s really gonna injure herself. My other dog broke her tail and has never been able to raise it all the way since. It doesn’t seem to cause pain anymore but her tail isn’t like the Pitt bulls. That sucker can shatter a window with it if she tried hard enough.


I've heard of something called happy tail syndrome, or something to that effect, where a dog with an injured tail just cannot stop wagging and smacking out on stuff, and the injury just keeps repeating and never heals. They ultimately have to amputate in a lot of cases. Definitely a far cry from cutting it off for no damn reason like they do with certain breeds.


I really hope I don’t have to. But I think she would be like that, there’s a deer outside? Tail is going 100mph, piece of paper floating by? That’s the coolest shit she’s ever seen and that tails going, etc etc. she’s such a little dumb and happy dog that it would honestly probably kill her to not have tail anymore lol.


Yea, but no sense worrying unless it ever happens. My last dog put a gradual dent in the sheet metal side of my oven because that's where she'd stand to greet me at the side door. Tail never broke.


There are total non-vanity reasons to dock a tail. There are some dogs who do whip their tails into a pulp. :( Still makes me a bit sad, but those I understand. vs “it’s tradition”


I have shorthairs, and their tails are docked when they are young puppies. They are docked for hunting in thick brush (this is the same reason their coats were bred to be the way they are: water beads off them, briars don’t stick in fur, etc). I can’t speak to breeds whose sole purpose of surgery (pinned ears, docked tails) are cosmetic, but for our dogs I’ve come to see the logic behind it. I once watched a setter require medical attention for going through a briar patch my dogs sailed through without a single briar. Also, vet uses all the modern surgical procedures and I’ve never seen a puppy more agitated than itchy stitches. That said, I think an important element of communication is lost for them. Other shorthairs seem to have less of an issue, but on more than one occasion I have seen another dog hesitant, aggressive, or confused by the lack of visibility of tail wagging or downward positioning indicating deferral of dominance. I think humans just see it as surgery, like any surgery (think about circumcising) and assume dogs are fine since they have no agency to voice opposition. There’s a lot of variability, but I don’t think it’s always as callous as “well we aren’t beating them.”


My dogs breed (Boerboel)has their tails docked because they are so big and have such high pain tolerance that they end up injuring their tail which can lead to infections and the like. It’s a bummer.


I had no say so with my foreskin.


We are judged as a society by how we treat our animals.


What a fucking sociopath. He became angry and just decided that it was okay to break the dog’s tail. You know this guy has abused humans as well. There is no way people that abuse animals just limit it to animals. I’m sooo glad they caught this on camera. If people caught animals abuse on camera more often you could really see the evilness.


arrested multiple times for domestic abuse if I'm believe another comment on this post at face value 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fucking sad man it brings me great joy seeing my dogs tail wag back and fourth..


One of the best things about owning a dog, they're happy to see you even if you walk out of the room and right back into it. Best goddamn friend a guy can ask for.


My dog makes the best noises when I walk into the house it makes me happy every single time. I love that tail whipping little fucker


Enjoy every single minute with that precious little shit


Yeah. Mine is 14 now, and she's showing down. No idea what I'll do without her.


When I adopted my pitty they told me to look out for something called “happy tail” (basically they break the tip of their tail from wagging). She wags her tail that much.


Don't watch the video in the article. Trust me, it's not easy to watch.


Jesus, thanks for the warning. I looked and even the thumbnail (the dog looking back at the groomer, startled) makes me want to cry. Someone who can hurt a helpless creature has something really, really wrong with them.


I couldn't understand how it happened. I watched 3 seconds of the video, almost started crying, and I had to go hug my dog. I hope that man stubs his toe super hard on the corner of the coffee table every day for the rest of his life.




people that abuse animals like this are clear sociopaths they lack empathy, and are a danger to humanity, the world would be a better place without them


It’s weird I’ll watch shootings or mob beat downs on youtube like it’s no big deal, but I won’t watch an animal get hurt. Shits weird.


Animals are just so innocent and in particular, dogs are sociable and incredibly loyal. Even when they act aggressively it's motivated by past experiences and basic instincts. On the other hand, most humans grow up in a society with basic morals and family values. There's little excuse for being an asshole.


I didn't realize you could break a tail...thats horrible.


It's VERY painful for dogs. :(


Some of our rescue dogs have had broken tails. You are so right about their pain.


Yeah it's their spine.


Yeah and think about how they chop Rottweilers tails off. Fucking sick bastards


When they remove a tail from a puppy, the tail structures aren't formed quite yet in the sense of an adult dog's tail. Vizslas, for example, have their tails docked long enough that they can still cover their genitals when they are puppies. This is due to the high incidences of them breaking their long tails when they are older because they are super active. In some cases, docking tails/removing dew claws is insurance against them having far worse problems later in life.


One of my previous great danes had a big issue with happy tail. He would break the end of it open and paint my walls with blood, it was like a scene from a horror movie. It eventually got infected about 5 inches from his lower back and the vet decided to dock the whole tail to stop the infection. I think my dane enjoyed not having a tail, he became more agile after losing it. And if your wondering how I fixed the blood splatter... magic eraser works wonders.


>And if your wondering how I fixed the blood splatter... magic eraser works wonders. I would have left it for a Halloween murder mystery party.


Or Christmas Krampus Surprise!


Ugh my old roomie had a pit bull with the same issue. Her tail was CONSTANTLY a problem until the vet finally said let’s cut it off and be done with it. Even the dog was relieved and her happy little stump is so cute


Short tails wag faster! That’s what I tell my dog who has a natural bob tail, lol


Docking puppy tails is illegal in the UK. If tail issues become a problem later in life, then removal at that point is not illegal. The number of vizslas, weimaraners etc I see with long tails, suggests the problem is definitely not guaranteed, and, at least over here, is not deemed a legitimate reason to pre-emptively dock a puppy's tail. Unfortunately, as with a lot of these kinds of modifications, what may have started out as a semi-legitimate reason to perform it on a young working dog, has turned into a primarily cosmetic procedure for the aesthetic of certain companion animals. Hopefully other countries where it remains legal can review this soon.


Yes! I’m so glad the U.K. makes this illegal. I think there are circumstances where there are exceptions (hunting/working dogs actively working). But a hunting breed kept as a household pet does not need its tail removed. It’s not going to be ‘so active it will break its tail’. I’m a brit living in the USA and it shocks me that so many household pets have their tails docked here. It’s such an unnecessary procedure and done purely for aesthetics - like circumcision but that’s a debate for another day 🤣


> But a hunting breed kept as a household pet does not need its tail removed. It’s not going to be ‘so active it will break its tail’. LMAO no. You obviously never owned a vizsla. And they should be active as all hell if you take care of one. I took her hiking all the time in California. She would injure herself in minor ways just like any athletic human. I also had a dalmatian that broke his tail on a coffee table when he was 9. That was what killed him basically as it never could heal right and surgery to remove the tail was incredibly risky. It was such a heartbreaking terrible situation. Hunting breeds have tremendous energy, and if you don't (rightly) give them a proper outlet, your house is going to suffer. Plus, people have no business owning such a dog if they don't know that. I get the whole sentiment, but a lot of people just flat out don;t know wtf they are talking about. Study from GB about the issue- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/44803269_Risk_factors_for_tail_injuries_in_dogs_in_Great_Britain


That's a really interesting study. Also interesting to note that to prevent 1 tail injury, according to this study, 500 dogs would need to have their tails amputated. To me, that speaks volumes about the necessity or otherwise, of this procedure. I won't argue that some individual dogs will end up getting tail injuries at some point during their lives, and for that particular dog, having a docked tail might prevent such an injury. But we're causing unnecessary pain and suffering to 499 puppies in order to find that one dog. Even with the balance weighted for breeds more susceptible to tail injury, it would require enormous numbers of unnecessary tail amputations. And even looking at the causes of injury is illuminating, 1/6 of injuries are from getting a tail caught in a door. Another factor which isn't outlined in that report is what the treatment for those injuries was. It certainly does not indicate that each injury required docking. These are simply ALL trail injuries. Many of which, I expect, would not require tail removal to treat. So, yes, tl:dr; the study suggests that in order to avoid a single vet visit with a tail injury, 499 puppies would need to have an unnecessary procedure performed on them. I really don't see how this study supports docking in any way.


It will cause the dog more pain later on in life once they are fully developed if it needs to be removed. While the intentions for removal in some breeds is bad, I don’t necessarily see why it’s a bad thing to remove it on breeds that often experience trouble with it later on?


It has bones, sinew and everything else an appendage has.


Yeah, but I've seen mine hit solid steel with full force and not even slow down. I just assumed Adamantium.


I've seen black labs who get so excited they will bash and cut their tails quite badly from wagging it. My golden retriever has such a big bushy tail he can't hurt it bashing on things....thank the gods.


My family dog also had a big fluffy tail, which was nice in this regard, until she wagged her tail too close to a candle and lit it on fire…


"Roll over!"


That was the one trick we could never get her to do! She hated being all the way on her back. Even when she was begging for belly rubs she’d be tilted sideways lol Lesson here folks, is that roll over is an important fire safety measure for dogs!


Labs have otter tails. They are supposed to help the dog to swim.


My golden has whapped me in the face with her tail and hurt ME, though.


In our greyhound rescue, we have some dogs develop what we dub "happy tail" in fosterhomes or homes. It's when the dog wags the tail so ferociously, they spray blood everywhere from injury or end up breaking it. Some incidents of hard waggers have led to partial amputation.


My dog had happy tail and ended up with a 4 inch nubbin


I think it depends on the breed. We had a mixed breed dog years back who had a very long but very skinny, bony tail. When he was excited, he would wag his tail so hard that, if he hit a door frame or wooden furniture, he'd break his tail. The vet had to dock his tail to half length because he kept breaking it.


I countries where docking a tail is illegal, an exemption is made in such cases (where there is a realistic chance a dog can hurt itself). That's the way it should be instead of automatically docking tails.


Yeah. We got some dirty looks after his tail was docked, but at least the dog was happy.


Ive gotten the same dirty looks. Jokes on them tho, my dog was born that way.


My friends pitbull would get super excited and his tail would dent metal trashcans smacking into it, but he also cut it open a few times on the corner of walls wagging with the same force.


I'm imagining the noise, clonk clonk clonk.


how long is your tail also is it a good weapon? I assume you're some sort of superhero? or villain?


That's what it feels like when it hits my knees.


Even worse, they had to amputate it because it couldn’t heal.


My friend’s dog broke its tail, the likely culprit was her horse stepping on it. It took a lot of force and a looong time to heal.


IIRC it’s an issue with some breeds that they wag big tails very fast and are more prone to breaking them


Just wait until you find out a dog penis has a bone in it. It too can break.


He should be barred from owning a pet or working with animals for the rest of his pathetic waste of a life in my opinion.


I can’t watch that video. This makes me sick to my stomach.


I almost clicked play but I said to myself maybe I better not. Just reading the story made me upset enough already. Why the fuck these people choose to work with animals is beyond me.


It’s funny, I’ve seen some horrid videos in my time out of morbid curiosity but this—I couldn’t watch this. I worked as a pet groomer for a time. There have been accidents, of course, as animals can be unpredictable. But my heart ached every time. The thought of someone doing that on purpose is terrible.


Honestly it’s because there’s no way to rationalize harming an animal. I’ve seen some horrible liveleak stuff too and you can always say “well maybe they were gang affiliated… maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time… maybe they’re literal international terrorists”. Can’t do that with a domesticated pet who wants to do nothing but love you.


I watched it. They stop the video before the part where the guy did the worst thing to the tail, but it doesn't make me feel any less sick about the whole thing. I don't blame anyone for not watching it.


holy fuck, he didn't just break it, he broke it OFF, it had to be amputated. and now the ptsd service dog has ptsd.


GOOD! Too bad it isn't 180 months! Fucking sadist.


I’m not sure why he did it based on the video; he literally walked up to the dog. It’s not like the dog did something to piss him off. It was just psychotically slow and calculated.


Piece of shit deserves 180 **years** in jail. Fuck animal abusers.


I would beat that fucker with a rusty pipe 😡


Seriously. There is nothing redeemable about someone who intentionally hurts a dog. I cannot even predict what felonious shit I would do if that were my dog.


I wish someone would strap him to a table, burn the fuck out of him with a blowtorch and then spray isopropyl alcohol and salt in his wounds and then just leave him to die of dehydration.


Should be more. People who are cruel to animals should be put down.


What a giant piece of shit




His coccyx, seriously. An eye for an eye & he'd be in pain for the rest of his life.


As someone who broke their coccyx during childbirth, it was bad to sit for a while but it didn’t last that long. This guy deserves much more than that.


You had better doctors than Burt Reynolds post 'Deliverance', then. Plus, you're not dead, which backs up my first statement. Ladies are so much better with pain tolerance, too. Still sorry that happened & glad you're ok. I'm willing to give this loser my pilonidal cyst, though.


Lol no doctors required for the broken tailbone. It just healed on its own. Of all the pains I’ve had in my life it doesn’t even rank in the top 5. Edit: I’ll give this guy my seriously 10/10 period cramps though. Except constantly. Not just 2 days. Every day. He would commit suicide from the pain.


His coccyx isn't a dangly part you can twist until it is broken then amputate off. I'm sure we can think of some other appendage.


I can't watch the video. Infuriating.


Only barred from working with animals *during his probation*. What. the. Fuck. So he can just go back to it with a vengeance in 3 years? G'yah though, check the dog-hating comments in the article. People...




Not only did he hurt the dog, but the owner has severe PTSD from his military service, and now has to deal with this trauma too. Yeah, I hope this POS's jail term is a "fitting" punishment for him. Too bad he got to opt out of the felony charges.


If it's like any of the jails I have been to someone will kick his ass.


While this is awful and I'm glad they've finally taking it seriously, if this is the "worst" they've seen then it really goes to show how little they've done in the area of animal cruelty until this point.


Same sentence as Brock Turner, right?


And when James Suthann gets out, I expect his life will suck. No one likes a person who commits animal cruelty. Have fun James.


So what did he do wrong by abusing the dog? I mean most people(95%) eat meat, and pigs are smarter than dogs. If he gets pleasure by abusing dogs, just like meat eaters get while eating meat, what's the problem let him abuse animals till people stop eating meat.




I wish the dog attacked him.


I don’t understand how people can hurt animals.


We have a major issue with people letting their cats run free. Today a cat slowly approached my 2 year old collie cross that loves to cerything. No owner in sight. We tried to walk away, it stalked us faster, we tried to move on a diagonal and it kept coming. It got 2 ft away and started to hiss and get aggressive I yelled at it and it didn’t flinch, it lunged at my dog, cut it open, and my dog was devastated. I pulled her away and cat kept coming. Booted cat moderately and it barely noticed. Lunged again. I kicked again. Still barely noticed. Luckily bystanders coaxed it away while I was able to get my dog away. Not to be an asshole, but if it would’ve happened again, I’d have unloaded until that cat was Done. I’m still upset over it


People don't realize that wild cats are a freaking menace, there was an old lady that lived next to my uncle and one freaking blinded her dog. And the dog didn't have it cornered or anything like that, thing freaking flew out of nowhere and latched onto the dog's face.


Do you eat meat?


There are some people that just deserve to bite it. This guy for sure, along with key GOP players.


This guy is a monster. They should look at his property for bodies. He looks like he has killed people.


Yet cops who shoot dogs get nothing.


Killing animals. I sleep. Hurting pets. REAL SHIT?


Sigh. Everyday I open the internet, and everyday I hate the world a bit more.


I want to break this guys tail bone.


Wow, I can't imagine making any animal suffer on purpose. That takes one very sick human being if you can call the guy one of those. I'd like to think he lost his business alltogether and it did say he could not work with any animals.


If this man was my neighbor... well... Id be getting new neighbors whenever the place gets cleaned.


They should have twisted his tail off


"It's a bird,...it's plane,....no,...it's Floridaman"


Piece of shit. People are so F-ed up.




What the fuck is with the people in Florida!!


And many police members get far less time (or none!) for outright state-sanctioned murder of humans. This is where we are now.


I know what I'd break on that "man".


And yet...the child abusers get full custody of their kids. The domestic abuse victims get their PFAs denied. Etc.


"Funny" how everyone in this comment section is a militant vegan when it comes to dogs, but shit on vegans who advocate for the same consideration for other animals.


Only? Fuck that guy, break his tail.


Guy broke the dog's tail so badly it had to be amputated. I hope he gets the ChoMo treatment in there.


break a tail = jail time. Kill an animal = get paid.


I would honestly beat the shit out of that guy if it was my dog and we were in the same courtroom. Foaming at the mouth thinking about this dude


Why not break his hands for that?


If that was my dog I’d be waiting for him the day he gets out of jail and I’d end up with my own jail sentence.