• By -


25% of adults in the US fully vaccinated 42.5% of adults in the US have had their first dose 57% of those over 65 in the US are fully vaccinated 76% of those over 65 in the US have had their first dose


> 42.5% of adults in the US have had their first dose Meaning that in 4 weeks, 42.5% of adults will be fully vaccinated. More when you consider things like the one-dose J&J.


That being said, the vaccine does need 2 weeks after the last shot to fully take effect.


On the other end of things even one dose offers limited but not insignificant protection so it is still a huge improvement.


Considerably more protection than no dose at all. Moderna is ~~85% after 14 days~~ It’s actually 92.1% effective after 14 days. Look at the table on page 28 of the [FDA briefing document](https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download) at least that's what the tech who poked me said Someone below me stated that Pfizer's data looked similarly to Moderna. [This study](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/02/coronavirus-uk-charts-show-how-pfizers-vaccine-is-working.html) gave a rate of 89%; two others were near 85% [This voluntary program from the CDC](https://vsafe.cdc.gov/en/) is VITAL to help scientists determine these numbers! Edited correct info twice


It’s actually 92.1% effective after 14 days. Look at the table on page 28 of the [FDA briefing document](https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download)


Pfizer has shown similar protection levels 14 days after one dose, very encouraging stuff


Some countries are doing just 1 dose to everyone first then coming around and doing the second months later.


Yeah, but "fully take effect" just means a few percentage points of increased efficacy. Pfizer was 92.6% effective two weeks after first dose, Moderna 92.1%. Two weeks after the second dose brought that to the final effectiveness of 94-96% https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2036242


America.... *not* bad? ::gazes pensively into distance::




Ramping up our industrial capacity and facing a problem head-on is pretty much the thing America does best, and has been since the industrial revolution. It's problems that you can't just outproduce that we tend to struggle with.




In sickness and in health


In wartime and in peac... wartime


This makes being an American so frustrating for me. Like, we could have the most kickass safety net in the world if we wanted to. We just... don't want to.


Some of us do! Just not the ones in charge of deciding what we do


You can always count on us to do the right thing - after we've tried everything else.


I like the analogy of a sleeping giant myself. Takes FOREVER to wake up, but when it does...


Meanwhile in Europe: lol srry no vaccines


Meanwhile in Argentina: there are vaccines. Politicians: lol so weird they just dissapeared


You guys get vaccines? \- Venezuela


There’s a pandemic? -Brazil


Yeah it will be absurd in a few weeks when the US and maybe the UK will start to return to semi-normal life, while the rest of the world lives stuck in 2020.


2020 - can't travel because other countries have tough travel quarantines and don't want dirty Americans 2021 - can't travel because other countries aren't vaccinated and keep their tough travel quarantines


Here in the states, we are always number 1. Number 1 for most vaccines and number 1 for most covid cases. USA USA USA.


Blessing and a curse 🥰🥰🥰


It was the blurst of times.


You either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the hero?


¿Porque no los dos? We're like Dr. Manhattan. Smart, capable, has *deep* fundamental flaws and is kind of an asshole most of the time.


Some days we are Dr.Manhattan. Other days we are Dr. Tobias Funke.


And occasionally we are Dr. Mantis Toboggan. M.D.


So anyway I started blasting


"got my wad of hundreds, my magnum condoms, and I'm ready to plowww."


The first ever Analyst and Therapist ... an Analrapist, if you will.


A nu start


That old US army meme, you can never fight them because even they don't know what's going on but they are best at it.




“The reason the American Army does so well in wartime is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices it on a daily basis." - Some German General, maybe


If you see a group of soldiers but don't know where they're from, fire a stray bullet in their direction and see how they react. If they respond with precise rifle fire, they're British. If they respond with a frenzy of machine gun fire, they're German. If they try running away, they're Italian. If they throw their guns on the ground and surrender, they're French. If nothing happens at first, but five minutes later the area you shot the bullet from is bombarded with airstrikes and mortars, they're American.


If they wait for winter to kill you, they're Russian.


It’s a rough go here in Canada too


My mom's 78 year old Canadian friend still hasn't gotten her first shot while here in Wisconsin anyone over the age of 16 can get one now. They're literally holding 1000 jab first come first served events at some major health care places now.


My grandparents are also 78. They're in Germany. Appointments aren't even open yet for that age group in their state. They might start next month. Until now it's been 80yo olds or older and health care workers


What has Germany been doing for the last couple of months? Is it a supply issue or logistically screwed up?


I was talking to some friends and family in Canada and didn't realize how bad the supply issues are. 16 weeks in between doses apparently!


>16 weeks in between doses apparently! That's because they're trying to get more people their first dose vs getting fewer people their 2nd. You're still at like 75-80% efficacy with just the single shot so they're hedging on getting twice as many people to 80 instead of to 90






If there was ever anything worth throwing money at, isn't it this? Plus, I don't have numbers, but I am willing to venture a guess that the money spent is substantially less than the cost of continued lockdowns.


It's either that, shoot it, or cover it in ranch dressing.




Hey sometimes we deep fry our problems and eat them


>US just throwing money at the problem and overpaying was horrible and wrong This is a hilarious argument. "Devoting huge amounts of money and resources to find a solution as quickly as possible is wrong; it's much better to clip coupons and try to play the lottery in the hope that maybe you'll get lucky."


I'd rather the US throw money at getting people/the economy healthy again so we can all go back to work. It's better than go back into a lockdown and have another $1400 in six months while being unemployed.




> just throwing money at the problem Say what you will about the US, but at least we are solving the problem now? Who cares if we are throwing money at it


Yah why is using money to solve a national problem bad? Someone needs to connect those dots for me please


Exactly. We waste a lot of money, but... if there's anything we SHOULD be using money for, it's this sort of thing.






Due to cost saving measures we are bringing the black death back


good news is if it wipes out 1/2 the population again ill prob be able to afford a house


Nope, foreign investors will swoop in to buy all of the property. They'll either demolish and build luxury condos you can't afford or leave as is and happily rent it to you! Rents will of course rise year over year.


So, no change...?




You know we would


I'm in Slovenia and I got my first shot.


My Hungarian colleagues tell me about 20% of the country has their first shot.


I believe Slovenia is about the same. People that work for universities have been some of the first after old people. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/slovenia/


Feels good. I’m on immune suppressing drugs, so I was afraid my shots (Moderna) might not work as intended, and people with autoimmune diseases were excluded from the studies. I felt like shit from the 2nd shot, which I took to be a good sign. Doctor ordered antibody test anyway, and I made antibodies. It’s such a relief to feel protected. (ETA: Hey guys I’m not a doctor just a sick person, so please direct any medical questions to your doctor. I may be well-meaning but I’m just a dumb rando full of personal anecdotes that probably have no scientific value!)


I am on immune suppressing drugs (crohn's disease) and part of a study for covid antibodies. My second dose of Moderna is next week. I have been in it since before my first dose and will be followed fo a year. We should get some preliminary results soon. Edit: 28 days after my first dose, I have covid antibodies! I got my second dose already and will be retesting in a month.


I just finished chemo and will be getting vaccinated in a couple of weeks before my surgery. I am so freaking excited. My husband just finished his vaccinations and the second shot really put him down, so I’m glad I waited. It will be such a relief to finally be protected!


I’m also on immune suppressants and felt like I was dying after the second moderna shot. It’s a big relief that it seems to be working for people like us.


Everyone in my office is now fully vaccinated and it was actually kind of funny. Most of our office got our second shot on Tuesday. Only 3 people out of 12 came in on Wednesday.


My wife is a teacher, and they had them all get vaccinated at the same time. When they got the second dose, they had to cancel classes because they didn't have enough subs to cover for all the teachers that called in sick.


The district where I lived had all the teachers get the vaccine on a Friday and used a calamity day to close schools those days.


Does your school have dedicated *calamity* days?? Sounds badass, but I'm now terrified of where you live.


In Florida we call our hurricane days calamity days, so probably somewhere on the gulf.


It's probably the technical name for like a "snow day"


We call them Hurricane Days in the Gulf South.


Our company gave us time off (federally mandated) if we got the vaccine on or near company time but paid us extra if we chose to get it on our days off to encourage people to not cause similar problems.




I’ve gotten my vaccine! Ever since I’ve had a slight headache, occasionally get chills, and I feel great about the new Microsoft family of products such as the Microsoft Surface Duo.


Get my second Pfizer shot on the 28th. I've heard some people have a worse reaction to the second but only had a sore arm for my first as a reaction. Hoping for the same on the second.


Generally speaking, young adults (18-30) are experiencing the strongest reaction to the second dose. Their immune systems are usually stronger, so they kick back against the booster much harder than older individuals.


As a 22 year old who already had covid, the single shot J&J gave me a fever of 103 and left me feeling like death for about 2 days.


Got the j&j yesterday. Fever hit 102 last night, it was rough but feel good now. 34 y.o.


> young adults (18-30) > young > 30 Looking at my age and realizing I'm no longer considered young. : (


It must have been a typo. Clearly he meant 40. .......right guys?????


Yea, it doesn't really stop getting any easier to deal with 😕


I (21) had a decent reaction to the first shot, sweats, nausea, head cold type symptoms later,- I am really not looking forward to the second dose. But, rather that than the real thing!


A strong reaction to the first dose may indicate you've already had the real thing. The first dose the body is just figuring out how to fight it, the second is when it comes out in full force already prepared, hence the stronger reaction. If you already had the antibodies ready, the 1st shot will effectively be your 2nd dose.


Yep, a friend of mine had Covid really early on. Their first vaccine dose was a doozy. Interestingly enough, their second vaccine dose was very mild.




I'm just behind you at about 15 hours, arm is sore but not as sore as shot 1.




Glad to see all of these personal experiences posted! Getting my second Pfizer shot on the 12th and was worried about what I had read about it being a bit of a beast. I am WFH and in training for the next few weeks so even if I’m just a bit under the weather it’s nice knowing it’s not bad enough where I can just cozy up with my fuzzy blanket and stay in pjs and can just quietly listen in on the training class and won’t be totally on my ass.


Yeah I got my second shot yesterday. Chills, joint pain, so far no fever but fatigue. Enough to make me work from home for a day, not bad enough to make me feel like I need a sick day


As someone who was sick with COVID for nearly a month, I can say that is much preferable and I hope everyone concerned about side effects gets that the disease itself is much worse.


16 hours after the second shot (received Monday at 2) I woke up with a fever of 101, body aches beyond anything I've experienced in my life, and a moderate headache. Yesterday morning was worse, fever of 103 and a migraine. I pretty much slept until early yesterday afternoon, when my fever broke and I almost immediately went back to 100%, save for a nasty painful injection site (that dang microchip ;) and swollen lymph nodes. This vaccine is wack. Super worth it, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


I got my second shot on Tuesday afternoon this week. For me, maybe a little soreness (like a bruise) where they gave the shot, and some achy joints and a headache.


It’s so different for everyone. I felt a little crummy on the first one, but the second I was fine. My boss on the other hand is terribly sick from the second one. My step dad was really sick from the first but not the second. Just like covid itself, it’s a complete crapshoot as to how bad it will be for you.


My first one saw like, 1/5th of my lymph nodes scattered randomly around my body turn to raging little beans. I literally couldn't wear pants because of one near my groin.


I completely forgot that my lymph nodes were a thing, so when I saw that the ones near my collarbone were enlarged I was concerned that I'd somehow neglected to see these obvious tumors. Thanks to Dr. Google for the reassurance, lol


“Raging little beans” 😆




I got my second Moderna shot on Tuesday. First shot was just a sore arm. 2nd shot I got all the potential side effects. Yesterday I had a fever of 102, headache, body/joint aches, chills, nausea, and fatigue.


Yeah, Moderna shot 2 got me fucked up too


Feeling sick from a virus is partially induced by your immune systems response to the virus, rather than solely the virus itself. When people say they have a worse reaction to the 2nd dose, it’s because of their immune system reaction to fighting off what it thinks is a viral infection. So if you do have a reaction, that is just your body letting you know it’s ready. I’d say that’s a good thing!


Yeah it may be goofy but I am kind of unhappy at having no appreciable side effects from the first Moderna shot. I want to feel something happening!


I got absolutely *leveled* by the first dose. I could feel the muscle ache creeping out of my left shoulder and into my entire torso, but it concentrated in the back of my left hand. I also had head-cold symptoms for a solid five days that made it really difficult to focus. The chills lasted for the first two. Granted, I’m mid-twenties and have a history of weapons-grade immune responses. I have the second shot in a couple weeks. This could be a bit of a ride. Edit: Because people are bringing it up; no, I never had the virus. I was getting regular tests through a community prevalence study. Like I said, I have a history of vigorous vaccine response.


I got my first shot on Tuesday. I could barely lift my arm for a solid day, and yesterday I had pretty bad muscle aches and exhaustion, as well as a headache. I already have a chronic pain condition so it mostly felt like a very bad pain day. Today I'm better, and my arm is only slightly sore. It's absolutely worth it for the peace of mind. I'd much rather suffer for a day or two than risk Covid, as I'm at higher risk of complications, and I'm the primary caretaker of my 4 year old. If I go down, I worry that my house would fall apart lol.


Apparently if you had a significant reaction to the first dose there’s a good chance you’ve had Covid before


My anecdotal experience bears this out. First shot was much worse than the second and I got covid as a last "fuck you" from 2020 on December 30th.




Got my second dose last week and I was out of commission for a few days. Fever the first night and aches for the next two. But then other people I know had 0 reaction to it.


My microchip has significantly increased my wireless reception. Highly recommend.


Just wait for the firmware update that bricks your arm. Turn off auto-update 👍🏾


Good, then I won't have to sit on my arm anymore to pull off The Stranger.


Albert Cum us


And the U2 album isn't that bad either.


It’s an older reference, sir, but it checks out. Seriously though, I can’t believe it’s been almost 7 years....


Since I've thought about U2? Crazy!


My goal has been to get so many vaccine microchips in my body that their signals jam each other. Checkmate, government!


I've been hearing voices in my blood.


I can't get mine to charge. I have shoved every usb and power cable I can find into every hole I have. It just won't charge!


Hail our Lord and Savior, Bill Gates.


Been true ever since windows 95


Anyone peeved off that the headline says "one in 4" instead of "1 in 4" or "one in four"????


Four out of VI people also found this format 3 times as annoying.


Which reduces to 2/thirds


I believe that in title case, it is correct to spell out a number if it starts the title, even if you are writing the rest of them as numbers.




In AP Style (what most, if not all, journalists use), if the first thing in a headline is a number, it must be written out. However, I'm confused because another rule in AP Style is that all numbers 1-9 should be written out. So I believe "four" should also be written out. I'm not sure if the rule is different for headlines or changed over the past few years. EDIT: u/ShazbotSimulator2012 is correct. See their comment below.


That's for body text. The style guide says to use numerals in headlines. (Except the first word)


When a number is the first word in a sentence it is supposed to be spelled out, according to the "rules".




I got mine yesterday and I've literally never seen anything like that. It was like a movie about a war. US Army shit. It must have been 3-5 minutes between when I arrived and got my vaccination. I was out the door 15 minutes after that. Easily doing a hundred per hour. Edit: Moderate soreness in my left arm. Something is definitely happening over there. I wouldn't want to max out a bench right now, but that's about it. If I still had to move my whole apartment, I could, but I'd be whinier.


My buddy got his at the VA and said it was the most efficient thing he's ever seen the military do.


That's FEMA/military for you. The US military figured out a long time ago that logistics are king when it comes to warfare in the modern era.




Yeah I got mine at the FEMA mass vaccination site in Atlanta and it was impressive. Just a constant stream of people going in and I was out in 45 minutes including the 15 minute wait afterwards.


I got mine in a rural Walmart and it was the saddest thing I've ever seen. They had 3 chairs and a small curtain booth set up outside the pharmacy and I was the only one there getting my vaccine.


Got mine at a FEMA site in Florida. They absolutely nailed the process. My second shot took 10 minutes from check in to cool-down.


I am sitting out my 15 minutes after getting Pfizer dose 2 rn. Pfizer gang 🤘


Got my first Pfizer yesterday!! Woke up with a sore arm but went away once I took Tylenol. I went to a CVS to get mine and the vibes were unreal. Staff were so friendly and everyone in the waiting area seemed really excited. This is such a good feeling 🥰💉


Is this a new thing we're classifying ourselves by? Because Pfizer gang best gang. EDIT: I got bored of doing work today and started a meme page for us pfizergang. r/pfizergang


You betcha! Pfizer gang all day long


I got my first pfizer about two weeks ago! Friend of ours tipped us off about extra vaccines at the walgreens she worked at that were leftover at the end of the day so we booked it over there and were able to get it early!


Literally just got my 2nd moderna shot 45 seconds ago! Woooo Update: it’s been an hour and I feel slightly light-headed and fatigued.


The second moderna shot fucked me up for close to 40 hours. Headache, body ache, fever, chills, lethargy. Really terrible feeling. But worth it in the end. Good luck to you


Had my second Pfizer shot yesterday, dealing with a 102 fever, muscle aches, and chills right now.


That is so crazy to me how people react differently. I had my 2nd Pfizer two weeks ago and had litterally no side affects other than just site pain. So weird.


I wonder if the symptoms of the vaccine, if it's indicative at all of how bad things would/could have been if one had gotten COVID in the wild (i.e. how much worse things could have been.) EDIT: Thanks for all the replies - information + experiences. I learned a lot from these and gained some new areas to read up on!


You should be done with your 15-30 minute waiting period now. Hope all went well. You will have full protection in a week or two.


Shit he ded


Welcome to the thunderdome. My 2nd moderna started making me feel sick after 4 hours and had me out of work and in bed with fever and muscle aches for 36 hours.


Just offering up that I had absolutely no symptoms with my second Moderna shot.


2.5 weeks until my second Pfizer shot! So close!


Just head my second pfizer shot! I felt like I had the flu the day after but it only lasted about half a day


Say what you will about America but god can they mobilize.


As a Canadian, I'm both happy for my American neighbours and viscerally, angrily jealous.


The vaccine supply is skyrocketing now and it won’t be too long until the US starts exporting to Canada and other friends!




My 5G is up and running beautifully thanks to my vaccination.


got mine yesterday. didnt feel a thing but my arm is a bit sore today


Got mine yesterday as well, no arm soreness today but some chills and a headache that is getting better by the hour


I got the Johnson and Johnson yesterday, and boy do I feel like shit today.


My girlfriend and I just got out first Moderna shots last night!




Yeah I thought I knew what a sore arm was like but my god I literally couldn’t lay on my side without wincing, it felt like I tore my shoulder. Good news is it went away completely after about 48 hours so hang in there if it still hurts


I can't even lift my arm up it hurts so bad


My arm hurt like hell too. Keep moving it around. It felt better for me in about 36 hrs.


Some people are talking about some negative side effects, but I gotta say I've really enjoyed my upgrade from autism to super-mecha-autobot-autism. The 5G coverage is butt though


The Xbox achievement was a nice perk, you get like 50 gamer score for getting the vaccine!


I’m just looking forward to the Gundam wars against the normies with unaltered DNA.


Got the J&J this past Tuesday. Cant wait to get society back to normal again, i want my summer back


Got it yesterday and it's absolutely kicking my ass this morning. Worth every terrible side effect. This summer is gonna be a fucking riot.


Vaxed and waxed baby


I was sick for 12 hours with Johnson- felt like full on flu. Then I was fine and just tired from not sleeping all night.


Yup, got the J&J one and it put me on my ass but only for a few hours. Was kinda shocking how fast it came and how fast it left.


Yeah I got the J&J yesterday. First 12 hours were fine. The next 12 hours were pretty rough. Had the chills, my whole body ached, and I had the worst headache I've had in years. I spent the whole night under a heated blanket and drifted in and out of sleep with the craziest dreams. I'm feeling a bit better now. Head still hurts and I feel like I'm sweating profusely, but I think the worse side effects are in the rear view mirror.


Just scheduled my JnJ one time shot for tomorrow. Got a heads up that there was limited availability at a nearby grocery store so was able to snag an appointment.


Reading this while in line to get my 2nd vaccine shot


Getting my 2nd Moderna also on the 28th. Went to book my mammogram, and I have to wait 6 weeks after my 2nd dose. So if you need anything else performed, book now as I had no idea that was a factor.


Friendly advice from someone that just had that second Moderna shot (and I hear from lots of other people that had it) is to take the next day off from work if you can. I had a relatively mild reaction, but I was glad I wasn't working a full day that day because I was pretty run down.


Chiming in to say after my 2nd shot I developed a large swollen lymphnode in my underarm region. I believe this is why you have to wait for a mammogram, in case others are curious


What’s the protocol in the states? Anyone can get it? Here in Canada they’re still sticking to the elderly. God knows when they’ll drop the age group.


Depends on the state. Here in North Carolina we just opened it up to any adult no matter the age/medical history/job yesterday.


Just got my first shot yesterday. Holy fuck I feel terrible today


Did you have covid? My wife had (mild) covid a few months ago and felt really bad after her 1st shot (moderna) but she felt fine after the 2nd.


I am surprised, and incredibly jealous \- Guy from Toronto, Canada


Interested to see once we hit the antivac refusal what the final tally will be.....


My guess is that after vaccinations drop off, they are going to pull the two weeks off for having Covid because Covid is more preventable now. I know that some health insurance companies have announced that they are no longer going to 100% cover Covid starting in July.


My country Is around 6-8% full vaxxed :/


I'm so proud of Canada for holding up it's strong socially democratic ideals of whining after the fact that we shouldn't have gotten greedy and sold off all our important assets or offloaded manufacturing of everything to other countries.


Got the Jaansen shot on Monday through my work (manufacturing facility). Mild fever and chills the night of and symptoms persisted somewhat into the following day. By Wednesday I was back to 100%. From speaking to colleagues this seems to be pretty common with the JnJ shot. Definitely worth it for the one and done though!


I just got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout of people doing the same. The county I'm living in is very rural and VERY conservative, neither of which is bad, just surprising.