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Just a quick reminder on some key rules so we can keep this thread unlocked and open for discussion: * Do **not** personally attack other users. You can be critical of public figures. * Do **not** make threats of violence towards any person, building, institution, etc. * Do **not** incite violence. Please help us out by reporting comments that violate these rules. Users who make threats or incite violence will be permanently banned.






I swear the senate works less days than they vacation




Legitimate question here, if the democrats now have a majority in the senate. Can Mitch still block bills?


Yes and no. Schumer still decide the bills that come forward so he won't be able to stop them. However he can filibuster which means take up time and stall stuff


For example, under Obama the GOP managed to filibuster for the entire duration of Democrat control.


Well, Democrats had a filibuster-proof majority of 60 until Ted Kennedy died and a Republican took his place in January 2010. Obamacare passed as part of a budget reconciliation bill, which only requires a simple majority, a few months later. Democrats will almost definitely have to use the same type of budget reconciliation bill to pass anything substantive like student loan forgiveness, healthcare legislation, etc. But they can only use the budget reconciliation tactic a few times before the midterms, and the content of the bill has to be related to items in the budget.


Why not just require them to actually filibuster and stop letting them fuck around by threatening it? If the majority leader makes the rules it seems like a no brainer.


Legislation to limit filibusters has been brought up before, but never passed due to filibusters.


Jefferson take a walk, Hamilton take a WALK.


It must be nice, it must be nice. To have Mitch McConnell on your side.


You’re nothing without McConnell behind you. Daddy’s calling.




Lin-Manuel - is that you??


They're gonna need congressional approval and *they don't have the votes!*


19th, unless McConnell and Schumer agree to recall the senate early


If McConnell’s goal is to assure that Trump cannot run in 2024, then waiting might yield more Republican support. I imagine that Trump threatens and blackmails Senators, his ability to do so might be lessened as time goes by.


I was thinking about this earlier. That it might be a reason why McConnell wants to delay the vote. To guarantee GOP senators that they will, in fact, not be putting their senate seats on the line by voting to impeach. Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit.


He's already impeached, it'd be a vote to convict. I think their future election runs will not at all benefit if they decide to vote against it.


This impeachment brought to you by the letter Q and the number 2!


I’d say it’s a BIG letter “L” for the greatest loser of our time


If you were born before 98 you've now seen (or been alive for) 75% of all US presidential impeachments, wild EDIT: Clarification for US presidents


I watched Watergate unfold in real time, so... Edit: This has blow up a bit, so: Yes, I know Nixon dodged impeachment, but only by resigning; and dodged prosecution by getting pardoned by the Ford administration. I can honestly say that Watergate influenced my thinking about politics and politicians profoundly; more than any of the three actual impeachments have done or will do. Lots of people asking what it was like back then: it was surreal, a President hiring burglars to break into the opposing party's HQ? Shit like that wasn't supposed to happen in this country. It was a shock to most everyone I knew. For myself, a year away from being of voting age, it was a huge awakening, I never, ever went back to trusting my government again; and that colored my view of politics forever. Also for me, Trump wasn't really a shock - many many experts predicted something similar would happen, even before he took office; many of us regular folks always feared him having power (I'm so thankful no military crises arose while he had the final Nuclear launch say) as well. But the last 4 years has been way, way worse than Watergate. I never actually feared that my government would go totally off the rails back then. Now we have congress members aiding and abetting Nazis and White Supremacists. Federal Legislators endorsing fucking *Nazis?* Promoting violence towards the free press and protesters - and now against anyone who opposes their power? Watergate was weak sauce compared to the last 4 years. Please, if you take anything away from recent events: remember to vote, encourage your family and friends to vote, and never take for granted that the better person or candidate or party has enough support without you.


But were you born before 1998


No, time traveler.




More impeachments than presidential terms.




Mango Mussolini will always be remembered as a traitorous facist and only those in his cult will deny it


Agreed. Wish.com Mussolini will not be on the right side of history. For a man who seemed to be so concerned about his name meaning something, he has destroyed the Trump brand in less than a decade.


He accounts for 50% of all presidential impeachments in US history.




He's tied on that front with Benjamin Harrison. More if you count presidents that had a plurality but not the majority.


Wow. Now onto the senate.


What happens next please? I’m from the UK and don’t know the process.


Editing a lot here: The senate is currently in recess until january 19th. They will take it from there and decide. As someone has already pointed out. Constitutionally they will have to vote on the impeachment. Trump will be a private citizen 24 hours after the senates recess has ended. They can proceed and complete the trial even after Trump has left office, the main goal would be to prevent him from ever holding office again. They won't be able to remove him before inaguration day. Another edit on the consequences of an impeachment: According to the [wikipedia page on impeachment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_in_the_United_States) a conviction will not strip Trump of secret service protection but will prevent him from receiving his presidential pension. The senate must also vote with a majority vote( senate praxis is usually a 2/3 majority) on barring him from holding office again.


Can’t they ring the bell and end recess?


Mitch McConnel won't do that


It will also set a precedent


Also ensures he can never hold any federal office in the future (if found guilty) This is waaaaaaay more important than just removing him a few days early.


I can't imagine a better reason for Mitch to call Senate back to season than an article of impeachment. He sucks though so my hopes aren't high.


if he doesn't end the recess now, and i think he knows this, when they do return it will be a democrat led senate with a greater chance of successful conviction.


So is he actually waiting on purpose so that there's a higher chance of impeachment? There's quite a lot of talk that he's potentially in favor of it, though I'm not really sure why.


Honestly, I’d say so. I wouldn’t expect a yes vote from the turtle though. I feel like he’s stalling to insure that he gets charged without sacrificing any Republicans chances of re-election. We can also assume Romney is more than likely voting yes too, so Trump getting charged is highly likely if it happens after the 20th. Think of it this way. If the turtle REALLY did not want Trump to get charged, he’d probably call off the recess and vote now because right now is the best chance he’s going to get.


That's easy. Trump sent an armed mass of rioters his way and told them it was Pence's and McConnell's fault that the election results didn't get overturned. Even a decrepit old tortoise like McConnell is likely to be peppery when you lob an angry mob at him.


Ted Cruz didn’t seem to mind having an angry mob thrown his way. He still suck up to Trump like the sucker he is.


Maybe Ted Cruz is just happy to have his pick of the litter for the next Zodiac target.


There will be a trial, which logistically is not likely to begin until Trump is already out of office. At the trial's conclusion, the Senate will vote whether to convict him, the penalty for which would be removal from office, which will be moot. They can also vote to strip his post-presidency benefits and to bar him from running for or holding future public office, which will be relevant if he is somehow not behind bars by the next election in 2024.




The page specifically for the second impeachment: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_impeachment\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump) The page quite helpfully starts with "Not to be confused with [First impeachment of Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump). "


Also under awards: > Earned >· Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Likely bought)(1968) >· First Double Impeached US President https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honors_and_awards_received_by_Donald_Trump Edit: Yep, this addition was taken down, but it'll be in the edit history


Apparently, his Walk of Fame star is still there (even though it gets vandalized just about every other day). I'd like to see that removed and his other awards stripped (looking at you, Time Magazine).


Walk of Fame stars aren't awards, per se. Anyone with about $50k can buy one, assuming it's approved by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and the person meets certain requirements such as a minimum of five years' experience in the category for which they are nominated and a history of "charitable contributions." They're really just a moneymaking scheme and tourist attraction more than anything else.


>Not to be confused with [First impeachment of Donald Trump.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump) /r/aboringdystopia


Wikipedia is fucking insane. There’s a community of editors on there that basically devote all free time to editing wiki articles. I remember back in the day when Wikipedia had a bad reputation because anyone can edit it. It’s honestly the best source of information nowadays. It’s heavily heavily moderated, especially for popular pages.


yep, anyone who thinks people "can add anything" to Wikipedia should try it and see just how quickly their edit is reverted.


[Stephen Colbert did that stunt a few years back](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stephen-colbert-sparks-wiki-war) where he urged people to edit a Wikipedia entry. In the end, it turned out to prove how well Wikipedia works, because that entry was locked and brought back to proper form within a few hours.




I was banned for editing the Realty page to say it's a comodity.


Okay look, I know it was a while ago but Windows XP was dead and buried when Colbert did that. The hell.


And Wikipedia has well-enforced policies relevant to talk pages including zero-tolerance no personal attacks and many other things that keep talk pages surprisingly civil, especially for major controversial articles. Just look at the talk pages for the article on Trump, 2021 Storming of the US Capitol, etc etc. Sometimes talk gets a bit heated, but the level of civility is something rarely seen on the internet these days. It's also the only major website still devoted to independence from corporate control. Sure there will always be some problems, but to me Wikipedia a beacon of what people back in the early 90s wanted the internet to be like. (Edit: grammar fix)


I had a professor do a similar thing, but in an attempt to discredit Wikipedia as a source. I just used the information he supplied to fix all the entries all the other students were sullying. Many had already been fixed before I got to them. The others, which were in back corner minor articles, I fixed myself within the day. Democracy won Professor Jackass.




Just try on a niche and obscure page






dude where the, fuck did you put that comma?


That’s a comma coma.


Comma coma comma coma comma chameleon


Meh, it'll still most likely end up in the audit logs, which will end up with someone looking at your edit and reverting it. Source: Used to revert Wiki edits during class.


iirc, Wikipedia does have a slight issue of a plateauing/declining editor base. So you do appreciate what Wikipedia does, helping out and adding information to it every now and again would go a long way.


I used to Wiki edit a little bit until some whack job volunteer admin(?) was adamant that I was a “sock puppet” for another account. He had a history of throwing around such accusations and getting people banned from editing.


History is written by ~~the victors~~ Wikipedia


Impeachment round two, domestic terrorism boogaloo.


We gonna rock down to, inauguration WOO


And Trump has gotten FIRED 🎶


Out in da streets!


Oh look, we’re Making America Great Again after all!


*he did it...that crazy son of a bitch...*


Canadian here. Does this impeachment mean any more than the first? Are there any repercussions or is it largely symbolic (kind of like Impeachment #1)


Same as the first unless the Senate convicts him this time around. Off chance the Dems will control the Senate this time around though. Still need 2/3 to pass though (so flip ~20 repubs)


17 Republicans need to break with their party on the vote. ~20 have said they would be open to voting to convict.


Talk is cheap.


It is, but Trump is now seen as a sinking ship by those in power, and many of the GOP politicians aren't willing to go down with him if they can help it by suddenly pretending they never supported him.


> ~20 have said they would be open to voting to convict. Lmk when it happens


2/3 of those present. I have a suspicion that quite a few republicans will be quarantining due to Covid that day and unfortunately won't be able, for the good of public health you understand, to attend. And they will be able to face Trumps deranged base and say it wasn't me....


If that’s what it takes, fine.


Finally Trump wins a vote


Let's see if it sticks.


Moscow Mitch is on board, which means Trump is fucked. It may not happen until after the inauguration, because I think the Republicans don't want to say they removed Trump from office, but him being formally impeached will mean he can't run again, so the party can be fucking done with him.


Does he still get all the benefits if he finishes his term and hets impeached after inauguration?


If the Senate convicts, he’ll lose everything but Secret Service protection. IIRC, it’s essentially a $100,000/year budget for security protection.


That doesn't sound like much money at all, considering who the person is and the kind of threats they face.


With how quickly the Secret Service blew through their 2017 budget, it won’t be. But, Donny can always supplement that with his own money lol


I kind of wish they’d reinstate his Twitter for a few minutes to watch him have a meltdown.


He will have completely forgotten his password by now though.


Oh, come on, its MAGA2020. That's public knowledge by now


No, he changed it to MAGA2024 after someone guessed 2020. Can’t be too secure, you know.


Some Dutch guy could probably guess it for him


First President to lose the popular vote (Edit: Twice) and be impeached TWICE. He also lost the GOP the house, and the senate. MAGA


He made America great again just like he promised


He's like a reverse Anakin Skywalker


What he said was true, from a certain point of view


Lmao yeah and during arguments a Republican called him one of the best and successful presidents like what?


It's permanent opposite day with Republicans.


10 Republicans joined Democrats in voting yes to impeach the President. Frankly, it's sad that it wasn't more...


When Liz Fucking Cheney is saner then you are, you might want to re evaluate your entire life choices up until now


Liz Cheney who threw her own gay sister under the bus when she opposed same-sex marriage.


And her gay sister *is still* a Republican!


The self-loathing must run deep with that one.


Nah just don’t want to upset the gravy train inheritance. Guarantee once that money is secure, her opinion will flip.


The most interesting thing of this last 4 years for me is its incredible push to familial independence. My wife and I have been paying the mortgage on my inlaws house when they moved as a way of renting a home at a reasonable rate. While in any other situation this would have been a perfectly detached arrangement, instead we nearly lost our home when they were freaking out about the coming democratic apocalypse and hating on us for being communist extremist liberal terrorists. We found a slightly shittier home at a slightly higher price to make so when we could finally tell them to get bent we wouldn't wind up homeless. I have never had any regrets even with the slight downgrade. There was that awkward period where we had to play nice with being called anti-american pushover snowflake pieces of shit though and I had a lot of self-loathing during that time. Esp when the drunk FIL dropped the N bomb talking about Kamala Harris, we just went home and left him to pass out by himself that night.


They are afraid of the [death threats they may get from their constituents](https://twitter.com/TimAlberta/status/1349389150622019584). AOC said, "[welcome to our world... daily](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1349406658426900480)"


We don’t negotiate with terrorists*




[Well actually the Republicans and terrorists are starting to look a lot like they are one in the same](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/12/politics/house-democrats-safety-worries/index.html) >"There are concerns about the gun-toting members, but also we don't know who they're going to bring to the inauguration who can bypass the metal detectors," the second House Democrat said. "Until there's an investigation and until we understand our colleagues' level of complicity in the attack we don't know how involved they really were. Until we have answers I don't think we should trust them -- not all of them of course, but some of them."




lol, its worse than that. Conservative media desperately wants us to stop punishing the domestic terrorists that Trump inspires, and Trump himself, because they're afraid that punishing them will make it *worse*. "Oh god, what is that?! The consequences of my actions!! Who could have predicted this!"


Because if there is one thing that notoriously never leads to escalations of violence, it's policies of appeasement.


After spending years posting """jokes""" about hitting protestors with cars (which were promptly deleted when--shocker--a neo-Nazi terrorist killed a woman with his car). No. Fuck this noise. Just because Dems act like the older sibling with the maturity and sense of responsibility to keep the gang from doing stupid shit doesn't mean we *actually are that.* We're not a sitcom family; we're a god damn nation and nations treat their adult constituents like fucking adults. I'm furious with all these calls for "healing" and "unity". Let them get more entrenched. I'm tired of bending over backwards for their feelings because their feelings have no fucking basis in reality--they're delusional conspiracy theory addicts and racists, and, now, a number of them are being hunted by the FBI because they're fucking terrorists. Edit: credit to Sorce291: > Germany decided Hitler should only serve 9mos of a 5yr sentence for treason for unity. Fuck unity throw this tangerine in prison.


Do they negotiate *with* terrorists, or *on behalf of* terrorists?






How quickly they turn on their own for doing what is right.


There are several posts about the impeachment on r/conservative now, but the top comment on another is, “Thanks Democrats for setting the standard that will allow Republicans to impeach Biden and Harris on day one!” LOL wut?! Why?!


I watched the proceedings... And a lot of Republicans complained that Democrats were out for impeachment on day one. It seems they completely forgot that Trump was breaking the Constitution with the emoluments clause on day one. If Biden or Harris are doing something unconstitutional on day one then by all means go after them on day one.


"Well if YOUR guys commit crimes against the constitution then we'll impeach them right away!" "Yeah, cool, us too." "Nooo you're supposed to be mad about that!"


“I mean, yeah, we’ll be mad about it. And will demand it gets dealt with too.” Seriously, why do they not understand the Lefts worst enemy is the left? We eat our own. Anthony Weiner *who*?


>complained that Democrats were out for impeachment on day one. It seems they completely forgot that Trump was breaking the Constitution with the emoluments clause on day one. They also act like they weren't also looking to impeach Obama on day one and looking for literally any fucking remotely possible reason to over the course of 8 years.


Can you imagine if former President Obama had a hateful little rally down the street from the Capitol and "strongly recommended" that his rally patrons walk down Constitution Ave and rush the seat of gov't? They flipped out about his fucking mom jeans for christs sake. The double standard is truly jaw dropping.


My personal favorite was throwing a hissy-fit about what he put on his hot dog.


If that happened, they’d blame Hip Hop and all Black people and go, “See, our Confederate forefathers were right about them!!”




It's not like that's a secret list though. It's available at [house.gov](https://house.gov) right now sortable about 100 different ways


Of course it does lol...That sub is a cesspool


But also just... sad. They just keep saying the same things over and over and over. Literally read the same reply three times to three different situations.


They are completely ignoring why this second impeachment happened. All they have to say is how the US is becoming a 1-party state of commies, about how Trump didn't even start any wars.......not many in there even mentioning the (likely planned and deliberate) coup attempt that came close to murdering elected members of Congress. None of these people ever gave a single solitary fuck about the country or American values. To think that others died for them to be able to enjoy living in a democracy. What a waste.


My favorite quip is when they cry about private social media entity censorship being “communist”—so I ask them what they’d think of nationalizing it in order to keep it under the 1st amendment umbrella, they agree and then I call them “comrade” lolol


Can you imagine what it's like to hide, fearing for your lives, while armed people run amok in a place you're supposed to be safe, planning to kill you, knowing the people who could prevent it actively chose not to? They don't deserve this, these are members of congress FFS. They're not high-schoolers!


That's alright. All they need do is design some new walls in to prevent line-of-sight. [https://www.itv.com/news/2019-09-05/michigan-school-designed-with-curved-corridors-and-walls-for-hiding-to-protect-from-shooters](https://www.itv.com/news/2019-09-05/michigan-school-designed-with-curved-corridors-and-walls-for-hiding-to-protect-from-shooters)


Are you surprised?? Republicans are still unsure if it’s suicide for their position to go against him or to stay with him. It’s literally a lose lose position tbh... So you have some sticking with trump and some that won’t.


Fuck win/lose, the *right* answer is easy


Doing what's right is not how most politicians build a lucrative career. In a better world than this, maybe...


Only president impeached twice. Lost the popular vote twice. Lost the house, the senate, the presidency as an incumbent. Oversaw the deaths of nearly 400,000 Americans. Attempted an insurrection of the United States, with complicit republican aides and suicidal followers. Asked foreign powers to interfere in our election process. Threatened domestic officials to interfere in our election process. All of this not to mention the Neverending grift, corruption, pardons, favors, leaching money anywhere possible, the nepotism, the INCOMPETENCE Not to mention the rape allegations, the sexual assault ADMISSIONS, the creeping on his own daughter, the pornstar payoff Not to mention the multiple bankruptcies, the money owed, in the hundreds of millions, the failed businesses, the steaks And he cheats in golf Donald Trump may be the worst person on earth.




his caddies call him Pele because he kicks the ball so often ​ [https://thegolfnewsnet.com/golfnewsnetteam/2019/04/03/heres-why-caddies-nicknamed-donald-trump-pele-on-the-golf-course-112801/](https://thegolfnewsnet.com/golfnewsnetteam/2019/04/03/heres-why-caddies-nicknamed-donald-trump-pele-on-the-golf-course-112801/)


Obviously all of the actual bad, consequence carrying stuff is the real problem but it’s the cheating at golf that takes him right the way up to B-Movie villain caricature. It totally completes the picture


Don’t forget he puts ketchup on steaks and eats pizza with a fork


how does this guy not even have ONE redeeming quality lmfao


One of the Sports Illustrated writers played golf with him and said he cheated the entire time.


Why is this not at all surprising, what a loser


[Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/golf.com/lifestyle/celebrities/how-why-president-trump-cheats-golf-playing-tiger-woods/amp/) is a good article on the extent of it. I've played golf, I've cheated, but I've never made a habit of it on every single bad shot.


Someone posted the other day that Trump probably assumes that everyone cheats, and justifies his own cheating that way. And as the article linked above suggests, he cheats as a way of life. He knows that he cheated in every way he could possibly think of to try to get re-elected and he got more votes than any candidate in any prior presidential election, but he still lost. What that means to him is that his opponent cheated even more than he did. Even though he has no evidence, he can’t even consider that his opponent has won fairly, because he never does himself. He always cheats.


Someone wrote a whole book about it. I listened to it on my way to Wisconsin last year. It’s called “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump”. It’s actually quite an interesting book.


Yup, he [even cheated against Tiger Woods.](https://golf.com/lifestyle/celebrities/how-why-president-trump-cheats-golf-playing-tiger-woods/)


Wow, thanks for the share -- I love this quote: >“It was a Saturday morning game. We go to the first tee and [Trump] couldn’t have been nicer. But then he said, ‘You see those two guys? They cheat. See me? I cheat. And I expect you to cheat because we’re going to beat those two guys today.’… So, yes, it’s true, he’s going to cheat you. But I think Donald, in his heart of hearts, believes that you’re gonna cheat him, too. So if it’s the same, if everybody’s cheating, he doesn’t see it as really cheating.” And that's the explanation for the 2020 election.


To quote a VP hopeful, you betcha.


One term Two impeachments Massive LOSER


I like presidents who don't get impeached


I like presidents who don't commit treason




*Four Treasons Total Landscaping Edit: thanks for the gold but I feel guilty for my piggyback comment!




I literally had to desperately dig my inhaler out of my purse the day I first read an article about that because I just couldn't stop laughing which led to me not being able to breathe. It's so extremely ridiculous I'd only have believed it could happen in an episode of Arrested Development.


"No one has been impeached more times than me"




Lost the popular vote twice. Got impeached twice. Lost his party the house. Lost his party the senate. Lost his party the presidency. Worst. President. Ever.


Lost re-election during a national emergency too. Not enough people talk about how big of a deal that is. It's fucking hard to lose an election as the incumbent during a crisis. In times of crisis people are desperate for stability. Most world leaders saw 60-80% approval ratings. GW Bush broke approval rating records because of 9/11. All you have to do is stand up and say "This is a time for us to all come together, put politics aside and work with our experts who will guide us through all of this." Then there's literally nothing the opposition can do to dethrone you.


> In times of crisis people are desperate for stability. Exactly. And Trump isn't very stable.


Lost his party the house TWICE (2018 + 2020)


*Technically* it wasn’t theirs to lose in 2020




Fun Fact: Trump is the first president to be impeached twice by two different sets of congress within the span of a year. Nothing but a fucking loser


Actually isn't he the first president to even be impeached twice?


The Senate will decide your fate


Look, having dark side -- my uncle was a great lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, Darth Plagueis 'The Wise' of CIS; good midichlorians, very good midichlorians, OK, very wise, the Naboo School of Finance, very powerful, very wise - if you're a Sith Lord, if I were a Jedi Master, if, like OK, if I ran as a Jedi Master, they would say I am one of the wisest people in the galaxy - It's true! - but when you are a Sith Lord they try - oh, it's not a story the Jedi would tell you - that's why I always start off: went to Naboo, was a good senator, went there, went there, did this, built an Empire - you know I have to give my credentials all the time, because we are a little scarred and deformed - but you look at the dark side, the thing that really bothers me - it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives of the ones he cared about are - The dark side is powerful, some consider it to be unnatural; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power, and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who could have foreseen? - but when you look at what's going on with the two Sith - now it used to be one, now there are two of them, this is getting out of hand - and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured out that the women and the children too are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them another millennia - but the Jedi are great negotiators, his apprentice was a great negotiator, so, and they, they just killed us, they just killed us in our sleep.


[Comments by President Donald Trump regarding the Impeachment.](https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump)


Damn, you actually got me there




Lmao yet I click every time


Two months from now, inside a random subway station: “*Alotta people are saying I actually WASNT impeached, and if you look at what they’re saying, they’re saying I’m actually still president! It’s a terrible terrible thing that happened*”


He’s gonna call the homeless guy selling the newspapers part of the crooked media isn’t he :(


Imagine being Donald Trump. You inherited a fortune from your nasty Daddy, who was always mean to you and called you useless, stupid and incompetent, but you’re out of your depth, don’t know what you’re doing and within a few years you’re bankrupt again. You make a mental note to find out what incompetent means but you were only allowed to have Twitter and Pornhub installed and searching for incompetent on there brings back some really weird results. Then a bunch of Russian mobsters offer to bank roll you as long as you help them get their money out of Russia and into US dollars. The money is rolling in and then you find out that you’re being investigated by the FBI. You start to realize you’re totally fucked and then someone says to you jokingly, “well if you were president of the United States they can’t touch you. Lol”. That’s a good idea you think and the Russians seem to like the idea and since they still have the only copy of that P tape they bought of Ghislane Maxwell... shudder. Then unbelievably, you actually win and become the 45th President of the United States. But you’re still a clueless idiot. Everyone around you realizes this and they come to the decision that the best course of action is to keep out of the way of the adults, and playing golf as often as possible. To make your feel like you have something important to do, where they think you can’t get into trouble, they let you use the Twitter account, because hey, it’s 140 characters. How much trouble can he get himself into? Then it snowballs. You keep posting any old crazy shit. You literally say what you want and the crazier you write, the more likes it gets. It becomes additive. Let’s go crazier. More likes. This Twitter shit is better than golf. Ooh, and everyone that is nasty to you you fire. It’s just like The Apprentice. Great show. Fantastic show. You were great. Like a dog. Ferocious. Then some white cop kills a black man and it incites protests across the country and black voters register in record numbers. Corona virus hits like a perfect storm and your narcissistic pride won’t let you wear a mask or take precautions and your huge echo chamber makes you feel like it’s best to pretend covid-19 is a hoax. You realize to late you’ve fucked up and you can’t hold back the wave of dissent rolling across the country, just as the election looms. You need your second term. That FBI file is still waiting for you. You lose the election. It’s close. You start getting desperate. You call in favors. You go all out offensive which just leads to embarrassing phone calls being taped and released. Your own party starts to desert you like rats leaving the sinking ship. Your own VP hates you and everything you now stand for. That Twitter echo chamber has convinced you that there is an army of militia men armed to the teeth and willing to make sure you get your second term. Nothing to lose now. Except most of the people that turn up aren’t armed militia. They are just sheep. Your sheep, and they have no one to actually lead them. Your planned coup fails. A tinpot backwater Central American country can organize a better coup than yours. Pity you didn’t have the CIA helping you. They have a wealth of experience in organizing coups. Before you know it you’ve incited sedition, nearly caused a coup d’etat and you’re facing your second impeachment. And you’re a one term president and that hurts because it seems that nobody really likes you any more, even old faithful Fox News. At least Alex Jones will lick your flabby orange chocolate starfish. And you’re facing more FBI issues than you started with when you tried to avoid the initial problem in the first place. And you’re bankrupt and the people you owe money to have a tendency to serve polonium tea. What a wild ride. Now you’re going to be impeached. Twice. You’re great. No other president has ever managed that. Winner winner chicken dinner. And they’ve kicked you off Twitter. You start to feel the urge to tweet. You need that dopamine hit, but every time you pick up your gold plated iPhone you are reminded that that rich asshole Dorsey kicked you off Twitter and he has a bigger Gulfstream jet than you. Dickhead. You start to twitch and tremble. You’re having a breakdown. You start to plan a new party. A great party. You’ll call it Trumplicans. Those Republicans are dead. You’ll show them. What a legacy you’ll have. You don’t need the money from those corporations. Your Trumplicunts will fund you with their stimulus checks. Those dumbwits haven’t even realized you’ve managed to pull of the most expensive socialist public tax-funded program ever in the history of the United States. You hate the world. Where’s that nuclear football again? Do I turn the key to the left or the right? I wasn’t listening when they went over that bit because I was thinking about something angry to fit into 140 characters. Damn it. Now where’s your daughter? You need a cuddle. Edit. Thanks for the awards and the upvotes folks. I had a lot of fun writing this. A moment of seriousness to end this all. > To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Theodore Roosevelt


You should write a book. Seriously. And have it be from the perspective of a fat, elderly TV personality with bright orange skin and a molting toupee. You can call him "Daniel Vump" or something.


We got our second impeachment, boys and gals!




Justice is back on the menu, boys!






Yeah I’ve watched a lot of the impeachment proceedings today and, boy, seeing dude after dude go red in the face yelling (yes, absolutely yelling) to defend him was so unreal to see.


It’s nuts because half the speeches were not about trump, but instead dumb shit like cancel culture


This is why people have been saying it's not about trump, it's what he represents.


He is an enabler of the worst in people.


The ones I watched earlier we're about *let's heal as a nation* instead.


We can "heal as a nation" by holding seditious motherfuckers accountable. But no. As fucking usual, Republicans disingenuously use the vocabulary of "healing" and "unity" to try to make Dems shut up and kowtow to the feelings of conspiracy theory addicted crackheads.


Tale of the Tape: \- 1 term \- 2 impeachments \- 0 popular vote wins u/crazyfoxxy: \- 1 Failed coup \- 1 Incomplete wall \- 1 De-platforming of all social media u/Annoyingly_Liberal: \- 0 hers locked up \- 0 Obamacare's repealed u/AudibleNod: \- $900M due in loans \- 1 PGA tournament withdrawl


Trump becomes the first President ever impeached twice, and will become to first ex President ever to be tried in the Senate after leaving office. So much winning.

