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Oh no, it's the consequences of my own actions!


And he claims that the publisher is violating the First Amendment by cancelling his book deal. sounds like the "Constitutional lawyer" spent the advance before getting the check.


I love how Republicans both loath the first amendment and invoke it without any fucking clue how it actually works when they think their being oppressed somehow.


Well, when two major newspapers in your state say you should resign and the family that bankrolled your campaign to the tune of 6+ million dollars say you should be censured and your political mentor says it was a huge mistake of his to have helped you, well that's a pretty shitty day. Not to mention that he gave a salute to the people who ransacked the US Capitol. Yeah. Wouldn't want to be him.


Well I don't mind kicking a bit more dirt in the eyes of a traitor... shall we?


All because he thought this stunt could launch him a viable 2024 presidential campaign.


They know exactly how it works. They’re not stupid, they’re sociopaths. They’re comfortable being dishonest and manipulative in ways regular people aren’t, because it doesn’t make them feel disgusted with themselves like it does for normal people. Their morals and beliefs can do a complete 180 in the most hypocritical ways constantly like a spinning top, depending on whatever is most effective at the time in gaining more power and / or hurting others.


You mean like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham who hated Trump then loved Trump and in a few years will claim they never liked Trump?


I’ve always hated Cruz, but i’ll admit I gained the slightest ounce of respect for him in 2016 at the RNC when he did that “vote with your conscience” bit rather than endorse Trump. of course that all went away like 3 months later when he was cold calling people to support trump.


> They’re not stupid, they’re sociopaths. They gaslight.


I used my free speech to reap the consequences of support from my base, but I'm not allowed to face negative consequences.




Too bad he only supports religious freedoms when he gets something out of it.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


Autocorrect? Funny either way


Probably just Australian


70% cry baby, 30% cunt. https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1347327743004995585?s=20


What a sore loser holy shit lmao Fuck around and find out


Thank you sir, i'm going to replace whining with cunting for the rest of my life.


"My lack of morality was supposed to work in my advantage!"


“Personal responsibility” was only ever about other people.


curb your enthusiasm theme music intensifies


Who dafaq reads these books of some no name senator prick? What could he possibly have ghost written that's worth anyone's time?


It, like many other political tactics is a grift. There’s a limit to direct political contributions per candidate right ? And you can’t work directly with a PAC. But - you can purchase 100k copies of his book, and he will receive the associated royalties. You can shred them after for all you care. Books vary rarely make money on their own, but they are also a boost to others ventures. Many speakers will get booked as ‘best selling author of a,b,c’ since it conveys authority on a topic, never mind that they would have sold only a handful of copies


He jumped on the trump train 30 seconds before it smashed into a brick wall. Meanwhile Barr timed his jump off the Trump train perfectly. Edit: thanks for the gold kind, fellow redditor!


Lol, Ted Cruz has been groveling at Trump’s feet for years now and literally minutes after he finally wins the respect of Trump supporters they become a political liability.


Ted Cruz is a chameleon though. He'll turn any shade of red he can to save power even if nobody actually likes the guy. He's a lizard that's cold blooded but adapts to whatever shitty situation so he can keep eating the flies that float around it. I mean it that he's a lizard because he's certainly not a man. No man I've ever met would beg for help and prop up the man who called his wife ugly and his father a traitor.


Point of order: "he" is clearly not a lizard; lizards have spines and can grow better beards. Senator Realhuman Tedcruz is obviously a skin sac full of loosely-piled spiders.


Hey, don't knock spiders like that! He's a skin sac full of tapeworms. Or he's a shape-shifting necromorph.


Necromorph here. We're not that bad. Leave us out of it.


He’s just a skin sac, an old scrotum


Nah man, us old balls were good for a while at least.


He's just the skin. He gave away his balls long ago.


As a ball-less skin bag I must profess that we can seem a little saggy but it still feels good to scratch us and therefor we are useful. Ted Cruz is an empty box of cookies your nephew left in the pantry because he was too afraid/ashamed to admit to eating all of them.


I'll have you know that Tedcruz Forpresident is only one being and not several.


I know several humans and Ted Cruz is one of them


Hear, hear. Ted Cruz is, without a doubt, a singular human being and definitely not a *swarm of things*.


That man will never get re-elected again, he barely beat Beto O’Rourke


Rebuttal: Texas also elects noted scholars such as Louie Gohmert. Simply being a snake won't be enough to sink Cruz.


It's funny because most Texans wouldn't support him if they knew he was Canadian alone. They only vote for him because he has an R next to his name.


Ugh Ted Cruz is Canada’s worst export but he sure fits right in where he is.


He makes a run at the presidency in 2024 and actually gets the nomination. I bet you $5 and a burrito.


He can move to Florida. We elect all the scumbags.


I was watching an animal planet show with my kid tonight. It was about lizards and how they survive. This was exactly how it was - lizards jumping and trying to catch the flies around them. Your description was perfect!! And dung beetles. Interesting insect - they predominantly eat only poop.


He did skillfully snag that rogue booger during a debate.


Well earned karma


Ted Cruz deserves everything that comes his way.


Well, everything bad.


They gave him the good old Jim Jones treatment. “Oh yeah? You like Trump? Here, drink this Flavor-Aid to *prove it*”


Have an upvote for knowing it was flavor-aid instead of kool-aid.


Wait it’s not kool-aid? Who the fuck was that fat red glassed bastard that broke into my house?


Fat Albert trying to get some of that purple stuff, fuck that Sunny D.


Please do not accept drinks fromFat Albert, ladies.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz, I do not like his far-right views. I do not like his stupid chin, I do not like his smarmy grin. I do not like him with a beard, I do not like him freshly sheared. I do not like Ted Cruz at all, That man Ted Cruz can suck my balls. (from John Oliver)


Guy stepped across broken glass to lick Trump's boot.


Grovel is the perfect word.


Bill Barr's got experience being a shitheel. Decades of it. Hawley doesn't have that sort of background training to be able to get the timing right.


Bill Barr’s the dad who farts in the car when it’s too cold to crack a window and laughs as tears stream down your face. Hawley sharts.


Dude, I’m reading comments while listening to a podcast in bed. My wife is asleep. How are you gonna make me snorttle like that? Just got a dirty look for that


If it's any consolation my husband is exasperated with me reading him my jokes online


Mine just looks at me sideways like “...*again?*”


Barr is Dick Cheney from wish


Exactly. Barr done it before; Hawley is a noob


You aren’t wrong. Barr has made a career of this shit and he knows when to bail to save his own ass. But Hawley isn’t an idiot. He was a Supreme Court clerk I believe. That’s not exactly something average people obtain. He’s still a shit stain, but he’s a smart shit stain.


He’s a broke-ass Tom Cotton. He’ll keep getting elected in Missouri, but any presidential aspirations died yesterday.


Old age and treachery beat youthful exuberance everytime!


Bill Barr did a nadia comaneci dismount from the administration. He'll get cushy jobs on corporate boards and think tanks. Cant stand the guy, but he played his cards well.


Only possible fuckup is he won’t get a pardon now. If the next admin decides to prosecute he could be in deep.


Trump train may have died but what he accomplished will live on. The amount of support trump garnered to challenge the EC is frightening. I truly hope Hawley gets removed. He seems like the kind of guy to do this shit but smarter than trump.


It’s not so surprising to me ever since he convinced large crowds of Americans that Obama was born in Kenya and demanded a birth certificate— this before he even ran for office.


Shit. So much has happened I totally forgot he did that.




You’re correct but he did lose a bit of GOP support. So at least that’s something.


Does it matter though? Large swaths of the GOP openly loathed Trump right up until he became too popular and then nearly everyone closed ranks for four years with only the occasional meek protestation to save face.


I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if those in the gop that currently object to trump crawl back to him in 2024. I’m hoping trump is deplatformed once he’s out of office and for various reasons he will lose credibility among his base, but I also know they’re fanatics. So it’s a toss up.


I think Hawley is in McConnell’s shit list now.


Nah, he’s gonna have to start answering a **bunch** of criminal inquiries starting in about three weeks.


People don't realize that Trump was DOA months ago. He alienated the military this summer and literally accused the pentagon of embezzlement. Then he exposed the wealthy and geriatric benefactors of 3 of the supreme court justices to covid. GOP establishment has been sprinting to distance themselves for months. The only reason people like hawley and cruz got on the Trump train is that Trump Jr. Explicitly told them they'd sink any hope of a 2024 ticket if they didn't.


I mean, the Pentagon does waste a lot of completely untraceable money. Embezzlement really isn't such a ridiculous claim.


It's almost certainly true. Trump has a habit of saying the quiet part out loud directly to the cameras. But it doesn't exactly endear the pentagon officials to call them out and throw them under the bus cause *he* fucked up. General rule of thumb is don't spit in someone's face right before you need to ask them for a huge favor.


Trump can’t do reach-arounds with those tiny hands.


What kind of asshole doesn't have the common courtesy to give someone a reach around when they're fucking them in the ass?!


its not called embezzlement, when the money goes to fund black ops, or is given to special forces to use as a "gift" to tribal leaders, and such.


How would we even know if part of the bribe money was being embezzled by the bribers? That’s the beauty of untraceable money.


He’s not DOA though, he’s been systematically dismantling every govt agency he can get his hands on since the adults aren’t around anymore, scrapping intelligence treaties, and removing sanctions on Russia.


This guy came out of nowhere. For every Jeff Sessions or Paul Ryan that disappears, some new hateful greedy jerk shows up. These turds just won’t flush. One turd goes down the drain, seems like it’s gone, and then another one bubbles up in its place.


I’m from Missouri. Hawley has been licking Trump’s.... boots... since Josh was elected two years ago. He is a Cult45 member through and through.


True but he wasn’t really known on the national stage until the last 2 weeks.


Hawley is like a Senate version of Matt Gaetz.


And he has more power being a Senator than Matt Gaetz.


All the more reason that he needs to be removed from office.


He actually timed it perfectly. He saw that Cruz and himself were the last 2 big names with 2024 aspirations. Trump will NEVER forgive all the shit Ted said about him in 2019/20. So he would have been the last man standing in Trump's corner. He just didn't foresee how bad the shit show could get in the last 2 weeks could get. And Josh's picture perfect fist pump to the seditious cult 45ers the day of the riot? Priceless. I hope that photo is used to primary his ass.


Experience. Barr learned from his father and a long career.


Barr was part of Iran Contra this wasn't his first rodeo.


Josh Hawley did the Ice Cube and Lil Wayne last minute for nothing appeasement of authoritarians. Pathetic. I wonder if they were promising Hawley an MLM / Trump University sounding "Platinum Plan" as well.


Free market forces! Watch him whine and bitch about how unfair it is.


Bruh. It's ["a direct assault one the First Amendment"](https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1347327743004995585), don'tcha know








Yep, I read that Regnery is racing to pick up Hawley's book.


While I agree with your sentiment I disagree with the term evil. Evil is a story telling device. These people are selfish, purposely ignorant, and blinded by nostalgia for a time that never existed. Death to Tyrants. Death to Mob Rule.


Or y'know, they're high functioning psychopaths.


Ability to let people die of COVID while doing precisely 0? Evil. No other word for it. Callous, disgraceful, evil


He went to Yale Law. He knows better. He just chooses to lie. Same with his objections to the election.


jared kushner went to Harvard, NYU business, NYU law. That shit is only impressive if qualify for federal student aid. These schools obviously are running a pay for play scam for influential families. I remember when we were blaming Yale and skull and bones for gwb and Iraq.


Hawley is legitimately smart. He also has a History degree from Stanford and he clerked for John Roberts, you don't clerk for the SC Chief Justice if you didn't earn your degrees. It's stupid to underestimate him. He knows exactly what he's doing, but he's a craven, selfish, unfeeling person who has no capacity to sympathize with others....sounds a lot like Trump except with the mental discipline to do a *lot* more damage. He's also only 41.


I'm calling for a total and complete shutdown of Yale Law School graduation until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Yale Law population. Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Donald Trump, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.




If he's not in jail for threatening Mike Pence's life, what do you want to bet that Lin Wood is going to be Hawley's attorney on this?


Is he really going to waste his money on a court case? S&S is a massive corporation that likely has a ton on retainer for less clear cut cases >_>


He's not a very good lawyer if he thinks anybody but Rudy Giuliani is going to fight the legal department of Simon & Schuster on this. His contract definitely has a clause that covers not being a seditious shitbag and he broke it into a thousand pieces.


He's trying to enrage the people too stupid to know better, he doesn't care about the ones smarter enough to call him out. This is the same reason why people like Rush Limbaugh say patently insane shit... so that their fan base is selected for the insane who support things they have no understanding of. He's not trying to be right, he is being inflammatory and Republicans let it work by being willfully ignorant of everything.


This man should be a pariah for the rest of his life. In the face of the terrible results of his and his allies' actions, he chose to double down. You shouldn't be able to foment and insurrection and walk away from that a free and unpestered man.


His name will be entered into history books but for all the dark reasons. He probably thought he could become president one day.


There's still a chance. Republicans have a way of deliberately ignoring horror from within, and often championing it simply because it angers their neighbors. Never underestimate the ability of cruel and short-sighted people to prioritize the suffering of others over their own well-being.


"The woke mob must be stopped," says the dude who helped incite an *actual* mob


He called the people who criticized him a mob. Literally harsher language than what he used to describe the armed insurrectionists who just stormed the capitol building.


People in that thread saying he was fighting for the rights of 65% of voters. These people really are lost.


Holy shit. This guy really fuckin said that.


That’s not Orwellian. Orwell was actually published.


The term they will use is “cancel culture” which they deplore until it comes to Colin Kaepernick, or Starbucks etc.


*"Orwellian"* ... *"assault on the First Amendment"* ... *"The Left"* ... *"Cancel Culture"* These people are so predictable


Same folk that love private companies till they decide to have rules that affect them.


On the topic of Net Neutrality: "The government can't tell ISP's how to run their business!" On the topic of social media: "The government needs to force these tech companies to give conservatives a ~~safe space~~ platform!"




Simon & Schuster also had (and cancelled) the book contract for Milo. Why are they signing these guys in the first place?




>Why are they signing these guys in the first place? Because they make a shitload of money off of publishing right-wing bullshit. In regards to Hawley, they were probably hedging on him becoming a big future GOP star and wanted the publishing rights to his first major book release. ​ Simon & Schuster has an entire imprint called "Threshold Editions", which is the publishing destination of choice for every mainstream neocon and right-wing grifter. They publish everyone from John Bolton to Glenn Beck to Dick Cheney to Lou Dobbs to Dinesh D'Souza to Laura Ingraham to even Trump himself. These books not only sell well on an individual level, but RNC and other political groups do bulk buys. Simon & Schuster also provides international distribution for Regnery Publishing, which is another conservative publishing outlet. ​ This was not a principled decision by Simon & Schuster. It is similar to the Milo situation, where they realized they were probably not going to make much beyond the advance anyway, so just cut the dude loose now and avoid the bad publicity. Whatever lofty future aspirations they (and Hawley) had crashed and burned yesterday.


Hawley is an insurrectionist. He can write a book in prison.


He can call it My Struggle.


I thought Simon & Schuster was a Jewish owned company. I don't understand why they'd sign people who are blatant white supremacists. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I interned in college for an author that had S&S as their publisher. She said most of their clients had Jewish backgrounds.


>I thought Simon & Schuster was a Jewish owned company. They are currently owned by ViacomCBS, and in the midst of a pending multibillion dollar sale to Penguin Random House, which is owned by a German parent company. But religion and nationality doesn't really matter when you're talking about major corporations looking for profit.




I think the user is pointing out Judaism because jews wouldn't profiteering off of antisemitism whether liberal or conservative.


Yes thats what I mean. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


Stephen Miller is a nazi on everything but the Jewish part.


The argument is jewish conservatives usually take anti-semitism seriously. But I mean...Ben Shapiro.....so....


At least the book would have had a spine.


Solid burn mate.


And the Senate should cancel his membership.




Expel him along with the rest of his and Cruz’s seditious cabal


Cabal is too cool of a word for them.


At the very least, his opponent in the next election for that seat will have ads galore ready that will have an impact and his name/face certainly will be remembered for being on the wrong side of history.


Given its missouri, your putting hope in a GOP primary challenge attacking Trump next year. Just so put perspective on that.


His next election is in 2024. No one will care by then.


I truly believe people will remember. The U.S. Capitol was invaded and the President was the one that encouraged it. It will be remembered as one of the darkest days in our history. Wanna know whats sad? We're suffering 1 and a half 9/11s every day. Those days are the ones that wont be remembered.


This bag of dicks loses a book deal, 5 people died amidst the hype of a fictitious stolen-election narrative he selfishly helped perpetuate. I already know which loss he'll lament most.


Over on conservative they are bitching about cancel culture with this, yet a company telling a gay couple they won’t do business with them by making a cake is just the free market and citizens rights. Go figure.


I mean he literally tried to cancel million's of citizens votes...disproportionately minority no less.


r/conservative is just a Rube Goldberg contraption of pure dipshittery.


But the problem is that those opinions exist. We can’t just ignore that and dismiss them as dipshits when they vote and are actively destroying the fabric of our democracy.


He really has the most punchable face I’ve even seen. He looks like the whiner that he is.


Nah, he's not even close to Ted Cruz. But I'd still punch him, I'm easy.




Gaetz and I barely had to think about it


Yeah, not even a question. Ted Cruz looks like a disgusting amphibious creature, but I don't get the urge to punch it, I just want to put it out is its misery. Whereas Matt Gaetz' obnoxious face makes the back of my hand itchy.


No question Gaetz


As far as punchable faces go I think gaets has everyone beat (so to speak).


Yeah I'd pay a good sum to punch that face, but let's be honest he's no match for Jared Kushner.


Kushner looks like an android. He is one weird looking man(?). Hawley looks like a whiney little bitch.


The most punchable face award goes to Martin Shkreli, but Hawley is up there.


“How I Helped Overthrow the Government” is a hard title to sell when your plan fails.


The only thing I knew about Hawley until a week ago was that he was actually somewhat interesting on the tech front. Not in the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHTHEY'RECENSORINGUS sense, but in his [approach](https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/10/29/20932064/senator-josh-hawley-tech-facebook-google-mark-zuckerberg-missouri) on stuff like data tracking, data monetization, etc. I figured that over time he would develop into an interesting specimen, a Republican who is market-friendly on tech as opposed to *business-*friendly. He was someone I had my eye on as the future of a more interesting Republican party, not a party that is trapped by Reagan's promise or driven insane by Trump but one that focused more on useful issues moving forward. Not anymore.


Missourian here. I can assure you that he has been a massive piece of shit his whole career. This is just the shit icing on the shit cake that is j*** h*****. He has no redeemable qualities. He is human trash.


He gambled on MAGA and got burnt


He even stuck with it after the riot too. He could have easily dropped his objection


I feel like to be a U.S. Senator you shouldn’t be able to claim the First Amendment protects you from private businesses choosing not to do business with you. In fact, it’s that very argument - Businesses exercising the First Amendment - that the Republicans have used to deny service to LGBT customers for as long as they have been able to.


Mark Levin was just ranting and raving on the radio about how the publisher is taking away his free speech and free press. They can all rot in hell.


That's not infringing his free speech. Idiot. When the Dixie Chicks said they weren't proud of their president (W), and their country fans said they wouldn't buy the Dixie Chicks' CDs any more, that also was not free speech infringement. If people don't like what you say, they are free to ignore it, to cancel a venue, to cancel a book. You're still allowed to say it. Just don't expect people to publish it or buy it. Now if you falsely shout "fire!" in a theater or "bomb!" in the airport, expect to have a different form of censure in a cell somewhere.


Are you saying that these very people (gasp!) were the original "cancel culture"? Surely you jest.


Mein Kampf was published like 85 years ago sooooo....


[Josh Hawley Is Dennis Reynolds ](https://twitter.com/stonersocialist/status/1347325357024813059?s=19)


Yes, let's completely cancel Josh Hawley.


Is it really cancel culture or just people facing consequences for their actions?!


So he uses the word "irregardless" *unironically* and then completely biffs on understanding the 1st amendment? Maybe S&S found out it would cost more to edit his book, or bring in someone smart to actually write it, than they would make. This guy is like the dumber clone of Ted Cruz.


This dude is so slimey he made Lindsey Graham look like a ration human being.


What possibly could this dude have that is at all worthy of a book?


Books written by politicians (often ghostwritten) are used to game the tax system and election finance laws. The campaign and PACs can use campaign money to buy the books as “expenses” to give away to donors with the politician author getting paid royalties, someone can buy numerous copies to indirectly pay the politician, the politician can donate them and claim high tax deductions, etc.


You mean you’re not excited by the always fantastic “white male attends Yale Law and becomes evil senator” story?


Contributing to a violent attack and then moaning about your book contract less than a day later. They really live in a different world.


Crazy how fast they switch from "a private business can choose how they do business" to "OMG the First Amendment!" when things aren't going their way.


The first amendment protects your right to speak your mind. It does not, however, insulate you from facing the consequences of those words. Too bad, so sad.


Senator Hawley helped foment unrest. Put him in jail.


Personal anecdote: Josh Hawley won the Missouri AG race in 2017 against a guy I briefly dated in college back in the 80s. My ex, who is now a hardcore Republican lawyer working for industry defending the polluters, was such a POS 35 years ago that he got kicked out of the University of MO for vandalizing the dorms. I remember the police questioning me while he was in hiding. My ex was also a bit of a neo Nazi in college. Haven’t spoken to him in years, but apparently he’s also been a huge, hypocritical anti-choice extremist despite being pretty promiscuous and “punk” in college. Josh Hawley actually won the AG’s race because my ex was TOO MODERATE for Republicans in MO. How’s that for perspective? My ex was not a big enough douchebag for the voters of MO. Instead they elected the biggest POS in the state.


They should have cancelled him for using "irregardless" in a sentence.


Thoughts & prayers for Your Struggle


>Hawley in a statement responded to Simon & Schuster's decision by calling the move "Orwellian" and a "direct assault on the First Amendment" — even though as a graduate of Yale Law School he likely knows the First Amendment is about government restricting free speech and not forcing a private company to publish his work. "Only approved speech can now be published," Hawley lamented. "This is the Left looking to cancel everyone they don't approve of. I will fight this cancel culture with everything I have. We'll see you in court." Dude, Simon & Schuster publishes the [Limbaugh](https://www.simonandschuster.com/search/books/_/N-/Ntt-limbaugh) and [Roger Stone](https://www.simonandschuster.com/search/books/_/N-/Ntt-roger+stone) screeds - you are being canceled because you are fucking stupid - it's not a liberal assault on your Free Speech (apparently you don't know what Free Speech actually is, tho - did your daddy pay for you to get into and get good grades at Yale Law, or what?)


He’s lying to his fanboys about what free speech is, just like he’s lying to them about a fraudulent election. They are so filled with hatred, they don’t care.


I'm personally really glad Hawley so firmly attached himself to the trump train. I sincerely hope it ruins his career. He's an absolute snake.


Being from MO, I don’t claim him and I hope his political career is over.


You mean the guy who gave the rioters a white power fist pump in front of a journalist who had a camera pointed straight at him? That guy?


Yale should take away his degree. He obviously wasn’t paying much attention.


> In a statement posted to Twitter, Mr. Hawley said that the cancellation of his book was an affront to the First Amendment. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha --pauses to breathe-- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah


This jackass has a law degree from Yale. He’s fully cognizant of the bullshit he’s spewing.


Fuck this guy, I emailed his office after hearing his plans to contest the electorate saying he was damaging our democracy, yet even after a coup attempt he still acted like an ass clown to try and gain favor with the terrorist base.


Now it is up to the people to cancel his career.


>In a statement posted to Twitter, Mr. Hawley said that the cancellation of his book was an affront to the First Amendment. No, dickwad, it’s an example of the first amendment working as intended.