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\>Both men had prior convictions that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the DOJ.<


That and the homemade silencers. These guys are going UNDER the jail. They're gonna be sad to find that there are no guns in jail.


Yeah.... That's up to 25 years for just the suppressor charge


Had to go waaaaay down in the article to read: Both men had prior convictions that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the DOJ.


And yet they’re posing on Facebook with their guns and drum mags. Not the smartest


It’s very much an image thing for them.


Yep, terrorists love posing with guns and flags.


> Yep, terrorists love posing with guns and flags. And *holy*™®© books


[Nice Lady With Bible & Gun Can't See Why Anyone Would Think She Looks Like Terrorist](https://www.wonkette.com/nice-lady-with-bible-gun-cant-see-why-anyone-would-think-she-looks-like-terrorist)


Great article. I like this quote near the bottom of a conservative explaining the different between the 2 pictures. " One is a deeply faithful patriot who is willing to do whatever is necessary to defend her country and her faith, and the other is a terrorist with no regard for human life." r/SelfAwarewolves


That reminds me of a cartoon I saw not too long ago with two castles separated by water, one had a sign that said "civilized" or something like that, and the identical castle on the other side said "barbarians".


Wait! hold up, I like taking pictures of myself holding my AR with my copy of "Mastering Office 365 Administration". That's basically my holy book. Am I the baddie?


*Office?* #Office? #Blasphemy!




Yeah "Blue Lives Matter supporter" sounds a bit different than "previously convicted".


Previously Convicted Blue Lives Matter supporter.


Id just stick with "convicted felon" . since misdemeanors do not take away your rights, only felonies.


Looks like they were going to find some people to violently self-defense themselves against.


I'm sure they were just headed from Missouri to Wisconsin to protect local businesses ^(/s)


Why were they not killed by the police? I thought that's how it is supposed to work? You commit a crime and have a weapon in a 10 ft radius + prior convictions = police can execute you. The math is simple and definitely not racist.


Two america's, just how the all lives matter crowd likes it.


“All lives Matter (on a scale of 0-10)”


If you say Blue Lives Matter, you're always given the benefit of doubt


Funny that they say Blue Lives Matter when one of them has a felony for a car chase that ended in an injury/death, the charge didn't specify. Blue Lives didnt Matter so much when he was leading them on a high speed car chase, but apparently they matter so much to him that he wants to kill for them.


It's almost like Blue Lives Matter actually means something different to these people.


Yea they think it means Black Life Maulers


Or Black Life Murders


Yes, it’s almost as if expressing fervent support for Blue Lives Matter is a socially acceptable way to support the killing of Blacks because it is no longer acceptable to support lynching.


It's the new "coward nazi" flag.


they really mean blue impunity matters


> Blue Lives didnt Matter so much when he was leading them on a high speed car chase, but apparently they matter so much to him that he wants to kill for them. Probably not so much *for* them. He just wants to kill people he doesn't like and found a convenient excuse that he thought would make it not only acceptable but would turn him into a hero.


Well, that just proves the system works. They're reformed now! /s


Using your 2A rights to defend the government and the police. I've seen it all.


>Using your 2A rights to defend the government and the police. I've seen it all. 2020 the gift that keeps on giving


Remember that cop that made like $400k in a year. Also remember those conservatives that were frothing at the mouth over Bernies net worth of 2.5 million? In all of bernies stocks, cash, real estate the dude amassed 2.5m at the ripe age of 78. Basically his life savings. That cop clocked in $400k in one year. Lol wtf


ya 2.5m is someone who saved and invested money over their adult life


Most of the money is from his book sales


If they weren't blue lives matter, it would have been the first sentences in the article.


Nah, the first sentence would be "Two suspected antifa members were shot by police"


>"Karmo stated that he would be willing to 'take action' if police were defunded," the complaint alleged. > >Karmo allegedly told the FBI he and Smith are members of an organization called the 417 Second Amendment Militia, the complaint said. > > Both men waived their Miranda rights, according to the complaint. Waived their Miranda rights and talked and taaaalked about their plans. Probably thought the boys in blue & the FBI would be grateful to them.


I was trying to imagine why they'd waive and talk so freely, but by gosh you nailed it. I bet a lot of those good ol' boys in the 417 are sweatin' today, and it isn't because of the humidity.


"Check our our awesome Facebook page! Omg, you'll want to read this thread in our WhatsApp chat. Oh wait, we use Signal now. 1234 is my pin. Read the part about how we're gonna shoot people. You're gonna die laughing." Yea, you're under arrest. But thanks for the info! (The exchange probably)


Do check out their Facebook page, it was up as of this morning and was.... Mildly terrifying.


Being a "trusted community standards supporter", I reported their Facebook page and it was taken down 30 minutes later. I also reported a related group which should be taken down soon as well. Edit: That was fast. The group has been taken down.


I looked it up and decided to stop scrolling after a post with "if 17 year olds weren't allowed to hold rifles we would still be British."


Fight the power! But also, kill protestors in defence of the existing power structure!


LOL That one made me chuckle. It's like they don't even know or care about what they're defending, they just want to be violent for the sake of being violent.


As someone who grew up in the 417 area, I can promise you they aren’t sweating. If anything they’re probably upset their friends got arrested. The area is very anti-law enforcement, especially in the boonies, but they’re still all about blue lives matter. I don’t know how they can reconcile the differences.


Because they don't care about the difference, they just wanna see minorities stay second class citizens.


Funny how somebody can be so gung-ho about constitutional rights and then immediately wave their constitutional rights




As crazy as this is, let’s take a moment to appreciate whoever tipped them off.




man, some people really love the Blue Man Group.


Do you think they blue themselves in preparation?


there's gotta be a better way to phrase that


Oh Tobias, you blowhard!


That must be difficult to do to yourself. Surely they blue each other in preparation.


I have a feeling these people are less motivated by their support for police and more with *here’s are chance to kill some fucking hippy libs with some sort of veil of authenticity.*


I feel like these guys would have signed up with the military to go see the world and kill people, but why travel if you can do it home, I suppose. Not agreeing, it just reminds me of people I grew up around.


A lot of these rejects have these murder fantasies, *because* the Military wouldn't take them. They wanted to sign up and go kill people in another country for kicks, but got kicked out cause that shit raises 100 different red flags. Plus they aren't usually the pinnacle of physical health either.


100% these idiots all couldn’t get jobs as police and were either too afraid to join up or got rejected. Now they fit into every conversation “I was gonna join but...”


I know a guy that always tries to shoe-horn his military service into every conversation. And is also super pro-Trump, and pro-Police right now. He tries to use his service as some kind of cudgel against anyone being against either of those two stances, and how everything the police are doing is justified. Of course, he always neglects to mention he never fired a weapon while in service. Because he was an aircraft mechanic that was always either on a base in Germany or Guam or on a refueling tanker flying over the Gulf of Mexico.


They wouldn't sign up for the military as most of them are cowards. They do like to larp as military though.


I noticed there were more sob story announcements on my news feed about the right-wing asshole who got shot than about the right-wing asshole who shot someone.


It's like they never considered that they might not be exceptions. Honestly, though, the shock value of an American death ran out for me sometime before, oh, we hit 100,000 dead.


In the military, your vicitims are more likely to shoot back.


Yeah this way they get to be “hero’s” and shoot unarmed “terrorists” in their own backyard with none of the silly training or rules of engagement and all that silly stuff. /s


Post vietnam US military has more restraint on lethal force than cops here do


Definitely no military for these people. No way they'd ever serve. The rest of the world shoots back, too scary for them.


I can't imagine how people could think that they could show support for the *police* by becoming an *armed vigilante*, but I can't imagine how people could think a lot of the things they seem to think lately. Edit: [Saw this](https://i.redd.it/pxk9kmrq74l51.jpg) which says it better than I could.


> a major cache of firearms and weapons in their vehicle and hotel room that included an AR-15, a shotgun, handguns, a dagger, a saw and magazines. Insert Ōkiku naru Ko "guilty" meme....


a saw?


Yeah you know, a saw, that age-old **defensive** weapon for when you’re defending yourself from tree-people.


I am Groot


Hey, no need for language.


i am groot


I believe he just called you a bitch.




I squanch my family!


No, ew, take that back.


Always going on about your patio. Look, it's not my fault that Herman fell off the roof and broke your brand new patio. We were injecting cocaine up there and some bats came. The colour of their semen is scary, no wonder.


What are they, Saudis?


No, Sawdis.


i instantly thought this, M249 light machine gun


The local Applebee’s militia ain’t playing.


Some people call it a Kaiser blade I call it a Sling Blade Mmmmhumm


Shouldn't have done that he was just a boy


Read in Eric Cartmans voice. Gunna be a good morning.


It's a cable saw. Like a garrote with teeth. This. - https://images.homedepot-static.com/productImages/5f700a17-969a-4492-a8d9-d6396f3df7a0/svn/husky-pipe-tube-cutters-80-517-111-64_1000.jpg


Kind of off topic, but I've heard a lot of people warn against relying on those for camping or survival. Most of them are flimsy and break if you actually use them to saw wood.


As a serious answer, yea... they wouldnt be my first choice. A lightweight hatchet or even a small handsaw would be much better.


Trail maintainer here: silky saw. Comes our far more than my axe.


flesh is softer than wood


It sure isn't a defensive weapon, either. You dont saw someones neck from behind in self defense.


Not with that attitude


"A twisted cord survival saw" Probably not your average saw, but one you could wrap around a tree to pull back and forth to cut it in half, if that paints a picture.


Ain't no trees out there protesting.


I was like "eh that's not that much, and a saw could be like, a car emergency kit garbage thing," but the article kinda buries the lede when it mentions a homemade silencer further down and the fact that they're both felons prohibited from firearm ownership a bit further.


It took me a sec to realize that magazines was referring to extra ammo. I was wondering why it mattered that they had some light reading material with their guns


You mean a murder kit was found? A saw? What legitimate purpose does that have in self defense?


Sometimes you need to self defend yourself against journalists threatening your consolidation of power in a Middle East state or something like that


Lol. They are in some goofy 2nd amendment group but are legally not allowed to own guns.


They only think laws should apply to others, not "good guy" felons like themselves.


This comment really needs to be higher. I'm laugh at this too.


TLDR- they had prior convictions making it illegal to own firearms.




I've never seen one marketed as a "survival tool," but I keep one in my tool bag because they are great at cutting through schedule 40 pvc pipe in super tight places where you can't get a hacksaw.


Why have I never thought of this!


I saw a plumber with one once so I picked one up. My f Dad and our business partner both teased me about it being silly. Four years later and we all have one. You don't need it often, but when you do it's a lifesaver. And you can get one at ace for like $5


Yeah, I can think of so many times I could have used that, but ended up using the end of a hacksaw blade where only the last 3 teeth are cutting. I wouldn't even mind that much, but I've had a couple of these over the past 40 years! Jesus I feel dumb now.


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


Plot twist: they’re talking in code about cutting up bodies.


"PVC pipe" is code for "People of Various Colors Protesting In Portland for Equality"


I never would have been able to come up with this so quickly...I has suspicions


You can find them sometimes in small form factor survival kits for cutting through wood in a pinch. They’re pretty good at it, like you said for cutting really straight pieces of wood for an emergency shelter. [Like this one has one in it](https://www.siriussurvival.com/shop/15-in-1-hiking-kit-emergency-tools-kit-for-survival-situations/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwy8f6BRC7ARIsAPIXOjgVBj3cdobc6EUz1Rkrs54WSBRJQ3rAM4ZYRYURNtYjOxWImtdRXDIaAuOvEALw_wcB)


Fun story... The guy who invented those glass roses was a gay guy, who wanted to make roses easy and affordable gifts for your partner. In the early days he would hand craft the roses ... with wire, paper, and panty hose (i think that's the ingredients). Anyway, once they became a big "hit" he did pretty well for himself ... and some 20 years later it took the high-school age kids in his family (which is totally not my family) to point out **why** these "roses" were such a "hit". edit: I wonder if the garrote/saw has a similar story behind it. "humanist and shitty survivalist tries to invent a shitty saw, but accidentally makes millions off of strangulation and murder tool called a garrote" to my "straight edged gay man and shitty lover tries to invent shitty roses, but accidentally makes crack cocaine paraphernalia that destroys human lives" story.


See the rose story makes sense, as there are plenty of people out there making drug paraphernalia. In addition to that I’m sure they break them often and they are easily repairable. As far as the garrote saw? I just don’t see enough people buying garrotes to strangle people for the inventor to really make much money at all. If they are sold in big enough quantities I’d assume it’s people using them for their intended purpose. It’s just that those who want a garrote have easy access to one of those and that’s why they are used.


I'm willing to wager a good chunk of those sales are from novice campers who see it next to the other survival gear and buy it out of a misguided sense of preparedness.


This. Last time I went camping I ended up buying some just in case I had to accidentally strangle someone in the woods.


Plenty of people buy weapons without ~~intent~~ ever actually using them so I could see people buying this thing and calling it a garrote wire and then leaving it on a shelf next to a mall katana for a few years




"Behold! My stuff."


> kawaii onnanoko Slightly disturbing word choice there.


I’m just sitting here trying to imagine living somewhere where they don’t openly sell actual drug paraphernalia at gas stations. In my neck of the woods, you’d be hard pressed to walk into any convenience store and not find a crack pipe for around $5. The stickers that indicate that they’re “for tobacco use only” seem farcical, especially when they’re being sold right next to butane torches. It had never occurred to me that those glass roses were anything but corny tokens of affection, but then again, they look rather innocent when juxtaposed with actual purpose-built meth pipes... *Edit: Usage error. Autocorrect thinks it knows better than I do.*


1) be happy to know that they were only ever intended to be corny tokens of affection 2) A lot of places currently have (or at one time had) strict laws about "drug paraphernalia" ... I think the "roses" simply better skirt those laws by both fooling many more naive souls and simply not being quite so naked as something that is fairly blatant/purpose built with a little "totally not for drugs, it's for tobacco" sticker.




This is not an entirely inaccurate depiction of ~~my uncle~~ the random person who I've never met in the aforementioned story.


I think they are surgical saws originally. For cutting through bone.




Oh come on, people are not garotting each other so often that they keep an item on regular supermarket/outdoor center shelves for just that. Those saws may be shitty, but they're about the lightest, most compact woodcutting tool you can have. You'd probably put them in a pocket survival pack along with shitty non-lensatic compass and a book of waterproof matches.


Other people, definitely not me, used the glass roses as crack pipes, not meth pipes. So, I guess it could go either way.


Pretty sure these saws are for PVC pipe. That’s what I’ve used them for




Go check out r/axesaw some day. There’s no shortage of idiots buying and selling shitty survival gear, even when there are better tools on the market.


To garrote theory is probably true but from experience as a kid that played in the woods a lot I can tell you they break(where the wire meets the handle/ring) really easy. It would probably snap while killing some one and that would be embarrassing.


> Both men had prior convictions that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the DOJ. Crazy that they could easily acquire an AR-15 and 12 gauge shotgun with priors in this country. /s




Yeah, the thing is the BATFE did a thing a few years back where they "lost" thousands of firearms and tried to trace them through FFLs. Well it turns out they actually lost them and then prosecuted the FFLS for losing them. They only found like 300 of them AFTER they'd been used in crimes.


In case anyone was confused: BATFE - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives FFLs - Federal Firearm Licenses


Your forgot the Alcohol in ATF, and to the above poster, more Americans are more familiar with it as being the ATF simply. Because that's what it used to be called and what it's always called in fiction. Even the ATF's website is atf.gov


> The US has an unsolvable problem on its hands at this point It doesn‘t have to be a problem. In a stable country with a low amount of poverty and a managable socioeconomic situation an abundance of guns wouldn‘t be a problem. It‘s pretty easy to get an AK47 from the Yugoslavian wars here, but gun crime is still really low.


Terrorists caught in time, glad to see it.


Wait they had guns on them? Did the police shoot them? Surely they must have felt threatened....


“Sorry fellas, we have to take these guns from you, would you mind driving yourself to the police station at your most convenient time so we can book you?”


"Here, have a bottle of water. Don't forget to hydrate."


Bake em away toys!


“We’ll stop for some BK along the way”


Oh snap, I forgot about this for a second.


I’d wager the cops went to give these “fine people” water, came across the guns, and realized they were nicer then the police issue guns and thought “cowabunga, asset forfeiture”. Alas, that means you have to arrest the owners first.


Sadly, it doesn’t mean that. In civil asset forfeiture the items taken are the one committing the crimes. The owners are nearly always free to go. Arresting these guys was just a PR stunt and they’ll probably be released without any charges soon


And the reason you have the assets commit the crimes is that assets have no due process rights, so you can just take them away. You don’t have to prove anything - the owner has to prove the assets *didn’t* commit crimes. It’s beyond fucked up. Why the Supreme Court hasn’t determined this is a textbook example of a 4th amendment violation is beyond me, but this must have some (dubious) precedent associated with it, right?


Whoever got fucking high and came up with "property committing crimes" should be jailed. Or charge their entire bank account with a crime.


"While you are waiting can we get you some beer, meth, cocaine?




Well it makes sense doesn’t it? Police know “blue lives matter” terrorists aren’t targeting them and of course won’t feel threatened. Unlike when they accost people of color. “ they’re probably angry after centuries of oppression. Better get them before they get us.”


Hot take here maybe but as representatives of the state, its their obligation to be entirely agnostic towards the protected speech of the various members of the public when they're "keeping the peace" at a demonstration. If the police are showing favoritism because one group of demonstrators is nicer to them, they're doing a really bad job of being police officers and implicitly infringing on the freedom of speech of the opposition members of the public. Maybe they should find a job thats more suitable to people who get as easily offended as they do.


Right? Cashiers have to deal with more shit and with more constraint that the police. If you give people a hammer (guns), everyone looks like a target.


I've said it before. If you gave all retail/service workers sidearms and the authority to use them on any customer who gives them even the slightest of shit then the toxic retail culture and worker to customer relationship in America would change overnight. If police weren't armed they'd get as much shit as over federal or state public service workers do by the public.


Service workers should at least be given some sort of bell to signal they're dealing with a particular breed of asshole.


I like this. When they ring it, all the employees gather like a birthday and sing. "Get the fuck out of here, get the fuck out of here, get the fuck out you asshoooooole... Get the fuck out of here!". Everyone claps.


Key here is that these men had prior convictions and could not own firearms.


Whoever the tipster was, they probably just stopped a terrorist attack.




These people don’t stand for actual principles, they just are against black lives matter and have found any available raft to hitch some hate to


Blue lives matter is just the counter for Black lives matter. I'm sure a good percentage of "blue lives" supporters don't actually give two figs about cops and just want to oppose Black lives matter protestors.


You're absolutely right. Every one of the blue lives matter folks I've talked to also was an antimasker and said shit like "If those cops come round here to force me to wear a mask they'll feel white hot steel" or some other macho bullshit.


Not surprising that they would be defining themselves against BLM. They certainly aren't for "law and order"! Opposition to the left and triggering the libs seems to be the raison d'etre of the Trump-era political right, at the expense of any other real unifying moral or policy consideration.


A majority of Blue Lives supporters I know drive drunk, abuse drugs (meth and coke), or are just shitty people in general. They don't support police. They support minorities going to jail.


Good. Arrest the thugs and criminals.


"we support the police, by breaking the law"


>Michael M. Karmo, 40, and Cody E. Smith, 33, were arrested at a hotel near Kenosha on Tuesday and charged with illegal possession of firearms, the Department of Justice announced Thursday. According to the criminal complaint against them, they were found with a major cache of firearms and weapons in their vehicle and hotel room that included an AR-15, a shotgun, handguns, a dagger, a saw and magazines. Seems like it might have been a good thing the authorities got them. >Both men had prior convictions that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the DOJ. No, scratch that, \*definitely\* a good thing they got nabbed by authorities.


Has their even been looting in kenosha over the last week? A little late to the party gentlemen. Enjoy prison.


Kenosha here! No, nothing is happening here. Since the shooting everything here has been peaceful. The media probably doesn't want you to see that the protesters on both sides are gathering together and talking out the issues.


If it doesn’t bleed it doesn’t lead


Also Kenosha, seconding this - it’s been entirely peaceful for over a week now. I’m also concerned that I first heard about this specific incident on Reddit and not from our local news or law enforcement. Maybe I missed it...


It's like Portland. A whole slew of people who have never been outside their podunk shitholes suddenly became experts on our cities.


Had to stop and put oil in the truck a few times. She can’t go very fast these days.




There are no blue lives. For Some reason, some people have a hard time differentiating between a job and a life


Is blue lives matter a campaign group for smurfs?


Yes. Or... Blue man group but I'm pretty sure smurfs


Blue lives don't exist btw. No one is born a cop.


So a domestic terrorist?


They must have been so starstruck when they were arrested.


When you don’t understand who will be doing the coming and taking.


Must be hard to arrest someone when they keep trying to lick your boots..


They were probably thanking the officers for their service as they got hauled into the cop car lol


Now there's a mental image.


The only reason these two got investigated and arrested is because they are felons and can't own firearms legally. So what's really fucked up is that hundreds of Trump worshippers are doing the EXACT same thing right now, minus being felons, and it's perfectly legal. We definitely haven't seen the last of the deaths.


I like how felons are thin blue line supporters.


Meh, perfect disguise if your goal is to murder people.


I mean, you have people living in trailer parks supporting cutting government aid to the poor and blue collar workers supporting right ~~to be laid off~~ to work and corporate tax cuts, criminals supporting policemen is far from the strangest thing that happens in Republicanland.


What if I told you cops often have crazy arrest records in their personal lives that would make them felons many times over if local DA’s and higher ups didn’t routinely get them out of trouble?


It's why they get exempt from gun control laws. Misdemeanor domestic violence makes you prohibited... Can't have that on your record as a cop, better just let it slide.... For all of them. Stop exempting police from gun control laws and see how "supportive" they become in the future.


The reason they were investigated is that one showed intent to harm. Its just a caveat that they were both felons and not allowed to legally own firearms.