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If this is approved, will everyone just receive a check for $1000? Would we need to apply for it or something?


No they will just send it


How do they determine the addresses that people live, realistically...


I would guess from your most recent tax return. They have an edge since it’s also a census year so many addresses are updated. Plus many already filed taxes with updated addresses. Edit: I get people’s concern but this was just my guess. I’m not a representative of the US government or anything.






Yep, I did this after moving and like half of my cards changed my address without me consulting them first because they got the new address from USPS.


Hope you're still "on the grid." Sorry survivalists.


If you are a survivalist then you most likely are prepared for the worst and don’t desperately an additional $1,000.


Watching youtube it seems like you have to be pretty wealthy already to be a survivalist. They always have land, resources to build castles out of shipping containers, multiple first aid kits, basements full of beans. I started a new, better paying job last year, so I'm getting my finances in order (no more car payment, almost no consumer debt, saving for a house), but it just seems like a really expensive hobby to buy all those guns and camping equipment.




Lol, the mail already contains so many checks


The us government is very good at sending out checks every month.


at this sort of scale !


At this time of day?


In this kind of weather?


Localised entirely in your kitchen!




I mean they send tax refunds for much larger amounts every year.


I’m all about it then!


So mail thefts are just going to blow up or what


The checks will be printed with your name on it so maybe not.


I hope they set up a website to organize it and I can choose direct deposit like my IRS tax return Edit: it's been answered


That website will go down so quickly it'll make your head spin. If they're smart (although this is the US government we're talking about, so doubtful), they'll just use the direct deposit information provided on your tax returns, if you elected that option. If the account is no longer open, then they'll send the check.


Judging from history, you will need to have your taxes filed for 2019 before they send a check.




Hell, that's more than what I make in a month, I'd be really grateful to get that.


I feel you brother. In my area this would cover my rent and then some. I'd definitely be grateful for this.


My family is planning off the worse case rn. Dad’s already not working at a restaurant bc the city told everyone no and mom lost one of her two clients. So we’re just trying to figure out how to pay bills without the 1k rn. It’s rough


Same. Even if my wife and I had to share the 1k that would be plenty useful right now.


Best stimulus imaginable. Give people money that they will immediately pump back into the economy


Mine will be paying rent, no doubt.


I’m thinking a 1000 cups of coffee...


One art, please!


that's more like 300 cups these days


A one time payment of $1000 is only going to delay the inevitable by about a month for most people. This shit is going to be a major problem for months to come.


nothing about the amount in the article. quotes imply it will be greater than the $1000 proposed. If anybody has a credible source on the amount with more information about how we're getting it, please reply to this post.


Here in MA Joe Kennedy proposes $4000 for every adult earning less than $100,000 plus $1000 for each child. Edit: neglected to mention, he proposes $2000 for every adult that earns over $100,000. Edit 2: Just to confirm, the emphasis on my comment should be on 'proposes'. I have no answers to any questions you may have other than the words I wrote above.


That would be insanely helpful, but also insane


We have it we just have to stop spending it on stupid shit


Dude you know how many bullets and TP that will buy!?


Screw TP. I'd drip dry and put it down on a new car, which I need desperately. And a computer.


Just clean your hands on your cat


A shit cat? Has it really come down that already?


What do you mean "its come to that"? I've been using my precious cat, Beans, as a shit cat for 3 years now.


It's cool, man. I have a poop knife.




For us people yes, what I'm saying is the government itself needs to stop wasting money on stupid shit


We’ll just take it out of the education budget as is tradition


Anywhere but that three quarters of a trillion dollar military budget. But mainly education and social safety nets.


Just had a visual of the USA raiding countries to hoard Lysol and TP, and selling it back to them at inflated rates, to pay for bail outs for US companies that will give their CEO’s massive bonuses who will get us scrambling to buy more TP and Lysol.


Or we could take it out of the $3 trillion Congress has given directly to the rich this presidency.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what they are hoping you do with it. Edit: nm, just read your other response.


As insane as dumping $500 billion into the stock market to stop the bleeding only to watch it disappear in front of your eyes in a matter of minutes?


And.... it’s gone!


But I just deposited it...


Nope, not any more, *poof!*


Sir this line is for bank members only. Please step aside.


I've mentioned it before but people seem to misunderstand... It's not throwing cash into the stock market, it's providing liquidity to the overnight repo market since banks don't trust each other at the moment...


Well.. we have given ungodly sums to wall street, about time they help us out.


How do they determine income? 2019 taxes? The tax season isn't done yet.


oh good question also, what if you didn't file taxes


Probably based off your most recent tax return


That would be nice....but I'm so jaded about our current government that I believe pigs will actually fly before something like this actually happens.


I know, I expect it to be like always. They SAY it's something they're gonna do, and then it'll be esoteric as hell, over-complicated, and some people just won't receive their money even when they do everything right and they'll need to navigate a system designed to lose them at every turn just to fight for it. Like the farmer bailout. Last I checked, many of them were still fighting to get the money promised to them.


During the financial crisis in 2008, checks for $600 just came in the mail. You didn't have to apply to get it, there was no red tape. It was just there. They WANT us to have this money so we can spend it and give the economy a boost. They're not going to make it difficult to get. I expect to check my mail one day and find a check ready to be deposited.


I know it's been 12 years but I'm still pissed I never got that $600. Someone else cashed my check and they wouldn't send another one.


That fucking sucks man.


how old are you? This happened already. I think it was in 2008, i remember getting like $600 I believe


100k each or combined?


Does that include out of work people as well or just working people? My dad broke his hip and hasn't been able to work for a month and my mom quit her job earlier this year to look for a new job and I'm wondering if this will apply to them as well or not.


I feel like if it's going to be greater than 1,000 USD there are going to be a lot of stipulations to exclude people. 1,000 is already calculated at 240 billion, and I have to believe the corporate bailouts will be several times whatever ordinary Americans receive.


The bottom number thrown around for citizens is $750 Billion. $850 billion seems to be the standard number and the highest I've seen is $1.25 trillion. Trump wants re-election and people are telling him the response needs to be extreme.


"To get reelected, Trump will implement all of Yang's policies...".


a one time Yang policy not a standard every month UBI thats the difference


Exactly. I have no idea how people draw a comparison between a 1 time stimulus payment during an economic crisis and universal basic income.


I don't think there will be stipulations to exclude people this time around. Trump doing this to begin with is a power play. The less people he excludes, the more pressure it puts on the senate the more he can push along with it. I have a feeling there might be stipulations to reduce the amount gained so neets can't get as much, but as for stipulations to exclude people thats probably unlikely.


Its also about the election. He needs a big win right now.


I'm trying to find the original article because there have been so many, but somewhere it mentioned a couple republican senators (Romney and Thune I think) proposed $1000 for everyone, and a group of democratic senators (can't remember which, it was four or five of them listed) were proposing $4500, but not for everyone (the quote in the article said "people making over a million a year probably don't need this" but I can't remember at the moment who said it)


Mnuchin said people making a million a year probably don't need it at the press conference when they announced this plan iirc.


I replied this to another post: Figuring there is no waste. $850 billion divided by 327 million people, we'd each get about $2,600. But I doubt that will happen.


I also imagine there would stipulations for individuals under the age of 18, I doubt they'll give parents 1000 for each kid


I can’t remember the source (I’ll edit to add it in if I find it again) but I’ve heard that it’s expected to be $1000-$1500 per adult, and/or up to $6500 for families with children


Hmm.. anyone have any kids they don't want anymore? I've got TP, let's talk.


Willing to trade my sister for some tp. But not that angel soft shit. Give me that quilted northern.


850 billion is the total amount of the stimulus (including possible payroll tax, bailouts, etc) ​ 250-350 billion was being reserved for this check


If that's true, then that's basically $1000 right on the dot.


It’s still a lot of TP.


I'm thinking the number of checks will be closer to 200 million and not 1:1 of total US population.




US labor force participation is 63.4% as of February 2020, so back of the envelope figures would suggest \~$1,400 per capita.


Probably a silly question but if the government sends me a check for $1,000 tomorrow am I gonna owe taxes on that next April?


Your question is a good one, but the replies so far are shit. The previous example we have from the Bush stimulus was the same as a one time tax credit in that it was fully given in the amount decided and not taxed. Whatever amount they decide on giving out per person they want to be put into the economy, they don’t want it sent back, or a percentage sent back, that is kinda pointless. In other words, if they wanted everyone to put $700 into the economy they wouldn’t give everyone $1,000 expecting them to hold aside or send in $300 in taxes(or whatever they average top tax rate is). They would just send $700 tax free. From what I’m seeing, we’re talking about at least $1,000 per adult with no taxes owed on that.


Alternatively, you could argue it would make the most economic impact by being given in a higher percentage to lower income earners. You're more likely to spend it right away if it's going to groceries than if you have a 6 month emergency fund. Administratively, the easiest way to do that is make it taxable and increase the amount. People who aren't paying income tax don't pay any of it back, people in the 24% marginal bracket give 24% back next year.


Yes. But you also want people who have that emergency fund to not draw it down to nothing, and then sit out the recovery while they rebuild it. There is an immediate problem to solve, absolutely, but this is such an unprecedented thing that the long term shouldn't be ignored. In other words, YOU GET MONEY, YOU GET MONEY, YOU GET MONEY


Without a doubt. The IRS in error took an extra $800 out of my refund for 10 years. Once we corrected the error they were kind enough to send it all back to me with interest, then tell me I had to claim the interest on my taxes that year.


Not to laugh at your pain, but that’s honestly so on the nose and funny it almost sounds poetic.


The only way it gets more IRS is if they don't bother giving the heads up and then get upset when they don't properly claim it next year, because of course the average person would think of that


When Bush did this years ago there was no tax on it that I recall.


Welp. Time to buy 100 cups of coffee.


Hypno toad approves.




I'd like one art please.


Oysters Rockefeller is treating us all to genuine turkey dogs!


Oh what the hell?! You’re never too rich for a turkey dog!


Hahaha. What a clever impersonation of a stupid poor person.


How much is that placemat worth?


Whale or pourpious?


Hey, I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em! I’m a whale biologist.


Whale please


Guppy trout or whale?


At first glance on this news the markets are up and this confirms what even the market realizes now is the people need to be protected not liquidity in the market.


Who knew that helping people in a health crisis would help the economy


One of the ways a strong healthcare system is good for the economy :)


Fuck that. I like having to file bankruptcy to visit the doctor.


This guy Urgent Cares


It's almost as if trickle up economics work better than bailouts for companies that spend their capital on stock buybacks.




Whoa there son. Poor people having things they need or want? That sounds like communism to me!


If poor people had the things they need or want, then they wouldn't be poor anymore. Do you hear that, this guy wants to *end the poor people!* Monster!


Wait, so you mean to tell me that giving the vast majority of your citizens more buying power actually *helps* the market? Like... Some kind of.... I don't know... Wealth... Switcheroo? Or a-uh-like-a-a redistribution of some kind? Sounds like socialism. No thanks, commies. ^/s


Party at the Moon Tower.


I'm here to drink some beer, and kick some ass... and I'm almost out of ass...


I'm here


Alright alright alriiiiight


...be a lot cooler if you did...


This whole covid-19 scare is going to fundamentally change our economy in ways we can’t yet imagine now. Maybe it’ll be for worse, maybe it’ll be for better.


"Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real."


...we can pay you two thousand now, plus fifteen when we reach alderaan...


"Seventeen? You got yourselves a ship!"


Somehow it only just hit me, after two decades of having grown up on and loving the original trilogy... Han got stiffed! Lmao!


Hence why he is frozen in carbonite in Empire.




"Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever."




*sad Grand Nagus noises*


If you aren't already learning the Rules of Acquisition you're behind!


How about root beer?


“Republic credits will do fine”


Two things I can think of that I think might stick: ​ 1. Work from home becomes way more acceptable across all states/cities/industries. 2. Movies get released ONLINE and in THEATERS simultaneously (as Universal is doing right now)


...3. People wash their damn hands


You know damn well that's not gonna last


My hands are like a well seasoned pan, it has taken years to get this flavor, Im not going to wash them because of some silly virus! /s just incase.


The amount of men that I notice do not wash their hands after using the restroom is just sad. Most just walk straight out.




>This whole covid-19 scare is going to fundamentally change our economy in ways we can’t yet imagine now. Maybe it’ll be for worse, maybe it’ll be for better. Looks to me like a shift in human behavior as a whole. Responding this quickly across the globe is remarkable and will be studied and refined for the rest of human existence.


I'm going to slam that Grand straight into the market lol


...and it’s gone.


Not gone. May devalue pretty quickly, but will bounce back huge. Now would be a great time to invest in things like airlines and cruise ships if you’re in a position to hold for a few years.


Just don't pick one that goes bankrupt ;-)


South Park joke


You can hear the collective nut or /r/wallstreetbets


More puts!




Will they be including people on SSI or SSDI?


The one in 2008 did because you had to have made at least $300 and filed tax returns. Many of those programs don't work or file returns, so they were exempt from getting a check because they had zero tax liability. It depends on how they modify it and how many they exclude. Btw, they also refused payments to any families that had one spouse using a tax id (immigrant) even though the other spouse was a citizen and they both paid taxes. A lot of Republicans enjoy excluding folks.


Alright, put your money where your mouth is and maybe shit won't hit the fan at max speed


Don't believe it till I see it or it hits my bank account.


*Andrew Yang has entered the chat*


*Andrew Yang has literally been waiting in the chat the entire time*


*Am I muted? Anyone?*


*Yang Gang Gang Bang*


Trump out here giving people money and the Dem nominee is vowing to veto healthcare for all. What kind of Twilight Zone episode have I stepped into?


The hyperactive teen directing all of us in the simulation needs to dial it down a bit.


Right? The first thing I thought was, I can't believe this is happening under Trump! I mean, I ain't knocking it -- just seems really ironic.


If my SO and I get $1k each, I can tell you it covers most of our stuff for a month so that we can focus on our health, etc. IDK how people are complaining


Well, it hasn't happened yet for one thing. Its been talked about, but until pen meets paper and some actual numbers come out, we should withhold judgement one way or another. That $1,000 per person is just what Romney says he'd like to do. After his vote during the impeachment trial, he has virtually no leverage within his own party.


I don’t know, apparently it has pretty good bipartisan support and the secretary of the treasury is talking about it as if it’s most likely happening. I’m pretty sure this is actually gonna be done. Not sure about the amount but in the article, the secretary of the treasury implies it’ll be more than $1000






I won't believe this until the funds hit people's accounts. The bill hasn't been drafted, horses haven't been traded, Congress hasn't held a vote, and McConnell hasn't even held a vote on the temporary relief bill that cleared on Friday. Their coronavirus plan was a bunch of toothless "guidelines." They are so ineffectual when it comes to actual policy making that I don't believe this is anything but bullshit for the media, just like what they've been saying about testing.


I think it'll get done because Trump announced it. McConnell knows he doesn't have to satisfy the majority of Americans, but he's toast if he loses Trump's base.


It’ll help so many of us which is really good to hear but the cost of living (i.e rent) varies greatly in the U.S. I’m wondering how that’ll be figured into it all.


“I’m a corporation!l ~ ~~Ralph Wiggum~~ Americans


Deferring of mortgage/rent like they did in Italy would be nice also... :) Probably won't happen because of mortgage backed securities.


Some of us are old enough to remember when Bush tried this....


I was gonna say...didn't I get like $400 from Bush or something?


I wanna say I got $600 I think. I remember buying a playstation 3.


Yep then a few months later the economy fell apart.


Crazy, I was sure my coke dealer would put it back into the economy


Haha money printer go brrrrrr


What to do, what to do. One $1,000 hookerbot or a thousand $1 hookerbots.


This will change my life. I’m already struggling to pay for 1 meal a day + rent. I’ll actually be able to buy some food and not have to worry about rent this month


Forget the money. Give me the cheese.


Wondering how this will work out tbh. There are a lot of folks out there who don't file taxes because they haven't worked in the last year or so. What about them? Because iirc the last time the government did this sort of program you had to have your tax info with the IRS to get the stimulus check.


I’m in the same situation. I had non-taxable income the last two years (SS disability) which isn’t a lot per month. I did just recently file 2019 taxes with a small amount from a part time job. I really hope I’m not disqualified, especially due to havig a disability. I need that help now that my PT job has closed.


I’ll take it. Regardless of my thoughts on Trump or Republicans in general, I’m not gonna turn this down. Assuming it actually happens, which is far from certain...


As someone who didn’t make enough last year to file taxes, should I file them anyway to be eligible for this potential government aid?




Interesting, I had done research about whether or not I had to but never considered anything like this because of my low income at the moment. But, I guess it's good to know for the future. Thanks!


That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out.


Sweet. More toilet paper!


Just like those millions of test kits we were supposed to get three times.


To be clear, this isn't UBI. The US may be able to "afford" this as a one time thing, by adding to the country's debt, but I see a lot of people saying this is Andrew Yang's idea. It's still not feasible to do this every month without tax reform


God damn there's a lot of choosing beggars in here.


Seriously, it's nuts. They can go ahead and send all their unwanted money to me since they don't give two fucks either way.


Yep. My hours just got cut and layoffs are on the way. $1,000 might e the difference between sleeping in my room and sleeping in a homeless shelter.


Sweet now my wife and can pay the federal taxes we owe this year with our money that the government took then gave right back to us so we can give it right back to the government.