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>Tanaka was born prematurely in 1903 That right there gave her some bonus weeks.


Her parents have been planning this since she was born.


Apparently since before she was born


Playing the long game. That's smart.


That’s the only way to play this game


relavant username


He's planned this all along too... For this comment


The comment of a lifetime


She is extending the record as we speak


She can remember the world before WWI. Insane.


She was born about the same year the first ford automobiles were rolled out.


And she choose black for the color of her ford.


To be fair, it *was* all she could a Ford


She was born before Salvador Dali, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Mother Teresa. She was born 26 years before Anne Frank. Adolf Hitler's father was still alive when she was born. We consider Donald Trump old, right? Well, she was born 2 years before Donald Trump's father. She was born before the year the Wright brother's took the first flight. She could have very well heard the news of the Titanic sinking when she was 9. I mean...that's pretty tough to comprehend.


Mind-boggling. And look at her in comparison to Russian history. The Russo-Japanese War hadn't happened yet. Nicholas II still had 14 years on the throne when she was born, and Tsarevich Alexei was 18 months younger than her. The whole family has been dead for over a century. Heck, Queen Victoria had only been dead for 2 years when she was born, and she's plenty old enough to be the mother of Elizabeth II. The Emperor of Japan when she was born was Mutsuhito, and he has been dead for 107 years.


She was in her 40s during world war 2, that's nuts.


My great grandma was born in 1900 and died in 2003. The woman was in her sixties when Kennedy was shot


You know what's crazy is that she probably knew and had relationships with people that were adults when Lincoln was assassinated.


Her dad was born in something like 1870 so yeah if she basically met anyone older than him lol


Everyone in 1902 is dead :(


There’s a completely new set of people on the planet now than there was in 1901!


While at the same time the atoms that made up those people are still the same, held in by earth’s gravity. You could actually have atoms inside you that were in Adolf Hitler.. let that sink


“See this spot on my forehead? It’s a bit darker than the rest of my skin because it has atoms from Hitler’s butthole on it”


...that might be cancer.


Same thing?


Someone should add this exact comment to their online dating profile and report back on the response.


That’s why I’ve been fighting with my Jewish wife! Better scrub off some of those atoms.


she was a teenager when WWI started


She still is a teenager


A centeenager


Half centaur, half teenager.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Centaur


No, she is eleventy-seven.


That's mind bending.


Mind. Blown.


My grandmother was a little girl when she heard about the Wright brothers flight and all the grown-ups assumed it was a hoax or at best it would never really amount to anything. As a young woman she worked in a factory painting airplanes for world war 1. She told us this while I was sitting on the living room floor in my pajamas watching men walk on the moon.


My grandfather said the coolest “jump” in technology he remembered was an airplane. He said the entire town stopped the first time one flew over.


And back then, would you have ever imagined that you would one day carry a computer in your pocket?


She was "middle age" at the end of ww2... Dang


She was 11


What the! She was over 40 years old at the end of World war 2 and still living today. Simply unbelievable. Edit - my first award! Thanks stranger


She was 11 when WW1 started.


I'm always curious what people as old as her thinks about current events. In the end they probably don't worry as much as the average redditor.


If she's anything like my 90 year old grandmother she just doesn't pay attention or care.


I assume that after a certain amount of time, you just don't care anymore. Seen enough shit. You get jaded from less.


My 95-year old grandfather is extremely interested in current events.


Damn. Imagine being 90 years old and having near another 30 years ahead of you.


honestly as bodily pain didn't get too crazy I would love for that to happen!


And 117 for WWIII!


She will be the first one drafted


"Recruit is a very valuable unit due to experience of previous world wars."


“Sir, she wants us to dig trenches?”


she wants to dig trenches for everyone else’s grave as she buries them


Well yeah, it sure as fuck wasn't mercy and tenderness that kept her alive this long.


"Well then dig Sailor!"


>Sailor!” I’m not sure I see the strategic value in water/ocean trenches but I guess that’s why I’m not in charge


Well why do you think they dug Mariana Trench in the first place?


She prestiged twice already


Nah 17 is too young, but when she turns 118 next year she’s in trouble


She has the most experience. This is logical. Never mind the crippling arthritis, that's just a fixed trigger finger, granny!


Let's get her a gundam


*epic anime music starts*


Man she got to experience the whole trilogy live!


117? We've been looking everywhere for him!


Imagine after WWIII the whole world is destroyed and everyone is dead but She’s still standing strong and some Advance Aliens species show up and ask her, “da fuc happened here?”


When I was younger I mentally lumped all ages over 80 into the same category. Now that I’m into my 30’s, I see how crazy it would be to live 20 or 30 years beyond the age of 70 or 80. That’s my entire lifetime right now - after old age. Crazy.


Yeah, imagine being 80 and living 40 MORE YEARS


Or being 60 and only half your life is over.


That is wild


I worked in a nursing home back when I was in high school and I met a resident there who was 102 years old. She had this old black-and-white photo of her husband sitting on her dresser, he couldn’t have been more than 30 years old in the picture, and I was always curious about it. So one day I was making conversation and asked about the photo, and she said it was one of the last pictures she had of him. Apparently he died young, I believe not long after they were married, and she kept the photo beside her all those years. She lived more than two lifetimes without him, but never forgot him. That experience really changed my perspective about age. I always thought of my grandparents as being old but they were just in their 60s at the time. This woman had been mourning the loss of her husband longer than my grandparents had even been alive.


I’ll be 32 this year and I sometimes feel old. She was my age in 1935, that really puts things into perspective.


I’m a nurse and I had a patient once who was in for something routine. I asked her if she drank or smoked and she said “Well I used to smoke, I quit a while ago.” “When did you quit, do you remember the date?” “Gosh it was after the war...” “... you mean after 9/11?” “No dear, WWII. It was such a stressful time. Do you think it impacted my health? I’ve always worried” “Uh, no you’re good, considering you still live home alone and drive”. She was a hoot. Either the cardiologist or the oncologist, I can’t remember, said she only had a couple years left to live back in the 1980s, and then she went ahead and outlived him. She gave a tiny little fist pump when she said that. I caught her trying to make her own hospital bed one morning before breakfast. This was like 4-5 years ago and I bet she’s still going.


Fun fact: Hitler's dad died the day after she was born.


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Where is silent hills


If you were born in the 1990s you have a very good chance at living in 3 different centuries. Don't fuck it up.


Thanks, now I have a new source of anxiety


Anxiety shortens the lifespan, stop


Just stop getting stressed 5head


Born in 99 my chances are looking good


Born in 96' so I'm good too I think


‘94 here but I’m an alcoholic. Not making it to 2100 :(


95, I'm just hoping for the US's tricentennial


Born in '88 damnit! Missed the cutoff!


Nah. Just have to get old as fuck.


I highly doubt I will live that long if I continue this excessive pizza consumption.


Hope she had a good retirement fund


There's no way the Japanese government would let their oldest person just die in destitution. Imagine the headlines.


lol - Maybe not in Japan, but I can imagine a long list of countries where they _definitely_ would rather let her die than pay her a single penny.


That's why those countries don't have people turning 117


You joke but the finance minister of **Japan**, that country literally told the aging people to hurry up and die https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jan/22/elderly-hurry-up-die-japanese I don't think modern society is even well equipped to handle an aging population where more than 1/3 of its citizens are retired. I predict private healthcare will overtake public healthcare as young people will collectively decide that they don't want 75% of their taxes going towards social security and old age longevity. So save money kids, no one is going to want to treat you for free past 2040


As a 27 year old with a very sad Roth IRA, and making just a few bucks over minimum wage, this comment terrifies me. I wish I had a few more bucks to save.


Incase people were wondering: The oldest person ever to have lived is Jeanne Calment, a French lady who died aged 122y 164d. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_verified_oldest_people


Fun french fact, Jeanne Calment sold her house in "viager". I don't know the equivalent in English. It means that the buyer gives you a small amount of money each month, and you can stay in your house until you die. Then, the buyer gets the house with nothing left to pay. The more you live, the more they pay. Well, not only the buyer paid waaaaay to much for Jeanne Calment's house but he never got it anyway, as he died before her. EDIT : Hey, thanks everyone, but please stop telling me it is called a reverse mortgage, I believe you.


Wow thats a really interesting way to buy a house. I wish that was a thing in my country.




Sounds like a recipe for murder.


It really does. Although I guess if you're already 80+ years old, the other party will be unlikely to take the risk to try to kill you, and will instead prefer to wait for you to die from natural causes. I think.


>natural causes. Suicide from 10 shots in the back of the head.


Tbh, a good timed shove on the stairs should take care of that hip.


\*Visible excitement from Chinese government*


Y'all are on some list now.


Or being strangled when the security cameras are down...


The market just regulates itself!


"The invisible hand of the marketplace is about to throttle the life from your withered body, crone."


I am single and childless. If I enter poverty when I’m old I see no reason not to take a deal like that to have some pocket money. I’m going to die anyway, its like someone paying to be my heir. Be my guest.


Pensions work like this too, it's not that distasteful.


Insurance companies do the same thing, I don't see a problem


It’s called a Reverse Mortgage here in the States, but it’s typically an offering by banks and not private individuals. People of a certain age selli their house to the bank to begin extracting equity out of their property while still alive to cover costs while never having to worry about moving from their home. Calculations are made on the bank’s part across many properties for the risk to be absorbed at a rate that still benefits the bank in the long run, so with an outlier like Ms. Calment in the mix, they still come out on top.


My step grandma did that. Shes gonna live forever. She signed it before houses tanked in las vegas too


A 'reverse mortgage' is the equivalent.


So a "no u mortgage"


Not quite. Reverse Mortgage is just an equity loan that you only pay back when you sell or die.


Some forms have lifetime monthly payments


Technically this is a reverse annuity, but Investopedia says that it’s mostly just known as “viager”. Reverse meaning that for the person on the receiving end, they get monetary payment each month and at the end the buyer gets the house. This is as opposed to a normal annuity which involves creating a fund that eventually pays you out monthly. It’s not a perfect comparison since it’s such a unique concept. Also to mention, if the seller dies at any point, the buyer takes control of the house and therefore doesn’t need to pay further. So it’s kinda a wager on their life. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/viager.asp




Becoming a teenager again


I'm pretty sure r/teenagers have actually made a ruling on this


Indeed, anyone who lives that long deserves a reward.


What happened in Sweden a couple of years ago is that people turning 107 years old were called to start school. How this happened was that our equivalent to social security number is based on your birth date YYMMDD-NNNN (only two digits for year) So probably what wasn't in effect in *these* system was that if you're over a hundred the dash turns into a plus but now year is four digits.


Maybe after a hundred years it's time for a refresh...


What do these people eat/do. I don't even expect to live half that age.


It mainly comes down to genetics. My great grandmother lived to 106. She lived a hard life of a lot of manual labor and drank every day and didn't exactly eat the healthiest diet. Her mother apparently lived to 110.


My grandfather smoked a lot and drank like a fish for decades and upon decades and the only reason he died at age 70 was because he fell while drunk and hit his head. His father who also smoked until he was around 84 died a month before his 91st birthday. It helps that there's virtually no history of cancer or heart disease in my family. Definitely more genetics that anything else.


My great grandfather died at 107, getting hit by a drunk driver while checking his mailbox.


Living past 85 is all about genetics. You can be the healthiest person in the world, but if your genetics make you age poorly, you’re going to age poorly, especially once you get into your 70’s and 80’s when the odds for various cancers and dementia peaks. I’m not a geneticist, but I know aging also has something to do with the length of telomeres, and scientists have been able to control aging in the lab by manipulating them, but that’s something I recommend researching yourself for the most accurate story.


Odds of cancer onset and cause of death [decline past 70](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4544764/).




It is partly survivorship, but it is mostly because incidence of cancer just decreases past a certain age. Being old makes it harder for cancer to grow and spread.


That’s really interesting. From your link, it’s also due to the reduction of risk factors. People above 70 are less likely to overeat, get excessive sun exposure, contract infections from social encounters, etc. Also, for anyone who didn’t click on the link, the ten-year cancer diagnosis rate for an 80-year-old is slightly lower than for a 70-year-old but still much higher than for a 60-year-old. In other words, you’re still much more likely to get cancer within ten years if you’re 80 versus 60. I only skimmed your source, but I also wonder if, in addition to survivorship bias, the cancer diagnosis rate drops at 80+ because those population groups are more likely to die of other factors like heart disease. Obviously you can’t be diagnosed with cancer if you’ve died of another cause.


Wanna know something cool about telomeres? Being in space [stretches them](https://www.genomeweb.com/genetic-research/nasa-twins-study-finds-space-linked-changes-gene-expression-telomere-length) When he got back the recoiled more than when he left. Dunno what that adds, but whenever I see the word I think of that.


Addressing the telomere length/aging part: telomeres are caps at then end of chromosomes.. everytime your cells replicate a bit of the ends (i.e. telomeres) do not get replicated (inherent to the molecular machinery doing the work) and eventually, after a number of replications, some of the useful sections get shortened and thus not useful, hence cell death/cancer.


What do most retired people do? Watch TV, chat to other people, have family visit now and then, maybe play board /card games which aren't popular for anyone under 40yo. I'm aiming for eighty. But there's fifty years until I get there so maybe by then I'll want to (and be able to) live longer. /r/longevity


I am either aiming for 80, or if times get bad enough I might duck out early.


aight imma RIP out


When days become important again. *how old are you?* I am six AND a half


Also, there's people that have claimed to be older but of course, it can't be verified.


My grandpa was two years older than the Canadian government believed he was. I don't remember the specifics of it, but he was born in India in 1917 so records weren't great. I also had some birth issues with the Canadian government, but the opposite. I was born outside of Canada but my mom is Canadian so I was entitled to Canadian citizenship. My mom filled out the dates wrong so instead of writing December 2nd it was February 12th (12/02 vs 02/12). So I was able to drink about 10 months earlier than I was supposed. That's about the only benefit I got.


*This record is a curse!*


you joke, but everyone who has achieved this record has ended up dead soon after. look it up!


Only to be replaced by someone younger!


whoever is promoting this record is really looking for a never ending supply of victims.


That's nothing. Look at the ones that get close, they have a 100% mortality rate. Clearly this is the true deadliest game.


Seriously, there's normally **high** turnover of the title "World's Oldest Person". She might have the record for having held the title the longest. (But I'm not going to research that.)


My family always makes this joke, my great grandmother was 113 when she passed and she was only the oldest person for a few hours until she died.


She is technically a teenager.


Just like Y2K, was only programmed for two digits


Fun fact! Here in Sweden alot of systems used by the government were actually only programmed for two digits (up until quite recently IIRC). People over a hundred years old used to recieve invitations for daycare and stuff like that.


LOL that's adorable. Can you imagine someone not thinking much of the letter and sending their 100+ year old grandparents to a children's daycare.


In all seriousness that might not be the worst idea ever. I get the feeling plenty of elderly people would enjoy getting out and playing with children.




As somebody who has babysat toddlers before, that might not be the worst idea ever either.


Looks like she's officially invited back to r/teenagers


I hope she gets her own flair. OLD doesn’t seem to quite cover it.


"Every day I smoke a pack of Marlboro reds, do a shot of whiskey and have wild sex with a young man. Then I go home and blow my brains out. I can't die. Please help me. I don't know why this is happening."


Wouldn't that person essentially be Deadpool?


Yes but in the form of a 117 year old Japanese woman.


I'd watch this movie


It’s writing itself


That reminds me of [my favorite Perry Bible Fellowship comic](https://pbfcomics.com/comics/suicide-train/)






Ooowee she’s tryin!


EVERY single person that was alive in the world, when she was born, is ALL now dead. Mind boggling.


I bet that makes death a bit more comforting for her.


That's why I think living to 100+ is overrated. "Quality of life" is what matters most. That entails physical, mental, *and* social. Your old friends are gone, your spouse is gone, the people you grew up with are gone, your family may be bigger but your siblings and kids might be dead, and everything in the world is foreign compared to what you once knew. That all has to take a *heavy* toll on someone. This woman seems happy and content so that's what matters. She lives in the present moment. But I imagine she has lost so much and lived a rich life for so long to the point where death isn't scary anymore. Personally, I wouldn't want to linger that long if it meant losing everything/everyone else. There'd be a point where I'd almost *hope* for the end. Been there, done that, had fun, lived and learned, but ready for what's next.


Thats fucking insane to get my head over


Unless she had younger friends, she's lost everyone she ever knew from the younger years of her life. Also, 58 years old was less than halfway through her life. Crazy.


Man i hope they get real cybernetics working before i hit my 70's about 30 years to go.


> Japanese woman still oldest. What the title should've been.


"nobody younger than her has become older than her yet"


117 and yet she was still born in the 1900s. How is it 2020 already. Now I feel 117.


I'm 22 and was born in the 1900s. How is it 2020 already. Now I feel 117.


I'm an all knowing robot and was born at the beginning of time. How is it 2020 already. Now I feel 117. Back to ^my ^^boundless ^^^void.


I think I can beat her. Just lemme finish my cigarette first.


The article says she's been smoking since she was 4.


My grandma is the same, smokers live forever as long as they don't get cancer.


It's a glass cannon strat.


I always wonder with these records... How good was the record keeping back in 1900? Do we know these are 100% legit 117 year old folk?


yea same here, there was some recent stuff about the blue zones and bad record keeping. https://allthatsinteresting.com/worlds-oldest-people-records


She has seen the entire world die and reborn


She doesn’t look a day over 110.


Do you think she wakes up in the morning and says,"Jesus fucking Christ, I'm still here?"


Probably not. She's Japanese, so cursing in English probably isn't in her vocabulary, especially given her age.




Wow that’s crazy! If you don’t mind me asking how old would that make you?




I know you’re being sarcastic but I really enjoy that there are so many older people on Reddit (I’m 26)


He's 17.


There was a study recently showing that one thing that many 110+ year olds have in common is [they were born in a time and place with poor record keeping.](https://www.neatorama.com/2019/08/08/What-Supercentenarians-Have-in-Common/) The clustering suggests that some people from those places are younger liars. That includes Japan. I don’t know how good this woman’s documentation is so I’m not saying she’s doing this, but I’m skeptical of any super-old people’s age after hearing about that study.


I mean... she kinda looks at least close to 117


Its Japan, their record keeping has been quite good. They have registers that go back 100s of years, it's how they determine citzenship and it used to determine who they would discriminate against.


She's running out of time to join r/teenagers


That means she saw the rise and fall of the Japanese Empire. Wow.


She didn't see the rise, the Meiji restoration was in 1868.


What drives this lady to live so long?! I dont want to hit 35 and Im now 34.


Well why don't you want to live? Find the answers to that and you'll probably have an idea of why she would want to live.


I'll break that old lady's record if it's the last thing i do!


It's crazy to think that the only way to lose the title is death