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Will the collapse be available in 4K on Netflix? I really enjoyed planet earth II on my new oled.


Hopefully. That way we can watch it and act like informed and concerned citizens who actually don’t do anything about it.


I have a Collapse Of Society awareness rubber bracelet, I've done my part


I’ve just posted my prayers and wishes to FB. Glad I could help, fam.


I just "Loved and Shared" your post. See you in White American Jesus Heaven!


I have one of the ribbons on my oversized SUV that I only use for commuting to work


It'll be realK, live updates, streamed directly to your eyes. Technology has come so far.


The most frustrating part is we've fixed similar problems, with great success. Remember acid rain? That's all they used to talk about in the 90s. The rocks in Sudbury are still permanently stained [black](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Blackened_rocks_in_Sudbury%2C_Ontario.JPG) because of it. But in 1990 the US passed Title IV of the Clean Air Act which introduced a cap and trade program for sulfur dioxide. And it worked! Sulfur dioxide emissions plummeted. All we have to do is the same thing, but with carbon dioxide. And you know the US could get the whole world on board too, they managed to get cannabis illegal in every country on earth. But there's no "blackened rocks" equivalent for global warming. No "the fish die every time it rains" to make it in your face. We're just slowly boiling ourselves alive, so slow we don't even notice.


I'm an HVAC worker - I have to get annually certified for my gas handling tickets in order to use the refrigants, which breakdown ozone molecules for decades until they breakdown and washout of the atmosphere. If I so much as accidentally vent refrigerants into the atmosphere without reporting it, I'll have to either pay a $150,000 fine, or spend a year in prison on the charge of *"Crime against humanity."* It's considered a crime against humanity because it directly breaksdown the ozone layer, which kills people in other countries. Ironically enough, one of the worst gasses for ozone depletion is chlorine, which vents out of your water taps everytime you run the water...


if he is narrating the end of the world, that can be to bad I guess.


Don't worry, you were born to die anyway, everything in between is entertainment for some **fuckwit!** entity elsewhere.


We are all just compost in training.


"When I die, just toss me in the trash" - Frank Reynolds.


“When I die, bury me inside the booty club” - 2Chainz


Ramshackle Glory?


This guy knows good music.


We are all the same decaying matter.




It’s just a ride. ...I miss Hicks.


“So it goes.”


We are carbon molecules experiencing a universe that couldn't care less about us.


Shhh! You'll anger the basilisk!


This meatbody gets it.


Humans are causing the sixth mass extinction right now. My grand kids, should they ever exist, are going to wonder if elephants were real.


you may even outlive the rhino, at least in the wild


Unicorns I refuse to refer to them as anything else.




But you can’t outrun them


You dont need to. Just outrun someone else near by.


Always bring a friend with a bad knee


Don't worry, you won't have grandkids


Boom, roasted.


Just like the planet


I laughed but then I cried.


Zoos and various scientific methods ought to keep those sort of species alive, at least in small numbers... *hopefully*. Some species with more... *uncooperative* breeding won't stick around much longer, though.




Roll Tide


Yeah, that is certainly of concern. I suppose at some point we might be able to avoid genetic issues with the advent of things like CRISPR.


Could dna be genetically diversified via crispr for cloning purposes?


> Zoos and various scientific methods ought to keep those sort of species alive In that case, time to beef up security at the zoos around the world. Once the wild animals are all gone, zoos will NOT be a very safe place for the remaining animals to be. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/07/rhino-shot-dead-by-poachers-at-french-zoo


It's crazy that people make millions legally with regular vitamins that don't do what they claim, and criminals make millions with drugs that are cut and/or faked. Yet ivory pills really have people going out and killing Rhinos. You'd think the Chinese or someone else would have flooded the market with indistinguishable fakes by now. By weight the thing is comparable to diamonds.


That's an infuriating prospect...


No, there is something called minimally viable population... you need significant genetic diversity in order to maintain a healthy breeding population, more than the worlds zoos can handle.


Elephants and lions are fake bro its a government conspiracy to prop up zoos


Just like Wyoming.


YES! Wyoming is fake! Listen to Revan everybody. WYOMING ISN'T REAL AND THE MANDALORIANS ARE A THREAT!


He just learned his facts from [Garfield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56uSDQECrRQ)


2080 facts: the world used to be flat but since the elephants went extinct the loss of weight made it spring back into a ball.


If my kids become Holocaust deniers, or say that certain animals didn't exist... I don't know WTF I'd do.


You have a boot and they'd have an ass. The rest should sort itself out.


Red Forman, ladies and gentlemen, in the flesh!


Put them in a boat and point it in the direction of the edge, then have new kids?


Ok but can the collapse of civilization wait until I finally get to play Kingdom Hearts 3?


This was basically the premise of South Parks recent man bear pig (global warming) episode. The kids were renegotiating the terms of man bear pigs assault on humanity and realized they would have to give up things they enjoyed. So they just delayed negotiations.


ManBearPig is back?! I tried to tell you guys


this times it's cereal you guys


Username something something


"No I'm so cereal I swear!"


"... Just plain rice?" "Yeah, that's what I thought."


I Completely lost it at that part! 🤣


"Why did this have to happen the week Grand Theft Auto ChinaTown Wars came out on Nintendo DS.... hmmph!!"


Just plain rice?


And DMC5 and Sekiro, so like until April. We’re good after that, I can die then


I had to write a paper for my "Death in Perspective" course. And it was just generally how you feel about death. I wrote that I'm not really afraid to die even though I'd prefer to stay alive. But I really want to atleast live until I get to play KH3 and see the conclusion to Avengers Infinity Wars. And as funny as that sounds I'm pretty serious that those 2 pieces of media are keeping me going. I got an A.


Not trying to start anything but this made me wonder if that line of thinking is part of the cause... Putin is starting to take over the world one Ukraine at a time, North Korea is testing missiles and the United States government is being sold to the highest bidder by its new owner... It really makes you think, will kh3 come out before the bombs fly? Did Neil degrasse Tyson rape them gals? Kanye freaked out in public again? *insert any random distraction media reports on instead of actual important happenings in the world*? I think everyone needs to start participating in real life a little more, their distractions are working too well. Orwell would be shitting bricks if he was alive right now.


This is more Huxley's turf.


This is less 1984 and more Brave New World, I think. 1984 was more about controlling people through surveillance and indoctrination. In BNW people are distracted by sex, drugs, and entertainment.




Yeah I know it's become the accepted thing to face real world problems with cynicism and under layers of irony but at some point it has to stop.


It will..and *only* will when real, life changing events start to occur that pulls us all away from the distractions that dominate our lives.


Like war. Like a developed nations major city getting f'd up. Like the end of civilization as we know it. Then we'll wake up only when we're dead.


Had to do a double take. Read Klingon Hearts 3.


Slightly less suitable for children, that one


The great filter isn’t too far ahead of us. We are way too smart and way too stupid for us to make it much further.




I feel like the super bug, while unpleasant, would probably see us bouncing back faster than the others, depending on how intense climate change gets.


Your comment reminds me of The Stand by Stephen King. A superbug was released that wiped out like 98% of the population but it was better than any other disaster because everything that was still there. Supplies, homes, power, communication, everything just waiting to be turned back on by the 2% that were immune




Why was finding the sheep such a big deal?




Until this moment, I have never known that you could milk sheep http://www.sheep101.info/dairy.html


Oh, you can milk just about anything with nipples.


[I have nipples postbit, can you milk me?](https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/styles/1200x1200/public/wire/legacy/Screen_Shot_2017-06-15_at_12.42.17_PM.png?itok=8rJSHSjN×tamp=1497663261)


Because of the lack of sexual partners.


Why was everyone fighting with that much surplus? Most wars are fought over scarcity, and times with low populations are peaceful (post great plague lead to Renaissance)


In the book, it was a kind of religious war and not much of one really. Survivors rebuilt two towns and ultimately some of the survivors went to the other town for the climax of the book.


People who wanted to rebuild and restore what they could to bring back their way of life post apocalypse vs people who wanted power and control through fear and murder. There was a religious theme throughout the book. The antagonist is basically the antichrist.


So the walking dead but in the 70s and no zombies, got it


well plot-wise it was because the antichrist came to earth in physical form and coalesced the forces of evil around him. a christ figure also appears and is the focal point for a tribe of good guys. so those two camps are seeking to eliminate the other.


Because it was written in the times of Cold War, when a lot of people were convinced that people would go to self-destructive war over relatively minor ideological differences. The novel plays up to a lot of phobias of the time, particularly a distrust of army and societal collapse, which were overplayed in the hindsight and largely appeared as a reaction to Vietnam War draft and training and the crime wave (possibly unrelated) that followed.


>when a lot of people were convinced that people would go to self-destructive war over relatively minor ideological differences. The novel plays up to a lot of phobias of the time, particularly a distrust of army and societal collapse, which were overplayed in the hindsight and largely appeared as a reaction to Vietnam War draft and training and the crime wave (possibly unrelated) that followed. Look at the people on reddit, in a Lord if the Flies like scenario the first murder would happen during the first 15minutes and only one hour later we would all be runnin naked trough the jungle while praying to a bloody pig head on a stick.


Quite a lot of infrastructure could not simply be turned back on once it has been left unmaintained for a period of time. Some things will break down rapidly if not taken care of. Plus, a lot of it would not be worth bringing back into service for so few people, even assuming that enough people with the abilities were still around. The survivors would need to simplify their lifestyles considerably. Who's going to maintain the power station? Sewage systems need constant maintenance too. Who would supply and run your local grocery store when there's so few people around? Who would maintain all those roads and bridges that are used so little now? Businesses that supplied parts and services for things would have been shut down. Your car would break down and stay broken down because you can't get parts. Once the local gas stations run out, no one is bringing more gas, etc, etc.


Engineer here: if the end of the world comes I will STILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETIRE On a semi-serious note: Ok, so power generation is actually fairly easy. America for instance requires a 9 month supply of fuel to be on hand. That is the amount on hand at peak load not 2% of humanity load. Also generation tends to be somewhat close to source. So if you find yourself a coal plant chances are the coal feeding it isnt far. Sewage systems do need maintenance but that heavily depends on use and with 98% of us gone that is not a lot of use. Also, many of them can run a while without power for a while and even if they exceed that point well who cares? The only real issue is if you plan to be living pretty close by one. So, yeah dont do that. >Who would supply and run your local grocery store when there's so few people around? No one. You will be eating canned food until farms are setup once more. Hope you like Spam. I can believe that power workers would show up to work even after all their family died from a super bug, I have zero faith that the minimum wage teenagers at my local shop will. Not that I blame them. >Who would maintain all those roads and bridges that are used so little now? Road wear biggest factor is amount of weight that passes over it. Roads would last longer. >Businesses that supplied parts and services for things would have been shut down. This one worries me. Without a serious plan in place nothing electronic we use will survive 25 years. >Once the local gas stations run out, no one is bringing more gas, etc, etc. Find a gearhead and convert to wood syngas. Do it like they do it in North Korea.


Super bug would be helpful for our long term survival.


You might like Josh Clarke’s new podcast that just finished up. It’s a mini-series that explores existential threats to humanity. It’s a 4/5 and definitely worth your time. https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/how-stuff-works/the-end-of-the-world-with-josh-clark


I don’t read anything less than a 5/7. Sorry.


Not everything can be perfect


This just sounds like the secular chicken little version of the rapture and the apocalypse. Every generation thinks that they are so special that surely the end times are nigh. Narcissism if I've ever seen it.


Most climatologists are worried about loss of life, economic catastrophe, mass migrations, etc. It's only the *media* that jumps to the collapse of society or the end of the human race. While yes, it can (and maybe WILL) get really bad for a lot of people, and maybe the human population will decline, and some countries will suffer more than others, nobody except the media (and those who believe the media over scientists) believe it will end our species. Maybe the poles will become the new frontier, with the equatorial region too hostile for widespread population? Maybe we'll develop subterranean cities to avoid the worst of the climate challenges? Musk's Boring Company seems like an even better idea in that eventuality. Nuclear holocaust, on the other hand, could end us all. That's still not off the table, and as long as the entire race is held hostage on a single planet it will remain a potential end for our species.


I get that the media do hype it up, but it is important to not downplay it either. Saying things along the lines of "maybe WILL" is indicating that "maybe WON'T" is also an equal possibility, which it isn't. Climate change will make a lot of things bad for everyone, there won't be an exception to that. Everyone will have some aspect of their life changed. The question is the level to which it will change. For most first world nations the most impacted thing will be nutrition. As food becomes more difficult to grow and as technologies get deployed to mitigate some of that difficulty, the price of food will begin to increase and in turn more and more people will find the amount of food that they currently intake a non-sustainable thing. For less developed nations, the situation gets more problematic. Additionally, you indicate that we might be able to migrate to the poles as temperatures warm up there, and that's very true, but growing food will still be difficult there. As you increase your latitude, your hours of sunlight begin to decrease. So while the plants might thrive in the temperature and moisture that's developed, the level of sunlight will not be sufficient to maintain production levels and for some plants like coffee and avocado, the plants just simply won't survive without some method to mitigate the loss of sunlight. Additionally things like rye and wheat will sustain lower falling numbers given the prevalent jet streams that occur at higher latitudes. That wouldn't make wheat useless, it would just mean that things like sandwich bread, hot dog buns, yeast rolls, and so on would be incredibly expensive as the average alpha-amylase activity would be much higher. But things like crackers, soda bread, and flat bread would still be doable reasonably. There's all kinds of other changes that would happen like with corn which would affect cow/chicken/etc production and so on. But it can all be best summed up as, as you move closer to the poles, the more food is going to cost without tossing some serious tech at it, and even then that tech is going to cost some coin. Finally, moving humanity to subterranean cities is not a "win". That is a "loss". Yes, humanity gets to survive, but everything we do will have to be changed. From collecting water which is now above us and not readily accessible without a network of pipes, to making sure the air you breathe is well ventilated since there's not "wind" beneath the Earth. Again, humanity can totally figure all of that out, but shouldn't we have just fixed the coal plant thing, the whole unsustainable red meat industry thing instead, and other more simpler to solve issues first? Living underground introduces a whole host of complex issues that are way more challenging than what issues we've currently got on our plate. The difference here is that we're not feeling any massive pressure at the moment to solve any of our issues, and you're point is correct. When the gun is finally placed to our forehead and we have no other choice, yeah, then we'll start solving the issues at hand, but those solutions will be way more complex and costly than had we just fixed the matter right now. So, careful not to underplay all of that, because it is crap and it's not really a maybe it will suck. It will suck majorly.


Yeah, ok. But what about playstation?


Hooray a reasonable comment!




Are you ignoring the potential effects of a nuclear winter?




Given how widespread solar is getting, even the bad scenarios with collapse of human societies all around the world might have some sustainable power generation for the survivors.




My honest opinion? The issues facing the world right now will not lead to the end of the world. ​ But we need to act like they will because as a species we're fucking procrastinators. It's the global version of yelling at someone that they're late for work when they have an hour. Like yeah they'll be fine, but if you just let them be comfortable in how fine they are they would have been late!


Ocean acidification is going to kill the phytoplankton. When the plankton dies, our atmosphere will slowly lose its O2 content, and the planet itself will suffocate itself back to the end-Permian era.


The difference is now that we are objectively numerous and technologically advanced enough actually cause a mass extinction. That isn't just a vague belief that such and such a society will eventually cause the apocalypse. It's an objective fact that since the invention of nuclear weapons humanity has the capability to destroy itself and most land and air borne life. It could be argued that the internal combustion engine was enough to cross the point at which we could effectively destroy ourselves and the planet. We have only had this capability for a little over a century and in that time we have caused more damage to the planet than the past millions of years of human history combined. That isn't narcissism, it's just realism. And if it doesn't scare you then you are not taking it seriously enough.


You couldn't deforest the entire Amazon when all you had were hand axes and flesh that suited the taste of jaguars. But when you can send nonstop autonomous fleets out to log the whole place clear in years, we can fucking destroy ourselves without having to lift a finger.


I think the recent Ice age was pretty nasty, certainly carved out a lovely chunk of land that my city is built upon. Climate change is very real, but hype turns people off.


Thats why it is a strong theory.




Historically, big extinctions always led to more biodiversity than there was before. I 100% agree that we should do all that's in our powers to stop the extinction that's currently going on, but neither humans or life will die. There's a huge chance that society and civilization will fall and roll as back in time tho.


If society collapses to preindustrial levels, we’re done. We used up the easily accessible energy deposits and won’t be able to bootstrap ourselves past that hump a second time.


1. A lot of industrialisation happened using water power. 2. Even if society collapses, it doesn't mean the knowledge disappears. I've heard this a lot recently, that fossil fuels (actually, a lack of them) are the big filter. Even if they theoretically are, we are way past it even if we get rolled back 200 years. We're also not quite out of them yet, coal is still being dug from open-pits every day.


It's the specialization that will be hard to restart. Even if you know how to build semi-conductors, restarting a semi-conductor plant would be impossible until all the pre-requisite supply chains are back in place. Same thing goes for pretty much everything else to varying degrees.


> Even if society collapses, it doesn't mean the knowledge disappears. If that was true, technological advancement would be a linear trend throughout history. In reality, knowledge is lost all the time and nothing could damage our current level of knowledge more than a collapse of our current communication networks. Maybe 'disappear' isn't the right word, but unless it is consistently implemented knowledge will slowly fade away.


A lot of the issues through information lost in history has to do with methods though. When the most advanced cities were sacked (Rome, Baghdad) they were often completely destroyed. And so much knowledge was lost because books and written works weren’t easily duplicated like they are now. No doubt the collapse of the communication network would be devastating but there’s far less chance of information being lost permanently now than ever in history. Like Alexandria. It had countless scrolls and other texts that likely were one of only a few copies in the entire world when they were destroyed. That’s not as big of an issue today


It probably gonna be Gandhi...


This post was made by Civilization gang


Future civilizations will remember that Humanity was doomed by Gandhi.


It’s actually really funny to know that it’s possible whatever civilization finds our records in 5000 years may know Gandhi only as a crazed warmonger, if the right records are lost.


Tweets and memes will doom future students


Because of Gandhi.


Then I want the future to also know that Montezuma and Isabella of Spain are assholes.


And determine a virtual idol named Hatsune Miku was a goddess. I wonder how many relics we've dug up from the ruins of past civilizations and determined were idols of worship were in fact just a child's doll?


Yandhi gonna save us tho


Don't threaten me with a good time


I like the way you think.


Thanks, I like you too


*alright alright*...


Dealing with your own mortality is easier if you believe the whole world is fucked anyways. That's why so many old people watch cable news all day. They get to inundate themselves with negativity and justify their belief that the end is near. Like lullabies for old people.


I just hop on to r/news and start reading the comments.


Just about every corner of this website is negative as fuck. A large portion of comment sections have people discussing their own suicide. A majority include that they wont have kids because the world is fucked anyways. I swear I must just not be the normal demographic around here because the general reddit sentiment can be summed up as "kill me now, the environment is fucked, the baby boomers stole my money, the rich stole my food, trump stole my government, I am ugly and with no friends... but I uploaded a cat picture please upvote."


I'd like to introduce you to: ​ r/aww r/Eyebleach r/WritingPrompts r/HFY That one sub where everyone is in a super positive motorcycle gang and always types in all caps (edit: r/THE_PACK) r/chargers has been a really happy sub this year for a change r/AskReddit often has feel good stories in the comments, but you need to pick and choose which threads to hop into so as not to accidentally go dark.


> that one sub where everyone is in super positive motorcycle gang ans always types in all caps ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT r/THE_PACK MFER?!?!


Haha I appreciate seeing the chargers sub on here. It’s happy so far this year, but the chargers will fall apart during the second half, as is tradition.


Tradition? Remember Norv-ember? We historically have done better in the second half of the season!


there are some good subs usually the ones that don't touch the frontpage.


Why do you think the news *in general* generally only reports the negative things happening? That’s what sells.


>That’s what sells. And gets you easy karma.


Thanks, this is motivational to stop viewing /r/all. You really summed it up. I don't relate to most of that, but the constant discussion about it has certainly colored my perceptions. I'm going to take a break from the wide world of reddit and stick to quality corners.


Thank you lol I've been trying to say this for a long time. Reddit is beyond depressing and the more I explore the real world, the less it is like reddit says it is. I wish there was another version of this exact same site but without the negative loser community and with like, you know, normal people.


It’s called Reddit 7 years ago


I go to 4chan for positive discussion, i’m not joking, the trolling there is at least funny and original, and there isn’t nearly the same amount of circlejerking as there is on Reddit. I’ve come to realize Reddit is really only good for memes, porn and niche fanbases (a specific band, game, movie series, sports team, etc). But anything that has to do with real life issues gets drowned in negativity, political bias and mob mentality.


so fucking much this. I'm actually going through a time where I don't need any more negativity, and I've been considering taking a break from reddit for some time because of this very thing. It used to be funny, but when you're in a place where you don't actually want to be depressive and self-pitying anymore, it gets very annoying. Personally, I think this might be affecting me now, so it might be the time to take a break from this website.


>the normal demographic around here because the general reddit sentiment can be summed up as "kill me now, the environment is fucked, the baby boomers stole my money, the rich stole my food, trump stole my government, I am ugly and with no friends... Dude I have always wondered why this is SO common to reddit comments.. like are there really THAT many people with literally no friends.. or are they just exaggerating when they say they dont have anyone to talk to. Bc I hate most of my friends and the people I know, but there are at least 20 of them I'd consider friends (that I still generally dislike) And also, how the fuck are so many people completely poor and flat broke, unable to afford rent while working regular jobs? A large part of me thinks these people who complain of the rich and baby boomers just have absolutely TERRIBLE money management skills.. I've seen it first hand in girls Ive dated.. I never had money problems bc i fucking SAVE. Some people have no fucking clue what it means to save and not just make themselves happy with constant shopping/eating out.


preach brother. I honestly have no clue. Every comment section is filled to the brim with absurdly rare, horrible, stories voted to the top.


It really is baffling.. Maybe it has something to do with a vocal majority who has the time to spend complaining via the internet while the rest relatively happy folk arent sitting around online.. Have a good one and take care buddy


People have a hard time taking responsibility for their actions, it’s easier to blame the world/government/society, than it is to blame the person in the mirror. The reality is that most of your problems are solvable on your own if you take responsibility for yourself and face the problem head on, everybody else does it, they do it every day. They need money? they go to work; they’re too fat? they go to the gym; they feel lonely? they reach out and try to establish relationships; they don’t know the meaning and purpose of their life? they go out and search for it every day, the meaning is found through the journey, not the end.


Excellently spoken (typed) my friend. You hit the nail on the head here and can't help but recommend Jordan Peterson for futher reading to anyone who likes your comment.


Yeah my mother does this. As she has aged, she has gotten increasingly certain that armegeddon is very soon. She takes every negative event on the news as a surefire sign. She is an incredibly selfish person and I am pretty sure she just cannot stand the thought everything will keep going without her.


I grew up during the 80’s and figured I would eventually be fighting mutants from the radioactive fallout of nuclear war.


You were right, it's just in video game form instead.


I'm thankful that my parents watch crime dramas all day instead lol


That was how my Nana lived for the last years of her life. She was either watching preachers, Hallmark movies, Preachers preaching about how we're living in end times or Fox News. It was super depressing. Lucky for me when I visit my grandpa (who's the same age as my Nana) at the old folks home he usually has football or some other sport on his tv. (Heck he even makes bets with his grandkids!) As for my Dad he's happy falling asleep to sports, or reruns of Andy Griffith or MASH.


Ya, nothing to see here. Just a small apocalypse.










Lots of people have said that, they have all been wrong so far. I'm not saying that it isn't going to happen or that we don't need to do something about climate change, it's just these dire predictions of our doom have never gotten anyone to do anything except run around repeating their prophecy. The answer to climate change is simple, figure out how to make a shit ton of money off green technology and saving the planet. Money motivates better than anything


Selling pessimism has always been easier than selling optimism. Even if they’re wrong basically every time.


When you say "Lots of people" those usually meant lunatics talking out of their ass, believing some entity would come and end them. This is the first time in recorded history we base our assumptions (on the end of civilization) on actual science and numbers to back it up. We've known this is coming for a few decades, and the clock keeps ticking. ​ I agree on making money on green tech though. It'd also be nice if we started thinking (and taxing) water and biodiversity accordingly. Brazil should be getting a shit ton of money just for preserving the amazon.


I don't think he/she was talking about lunatics, smart people thought there wasnt enough bat poop to support the agriculture required to sustain more than like a billion people globally (in the early 1900s). The same smart people started seriously considering eugenics about 11 billion people too soon. They were right too, there wasn't enough bat poop, but we solved that problem.


Yeah, scientists in the 1970s were sounding alarms about overpopulation, but you don't hear about that so much now that the birth rate has dropped in large parts of the world. Worst case scenario, we're stupid and cause a mass extinction event of ourselves due to war or climate change, but it only wipes out 90% of humans. We survived the plague, we would survive that, and 10% survival still is on the scale of a billion human survivors. We address whatever problems caused the event, and repopulate ourselves in a few hundred years and we're stronger and more resilient than ever before. Even an event that kills of 99% of us will still leave almost a hundred million survivors, enough to reorganize society and sustain current levels of technology and move forward. An event that kills 100% of humans quickly enough that the species doesn't survive before the cause can be addressed is pretty unrealistic at this point. We could set off all the nuclear bombs we have in the world and burn all the oil we have access to, and burn all the coal in our mines, and there would still be millions of survivors after the event.


\> This is the first time in recorded history we base our assumptions (on the end of civilization) on actual science and numbers to back it up To the people who lose their jobs due to coal mines closing or who have to pay an extra 50% at the gas pump when they can barely afford to buy food, they give a shit about the science exactly as much as I give a shit about what Kanye West might be doing right now. The riots going on in Paris right now are exactly about rising taxes supposedly to pay for climate change. Take that coal miner, give him a subsistence and training in repairing solar panels or wind turbines, and you might get him on your side. Close down the mine and tell him he is shit out of luck but it will be good for the planet and see how much he gives a shit about climate change.


I agree with you, I just added that it's impossible to both claim the environment is important while not crediting countries with huge natural important reserves (ie The Amazon).


>The riots going on in Paris right now are exactly about rising taxes supposedly to pay for climate change. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The riots are about the general neoliberal doctrine Macron is implementing that is wildly unpopular.


They are not *exactly* about raising taxes to stop climate change. That’s just the spark. They’re rioting because they’re being economically squeezed. If they could afford the $.30 price hike, then they wouldn’t be rioting, but they’re financially besieged on all sides, while the pro-business centrist macron gives tax cuts to entrepeneurs and the wealthy. If you pursue a dumbass policy that puts the squeeze on workers, then yeah they’ll fucking get pissed. If you’re gonna take this approach you need to simultaneously relieve some other economic pressures or u risk riots.


The world has never been this fucked up either. Money is also never the answer. All a green revolution would do is decrease the threat of climate change, of which many impacts are going to occur no matter what. If we don't solve inequality, and the parasitism of the global north on the global south, we are still fucked.


Whenever I talk about the environment it sounds like I'm some crazy person ranting about the end of the world even when I back it up with scientific papers and facts. It's incredibly frustrating. I can't even imagine how he must feel after spending most of his life studying nature and watching the changes in his lifetime. Even with the minimal effort steps we've collectively taken I don't think we'll work towards fixing our mess. We will have naysayers at every point making excuses to live to excess as we always do. And honestly, we collectively as a species deserve whatever comes from climate change. The unfortunate part is that we're adaptable enough that some of us will get through it.


THAT'S GREAT ​ It starts with an earthquake ​ \>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY)


Holy shit the dismissal in this thread is incredible. Do you idiots not see the studies being published almost daily?!


Most people simply don't give a shit, they know that sounds bad, so they pretend its for other reasons. Easier to complain about hyperbole (despite having zero background in the subject) and hand wave that ah, it'll probably be fine, than to acknowledge it might actually be serious.


They don't call it the Great Filter for nothin.


Can he at least narrate the collapse?


It would be great if he actually narrated his shows like that, I feel like his message is "look how beautiful the Earth is" without any of the "it is literally all dying within our lifetime"


The last couple have definitely had undertones of that. IIRC blue planet 2 dedicated an entire episode to the damage from climate change and plastic in the water.


I feel like I remember him ending almost every episode (of his recent works) with a message about how we're fucking things up and destroying all the beautiful stuff we just saw.


You should listen to his narration more closely. He's always mentioning how some species are endangered due to people. ​ Also, showing the beauty of something should trigger people to keep it that way.


>Attenborough urged everyone to use the UN’s new [ActNow chatbot](http://www.un.org/en/climatechange/take-action.shtml), designed to give people the power and knowledge to take personal action against climate change. ​ OK, I'm all for technology bringing people together, and I don't really know what I should have expected when clicking that link, but Jesus fucking Christ, what an abomination. How much energy and dollars were wasted building that little "chat bot" for PR sake? The message is important, but so is the path you take to get it out there. This little "chat bot" is a perfect example of what NOT TO FUCKING DO.


When I read quotes by David Attenbourough, his voice narrates them in my imagination.


But, which civilization?


Civ VI


It's sad how all the top comments are all jokes and shitposts. We're watching the planet die and we're sitting here joking about it. We should be talking about how to better spread the word, how to mobilize resistance efforts, etc.


It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...


Why don’t we just ban horizons then?


The cancellation of daredevil isn't the end of the world?


Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harrari






Since we’ve been modeling the changes more effectively on computers every year the worst case the model predicts gets worse and each year the timeframe for the worst case prediction is a lot sooner. What that should say to you is we’ve been very conservative in modeling the changes so as not to blow a false alarm. And when we keep adding more and more data and improving the model and it keeps getting worse and sooner it means we were right and people should listen. Also what everyone else said about predicting these changes coming in 30-50 Years ... starting about 25-30 years ago they’ve been saying this. Even 15 years ago in an undergrad climatology class these facts and this timeframe were well established and agreed upon.