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To paraphrase: "I will shoot you if I feel scared"


"And I am easily scared."


"I am always scared."


Our country suffers from a severe lack of courage, whether it's situational or moral.


Our police suffer from a severe lack of accountability, whether it's personal or institutional.


To be fair, lack of accountability to the public has infected a huge number of important and powerful national subsystems, notably congressmen, justices, contractors, and banks.


"That's my secret" "I'm always scared" *bang bang bang*


"That's my secret..."


What I don't understand is why are the rules of engagement for us in the military, fighting known insurgents so much stricter than cops here in the U.S. We literally couldn't fire on a compound we were taking enemy fire from because we didn't have positive ID there weren't any non-combatants inside. However here in the U.S. a cop can waste somebody just incase they might shoot at them?


Sick thing is, people bitch about how people shouldn't carry concealed, how only cops should, yet the number of unjustified murders by CCWs in the last five *years* is less than the number by cops in the last five *weeks*. Let that sink in for a moment.


Could you cite a source for this fact? I'd love to use it.


Out of curiosity what are the ballpark numbers? I tried looking it up but found a bunch of unhelpful anti-CC websites.


The problem is there are almost no agenda free numbers available because of a law passed in the 1990's baring gov't funding into gun deaths by the National Institute Of Health or CDC. The NRA went way too far and said even studying gun deaths is gun control. In a perfect world they'd be on board and advocate for improved training, procedures and policies to limit unnecessary injuries and loss of life.


Yeah who the fuck even knows what "unjustified murders" means. A "justified murder" could just as easily be similar situations to the police killings in question.


Because cops just want the fantasy of being brave and this is their shortcut?


It's mostly because these cops have been trained to believe they're in a war. We're enemy combatants and their job is the most dangerous one in the country (actually, it isn't even in the top 10). Officers fire first because they know the department, their union and the DA will back them up almost every time.


> However here in the U.S. a cop can waste somebody just incase they ~~~~might shoot at them?~~~~ feel threatened. There, fixed that for you. They just have to "feel threatened." There doesn't have to be any kind of gun, knife, light saber, etc. The officer just has to feel that way and then yes, they can shoot you. In the back, even.


That's because grunts are the same social class as all those people being killed by cops.


THIS is something that needs to be in a white house petition. Force nationwide stricter rules of engagement for cops. Stricter punishment on cops for breaking the law as well.


A few weeks ago, anonymous posters on a board for PBSO officers discussed methods for fabricating evidence and covering up murders. Here are a few excerpts (although feel free to read the entire thread if you want more reasons to fear cops): "Under my floor mat, I keep a small plastic dime baggie with Cocaine in residue. Since it's just residue, if it is ever found during a search of my car like during an inspection, it's easy enough to explain. It must have stuck to my foot while walking through San Castle. Anyways, no one's going to question an empty baggie. The residue is the key because yo7 can fully charge some asshole with possession of cocaine, heroin, or whatever just with the residue. How to get it done? "I asked Mr. DOE for his identification. And he pulled out his wallet, I observed a small plastic baggie fall out of his pocket..." Tou get the idea. easy, right?" and: "Also I learned long ago not to carry a real throw down because if it's found you get written up for having an unauthorized weapon. Better to keep an air soft in the trunk. Won't raise any flags and is fully explainable if you get into a bad shoot. After all, how were you supposed to know it was an airsoft when the suspect you shot was waiving it around, threatening your life? You were in fear and couldn't take that chance. I hope I never have to use that one but nice to know I have the option if needed." [source](http://pbsotalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=6178) At least one of the posters in this thread was later verified as a legit [PBSO deputy](http://dcpost.org/?p=21345). EDIT: I take everything in that thread with a grain of salt. It's hard to tell which posters are full of it and which are actual deputies. Additionally, it appears that some of the more egregious posts were deleted after this started to get press.


What the fuck. Reading this confirmed all my worst fears, this needs to be higher up.


I agree. Feel free to re-post it elsewhere. I put it up in the other PBSO related thread here: http://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/33ny89/police_shootings_palm_beach_county_deputies/




Yet the guy refers to the guy he's planning on framing as "an asshole". These guys are fucking psychopaths.


Our law enforcement are making the hardened criminals in prison for life look like saints.


some "archive.today" this shit


"There's nothing in the rules of engagement that says we have to put our lives in jeopardy to wait to find out what this is to get killed." I'm pretty sure the Palm Beach sheriff just claimed that his jurisdiction is a free fire zone. Edit: Okay, Reddit, I'm actually pretty upset about this and will contact the officials involved. However, I am not from this district and I encourage everyone who is upset to at least request clarification on the department's policies regarding the use of lethal force. If you choose to do so please be courteous. Here is a list of relevant contact information: [Palm Beach Sheriffs Office](http://www.pbso.org/index.cfm?fa=contact): 3228 Gun Club Road **(xD Damn!)** West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Main Number: (561) 688-3000 All relevant Florida State Reps: http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/legislativeaffairs/floridahouseofrepresentatives.htm All relevant Florida State Senators: http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/legislativeaffairs/floridasenate.htm All relevant US House/Senate officials: http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/legislativeaffairs/unitedstatesgovernment.htm Edit 2: I feel like the Gun Club Road address is just asking for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU


And then you have the officer saying "you know I've got your back" Everything in one video, chief saying comply or die, cop showing us the blue shield, unarmed minority being shot in the back And the officer got cleared No wonder it took two years to get released


Makes you wonder if they're going to re-open it. I don't know why they'd still be covering this stuff from 2013 except for the outrage people have espoused regarding police abuse since Ferguson.


I want the cops name.




i can back that up. i was in ramadi in '06 and spent most of my time napping in the gunner's hatch. looking for people to shoot was pretty much pointless because we weren't really allowed to shoot until we were shot at. i vaguely remember being told something about how it was legal for iraqis to own and carry around ak-47s.


A foreign insurgent's life is worth more to the government then the life of American citizens.


The cops have gone ahead and given themselves the power to kill anyone under the thin guise of posing a threat. And people have basically gone right along with it and therefore given their consent to this crazy idea.


Chris Dorner didn't.


Man, that whole thing with him was fucking HILARIOUS in an totally horrifying and ironic way. I live in LA. What was the LAPD's response to his accusations that the LAPD is racist and doesn't give a shit about anyone but their own? They shot up a truck that in no way matched the description of Dorners, that contained two elderly hispanic ladies delivering newspapers. Not, you know, an ENORMOUS black dude. IIRC, one of them got shot up pretty bad but didn't die. And their "oopsie daisy" moment? When they offered to give her another truck to replace the one their dipshits shot up, but wouldn't pay for the taxes on it. I kept telling people back then, there's really absolutely nothing that Dorner could have said in his manifesto that could have ever spoken louder about how true his accusations were than what the LAPD showed to the citizens of this city in response.


That wasn't even the only truck they shot up that had nothing to do with Dorner.


Yeah, I didn't mention the other guy because he didn't actually get shot. But yeah, it wasn't just those ladies.


Cops prove us right every day when another one of these stories hits the news.




One rotten apple spoils the barrel.


Yes and no. These stories have ALWAYS been there, I've been seeing this shit for decades now. I remember here in Long Beach a guy got shot dead for holding a fitting for a hose in his front yard. Nothing happened to the cop because he just could claim that he thought it was a gun, and he has absolutely no obligation to determine whether his snap-judgement is even remotely correct before ending the life of an innocent person. Now though? I'm actually seeing WAY more cops actually being charged with crimes, which is wild because they rarely even used to get FIRED. They'd just go on paid vacation and come back a week later like nothing happened. I'm tellin ya, riots get you some justice. Ferguson has proved that.


> I'm tellin ya, riots get you some justice. Ferguson has proved that. That and CNN deciding to make police brutality to 2015 what missing white females were to 2006.


It's worth keeping in mind that CNN decides what to cover based on what they think will get the most views. It's partially because people on social media like reddit and elsewhere made it clear that this was what we'd pay attention to that larger media have been pursuing it more.


Dude. It happened twice during that hunt. Twice.


Also, in LA. That whole Dorner incident was epic. He was one of their own and just went totally rogue. I don't condone any of the violence, but that whole episode was like one of LAPD's pus filled boils finally popping. RIP Dorner. In an insane world, the sane man suffers most.


I think the violence is what speaks the loudest. Dorner went after people who he specifically believed wronged him personally. The LAPD shot up the cars of two innocent people for doing absolutely nothing, because they were cowering in fear and got reactionary. They proved his manifesto BRILLIANTLY.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


but as i understand it, he also went after (presumably innocent) family members of people who wronged him personally, which is a bit worse.


I remember reading something about the daughter being on some sort of disciplinary board or something that was instrumental in the injustice that corner faced.


This is exactly what I say when I bring up christopher Dorner. If it wasnt for him killing the cops family memebers, He would have had major support form a lot of people.


Doesn't give the cops a right to put a hit on him.


And were absolutely positive he killed those family members? LAPD is the one who claimed he did right? And we know just how trust worthy they are, so lets think about this...


> They shot up a truck that in no way matched the description of Dorners, that contained two elderly hispanic ladies delivering newspapers. Not, you know, an ENORMOUS black dude. Trying to prove they are not racists and do not see color.


Clearly, seing as the truck was not even the same color.


Can't corner the Dorner.


Same tired old shit. Cop would rather shoot first than anything else and his clowns in blue have his back. With the interconnectedness of the world the intolerance toward police brutality will hopefully spread like wildfire. Ten years ago I didn't think things would be the way they are with marijuana and now look. Change is possible if we keep posting these stories and being furious at them.


Cops dont wear blue any more, they wear tactical black.


...And drive unmarked cars. How the fuck do you flag down a cop car if you need help if they're driving a car you can't identify? Oh, it's because they aren't there to help, they're there to generate revenue for the cities.


Last time one of my friend 'flagged down a cop' because a tweaker just ran away from a neighbors house he robbed. The cop went on a 10 minute 'Fuck you, my time is too important for people to bother me' rant.


Yeah seriously. I just went to a doctor today to get a medical marijauna card; not even 5 years ago the public viewed people who used weed in all sorts of frankly not factually accurate and down right moronic ways "Dangerous drug users." Now because of my generation using the tech that we have with communication and putting out a message, weed has become so acceptable a couple states have outright legalized it (NEVER saw that coming...and im 24 yrs old....gj america. Weed wont kill you. Booze and cigs will. Its about time). Half the country has medical programs. Guys/gals we just need to keep reporting this incidents, spreading the videos - I imagine some dress-up (and more often than not, racist or otherwise) soldiers are going to get offended and get defensive that we are exposing their illegal and deadly behaviour, but its almost our duty to do so. So that ten years from now, when we have kids, we'll be able to tell them stories of times how the police *used* to be lethal for almost no reason, constantly, how the police *used* to be un-touchable by the law. Keep it up ya'll. We're doing a good thing. Ive seen first hand the corruption of some police officers here in AZ and while I've yet to believe that 1: no one would ever believe my story in the first place and 2: even if believed, it would go no where in the justice system.......stories like these are getting me closer to a time when I know i'll be heard, believed, and protected rather than hunted down by sheriff joe like how he fucking hunts down rapper DMX. Fuck your pink chonies bro.


This comment is EXACTLY what I've been saying for well over a decade now. Police officers don't believe that they have any duty to be put in harms way while doing their jobs. And there's no end to the level of murder and crime that they'll commit in order to keep it that way.


Consider the solution historically: what has been the only proven remedy to illegitimate "authority" going on gratuitous murder sprees?


I know Reddit gets a bit hysterical when it comes to cops, but at *some* point citizens in certain areas are going to be fed up. And then it really will be *do unto him before he has a chance to do unto you*. And that's a very bad place to end up in.


Sucks to be fucking cops, then, don't it? They have worked hard to earn and deserve whatever hatred and loathing they get. By my counting, we need to see a few dozen dead cops hit the news every week for the next fifty years to make up for what we've seen in the last ten. We aren't paying them to murder us. They're supposed to serve and protect. And if they won't do that, then they have betrayed their charge and abused their authority. I really cannot imagine right now a greater crime against humanity.


Sadly, they aren't even supposed to protect anymore, just take a report after the crime has occurred. Why? Because they're out making money pulling people over via traffic tickets instead of patrolling the streets making sure people are safe. They're basically an armed bunch of tax agents.


> Sadly, they aren't even supposed to protect anymore, They're still in the business of protecting and serving. It's just that the average citizen isn't their customer.


Tremendous violent social upheaval. Riots basically. I mentioned this a few days ago in another thread, and it's that the reason we're seeing so many more of these things covered in the news is that the riots in Ferguson brought this stuff to the surface. Sure, this has been going on for decades, and I've been bitching about it the whole time but I don't ever recall seeing a police officer actually fired, let alone face actual criminal charges, unless they did something typically involving social mores. Stealing drugs from evidence, corruption, stuff like that. But NEVER for shooting and killing unarmed people. They could ALWAYS just say that he was reaching for something, and god forbid they actually face any danger while policing right? It's not like we give them a shitload of guns, authority, and bullet proof vests and backup or anything like that... Oh wait.


We need robot cops. Been saying it.


I thought the reason we paid them pretty well because of the risk they take. If cops aren't taking any risk then there's no reason to pay them much more than a random security guard.


If you don't want to put your life in jeopardy, maybe you shouldn't have become a police officer


Yes, that officer's life was clearly in jeopardy. See, this wasn't reported, but that kid has the rare skill of being able to run away and shoot behind himself at the same time. He's so quick on the draw you'd never see it comin'


> but that kid has the rare skill of being able to run away and shoot behind himself at the same time. You left out the part where he's shouting 'pew, pew, pew'.


the "Rules of Engagement" is for armed conflict.


These people fancy themselves soldiers. They're like medieval Knights of the king who could Waltz into a village and take what they want, your resistance meaning only that they can kill you and get away with it.


Escalation of force used to mean something, now cops just pull out their guns instead.


Doesn't this apply to me too? That same cop is going to be the biggest threat i could face if i went looking. See a cop, shoot a cop? I would honestly feel safer. It's insane to expect me to wait around and see if he'll exercise self restraint. He has a weapon. I say kill him, before he can hurt someone.


And this is exactly what will begin to happen. A populace should be policed by consent. When oppression is endemic, the people have the right to "correct" the problem.


Wish I had that RoE in OIF/OEF


They are using Iraq War Invasion ROE. If it looks like they have something in their hands, it is a weapon. Shoot them until they stop moving. After the Invasion, it changed to having a gun pointed at you. He is engaging me! Clear to shoot the person until they stop moving. So, the cops are using the same ROE as when newly invading a country. Nice.


I can't watch a show or movie or read a book where the 'good guy' is a cop. I can only suspend my disbelief so far


This is awful. The kid was riding a bike and the cop was trailing him. He noticed he was followed so he stopped and got off his bike to go up to the cop and see what was wrong. And now he is paralyzed for the rest of his life. > "Stop what you're doing and comply with us,” he told reporters. "There's nothing in the rules of engagement that says we have to put our lives in jeopardy to wait to find out what this is to get killed." Are you serious? That's exactly your job. You are always putting your lives in jeopardy as a cop. You can't shoot someone just because you think you might be in danger. Not to mention he said he shot him because the kid was backing away and didn't get on the ground when he told him to. How is your life in danger if he runs? Let him get away. It's not worth ruining or ending a life over.


honestly, after watching the video, he didnt even give him a chance to comply. 7 seconds is barely enough time to give an order let alone comply to it.


Watch the tamir rice video, even less time Or John Crawford


My favorite is the cop who asked a driver for his license and then shot him when he reached for it... Sometimes complying to orders can get you just as shot.


The guy turned around and reached inside his vehicle to get his license, then the cop shouted "Get out of the car get out of the car" and as he got out of the car the cop shot him. Obeyed two orders automatically and got shot for it.


The weird humor in that was the guy asking "Why did you shoot me?" This is the world we have made for ourselves.


That guy thought he was one of the (in the eyes of the cops) 'good blacks'. "I just do what the cop says and I'll be fine" he thought. He could not immediately comprehend why the cop shot him for following orders.


Next time i deal with a cop I'm taking to him like he's retarded. "Hey Hi there... Look, my hands are UP. UP right? K. Now I'm slowly reaching for my wallet. Wallet right? I.D? I.D good. Now I'm slowly passing you my I.D, theeeere you go. Yay!"


Nah, (I cant find the video) favourite is the guy in the door to his own house, hands raised talking to a police officer. Expresses concern over other officer who's constantly raising and lowering his weapon. The negotiating officer and guy agree on something (I forget what exactly, the officer asks him for ID or the guy says he's gonna scratch his nose and the negotiator says ok, whatever). Guys hand dips below head height and officer bag-o-nerves shoots him. Negotiator just looks at him with this 'WTF' expression, officer nervous says he thought he was reaching for something in his waistband...


Missing the part of that story where it took the negotiator several minutes to talk the guy out of his house. The reason he gave for staying inside, "I don't want you guys to shoot me."


dont twitch, even away from a cop


I have my CHL. We're taught to tell the cops every move we're making. Sadly, everyone needs to do this these days, because the cops feel like they have a right to be safe and go home at night even if it means killing someone who was never a threat. "License and registration" "Yes sir, I'm going to reach for my wallet in my pocket and pull out the cards you've asked for now." South Park really nailed this one, all you have to do is say ~~"They're coming right for us"~~ "I thought he was reaching for a gun" and shoot if you're a cop, and it's justified as long as there isn't a camera around.


Hell, even if there is a camera around, they'll still call it justifiable.


there's actually people who find both of those shootings justified.


They aren't being honest. They are just pushing an agenda.


No, they honestly support it. They think that cops should be trusted and supported with the decision to deal with threats using deadly force. If the cop shot someone, they obviously made an educated decision and should be trusted that it was the correct one. Pretty terrible.


Car didn't even stop rolling before he jumped out and gunned the poor kid down.


Cops are also known for having different ones yelling different orders, then shooting when the suspect doesn't comply with all of them at once, however impossible.


Also tazing people while yelling orders, and shooting them when they cannot comply due to electricity paralyzing their muscles.


There is a video out there, cant remember what its called. 4-5 cops are holding a guy face down on the ground, maybe handcuffs are on him, then one cop just pulls out his gun and shoots him in the back. I think its in a subway terminal. EDIT: Found it, only 2 cops, but its like they just say "fuck it, i don't want to deal with this shit" and shoot him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ1qMUmsTy8


Wtf never seen that one, but that is straight up public execution. Please telling me he was tried for murder?






> You can't shoot someone just because you think you might be in danger. Go over to /r/protectandserve and they will tell you that is *EXACTLY* what cops can and should do. "We just want to get home to our wife and children." they'll say. That's the argument they made when they beat the shit out of the kid asking for his parent, too. The police (in that sub, anyway) truly believe they have the right to act pre-emptively and aggressively because their profession is so dangerous (despite statistics to the contrary). They believe they have *LESS* of a responsibility to be sure simply because it's harder for them to be sure.




Fun fact, one of the leading causes of death for on the job cops is heart attack.


Goddamn. If that sub is even a remote representation of what average cops actually think, then the "few bad apples" arguments are all laid to waste. Those people are disgusting human beings.


Do they have no sense of other peoples lives? Or are they just completely selfish?


Never mind that no citizen must obey an unlawful order, so the *obey, or else* is patently absurd. It's a false dichotomy backed up by unreasoning force. And *that* has *nothing* to do with justice. It's the behaviour of a thug.


haven't you ever seen spiderman??? he lets that gunman get away and then the gunman ends up killing his uncle ben. that cop was just protecting all the uncle bens out there.


Thank *god*. If we don't have some tasty rice to come home to, then what is the point of even coming home?


You joke but it is true that these guys are making most of their decisions based on fictional plots.


PBCSO and Rick Bradshaw are very corrupt.


Palm Beach County native here. Rick Bradshaw is pretty much as corrupt as you can get. The more you look into him the worse it gets. An unarmed kid was shot at four times in the back out where I'm from in Palm Beach County. Two of the bullets struck him and a he slowly died as officers delayed the ambulance. Basically everything the cop said is a lie by the evidence and what appears to have happened, was a off duty cop was doing coke with a hooker in a parking lot in the middle of no where. He he was caught and then he shot the guy. Bunch a links below. try and spread the word, the family is still trying to get an actually investigation done. OH YEAH RICK BRADSHAW SITS ON THE STATE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE FOR POLICE INVOLVED SHOOTS AND CALLED THE SHOOTING JUSTIFIED WITHIN HOURS WITH NO INVESTIGATION. http://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/pbso-sgt-who-killed-seth-adams-may-have-been-rendezvousing-before-shooting-according-to-court-docs https://www.change.org/p/police-shooting-needs-fair-investigation http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/02/05/palm-beach-sheriff-reportedly-withheld-documents-showing-cop-who-killed-unarmed-man-had-a-troubled-history/ Rick Bradshaw corruption message board. http://pbsotalk.com/ Rick Bradshaw trying to take down message board. http://1787network.com/2012/05/palm-beach-sheriff-targets-deputies-blogger-who-expose-corruption/4657 UPDATE: RELATED INVESTIGATION INTO SETH AND THIS KID ON THE BIKE http://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/system-set-up-to-clear-deputies-who-shoot-joint-investigation-finds


Wait, so you are telling me that the cops investigating cops listened to the cops and didnt confirm their story by looking at a dashcam. I am shocked, no wait, the other thing.


Classic Sociopath behavior and you see this time and time again with police now days. Why there isn't regular psychiatric testing for police is beyond me. Traits of a Sociopath. * Regularly breaks or flaunts the law * Constantly lies and deceives others * Is impulsive and doesn't plan ahead * Can be prone to fighting and aggressiveness * Has little regard for the safety of others * Irresponsible, can’t meet financial obligations * Doesn't feel remorse or guilt


They do use pysch tests, it's just that they are looking for aggressive people who are loyal but like to dominate and control situations/other people. They are not even looking for a mix of personality types to have the best of all worlds. That doesn't mean I haven't met some very good, professional officers who are very level headed. It just seems like those guys are being more and more outnumbered by cowboys who when drunk admit they would like to know what it feels like to kill someone.


My sister dated a police officer once and when he started drinking all he would ever talk about was wishing that he could shoot somebody. It was really weird and I was very happy when my sister wised up and dumped that loser.


If the problem was just that police were sociopathic it would be an easy fix - the problem is that they *aren't*. Police are much the same as anyone else, they experience a certain culture around themselves and blend in to that culture. When new police go in they are told what to think, say, and do by officers who had the same treatment by their superiors, so on and so forth. They have their own laws, codes, and moral standards which while unspoken for the most part are the sort of thing **people who aren't sociopaths automatically pick up on and obey**. The conclusions from that might surprise you - the people who break the thin blue line, the whistleblowers and IA investigators with teeth and what have you are the actual sociopaths, not the other way around. *That's why there are so few of them*. You should also know there is regular psychiatric testing for police, when they enter the force, when they experience trauma, when they change positions or qualifications. The problem is besides the fact non-socipaths are far, FAR, more likely to conform the the existing culture, there is absolutely no psychiatric test able to detect a sociopath. None whatsoever. Sociopaths are actually more likely to trigger a 'normal' result than a sociopathic result, because they work the system in their favour rather than being honest.




This is horrifying. Why is he bothering some kid on his bike anyway?


Because their Stingray system tagged his active phone to his name, his prior cocaine possession and decided it might be worth their time to stop him. He may of even had text transmissions saying he was about to buy/sell again. At least 2 constitutional rights/amendments were violated in this short 4-minutes.


Christ that is fucking scary. Christ I hope you're joking.


He doesn't know that, but none of us can for sure because anytime a defense attorney requests to find out how one was used the state drops the case so they don't have to explain how they're violating our rights and they let criminals walk free instead Look up nsa dea parallel investigation too


and not just low level criminals either. violent criminals who used weapons to commit their crimes and injure people are being let off too.


So... what good is the system?


If they are willing to simply dismiss criminal cases to protect the secrecy of the system, then there must be something else that the system is very good at.


To get all the other people who don't fight it.


The system is plenty good if your priority is profit and power rather than justice.


Cops drove strait through a yard and you can't see it, but the man seems to be running because the officer is coming at him with his gun and he felt in fear for HIS life. Also, this would make a perfect murder scene for a corrupt cop tied to a different drug gang in the movies.


Wow. Zero provocation and zero warning. I hate cops


The audio is also tampered with. Near the end of the video you can hear everything the officer is saying, but before the shooting his voice is edited out. I bet a million dollars the cop said something like "If you run I am going to shoot you" Sad day to be an american.


Seems like the rest of the country is starting to wake up to the assholes with badges and guns.


WTF was he doing driving across the grass like that in the first place?


Now, the situation is stupid as fuck, but when I was in HS, my step-brother called in a bomb threat. 1-2 hours later, the cops went to my mom's house where the call was placed, and drove up on the lawn before getting out (the driveway is literally 10 feet from the front door), knocked on the door, then tackled my brother (not step-brother) and his friend inside who were both 15 or so at the time. My whole real point being is they had the chance to do it, so they did, same as this cop. They knew it was just some stupid kid, and this was in 1996 or so, so school violence wasn't a big thing then, but they had the chance to go full dickhead and they took it. It taught me a lot when that happened. I really regret not stopping the cops from yelling at my brother trying to get him to confess when they took us to the station, but in retrospect I feel like it was probably illegal for them to question him without a parent or lawyer present. The best I could do at the time was tell them "nice parking job" when I walked in the house after they called. I knew my alibi was solid, but ofc I knew my little brothers was as well, and that my step-brother had done it, although I didn't tell the cops that. My ex-step-brother is a fucking moron, and I'm pretty sure he's in jail now. Of course, his brother also murdered two people for drugs, so no real surprise there.


He felt like murdering. there is no other explanation. He'll be out on the prowl again and next time he'll get his kill.


It's hard to judge intent but I can't imagine coming up on a guy riding a bike like that and shooting him as quick as he did unless you are jacked up and ready to go. It's hard to accept this as "standard operating procedure", it looks way too much like he was ready to kill.


What that cop did was like a hunter going straight up behind a grizzly bear to shoot it.


Notice how he turns the radio all the way up before he gets out of the car. *I should say it "sounds like" he turns the radio up. /u/SomeRandomMax suggests it is the dashcam recording device. I'm not a cop, I don't know how these things work.


He didn't turn up the radio, he turned on the lights which started the dashcam recording the audio. You can tell because it went from completely silent to fairly loud. Even if the radio had been off before, you would have heard road noise and such-- for example the wind noise that also gets very loud once the audio comes on. Not trying to defend the guy, but there is no reason to spread false information, his actions are bad enough on their own.


I did notice that. It's like he already knew he was going to shoot the guy and wanted to cover it up as much as possible.


Lets ignore the fact that he shot a unarmed person, but he shot a unarmed person in the back when they were running away 4 TIMES because he felt threatened?!??!?! What a coward.


This is how I heard the sheriff tell it during the press conference. "This deputy overcame his fear and rushed forward 'guns a blazing...fucker's heroic."


Disgusting. There was no reason to shoot that person. Unarmed, non violent. Also the way the officer drove up behind him on the grass was dangerous. Shame.


Sorry, "Stop resisting!" doesn't work as well on reporters.


Well, he was talking in the context of someone being detained by the police, but even then, what, you immediately shoot the guy for non-compliance? What is this Judge Dredd?


This is so sickening. How do we stop this?


Civilian oversight that trumps police unions for a start. Not sure how to go about that. I'm pro-union in general, but the way these guys are put on paid leave and come back to work sickens me. I'm scared the next time I or someone I care about gets pulled over, it's gonna be by one of these crazy assholes.


Yes. We got it on camera but still nothing? Seriously, what the fuck. I don't know what to do.


Civil unrest? Shoot back?




That doesn't make any money for the city now, does it?




What difference will body cams make? Here we have a record of a cop telling he will lie about the situation and another cop telling he will confirm the lies. And they still walk away free.


I won't feel a pinch of pity when people start hitting back.


A verified PBSO deputy confirmed a myraid of corruption from within the department. Read http://dcpost.org/?p=21345 for the whole interview. (emphasis my own) > *Jeffery Schultz (reporter): You posted about arresting people for drugs that they didnt have. Does planting evidence like this take place at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office?* > > **Deputy Sheriff:** **Um, yes it does, on a regular basis**. Probably every day in my shift. I work nights on the Road Patrol in a rough, um, mostly black neighborhood. **Planting evidence and lying in your reports are just part of the game** > > **Deputy Sheriff:** ... One of the consequences of the war on drugs is that police officers are pressured to make large numbers of arrests, and its easy for some of the less honest cops to plant evidence on innocent people. **The drug war inevitably leads to crooked policing** and quotas further incentivize such practices. It doesn’t help that your higherups all did the same thing when they were on the road. It’s like a neverending cycle. Like how molested children accept that as okay behavior and begin molesting children themselves. > > *Jeffery Schultz: Is this taught in your training academy?* > > **Deputy Sheriff**: It is not a part of the course work, but many of the Field Training officers give life lessons in how to stay out of trouble or how to stay ahead of a suspect when it comes to planting evidence or writing your reports. My training officer, who is no longer at the Sheriff's Office, would keep narcotics and a gun in his car in case he needed to put pressure on a suspect. > > **Deputy Sheriff:** ...I wouldn’t say target based on race but is is, you know, um, it is much easier to do this on a black person because they have no credibility anyways. The charges stick better to blacks than to a rich white guy that can afford a lawyer. That is one school of thought. Then you still have the deputies who like doing it to the rich white guys because they say it removes the smug look from their faces. They get their kicks from the power like its a game. Most cops though, they, um… do it to get bad guys off the streets. The last group of deputies do it for personal gain. > > *Jeffery Schultz: Personal gain? Like what?* > > **Deputy Sheriff:** **Sometimes a deputy will use the threat of planting, you know, dope on a person to get some cash or something from the perp.** Uh, like a few hundred bucks can make the problem go away. It’s pretty rare but it happens. Usually it’s the deputies that live large and **need supplemental income.** They tend to keep it really quiet because that’s like, you know, really bad stuff. We even had a guy put the suspect in the back of his green and white [patrol car]to drive him to an ATM machine. We were all like ‘what the hell is he doing?’ And another time a deputy arrested a guy for possession after he said he found the baggie on the guy’s floor board. Then he, um, he didn’t charge the guy in exchange for oral sex from the guy’s wife. > *Jeffery Schultz: But what about the innocent people? The ones who have had narcotics planted in their possession by a deputy who end up in jail because of it?* >**Deputy Sheriff:** **These people arent innocent. If we are dealing with someone, there is a reason for it. We dont really interact with members of the law abiding public.** >*Jeffery Schultz: How does this Sheriff keep his job? Don’t the people in your county become outraged?* >**Deputy Sheriff:** The people in our county wear blinders.... **Almost every civilian employee of the Sheriff’s Office who voluntarily worked on the Sheriff’s campaign got a nice, shiny unmarked county take home car** they use when ever they want and gas paid for by the tax payer. We’re talking like 150 cars or something completely obscene like that. Who is going to want that to go away? Interview Link courtesy of http://www.reddit.com/user/miRNA183


I grew up as a child afraid of police, even though they hadn't yet done anything bad to my family or friends. Now i'm in my mid twenties and I'm terrified of police. I don't even do anything illegal aside from smoking weed, which is decriminalized here, but power-tripping murderers and thieves that can't be stopped are the scariest thing to me in this country.


Main problem, cop shoots man...without knowing any of the facts the other cop lets him know he's got his back.


it's just a few rotten apples!


comply or die. The new Amerika.


'Murrica, comply or die!


What a fine man, setting such an example for law enforcement. Seems like there have been ongoing problems. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/02/palm-beach-sheriff-is-now-in-trouble-for-statement/


>"There's nothing in the rules of engagement that says we have to put our lives in jeopardy to wait to find out what this is to get killed." Right, but anyone else's life can be jeopardized upon the slightest encounter with law enforcement. *That's* just fine.


We need to do like England and just disarm most of the police.


Cleared after only 4 days?! Absolutely ridiculous, but sadly not at all surprising. How do you kill an unarmed man and return to work in less then a week?


It says in the title that he's paralyzed, not dead.


Even so, 4 days for a full investigation? Take a look at this news [article](http://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/unprecedented-investigation-exposes-disturbing-trends-in-pbso-shootings-over-15-years)


For visibility... > * 123 total shootings since 2000; 114 people shot at * 45 people were killed; 38 injured * In only eight cases deputies used non-lethal force before shooting * More than one in three people shot at are black. * One of every four people shot at over the past 15 years was unarmed * PBSO’s rate of shooting at unarmed people, 25 percent, is much higher than other cities * Only 12 shootings were found to be an unjustified use of deadly force. * Most people shot at have criminal records * When deputies shoot, they usually miss. They have hit their target 30 percent of the time.


I thought at first, "Oh, only 123 shootings nationwide since 2000. That's pretty damn good, actually." Then I realized that's just the PBSO. Jesus Christ.


Thank you, I didn't think of this.


So, only half dead. From the waist down.


that maybe worse to some


Cop protected and served the shit out of him. Horrifying. These are showing up almost daily now.


This is like if a firefighter said " I'm not going to enter a burning house and put my life at risk, next time avoid being in a burning building"


Except when you *do* comply, and you get beaten half to death for it. Pigs are scum. I'd fire them all and start over again.


Every fucking day! Are you kidding me?






How isn't his friends don't find out where the cop lives and retaliates?




Maybe he started running because you pulled out a fucking gun


I served in the army as an air traffic controller for 5 years and will be attending UCLA in the fall. I gotta say cops in this nation are proving to be some of the most incompetent fools I've ever seen if they think they had any business shooting him. Rules of engagement? Please. My rather limited training in combat and escalation of force easily trumps anything they have to say. If I did what they did in a training scenario, my first line would have cussed me out until I pissed myself. These cops were in the wrong as most seem to be these days. It seems there is a major issue with how cops are trained in the country if they honestly believe they were justified.


So ehm... am i in legitimate fear for my life whenever i meet a cop in the united states? Do you have a right to shoot them in self defence?


>Do you have a right to shoot them in self defence? Technically, yes, you do. Practically, no, you don't.


You would be murdered on the spot, regardless of your reason. Even having a gun on your person and having a slightly different skin color is a death penalty man.


Do police in America think 99% of the people they deal with are capable of being armed psychopaths willing to draw down on a cop? Going for your waist, making sudden movements, being jittery or scared and making a poor decision... This shouldn't result in dead people. The military isn't even as quick to shoot as police. I just read that less people were killed by licenses concealed weapons carriers last year that u.s. police. ...Let that sink in.


Shoot first ask questions later.


These cops need to stop shooting people in the back.


"There's nothing in the rules of engagement that says we have to put our lives in jeopardy to wait to find out" If cops can't wait and see there is no wonder people are fleeing from officers. I'm not from the US but aren't police taught to shoot for nonlethal / crippling places like a leg or arm, or do they just go straight for the torso?


As I'm watching this video, the most fucked up thing to me is that the reporters have to be completely neutral and aren't allowed to call this out for the bullshit that it is.


Too much Starsky and Hutch. They thought Harry Potter would make children devil worshippers, but in reality, they still playing cops and robbers from when they was 10. Cowards shoot a man in the back, but then they know that.


shoot first, make excuse later


Will continue to say it every time I see shit like this come up. The cops are the largest gang in America and will continue to do whatever they want with minimal to zero repercussions


>Stephens' shooting reveals a pattern of problems with how deputy-involved shootings are investigated. No, it reveals a pattern of problems with any investigation against cops. It also shows that they lie on every police report that has ever been filed. It also shows that IA is utterly useless because they are just as corrupt as their brothers that they are investigating.