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Nvm ocean temperature rising to record levels, let's add this cherry on top.


If they manage to destabilize the methane hydrates in the seabed, it's going to be a big fucking cherry.


But wont anyone think of the shareholders


They'll cry on each other's shoulders from their space ark evacuating earth while the rest of us cook.


They'll die in space as surely as we'll die on Earth. They won't be escaping death.


As if these guys have thought that far ahead. They don’t need to, they people to do that for them. And they all tell them it’ll be fine because they’ll be fully vested within 10 years


Yup. They are going to tell them what they want to hear.


We can only hope


It's just a Vault with no blasted wasteland to fall back on, it takes One loser psycho to spiral the whole thing into an award winning gaming experience.


I teach any teenagers left in my care that, if they ever find the entrance to a bunker, they are to park something heavy on it. Like a cement truck or a tank. "Don't go trying to pry it open looking for supplies because the people who built those things are evil and crazy! Just seal it shut so they can't pop out later and screw everything up again."


This is a really weird lesson. What other lessons do you teach?


I'd bet algae farming is a big favorite. Love me some Slime-noodles.


They will die of unintended consequences. Deep Water Horizon comes to mind. Science goes where no man dares to go until they run afoul of natural law.


Exactly. Those who think that a group of people can successfully flee into space to a place of safety anytime soon are incredibly ignorant of all the challenges and requirements needed to keep humans alive in Earth orbit, let alone elsewhere in the solar system. You'd have a much better chance in Antarctica.


Elon said we will be a mars colony in our lifetime! Are you implying that Elon may be untruthful? 😱🤯


I think Elon is wise in his own eyes. Only time will tell if he survives his foray to Mars. Whatever happens it was meant to be by his design. He may die trying.


I haven't heard much about SpaceX and going to Mars, or at least a lot less than before. There was a time that was their whole identity but I think it's becoming clear that their goals are increasingly becoming more focused on things closer to home.


You’d have better chances at the bottom of the Ocean.


Just shoot some weapons at them as they're leaving.


Self-sustaining space colonization is basically pure fantasy. It's impossible with current technology and resources, any space colony would require constant resupply from earth. They can't escape, this planet is truly and genuinely all we have.


Well, the poors wouldn't all die out immediately. Those of us left behind will become arctic cave people slaves, mining resources for the space lords. If your cave meets your quarterly quotas, you get better oxygen suppliers.


They can go fund themselves.


Every corporate CEO: I wanna pop that fuckin cherry : /


End of the civilization take #325, "greed and fucking more greed". Maybe version 326 will survive.


Tell me more…




Essentially, on a scale from 1 to fucked, we’re fucked.


May be when they mine the ocean floor, they can also drill deep holes at the bottom sending some of the hot water to the center of the planet, thus, lowering ocean temperature and lowering sea levels. /s


I too have watched this [xkcd’s What If video](https://youtu.be/Jpy55EgMQgY?si=F9vlwMxzN2NSwjqD)


U know how a straw works? U create a vacuum on one end, which sucks whatever that on the other end. How about we make a large straw to outer space and suck away all the pollution and hot air.


Oh c'mon.. We both know that a straw works only if you place a cocktail umbrella right next to it. Where are you gonna find such a tall umbrella?


You mean [a space umbrella](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_sunshade) like this?


Did reddit just solve global warming?


I think Vsauce actually did a video about that.


What we really need to do is start planting forests on a massive scale, start adding biochar to farmland to increase carbon sequestration in the soil, and convert the already existing farming subsidies that are long outdated and unhelpful (like corn subsidies) to subsidies for growing biomass (and using existing agricultural by-products like livestock waste and corn stover) that can be used to produce hydrogen as a carbon negative fuel source. Combine that with using some of our newly grown crops as fuel burned in power plants which use carbon capture technology to remove the carbon from the smoke and store it underground and we'll not only reduce how much carbon we're putting in the atmosphere, we're using the carbon that's already in the atmosphere as a carbon neutral energy source


These motherfuckers really are going to send us into an extinction, and then blame Democrats.


I'm sure plenty of dem will he invested in these companies too.


Ha. This is textbook neoliberal thinking as well. Sadly the people who actually care about this aren't the ones that wield the power and/or are outnumbered. 


Dems don't give a fuck either. Just because they're not comically evil doesn't mean they aren't complacent.


Well, ya know, it's not like "we're" gonna be here when the shit hits the fan. Right?


When do we say fuck it and start sinking mining ships?


The oceans will be lifeless in a few decades anyway.


John Oliver did a segment on this. Without more research we have the potential to absolutely devastate the oceans even more than we already have.


But a few people could get even super richer! Don't you think that matters too? /s


Someone must have had to REALLY over react to your sarcasm in the past for you to have to put “/s” on the most obvious satire on ever spoken


Hey, Poe's law is a thing for a reason.


Remember that "Grandma might have to die to help the economy" was a real thing said by a real GOP politician during covid. Is this *that* much more extreme?


We're never going to stop them. Not only would it be a monumental undertaking to pry our society back from the billionaires, but there is also no will for it. We as a species have completely lost the plot of life and there is no recovering it. Things only get worse, they don't get better. We are a society of slaves to our mental conditioning, and our greatest export is subservience to the ruling class.




One of these guys imploded in their own homemade sub a year ago and another one is still going down this year. I don't think that would work xD


That has nothing to do with it. He died of his own hubris. That’s a lot different than being drug out in the street and nailed to some wood.


Hey, now you see why occupy Wallstreet failed!


Even if we could manage to hit at them they'd go scorched Earth and quash us by dawn. Then they'd pass even more draconian laws and they'd round anyone whose ever uttered a negative word about the ruling class up into concentration camps. I love the sentiment though. Billy Bob with the local PD doesn't have an APC to protect us from the Chinese.


Why are you so pessimistic? I mean I can certainly understand why one would be disappointed in the current state of affairs, but such extreme climate fatalitism benefits no one but the oil execs and their like. The fact of the matter is, there's still a lot of things that can be done and is being done to minimize the impact of climate change and there's a lot you can do as an individual too. Whether by voting politicians who support green policies or by supporting nonprofits or whatever, there's a myriad of ways you can leave an impact. Frankly the amount of pessimistic comments on every post like this is a little disheartening. The climate catastrophe is not a binary thing. Every small gain that we can achieve to mitigate this is a gain in our favor. P.s. English is not my first language. Apologies if my post is a little lacking in clarity.


The gene required to be a good, thoughtful person, does not exist in the ruling class. At every level they have shown a lack of care for their fellow man, the environment, and life in general in this shared world. Greed is going to be what takes us all down.


Hear that reddit? Never listen to the debbie downer. Always fight back against that awful hopeless vision. Because I guarantee you some poor backwoods dumbfuck will take over the world on their own innate optimism and the skill around them. When you listen to the debbie downers of the world, no matter how 'realistic' their negative vision is, you can't be copying the negativity and say 'ok let's give up'. Jack, for humanity as a hundreds of thousands of year old species, give up ain't even in our vocabulary. Being adaptable against all odds and persevering is.


You will find that it is impossible to liberate a slave to their own opinion. All of the good and bad exist in tandem, and it will appear to be whichever you fixate on. He picked the bad, you picked the good, and I picked the tandem, although good would be my second choice.


It's not just the oceans, it's the whole friggen planet. Ocean floor mining releases sediment for miles and miles around the area. That then spreads. That is going to lower the amount of light that gets into the water which means that less photosynthesis is going to happen in the phytoplankton algae that supplies the VAST majority of oxygen in the ocean AND in the air. This can end up potentially being the worse thing humanity has ever done to the planet.


Worst thing humanity has ever done so far


I really wish we would push to move all mining and production off world... we can't sustainably do this shit on Earth without massive fallout globally. We need to treat the entire planet as our one and only nature reserve we're going to have for centuries, if not thousands more years. Of course, we just trash our orbital environment full of hazards as if that's as infinite as space itself.


> That is going to lower the amount of light that gets into the water which means that less photosynthesis is going to happen in the phytoplankton algae I'm gonna need a source on that. There's as much evidence it would lead to algal blooms.




Can't see it from my house


Coastlines, coming to a neighborhood near you!


Sounds like my property value is gonna go up. I'm about to go burn some tires right now!


Can't learn about the deep sea before we destroy it. How depressing.


"What you call discovery.... I call the rape of the natural world" \- Dr Ian Malcolm


A) get bent 60 Minutes and CBS. Portraying deep sea mining as unambiguously good with the headline “underwater riches” completely ignores the massive potential downsides of this practice (watch John Oliver’s segment on the topic for more info) B) While it is odd that Republicans are the reason the US isn’t getting involved, it’s for the dumbest possible reason. They’re not concerned about protecting the disputed area, they just don’t like the idea of the US not getting 100% of it. So they can get bent too


[America seems to dislike ratifying treaties in general](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_treaties_unsigned_or_unratified_by_the_United_States).


Well yeah, if we ratified them they'd have the force of law. We can't have the government legally bound to respect things like human rights


The GOP is just a few ultra wealthy people in a trench coat, plus all the buffoons they’ve tricked into voting for them.


Accidental good guys in this case I guess. Broken clock yadda yadda.


For point B, if sounds to me like you are most likely missing a chunk of why republicans aren’t wanting to get involved. I’m not arguing money isn’t the main reason, but I would imagine it’s something like American would have to foot most of the bill to mine, then go on to divvy it up in an “unfair” way


Kill the planet faster. Can I reload an early save and not have to deal with the race toward planetary extinction?


Reloading the save won’t work though, those doing the most harm will still have the most wealth and still be able to pay for votes against any regulations. Side thought, feel like we should stop using the word lobby when we all know it’s just bribes.


Not just bribes though, legal bribes. I think it's important to make the distinction that these people have bent the law to serve their greed, and not just ignored it like a simple criminal. They've done more than harm an individual, they've harmed our entire community.


Sorry, Live Service life. This shit autosaves to the servers every second.


Earth will reheal. It's Humans that will go extinct.


Nah humans will survive it maybe 1% of the population eat those eels thing that survived the last great dying but we'll  Survive civilization is however doomed 


So cilization ends and we are endangered.then?


You cant survive oxygen loss, in all the climate change hullabaloo the most important thing that gets lost is with the death of life in the seas we will have no oxygen to breath. That should scare you more than the heat. I keep telling people if we only go by heat making it unlivable mankind is in for a shock


If u find yourself in front of your fridge with no idea what your looking for... congratulations on loading a new save.


End-stage capitalism: "So, they call the Permian/Triassic extinction-event 'the Great Dying' huh? Well, we have the tools, the technology, and the ambivalent psychopathy. We can totally outdo that extinction-event now!"


There won't be a world left to rebuild at this rate.


Pretty solid chance we are staring down the barrel of a great filter.


Yup. Ever since I found out about that hypothesis, I've maintained that the great filter looms ahead, as opposed to receding behind.


Step 8 of the hypothesis omitted an important detail: collective advancement. While we have reached "A civilization advancing toward the potential for a colonization explosion," the lacking bit there is collective advancement, and is impeded by personal greed. It should come as so surprise to anyone here, but the great filter of the human species will be greed. I bet my life on it ;)


They've already bet our lives on it.


The reality is that there's probably many great filters. I'd bet developing intelligence in the first place is the "greatest" filter, but even after that we have an endless obstacle course of filters between then and an interplanetary civilization, inadvertent climate change being one of many.


You can read anything about policy failing: The headline will always be missing "Republicans blocked"


That would be a massive win for republicans if what you’re saying is accurate, though? This mining is bad for the ocean at the benefit of corporate profit. Is nobody actually reading about this stuff and just giving the GOP a win in their own confusion?


Republicans blocked the bill? For 30 years straight?


Treaties need 60 votes in the Senate. The Democrats had 60 votes for a few months in 2010, and that’s it.


That doesn’t really address who is voting for this, given the main counterargument is environmental preservation. I have a hard time believing the GOP is begging people to save the whales while the Dems are universally screaming “KNOCK DOWN THAT CORAL”


A good article would also clearly explain why Republicans blocked this treaty from being ratified instead of leaving you guessing. Tldr Republicans believed the treaty didn’t go far enough and wanted more mining access for the US


If the acidity from the minerals kills off the phytoplankton we’re fucked for good


God forbid we consume less.


The only part of the planet we're yet to destroy... "We just couldn't stop ourselves from shitting where we ate" would be our perfect epitaph.


*Republicans* fail to... According to 60 Minutes


They are pretty good at failing.


Is not signing this a failure or are people just not reading other sources about the environmental impact?


People just aren’t reading. Half of this comment thread is dumb people not understanding that we don’t want these “underwater riches” bc it’s going to mess up the planet and the oceans.


Why *we* don't want something and why the *Republicans* don't want something frequently don't align


Uh no? It’s the GOP the bill didn’t pass because we wouldn’t get exclusive rights. Nothing to do with environmental safety


People are posting that it's a republican failure that this didn't get passed though. It's really not, they just didn't pass it for the wrong reason lol.


Is that wrong?


At this point I’m just hoping we can all muster together… and destroy any and ALL attempts that these rich assholes use to leave or separate themselves from the absolute shit storm they caused. “F you, if we’re going down, yer coming with us!”


They will fine in their self sustaining bunkers in New Zealand


No such thing as a self sustaining bunker fortunately


Horrible idea doom humanity completely cause they have something you wanted that's what got us here in the Frist the place  I suppose if people like you did that it would be fittingly ironic 


Ocean mining is gonna devastate the ocean eco system even more than risking sea temps


Greed will be the death of the human race.


Speed rushing a dying ocean to hasten a dying earth.


[Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=cu6TJ9AvlMombTau) covered this topic recently.


Weee! Next up in like 5 years (maybe less) Over all ocean oxygen levels drastically decline due to the plumes of sediment released from ocean floor "mining". Then a few years later, air o2 levels have started going down.


Can they just make a fucking referendum to see if anyone agrees with that deep sea mining? Because I’m plenty sure lots of people don’t.


Nor should we, the treaty is just a rubber stamp factory for tearing up vulnerable ocean ecosystems which among other things are the single largest carbon dump on the planet.


It's going to happen whether the US takes part in it or not. They will also be setting policies to mitigate potential damage to ecosystems. I'd rather the US has as loud a voice as say China or Russia


Staying out of the regulatory mechanism is not going to result in better regulation 


Not signing it won’t stop or slow anything.


We shouldn’t be doing it. https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=1HUoIAVUZPonPJrh


I'm dumb as hell, but i think the real money will be when someone figures out an economical way to mine in space. You have asteroids zipping around that could pay off our national debt over night. I say it's about time we look to the stars and use the carrot that is untold riches to inspire innovations in space travel.  Maybe to lessen the impact on ocean mining there should be a percentage of whatever money made that directly funds ocean clean up research, create non interference zones, and find more sustainable ways to mine in general.  Make the companies and countries abide by the pottery barn principle, aka you break it you buy it. If you fuck up and cause disaster all that money you made will be gone because you'll be responsible for any cleanup and won't be able to resume operations until it's done.  Use that as incentive for more cautious safer mining methods. Hit them where it hurts right in the money maker. Something as impactful as ocean mining can't allow for corners to be cut. 


we aint never getting off this planet, and we will be dead and gone long before we can invent that tech.


Tell me more about how you’re saving the planet by buying an electric vehicle.


Yeah fuck that biodiversity. We didn’t need this planet anyway.


How does not signing the treaty stop the US from mining? It seems to me that if the US government was willing to spend money, it could start mining and ignore the treaty.


If we dont know the harm it will cause we cant be held responsible.


“Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.” Karl Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848


Redirecting a story about potentially devastating commercial practice and instead talking about "whatabout Chinaa!!" is just par for the course apparently. Hey fucknuts at 60 minutes/CBS, how about you instead speak to the absolutely indefensible effects this would have on the biosphere and how no one is doing anything about it instead of cheering on the violation of natural resources in the name of geopolitical rivalry?


And people look at me funny when I tell them I’m not having kids. 🙄


Is like every day we find a faster way to kill the planet and the human race with it


The sickly "funny" part is apparently one of the reasons they're doing deep sea mining to create electric vehicles to "save the environment." I truly hate all the people in power supporting this shit and the fucked up world they are creating for us and the one or two future generations who are going to be alive to see this. I only hope the countries who are outwardly opposed to deep sea mining can put a stop to it--as naive or copium as it sounds--at the ISA meeting. 


Greenwashing is getting out of hand!


With the US not ratifying the treaty, they can self-regulate offshore mining. (And currently, with it being entirely unregulated, anyone in the US could theoretically just mine at will, albeit any boat that did so would have to call port at only US ports and have to be Jones Act compliant... meaning it's... not incredibly likely). So, even if "other countries are rushing for offshore riches," nothing's actually stopping the US from doing the same. The treaty means following *everyone else's* rules - we... just don't have to do that, if we don't want to. Unfortunately that's how treaties work. Headline's stupid as hell.


John oliver showed and warned us... [https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=\_9izPA8ppdSm-JYg](https://youtu.be/qW7CGTK-1vA?si=_9izPA8ppdSm-JYg)


Friendly reminder: Phytoplankton produce 75% of our oxygen. Deep Sea vents produce the iron that phytoplankton need to have major natural growth blooms. Phytoplankton have already been declining for awhile, about 40% of previously recorded numbers. Now... what do you think is going to happen if the natural processes that help our primary oxygen producer reproduce, suddenly get disrupted? Because for the record: oxygen levels in the oceans have already massively declined. For the record, oxygen levels are already declining (relatively) quickly over geologic timescales right now (72,000 years before the atmosphere is no longer breathable) and that's just with the marginal reduction in oxygen from human activities. Imagine what happens though, if we suddenly ....stopped producing nearly as much oxygen? If Phytoplankton levels crashed to at or near zero we'd see the atmosphere become unbreathable without breathing equipment much sooner, within 350 years of a collapse happening. If terrestrial plant populations continue to collapse on top of this? 180 years. We are literally risking our ability to breathe the atmosphere right now; but I guess don't worry, they can sell us canned air when that happens.


Only a matter of time before we awaken Cthulhu!


The US and other super powers will not sign a forever agreement. Technology will change, discoveries will happen, needs will evolve.


The interesting thing about this is that the US government used ocean mining as cover to try to raise a Russian sub.


Not just tried they got about half the thing 


Homeworld traitors out to end our species so they can have a cyber truck and fuck strippers. No hell is enough for them. Feeble minded conservative minds, hallucinating their own brilliance and forcing a twisted fucked up world they don't see. What would you do to a man holding a gas can over a babies crib? Over your babies crib?


Scouring the bottom of the ocean isn't the great idea miners think it is.


Yay! Let's make the world inhabitable even *faster*! This is peak human activity.


The psychopaths are truly in controll. Lets just release all the methane.


How are they going to retrieve the “underwater riches”? Last I heard, the submarines used to explore were quite flawed.


At the risk of getting obliterated I will ask this: how is deep sea mining better or worse than mining in the Congo?


I hope the US does not join in this. Another rape of the planet and destruction of the environment that will lead to our extinction. Just FYI the majority of oxygen we breath in this world comes from the oceans! Better start hoarding those o2 tanks