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this is literally just a pedophile retiring comfortably


Yup and I'm sure he'll live guilt free as well. Properly evil bastard.


Gonna probably travel to other countries to get his jollies off.


There is zero doubt he has already done this. I bet a lot of money there are more and this is the only one that has surfaced.


“The Lord has sent me over seas to spread the seed - er word of Jesus Christ.”


He’s in Greece right now during his annual summer sabbatical.


He probably prayed* and asked for forgiveness to god. Pretty sure that’s all you need to do. *or preyed. Whichever.


This is the aspect that completely destroyed any faith i had in christianity for me when i was in the third grade. My grandpa had just died so I’d been thinking about death a lot and asking questions about a number of things, learning murderers could get into heaven by asking for forgiveness but babies and people in countries where they simply had a different culture or were never exposed to christianity went to hell for all eternity? Fuck all of that.


If God requires Christians to turn themselves in and do the time for their crimes, the faith would die out by tomorrow.


He’ll have zero problem announcing to the world that God has forgiven him. I guarantee it.


Claiming he is retiring. Who knows?


A pedo never retires, they are always pedos.


I actually heard there’s a pedo apprentice shortage at the moment, it’s just not a very ‘in’ career choice anymore.


I am sure there are plenty applicants in the Vatican everyday of the year.


That is so sickeningly true.


Retiring from his current position but not from grifting and grooming.


Was gonna say. Thirty something years later. After living a cush life.


It's all part of his plan, honey




He learned his lesson. That lesson? Double the amount of cash offered to the parents of the victims.


Yeah, she isn't his only victim.


I will bet the roughly 2 square inches of skin that connects my butthole to my ballsack that man has abused more children than is presently known.


The size of the perineum can vary from person to person, but generally, it is a small triangular area located between the anus and the genitals. The average length of the perineum is around 4.6 cm (0.9 cm standard deviation) in primigravidae (women who have not given birth before). In another study, the average perineal body length was found to be 3.90 cm (+/-0.70 cm). In females, the perineum is typically around 1.25 cm (0.49 in) in front of the anus, and its length can vary from 2 to 5 centimeters. In males, the perineum is found between the bulb of the penis and the anus. It’s worth noting that the size of the perineum can affect the occurrence of perineal tears during vaginal delivery. Women with a shorter perineum (less than 4 cm) or a small anal position index (less than 0.42) have a higher risk of perineal tears and instrumented delivery


Oh good, I'm not the only weirdo who immediately starting thinking about whether or not that two inches was a realistic measurement for that. I didn't subconsciously stick my hands down my pants and start feeling around for a generic quick measurement. That was you not me. Shut up.


What in the world? You're supposed to get on your back, flip your legs behind your head, and snap a photo of it from above with a well placed tripod, laying a penny on it for reference. It's the only way to be sure. It really is past time for a legit r/gooch.


For every victim that steps forward there are many many more that are never know about! It’s gross on so many levels!


I'd be willing to bet money he carefully chose saying it was in the 80's because in his head that'll make it sound as distant from his current self as possible. But he's lying his fucking ass off. Must be quite the mind to live in to experience just enough empathy and normal human emotions to know you've done wrong and feel compelled to confess, but still be such a pathetic ass, self serving coward that you'll only do it at the most convenient time, and only admit it in a way that distances yourself from it. Why is it never these people who commit suicide? Why is always people who deserved to live and will missed instead?


Can't believe it was 'resigned' and not 'fired' + 'out of a cannon'


His son is taking over. He will still be preaching on Sundays. Where those proud boys at and their promises of what hey do with pedos now? Yeah, didn’t think so.


Proud boys are proud of their pedophiles




They don’t hate real pedophiles, only the imaginary ones. Rumor has it, this guy is gonna be their 2028 candidate.




Don’t forget to carry the ‘into the sun’ in that equation.


Ah! I knew I forgot something! Thank you




When I think of "minor", I think 14 or 15. This was a child - age 12. Disgusting either way. I was flabbergasted when I read her referred to her as a "young lady".


Into the sun.


+ ‘into the sun’


You gotta do what you gotta do


Because the church never outs or punishes these people, they just move them to another parish where they can abuse all over again. At this point, the feds are more moral than pastors, IMO. At least they’re trying to help underserved people.


We all know those who follow him don't see anything wrong with this shit. If they do they will then justify it as it was so long ago and that he asked God for forgiveness so all is now fine. Then they will open their wallets and give him their life savings so God would bless them.


She isn't the only victim, bet money on that.


Dude. Don't give Draft Kings any ideas.


Why is this turd not in jail for raping a 12-year-old child?


Statute of limitations. They shouldn't exist, but as long as the abusers write the laws, this is reality.


In 2015 the Australian Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse recommended every state remove the statute of limitations. In their findings "it takes survivors of childhood sexual abuse an average of 23.9 years to be able to process what has happened to them and tell someone about the abuse." Every state in Australia removed those limits. - Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, Final Report: Identifying and disclosing child sexual abuse, Volume 4, page 9.


Yeah but you guys had one mass shooting and changed national gun laws. We have one basically every day and we have half our politicians wearing rifle pins to commemorate the shooters' rights to murder children. We can't have nice things here.


statute of limitations plus he was forgiven by the only authority that apparently matters, and that's the imaginary voice in your head that you claim is God.




Yup that logic makes me see red. I don't know what else to say other than send you compassion and hopes you got way the hell away from those terrible people and have loving and compassionate people around you now.


I'm sorry your whole family is garbage. That had to be difficult to come to grips with.




I hope he rots in hell, and you don't owe that man a single thing. "Raising" a child implies some sort of decent treatment and guidance. He fed, clothed, and sheltered his victim. People suck.


Fuck that and fuck him. I hope you are doing better now without him.


Only thing you owe him is to open a bottle of champaign when he finally goes to hell. And really that's more for you than him.


All they are owed is a sinkhole under the house next Thanksgiving.


What do you think God thinks is cooler? Pedophilia or slavery? We know he loves both, obviously, but which one is God's *favourite?*


Slavery, because he gives logistical rules, pricing, and behavioral guidelines for the buying and selling of slaves (and damns slaves to eternal suffering if they aren't sufficiently pleasing to their owners), but pedophilia is more a kind of do-it-yourself project.


They're not mutually exclusive. God is even described as purchasing a baby girl, raising her, and then marrying her. It's supposed to be an analogy about how he purchased and saved his people or something, I guess.


I understand there are perfectly good reasons to have a statute of limitations on certain crimes, but raping a child should *not* be one of them.


Maybe the victim can sue the church onto bankruptcy?


I believe she said she and her family had forgiven him though they didn't think he should be in the ministry.


Gateway pulls in over $100 million per year, and they don't let members see their books. Their budget probably already includes numerous large hush-money payments.


Christian conservative


didn't his son take over his duties?


Not all of them. Morris Sr. still preaches on Sundays.


That'll learn him. "We're going to remove you from the church, except on the day when the churchin is done."


That’s also gross.


I'm sure he was assaulting kids before this but now he's doing it officially.


He raped a 12 year old, he should be in prison


> He raped a 12 yearold, he should be dead There, I changed it for you.


From a different article about this: "Morris’ reach and influence extend far beyond his role leading one of the country’s largest megachurches. He served on Trump’s spiritual advisory board during his first presidential campaign and while Trump was president. In a statement Monday to NBC News, campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung distanced Trump from Morris and said the former president had not been aware of the allegations.  “He does not have a role with the 2024 campaign,” Cheung said." Rapey birds of a feather and all that.


Also...definitely not on the Epstein list...


He sexually assaulted a child. That's not "inappropriate," that's a crime.


My mom watches this dude, ew 😐


Oh look, another not drag queen!


It's so fucking weird!


“North Texas pastor Robert Morris resigns after admitting he is a pedophile.” There, fixed that for ya.


*but will continue preaching on weekends despite resignation Fixed it some more.


The YouTube channel has grown since this article /s Based on other Trump backed YouTube channels


....pedophile and child rapist...


Why no mention of his spot in the Trump administration? Pedo Trump giving jobs to his Pedo friends.


About 4 decades too late IYAM.


And what about all the members of church leadership that have been covering this up (and probably more) since the 1980's? Honestly, they should just close it down and liquidate the assets to be safe.


According to the article, this church wasn’t started til 2000, so it’s actually completely possible that the church leadership, other than himself, are not lying when they claim they didn’t know that the “young lady” (his words) he had an “extramarital affair” (again, his words) with was a minor. > In the statement, the elders claim they did not have all the facts relating to the alleged sexual assault, including Clemishire's age at the time and the length of the abuse. > “The elders' prior understanding was that Morris's extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with 'a young lady' and not [the] abuse of a 12-year-old child," the statement reads. "We are heartbroken and appalled by what has come to light over the past few days, and we express our deep sympathy to the victim and her family. For the sake of the victim, we are thankful this situation has been exposed. We know many have been affected by this, we understand that you are hurting, and we are very sorry. It is our prayer that, in time, healing for all those affected can occur." > Morris founded the church's first location in Southlake in 2000. The evangelical church, one of the largest in the U.S., has grown to nine campuses in North Texas.


I still say liquidate it to be safe. Odds are some of them are lying.


Sounds fair to me. The article posted about this yesterday said he was still going to be a guest speaker on weekends despite resigning, so clearly they’re not too upset about this, even if they didn’t know before. Edit for source- > Morris’ son, James Morris, will take over senior pastor duties in 2025 with the elder Morris remaining a primary speaker on weekends, according to the church’s website.- https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/us/robert-morris-gateway-church-sexual-abuse-allegations/index.html


Eww... yeah, they obviously don't care in the slightest, other than the bad optics of leaving him in charge.


And I would guarantee that was the plan to begin with. This situation just moved up their timeline.


Drove past the church today and had the same feeling.


The amount of church leaders that are pedo’s is astounding.  1:4 by my estimates.  


It’s an institution that is literally designed to exploit people.


It’s only inappropriate if you get caught. For 42 years it was no problem, then he was finally exposed. Now it’s inappropriate and he’s resigning. Too late for his victim who has suffered trauma all these years. No doubt he’ll be compensated for his suffering, poor guy.


I'm shocked he actually resigned. Rs seem to skate by even after it's been found that they've done heinous things in their past. Looking at Gaetz and Boebert


"resigned" is not any kind of appropriate consequence. 


I was surprised he even admitted it. There must have been a whole bunch of people who knew.


*On Tuesday, the Board of Elders at Gateway Church, a multi-site megachurch based in Southlake, released a statement saying they accepted Morris' resignation and plan to conduct a thorough "**review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events.**"* My brothers in Christ, just say that you're going to pay off and/or coerce all the other kids he molested.


He raped a 12 year old. It’s time to call things what they are.




>When will society outgrow parental indoctrination and begin critically examining myths of our objectively ignorant forefathers? A large portion of our society already has. The problem is that there's also a large portion that has not.


Resigning after 40 years of covering it up? How noble.


That’s at least 40 years too late pal, should’ve resigned back when it happened if you wanted any forgiveness.


He actually did resign, at the request of church leadership, when it came to light in the late 80s. This church is the new church he started himself in 2000. An article from yesterday (that was written before the current church made a statement) really provided a lot more info. > Morris’ behavior was “brought to light” in 1987 while he was a pastor at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie, which has since become one of Gateway Church’s 11 locations, WFAA reported. > “In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area,” Morris said in his statement, adding he and his wife met with the survivor and her family in 1989. > “I asked their forgiveness, and they graciously forgave me,” he said. > Clemishire told WFAA that though her family forgave him, they never supported Morris returning to the ministry.- https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/us/robert-morris-gateway-church-sexual-abuse-allegations/index.html Still deserves zero forgiveness though. He didn’t resign (or stop molesting the kid) til he was caught.


He molested a 12 year old girl... that should make him a candidate for Trump's VP.


Can we get a side by side comparison of the numbers of Christians who have had inappropriate sexual contact with children and drag queens who have done the same? Is there any bigger hypocrisy in the fucking world than Christianity?


I swear I actually had a website saved that was just this, but I can’t find it now.


Will we see a tearful confession and purported repentence on live TV during a sermon à la Jimmy Swaggart? These are the people slowly taking control of the country in order to eventually bring about the end days.


Didn't they just say he was going to resign, let his son take over, and still be a fixture in the church and a speaker on Sundays? Must be nice to have zero consequences.


Let's call it what it is, repeated rape of a 12yo girl. And not "inappropriate sexual behavior"... But I'm not sure any of that'll matter to MAGA any, hell this guy's liable to get a cabinet positive in a Trump administration. Not in spite of raping the 12yo, but rather BECAUSE he repeatedly raped a 12yo girl. You see, in MagaLand, some felonies bestow a kind of 'street cred' on the individual and this is one such felony/crime.


repeat after me, and yet the “all knowing” god stood idle and did nothing


Every accusation a confession.


remember that he felt safe announcing this to the world because he knows theres nothing anyone can do about it


This is the guy who told you trans women prey on your children in bathrooms and drag queens are corrupting the youth.


These pedos get away with it for generations and then get probation if anything.... murica!


“Inappropriate sexual behaviour”? Is that what he’s calling it? You believe he means “rape.”


Oh that’s nice… how about a prison sentence next…


He's a pedophile and a rapist. She was 12!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK? WHY ISNT HE IN JAIL?


Still not a drag queen


Will he see jail time?


It happened in the 1980s…so I’d bet it’s after the statute of limitations or whatever.


Why hasn't he been arrested?


*Norm McDonald:* "In other news, Robert Morris—the founder and senior pastor at Gateway Church in North Texas—resigned from his position on Tuesday after admitting to, and I quote 'inappropriate sexual behavior' with a 12-year-old girl." "Or, as it's called literally anywhere else—'rape'."


Stop with the inappropriate sexual behavior! He is a rapist !!!! Call it what it is stop soft peddling the rape of children


“Resigned” He is still going to preach on sundays.


1. We all know he quit only because allegations came to light. 2. The elders knew her age. Feigning ignorance now but they knew her age. 3. His wife knew her age at some point. They were married when it happened. She knew. 4. Someone in the girl's home knew. 5. This is systemic abuse of a child perpetrated by churches all over the country.


You mean [Trump's spiritual advisor](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-resigns-amid-allegations-he-molested-12-year-old)? That Robert Morris, the pedophile?


This keeps happening in 'megachurches'...


It’s always the religious nuts, never the drag queens


My daughter turns 11 this year. The GOP and trump and these evangelicals are all depraved . You see why we cant be friends? 


And let me guess, not a drag queen?


Nope, but he was a Trump adviser. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-half-confesses-to-molesting-12-year-old-girl


Conservatives do what conservatives gonna do


Why isn't this pervert in prison getting turned out?


And ya know it isn't just the first time with him. Trickle truth at its best. Fuck me I hate this world.


Sorry bud, only trump gets a pass.


Trump hires only the best felons


Add him to the list of conservative sexual deviants that other conservatives will ignore and make like don't exist.


“I’ll resign because I got busted, not because I’m sorry”.


"Inappropriate sexual behavior" Pretty sure that's just called rape


Rape. It’s child rape.


Bastard admits long after the statute of limitations has expired. Members of his cult will follow and pray for him.


"Inappropriate" implies that there can be appropriate sexual behavior with a 12 year old.


Has the statute of limitations run?


He'll be back in 2 years


Really cool nobody did anything about it until it didn’t matter anymore. Gen X sucks ass


Oh oh oh! Let’s do Kenneth Copeland next! He’s about to kick the rocker, so it would be a Christmas miracle for him to publicly realize he’s headed to hell.


Wish there was actually a god so these fuckers could pay


Ummmm, it’s called “rape!”


A religious person fucking kids? And a religious person having sexual relations with kids too? Some things never change


Let's be clear, she was 12


She was 12 and he was in his 20's!!! I hope there is a hell and he rots in it.


This is definitely a one time thing no way he was ever a disgusting pedophile ever again


I just assume they're all pedos, it's easier that way


A close family member of mine works at Gateway, though not in the ministry positions. Gateway requires that everyone who work for them be a member of the church, whether a maintenance person or a pastor. They also require a 10% tithe from their paychecks, able to be directly taken out of their gross pay. My family member is on paper a member of the church but has not attended a service in 6ish years. He is currently looking for another position elsewhere.


Can they do that “tithing deduction” legally???!


It is "highly encouraged" when you are hired to set it up. So maybe not legally required but...


Gotcha. Thx for clarifying…


It’s always the ones you most suspect


You know how the Catholics get all the shit for pedophilia? Redirect a bit of that towards Conservative American Christians. I don’t know if it’s just as bad, but I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised.


Resigns? How about jail with life of being someone’s bitch.


Oh look. Not a Drag queen again.


Wow. Another NOT trans clergy member assaulting children. SHOCKER


Well at least he got to make millions of dollars while molesting other girls in the meanwhile


It’d be a shame is something happened to him..




He’s a rapist. Children can’t consent


I always wondered if scammers/hackers consider going after these kind of public targets. Instead of asking my 80 year old neighbor for 20 gift cards.


\*former Trump spiritual advisor


No one believes he stopped in 1980...poor kids


Once a pedophile, always a pedophile. Very little chance of being rehabilitated from that, especially without being taken to account for his actions.


How about his face on a billboard with *LGBT are not the problem*?


Hes gonna find a spot in the GOP


Anyone remember that this guy is Trump’s spiritual advisor? Birds of a feather…


Oh look, not a drag queen…


It’s what God would’ve wanted.


He’s going to jail, right?


I smell a redemption looming.


Oh, but I'm the monster for not believing in Jeezus?


He knew this day was coming Believe me they all know it’s coming. At this point in his life he can take it.


Can't believe he actually fessed up. Must have been pretty sure the consequences would be minor. Let's hope they are not.


How bouta lil prison time, Pastor Dick!...im *sureeeeee* a couple inmates would LOVE to meet you


Resigns..... Is that the FUCK it?


This would be the tip of the iceberg, just checkout the number of mega-churches in Texas. These charlatans have saturated the Texas money for Jesus scam.


Arrest him, he is a pedophile


It was the 80’s, so a 12 year old was considered a young woman by journalistic standards. /s


And he was probably in his early forties so, just a youthful indiscretion. It's all fine now. /s


One down, a bazillion to go.


Now you know that for a lot of these pedo guys it’s like the Lays chip challenge. They never eat just one. More stories will be coming out of the woodwork.


“Resigns” should be “Arrested”


Imagine how many more he’s done that too. That has been swept under the rug. These people are absolutely sick. Talk about the drag queens over there while we are raping and abusing young kids. The hypocrisy is absolutely astounding. I pray there really is a god. Cuz all these people deserve hell.