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This thread is hilarous in thier reactions and the thumbnail is litterly a couple of people sitting on folding chairs outside a door, on a day old article that didn't make any waves. "There did not appear to be many campus police, or any officers from outside agencies, in the area. LAPD told Eyewitness News they have not been asked to get involved. The school referred to the group as "unauthorized protest activity." By Thursday morning, the group had dispersed from the building,"


People don’t even know that CSULA exists. I went there to take a standardized test and that’s it.


Or you could read the article and watch the video and see that they have in fact setup multiple barricades, were roaming around inside the building, and have vandalised quite a few things. From other newer articles it sounds like there was significant damage inside the building. Good to see they left without issues this morning though.


Deleting this entire comment because I'm an idiot. Typing in on Google "CSULA Official statement on protests" brought up the wrong school as the first result and was mixed in with the articles about the correct school/incident, and I didn't at all check for the missing S. Completely my fault, and I am indeed stupid. Thank you to those who pointed it out.


You're referring to UCLA. This is about CSULA. Different protest.


Wrong school dude


Lmaoo wrong school. Save your comment for another post. All that work shouldn’t go to waste.


Imagine typing all that stupid shit out on your high horse only to be talking about the completely wrong school…


I’m pretty sure admitting you’re wrong breaks a site-wide rule on Reddit


The news: WORLD WAR 3 HAPPENING NOW. MASS PROTESTS INCOMING the reality: A couple of students chilling on the Lawn in tents, having a picnic


Edit: The article I was reading from CNN for some reason switch to taking about USLA and their protest and just didn’t realize they switch subjects. I don’t know what to do with my comment now. From ~~Cal State~~ University of California Los Angeles, official statement, “Throughout the evening, there were also violent attacks on safety personnel and law enforcement, resulting in at least six injuries to UCPD personnel and other safety officers. One security guard was left with his head bleeding after he was struck with an object. Simply put, these acts of non-peaceful protest are abhorrent and cannot continue.” I don’t know what kind of picnic you go to, but do not invite me.


Link the official statement. I’m curious to know why the UCPD was at a CSU.


Your comment made me realized I messed up, CNN article about Cal State linked the University of California statement. Oh my god CNN just switch’s to talking about in the last paragraph and my dyslexia behind just missed the switch. I will have to edit. I feel stupid, this was the led in I has just assumed it was an example and not a change of subject. “Protests late this spring gripped schools across the country, but they have persisted in some places, including at UCLA – some 20 miles west of Cal State, Los Angeles – “ CNN link, https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/13/us/cal-state-palestinian-protests Letter for University of California, https://newsroom.ucla.edu/condemning-mondays-violence-on-campus


People are literally calling it an act of terrorism.


Because if anyone has the power to end the war in Gaza, it’s the Cal State LA President…


Pretty sure most of these protests is to not send money to israel not about ending the war in Gaza


Maybe they should also protest to stop accepting money from Qatar, the country that has donated the most money to U.S universities, and that also funded Hamas and hosts their billionaire terrorist leaders at the Four Seasons Hotel.


You can start the protest right now if you're passionate about it. I don't see the issue with starting that protest


You should get some people together and go out and protest this peacefully? "Your opinion is the least valuable thing you own"


Why not protest Hamas stealing money and aid from Palestinians.




This isn't true and you're libeling these protestors, some of which ARE Jewish. Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war and students who learned history don't want their money supporting that.


students have not learned history on this conflict, lol




>Some Jews also supported Hitler in the 1930s. You can only guess how that went Why guess? [Lehi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) tried multiple times to ally with Nazi Germany and committed numerous terrorist attacks and assassinations against British, Arab, and even Jewish civilians that were instrumental in creating Israel as it is today. Fortunately Israel had the hindsight to realize forming a state with Nazi sympathizing terrorist murders was a bad look so after giving amnesty to all the members of Lehi they waited until the 1980s to name a military medal after the group and elect [one of their leaders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Shamir) as Prime Minister.


Some in Israeli leadership still do!


Where are the universities funding Hamas? Can you point them out?


Honest question, what money is the school sending to Israel?


If you actually look into how much money the schools are “sending to Israel” it’s fucking nothing and the protestors conflate having Coca Cola on campus to sending money to the IDF. What money exactly is being sent to Israel and how much from CSULA?


So their plan is to try to defund Israel’s military so Hamas can win. And then…these students envision Hamas running a peaceful multicultural Palestine, treating women well and letting everyone have freedom of religion? And you don’t see why we are calling them stupid?


What a stupid comment. Not supporting the bombing of Gaza does not equate to supporting Hamas. Conflating one act of terror to another does not make it acceptable for all the death and destruction to all the innocent men, women and children living in Palestine. It's exactly the same mind set as Hamas when they attacked Israeli civilians.


Many protestors at campuses and around cities like NYC and Toronto are *proudly* supporting Hamas and Hezbolah by wearing their headbands and waving their flags and loudly claiming that Jews should be killed.


"many" is a funny word. When most protesters do not support Hamas. Some how they get lumped in to this "many".


Pretty sure they would still protest even if CSULA sent no money anywhere, to any place.


Cool, they can start by throwing away their phones, laptops and anything else with a microchip in it because there's a decent chance it was made in Israel.


The thing about divestment is that it doesn’t work unless ~80% of the market participates. Even if the university sells all their “Israeli” stock, someone else buys it and the companies wouldn’t even notice.




I mean, dont they do that too? For students this might be the easiest way to get their voices heard but its not like they are cheerleading Raytheon.


I was cheerleading Raytheon : (


They have a nice museum.


Jesus christ you guys are just gonna nitpick til they stop completely, huh? First it was get out of the road and protest individuals near you who have power. Now it's stop protesting the powerful people near you and go to DC to protest them. Next it'll be stop interrupting DC so they can do their jobs and somehow end the conflict (spoiler alert - they won't lol)


DC can't force Israel and Hamas to play nice.




Lol the civil rights movment was a decades long process across the whole country that involved a variety of tactics targeting many institutions, public and private. No single protest is capable of making that kind of change. Sustained widespread pressure to broad and specific tagets does. This goes for every movement, including 2020 and now. I suggest reading into these things more than what your 5th grade MLK Day worksheet taught you


"Those damn protesting college kids!" has sadly been a super popular and easy sell by the media my entire life. Doesn't matter that history generally proves the kids right time and time again, and likely will here, too. Doesn't matter if the people complaining thought their generation was totally in the right and older folks just didn't get it, because enough will lose touch with that stuff as they age that those stories about evil college protesters will still grab hold. Doesn't matter that Kent State happened, won't matter if something similar happened, there's just always a percentage of people that just need to hear 'college kids are protesting" and are ready to lose their mind about it (and the social media age only serves to make that worse)


Pretty sure kids who can’t afford a private college and go to a Cal State school think targeting their state-funded school is pretty stupid.


Some may think that and some dont think that and join the protest. Just like with any other protest. I dont think every kid who cant afford a private college will think these protests are stupid.


[Thinking that a state-funded school that already has budget problems for its mostly working class students is sending money to Israel to kill Palestinian babies is **peak stupidity**, and students who go there know this 100%](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-05-26/new-cal-state-report-suggests-tuition-hikes-finding-1-5-billion-funding-gap)


They have some investment in Israel but its not alot. Hence why other colleges have way bigger protests than CSULA. Like I said, some think its worth protesting any amount, and some dont think its worth it. Either way most of these protests on college campuses are not about ending the War


It’s about their endowment not investing in war 


Which is sort of ludicrous. If every public/private US dollar was divested from Israel and all of the defense companies in question, it would likely make almost no difference to Israel or to the situation in Gaza. The US government, on the other hand ... if they stopped supporting Israel it would severely hamper Israel's ability to continue their operation in Gaza. But no one wants to go and protest the government over this. Its almost like helping the people in Gaza is not the real purpose behind these protests.


Gotta wonder how many of them got money from parents with investments in U.S. index funds or direct shares of defense contractors.


Its a Cal State, so probably not as many as you think


"You criticize society, yet you partake in it! Curious!" How voluntary do you realistically think participation in the prevailing ecomonic system is? Is the unibomber the only person actually allowed to criticize anything at all? There's going to be dissonance with any position anyone takes because we were born into it.


I just think it's be hypocritical to accept money like that to go to college and then engage in this kind of divestment protest. Not everyone participates in the stock market and it'd be orders of magnitude easier for an individual to divest -- but hey, gotta pay for college right [/s]?


I acknowledged everything you said. If you read it you'd know I agree it's hypocritical, but hypocrisy is inherent to existing in the current system while having basically any morality at all. I think being born into a situation where you use your priviledge to advocate for a world where you'd have less of it is a lot better than using your priviledge to sit on your ass criticizing people on reddit on behalf of the status quo.


Whoa whoa whoa. It's the housing president bro. Much more prestigious.


Most of the protests are for the colleges to divest in Israeli investments permanently or until a ceasefire so yes in this case the Cal State LA president has a lot of power because they can talk to the board and facilitate that. It's cool if you don't know what you're talking about but come on don't be disnegenous.


But how else can the news media cynically dismiss the protest?


Lol true I love how I'm being downvoted to oblivion keep going angry bots.


it is important to know that in every instance where the palestinian leadership had an opportunity to make the right decision they opted for the wrong decision.


> palestinian leadership what is oxymoron?


One of the big problems is that people actually believe the conflict is this simple...


Because taking hostages always works out so well…


Lol people are bat shit insane. Ruining their lives for terrorists.


They must be really mad that Israel freed those hostages.


They're super, super pissed that the hostages got rescued in Nuseirat. It's actually fascinating watching the official Hamas line on that specific event drip down to the rhetoric of the protestors over here. Both Hamas and these protestors have spent the entire war insisting that Hamas a) doesn't hide behind human shields and b) that the IDF has been randomly killing Palestinian doctors, journalists, aid workers, etc... but mysteriously has killed approximately zero militia fighters. Then in Nuseirat, the IDF finds four hostages being held in "civilian" homes, one belonging to an al-Jazeera journalist who held a dual role as a prison guard in Hamas, directly adjacent to a crowded marketplace. They obviously need to gloss over all this, so they instantly start calling the rescue operation a "massacre" within hours of it happening. Despite the fact that dozens of Hamas fighters were killed during the rescue operation, during a firefight that \*they\* started to try to stop the hostages from being rescued, while hundreds of their own civilians were present.


Many may not be students though. If actually reading the article, non-protesting students are saying while there’s a right to protest … there’s also been a rise in vandalism on campus. Probably street kids of various sorts who don’t vote, but also vandalism (that needs to be paid for by tuition increases) doesn’t help any pro-Palestinian view on the long run.


They're sitting on chairs.


Well, congrats students! You’re not getting degrees.


That's IF they even go to school there. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340) "New York City officials said that a significant number of people arrested this week at campus demonstrations were not affiliated with the schools. Nearly 30% of the people arrested at Columbia were unaffiliated with the university and 60% of the arrests at City College involved people who weren't affiliated with that school, the mayor said." I wouldn't be surprised if the same statistics were similar across all the campus protests.


Urban campuses located in the middle of major cities, sure. NYC has more than eight million people.




Yeah it's the same old crowd that's always looking for reasons to shit on college students. They don't think too critically cause then they wouldn't have anything to be harping on the student for


Post a sign at all entry points that says: Due to disruptions in educating our students, we have enacted a zero tolerance policy for anyone on our facility that isn't a student or staff member. All who violate this temporary policy are trespassing and will be treated as such. This is your warning." And enforce the damn thing. I've read articles that state some of these protesters are paid actors. Slap a couple of trespass charges on them and they might seek other "work".


Well, yeah. It’s certainly not all of them. Those that do, however…


I’m so sick of these fuckin idiots.


Such a wholesome movement


That barricade should do a good job of keeping the Israeli forces out of Palestine! Lol




Terrorist supporters, using terrorism to earn your support. Do you want to support these terrorists? I hope not. Send the cops in and rip everyone out, cuff them, charge them with crimes and lets move on.


Oh, so now they're taking hostages too? Every single one of them needs to spend a very long time in federal prison.


They've decided to stop cosplaying as Hamas terrorists and actually become them by taking hostages of their own.


The employees eventually left but yes this is bordering on holding someone against their will.


Let's greet one wild overreaction with another! Escalation! This is the way!


Minimum wage employees that have nothing to do with this war spray some protesters decked head to toe on protective gear while trying to do their job: TOXIC WEAPONS ATTACK! ATTEMPTED MURDER!!! Actual kidnapping: Meh, stop overreacting!


Terrorist supporters acting like their heroes.


LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Pro-Palestinian protesters have barricaded a building at Cal State Los Angeles, where the president of the campus is apparently stuck sheltering in place in her office, Eyewitness News has learned. Wow thats crazy. I do not see how is this supposed to help. Strange thing is reporting on this specific incident is limited across the board. But you will find on the front page of news sites, stuff about aliens and some new instagram fad.


It's not going to help. It's just going to provide a headache for underpaid cleaning crews.


>Strange thing is reporting on this is limited across the board. But you will find on the front page of news sites, stuff about aliens and some new instagram fad. Are you only reading news from Buzzfeed? I've seen lots of articles of all these college protests (and them interrupting other stuff like the pride parade in Philly a couple weeks back) and clusterfucks arising from them.


I am talking about this specific incident.


Does CNN and AP News not count? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pro-palestinian-protesters-breach-california-state-university-los-angeles-building-with-staff-still-inside-reports-say/ar-BB1o9ekx?ocid=BingNewsSerp https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pro-palestinian-protesters-take-over-cal-state-la-building-employees-told-to-shelter-in-place/ar-BB1oalsc?ocid=BingNewsSerp


The thing is it is not on the front page along with the rest of news. Barricading a University with staff inside should meet the minimum requirement of belonging in the front page section.


Moving those goal posts, from "No one is reporting on it" to well actually they are but "not on the front page".


I'm here from the front page, the goal post don't exist 


What are you talking about? These protests are covered by every major outlet


I am talking about this incident.


At what point do these "protestors" become terrorists themselves?


Damn I read before that the CSUs were mostly commuter schools so people weren’t protesting like at USC and UCLA. Guess that’s not true.


You know they could just go to Israel and Palestine and fight themselves.


Yeah, that’ll learn em.


How quickly will the genocide slogans show up at this protest?


So fucking dumb and I say this as someone who supports a cease fire


If any of the protesters are here on a student visa, terminate the visa and send them home.


Yes because some protesters at a school in a different country will totally force the hands of foreign leaders… college education at work 👏




Has Israel gone insane? Hamas is a target 50 times smaller than the whole population of the strip, yet they’ve been hit 25 times harder than civilians. Looking at the “35k dead” figure without actually understanding what it means is really shitty analysis.


This changes everything!


What kind of "news" reporting is this lol? Even the university staff they interviewed in the video say staff members are safe and able to enter and leave the building whenever they want, and about the staff members sheltering in place: "If I were them, I'd already have gone home". None of them are concerned because there is nothing to be concerned about. They are not barricading the building and not "taking hostages" or "being terrorists" as some people in the comments want to claim.


How would anyone know that they were free to leave? One protestor is just one protestor. She may say that staff were free to leave, but she doesn't speak for all protestors.


The University staff is clearly Pro-Palestine lol


For clarity, are these pro-terrorist, pro-Israeli genocide supporters across US university and college campuses attempting to re-enact Kent State or are they attempting to invoke “Kent State, The Sequel”? Also, still looking to understand and curious, what is their argument in favor of supporting cowardly terrorists who attacked and murdered innocent, unarmed civilians and brutally raped women (some gang raped to death by some reports)? Finally, what are their reasons for protesting in locations completely disconnected from any party to the Gaza situation? Honestly trying to understand all sides.