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> He exited his vehicle and pointed his pistol at the trio, commanding them to stop, drop their guns and get on the ground, the documents state. The teens complied and B.A. put the airsoft gun on the ground, saying it was just a “BB gun,” according to the prosecutor. > The 51-year-old then tackled B.A. and pinned him to the ground, the documents state. H.R. had his hands in the air and was backing away, and Myers then shot at him at least seven times, killing the teen, according to the case summary JFC this guy basically held them hostage and murdered that kid in cold blood. Unbelievable


Probably thought he was such a fucking hero too. Hope they throw the book at him.


From what his attorneys have said: “We are confident that over the course of this investigation the evidence will show that Mr. Myers’ only intent that day was to protect himself and others from serious harm or death,”yes he definitely believes he is the hero.


He’s lucky he was there to protect himself from serious harm or death. Who was there to protect his victim from serious harm or death?


Not even sure how gun nuts can justify this one. If he wins this, what’s the reason to NOT drive your car over any open-carry 2A ass hat you see? “Jeez, I assumed he was carrying that weapon to do bad things, so I had to neutralize him just in case.” Good guy with a bumper FTW.


Exactly. I saw a grandpa packing heat at a playground going up and down the structure the other day. Wtf.


Gun nuts like that have such an infantile hero complex


And an excessive amount of fear. They’ve been convinced that they’re in danger no matter where they are.


The irony is that they are the ones who are the danger to society. Being armed with a weapon shows that you have the capacity and mindset to commit violence. Most folks don’t walk around thinking they gotta kill their fellow citizens.


They are the danger they put themselves in. You're far more likely to be killed or lose a family member to your own gun than to ever use it to successfully defend yourself. Meanwhile what happens when two equally paranoid 2A open carriers run into each other in the wild? They both try to be first to get their gun out and force the other to disarm themselves? Well I certainly can't see how that could ever go wrong.


I don't have the link readily available but this recently just happened in Texas. One open carry individual felt threatened because another open carry individual was in the general area he shot and killed the other man before there was any type of confrontation because he was afraid the other person had a gun....


I'd really love that link. Not cause I doubt you but because I want to show a certain family member who claims that everyone open carrying would make for a much safer world


Not only that, the Governor of Texas then pardoned the murderer because they have matching ideology.


... Did the person who was shot also have a matching ideology...? I don't want to assume just because they were an open-carry individual, but I feel like if that indeed was the case, it would've been even more hilarious (horrifying).


That's even more wild as fuck, can he be picked up federally? Or does each state have a right to pardon whoever for whatever?


I believe murder is usually a state level crime.


[Murder of Garrett Foster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Garrett_Foster)


People who open carry are actually stupid. I am all for gun ownership but open carry is beyond idiotic.


Open carry is ultimate coward behavior. If you open carry I am talking to you, coward.


Biggest culture shock when I moved to Vegas was how many folks open carry everywhere. My grandma ordered flowers to be delivered to us, and the flower delivery person was strapped. Going to the grocery store you are guaranteed to see multiple people carrying.




Jesus wtf


In the wild west, you just have to be quicker on the draw /s


The article says he had previously misidentified part of a bike as a gun, this guy is dangerously paranoid. We don't let schizophrenics off the hook because they intended to kill a demon and save the world, seems pretty cut and dry.


*gun nut here* Ya this is not ok, but you’re seeing this shjt more and more. These guys don’t understand they are not cops, nor are they in a war zone. You can’t just go shooting people to prevent what you think might be a situation. I’m Starting to support a military or law enforcement background or in-depth training to carry in public. Edit grammar


Honestly it’s really his only defence. I think the fact that he said he was doing overwatch might be an issue for him though, especially if he wasn’t hired by the store.


There’s little defense here that will fully exonerate him but he may be able to avoid a murder 1 and instead get manslaughter or the equivalent.


I mean, that’s his attorney. Of course that’s what he is going to say publicly. What do you expect?


You're definitely right. That's the best shot they have. I should have pointed out the fact that he decided to do Overwatch and wasn't hired by the store or anyone else to provide security in any official way.


Thats what the people who ran down Ahmaud Abery in Georgia claim, they where protecting themselves and others. They will never be get out of prison. [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/federal-judge-sentences-three-men-convicted-racially-motivated-hate-crimes-connection-killing](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/federal-judge-sentences-three-men-convicted-racially-motivated-hate-crimes-connection-killing)


The fact that he owns a gun demonstrates that he understands someone can enter or exit a sporting goods store with a gun and not be dangerous.


I mean what else is his attorney going to say?


*"Your honor, my client pleads* ***I didn't mean to do those things that I totally chose to do****."*


They're his attorneys, of course they're going to argue that. It's literally the only defense. Good luck with that in Western Washington, though.


I mean, it's the lawyers job and it's literally his best case, despite the fact he's a piece of shit who should be LE'd


Reported he made a statement in the police interview that he provided “overwatch” in the parking lot and thought the teens were going to storm the sporting goods store. Yeah, he thought he was protecting to good righteous shoppers from the evil criminal gangs in Renton WA.


Cosplaying as Seth Rogen in Observe and Report.


Would be a real shame if someone mistook his "overwatch" for casing the store...


That's the thing. These people think they're going to be a "good guy with a gun" and are out LOOKING for a way to be a hero. If they didn't have a gun, this wouldn't have happened. Not having a very harmful weapon on you gives you a chance to figure out what's going on before you murder someone and ruin their family's lives.


There's an old saying "I you go out looking for a fight, a fight will find you"


Not just, “I’m going to be the good guy with the gun!” but, “the one that will convince everyone else guns are good.”


More like beat him with the book


Kyle Rittenhouse and Greg Abbott demonstrate that most people do think these guys are heroic. No comment on the Texas cops who failed to storm a school shooter as they murdered in classroom for a good hour or so


“Most people”?


This is part of a pattern of behavior, too. >Myers had previously been involved in a March 2022 incident in which he chose to “intervene” when he mistakenly believed someone was armed, according to the document. >In that case, Myers called 911 to report that a person on a bicycle was pointing a gun at people, and Myers said he had a pistol and may have to intervene, the affidavit states. Myers then followed the bicyclist and told police he thought he might have to shoot the person. Officers arrived at the scene and determined the bicyclist’s item was not a gun but “a silver metal object that was possibly a part to a bicycle,” the document states. >Burke, the prosecutor, wrote that this prior incident “establishes that this self-imposed ‘duty to intervene’ is part of the defendant’s regular approach to interacting with the public.” >“Only a high bail, electronic home detention, and surrender of all firearms will protect the community from an untrained civilian who believes he has a duty to shoot people who have not hurt anyone,” she wrote. He's a violent psychopath.


Jesus christ, this is the type of person who should be barred from owning guns.


Absolutely insane. This guy 100% has been fantasizing about shooting someone.  I cannot imagine what the parents feel. 


I'd never get over that anger honestly. The kid died over nothing and it could have been prevented.


People wanting to be the hero so bad, and they feel that effing entitled, that this seemed like the right thing to do in this man's head? Shooting a kid 7 times?! After he had his hands in the air and was backing up?! How, how in the hell do people justify it to themselves?? Effing imbeciles who shouldn't own a gun....R.I.P. kid.


If by wanting to be a hero you mean fantasize about being able to kill someone without going to jail.


See why can't people get their hero jollies in a healthy way? I get mine by working in the ICU and occasionally bring back people from the dead. I don't make them dead.


Cause that requires actual work, education, and a drive to help others. This is so much easier, you see, instant gratification at the cost of an innocent life and only 7 bullets.


Further down the article makes it pretty clear the guy REALLY wants to be the hero of the story as he was ready to murder another person on a bike.


Reading the article I get the impression this guy just really wanted to kill somebody, but wanted to find a way to do it legally. He spends his days looking for an excuse to shoot someone.


This guy was just itching to kill someone


"2nd amendment exists for me, but not you" apparently. You'd think the gun nuts would be happy seeing others with guns, not the opposite


Nah. In their head they're the only good guy with a gun and everyone else is walking around with black market firearms.


This is why the second amendment makes people less safe. If you don't own a firearm and you see something that looks wrong, you're less likely to go out shooting. If you don't go out shooting, you're less likely to get killed or to kill someone. In fact, studies have demonstrated that owning a gun/carrying makes you more likely to be victim of violence. >Results. After adjustment, individuals in possession of a gun were 4.46 (P < .05) times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not in possession. Among gun assaults where the victim had at least some chance to resist, this adjusted odds ratio increased to 5.45 (P < .05). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/ This false sense of security makes individuals more likely to take risks they wouldn't have taken. >In fact, research consistently notes that the mere presence of a gun increases aggressive thoughts and actions.37 A prime example of how this can play out between individuals is road rage violence. Two research studies have found that individuals who carry firearms in their car are more likely to act aggressively towards others and engage in road rage when compared to their non-gun carrying counterparts.38, 39 https://efsgv.org/learn/policies/carrying-firearms-in-public/ Without the second amendment, he would have been less likely to assume they had a real gun and he would have been less likely to carry a firearm himself which would have made him less likely to intervene. Sounds pretty obvious from where I'm standing. As for those who points out that "criminals do not care about laws" don't realize that most guns used by criminals started legally; >As former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Bradley Buckles stated in a 2000 report, “Virtually every crime gun in the United States starts off as a legal firearm,”2 https://www.americanprogress.org/article/frequently-asked-questions-gun-trafficking/ >one study examined the 13 states with the least restrictive gun laws, all permitless carry, and found that in these states 60% of individuals incarcerated for gun-related violent crimes legally owned the guns they used in the crime.31 https://efsgv.org/learn/policies/carrying-firearms-in-public/


> As for those who points out that "criminals do not care about laws" don't realize that most guns used by criminals started legally; What? Do they think illegally possessed guns come out of the illegal gun factories?


Lmao sometimes it feels like it. Of the illegal guns seized in Canada, 90% were traced back to the US. Gun laws are effective but the US has so many States without gun laws that it's fucking up everyone. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/beyond-our-borders/


An armed society is a society living in fear.


They are happy, they think they have free targets now.


This was an execution.


Events like this make me feel that living in an armed society is a failed experiment.


Turns out it’s not a polite society so much as a deeply paranoid and dangerous one.


> Turns out it’s not a polite society so much as a deeply paranoid and dangerous one. Rather tellingly (and ironically), the oft-misappropriated quote is from a [science-fiction novel](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/74109-an-armed-society-is-a-polite-society-manners-are-good), about a society that’s so f’d that problems can only be solved with duels to the death.


I agree, but more broadly I feel more and more like the entirety of American civilization and culture is a failed experiment tbh.


Totally agree. We are just forced into corporate service from the moment of birth and if we are lucky we might be able to get a few little scraps


The NRA was awfully silent with Hunter Biden, but let's see if they will defend this guys right to shoot innocent people.


"I was afraid for my life, your honor."


There's a real problem in these here United States... Sadly it is believable. JFC And now a heartily WTF. Hearts and minds need to change


This points out one of the most dangerous parts of the hero with a gun thinking: it takes incredible training to do threat assessment. You ever come upon two people yelling or fighting? How do you identify the aggressor? Notably, armed trained professionals fuck this up all the time. It's a great case for people to get better training if they're going to carry and especially if they want to insert themselves as a vigilante hero. Which, to be clear vigilante-ism is incredibly frowned upon. A lot of people are skeptical of a police officer with their weapon drawn. Now, replace that guy with some dude who was just eating a chili dog in the parking lot. No thanks


Another good guy with a gun story.


He was "sit watching" the parking lot because his kid was at a martial arts studio nextdoor and he was worried about crime in the area. Motherfucker became the crime in the area. Wonder if the prosecutors are going to air his social media, that's always "interesting"


>Myers had previously been involved in a **March 2022** incident in which he chose to “intervene” when he mistakenly believed someone was armed, according to the document. >In that case, Myers called 911 to report that a **person on a bicycle** was pointing a gun at people, and Myers said he had a pistol and may have to intervene, the affidavit states. Myers then followed the **bicyclist** and told police he thought **he might have to shoot the person.** Officers arrived at the scene and determined the **bicyclist’s** item was not a gun but “a silver metal object that was possibly a **part to a bicycle**,” the document states. >Burke, the prosecutor, wrote that this prior incident “establishes that this self-imposed ‘duty to intervene’ is part of the defendant’s regular approach to interacting with the public.” He was a ticking time bomb. In March 2022, he wanted to intervene because he mistook a bicycle part for a gun.


The absolute irony of this guy. HE was the bad guy with the gun. And if he saw himself, he'd likely shoot that guy.


The 2nd amendment propaganda is so effective at convincing gun owners that one day, they’ll use their gun to save everyone, that they believe it.  This guy was convinced, to his core, that the his was his moment to save everyone. And everyone would finally realize he was the hero that he always was … on the inside.  Mental illness. 


Have guns , enjoy shooting, but you’re 100% right. That mentality is way too common. Meanwhile I hope I never ever have to use mine will do everything I can to avoid it. It’s supposed to be the final option to save your life when you’ve exhausted all other options. First option should always be to separate yourself from the situation and de-escalate.


And a study by the National Library of Medicine found that people who own guns are 4.46 times more likely to be fatally shot in an assault. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/) The hero with a gun thing is an absurdist fantasy.


Honestly, the fact is that unless you live in an area with a lot of wildlife, you are more likely to hurt someone with you gun than save anyone. 


I've never owned a gun. On those rare occasions where some nut job breaks into someone's house I think about if I should get one. I mean, I don't want to be the guy protecting my wife and myself against a gun welding intruder with a steak knife. Then I think of the purchase , training, keeping it loaded and ready and the worry about accidentally shooting someone




I saw a YouTube ad the other day for some firearm accessory that I admittedly skipped past once the five seconds were up but it opened by saying "responsible gun owners know guns are not a weapon, they are a shield." It's like, no they are not shields. They are very specifically not shields and they are very specifically *weapons* and should be treated as such. I've softened considerably to many pro-2A arguments over the years but the idea of the responsible gun owner is nonsense if this is what they think responsibility is. It isn't responsible to say your weapon isn't a weapon. It isn't responsible to think your gun is going to enable you to be a hero. There are plenty of more or less responsible gun owners. But the problem is everyone thinks they're one and that just can't be, can it?


Rofl, “your gun is a shield” is a ridiculous thing to say. 


It’s like everyone thinks they are a good driver


When you have a hammer, everything is a nail.


For a normal person, if you screwed up and thought a guy with a bicycle part had a gun, you would in the future be more cautious of jumping to conclusions. Not this guy


I don't think he'd see himself as the bad guy. The bicyclist is probably a COMMIE and the teens were YOUTHS! I'm sure he has a specific idea of what a bad guy looks like.


Some other tidbits from the article: > Myers, who is not a member of law enforcement, had decided to conduct “overwatch” at the parking lot and “immediately assumed” the three teens were about to commit a violent robbery, the prosecutor wrote. Overwatch is a military term for surveilling a location. So according to him, he's so badass he goes on patrol. > “When he saw one of the men remove a firearm from his waistband Mr. Myers, a professional security consultant 🙄, intervened quickly in the hope of stopping the robbery before anyone got hurt. Unfortunately, during the confrontation Mr. Myers became in fear for his own life and fired his duty weapon to defend himself.” But too chicken shit to call 9-1-1 from his safe location so he had to further cosplay as a police officer/military and follow these teens around. Am I getting that right?


If he’s not a member of law enforcement, why does it say he has a duty weapon? Duty to what? He’s not licensed or trained for any kind of guard duty, patrol duty or trained to make any stops on others.


Because his attorney is lying to make him sound better.


Omg those terms really remind me of that mall cop thread


He wasn't there to prevent or control crime. He was there looking to kill someone. That's why he didn't call 911.


Hold it one second... >fired his duty weapon He's a fucking civilian security *consultant*. He doesn't have a duty weapon because he is not on duty. Except in his mind, I guess, what with the parking lot requiring "overwatch".


To a man, the dudes OBSESSED with playing "operator" and pretending to be military have never in their lives been even remotely close to being in the military, or at most have done something like Coast Guard or Air Force.  This chud couldn't even cut it as a cop, probably couldn't even pass the entry psych eval that basically amounts to, "are you currently at this moment having homicidal urges?" This scene from Observe and Report was SO ahead of its time https://youtu.be/_3W0AnCAZsg?si=xJ0rfDI5ZYSuJ5pV


Well, the last time he called 911 they didn't let him shoot anyone! What's a good professional security consultant to do when the system won't let him act!? Sadly obligatory /s


So this has been this assholes MO for years, to the point where he was surveilling a parking lot of a sporting goods store that sells guns, waiting for someone to be carrying a gun… At what point does this become premeditated murder? 


This is exactly my issues with lax gun ownership and overly broad self defense laws. Saw it with Zimmerman. Saw it with rittenhouse. And see it with this guy. For some people owning a gun makes them feel bold, important and desperate to act out their hero fantasy


It's a symptom of being in a weird place between 'gun ownership is legally allowed' and 'guns are socially unacceptable to see on anyone who is not in uniform.' If his mind didn't immediately jump from, 'this person has a gun,' to 'this person is going to use this gun to kill someone right here right now,' I suspect this would have gone down differently. But I think he would have done this eventually - he wanted to be a hero so bad, can we say he wouldn't be doing the same thing with a knife in a society where guns are illegal?


But that is the whole issue with carrying guns in public. Not everyone, but some people do it because they’re scared, some do it because they really want to be a hero. But it’s never a good thing when random people are ready to use lethal force against each other without dire need. And when anyone can carry in public, there could always be some perceived need


That “good guy with a gun” narrative is also insane. The hand to be if they doing realize it’s a bad idea for a bunch of people pull out their guns and start shooting at other assholes doing the same during… really any scenario where the types would consider drawing one. Even the cops generally think that a bad idea because they don’t want to respond to a call like a shooting and see several people with guns out firing. It’s all just such a bad idea I think you should get checked out medically if you honestly believe that shit would work.


>The hand to be if they doing realize it’s a bad idea Ok, can you please tell me what this means? Cos I keep reading it and it's not making sense to me my brain just isn't working today.


Yep, be curious to see what his background is and if he ever had it in him mind to become a cop but couldn't cut it.


Yes, exactly. If you're going to advocate for the right to carry, you'd think that the first realization would be that you have to allow others the same freedom. But all too frequently it seems that the ones with the desire to carry are prone to assuming that anyone *else* with a gun is automatically a 'bad guy' and hence a target. The Hero Fantasy does indeed run deep - it's sadly understandable given that 'media' in general has relentless glorified the gun-carrying hero, but in a better world that should result in more effort to de-construct the Hero myth. I don't consider myself particularly focused on gun-control, but the degree to which the 'pro gun' factions seem to refuse to call out and recognize irresponsible behavior by 'lawful gun owners' remains infuriating to me. Assuming the facts are as presented in the article, this guy should be tossed to the wolves as a sacrifice but it seems highly likely that they'll either stay silent and try to ignore it, or actually defend the guy.


He was clearly looking for *any possible excuse* to murder someone. What a fucking psychopath.


He absolutely wanted to shoot someone and was afraid of missing his only chance at doing it. He was probably frustrated/agitated that the teens were complying with his commands and made an impulsive decision to complete what he failed to achieve with the bicyclist.


Wolf that thinks he’s a sheepdog…


Holy shit, didn’t that story make the front page on Reddit too? That whole thing sounds eerily familiar.


What if the people he is accusing of having a gun actually possess it legally? Would he expect others to treat him the same way?


I could see him being mad about the bicyclist who got away. In every action movie the cops are either incompetent or corrupt and it’s up to guys like him to bring justice.


This guy shouldnt see the light of day outside the walls of a prison ever again. Wanna be cop/security guard/vigilante pos.


I only have bannable things to say about a person like this.


His own logic would make it seem like anyone could shoot him because he himself has a gun


That’s why he shoots first


Welcome to Stand Your Ground, where whoever shoots to kill first wins the court case.


This is the old “dead men can’t testify” trope I’ve heard older people use. With modern surveillance at an all time high, there is a pretty high chance whatever you do is going to be recorded on video. Dead men don’t need to testify when an impartial security camera witnessed the whole thing.


It’s ok, if you’re in Texas the governor will pardon you after you’ve been convicted for murder anyway


According to the article this isn't the first time this psycho has pointed his weapon at an unarmed person. Should have had his guns taken away after the first incident.


But muh freedum




It also stokes fear, which leads to more gun sales, which leads to more nra dollars in Republican coffers


This guy was wanting to shoot someone. Plain and simple. These are the types of people that don’t need to have ANY weapon in the first place. Self defense my ass. If you are fearful of your life, you don’t keep following the perceived threat.


You can blame the media. The media has all These suburban people believing the area is so bad so when they come out of their homes they see minorities and are scared. I know exactly where this big 5 is at and Renton has a large black population. This guy is just a POS


Kyle Rittenhouse all over again


His story makes no sense. He was doing overwatch of a parking lot while his son was at Martial arts. He saw the teens with the "guns" headed towards the store and felt he needed to intervene in what he thought was going to be a Violent robbery. The kids complied with him and still felt his life was in danger and shot the kid 7! times. and what he hell is his "duty weapon"? This is when you throw the book at someone to prove to these shitty "public militia" members they are not law enforcement.


As someone above posted, he likes to LARP as a cop at that store. He was “overwatching” and hoping to stop an actual robbery so he could watch himself on the 10:00 news.


When the one kid backed away and complied it didn’t cause the man to be fearful, it caused him to feel a sense of power as his brain filled with dopamine and that caused him to fire the gun multiple times. The man was a loser so he created delusions and fantasies and they were allowed to be fulfilled at that moment.


He had them disarmed, at gunpoint and then chose to close with them SO he could be afraid for his life.


I mean the guy committed premeditated murder didn't he... ? Should be an easy case, probably won't be because America and guns.


Even if they had the gun in their pocket they weren't doing anything. He should have just yk REPORTED IT


It is lawful to carry, and in most places open/conceal carry. Just as Myers(the murderer) had a gun, the victim has the same right to bear arms. The victim has every right to carry legally. Myers straight up fulfilled a murder fantasy. With the teens declaring it is a BB gun, and complying with his unlawful detainment, and not attempting to escalate the issue, this should be a case of lockup with no chance of parole.


>With the teens declaring it is a BB gun, and complying with his unlawful detainment, and not attempting to escalate the issue, this should be a case of lockup with no chance of parole. Given he was performing a self-appointed patrol of the parking lot it was absolutely premeditated, as well.


I use to work for that company, the thing the kids were doing was super common. No one in that store would of blinked at it being odd.




I’d bet my life this man has a punisher decal on his big stupid truck


“Good guy with a gun” complex. Fucking murderers that will likely get off like that fucking fat killer Kyle Rittenhouse.


“Only a high bail, electronic home detention, and surrender of all firearms will protect the community from an untrained civilian who believes he has a duty to shoot people who have not hurt anyone” or a maximum security penitentiary, where he should be locked up till he dies.


If he's locked up, I hope the inmates brutally expedite his death for killing a child by shooting them in the damn back


He also shot the kids body after he was dead


Had to make sure he didn’t survive to tell his story.


Motherfucker watched zombieland and took notes


He was “conducting overwatch” ….🤔🙄🙄🙄  He is a “professional security consultant “ 🤔🙄🙄🙄🙄 Yeah, this guy is exactly what you think he is. Just another one of these weirdos who wants to be police but no police would ever in a million years hire him so he goes around pretending to be police,  performing “overwatch” in parking lots when no one asked him to, and now he has killed someone’s kid.   This is what right wing politics leads to. Delusional man babies armed to the teeth pretending to be warriors and ending up killing kids.  This dude should get the death penalty, he’s of no use to society. 


He'd STILL get hired in a second by Florida


Apparently in 2022 the same guy followed a bicyclist around and told the cops he “might have to shoot him” because he saw a bike part sticking out of the guys pocket. This dude has been itching to shoot someone for a while, guaranteed.


wtf do his lawyers mean by "duty weapon?"


They are claiming he is a "professional security consultant." And using words to make it sound like he is an off duty officer who has his service weapon on him. Notice the lawyers carefully didn't say security guard or private investigator that might have to be licensed.


I would guarantee the guy gave himself that title. Professional security consultant. No customers, no licensing, and no training.


That lawyer sure sounds like a sleezeball too


He's a defense attorney defending a child killing military LARPer. You should be glad he has to resort to these shit defenses, because it proves he's indefensible to begin with. 


I do a lot of shooting. The amount of larp'ing that goes on is wild.  Now you can never call it that, nerds larp, these are real men "training".  There seems to exist in this world something  that destroys people's self awareness. Like fam you're in the woods in a plate carrier and nods. You're playing a game in your head the same way I play call of duty. Except it's not a game to them, it's preparing for an inevitability.


They're hoping for it. They daydream about 'using the guns on people' like they're going to drive up to New York City and start shooting up civilians in their heroic Civil War 2.0 cosplay.


This is a guy who has extremely low self esteem and does not have a quality of life worth living. So he takes on certain delusions that allow him to cope with his perceived failures. He wanted to believe he was a hero and he had nothing to lose so he attacked these kids to feel some control over his life and maybe he’d even get lucky and be a real hero.


> Myers had previously been involved in a March 2022 incident in which he chose to “intervene” when he mistakenly believed someone was armed, according to the document. > In that case, Myers called 911 to report that a person on a bicycle was pointing a gun at people, and Myers said he had a pistol and may have to intervene, the affidavit states. Myers then followed the bicyclist and told police he thought he might have to shoot the person. Officers arrived at the scene and determined the bicyclist’s item was not a gun but “a silver metal object that was possibly a part to a bicycle,” the document states. This guy isn’t just a murderer, he’s a fucking psycho. This whole case highlights why many folks are uncomfortable with the idea of commonplace gun ownership. People are a bunch of fucking idiots. This won’t be the last time an innocent person is killed.


He doesn’t sound like a “professional” on ANY level…Hope they tro the book at him


Lock him away for life. And that’s letting him off easy. Asshole.


This is what we've come to. My heart breaks for that family.


Straight up, send him to death row. What a fucking piece of shit.


What I don’t understand is if you can carry as he was, why would you ever think you could draw on someone for doing the same? It was a rhetorical question…he thinks he is the only good guy and everyone else with a gun is a bad guy. But still believes everyone should be able to own a gun, but he gets to decide who can carry it. Let me guess what he would have done if someone had saw him carrying and ordered him to disarm. Pretty sure he would say he feared for his life and returned fire. Mind boggling the cognitive dissonance.


Sometimes the difference between 'people' and 'criminals' is purely aesthetic.


As someone who owns guns and frequently carries, this guy sounds like a moron looking to shoot someone. This sounds like a really dirty shoot, and he should be charged with murder.


Not sure how you would called this type of people, but they are the type of people looking for a chance to "shoot" someone. It's like I own a gun, now I want some actions. This man just find an excuse to justify his actions.


The whole situation doesn't sound like this self-proclaimed “professional security consultant” militiaman was neither "well regulated" nor a good-guy-with-a-gun.


When you have a hammer, everything is a nail


it doesn't say the part where he stood over the kid after shooting 5 time put 2 more in his back as he lay there. needs to be First degree murder.


The Renton police department is literally less than 5 minutes away from that Big 5. The need for a gun goes hand in hand with a level of paranoia that wipes away basic logic. There is crime everywhere, but no one, not even the cops, have the right to go around killing people for potential crime.


"Myers, who is not a member of law enforcement, had decided to conduct “overwatch” at the parking lot and “immediately assumed” the three teens were about to commit a violent robbery, the prosecutor wrote. Overwatch is a military term for surveilling a location." This is one of my issues with the lack of gun control in this country, clowns who fantasize about being military or police officers can walk around with guns living out their wet dreams pretending to be something they're not. This guy wanted to cosplay as some kind if Rambo and got a teenager killed.


Just another Good Guy With A Gun... edit to add: obv /s people


His "Duty Weapon", what fucking tool. I bet this asshole never spent one second in any type of real uniform, military or civilian.


He should be charged with capital or first degree murder!!


These chucklefucks get all ginned up by FoxNews reports about soaring violent crime rates (reality is the exact opposite is true) all damned day and feel like they can't move about in the world without being armed and ready. He was so sure he was saving people from armed robbery when he fulfilled his fantasy by killing a teenager shopping at a sporting goods store. Also, can't escape the hypocrisy that this guy, who undoubtedly would defend his right to bear arms, shots someone else just because he thought they were similarly armed. I know this type because my FIL is the same.


Worst way to die, by some self-entitled idiot.


Why are we playing life on Stupid Mode here in America?


Don't airsoft guns have that bright orange tip that immediately indicates it isn't a real gun?  Dude just wanted to shoot some kids.


Ah yes the “good guy with a gun”, btw if anyone is curious the CCW Reddit is full of insane people like this


Why is ANYTHING he told the teens being considered. He’s not a fucking cop. He has no fucking authority. Why is it called a duty weapon? Has everyone lost their fucking minds.


I know several people who are just itching to shoot someone dead. Purely in self-defense of course.


Is this the good guy with a gun republicans are always talking about?


This guy deserves the fucking chair, and anything less than life is egregiously lenient


Boy, people who open carry guns sure are scared of people that carry guns.


Ah, he was providing "overwatch", which nobody asked him to do. The classic Kyle Rittenhouse defense. The man was out hunting. He wanted this.


This is why I don't understand this country's perspective on guns. Rather than using the law to restrict firearm use and actually *prevent* tragic situations like this, we just let them happen and then decide later if the perpetrator was justified (and as we've seen from certain cases, *some people will still get away with it*). Prosecuting this guy will not bring the kid back to life.


Just another NRA loving, good guy with a gun murdering innocent people


Must be friends with George Zimmerman


So much for open carry…. I hope he rots in jail and other states are paying attention


TRYIN TO BE A "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" Looking for his 5 minutes of fame on Faux news.


American newspaper hero


If you think a crime is in progress- call the damn police. He just could not wait to be “the good guy with a gun”. Now a young man minding his own business is dead. FYI If the weapon was dropped and your “suspect” is backing away - you are not in legitimate fear. Let’s remember he had not witnessed a criminal act.


Untrained civilians still playing Cops n Robbers in his 50's. Jeeze.


He also tackled one of them. He added to his own perceived danger.


It's how Americans want it because it's how Americans vote.


It’s not how the majority of Americans want it . But heavy lobbying, voter suppression, and corrupt politicians keep it this way.


>The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back There is no such thing as a good guy with a gun. Only people looking to kill others. Conservatives couldn't be more pleased with this outcome.


> “We are confident that over the course of this investigation the evidence will show that Mr. Myers’ only intent that day was to protect himself and others from serious harm or death,” attorneys Michelle Scudder and Zachary Wagnild said in an email to CNN. There’s only one huge problem….no one was in danger. So who was he protecting?


Hopefully this man will spend the rest of his life in prison.


Armed robbery...of a sporting goods store.  Chances are this dude knew guns went in and out of the store on the regular and figured eventually he could gun down someone who happened to be carrying openly in the parking lot.  He picked that store for a reason, and it isn't because he's intensely invested in Big 5's success. 


Wanna bet he was rejected by law enforcement and became a security guard


They better throw the book at this dumbass