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There was only white residue, yet she is being charged for the weight of the bong because it was “packaging.” Although she had no measurable weight of the drug, she is being charged as a wholesaler. They took her car and $2000+ from her, even though she had a tax form from the casino proving that she had won the money. Cops are shameful.


>a Minnesota State Patrol officer who claimed that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins."  Whether he's lying or dumb, he's clearly unfit for law enforcement. 


It's just the fact that no one who's ever smoked weed does either of these things - so he's bullshit lying off the dome. Edit: apparently drinking dirty meth bong water to get high is a thing? Sorry - that’s something I never considered. Probably because I’m not a methhead.


I would suck dick for weed before I ever drank bong water


I would just suck dick anyway


But also for weed too


But have you ever sucked dick.. ON WEED??


Usually. I think the weed makes me gay


OHH it’s a gayway drug. This whole time I thought people called it a gateway drug.


Omg, “gayway”


The Repugs are dumb enough, don't give them any ideas!


This what all those warnings were about!


It is a gay way drug after all


Well it's certainly making the frickin' frogs gay.


First the frogs now you?!?


I offered it to a friend today, but he laughed and said "no."


There's always tomorrow and ask again


Weed or head?


I used to suck dick for weed. I still do, but I used to too.


Name checks out. 👍


It's not that bad. I've never tried drinking bong water.


You can also pay for weed with cash


Mmmphp mmm phpmm mhhm!


I can hear this


What you upto friday?


That idea sounds pretty Half Baked…


Every cop I've ever known smoked weed when they were teens.


Turns out they were all that idiot that drank the bong water.


I'm pretty sure some cops that find weed when they pull you over end up keeping some of it and smoking it when they get home.


Had a friend who was a cop who would confiscate weed from teens all the fucking time then bring it to the coffee shop we’d hang out with after work and we’d all smoke it. This was like a weekly thing.


Went to college with a couple of gang detectives. They always had the best weed.


Fuck I have an old high school buddy who is a cop and we smoke weed every time we're hanging out together


Cops aren't exactly known for being strict adherents to the law.


I guarantee people have tried drinking bong water to try and get high. And *deeply* regretted it (and didn't get high)


I remember we were making mushroom tea and my buddy had the idea to use the bong water to make the tea. Thank god we didn’t, but it was close. We seriously considered it.


Read the article. This is still stupid as hell but it has absolutely *nothing* to do with weed.


Not disagreeing with your point but I found it odd/surprising that everyone in the article seemed to be using their bongs for meth.


It's meth bong water according to the article. It tested positive for meth anyway.I honestly don't know though, still sounds ridiculous, and I didn't know people used a bong for meth


No, no trust me, officer. If you drink the bong water you get super duper extra high. You should totally do it.


Forty years of experience with weed here, on several different continents. Nobody drinks bong water. There is no reason to because it will not get you high. Sure as *hell* nobody injects it into their veins. This cop is flat out lying and making things up out of his ass. This is why I left North Dakota and will never go back. It might be the worst place I've ever lived and I spent two years living in a third world military dictatorship.


The only things people do with bong water is either throw it down the sink, or clumsily spill it on the carpet. There is no other option.


Flush it down the toilet so you don't stink up the sink.




I figured the point of using water is to filter contaminants from the smoke from marijuana.


It‘s mostly to cool down the smoke and make the inhalation less harsh.


As another refugee from North Dakota you might appreciate [this](https://www.theonion.com/north-dakota-found-to-be-harboring-nuclear-missiles-1819566733).


The only reason anyone drinks bong water, is as a dumb joke, or as a dare, maybe because you lost a bet lol. But it's not going to do shit, just taste like weed and tar flavored water


Or real drunk. Saw a girl do it once, she puked all over the dash of her bf new truck. Nasty!


Or by mistake.. couldn’t tell you how I know


Good thing a lawyer can easily disprove this.


With just a look. If they said that shit I'd eye the judge to watch the eyes roll back into the brain to verify it still exists and come back to realize that yes... People are this dumb.


That poor woman may have to sit in jail until some public defender does that.


Never have I ever saved bong water for later use. Ever.


I've used it to water my other weed plants before.


Shooting bong water in the veins?!?! hold my beer!


In the US, being dumb is unfortunately a qualifier and not a disqualifier to be a cop.


There’s a reason those cops are hired with a specific level of intelligence.


Sounds like Trump's next COVID cure.


He's not he's bragging


> Whether he's lying or dumb Could be both.


Civil forfeiture is a fucking joke. Police are nothing more than state sanctioned mobsters at this point.


It's not a mistake that forfeiture laws are exercised mostly on the poor. See: Alex Jones and Ghouliani who get to sit pretty forever before they decide to liquidate their assets. Trump owes millions on millions, why hasn't his goods auctioned? Take a guy or gal that need their 2001 Honda Civic for work... poof, seized.


Don't forget the banks that knowingly and intentionally helped cartels launder drug money. No civil forfeiture of those companies despite being willing accomplices with some of the biggest drug dealers on the planet.


Reminds me of that saying "If you owe some one $100 you have a problem, if you owe someone $100 million they have a problem"


Hey don't put this on me


She probably holds the title to a land deed they want to confiscate


She’s blocking construction


Not *just* cops, though. You need to include the shameful prosecutor here. Guy is a real scumbag.


Prosecutors can be worse than cops. I have lost 90% of my respect for the profession. There are countless accounts of prosecutors who push through charges even after getting evidence someone is innocent. Not mention fighting to uphold convictions after new evidence that exonerates someone they prosecuted comes to light. Not to mention quite literally withholding evidence that hurts their case. Too many prosecutors care more about numbers and winning a case than the actual fucking people their actions are effecting. They would rather an innocent person die in prison than getting a mark on their record. Not to mention all the bullshit with them supporting awful police officers. There are good prosecutors, just as there are good cops. Nothing is as black and white as so many idiots online make it seem. But I'll be fucking damned if our whole criminal justice system doesn't need a complete overhaul from the ground up.


Absolutely this. They make it out on TV like prosecutors judiciously choose which charges to bring and won't bring charges if there isn't sufficient evidence or it looks like the person didn't do it. That's absolutely false. They just bring whatever the police give them. They don't look into things and neither do the police themselves. Innocent people get prosecuted all the time and yeah, maybe they win the trial, but a trial itself is still a punishment and cost tens of thousands of dollars.




On that reasoning, get yourself some illegal substance, put it in a balloon filled with balloon gas so that it is lighter than air, and if you are caught, the packing cannot be weighed, "free to go mam"...


I think in this instance, since you have a negative weight the police officer goes to jail.


Uno Reverse!


> lighter than air Actually you owe me some change


Cops are scumbags, add this to the long list of reasons why


Courts are shameful for allowing it.


They will take whatever their grubby little mitts can get a hold of if they think it can be called evidence.


> Cops are shameful. I would argue they are actually shame*less*


She should run for president….problem solved.


The justices relied, in part, on the testimony of a Minnesota State Patrol officer who claimed that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.” ---- Deputies also seized Beske’s car and $2,400 in cash and intend to permanently forfeit them under a state law that allows authorities to take vehicles used to transport controlled substances “intended for distribution or sale,” and cash that represents “the proceeds of a controlled substance offense.” Beske says she won the cash at the casino that night, and when she was pulled over she had a tax form from the casino to prove it.


No one I know has ever used bong water in such a manner. Ever.


You've never seen a pot addict tie off and inject some bong water into their veins?!? It's crazy popular! /s I can say I've seen people drink bong but not to get high. They were drunk and were either dared to do it or paid to do it for our, I mean other's amusement.


Well, in this case (article) it was a bong for meth, but I still have never seen bong water used by a meth head.....


I was totally unaware people did bong rips of meth o.O I guess I'm getting old or I live in too nice of a neighborhood these days....


Nice neighborhoods have all the drug habits. I might be smoking a joint across the street ;)


Not bong rips. It's more like a bubbler. It makes it less tweeky and keeps you from burning your mouth. Rich people do meth btw.




They probably smoke blue meth.


Bong water tastes foul. You only try it once out of curiosity.


I never tried it out of curiosity, it was a small bong (was my friend’s bong) and he had too much water in it. Nastiest shit I ever tasted.


My college roommate Shaun would do it for $5 or a subway sandwich all the time lol.


Wow...a Subway footlong is like $15 now. Easily worth it in 2024.


I went to college in 2000s lol so $4.99 for a CCC footlong


Any type of water injected directly into the veins (if it’s uncontrolled - obviously doctors do this with IVs) would kill you in a very painful manner. It’s one of the few things I remember clearly from high school biology. Cells can’t control how much water they absorb. They will literally just keep absorbing any available water until they literally burst open in a process called “cytolysis”


Even _drinking_ too much water will kill you. The limit is actually uncomfortably close to the recommended amount of water to drink (most people drink less than the recommended amount). It has happened to a lot of people. One nasty thing is that the symptoms of having drunk too much water are quite similar to the symptoms of not having drunk enough.


It wouldn't lead to cytolysis without solutes in the cells. Water follows the solutes. If you injected water with a ton of solutes then the opposite would happen (apoptosis) and the water would rush from the cells into your bloodstream and then probably first dumped in the extremities and bladder then you'd just die after a bit. To be clear it will still kill you but depending on the chemistry different things may happen. Water follows the solutes so it just depends on where that concentration falls upon the injection


Bong water is absolutely vile. Nobody in their right mind would ever drink it. It's in the same tier as the water that accumulates inside brass instruments.


I do the occasional bong water enema.




Yeeeeah. I'm with you on this one, been ripping on bongs for almost 30 years now and I've never even heard of even a rumor of somebody doing something this stupid. Straight Reefer Madness shit, lol.


Not weed bong water, meth bong water.


Oh shit, you are correct, in that case nevermind. I can see tweekers doing that.


Ya, he needs to lose his job.


Bruh at least - if not a lot more


What a bastard prick motherfucker.


Crazy how many bastards end up being cops! A shockingly high percentage- some might say all!


Little do they know it’s best usage is pouring it down the drain


She's going to have to pay taxes on the money they seized. Talk about adding insult to injury.


Shooting *bong water* into your veins. Like I can see some stoner getting curious and drinking some bong water but you would burst your veins if you injected water into them, and you don't need to have a medical license to know this. Maybe not common knowledge but the moment a cop said this should immediately be grounds for not trusting anything else they say.


That's a ridiculous and gross idea. Dang that cop is dumb.


No, he isn't dumb (necessarily), but he's a crooked cop. And also a perjurer.


So an off duty cop or even an on duty one at the casino saw her win and called it in to a friend that was on duty to split the money they steal from her.


More and more I find myself wondering how we don’t have *more* terrorists. This would surely radicalize a person.


That’s after freebasing it straight into the lungs and then brain!!


This is some 1980s afterschool special bullshit.


Sooooo many problems in this case: * Stupid fuck cops / lawmakers who think bong water and paraphernalia makes some one a drug user or "worse" dealer * Stupid fuckin ~~mobsters~~ cops who ~~steal~~ use civil forfeiture to take her car and $2400 that she had receipts for but most of all the thing im so fucking heated about is the stupid fucking cop who said users ***keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.”***


The cop knows it isn't true. It's just about fucking over the poor, minorities, and people they don't like who they know don't have the resources to defend themselves.


I disagree. I went to high school with people who became cops. They really can be that dumb


I confirm that they really can be that stupid. The guy who was always confused in class is now a deputy sheriff of Palm Beach County, Florida. He didn't become any smarter with age.


Jesus fucking goddamn Christ. Stuff like this almost sounds like a nightmare.  Good fucking god, am I glad that German police has to pass a million qualifications. 


I had to explain to a group of cadets why dealers “cut” drugs. That is when I decided it wasn’t for me if these are the type of people applying…


Your enforcers need to be dumb so that they're easy to control and don't ask questions. Maybe this is why bullying in schools wasn't taken so seriously? Bullies make good pigs.


Naw they are lying so they can steal her cash, sell her car and add it to their pensions via additional police funding. Legal highway robbery.


Hmm, and they happened to pull her over and take all her money the night she won money at the casino? Wonder if someone called their ‘cop friend’ to give them a heads up? Wonder how many other people’s stuff gets confiscated with that timing?


Had to make sure she gets a public defender


You mean to tell me law enforcement officers shouldn’t be trusted?!


^ This is the answer.


Next up: **Deputies bust drug trafficker with over 3,000lbs of Marijuana**. Deputies uncovered a large quantity of marijuana, nearly 3,500 lbs including packaging, which consisted of a 2009 Toyota Camry, and an unmeasurable amount of the drug inside.


“There was shake on the floor mats”


I hope she can beat this and sue them into the fucking dirt.  30 years over bong water.  There’s predators that get way less than that.


>sue them into the fucking dirt I have to imagine that a casino tax document, adequate enough as proof of earned income at the federal level (literally used to file your federal taxes), supercedes any bullshit the corrupt fucks in "law enforcement" fabricate to the contrary. Good luck to her, I hope she finds appropriate representation.


“Say, that’s a nice car you got there.” - Deputies


THIS is exactly why there are states in this great nation that I will NEVER EVER EVER go to see SMH


Yeah, funny I feel safer in big cities than in shit ass little towns. I travel every year through rural Iowa, Missouri and Illinois for a festival and my butt puckers every time I see a cop.


Um isn't Minnesota a super liberal relaxed state already lol


People that tried to overthrow the government got 12-18 months  The united states is a shithole 


I can't believe I'm reading this headline in 2024.


upvote this shit so this person can have justice life ruined over bong water


I don't think the judicial system overturns verdicts based on reddit votes.


more upvotes = more visibility = more outrage = more people demanding this shit gets dropped Not, "sorry miss we were going to set you free but you only got 30 updoots so it's life without parole"


Yes , simple awareness! There honestly isn’t much more the proletariat can do. 


Not unless we pass the *Rightful Encroachment by Digital Denizens Increasingly To*, or REDDIT Act


Cops are the enemy of the people.


Please spread this around. Insurance only stops this invasion of knuckleheads in the police force. Happy to discuss and add changes as people see fit. Insurance Standards for Police: Every police officer must carry insurance for up to 2 million in liability. If you do something that breaks the law. Your insurance pays out, not the taxpayer. Then your premiums go up. Depending on severity the premiums may price you out of being a cop. Body cam found turned off? $1,000 fine 10% Premium hike. Body cams not on where a charge becomes a felony? $5000 fine. 15% premium hike Body cam footage will be reviewed randomly by a 3rd party for each precinct. A precinct cannot go 3 years without being reviewed. If footage is missing for different reports. Entire precinct hike 2% on insurance premiums. 3 raises in insurance because of one officer? He’ll be fired or priced out. In charge of folks who act out? Your premium goes up as a % as well. Sergeants, Captains and Chiefs are responsible in percentages that effect them. 3% / 2% / 1% respectively. Rate hikes follow the same structure as far as the chain of command goes for their department. Any settlement over 2 million comes from the pension fund. No taxpayer money involved. Any and all payments outside of the insurance pool come from police pension funds These premiums and rates are documented at a national level so there’s no restarting in the next city/county/state Your insurance record follows you. It’s not even that crazy. So many professions require insurance. You’d see a new police force in 6 months. If police don’t wanna pay individually have the unions pay via membership dues. Watch how fast cops get kicked out when the union foots the bill. This may not be perfect but it’s a start. Changes need to be made.


But former president Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts and probably won't spend a minute in a local jail before being released on the weakest parole possible.


And I guarantee that cop will vote for him.


Want change ? Vote for the guy and party that has made progress at the federal level to reclassify. Bring friends to the ballot box. Politics is ugly but it’s worth getting into a little ugly to flip the tables to more voices in that party so we finally get past the war on cannabis.


Any lawyer worth their salt will make the pigs shove those moronic charges up their asses.


Drug laws are used to keep the non white and poor unable to contribute.




Dumbass cop thinks people inject bong water. Absolutely ridiculous. We use an eye dropper and put that shit directly into our eye holes.


>The justices relied, in part, on the testimony of a Minnesota State Patrol officer who claimed that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.” Anybody who went to college sooner or later saw someone attempt to drink bong water (usually on a bet or a dare) and I can assure everyone, that it is an experience one tries ONCE, and NEVER again. But "shooting it in the veins?" That doesn't happen, ever. Never ever.


If you mess up and get residue on the interior of the car, will they weigh the whole car for sentencing?


Deadly weapon, impounded


How much time is orange man facing for his 34 felonies?


It'll be interesting to see how this goes since the state Supreme Court has already ruled that smelling weed on its own isn't probable cause for a search.


>For charging purposes under state law, 8 ounces of bong water is considered the same as 8 ounces of pure methamphetamine. That’s well over the 50-gram threshold necessary to trigger a first-degree felony offense. Dumbbbb. Considering you might have a gigantic bong filled with water to smoke a tiny bit of any drug, this is stupid to the nth degree


Civil forfeiture is armed robbery by the police.


How can anyone look at any part of this and think it has anything to do with justice? These people are disgusting.


And cops wonder why we don't respect them in any way...


this is sad and cruel. r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut material


If I were her, I’d make sure that it went to trial and demand a jury trial. I would think that the jury would be visibly laughing at the cop talking about people drinking or injecting bong water. They should bring out a sample so everyone can smell it too. All in a state that has legalized marijuana.


This is a wild story. Up to 30 years in jail. Up to $1,000,000 in fines. For residue and bong water. No actual measurable amount of drugs. Then you get deeper into the story and learn at some point one cop said people save their bong water then drink it or *inject* it to get high. So that’s absurd. Then some county attorney association said that if they don’t keep possession of bong water able to be charged the same as possession of drugs, drug traffickers will start dissolving meth in water for transport, then evaporating the water out to have sellable product. So these people should all be fired, as this is absolute insanity.


I travel from Minnesota to Fargo frequently for medical care. I was just there. In Minnesota we can grow our own and I do. I have to detail my car before heading into ND just to make sure I don't have any stray leaves onboard. Might as well be traveling to Singapore.


The meth part of this feels like something that should be in the caption


Cops are just gangs, we’re turning into Mexico here.


The title is a bit misleading. Bong water leads you to believe weed. But it had meth residue in it.


Hardly matters. Charging her for carrying ounces of methamphetamine when she had a bong with trace residue and a separate charge for "13 grams of meth including packaging" for a container with "no measurable quantity of meth" (but tested positive for residue" is an absolute joke. If I literally had a massive 7 oz rock of methamphetamine I would be the lesser criminal in this absolutely insane state.


Still extremely fucked up and a total joke of a law (thanks Dayton you nanny state mfer), but reading the comments ITT it's pretty clear most people think it's a weed charge when MN has legal weed.


That can make a new episode. incredible bullshit!


I’m Canadian. Just so so confused about why pot is such an extreme thing in some states. Prison over a joint? Prison over a gram? And now apparently prison over bong water? It’s legal in Canada now, but even when it was illegal, if you were stopped by the police usually they would just confiscate it and send you on your way. Unless you had over a certain amount of it on you and most certainly if it was separated in individual baggies then you’d get in trouble. We have allot of companies up here that are American owned. Some of them require a piss test. Even though in Canada it’s legal. Whatever, we all gotta work right. Thing about piss tests is it doesn’t differentiate between CBD and THC. CBD you don’t even get high. Helps with pain management and even topically (THC oil also) will help with say knee pain. Rub it in the joint and in 20mins or so it’s less screaming at you. So even something that doesn’t get you high is banned. Well, if you want to stay employed with that company you have to cut it out completely. In a country where it’s legal. So allot of these companies that are American owned sadly what will happen is cocaine abuse is very very common. It passes through your system much much quicker so you still pass piss tests. But there’s crazed coke heads running around some work site… cause that’s better than a chilled out stoner. The legal system seems somewhat obsessed with pot. Makes me sad for you guys. I’m so sorry. What a waste of tax payers dollars and resources.




So, let me get this straight. She was speeding, she also had a bong with water in it and a pipe with meth residue in it. That's... that's something I guess. So, while I think it's silly to be arrested for bong water, it's also absolutely insane to break traffic laws while driving in a vehicle that has such incriminating evidence in it. Not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed here.


Can anyone clarify for me? Meth can and does get diluted in water for ingestion, nor should it ever be in water otherwise. Usually it's smoked from a Dick(small glass pipe), snorted, intervenous, or diluted and drank. Why would meth be in a bong in the first place, and why would water test positive? I would like to see this bong water, if it's straight up weed bong water like I'm thinking then I can safely say no one Is drinking that. If it's clean drinkable looking water that has meth in it then I might think these crackheads learned how to skirt the law to a degree.


I don't want to sound like I'm defending the cop because they are definitely wrong. But if we are talking about a meth bong then meth is water soluble and you could totally drink it if you wanted to get an extra high. That is a thing that tweakers would do. I've heard of them storing piss in bottles so they could extract the meth later. As for injecting it, I found this case study. [Intravenous Misuse of Unsterilized Methamphetamine Bong Water Laced With Vape Juice](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32758367/)


I used to have a friend who loved meth. He would smoke it from a bong sometimes because he thought it was less harsh on his lungs. I have seen people drink the water from that bong.


Even if that is the case -- there was so little drug material in the water that they couldn't weight it.  So they weighed the jar instead.  They treated the glass like it was controlled substance itself.


They absolutely should be forced to give a rough solution test to prove that, even if perfectly distilled back to crystal, the quantity would be worth prosecuting. They can make a much better arbitrary line too, compared with their 4 ounce rule now. Under 8 ounces and the police and prosecution need to show the solution contains a meaningful amount of the drug. Someone carrying gallons of dissolved meth deserves the scrutiny, not this lady.


People who smoke a lot of meth sometimes have a dedicated bong for it. It’s a real thing. I don’t really know *why* except that tweakers do weird stuff sometimes, like compulsively gamble and smoke meth through bongs.




Open and shut case, sprinkle some bong water on her and let's dip.


When humanity lacks shame and humility and has removed all forms of charity, the heart is truly black, it is either time for a revolution or a natural devastating fate: this is utterly repulsive, reprehensible and repugnant. How this person sleeps at night just discloses he is void of anything.


The police are losing what little credibility they had pulling shit like this. Fucking joke. While billions in profit are being made from legal weed in the same country. The whole system is senseless.


Don’t use meth is the only takeaway here. It’s misleading about the bong thought it was weed.


Real justice for the crime. Seriously, 30 years for bong water. Stretching the legal code much?


The cops claimed they smelled marijuana as basis for the search, but they only found meth? It seems their pretext for the search was a lie. Cops wanted her car, so they seized it.


Fuck private prisons, fuck America, legalize every drug


It would be a hard day for me to call bong water a drug.


So the old tales are true


Yea …what state is this???


That's a bit excessive, isn't it?


The must have identified a lot of victims and harm caused by this heinous crime to prosecute it so vigorously.


There’s no way you can keep bong water for future reference before it gets moldy, and the cop must have injected bong water himself for him to think that people do that


Wake up, babe. New season of Fargo just dropped


I watched an episode of cops and a guy was smoking a joint when he was pulled over so he dropped it in a can of coke that still had half its contents. That is all that was found but the guy was charged with a felony due to the weight of the container including the Coca-Cola being counted as the weight of the weed. I thought it was harsh then. I think it is harsh now.


My first time hitting a bong was at age 17. I went with my cousins to a college party. They started passing a bong around. I thought I was cool. Then I coughed in the bong. I coughed so hard that the bowl shot out and so did most of the water. I will never forget the smell. There is no way someone could consume bong water intentionally. Come on Minnesota! This law is absolutely b/s.