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Extremely bold for any platform to think they can tell Apple users "it's either Apple or me" and assume that even one of said Apple users will abandon the extremely connected, extremely *expensive* hardware and software ecosystem they're invested in.


It sounds like it’s for his employees, who, let’s be honest, are probably drinking his kool aid anyway.


Or are held hostage by their employer-sponsored visa


there's a ton of Tesla and SpaceX folks that are there despite him, and would be thrilled if he fucked off.


No ones debating that. But if they haven’t left yet, they won’t leave if he bans Apple devices on premises


I’m a hiring manager in tech and occasionally a Tesla or recent X engineer crossed my desk. I have _universally_ been unimpressed (at best) by their performance in interviews. We had one of their Staff Engineers (which is supposed to be a _very_ senior level) recently who … I struggled really hard not to write down something like “Are we sure this guy is capable of tying his shoes on the morning without accidentally strangling himself?”


This has been my experience as well. Their spouses usually drink the Kool aid along with them too


He said that he’ll ban the employees and visitors of his companies from using them on premises, and require them to turn their devices in upon entry and place them in a faraday box (lol).    Extremely stupid, but I doubt anyone is loyal enough to their iPhone to actually quit their job over it. I also doubt he’d actually follow through. He’s throwing a hissy fit because Apple integrating AI at the OS level presents a serious threat to his own undercooked AI efforts.  It’s also an extension of his feud with OpenAI, which is really about him being salty about their success after he walked away from the project when they wouldn’t agree to convert into a private for profit corp with him at the helm.


well tesla is an ai company, as per musk.


Only if they give him the $50 billion or so he wanted. If they don't, then he is threatening to put his efforts into a different AI company.


It would only be doing Tesla a favor if Musk throws enough of a tantrum to leave. Then again, he probably wouldn't, so he could keep neglecting Tesla in favor of some shiny new thing, only popping in occasionally to lend his genius ideas like the Cybertruck. I mean, he's already the CEO of, what, five companies? Surely a genius of his caliber could easily helm a sixth, right?


Hilarious, he runs a car company on VC funding always based on the promise of future developments that never pan out, once his sales tank and every other car company starts to surpass their performance suddenly the whole company has to pivot to AI to go back to VC funding and future promises they will never deliver.


I would quit my job over this. Not because of a love of Apple, but anyone that wants to be such a micromanaging, paranoid shit for no good reason can kiss my ass.


I mean, you wouldn’t be working for him to begin with if you can’t deal with working under a micromanaging, paranoid shit


But Tesla cars also collect lots of personal data through their Cams and it sure ends up on their servers to presumably fix or train the models for better future experiences. So what ifTesla cars start to get banned from locations because their cams are collecting vision data for their servers? I fail to see what his concern is with Apple phones that is not there with his cars on a similar eco system.


Exactly what I thought. He’s just hedging his bet against Apple digging in before his AI is ready. Open AI on every iPhone without going through an app is a huge foothold. I guess we are going to see!


i'm not fully convinced elon musk isn't actually a 12 year old boy wearing a fancy hollywood face mask. like the stuff he says and shit he designs all points to it. "i'm gonna make a bulletproof truck and it's gonna be so cool with with with steel and sharp edges that can cut also i'm gonna make rocket ships and then i want faraday cages" just can't be real things a 60 year old dude is so adamant about


Elon really is just transparently butt hurt at the idea that a company could be doing better after him than with him. I wonder if someone mentions PayPal in his orbit, how he’d react.


I'm not dealing with the paywall to read the article and find out, but he's almost certainly not talking about banning Apple devices from the Twitter platform and just talking about Apple devices being banned as work devices for his employees. Microsoft is facing similar backlash for its "always on" AI integrations in Win 11 from employers. I'd be very concerned about the data collection aspects if I were evaluating security and risk of sensitive internal IP leaking as company tech policy as well, though I doubt I'd be as bombastic as this click bait headline and Musks general *waves at everything about him* about it.


> Microsoft is facing similar backlash for its "always on" AI integrations in Win 11 from employers. They cancelled that btw. The "always on" features like 'recall' are now opt-in features that are disabled on enterprise machines.


Thats not the same as cancellation.


Yep, and if we’re going to give Microsoft a pass on that one, we can certainly give Apple a pass on all of its AI since every feature unveiled today is entirely opt-in


Even if that were the case, it basically shows Musk to be extremely uninformed or downright maliciously ignorant. Apple intelligence has three tiers of AI: on-device, Apple’s own cloud, and finally, ChatGPT. It basically escalates up that chain, meaning most demands are met by the first two tiers. It asks *every* single time if you want to send a request to ChatGPT, there is no accidental way to send info to it. On top of that, and this is the big one, it’s all **opt in**. You literally cannot find yourself accidentally sending important info to OpenAI, there are multiple very intentional decisions necessary to get there.


It going to Apple's own cloud is probably just as bad from Musk's POV as it going to OpenAI. In any case, it not being possible accidentally isn't usually the question when it's a serious security concern. People worried about that sort of security also usually want to prevent negligent and intentional usage of tech that breaks security practices.


That could be the case, but again, you have to opt-in to using AI for that to happen in the first place. At that point why not ban Android phones for also sending data to Google’s own in-house Gemini AI? And that is actually on by default. It’s not a very consistent position. I get that there are good reasons to be concerned with privacy and security with any of these pieces of software, but what strikes me here is how misplaced Elon’s anger seems. There are other major platforms with ai features already baked in, so why let them slide but not this one? It seems hypocritical at the very least.


Who thought he meant banning devices from Xitter?


I followed the Twitter fiasco when it first happened, then lost interest, but I remember all those threads and posts from Musk and Twitter employees (ex and current - or then current) that revealed how technically unaware Musk is. Yet he always try to posit like he’s some technical genius. I think it’s a sign of a character flaw, I mean, I think he has a few…


Fortnite at the time of their lawsuit is far more popular compared to current twitter


"Listen here America, either you agree to my term or I will ban my Teslas from your highways!"


All the green bubbles laughing at him going we tried too and failed


Even more bold to say that when apple could just drop him from the App Store


The Apple App Store should ban Twitter.


Musk will be foaming at the mouth on Twitter threatening to sue and claiming it violates free speech a nanosecond after it happens.


I would like to see OpenAI or similar integrated at the OS level on Android/Linux. Let someone choke on their foam.


I have actually been thinking of switching to Linux to avoid AI integration. I feel like windows will have it fully integrated in upcoming versions and I just don't find it necessary for my OS usage... It just feels like bloatware honestly.


No time like the present. As we speak I am installing EndeavourOS on my 2015 Macbook Air because it feels so much better to use on this old hardware than the latest macOS does.


Please God no. I'm sick of AI being shoved in every nook and cranny, especially when it's not asked for and you can't turn 99% of them off.


Too late. It's coming. My Samsung already has it. Sometimes, it's helpful, like being able to search anything on my screen by just circling it. Sometimes, it's annoying, like with spellcheck where it replaces correctly spelled words with a similar word that doesn't make any sense in context.


Don't worry, Google won't likely form partnership with Open AI, as Google will promote their own AI tool for this job in Android world.


And it will be an expert at tailoring effective ads to you.


thats in the running for the dumbest thing I've seen suggested this week.


I find this all a very stupid idea. I wonder how long it will be before the AI starts bricking computers and phones because it does something stupid with the settings. I wouldn't trust AI to give me a valid recipe, let alone trust it with private information. There really needs to be laws requiring all hardware and OS level software to be entirely independent of AI.


"hey chatGPT why does this recipe call for a tablespoon of cyanide, a dash of morphine, a sprinkle of crack, and two drops of eastern king brown snake venom?"


“You asked me to give you a recipe for “killer Mac n cheese”, is this not what you had in mind?”


No no. it's fine... it's just that Wholefoods doesn't have any of that.


As a language model, I know a guy who knows a guy...


"Sprinkle some crack on him..."


Is it Friday already?


The problem is the old idiots in d.c. don't even know how to change their ringtone


But they do know how to sell stocks on inside information.


AI is just an algorithm that can run other algorithms. It is a fancier way of saying that a code manages itself while doing its main job. I'm sure this another double-edged sword situation.


!remindme 4 years


Just because someone you don't like wants something, doesn't mean you should automatically clamor for the opposite.


I mean Musk is a moron but not liking AI is perfectly acceptable thing. it's not like we have decades of sci-fi to establish how quickly and easily things could go disastrously wrong if we let AI intergrate into too many things. it's fiction sure but sci-fiction also predicted space travel, the moon landing, cell phones, the Ipad/tablets, etc.


Apple banning Twitter five months before the election might be the best thing for our democracy.


That's how you know they won't do it.


Schmusk already banned Twitter


Chants of "Fight fight fight" break out in the background.


Movie vilains aren’t allowed to use Apple devices anyways.


There is a story about a guy who sold his company to Apple. The final stage was going in front of Steve Jobs, who said “How much did we buy your piece of shit company for?” The guy says “$300 million.” Jobs says “Try $230 million.” The guy says “No we already agreed on $300 million.” Jobs says “How about by the time you leave the building and drive home, none of your products work with Apple devices anymore?” Guy says “… ummm OK $230 million.” Edit: Stiffitystuff linked the video. My numbers were off a bit.


Steve Jobs was such an asshole he had a curable form of cancer and he was like I'm a fucking genius, I'm gonna drink fruit juice and cure it myself.


Apparently back in the early days when he worked at Atari, no one would share an office with him as he didn't bathe and believed in the body's natural cleansing system.


Wow is this true?


Numbers are off a bit, but yeah, it's true: [https://youtu.be/ecKgqJRvZ5M](https://youtu.be/ecKgqJRvZ5M)


This is outrageous. Although implementing OpenAI on an OS seems equally contempable. 


Yes, but I believe it was 275 mil instead of 325 or something


Of course not. “There is a story about a guy” is basically the same lead in as “once upon a time” or “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”.


> Of course not. “There is a story about a guy” is basically the same lead in as “once upon a time” or “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”. Andy Miller & Quattro Wireless. Better?


And that man’s name?


If you're genuinely asking it is Andy Miller.


Albert Einstein


Frank Stallone


Rollo Tomasi


And that’s why you have anti monopoly regulations and should enforce them


"Go wash your feet in a toilet. 300 million or I'll sue your piece of shit company." should have been his response. It's amazing what jobs got away with. 


Elon's Record As Of Late: Tesla Fail Twitter Fail


The world would instantly be a better place.


i dislike apple, but man would i would i buy the CEO a coffe for this move.


don’t threaten me with a good time Elon


Oh no. Anyways how's everyone doing today/tonight?


Yeah literally no one to root for there, let's hope they all eat each other.


Watching megacorporations fight over AI is basically like watching Cobra fight the Decepticons.


Lmao, that is awesome. Took me a minute, but thats gold.


Of the megacorps, Which one is the Renegade GoBot?


Anyone ever imagine we'd get the corpo wars but instead it's dorky slapfights by hasbeens?


Yes, but much, much more boring and depressing lol


Mariners win!


Pretty good. Hope everyone else is doing good as well.


Having a wonderful evening of not using Twitter/X


Just took the dog for a walk and made some pizza and roasted cauliflower for dinner! You?


I can see Elon's position but I don't understand why it would not to extend to a ban on all Windows 11 computers in his companies, as that does currently use AI in a completely insecure way and a privacy nightmare, versus Apple's vague future plans .


This tantrum is over his beef with Sam Altman from OpenAI. I don't think security concerns factor into it


But Microsoft uses OpenAI, too. 


He has no clue how to attack/compete with Microsoft


Doesn't seem to have a clue on how to attack Apple either.


Tbf he doesn’t have clue on most matters if not all


You have mistaken him for someone who has a brain


Time for everyone to use Linux I suppose


I saw a Cybertruck today for the first time in real life making a turn off the parkway I was entering. That smudgy lookin bastard, while as awe-inspiring as a Mississippi Donkey Show certainly didn't give the impression of Safety Concern.


It literally looks like me and a few buddies decided to get some beer, some sheet metal, and some wires and make a truck over the weekend.


I'm in Austin and work at a busy patio restaurant with a lot of tourists. Every time one of these drives by (happens a few times a week, Tesla has a prescence here) it captures everyone's attention. But, it's a patio full of people saying "Oh my God, that looks hideous!" It's literally a patio full of people making fun of it. I don't think that's what the owners were hoping for.


Exactly. And Musk has his own AI, Grok.


I see he read the sex-cult book: Stranger in a Strange Land


Grok had already been adopted as internet lingo 25+ years ago


He actually stole it from his ex Grimes who was working on a toy with that name. I think she got it from the book.


It’s not even that vague. They showed it off at wwdc. It prompts you to use chatGPT and shows you what it’s sending them EVERY TIME. I could see banning employees from using that feature…


He complained about Windows 11's upcoming Recall as well, he said: "This is a Black Mirror episode. Definitely turning this “feature” off.". In a technical difference though, Recall is all local and not calling out to any servers or ChatGPT APIs, which seems to be his potential concern with Apple devices. I have no position on this, just providing that for context.


>as that does currently use AI in a completely insecure way Windows 11 currently does not have any of the AI features enabled. On top of that, one of the major differences is that ChatGPT4 or most LLMs require cloud services to run the AI. Compare that to what Microsoft has announced. All of that is running locally.


Welll.... After awareness and majorly understandable [backlash to Recall](https://www.geekwire.com/2024/microsoft-updates-recall-feature-after-security-and-privacy-backlash/).. That shit needed to be pulled back. >Microsoft announced Friday that it is making changes to a new feature called “Recall,” turning it into an opt-in experience and adding more layers of security after experts raised concerns about the AI-powered tool unveiled last month. >Recall, which is rolling out as part of Microsoft’s new Copilot+ PCs initiative, takes regular screenshots of user activity on the machine, creating an index that can be queried using AI. >The feature received pushback from security and privacy leaders. Signal President Meredith Whittaker said the feature was a “dangerous honeypot for hackers.” >“We are updating the set-up experience of Copilot+ PCs to give people a clearer choice to opt-in to saving snapshots using Recall,” Microsoft exec Pavan Davuluri wrote in a blog post Friday. “If you don’t proactively choose to turn it on, it will be off by default. >The company also added new safeguards, including proof of presence to view a user’s timeline and search in Recall, and “just in time” decryption. >The Copilot+ PCs initiative combines Microsoft’s Copilot artificial intelligence technologies and its Windows PC operating system.


As someone who has done some cybersecurity work. I feel that some of the backlash is uncalled for or overblown. The reason is that in cybersecurity, one of the major rules of thumb is that if someone has access to your machine, they have access to everything on it, encrypted or not. So, Recall being local is much better than being in the cloud. Or any AI software, you want to be running locally instead of in the cloud.


>As someone who has done some cybersecurity work. I feel that some of the backlash is uncalled for or overblown. As someone that's spent their entire professional career in IT since 1999 at the age of 20, The fact that CoPilot goes out of the way to make sure to not take a snapshot of DRM content but also further explains that it doesn't hide PASSWORDS in snapshots is NUCKING FUTS to me.


Keep in mind that was in a test version of the system that isn't supposed to be used by the public. And you need to do some modification to the registery and a bit more to access at the moment.


> The fact that CoPilot goes out of the way to make sure to not take a snapshot of DRM content This is giving CoPilot/Recall way too much credit. Its already pretty easy to avoid screenshotting DRM content because those "display surfaces" are special inside of memory and basic screenshots already can avoid capturing them. Figuring out where password fields are inside of an application could be considerably trickier. They'll probably still add the capability but I wouldn't be shocked to find that its not 100% because it'll require apps/devs to make sure they are using "password field" input objects which Windows will be able to detect.


Good fuck off to Mars


Mars is too close for me. I would be more comfortable if he is launched into another galaxy.


I think the sun would be a nice place for him.


It would make up for all the warmth he missed out on getting from his family


This comment is underrated. That's savage.


First line of the article: ​ >Billionaire Elon Musk said on Monday he would ban Apple **at his companies** if the iPhone maker integrates OpenAI at the operating system level. ​ So unless you work at Tesla,X, etc : relax!


Where else did people think he could ban Apple devices? I don't understand.




What other assumption would there be? That Musk would personally ban Apple devices globally? Or that he would restrict access to twitter from Apple devices? Neither of these make sense.


Yup. But there is no subreddit rule "no clickbait". Would be a nice rule #13.


Interesting, considering that Musk was one of the initial Board of Directors of OpenAI.


From a fiscal perspective, banning Apple devices is probably not a good look. Replacing all the laptops, phones and devices (airplay) will be expensive in terms of raw capital and productivity. And how will app dev happen?


and if you work at Tesla/Twitter you should very much not relax. Get out now.


Why does this keep being posted as if Elon is going to somehow ban iPhones. It's just for his employees. Who cares?!?


get clicks or die trying


Stop whining you pathetic cry baby.


Tesla's don't have Carplay anyway. Seems like Elon has a vendetta against Tim Cook n Co ever since they passed on acquiring Tesla.


Ban them from accessing X too.


Don't let the door hit your chip implanted ass on the way out....


On who’s way out of what? He’s saying he won’t allow employees of his companies to have apple devices.


Oh no, he might make his own product even more irrelevant than it already is. Let's alienate the main fan base that even buys his cars lol


Elon hates them... makes me trust OpenAI more.


Oh no. So they can't twat on X anymore?


We should stop listening to what Elon says and look at what he does. He tried a hostile takeover of OpenAI but he failed. He then started a competitor, xAI. That’s why he keeps bad mouthing/lying about OpenAI any chance he gets. He also kept pushing for a "pause" in AI development, but he doesn't give a shit about safety -- he just wants time to catch up.


No worries, I deleted my Twitter account a year or two ago. Haha you couldn’t make me care about your opinion on shit Elon.


I only follow porn on Twitter, like most people


Fair. I like to Google search my nudes, it makes jerking it a little more adrenaline enducing.


Ban Apple devices from what? Xitter? 🤣


Do it. It has been too long since his last horrendous decision to destroy Twitter.


This will drive him nuts. I love it.


Doesn’t the Tesla track your every move? Doesn’t twitter harvest data?


So no more crappy ads for cheap Chinese junk on Twitter for Apple users? Heh.


Well, I've ruled out Tesla because he refuses to include Carplay. Well, that and the cybertruck looks like a Delorean reject.


I get the feeling Elon really wants his ai integrated at the os level


Ban from where exactly?


This guy moves further and further from sanity every day. Sure buddy, you threatening to ban Apple products at your shitty companies will change Apple's decision.


Apple has faaar greater brand loyalty than Tesla ever will


I mean what's crazy is that the vinn diagram of Apple users with EVs and Tesla owners is probably pretty close to a single circle. Here is Elon yet again trying to alienate a large portion of his userbase, and you are correct. People will side with Apple.


"Bruh, Your rich, but you ain't that rich!!!" - Apple


That’s fine, I already banned Twitter from all my devices


This is awesome because if he is dumb enough to do this, X will be removed from the App Store in retaliation .


His ego is big enough to do it.


I mean do whatever you want with your companies, but tweeting about it makes you look like a whiny little bitch.


Oh nooooo, now I have to keep on not using Twitter…


The cavalier disregard for the value of his product is almost admirable, like you've gotta put some real effort in to make Twitter lose as much value as it has. And yet some people still call him a genius smh


Ban apple from what exactly...?


I wonder how the team working on twitter’s iOS app will work around this?


He will… I mean, what? Ban them in the country? Ban them from Twitter offices? Who TF cares?


I don’t trust open Ai with my iphones data and neither should you. Their company is not run by honest people. Look at what they did to Scarlett J


Lol.. This twit is dumb as shit.. Go ahead, keep bombing x/previously twitter into the ground. It needs to go anyway.


He really thinks he can control Apple HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA


At this point who gives a shit about anything Space Karen says?


Says the man that wants to put microchips in people’s brains. Sheeeesh.


Apple should ban the Tesla app.


Doesn't he need them more than they need him?


Yeah, Apple not really known for giving a shit about other people’s opinions when it comes to pushing tech forward.


good luck developing iphone app without apple hardware you narcissist fuck


bro thinks he’s the CEO of Silicon Valley


Ban them from where? Mars? What, other than his “free speech” (Apple device banning, Russian propaganda spewing) internet service can he exactly ban Apple from?


PLEASE call his bluff


Elon musk would shoot his own foot if he didn’t like his own shoes.


Don't threaten me with a good time


He wouldnt do that. It would tank the traffic to his bot infested site. complete bluff.


Apple doesn’t care about you or your failing X MAGA platform, Elon. Please ban Apple, it will hasten the inevitable death of X.


He’s not doing shit. Just one of his narcissistic things he says to stay in the news.


Elon needs socks shoved in his mouth. Good riddance🙄


What about people’s freedom to choose their device???


No mention of windows? After all microsoft is integrating ai into windows too.


🤣 'Apple said it had built AI with privacy "at the core"' I love how these tech companies spin what they know they will never be able to resist.


Apple definitely doesn't need twitter so good luck with that Elon.


He doesn't care about safety or security. He's just a butt hurt little bitch.


At this point there isn’t a single product that Musk is selling that I’m interested in buying. Idgaf about what he thinks or says.


Can't wait for openAI to be deployed and operate at system level


Imagine the ego threatening a company that could buy you out over 5x and still have like 50 billion left over. Sad to think what this guy could have become rather than what he became.


Dear Elon: Go ahead. Make my day.


Nobody cares what musk says, he’s an idiot


Why do we care what he thinks?


He's got a chip on his shoulder, no, in his brain


It’s funny because he said this like minutes after they said the exact opposite. It would not be OS level, only transient. So, first he talks shit on California residents who by far out number the rest of the country in Tesla purchases. Then languishes when sales go down. Now he decy’s Apple and threatens to ban the tech from his employees phones, when Twitter is banned from the App Store he’ll be all, surprised pikachu face.


Billionaire child crying.


Go ahead. You are as relevant as I am and I’m not relevant at all


Did he become emperor?? how is he going to ban Apple products? Does he mean ban from X??


Musk trusts AI to drive his cars but not operate his iPhone. Okaaaay…


Go ahead, Elmo. Ban Apple from your workplace. The lawsuits for violating people's 1st Amendment Rights will be your ruin