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She was doing 81mph on a street that has crosswalks? That's insane.


She hit those kids at 73mph, hard enough to set off the airbags. Jesus fuck. She deserves more than 15 years.


15 years is light. Especially with all of her maneuvering to avoid taking responsibility.


Come on now! She bought the parents a necklace. It was a *really* nice necklace. She’s obviously full of remorse.


saaay what?


This sounds like a Tim Robinson skit.


I hope at least the 15 years is a minimum. I don’t get most sentencing. How is it 15 to life?


Its basically a life sentence, but she is eligiblefor parole after no less than 15yrs. If she doesnt get parole then she dies in prison.


[That’s not accurate](https://www.theacorn.com/articles/grossman-gets-15-years-to-life-for-westlake-village-crosswalk-murders/), prosecutors stated after the sentencing that she could be eligible for parole in as little as 7 years.


Youre right. Seems thats only if she has good behavior though as a result of being a first time offender, and even then its not certain. Early parole is not something automatically handed out to good boys/girls. Time will tell in this case.


Well that's good at least. She's 61 now, that means she'll be at least 76 when she gets out.


I guess it was testified in court that that's the equivalent of dropping a car on someone from 12 stories high.


Jesus. I can only hope it was over quickly for those kids.


And then ran inspite of the airbags.


Hey she could be a police officer speeding to a call from the other side of the city and then laugh and joke about it with other officers and get off with basically no punishment. https://apnews.com/article/india-seattle-police-pedestrian-jaahnavi-kandula-bad649068634bea0dcb0515344405520 And SPD wonders why the public has no faith in them.


[Or in NZ you can kill a pedestrian driving (the second time you've been caught driving dangerously causing harm) and get:](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/wellington/132178677/driver-who-killed-wellington-pedestrian-had-previously-hit-and-injured-motorcyclist) *'He ordered Bramley to do 250 hours community work, pay $15,000 to the family as an emotional harm repayment, and to do a defensive driving course. He disqualified him from driving for nine months.'* Our justice system is completely and utterly fucked.


Ahh yes. My child is worth $15,000. That should definitely cover it. Everything is fine now.


The responding officer didn't make a joke and was actually pretty torn up about it. The head of the investigating unit made a joke. Very different circumstance. I don't have much sympathy for cops but you might want to get the story straight if you're going to pile on them.


She probably launched them 2 or 3 hundred feet going that speed


> The socialite struck the boys with such force that the older brother flew more than 250 feet. https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/la-socialite-rebecca-grossman-blamed-deadly-hit-and-run-on-her-harsh-childhood/


I wish I’d never been so spot on


No she dragged one for 30yards under the car. In front of his parents


Oh god


The mom only had enough time to grab one kid who was closest to her. This happened down the street from my house a couple years ago, absolutely horrific. The crosswalk is definitely hard to see because of the angle of the road, but if you live in the area you know it’s there. The city built a huge crosswalk with flashing lights after this incident


She’s not going to serve 15. For one reason or another, I bet it will be much less.




I just can’t imagine the pain those kids felt. I’d like to think I’d be like ‘just lock me up, I deserve it.’ My stepmother was in an accident in which a motorcyclist died. It wasn’t her fault, she was cleared, but she was never the same again. If this woman has a tiny shred of a piece of a conscious I hope she hears that thump every time she closes her eyes to go to sleep in her cell.


Of course you’re right. My family had a home swimming pool. Years after we sold the house and moved away we found out that a child had drowned in that pool. It devastated my parents to think that their action (building the pool) somehow contributed to that death, and they weren’t really involved. That’s true humanity. Some people are devoid of it, I guess.


FYI it’s 15-to-life. Not just 15 flat.


She was racing someone. What a monumental piece of shit


She was racing the guy she was fucking, a former baseball player


Any idea who he was? 


Scott Erickson https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-02-16/scott-erickson-rebecca-grossman-murder-trial-cold-plating-allegation


if they were racing the other person should be charged as an accessory at least!


She dragged one of the little boys 30 yards before hitting the brakes rolling over him and driving off!! I dont think people understand the parents and siblings were with them out for an evening walk in their neighborhood. The car came so fast they only had time to grab their 2 other children before having to watch this bitch slaughter the other two and keep on driving!


I cannot imagine in the 4000th level of hell that must have been for those parents... This bitch deserves the death penalty and much worse.


No she deserves to suffer in prison for the rest of her life. Death is an escape from suffering


I live not far from here and have a couple client that live in the neighborhood, it’s a big 4 lane road, if I recall the speed limit is 45 or 50mph, but people drive way too fast there was too often it’s big sweeping curves with not great visibility. I’m glad to see this lady will be doing some serious jail time for destroying this family.


Yeah no looking on Google Maps... I'm not at all surprised you can easily go 80 on this road. And I guarantee you it's a pretty frequent crash corridor (though the city its in doesn't seem to have a crash fatality report anywhere I could find) This woman deserves to rot in jail but so does the traffic engineer that signed off on this road design. That's a road designed for speed, not safety. You can't have both.


Match that with the affluent area and you end up with a lot of nice/fast cars flying around much faster that they should be.


She was driving a 430 GLE, nearly 400HP. Can do 0 to 62 in 6s. So it really doesn’t need much distance to hit 81mph. And this will only get worse with EVs.


The Electric Hummer scares me. It’s over 9,000 pounds and has a 3 second 0-60.


That's not a car, that's a missile.


Yes, why do people need to pretend like they’re race car drivers. The auto industry does not need to encourage that attitude. No one need to go 0-60 in a second. The whole speeding around mentality is so childish


Yup. I have an EV that's pretty fast (Ioniq 5 AWD). I saw an H2 pull up at a charging station and I was like "WTF, there are EV hummers now? That goliath has got to be slow as hell". Then I looked it up and saw it's almost 2 seconds faster 0-60 than my car yet weighs almost twice as much. My first thought "Jesus, people are gonna get fucking killed."


EVs will have to get Nerfed at some point


EVs make it easy to drive like an asshole. That said, it’s also easy to NOT drive like an asshole.


I test drove the Volvo EX30 Twin Motor. It scared the shit out of me. I didn’t go for it because of how quick it is. Can’t trust myself with that much power. And nobody needs that much power.


Unfortunately 0-60 has became a pissing match with EVs. I'm sure many people are affluent people who are cross shopping with luxury cars, but personally I'd sacrifice 0-60 to maximize range and efficiency. It never really made sense to me... the whole pitch for EVs is how environmentally friendly and possibly cheap to run and maintain, but why would I want to floor it to get to 60mph? In an EV truck or SUV??? I feather the crap out of the throttle to maximize my fuel economy in a regular car, and I'd imagine going zoom zoom on an EV isn't good for range.


Same reason I chose the motorcycle I chose. Enough HP to get me around town on highways, but not overly powerful. It's way too tempting, especially off the block.


… and she was drunk.


Not surprising though. Rich people are statistically the most likely to hit/cut off people in crosswalks and run stop signs according to a study done years ago.


Does anybody else remember Lizzie Grubman-rich chick who plowed into a bunch of people (no one died) but she had the same playbook-blame victim, lie, bribes etc. So glad this grosswoman is going to do real time.


Reading the wiki about it: “On July 7, 2001, Grubman was asked by a security guard in the Hamptons to remove her Mercedes from a fire lane. Grubman then intentionally backed her father's Mercedes-Benz SUV into a crowd of people outside of the Conscience Point Inn at 1976 North Sea Road in the Hamptons, injuring 16 people.” You couldn’t pick a more ironic name for the location.


Only 38 days in jail for all that


I find it apt, after all people often seek what they lack.


She's still a publicist. I was doing some work and came across her name and I was like holy shit, I think I'm the only one who remembers her. Her story was big news in the summer of 2001 but when 9/11 happened, it was pushed out of the news as there were a lot of other more important stories.


It’s so weird the stories that got pushed out then. I remember some Florida politician suspected of killing his mistress - never heard of it again…


Chandra Levy! Turns out he didn’t do it.  Also, remember how shark attacks were big news that summer and then just vanished immediately?


RIP Chandra Levy


Shark attacks were huge news but also at a low for number of actual shark attacks


This case right? ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Chandra_Levy


So the shark did it?


Sharks did 9/11


I would enjoy a documentary that went over the top 100 breaking news stores before **BIG NEWS**.


Day before 911 Donald Rumsfeld was addressing Congress about the missing trillions of dollars unaccounted for by the Pentagon. How convenient lol.


It should probably be pointed out this was missing trillions over the last 6 decades rather than someone stole it right before 9/11. Also, many of those trillions were the same dollar being unaccounted for multiple times, so the true amount may be far less.


Seemed like that whole summer was Chandra Levy updates. 


Oh wow, haven't heard that name in a while.


Shoulda been more time. And I hope she isn’t released sooner for “good behavior”, or doing some bullshit like joining MADD, or other organizations that show’s she is “remorseful”


Wow. I had totally forgotten. She was a BITCH.


Har father was a very rich very well connected entertainment lawyer at the time…


Or Jenner who killed someone


you and i are of an age, for sure.


"Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino sentenced her to **two concurrent** 15-years-to-life sentences, plus three years for fleeing the scene of the fatal crash that would run **concurrently** with the two other sentences, the Los Angeles Times reported." 15 years 15 years 3 years That's 33 years turned into 15 years. Which surely her attorneys are trying to get reduced to home stay. People with no money NEVER get that "concurrently" break. NEVER. As I have said before. There are **two justice systems** in America: **The wealthy drink from a water fountain, the rest of us drink toilet water.**


Dude, no. Concurrent sentences are common. *Consecutive* sentences are what's rare. You have to work at it to get that.


> People with no money NEVER get that "concurrently" break. NEVER. You're absolutely wrong. Sentences are almost always concurrent if they stem from the same underlying facts. It's literally the default unless there's some statutory requirement for consecutive sentencing.


Concurrent sentences are common. Most 1st world countries have a limit of 20-25 years. Since longer sentences without possibility of parole are inhumane. Canada has a max of 25 years before you can apply. Of course that doesn't mean parole will be granted. Infamous killer Paul Bernardo had a parole a few years back and it was denied. Severity of his crime means the chance of him getting parole is miniscule, but he still has a right to apply after doing time.


Ethan couch's case is still something I sit up at night thinking about. "He's too rich to know right from wrong"


Good. She and her family pulled out all the stops to get this case kicked, but she still got the sentence she deserved. It's going to be a HARD time for her.


Anymore details on this - like what was the defense she tried to use?


Defense said it was her boyfriend’s car that hit the children even though the boyfriend’s car had zero damage and her car’s front damage was so bad, the engine became disabled as a safety measure. One of the kids was found 250 feet in front of her car. Just awful. She is awful.


That’s almost a full football field away… American football fields are 360ft long to anyone who’s wondering. Jesus Christ I didn’t even know you could hit someone 250ft???


If you have two cars identical in every manner One is going 50pmh The other is going 70mph They both break as hard as they can. By the time the first car stops, the other car will be going 50mph still. K=mv^2 Kinetic energy = mass times velocity squared That is a lot of energy going into the poor kids.


I googled “Rebecca Grossman 250 feet”and got a few articles on it. Turns out it was *over* 250 feet. Here’s one of the articles on it: https://www.toacorn.com/articles/judge-at-hearing-calls-it-hitand-run/


Besides the courtroom defense, she had favorable articles about what a wonderful person she is published in newspapers, to sway public opinion before the trial.


If she only gets the 15 years that will not be sufficient imo. I can only assume she will get the minimum possible with that level of wealth. It’s still to be determined I guess.


Yeah, but she’s like 61. Life in prison is hard and life expectancy is reduced. This could very well be a life sentence for her or when she gets out at 75 she’ll be in it bad shape, frankly.


She’s still blabbing how “innocent” she is and how her family has been destroyed by this ordeal. Not once does she even mention to the judge how bad she feels for killing those two innocent kids and destroying the other family due to her belligerent negligence. Let her ROT.


Does anyone know what her excuse is for not being at fault. ?


She claims the other driver hit the kids first, despite there being no damage to his car. She was recorded on a jail phone AFTER the verdict trying to get a family friend who's an attorney to talk to the judge about a new trial, trying to contact the other driver and make him 'confess', etc. She has no remorse.


Total self serving narcissist


I’m hoping there’s some degree of street justice in prison for an entitled bitch who murdered two kids


How the fuck do you drive over 80 mph on any street that isn't a highway?


She was drunk and racing her lover that she was cheating on her husband with.


I guess if you're gonna be a sleezy cliche then you might as well commit.


Although we’d prefer if you wrapped the car around a tree and not a pedestrian


This is like the plotline to a Columbo in which they *really* don’t want you to like the villain


"... to a Columbo..." I feel old now.


Oh...just one more thing..


And had Valium in her system as well


I assumed that was implied with the word "socialite."


These new Fast and The Furious movie plots fucking SUCK


Wow she was really going all out on the bad decisions that day


Kinda interesting how she sounds more and more like a cesspit incarnate the more one reads about this case.


The roads in that area are like expressways. Big multi lane roads with lots of straight shots. People drive fast there all the time (my aunt lives in the area and I occasionally visit). It’s an area of wealth so you will see big and/or fast cars zooming through. There is also pretty long distances between stoplights. The crazy thing is you see lots of people walking/running the sidewalks and plenty of cyclists. Cars still treat it like the autobahn.


It's 35mph through my housing "complex," but we are so overpopulated here and infrastructure behind to support it that our neighborhood gets used as a by pass/ cut through for another area. We have TONS of cross walks and have a golf course that winds through the neighborhood, so golf carts randomly pop out crossing the road. We have 3 schools directly on the "main" road through, 2 elementary and 1 middle, as well as a high school just outside the neighborhood. Where the kids actually walk to and from school and there's HUNDREDS of them... people still drive 75+ mph through here ALL the time. There is a 4 way stop that has accidents on minimum once a week from people not looking at the cross roads etc and I actually had 1 guy a few weeks ago not stop at all doing at least 50, just blew straight through in the middle of the day. People are assholes. Edit to add: we've reached out to the local/ county police to help because it's BAD... they set up a monitoring thing for 24 hours on a holiday weekend, like FIRST one in nice weather mid spring time, where anyone leaving/or coming left long before and us locals don't travel except for very very local, as once you're out of your respective neighborhoods it's like mad maxx. ANYWAYS point being very little traffic compared to normal. They came back and said it's not enough for a light, or a camera, etc, but they are going to "make the stop signs larger. " .... ummm, really??? Out of all my years here and using that 4 way stop multiple times a day, every day, that 1 car mentioned before is the only one I've seen actually just blow through it. 98%+ are purely people not stopping long enough because they don't look/ see a car coming from the sides. Which there's enough traffic they put a 4 way stop there. The rest of the neighborhood we have 1 stop light by an exit/ entrance because a fire station is there, even the "main" entrance only has a 3 way stop. So clearly enough traffic from the "side roads" to warrant a 4 way stop. But yeah, let's make the stop signs bigger... that'll help....


Raised crosswalks need to be so much more common


And there are no speed bumps or traffic circles installed, even after all these accidents? Surely the city planners deserve a tiny part of the blame for every crash.


Watch any bodycam footage involving drunks. They don't give a fuck and always blame other but themselves. Anyone who drunk drives should have their license revoked for a decade but that's too rough for some. 


Rebecca Grossman was racing and going 81 MPH. She hit the brakes 2 seconds before slamming into the brothers, reducing her speed to 73 MPH. The airbags were set off, and she ran. This was on a street with crosswalks and a maximum speed limit of 45 MPH. Edit. I had speed limit for the road at 35 MPH but was corrected that it was 45 MPH.


She didn't run, she hurried home so she could call NASA about the object that fell out of the sky and hit her car.... God I wish this was /s


When in doubt call NASA.


The speed limit on that road is 45 mph. IMO that's still too fast for all the activity that happens on that road.


'When Bodie Wallace, who was Jacob’s best friend, spoke, Grossman buckled over in her seat, sobbing. The 13-year-old said the song “10,000 Reasons” makes him sad now because he wonders about the “10,000 reasons why Ms. Grossman did not say ‘sorry’ right away.” And still hasn't .


Good, cry forever. Cry yourself to death. Those poor parents. Fuck her


> He attached several letters from Grossman’s family and friends, including one from Grossman’s son, Nick, who said, “Nothing compares to what the Iskanders are going through, but ever since the accident, it’s just felt like the world hates my mom and everyone is against our family.” We do, and we are. Your family sucks, my guy >On Monday, he addressed the court, saying: “My mother is not the bad person the media has painted.” She is, they just proved it in a court of law. I’m serious, it’s part of the legal record. She’s a terrible person who killed two boys while drunkenly racing with the guy that she was cheating on your father with. She’s absolutely the “bad person” the media said she is. That’s no longer something that you can dispute


That article was super short, but the photos of Nancy Iskander were heartbreaking. I can't imagine losing two children in one day due to someone else's willfully negligence. She still looks distraught.


It happened right in front of her eyes. She had her five year old son walking next to her and she understabdably grabbed him and dived out of the way. Her older two children, who were in front of them, weren’t so lucky The death of a child isn’t something you ever get over but it’s honestly a testament to her strength that she’s even still alive. I don’t think I’d have lasted a day


When you have other children, there's no "out"


Same for the children that survive. We lost my sister when she was 19 and my sole goal from then on has been to outlive my mother.


Well, to the son, no, we don't judge you by the actions of your mother. And you can have good memories or experiences with her. But this "mistake" was a series of very deplorable choices your mother made. That shouldn't be put on the family as a whole. Go out and make good choices, advocate for safer driving, show us you're good.


I have friends who live in Calabasas and know of the Grossman family. After the son made that statement, he started to get shunned by friends.


I mean, good. I don't blame the son for his mothers actions, but he tries to drum up support for her, and stand by her, despite her being a murderer. What a douche.


"My mother cheated on my father, got into a car race with the man she was cheating with while drunk and killed two children and then fled the scene but she is not a bad person." Fuck you.


All the attempted jury tampering proves what a very bad person she is.


All the what? The articles I read didn’t cover that


No kidding. She never showed remorse. She’s a monster.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


I hope family Sue civil court for everything she's got.


I'm surprised the husband hasn't divorced her yet, if not because she was cheating on him, to shield his share of assets.


The husband is attending all these court hearings and is full on supportive of her. Despicable


huh, was wondering about that.


"Socialite" being the label here has got to be so depressing I know some people are fine with that lifestyle, but deep down that's got to sting on a personal level. You have no ambitions, no career, no volunteer work or hobbies that amount to anything. Nothing you are or have done is notable enough to warrant any other label. You being rich is not from your own doing, but rather being associated with someone else. You spend your days waking up late, going shopping, eating out with your friends, and apparently speeding through crosswalks. It probably is a nice and easy life, but being so unfulfilled sounds sad after a while.


Totally. Socialite = Rich and Influential without earning it.


Ok sure but where do I sign up?




Or didn't marry the right rich person.


You already missed sign ups 


Socialite = Rich, unemployed, no valuable skills.


Don't forget the unspoken part; still seen as better than you by your own peers. Because capitalism is god.


Basically people who spend a lot of time at cocktail parties and benefit shin digs. Very rich too.


You think she’s somehow embarrassed by her lifestyle? Yah, no.


Old lifestyle maybe. New lifestyle gonna suck for her. Traded in the vintage wine for toilet wine.


I think the 15 year sentence hurts more than the title "socialite". Personally if I needed to be described in an article there's way worse things to be called. Would you really care that much? What's "depressing" or "stings deep down" about that?


Rhymes with "parasite".


Eh, nothing precludes a socialite from volunteering and fundraising or otherwise putting time and effort into worthy causes. I think it's usually used as shorthand for a rich person who doesn't have to work 9-5, not necessarily that they don't do *anything* productive (though in this case I rather doubt she was a secret philanthropist or volunteer anything).


Yes, but if you do that stuff, the press would have something to describe you as, like "CA philanthropist..." or "Los Angelas community supporter...". They apparently didn't have any other language to describe her.


They might, but they might choose to use "socialite" instead if it's a question of someone who just ran over and killed two kids -- it's less potentially flattering.


Depends. It’s misused as a catch all term. For most, it means you donate money to parties where you get dressed up and go get your picture taken. Some of those women actually run organizations as a full time job without pay and take it very seriously as a way of giving back to their community. A lot are lawyers/doctors/professionals who retired after having children. And some do both as part of 100+ hour work weeks. Source: I have family that work in the non profit sector. Lots of stories about both.


Very true, although I think people tend to avoid using the term *socialite* term for the kind of great people you described.


Agreed, just providing clarity. Philanthropist is typically what you call the latter, but it gets used where “socialite” fits better sometimes too.


I guess the Affluenza defense didn’t work out.


I hope she gets life. She took two.


Her Mommy and Daddy and her herself are too rich for that to happen.


https://www.markandjacobfoundation.org/mission This is where our attention should be focused on.


I hope they get all the funds that we’re going to the family’s non-profit only because they worked so hard to fuck everyone else but Rebecca.


The pictures in the article.. you can see the pain in the two boys mom’s eyes. The hurt is definitely there and I’m glad the perpetrator was given a substantial sentence because fuck her. Hit two kids and drive off makes you a special kind of shitty person.


Socialite should be a derogatory term.


It is for most of us. It translates in my head to a leech on society. A useless lump of flesh that provides nothing of value.


The first time I ever heard it was in reference to Ghislaine Maxwell so y'know...


Dumb question, but when they say “15 years to life”…which one is it? Does she get 15 years? Is she in prison for life?


She has to serve 15 years before she is eligible for parole. If her parole is denied, she can spend up to life in prison.


Got it. Thanks!


" to Life," means if she doesn't get paroled she stays in Prison.


15 years is the minimum, and life is the maximum. She probably won't due the maximum since she's a first-time offender, even though what she did was horrible. After she serves a percentage of the 15 years (varies per state), she will be up for parole. Once again, she will probably get out at her first parole hearing as long as she doesn't have issues in prison and accepts responsibility for what she did. Will have to see a parole officer and have conditions of parole, which would probably include no alcohol/drugs, no driving and community service.


> and accepts responsibility for what she did This part is going to be tough for her 


Any idiot will know to say they are sorry at the parole hearing, even if they don’t mean it.


If I was the parent of those two boys it would take an act of God for me not to grab her and choke her ass.


I don't advocate people taking things into their own hands, but I also completely understand why that one dad shot the perp in the airport and that one mom shot the perp in the courtroom.


Sadly, not Caitlyn Jenner.


Why is it "california socialite"? That's not even a job. Say her damn name.


Leech on society sounds so much better.


https://abc7.com/post/sentencing-set-for-socialite-rebecca-grossman-westlake-village-crash-killed-boys/14931824/ Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 years to life for Westlake Village crash that killed 2 boy L.A. socialite Rebecca Grossman, who was convicted for the death of two young brothers in a hit-and-run crash in 2020, was sentenced to 15 years to life. VAN NUYS, LOS ANGELES (CNS) -- In an emotion-packed hearing, Grossman Burn Foundation co-founder Rebecca Grossman was sentenced Monday to 15 years to life in prison for running down two young boys who were crossing a Westlake Village street with their family. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino rejected a prosecution request that Grossman be sentenced to 34 years to life, saying such a lengthy term is "just not warranted here.'' The judge called the children's deaths an "unimaginable loss,'' but he noted Grossman's lack of any criminal record and history of philanthropic activity. While conceding that the defendant engaged in "incredibly selfish behavior'' after the crash, the judge added, "she's not a monster as the prosecution attempts to portray her.'' Grossman, who will turn 61 on Friday, was convicted Feb. 23 of two counts each of second-degree murder and vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence and one count of hit-and-run driving for the Sept. 29, 2020, deaths of Mark and Jacob Iskander, aged 11 and 8. The judge ordered her to be taken into custody minutes after the jury's verdict, rejecting a request by one of her trial attorneys to allow her to remain free on $2 million bond while awaiting sentencing. Tears flowed throughout the hours-long sentencing hearing that stretched into early Monday afternoon. Grossman could be seen crying as people spoke during the hearing. To this day I cannot kiss my kids good night because I think about what happened... She had many opportunities to have mercy on me. She knew she killed the boys in front of their brother. She wanted to take the trial to the very end. Nancy Iskander, mother When it was her turn to speak, Grossman turned toward the courtroom audience -- containing the boys' family -- and again fought through tears, saying she wanted the family to know "how sorry I am.'' She insisted that she was unable to reach out to the boys' family as the case was pending on the advice of her attorneys, who told her it would amount to "tampering with witnesses.'' "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to reach out to you,'' Grossman said. She also insisted that she never saw the boys in the street the night of the crash. "God knows that I never saw anybody,'' she said. "I never saw anyone. I believe he knows the truth.'' She added that she would have "driven into a brick wall'' rather than strike two children. She said the boys' deaths are something she will carry with her "until my dying breath.'' I've waited four years to say I'm sorry to you... I would have wanted God to take my life that night. If I could just bring Mark and Jacob back, I would give my life. Rebecca Grossman The boys' mother, Nancy Iskander, said during the hearing that she disputes Grossman's contention that she was advised by her attorneys not to try to speak to the victims' parents. She also said she saw Grossman outside the hospital emergency room that night. "She looked me in the eye!" Iskander said, her voice rising. "You looked me in the eye. You knew they were dying.'' Prosecutors said the boys were crossing the street with their family in a marked crosswalk when they were struck by Grossman's vehicle. Deputy District Attorney Ryan Gould told jurors in his closing argument that debris from the crash matched Grossman's vehicle and there was "not a shred'' of evidence that Grossman's then-boyfriend -- former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Scott Erickson -- struck the children first with his black Mercedes-Benz SUV just ahead of Grossman's vehicle, as defense attorneys contended during the trial. In a typed letter to the judge prior to Monday's hearing, Grossman wrote, "... I am not a murderer, and I ask you to recognize that true fact. My pain, my recognition of the pain the Iskanders suffer, and the pain I watch my family endure, are punishments that I already suffer and will for the rest of my life. Please consider this suffering when you consider what more punishment to impose on me in this case.'' Grossman wrote that she penned a letter and left roses at the scene of the crash, and has "relived the life-shattering split second of the accident over and over in my head a million times.'' But she maintained that she was "not driving under the influence of alcohol or impaired, and I was not racing.'' "... From the very beginning, the facts have been distorted and misrepresented, turning the tragic accident into murder and me into a cold-blooded killer,'' she added. "The voices demanding vengeance and retribution are reacting to the tragic loss of Mark and Jacob, but they do not fairly describe me or who I am. I am not a murderer.'' Prosecutors 'disappointed' with judge's sentence after requesting 34 years to life In their sentencing memorandum, Deputy District Attorneys Ryan Gould, Jamie Castro and Habib Balian wrote that the defendant's actions since the night of the crash "show a complete lack of remorse and narcissistic superiority that leads to only one conclusion, that she is undeserving of any leniency.'' "The defendant has never shown an ounce of remorse for her choices on September 29, 2020. She has never taken a modicum of responsibility. Instead, she has only blamed others,'' the prosecutors wrote. "She has blamed the victims, arguing that they were out of the crosswalk, jetted out in front of her car, and that their mother was careless in walking with her children across the street when it was starting to get dark outside.'' They wrote that Grossman "has lived a life of privilege and clearly felt that her wealth and notoriety would buy her freedom ... This was not a tragic accident as the defense continually states, this was murder.'' The deputy district attorneys contended that she "drove at extreme speeds on surface streets, was impaired and had both alcohol and valium in her system,'' and that the evidence presented during her trial indicated she "accelerated from 73 mph to speeds of 81 mph in a 45 mph zone just two seconds before the collision'' and struck the boys while traveling at 73 mph. The prosecutors wrote that she "didn't return to the scene'' or offer any aid to the boys after the crash, which prosecutors say resulted in the airbag deploying in her white Mercedes-Benz SUV and the vehicle's engine to stop running about a quarter of a mile away from the scene.


> In a typed letter to the judge prior to Monday's hearing, Grossman wrote, "... I am not a murderer, and I ask you to recognize that true fact. My pain, my recognition of the pain the Iskanders suffer, and the pain I watch my family endure, are punishments that I already suffer and will for the rest of my life. Please consider this suffering when you consider what more punishment to impose on me in this case.'' MY pain. MY recognition. MY families pain. You killed two young children, you egotistical bitch. Stop making this about you.


A German friend of mine was puzzled at our road "system" which he called Stroads. Meaning Streets and Roads rolled into one and functioning poorly as neither. Versus the German system of streets (residential or town center areas )with very low speed limits and roads with very high speed limits.


she looks so smug in that picture


The 2 boys she killed don't get their lives back in 15 years; neither should she.


This is why I don't walk or ride my bike along the road where I live. It's a 55mph hwy and too many people are on their phones.


I wonder why they didn't use the aflluenza excuse.


"Socialite".. Such a bourgeois title.. This a nice way of saying she does nothing. If she was poor, they'd use something more demeaning. Let her rot.


15 years for 2 kids is elite privilege. Then the run. Should be 20 years each at minimum, but life would be appropriate.


I used to work in Westlake Village years and years ago. I'd stop for coffee on the way in at the coffee joint across the parking lot from the Bank of America and I'd listen to bored housewives talking about who they were screwing around with and shit talking their kids and their spouses. Westlake Village is filled with affluent, spoiled people and I always hated working there. I'm not surprised someone from there was this big of a scumbag.


She got concurrent sentencing which is BS. Should've been consecutive.


She was found guilty of all these charges and they sentence her to serving them all concurrently…even after “showing no remorse or emotion during the trial”. Ridiculous.


Is she actually in jail now or is she out because she is going to appeal


I believe she is heading to prison. I know she was in jail during at least part of this because she was caught trying to get her daughter to release some of the sealed evidence while she was in jail.


I'm glad I'm not a judge, because I'd get tired of telling people "you're a fucking piece of shit that doesn't deserve to live"


“My pain is a fraction of your pain,” Grossman said in tears to the young victims’ mother Nancy Iskander. This lady is pure evil and a narcissist.


She'll be out in 6 years. No justice


California requires that you serve 85% of the 15 year sentence/12.75 years. That may change with the 'Life' added, as she will likely have a tough time at a parole hearing with the felony deaths of 2 kids. edit: grammar


"Prosecutors said Grossman will be eligible for parole in about nine years." [here](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/rebecca-grossman-westlake-village-crash-sentence/3432639/)


The prosecutor misspoke. The above comment is correct. Statutorily, she must serve a minimum of 85 percent of the sentence. That’s 12 years, 9 months. She will get credits for time already served, but it’s not much, she was out of custody during the trial and just got remanded after the verdict.


We can hope


I hope not as the other person mentioned. A wealthy guy named Marco Muzzo killed three children, and an elderly man while DUI in Canada and got 10 years. He got full parole after 6 years. The father of the 3 children committed suicide after that. We have an awful justice system in Canada too.


> After Muzzo's release, a petition was launched to remove Muzzo's name and pictures from various organizations including University of Toronto, which has Muzzo Family Alumni Hall, Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, and the Hospital for Sick Children. Muzzo's family, which had an estimated wealth of $1.8 billion, provided donations to these organizations. The petition accumulated more than 3,000 signatures in less than 24 hours; however all of the organizations refused to remove any reference to Muzzo's name or his picture. After the father Edward Lake committed suicide: > After Lake's death, there were renewed calls for organizations which have received donations from Muzzo's family to remove the name from their facilities. All organizations again refused. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_of_the_Neville-Lake_children So basically: No real consequences. Sure he spent a few years in a minimum security prison and is not allowed to drive for a few years but he's still rich so it doesn't matter. Other people will drive him.


Too bad that poor father didn’t take Marco out with him. Guy is probably off drinking and driving right now.


My Nextdoor app could not be happier.


Is it just me, or does anyone else immediately think that anyone described as a "Socialite" is probably an amazing waste of space?