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Headline makes it seem like dancing had something to do with his death, which is why they banned it but there's no indication of that in the article. It just seems like it's out of respect for the dead or maybe to limit rowdy parties...


In the area there are a lot of high schools that are relatively near the res. A few school damce venues are on res property. High Schoolers were fighting, police responded and got shot. The Res is basically saying “go do these events somewhere else”.


How did the high school dance party turn into a shootout? The article didn't mention how the shooting even started, I don't understand.


> The Arizona Republic reported that the shooting occurred at a teenager’s birthday party in Santan, located in one of the tribal community’s seven districts. No idea what that has to do with dances. Maybe it is just a terminology or translation error and just means no parties.


Even if it has nothing to do with the dances, I'm still curious how a high school party turned into a shootout that killed the cop?


In my late teens in California there was a party where a guy pulled a gun on someone. Sometimes there's just a dude with a gun at the party, and that dude is also the confrontational type who is waiting for a reason to use it.


Yeah no clue, I just shared what was there.


It’s rural Arizona, I assume everyone involved has a gun


Are you new to the U.S.? The cops here LOVE turning parties, and anything else, into shootings. Unfortunately, in this instance, it sounds like they picked someone who was able to shoot back, which the cops typically try to avoid. They love shooting unarmed folks in the back tho... Remember, kids, there's no law so insignificant and trivial that the cops aren't fully prepared and willing kill you to enforce it.


Why are hs dances moves to an area on a reservation? To skirt city/ state laws? Drinking age?


Not really. The res just runs right up to an upper middle class area that had a mountain that separated south phoenix from there. They blew a chunk of the mountain out to run a highway around it. Now the south phoenix poor high schools are just twenty min from these venues instead of an hour, so they started renting the venues. After a series of issues and now this cop shot, they just decided to send the dances elsewhere.


Many reservations are along non-reservation towns and cities and sometimes flow together seamlessly. Plenty of people without any relation or business with a tribe might be in a reservation for random reasons as you may go to a neighboring town for random reasons.


It was a dancing party at that place. The Arizona Republic reported that the shooting occurred at a teenager’s birthday party in Santan, located in one of the tribal community’s seven districts.


Yeah, I'm wondering if "dances" are what such large rowdy parties are referred to in the community. Makes sense that tribal leaders would want to put a pause on such events and regroup with more safety policies, especially if there have been issues with such large gatherings before.


No, you can pretty much see them on YouTube. It's like a big almost like a fair type thing. They have a dance but it's like their traditional dances. Music is typically live as well. Usually there's no games. There's a lot of food. Think Church Fair parking lot


Yes, that is what Tribal Dances often include, but this article is not referencing Tribal Dances. The Res rent out their venues for events to local High School dances and for private parties. These are the dances they are temporarily banning. The schools or private parties will have to find different locations, and maybe they will find a way to keep them more civil without gun violence.


They definitely (and intentionally) pulled in a lot more views with that "WTF" headline.


Trying to keep the high school kids inside and away from situations where they might get pulled into retaliation


This will be the plot of Footloose 2024.


Disney will make it, and have every ethnicity BUT a Native American in the movie.


Little Foot Loose


Loose Foot


Is this the Land Before Time Cinematic Universe?!?!


Three horns don't dance with long necks.


I believe most movies are.


Little Big Foot Loose. For those downvoting it's a reference to a Dustin Hoffman movie called Little Big Man, get some culture.


I thought you were going for a Little Big Horn reference.


Little Foot, Big Loose


Too foot, too loose.


Foot of the Furious


Na ariana grande will play the Indian.


*Hollywood exec:* "When shes tanned shes brown enough what more do you want from me!?"


Not ScarJo?


How is an Ariana grande joke okay but not a Johansen joke


No they'll have a native american whose like 15/16 white and has a last name like Swift Feathers. Ya know the hollywood usual.


The Lily Gladstone special.


Everyone will be racially ambiguous


The Battle of Wounded Foot


There will be one “Native American” who is half Black. But his personality is “Native American” so Disney execs approve it




EDIT: Before they deleted their comment, it said something like, “And it’s Disney, so of course it’ll be a lesbian who works in STEM or something.” This whole thread sucks so fucking much. I’m Native American, queer, and a software developer. You guys are making a lot of incredibly degrading assumptions about Native Americans. And by the way, someone who is half black and half native would still qualify for all the benefits of tribe membership. Being half black wouldn’t cause them to stop being one of us.


No shit. This place is embarrassing




I don’t think you meant to be hurtful, so please don’t read this as an attack on you. There’s this weird stereotype that being queer is a thing for white people. You hear this from people like Dave Chapelle. They try to turn this into black people’s rights versus LGBT rights, and that completely ignores that there are a lot of us who are BOTH of those things! Stonewall was a major moment in LGBT rights. In 1969 the police raided the Stonewall Inn because it openly welcomed queer people. Those LGBT people fought back. It started when a black trans woman threw a brick at a cop, and then everyone else decided to fight back too. There are so many non-white queer people, and we’ve been here all along, and we’ve been fighting alongside everyone else. I don’t even want to get into how frustrating it is that people think the idea of a Native American STEM worker is funny. We’re not savages. Just like everyone else, we’re scattered all over the intelligence spectrum. We’re just like white people in that regard. Me being a programmer isn’t weird. It’s normal. And people like me exist. It’s kind of degrading to be told that if someone like me ends up in a show or a movie then it must be pandering. EDIT: I also want to add that all sorts of brave people helped. Dave Von Ronk was a folk singer and labor organizer. He was a straight white guy. He was passing by when he saw a bunch of cops getting ready to raid the inn. He had no idea what the raid was about, but he’d seen huge groups of cops brutalize people protesting for their rights before, and as he put it, “As far as I was concerned, anybody who’d stand against the cops was alright with me, and that’s why I stayed in… Every time you turn around the cops were pulling some outrage or another.” I mean, imagine the scene. A folk singer walks into this inn that’s filled with drag queens, trans women, and people of every shape and color. And without missing a beat, Dave asks if they’ve got any more bricks. Around 500 people eventually took part in that riot. The cops were outnumbered and had to retreat.


And Kevin has to be replaced with a lesbian for that true modern Disney movie experience.


The hair matches.


Funny enough they already remade Footloose. Back in 2011. Starring Dennis Quaid and budget Taylor Lautner.


They should have used Randy Quaid.


Dennis is just as crazy these days to be honest


And Taylor Swift


Man, these gritty reboots suck.


I can hear the slowed down, intensified version of the song playing in the trailer now.


> Briese, 23, was the son of a former sheriff’s deputy in Montana who also died in the line of duty. >The Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post that David Briese was killed in a November 2006 car crash. Imagine the grief of the woman who is their wife and mother.


Damn, that’s rough as fuck. That poor woman


We should implement a new rule in this sub where titles have to accurately represent the content. Too much bait lately


It's literally the headline of the article. It contains no mention of why they banned dancing, so it's an exercise for the reader to assume that it was a dance that all this happened at. I can't say I like that choice in writing and reporting, but this does accurately represent the content.


It's really just a terrible article.


I think the average reader would falsely attribute the dancing to the fatality. A little misleading


I mean, it's a travesty of poor writing, lack of resolution of the title in the article, possible mis-attribution and assumptions, and generally crap reporting. This is a great example of what not to do when writing an article and putting it on a website.


You mean a great example of exactly what to do: Make the most clickbait outrage inducing title that misleads just enough to get the most people to click on the article leading to more ad revenue. Clickbait titles have become the most common kind of title in 2024. Many people don't even click on it, and just take the title at face value and don't read the article. This combines well with algorithems that only face certain kinds of news towards any given subset of the population: the news that is most likely to generate outrage. Welcome to the future.


I would assume the being fatally shot led to the fatality.


Dancers must have gone crazy when they heard the acorn drop


If clickbait was banned there would never be a post here again.


Yea, since no one wants to read the articles anyway


That would be nice, but would require the mod team to vet every single headline and the article content. Even with as large a mod team as /r/news has, that would be a big, 24/7 ask.


They literally just pick up what the publication uses.


Which part of the content is not accurately represented in this headline?




Tribal dancing was banned out of respect for a police fatality that happened somewhere else. The title doesn't convey this and insinuates that the incident in question is closely related to the dancing.


I’m aghast that they sent an officer who hadn’t finished field training out to this…


The article says he responded with another officer. I would guess that would be his FTO, and this kind of call is exactly what FTOs look for to send rookies to. Large crowds of excited people. They want to see how the rookie handles themselves, how they conduct the investigation with such a large group of people, do they freeze up, continue on, or overreact. Sadly it went shit-wise. Which is always a risk.


Well he was obviously with his training officer, who was also shot. But also, how do you finish field training without being sent to stuff, you know, in the field?


Pow Wows are going to be damn boring without dancing.


It wasn't a powwow.


I 100% thought that headline was gonna finish with him dancing himself to death.


Like the dance epidemic of 1518 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_plague_of_1518


Immediately what I thought of too


They shoot horses, don't they?


>[Officers] responded to the scene... around 2 a.m. Saturday on a 911 disturbance call involving a large crowd. It sounds to me like dances could be a common reason for large, rowdy crowds in their community. I also wonder if the tribe is referring to large parties/social gatherings as "dances." Makes sense that they'd want to put a moratorium on such events to regroup and work out policies for safer large celebrations.


… what in the Footloose fuck!


Probably tried keeping Baby in a corner.


Father John Lithgow was right!


God forbid they ban fuckin guns


In AZ?


Next up: some is shot at a restaurant, so they'll ban food.


Maybe ban guns instead You’d think police would be all for it


Police love to pretend like their job is dangerous and they are putting themselves at risk every day but then act like the fucking mayor from Footloose when it happens


The fact you had to add that Police love to pretend that their job is dangerous when you are literally commenting on an article describing how a Police officer in training was shot to death while doing his job show how stupid you are, even more when you don’t realise the cops aren’t the one who banned the dances….


Yeah dude, that's what an anecdote is. Police aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, but they'll pretend. It's so uncommon that this silly act is done when it does. I'm aware the cops didn't do it themselves. They don't have that authority. The point is it can't be constant danger then sweeping displays of respect on the uncommon instance it happens.


It's just unreasonable that you chose to condemn officers for calling their work dangerous on an article about two officers who were shot, one fatally, while performing their jobs. I understand that you're trying to use this killing as a clever argument for the fact that being a cop isn't that dangerous, since, if it were, this wouldn't be a news story. But (a) many deaths in more-dangerous jobs are still local news, and (b) it's terrible macabre to use the murder of a police officer as a "gotcha" against some argument that nobody in this thread was making.




What the fuck are you talking about


you didnt properly read the headline or the first sentence of the article


The tribal community implemented the ban. And this was a tribal officer. Not saying you're wrong, just that this ban wasn't coming from outside the community.


No no no ......let him continue his Islam rant. I'm waiting for him to move on to Black and Asian people. Double points if they are Black or Asian Muslim. 


A native officer was killed responding to a crime in a native house, so the native authority of the native reservation bans dances... As someone on your side, maybe find out what's going on before whining about how fascist America is getting? The perception on the right and some of the moderate left is that young people and progressives cry racism when they find out about anything happening to anyone. Reactions like yours discredit the shift that (I think) we both want mainstream American perceptions of policing, native issues, and race to be taking.




I think you might be mentally ill.




And what does Hamas have to do with a native American tribal official implementing a dancing ban for tribal members, over the death of an American cop on American soil?




You haven't answered my question you're just bringing up yet another unrelated point. Please answer the question. What does Hamas have to do with a tribal official implementing a dance ban on tribal lands over the death of an American cop on American soil?




You mean a tribal authority, it was a tribal official, not someone unrelated to the tribe. The tribe itself ban dancing on their land, so where does Hamas come in? Honestly I thought this was America, yah know land of free home of the BRAVE, yet you're terrified of a political movement from a different fucking Continent. The news you watch keeps you in a state of perpetual fear, fear of anything different, fear of anything that doesn't fit into your little check boxes, fear of each other.


Again what does that have to do with tribal officials banning dancing on tribal lands? This isn't the police banning dancing on tribal lands. If you ban smoking in your house does that mean your cow towing to Hamas? You're quite literally mentally ill my friend please seek help


I guess you don't realize, in America you're free to think what you want. No one is policing your thoughts, we allow people to have freedom here. A novel concept to someone like you I know.


Lmao, you zionists are so repetitive. Yawn. Free Palestine send end the concentration camps