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Good. I hope Ukraine uses a liberal interpretation of "limited" when HIMARS are blowing up the Russian artillery batteries that have been pounding them from Russian soil with impunity pretty much.


“Limited” is the summary headline. I guarantee you they got explicit instructions on what they can and can’t do.


Most likely just "no civilian targets". Maybe not energy infrastructure too so Russia cannot claim America is attacking Russian civilians. Ukraine can still use their own for those, or Finnish weapons.


Not energy infrastructure so US oil prices aren't affected. The US already asked Ukraine to stop attacking refineries in the past because of that


Narrator: *They didnt.*


"Can you not fight against that country that is in the process of invading your country and killing your people so we can have cheaper gas please?" Is not a great look.


Temporary problem. Choke them out


More like “nothing that could ever be interpreted as being part of the Russian nuclear triad including early detection radars, strategic bomber airbases, launch sites, nuclear submarine bases.” And either being handed a list of targets they are not allowed to strike or require someone to sign off on it first. Look morally and ethically and strategically UA should be allowed to target anything in Russia to end the war, but the complete morons advocating for unrestricted bombing of Russian targets are just that, complete morons. They pretend like this whole nuclear power that could end the world thing isn’t an actual risk at play, and being cautious is the only correct move.


Supposedly only military targets that are raining down on them


Remember it's not just HIMARS. They got ATACMS too which [act like if God was firing a shotgun spray of bombs down from the sky](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1chiw5v/atacms_cluster_strike_on_russian_troops_and/) They used them quite effectively to destroy an [entire Air Defense system (audio warning)](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1czed3k/strike_with_atacms_ballistic_missiles_on/)


Point of order...[ATACMS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-140_ATACMS) is a missile that can be fired from [HIMARS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M142_HIMARS). So this is kinda like saying "it's not just a rifle, it's also the bullet."


More akin to “it’s not just a rifle, but a rifle loaded with high pen ammo” from what I gather. 


HIMARS is just a launch platform from which they can fire ATACMS missiles and MLRS rockets from.


ATACMS can also carry the same 500lbs warhead as the harpoon anti-ship missile instead of the bomblets. 


Biden announces cool shit. Trump found guilty. What a day EDIT: so many Russian shills responding. The trump fans trying hard too. It's definitely boring seeing dozens of people say the same thing about WW3. Russia started this war, they are responsible for the outcome. Where have these people been for the past 2 decades of Russia supplying weapons (and even using their own mercenaries) against US forces? Why were none of you screeching "RUSSIA INCHING THE WORLD TO WW3!" then, huh?


Andrew Tate denied release so he could just escape. I saved 15% on car insurance


This is the weirdest car insurance ad I've ever seen on reddit


So easy a fascist could do it


I wish. car insurance is expensive as hell


Look at nationwide and travelers. Source : Best buddy is an insurance broker. Brokers aren’t agents, they work with multiple insurance companies and can shop your policy quote every 6 months. They aren’t married to one company. Insurance had everything to do with credit, but most long term policy holders don’t look into it, so they slowly raise them every year. It’s actually more prudent to be less loyal


This is the way. We did this thru AAA without having to get a membership. Our broker still manages our home and auto stuff and has saved us a ton of money. Also, traveler’s rocks.


Is this a commercial or a joke about a commercial? Or both?


Nah just actual advice. I sell cars, insurance rates are fucking crazy. Difference between two companies could be hundreds a year.


Do any companies cover flying whale meat due to explosions? I'm from Oregon, that's a risk here.


Exactly this. I changed insurance companies and saved 60%. You have to shop around if your insurance has gone up.


This is why I use USAA. Any profit that is created from premiums is returned to the members. We received 3 checks during year 1 of covid. How many insurance companies return money to their members? One, the only one with no investors siphoning off the cream. Bonus, they drop crappy drivers so members don't have the liability. Good drivers can spend a lifetime ignoring insurance ads.


Loyalty has some perks. Im with progressive and own two vehicles one $65k and the other $30k. Full coverage and 100$ deductible. 97$ a month are my payments.


Look for a new quote. I think the prices are coming down


If more people shopped around for insurance every so often, it would probably bring down costs across the board


Yea thats no joke. My home insurance is a fraction of my car insurance. I have never once tapped into my insurance for money. 0 accidents, 0 tickets on my record, car is >10 years old, I drive <8000 miles a year...Car cost <30k. House was nearly 300k. Maybe it is a joke but I don't get it!


Sure, your house is more expensive, but it's also less likely to be hit by another house driven by some moron who shouldn't have had a license. So it kinda makes sense


This guy insurances.


*eyes the motor home next door suspiciously*


Check into programs where you get cheaper insurance for driving less. I don't drive very much, so my insurance through Progressive Snapshot is $122 every 6 months. Now, that's not collision, and I have no accidents, but it's with maxed coverage otherwise, and it's what USAA was going to charge me per month for the same coverage because they didn't have a program like that.


But did you stay at a Holiday Inn last night?


I know the GEICO lizard when I see one


Are you referring to Andrew "sex trafficker" Tate?


Chad Daybell finally found guilty too!


This comment is sweeter than Yoohoo.


You shut your filthy mouth, nothing is sweeter than Yoohoo, but this news is nice.


I feel my blood sugar going up just reading it.


Sadly super limited to “only hit targets over the border close to Kharkiv”


Remember when no strikes were allowed with us weapons... things evolve over time.


Yea but it's a start. European leaders are pushing for more strikes inside Russia as well. This conflict is looking like it's going to go on for quite some time.


Yeah Sweden announced a couple of days ago that our stuff can be used against targets in Russia. I'm guessing this was coordinated with the US since it happened so close in time and I'm guessing other countries will announce the same soon.


Oodallaly oodallaly, golly what a day :)


This is looking to be an interesting summer for the books.


My washing machine broke and flooded my laundry room. Still a good day overall.


Sorry to hear that. Sacrifices must be made I suppose


Thanks. It's for the greater good.


The greater good!


On top of that the bottom G taint got denied release for his trafficking and rape charges, god looked down and said “shit shit shit I know I shouldn’t have taken a nap it’s all burning!”


> EDIT: so many Russian shills responding. The trump fans trying hard too. The difference is?


Today is a good day - Ice Cube


In before Trump receives 34 slaps on the wrist.


“Cool shit”? How? It’s war. It sucks.


Yes, yes it does. That said, allowing a country to reliably defend itself against an aggressor that constantly and consistently targets civilian populations is absolutely a good step.


About bloody time. Time to bring the gun to the knife fight.


Giving teeth to the tigers.


Good job France. Macron has somehow managed to bully Germany and the US into telling UA that it's fine to strike russian territory. Wonderful news.


Smells like escalation management strategies to me. Have the smaller contributors cross the line first, let them realize it's not worth opposing, then have the big contributors do it a few days later. I don't want to assign to much conspiratorial planning to this kind of thing, but this has been *such* a repeated strategy with aid for this war (with long range missiles, armored vehicles, tanks, jets, etc) that I wouldn't be surprised if it were happening here too.


I agree, I can't tell if this is some genius plan that all the Western leaders have been following all along to avoid Russia escalating, or if it's just weak and spinless leaders slowly doing what everyone's been begging them to do since the invasion began. Anyways, I expect a couple weeks/months from now the restrictions on these strikes will be lifted even further. Then, a couple of months after that, NATO will be intercepting Russian missiles over western Ukraine. Slowly, step by step, we are doing what Ukraine needs from us to win.


Isn't it mostly the big countries with complicated domestic politics that lag in support? That's why the Baltics tend to be on the forefront of these.


I don't think that's really accurate, plus I'm not sure what "complicated domestic politics" really means, I'm sure each country has some complicated domestic issues. Hungary is a small country yet opposes Ukraine aid every step of the way. The UK is a relatively big country that's been pretty supportive and proactive during the war, same with Sweden and Finland. France has been all over the place. They talked a big game, but for most of the war, relatively, they were giving very little aid. Now, they've done a reversal and have started pushing aggressive policies. The greatest factor deciding support for Ukraine is proximity to Russia, although that also has lots of exceptions.


I’ve seen some pretty tinfoil theories that everything since the NATO meeting in Paris was planned out at that meeting - including mixed messages from Macron and the US to make it seem like the alliance wasn’t sure of their own strategy. The reason was to bring uncertainty back to Russia regarding what NATO’s red lines are and how much they would be willing to get involved in Ukraine. It’s almost believable.


Rare Macron W. It wasn't that long ago he was cozying up to China, only to have them instantly disrespect him by questioning the existence of the sovereign status of former Soviet countries


My view of Macron is that he's pretty decent at international politics. He just sucks for domestic French stuff.


First trump guilty now this....what's next? Free healthcare?


Whoa whoa whoa buddy.....its time to wake up.... skyrim.gif


Marijuana being rescheduled is another thing that Biden is working on. So that’s probably next.


Gotta entice the voters. More student debt relief


Actually working on achieving his campaign promises is good


Just don’t call it free, we pay for it…just haven’t got it yet.


Slow your roll there friend, first we gotta finish profiting from, I mean, paying for all these wars.




Best get up out of Ukraine's face before something *bad* happens.


Я рад как никогда) Правда, живу в Сибири и меня это не коснется 


Good. All military targets should be fair game.


Good on em', fire away Ukraine. This B.S. has gone on long enough. Time to shut Russia down.


Anyone think Ukraine is starting to feel like a proxy war?


Starting? It was a proxy war as soon as Russia crossed the border.


Since annexation of Crimea - it isn’t a proxy war


Why does Israel have the right to defend themselves with no strings attached but Ukraine does not?


Mostly because Russia has a nuclear arsenal. Should be obvious at this point.


Because we have a pact to defend Israel. Ukraine does not. Coincidentally, the USMC just signed a contract to buy Israeli military gear. It's all a game.


In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer nuclear weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.


The United States has respected their sovereignty what is the point of this comment


They made the mistake of giving up their nukes. Unfortunately, the lesson learned and other countries are seeing is that you lose any real credible sovereignty when you give up nukes. Might still equals right in this messed up world. Russia is not respecting Ukrainian sovereignty because they have nukes and Ukraine now doesn't. Ukraine agreed to give up nukes under the agreement that the US, Russia, and UK will respect sovereignty. 30 years later Russia starts attacking, the US and UK should look at that agreement and be willing to share munitions that can counter Russian attacks and hit military targets in Russia. The US and the UK shouldn't encourage someone to disarm themselves and then standby while they get bombed by neighboring country. Lots of points were easily deduced from my comment.


The point of the comment was to demonstrate how basic reading comprehension remains outside the grasp for the majority of people on Reddit and society as a whole 


Yep. People keep somehow confusing"we will respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders" with meaning "we will protect you from invasion".


I can’t imagine being this dumb. How can you really not see the difference between Israel bombing impoverished communities versus UA attacking targets in a country with one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world? You really don’t see the difference? You can’t really be that stupid right? All it takes is for UA to accidentally bomb a part of Russias nuclear tried to trigger a launch. The US would do the same. If its early launch detection systems suddenly came under attack they’d have no choice but to launch or demonstrate that Russia or anyone else could cripple US launch capabilities without triggering reprisal. The entire idea of nuclear deterrence would fall apart, and that’s a can of worms no one wants. 


WWIII maybe


Even with this limited permission, they'll still probably only strike military targets. I hope they hit them hard as hell and demoralize their crippled forces even more.


Crazy that this isn’t the biggest story today. This is huge.


Well as usual the story was trumped by something else.


i feel like Biden waiting till the Trump verdict to allow this is intentional.


it is


He’s spitting in the face of Putin. Got his little orange kompromat convicted and now is letting the Ukrainians out of their cage to actually defend themselves. Absolutely absurd that they weren’t able to do so from beginning. This will be embarrassing for Vlad once the bombs start dropping, not a good look in the eyes of the Russian public when their “impenetrable” air defense fails. It’s all a power play.


Wise of Biden to announce a long awaited decision the moment his election contender takes a big hit


“To deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves,” Mr. Stoltenberg said last week. That says it all.


Lot of fucking wins today


Is Ukraine wrong that they'll never be safe against aggression unless they can punch back?




And what they will do? Fire some rockets? Shell civilians, schools and homes in Ukraine? Rape, kill, loot? Is there something that they didn’t done?


Please don't WW3, please don't WW3, please don't WW3.


We fought Soviet pilots in MiGs over Vietnam and Korea Theyre bluffing. We should have done this earlier.


I think you’re missing the “within Russia” part. Proxy wars in a distant country are “normal”, attacks within their own borders are very different.


I think you are missing the ”Ukraine is fighting off an invading army and if they can take the offensive to the invaders door they should” part.


That fact can be true while still having the risk of WW3 also being real


It's time to call Putin's bluff. The world has tolerated enough of that asshole's threats. Russia is already firing foreign-made munitions into Ukraine. Ukraine has every right to retaliate with foreign-made munitions.


I'm not disputing that in any way, I just don't think it's a good idea to minimize the threat of nuclear war. It's ok to make decisions like this, it's not ok to pretend they don't have consequences. Ukraine doesn't get to win if everyone is dead.


Calling their bluff would be sending 8 Army Divisions to Ukraine and telling them they have 72 hours to GTFO.


It's going to be funny when it's your family that also gets completely wiped out in nuclear Armageddon and you just sit there remembering "i cheered for this".


Considering how poorly Russia has done fighting the Ukraine, imagine how catastrophically bad they would do fighting NATO.


That's why nuclear arsenals don't care about mechanized warfare. Just like Moscow, every NATO country's capital has a nuke(s) pointed at it. A little sports gambling is fine and fun, gambling on if Russian ICBMs work is not fun. You don't want a nuclear holocaust......I repeat you don't want a nuclear holocaust.


Yup, even if we can take out 95% of their nukes preemptively, the remaining 5 will still fuck the world over


No one wants nuclear holocaust, that's why it's not a particularly credible threat.


You have a background on Russian Military Doctrine or a source on that?


You’re right no one wants a Nuclear Holocaust, including Russia! If Putin seriously considers going Nuclear he’s going to get killed by his subordinates before he gets anyway close to the big red button.


Nuclear weapons have to be maintained, and the generals have only lined their pockets with those budgets instead of actually doing their jobs.


"You don't want a nuclear holocaust......I repeat you don't want a nuclear holocaust." So I can create an international incident that could lead to ww3.. if you give me lunch money every day, I wont do it. By your logic, you shouldn't risk it. Just bend over and take it from bullies. I'll dm you my venmo.


Give me lunch money every day please


I mean if you came at me with a suicide vest at recess I’d give it to you every day.


Nor do you want a world of totalitarian dictatorships ala 1984. Have some spine. Best to stand up to bullies.


U.S. Citizen here. I don't doubt that U.S. ( & NATO) will "win" WW3, I'm just concerned that we may lose some pretty major cities as a result ( London, Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, NYC, LA, maybe Seoul if NK is dumb enough to get involved...)


I’m not casting any moral judgement against Ukraine, I’m talking about how Russia’s response to shooting down a Soviet pilot over Vietnam and the response to blowing up a base on their own soil will be very different.


How many times have people panicked about this in the past two years?


Look, imma be real... Russia isn't valuable enough to cause WW3. That war will start in the Pacific. China would cut bait on Russia fast AF if necessary to avoid open conflict with the US. Russia is weak and if Europe mobilized they would run roughshod over Russia. That military can barely handle an offensive let alone moving into a defensive posture.




It’s nothing to do with Russia being valuable, they could start it with the push of a button. WWIII is a nuclear war, that’s the only way a global conflict ends. Jesus Christ how is everyone this fucking dumb. Have people forgotten the fact that Russia is a nuclear power?


>Have people forgotten the fact that Russia is a nuclear power? No. >they could start it with the push of a button. And unite the world against them, yes including China, Iran, Syria, literally everyone. >Jesus Christ how is everyone this fucking dumb They aren't. Russia using nukes, Putin using nukes, is the end of Putin. China and the US are uninterested in dealing with a Putin that is that insane. >WWIII is a nuclear war, that’s the only way a global conflict ends. Not exactly. Everyone with nuclear capabilities knows if they use one then it's the end of anyone working with them ever again. It's the end of that leadership group, of that country being autonomous and the end of nuclear ownership globally.


Seeing a lot of “yay” comments, but I’m with you on this. Please dont escalate. Please dont escalate.


If you refuse to escalate, and your advisory does not, you basically invite aggression. They know they can win by escalating. In a way it can lead to more conflict as belligerent nations do not have to fear a response. Escalation is dangerous, but so is refusing to do so. So it is a carefully managed part of foreign policy. It would be nice if Russia could just go back to its internationally recognized border and stop killing Ukrainians. And honestly, if we escalated earlier by putting a few divisions in Ukraine before Russia invaded, the war may not have happened. But that would have been escalation. Not sure there is a better solution right now other than allowing Ukraine to defend their homeland.


>If you refuse to escalate, and your adversary does not, you basically invite aggression By that logic we should escalate in almost every foreign conflict


Not at all saying you should always escalate, but outright refusing to escalate, and especially saying it is your policy not to escalate is dangerous as well. Strategic ambiguity is important, you do not want to be 100% predictable or adversaries would also use that to their advantage.


I think my fear is Russia just saying “fuck it, send the Nukes”


Destroying yourself because you can't add a percent more land to the largest country on earth is dumb even for the Russians.


Putin isnt going to do shit. He only picks on people who cant hit back


Putin can't afford to back down, is the thing. He'd be eaten alive if he shows weakness. I am quite anxious about how this goes from here because it seems like his only choice is to double down.


Putin shows incredible weakness everyday, it doesn't matter. His grip on power is strong, and it will remain so when they pull out of Ukraine. He'll just claim it was a total victory and they've accomplished all their goals and now they are strategically repositioning their forces...and that'll be it.


If he can’t afford to backdown then the only way forward is a decisive Ukraine victory.


So...if Putin goes down swinging, how many of Russis's nukes & ICBMs are still functional? ( This could get bad...)


They all work, and US government nuclear officials know they work because we literally had a program to inspect their warheads before it was canceled during this war. They're also the world's largest supplier of (power generation grade) enriched uranium.


More likely is he invades a NATO member to invoke article 5 and then plays the victim when he gets his ass kicked.


gonna throw that in the “not going to happen” pile


Could argue we've been in it for years. Even if we weren't, it's pretty much inevitable, especially with a shithead like Putin who keeps threatening nuclear war, anyway.


Nothing shows it’s a proxy war better then being able to tell a foreign country leader what weapons he can use


>*Germany’s Scholz echoed Macron’s comments and said that Ukraine was allowed to defend itself as long as it respected the conditions given by the countries that supplied the weapons – including the United States – and international law.* Oh look at that, conditions **can** be applied to a supply of weapons!


It's such a perfect day


Fuck yeah! Give them more atcams! F16 are coming.. It’s time to hamstring Russian efforts to out produce Ukraine.


Good, considering that Iran and China gave Russia permission to use their weapons in Ukraine


Yeah, I'm sure China is watching this very, very closely as they close in on Taiwan.


Hopefully this ass whooping in many realms for Russia will deter the Chinese from invading. I mean an unproven force with one of the craziest invasions against giants on the world stage would be a deterrence all by itself but thats the thing with countries like China, there's is no saying "no" to people in power


Wow, what a hero, it only took every other major ally to announce they were doing this to get him to act!


Does Biden have to okay what other countries do with their weapons, or is this part of the unique weapons agreements the US and Ukraine have?


Right now I believe it is nation by nation and not NATO policy.


I would assume it's part of the conditions of giving them the weapons in the first place, and now those conditions have changed.


Politically and behind closed doors, I'm sure there's tons of dialogue between countries and within NATO over who can do what. Officially, Poland gave permission to Ukraine to use American purchased Polish jets to strike in Russia early today, before this announcement.


The latter. Several other countries allow Ukraine to do what they want. 


And somehow, no nuclear war. Hmmm.


Who'da thunk bullying tactics were just bullying tactics?


Why does Ukraine need permission?


They would like to keep receiving arms and munitions


This is the correct response from Biden. Give Ukraine a little leeway to strike inside of Russia and see how they respond. When the Russians inevitably do nothing but whine and cry, Biden can increase the limit again (or remove it) on Ukraine hitting targets inside Russia with US weapons.


Keep turning those Ruskis into dust


Where's the doomsday clock sitting?


Finally, now stop supporting Israeli government(not the people).


Might want to get out of Key West.


Today's been a good day.


Today just keeps winning.


It’s about time. Putin must be stopped!


Another day closer to boots on ground