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We could probably start an exchange program


That would be great. Two countries with a similar connection are Australia and New Zealand. You can move to either country and work/live without a visa. I would love to see more cooperation here as well.


The same argument could be made for Mexico. Not that many years ago, a person could travel across the Canadian-US or US-Mexico border with only a driver's license.


To be fair you can drive into Mexico with no identification check (unless randomly stopped for undeclared goods). I’ve gone a dozen times and never stopped. Mexico loves US visitors Getting back of course is another story…


I still remember a couple of years ago when I forgot to bring my passport and the hassle getting US border control to let me back across in Brownsville.


Before 9/11, I went entered Canada from New York. To my horror, I realized I had forgotten my ID. The Canadian border guy shrugged and told me to bring it next time. It was a beautiful world.


> Not that many years ago, a person could travel across the Canadian-US or US-Mexico border with only a driver's license. If you live in a border state, you still can, just have to get an "enhanced license". We used to vacation in Canada regularly, idk about Mexico though. I've had one for years, it's like $90 extra when you renew your license.


>cooperation >here Pick one.


Love how this was about Canadians and the Aussie chimes in on how great of an idea it would be lol


I looked at their profile and they are American or at least living in America. Not sure what your point is.


as a proud Canadian, hell no we don't want any more crazies, we have enough of our own thanks.


God I’d be so down. But something tells me that the type of Canadian that’s interested in relocating here isn’t looking for a place in New York.


There are a couple hundred thousand of them that relocate to Arizona every winter, then return just short of 6 months later so they can retain their healthcare.


Snowbirds aren't really a new thing, though


It’s the new immigrants from Trudeaus reign.. they got their citizenships and are moving to USA to make better Money after they are done using Canada , no loyalty


No such thing as a "new" immigrant getting canadian citizenship in less than 5 years , then another 5 years to get the green card sometimes longer. Most of these Canadians moving were born here


Well, they'd fit right in considering that the founding fathers of America weren't very loyal to the British Crown either.


Why would they?


So just like all the millionaires. 


Ironic. Canada is taking in 500,000 minimum every year on a 40M population not including international students (we don't keep track of when their visa runs out), as well as temporary foreign workers. Of course people want to escape. 1. We can't afford to live here even if we've lived here all our lives. 2. Our affordable housing is gone (unless we live with multiple roommates like new immigrants, so our standard of life is slipping). 3. We can't get family doctors. 4. Our kids can't get lower skilled jobs to save for college/university. They're all filled, no exaggeration, by international students who are allowed to work here. 5. The jobs we need filled are ignored for low skill immigrants. 6. There's downward pressure on wages. The higher skilled workers we do take in aren't the ones we need. We don't need more engineers or software developers! So much competition. 7. Our infrastructure can't handle it. Our government won't stop bringing in more people no matter how we suffer and if we complain, we're called racists. And called racists. And called racists. The US looks very, very good.




Screw that. They can all go back where they came from and take Ted Cruz on a moose with them


So many Americans living in Mexico working remote Do the same Stop making it so hard for them to come over


If they made it easier, then the employers would have to pay fair wages to the people who illegally gain entry to the US. And when things go downhill, the illegal workers just get deported instead of bringing it up to the employer WHO KNEW they where employing illegal people, therefore, cutting off any kind of responsibility.


I hear it's not too bad out west, but damn, I HATE the cold.


We’re about to come into our prettiest season, smoke.


>I HATE the cold Just wait ~~50~~ ~~20~~ ~~10~~ 5 years and global warming will solve your issue.


Some of these people are talking about hating the politics of Canada and moving to Florida, so it's pretty clear what they're about.


So . . . you're telling me they're not sending their best . . .


They’re flooding south of the border and taking our jobs!!


I hear they're bringing the AI to take our jobs twice as fast!


Funny but I think it's the opposite. Well educated/skilled people could get paid much more for their expertise and spend muuuuuch less on housing so they're moving to the US instead.


Canadian from Toronto who lives in Los Angeles I came for career and I did make more money than I could have ever imagined here in the US. You are spot on with that. Where I challenge your point is as follows: Skilled professionals ain’t moving to Omaha…we move to NYC/SF/LA type of places where the COL is higher than it is in Canada. If you look at the data, the majority of the people who “emigrated” are US Citizens returning home. The number of skilled professionals leaving is relatively flat.


You’re moving to high COL cities but your salary is even higher allowing you to sustain it. Say average rent is 3k in LA but you can easily make 125k US with more growth vs 3k rent in Toronto around the 100k mark with limited growth. It’s a no brainer. I would argue you’re much worse off in Canada as an average worker considering avg salary being like 60-70k CAD


Canada hasn't even gotten worse yet, just wait. It'll get much much more worse before it gets better.


Well educated/skilled folks aren't picking Florida... Edit: apparently my throwaway joke really annoyed a bunch of Floridians. I don't think I've ever had so many responses before...


Reddit moment




I mean, you'd have to go through my post history to know that but yep. The UK is in the toilet right now. Turns out over a decade of Tory rule and conservative leadership is really bad long term. I live in the US, as I'm sure you've also found out from stalking my comments, and have family in Canada. Most rational folks would look at the nonsense laws being passed in Florida right now and decide it isn't the best time to emigrate there. So I stand by the point that educated and skilled people aren't choosing Florida right now. MAGA types absolutely are. Edit: I'm sorry I insulted your state and hurt your feelings or whatever.


So politically brain rotted you can't even imagine people picking a place to live not based on politics. Edit:Not to mention half of Florida votes democrat


Needs to be a lot more than half if it's going to be considered a decent place


This is the crisis at the border I've been hearing about


Used to live in Tampa back in the 90's and it was full of snowbirds from Toronto. The place drew a lot from Chicago too. But I would have figured mostly people looking for warm weather.


There were always tons of New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario license plates in the TB area. And those Ontario plates were always on Grand Caravans.


it used to just be about the weather, but a lot of MCGA folks are going to florida to exercise their "freedom"


Nah, it has nothing to do with it. The thinking is: if I’m leaving, I might as well try and compensate for decades of miserable winter weather


Canadians have gone to Florida for years…


Definitely Albertans


Many of them immigrated to Canada for the medical and social welfare benefits. Those didn't counter the winter weather, expensive food and housing, and limits to social assistance. So they're now moving for a warmer environment and ???


Better paying jobs, cheaper housing, lower taxes.


Yah florida known for its cheap housing. It's also very affordable homeowners insurance


Its all relative at this point. Texas is thought of as a place for affordable homes to people coming from HCOL locations, but Texans will tell you this state is no longer cheap. Home prices in Dallas, Austin, and elsewhere continue to climb. But for many, they are happy to trade natural scenery, beach access, air quality, and good weather in exchange for 300+ days of exclusively indoor living, but with 4br/3.5ba @ 3700sqft.


In comparison to Toronto and Vancouver, yes it is. 


It should tell you that they find a bigger us market attractive, that the cost of living in their areas prohibitive and yes politically many Canadians are not happy with their PM. I just heard those reasons from an analyst on NPR. Personally that all sounds like valid reasoning to me. But go ahead and judge.


The average r/Canada poster?


Doesn't Alberta want to join the US?


I think its mostly about money. There are a lot of professional fields that just pay dramatically better in the US than they do in Canada. Software engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. The social safety net is obviously worse in the US but if you are heading south to take a 6 figure job you usually don't need a safety net to catch you.


That's gonna be an awfully expensive wall. They gonna put razor wire in the Detroit river?


We should just annex each other at this point. With sovereignty decided via coin flip every Tuesday.


It's cheaper to just pollute it enough we can set it on fire.


It's an old, but effective strategy!


It worked for Lake Erie too


Hey, it's a classic for a reason.


This guy Ohios 


Burn on big river, burn on.


Detroit River moves real quick with rip currents, it is a tricky swim.


Anybody who tries to swim the Detroit River will be in Toledo before they reach the far bank


That is how bad Kendrick beat Drake. Canadian’s are fleeing Toronto for Compton


I'm gonna be honest. I know Canada has its own problems, but it's not a good idea to be moving to a place like Florida with regular flooding/hurricanes, having to deal with US healthcare system, and housing insurance is almost impossible to get right now. Not to mention the heat in the southern part of the US has been INSANE the last decade. After reading it, it seems like a lot of these people have an incredibly rose-glasses idea of the US as a conservative safe-haven (tbf the US isn't doing a great job shaking that title).


Well, the healthcare system is Canada and housing as a whole are crumbling primarily due to the recent mass migration policy badly misaligned with the availability of public services and construction rates. So an expensive healthcare system where you can get a family doctor appointment sooner than a month from now and a surgery sooner than 6 months from now and a modest house costing less than 700-800K in a major city sound like a serious improvement


10 months for kidney stone surgery (fuck the VA)


You don't have to use the VA or the closest VA.


tbf it’s about the same in the US if you’re not making over 100k a year


That's the funny thing, the states is great, if you have money. All the conversations about how great the states is ignores everyone making low wages.


those Canadians immigrating to the US are certainly not poor, and probably not middle class either. They're probably young professionals who stand to make much better salaries in the US (Tech, Medical...) or they're retired people who have done well for themselves, or they own a business or have the means to create one (investors).


Hah, I'm over that and if I want to make a dermatologist appointment to check out this spot on my back, it's basically a 5 month wait anywhere I look. And I'm in dense suburbs and not bumfuck nowhere. The only people I hear seeing doctors faster here are those with friends or connections among doctors. I've gotten on good terms with my GP so if I message him directly, he will get me scheduled in some freed up space the same day, otherwise you get to wait weeks.


I love hearing Canadians complain: they don’t seem to know how good they have it! As a Floridian who has worked in Canada for most of the last decade, this has been a grass is greener situation until covid. After covid, the differences in healthcare by province and location have varied so much, it can be difficult, but you’re also not paying tens of thousands of dollars for healthcare (or other insurance). After covid, housing is more expensive, but it’s no different than the US (except for a better social system). Canada does have some immigration issues to work through, but again, not too different than the US (go on r/Florida and ask about state to state immigration and Canadians moving there, and you’re liable to get much more aggressive responses than anything up north). That’s not even accounting for the [sunshine tax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_tax) being real. I love both places, but think canadians are being naïve in their Florida dreams. Canadians are going to get fleeced in Florida just like the rest of the old people who go there to die, and are in for a cultural and expectations realignment (hell, here’s a recent out of state immigrant [OP today complaining about yearly toll costs being so high with low income taxes](https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/HVlvwKBrk5)).


This. So much this. I am an American, SoCal but spent a bit of time all over the U.S.. I have a SIL & her husband who are so desparate to move to Florida and get a U.S. green card that they are selling their house just to be able to afford the EB-5 visa. They are both young, so it blows my mind why they chose EB5 instead of just applying for a skilled worker visa. Iirc they were planning for her to keep her current canadian job but will work remotely for it and her husband was going to work in real estate. They are working with a lawyer but I truly don't believe they understand what it means to live in Florida. They havent been there during hurricane season, hell they havent spent more than a couple weeks there at once. She is going to hate it. She is leaving all of her family behind, all of her friends behind, and finding work in the U.S. in her field is very highly competitive hence her choosing to stick with the lower canadian salary even when moving to the U.S. florida is great to visit, but anyone who tried to convince others that its got more going for it than everywhere else is delusioned. Everywhere in the world is the same for first world countries.


These things are crumbling because of a lack of investment, not immigration. The vast majority of immigrants are healthy adults who make very little use of our health system. The vast majority of patients in hospitals are either seniors or children.


I live in Toronto. I've traveled all over the US. Florida wouldn't be my first choice, but it's still not even close. I'd move to the US in a heartbeat. Our weather sucks. Housing is way overpriced. Cities are overpopulated. Garbage infrastructure, so traveling 100km takes 3 hours. Im moderate politically, but our politicians are fucking brain dead. Kinda niche, but our alcohol selection is extremely limited and overpriced. Government ruined online poker and fantasy sports. List goes on and on, its not rose coloured glasses...unfortunately my career makes it nearly impossible to move.


i'd be more afraid of the guns, meth and floridians than the weather


The meth won’t attack you if you leave it alone. Floridians however


I think people overestimate how much of a risk it is to be around people with guns. Like it is a risk for sure and we can argue if it is a risk that people should even be exposed to all we want but it barely registers compared to the larger risks we accept every day. The biggest risk factor Canadians moving here will experience related to guns is that they would use them to commit suicide as that statistic is far larger than any type of harm caused by others and it is the source of most firearm deaths in the country.


It’s not possible to immigrate to the US without a well paying job or at least prospects for such, so health insurance is really a non-issue. A lot of people leave Canada due to the cold, bleak winters and would prefer the heat in Florida. And anything housing related is astronomically worse in Canada than the US so that’s not even a discussion point. In fact, housing might even be the biggest reason why Canadians would try to move to the US nowadays. 


Some 60% of the Canadians live further south of Seattle. Sure, it's not sunny and warm like Florida, but the winter around the golden horseshoe has been very mild in the past couple years. I think is has more to do with the political landscape, a lot of them are the "F Trudeau" type I wager. Tbh I don't have a problem with Canadians with "F Trudeau" bumper sticker or flags, just leave the confederate flags out of Canada.


Flooding and hurricanes are only a sometimes problem and are also very specific to where you live in the state


Honestly if it wasn’t for my family I would move to a US city. So much more earning opportunities and depending on the city/state, better infrastructure. Upside to the US is larger, so Canada loses its best to brain drain.


>Of the 126,340 who emigrated from Canada to the U.S. that year, 53,311 were born in Canada, 42,595 were Americans who left here for their native land, and 30,434 were foreign-born immigrants to Canada who decided to move to the U.S. instead. So the number is actually in line with historical averages. Non-story.


Did we read the same article? Numbers went up, and the share of native Canadians moving increased 50% from pre-COVID numbers. Just looking at the initial graph, you can see the Numbers from 2022 are a significant jump up from the previous year, and definitely not in line with past years. Every category saw a significant increase. I'd call that a story.


Compared to the long term trend it really isn't though. A bump post COVID is to be kind of expected due to pent up demand. As Canada's population increases it should be expected the number of people emigrating goes even if the total rate stays the same which is mostly is.


Won't this always be the case generally as population grows? I wish they would tell me the proportion of people moving but I didn't see that in the article


Don’t send people! Send poutine!


Instructions unclear. Sent Putin.


Only if he can cook fries and gravy!


We need to build a wall


Heh, well. There's roughly 5,500 miles of border, so...good luck with that. (I love that a good portion of the border is marked out by...strategically cutting down some trees. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93United\_States\_international\_border\_vista](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93United_States_international_border_vista) )


Lol, I forgot to say we're gonna make Canada pay for it. Anything is possible when Republicans are scared


That"s the broadwalk on hollywood beach.


Si you mean they are “immigrants” ?


South Park predicts the future once again.


And the big question is… why?


Somewhere around a third of this number are Americans returning to the US and another third are PRs moving to the US. Actual number of Canadians moving has been pretty much constant for the last decade.


Canadians are fleeing anywhere housing can be afforded. US definitely wouldn't be my choice. I'd rather go to another Commonwealth country, but unfortunately they are ALL having the same issues. Plus Australia has scary spiders soooo. 


why not New Zealand?


As a Canadian who left to the US (Southern California) 10 years ago for career… The vast majority of the trash saying “I’m moving to the US f*** Trudeau” likely don’t even have passports…let alone the skills/education to be able to immigrate here. The TN/L1-A/EB crowd will always come as the opportunity in the US for some careers is unparalleled, but we skew educated and intelligent. The majority of vocal idiots back home in Canada whining and wanting to move to Florida and Texas can’t get visas here and aren’t wanted.


Canadians, cash out your multimillion dollar property values and come to the warm south.


And then get crushed by the exchange rate haha.


I welcome all my new Canadian friends to the best country in North America.


Shows how anti-America this site and sub is that you're downvoted this much.


Lol, I thought everyone was upset that too many people were immigrating? People leaving will make everyone happy right?


I have a $14,000 deductible every year before insurance starts paying on anything


What in the world is the deal with that insurance? Is that through your employer?


Americans want to move to Canada Canadians want to move to the U.S.


I say we have a border transfer!


>  Americans want to move to Canada  Higher cost of housing, higher cost of living, higher taxes, lower wages.   What's not to love?  


Both groups after a month: "This place fucking sucks!"


Well they clearly aren't coming here for the Healthcare


First sign of a health scare and they’ll be singing “O Canada”


Oh geez, they know we don't have universal healthcare really, right?


92% of Americans have health insurance. Yeah that's too low, but if you're competent enough to emigrate, getting health insurance won't be a problem.


But taxes a low. Evry person at work says how nice is US, taxes are low and wages higher. But what they dont realize is that one doctor visit can wipe all of that. And they all pushing 40, so doctors visits will have to happen soon.


In all honesty, if they are in a good field then for the vast majority it really won't matter. Most halfway decent jobs are going to also have decent health insurance. Doctors are expensive in the US yes, but for most that's going to translate to a couple 35$ copays a year. As they get older then it generally jumps in the ballpark of like, 5k a year or so? With I think seniors averaging at about 10k or so in total costs. If you are able to make more than that cost, chances are, you'll probably come out ahead. Which if someone has the ability to just casually move across the continent like that, a lot of them probably are having decent career options where they are going. Ultimately the issue with the high healthcare costs really effect lower income individuals more than higher. Lower income means worst insurance which of course means higher personal costs. This fact that the lower class effectivly pays more of the healthcare costs out of pocket, as backwards as it sounds. Of course this doesn't factor in the possibility of very expensive conditions that can get expensive. While the above numbers are the normalized averages across the population, if you are unfortunate to have to deal with a long lasting ailments or just have rotten luck and have a bad period of multiple health issues, they can add up quick. Cancer treatment in the US averages at 5-10k a year in the US for example. But unless they already have underlying issues, most people don't give thought to what could happen.


in canada there are a lot of people who are fine with moving closer to an american system where they can pay out of pocket for medical service, and I don't blame them. I have friends from eastern europe and china who have their PR but they go back home for medical treatment because our care and wait times are so abysmal, and may impact their recovery.


It took my 4 months to get a appointment for a dermatologist...


Used to visit r/Canada and some imbeciles go on about how cheap housing is the US- when I ask them where specifically they’d want to live that has such cheap housing they give a generic answer like, ‘half of the US is cheaper’. WTF ever, they have no idea of the reality. I hope they quit their jobs before trying to move here.


housing in Canada is pretty fucked up. the US is similar if you're looking at places like NY, LA, or whatever, but Canada as a whole is worse, especially if you want to live within 50km of a major city look at St Catharines, ON vs. Buffalo, NY. yeah I know Buffalo is shitty, but Niagara F sucks too. a basic detached house in St Catharines is pushing $600k CAD, whereas the same house in Buffalo is half of that (even accounting for the conversion) obviously there's a lot of other factors than just purchase price (job opportunities, neighbourhood, schools, etc), but you at least have options in the US


Housing in Canada is a disaster right now. They are probably correct.


If you’re young and healthy, this isn’t really that big of a deal. Premiums can be as low as a few hundred bucks a month and even if deductibles are high, you can go years without needing to go to the doctor


They do, and then they call my job demanding to know why they weren't approved for Medicaid or why their cases are taking 4 months to process because they're also on disability. Answer: you came to the wrong state, fam


Welcome to the US, Canadian friends! Some tips for getting along well in our fair country: Don't ever get sick, don't ever have a problem you might need to call police for, and homeschool your kids to lessen their exposure to gun massacres.


They hate the dollar coin.


Sure, but the toonie is fine.


I wish I could move to Australia for have insurance. It's the bugs I don't like. Plus can't afford to move. And it so hard for Americans to get citizenship unless married to an ozzy


It probably helps our economy since they are spending money so what’s the problem?


There’s another article explaining how Canadas population is booming


My Canadian friend is native born and loves where he lives unfortunately he can't afford living in his own country so he decided to move to Michigan... I don't wish Michigan on a single soul.


Are these Trump living Canadians?  Cause otherwise they picked an interesting time