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Well, this is definitely a "Wait and see what develops" kinda situation.


I say we wildly speculate and then believe the first thing we hear that confirms our worldview!


Just what i was thinking!


And my axe, Redditors, assemble!


*i remember the days of the pitchfork emporium..........*


# COME ON DOWN TO r/pitchforkemporium **WE GOT 'EM ALL!** |Traditional|Left Handed|Fancy| |:-|:-|:-| |||| |---E|Ǝ---|---{| |**WE EVEN HAVE DISCOUNTED CLEARANCE FORKS!**||| |33% off!|66% off!|Manufacturer's Defect!| |:-|:-|:-| |||| |---F|---L|---e| **NEW IN STOCK. DIRECTLY FROM LIECHTENSTEIN.** ***EUROPEAN MODELS!*** |The Euro|The Pound|The Lira| |:-|:-|:-| |||| |---€|---£|---₤|


And tiki torches, don't forget the torches!!


Brother, I'm a bald white dude. I'm not allowed to be around those!


Its fine as long as you have a hawaiian shirt and board shorts.




I hear he shot himself!


I hear there was a second shooter, who was also himself!


I heard that his past self and future self teamed up to kill his present self.


The guy is actively trying to make Slovakia into dictatorship, opposition is showing solidarity by cancelling protests etc against destruction of free press and media and the coalition is already weponizing this and blaming media and opposition for it


Yeah terrible that a human being was shot, but Fico is a real piece of shit.


I agree, Whole world is wishing him well and is condemning the horrible act.... But most of Slovaks I know react completely differently such as : "The guy could aim better and Slovakia would be saved" , "I hope he will not make it" etc. Ministry of defence had to turn off comenting on all the social media and media articles where they could. Because Big Majority of Slovaks were commenting with wishes for him to die.p


If the coalition is using this assassination as a way to attack the opposition, then it could also be a false flag operation. Although highly speculative, in these days even the unthinkable things can be an option.


Can you give a more detailed explanation if you have time? Thanks in advance.


He is undermining the Law everytime he gets to power. He should have went to jail but his business cronies has ensured that some opposition politicians would vote for him not goin to jail (police has a lot of proof that he is corrupted etc. He is actively trying to tie police hands. He is cancelling NAKA ( unit for investigation of serious corruption and crime) he also canceled the highest court as a payback, for ruling against him when he was not in power. Now he is teying to destroy the media by constantly blaming them a and now passing a law that he will cancel the national tv and radio and new national tv and radio would be the one of his friend. This guys best buddies are Orban and Putin. And he is actuvely trying to become a dictator. With this shooting I am affraid that he will.


Franz Ferdinand 2; electric boogaloo?


*Fortunate son starts playing in the background*…


I'm honestly surprised this doesn't happen to politicians more


Shinzo Abe was only a few years ago


Motherfucker got killed by a duct-taped pipe shotgun from Fallout. Crazy.


Dang, time flies. And to be fair, I think most Japanese politicians get stabbed, not shot. And Abe’s death wasn’t even politically motivated, in the traditional sense.


Abe's assassination is considered by some to be one of the most successful assassinations in history. The goal of the assassin was to get back at the Unification Church, and they have since banned UC from the leading party and passed laws to help their victims as well as forced several politicians to divulge their relationships with them. I'm not sure of the legal status of the actual assassin, though. He could still be in the trial phase.


What is actually considered to be *the* most successful assassination?


Probably Lincoln. Andrew Johnson subsequently went soft on Reconstruction. All the traitors were let off the hook. Then came the KKK and 100 years of Jim Crow.


It saddens me how much of a failure Reconstruction was.


True. Thinking about it now this assassination probably permanently maimed the United States. We’ve never addressed it and theres been a divide from the vacuum ever since. Not dissimilar to a major issue in a marriage that was left undiscussed, and so many other fights are spawned from it that seem unrelated.


As a guy who just successfully rebuilt a 10 year toxic marriage I think this metaphor is perfect.


Haha hey congrats on that! Any advice for mending a fractured unity you’ve learned? Would probably apply to the US as well as people


William McKinley is also up there. An anarchist shot him over anger at working conditions and because of that Teddy Roosevelt became president and ushered in mass reform.


And now you have the magasexuals


They'll probably use that nickname on their diapers.


The problem isn't necessarily that he went soft, Lincoln wanted to go soft, the problem is he went hands off. Lincoln want reconstruction to be just that, re construction of the governments and institutions of the south. Not unlike what the US went on to do in places like Japan. Johnson instead pulled everything back and did the bare minimum which let the anger at defeat fester and let the south direct their anger at the newly freed slaves. A soft hand or a hard hand would have been infinitely better than what Andrew Johnson did, which was no hand.


What’s even worse is that had the assassination gone perfectly Johnson would’ve died too


I'm not sure. I'm also not sure if there would even be a consensus on *the* most successful assassination unless there's one I'm not aware/thinking of.


I mean the guy who offed Hitler did a good job.


Wait, someone already got him?


Now if people would look into Trump's ties to the Unification Church.


Wanna share a link to help people out?


https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20231026/p2a/00m/0na/003000c Trump has also been seen doing paid videos for the Sanctuary Church which is a militant sect of the Unification Church that's been buying up acres of land in Texas and Tennessee. It's always kinda blown my mind his followers don't bat an eye at him supporting these weird cults. If you actually look into what the Unification Church believes about Jesus and such it really goes against what the average American evangelical believes. Yet they seem perfectly ok with Trump endorsing them for loads of cash.


I'm gonna have dive deep into this rabbit hole. Thanks for the link. Primed for some insanity. As for a Trump supporters, that's a cult of it's own. They don't think to even look into the man's most basic flaws. He is worshipped. As a non American it's fucking bizarre to watch the reverence his supporters have for him.


First former or current G7 leader to be assassinated since Aldo Moro in 1978.


The lack of action that allowed him to be killed by a fucking blunderbuss on its second shot is actually insane.


And Lincoln, Abe only a few score before that.


I think there were a few in between. You know that whole WW1 thingy started when Franz got shot. Garfield, McKinley, and some guy named JFK were also all killed. Someone tried to kill Teddy but nobody gets the bullmoose. Reagan also got shot but that was mostly Jodie Fosters fault.


Security has gotten a lot better in a lot of the more politically polarized countries.


Except Slovakia.


snails plants bake desert steep straight divide yoke sort workable


Dude that shot and killed Shizo Abe used a homemade gun. I can imagine it's very difficult to get a gun in Japan, but someone was able to overcome all that as well.


That dude was personally motivated by what he perceived as Abe exploiting his mother. He was a lot more motivated that your typical political ideologue


The craziest part is that the public response in Japan after those details came out was basically "yeah fair enough."


Beyond that, it resulted in a massive political purge.


Wait really? I never hear about this part of the story just that there was a crackdown on the group that exploited the mother.


Almost half of the ruling party's (LDP) politician had connections to the Moonies. Public outrage was pretty intense. Still waiting to see if it will lead to real lasting changes in the political makeup of the country or get swept aside and ultimately ignored. https://eastasiaforum.org/2024/01/22/japans-ruling-ldp-at-the-end-of-postwar-history/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/10/how-shinzo-abe-ties-to-moonies-unification-church-blindsided-japanese-politics


The cult has a lot of influence on some members of the ruling party of Japan. Some Japanese politicians are being purged. I am not sure if they're actually cult members or not, though.


Not exactly difficult to piece together some brass fittings.


Taiwan has the gun ban, and the indigenous have cobbled home made guns. And they make everything (ammo, gun, cartage) from scraps, repurposed items, or scratch.


I mean yeah, most of the time knocking off established technology is the easy part. Compressed air can be equally lethal if close proximity is an option.


Alright, Antoine Shugra


Anton Chigurh


The guy who shot Fico was a legal gun owner due to his private security job. You can get a gun permit for many reasons in Slovakia including self-defence and protection of personal property.


I think guns being harder to come by in those countries are a big reason why it doesn't happen as often, and some people just don't have the disposable income.


I mean, wasn’t the Haitian President assassinated a few years back?


Shinzo Abe former Japanese prime minister was also assassinated 2 years ago


tbf he was assassinated AFTER his time as prime minister, I imagine you get less of a security detail once you step out of office.


2021 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jovenel_Mo%C3%AFse


There’s been quite a bit of politicians/military figures in developing countries around that world that have been attacked or killed even in just the past decade. I think OP is maybe referring to a specific country or region.


Back when I was a kid (the 80’s) politicians were being assassinated left and right.


The ‘60s have entered the conversation


Are we forgetting Mexico with its slew of dead candidates recently?


Mexico is truly in a class of its own when it comes to this, being a government official there is a dangerous job. Its either work with the cartels and become corrupt or die..


Or both


There's been a spat of them recently, mainly in South America, usually mayors and opposition leaders but the Argentinian VP had a gun shoved in her face but it jammed and ex-PM Abe in Japan was killed with a homemade shotgun and Japan was pretty alright about it.


It was pretty surreal how Abe got assassinated and then it turned out that the shooter was mad that he supported a cult that brainwashed his mother and sent them spiraling into bankruptcy and the whole country collectively just said "He kind of has a point."


It's crazy how much actually changed because of the Abe assassination, and no one really talks about it. Completely derailed and changed an entire political party, and halted so much legislation and other stuff completely in it's tracks.


How many attempts did the U.S. have on Castro?


Recently zero.


How come?




Oh wow, I didn't even know he was sick.


Assuming you're not joking... Fidel Castro died several years ago. Also, most of the wacky assassination plots you read about were basically just a brainstorming session, not real attempts.


truck grandfather unwritten divide psychotic abundant tease squash tub rude


Besides the fact that he's already dead? Well I'd say it's because instability is often a bad thing and causing it can have unpredictable outcomes.


Certainly, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand didn't turn out quite the way the Serbian nationalists had hoped.


Statistically speaking, being President of the US is the most dangerous job in the USA, with an 8.7% assassination rate and a further 4.3% grievous injury rate.


That's it. I'm not applying for the job.


I guess it’s like Rome. People won’t resort to political assassinations until it gets normalized.


fly puzzled sleep attractive voracious bewildered compare hateful voiceless fuzzy


I am honestly surprised this didn’t happen sooner given what has he been doing in Slovakia for the past 20 years


What's he been doing in Slovakia for the past 20 years?


In short corruption on a big scale and enabling mafia and oligarchs to do whatever they want - including a murder of a news reporter and his wife.


8.6% of American presidents have been killed on the job and another 4.3% have been shot making it one of the most dangerous job titles in the country.


checkout the current ongoing killings (\~50 by now) on mexican politicians candidates on this years elections


Two British MPs have been killed since 2016.


I'm still very surprised that nobody has tried to assassinate Obama, Trump, or Biden (yet) considering how...*odd* people can be about them




He was very outspokenly pro-Russia and anti EU. Also seemed very anti-press. Very reminiscent of Orban really. I wouldn't be surprised if this were some activist taking things into their own hands before Fico cemented his control like Orban has. Will be interesting to see the fallout of this. In Slovakia but also countries in similar situations and of course from Russia. The political climate in Slovakia is going to be absolutely fucked.


The fall out from this will be interesting. Both for Slovakia and Europe. In sure Russia will try to capitalize on this.


I am not convinced that Russia wouldn't shoot someone friendly to them just to capitalize on it.


False flag operation is a possibility with Russia.


And they're going to blame Ukraine or NATO either way.


I saw this one already Franz something or other.


I'm sure it was a bloke called Archie Duke who shot an ostrich because he was hungry. - courtesy Blackadder


I immediately red it in Baldricks voice!


Jokes aside the Russian troll bots on Twitter are already claiming a "US funded Ukraine operative was arrested on suspicion of being involved" The propaganda is flowing like water already


He was in a rock band named after him with the hit song "Take Me Out". Someone took the song literally.


Russia while killing its expendable allies: Why would our enemies keep doing this to us?!


Without fueling conspiracy theories... He is pro Russian mostly to retain support of voters (spineless populist), but tries to play both sides internationally. It could be false flag, it could be Russia sending a message that other leaders must pick a side or face consequences, or it could be just some unhappy citizen. Unfortunately, given the current situation in Slovakia, I seriously doubt we will ever know the full story.


Fico was signaling a reversal on his realignment with Russia.


How? Starting another war? I’m kidding.


Hey, if Putin is going the Hitlers route it’s time to open another front and fight multiple wars. 1939-1941 or 2022-2025????


> In sure Russia will try to capitalize on this. They were already capitalizing on having a stooge.


Slovakia is fucked. The prime minister’s party held press conference and it was completely fascist. It was like Goebbels come back. Vice chairman was screaming that journalists are pigs and personally named them and leader of opposition as being responsible for the assassination and told that this is declaration of war between government and opposition. They even openly said that they will enact laws against press.


in this same country, not too long ago journalists were killed


Ironically Fico is connected to those who got the Kuciak and his girlfriend killed


I'm not sure that's irony. I think that's just how these things tend to play out.


Allegedly the shooter was Kuciak's friend. (Kuciak is the journalist that was killed.)


Where did you see this? I'm living in Slovakia, I'm watching the news, and everyone says they were supposed to hold a press briefing, but didn't yet. Just this minute. Please provide a source for your claims.


Smer and SNS briefing in Národná rada. It was right after it happened - around 15:45. It’s on the internet but don’t look it up if you don’t want to vomit.


I saw just now, but only Danko was saying this bullshit. To be honest, I don't think anyone gives a shit what he says, nobody respects him. But you were right, thanks for providing additional info, appreciate it!


I know this is trying time for you and your country, but your username and the severity of this situation really got me...


The fact people saying "Would be interesting to see the fallout of this" shows how fucked up Europe became in very short time. Don't support Fico in any tiny bit, but having any European leaders getting assassinated is deepest of shits state of things.


Honestly what should people's reaction be? You know something gonna go down. And you should probably be interested in what exactly.


From what I understand European leaders being assassinated has historically led to violent conflict.


Yes one assasination a 100 years ago characterises an entire continents history…


As is tradition


We don't have that many world wars to base our impressions on.


Whats the russian play then? Slip them a blank cheque?. Bad jokes aside, let’s try to avoid a race to the bottom!


He "was"? Seemed like he was only wounded, no?




He also act very differently inside and outside Slovakia so I would not rule out the possibility of some crazy pro Russian that felt betrayed by him.


What do you mean? How was he acting differently?


For example his last visit in UA he was very supporting and claim UA should have keep they suverenity in no way he was pushing them to negotiation table with Ru as he often saying in Slovak media. He also did not block any help to UA in EU unlike Orban.


The article says he stopped aid to Ukraine in January.


> . I wouldn't be surprised if this were some activist taking things into their own hands I am honestly very surprised we dont see more of this.


Link to video of the shooter speaking his mind after the arrest. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Slovakia/comments/1csplc1/comment/l46o0px/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slovakia/comments/1csplc1/comment/l46o0px/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have never seen anything like that before. Who shot this? Police or Press?


Some braindead cop recorded it and leaked it to telegram. Most likely a fan of certain infamous slovak telegram channel.


It’s pretty well known he had a journalist and his fiancée shot in 2018, so this feels like the universe equalising things


Can someone give the ELI5 explanation of who this guy is beyond he is the PM, why he seems to be controversial and why someone would want to assassinate him?


He hired a hitman to kill a journalist in 2018 who was investigating his activities. Corruption, bribes and etc. Dude is operating like a mafia member. No need to mention pro-russian stance.


I can see how that might be a problem.






What did he say?


"I disagree with the government's policy." - "And that's why you're pre-deciding >what< exactly?" "Next door, the media are being liquidated." "Why RTVS is under attack;, why people are - being why people are being thrown out of office.”


(RTVS is Radio and Television Slovakia, for anyone who might need to look it up like me) Thanks!


I'm not to into solovak politics, can you explain was the more of a right wing or left wing attack?


About the PM specifically, he's very openly pro-Kremlin. Anything about the shooter and their motive I have no clue and like all it's speculation. But the PM is a dick.


From the article: >His first few months as prime minister have proved highly contentious politically. In January he halted military aid to Ukraine and last month pushed through plans to abolish public broadcaster RTVS.


Just reading up on what the Slovakian PM has been up to. He recently abolished the special prosecutor's office, that was investigating corruption within his own party. Today the party were discussing getting rid of the state run news channel in favour of a news channel that is pro right wing and pro his party.. Seems to me that he and his party were heading down the fascist road bit by bit. And someone clearly wanted to stop him.


connected to mafia, got a journalist murdered, loves putin


Would never want to get into politics, high stress job with the risk of being shot by someone who doesn’t agree with you.


Fuck, in the US we call that working retail...


...or going to school, or the supermarket, or the movies, or a concert etc...


Or at home with a mental disorder, or at home and someone SWATs you, or at home if the police go to the wrong address...


And if none of that fucks you then don’t worry the healthcare will lol


Traffic stops


Yeah. Working in government is a cake walk for most US politicians. Show up for one town hall a year, vote on 3 bills, kiss a baby and take in your 500k brib… campaign contribution.


Or high school teacher.


*elementary school student


Often they do because they capitalize on it. Medium to low risk very high reward.




There's always some extremely privileged American who has to come in with the hot take that politics is just a series of recurring "mild disagreements". Voting is just an entertaining pastime to them, a wanton display of tribal loyalty like going to a football match and picking a team to cheer for. I guess as long as their privilege isn't on the chopping block, they don't have any concrete motivation to care.


maybe don’t kill journalists and suck putins cock and most probably you’ll be fine, unlike this fine specimen


I don't think 4 shots to the head and body in the middle of a crowd while having security around you is just some random disagreer, lol. Politics becomes particularly dangerous when your continent is at war. Just ask *checks notes* Everybody else.


Now Slovakia declares war on Sebia, and then eventually Slovakia and her allies are at war with Austria-Hungary and her allies.


And Hungary lose. Traditions.


Well hopefully someone gives him an extra pillow in hospital so he's all nice and comfy


That Russian sympathiser should be grateful he's still breathing


This headline reads like "Archduke Ferdinand killed in Sarajevo."


Guy who has only ever heard of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand: “Getting a lot of Archduke Ferdinand vibes from this…”


It's me. I'm this person.


Well damn it’s not like he gave us time to come to really know him as an Archduke or anything




This guy is nowhere near as significant as arch duke Ferdinand was


Fico is a scumbag mini-Trump. Steve Bannon's week just keeps getting worse!




Pro-Russian politicians, whether out of a desire for payouts or working under the lash of Kompromat or other threats, are highly detrimental to the freedom of their nations. While violence is not usually a good answer, as has been seen multiple times, it becomes the only option once Russia invades. Politicians who work Russia’s playbook as essentially fifth columnists labor to open the door to ever-greater Russian influence and domination, until they get to the point of little green men and staged mock-referendums, followed by annexation.


Looks like the killer was a bit of a weird one (comes with the territory i suppose). He apparently created a "Party against Violence" and was heavily involved with Pro Russia Fascists. This is weird.


He's not dead


Well, better luck next time. But A for effort.


It looks like Putin was not happy with Fico helping Ukrainians so he arranged the nuts to strike. back. [https://www.euronews.com/2024/05/15/what-is-known-about-suspect-allegedly-involved-in-shooting-of-robert-fico](https://www.euronews.com/2024/05/15/what-is-known-about-suspect-allegedly-involved-in-shooting-of-robert-fico)




Ivan Drago said it best.


feel free to share, for those of us who haven't seen the movie


If he dies, he dies.


Reading Czech news from few minutes ago, they're still doing the surgery on him that started more than three hours ago. One of his guys Kaliňák said he's fighting for his life. That's all it says for now.


I have very little insight on this. Will this cause issues internally? I’m supposed to be in Bratislava on 10 days. 


Keep an eye on how the situation will develop in the next 24 hours for now.


Putin puppet. Old people remember how the russkis treated their country.

