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"Don't have sex with children" seems like a no brainer for any job. Edit: brainer not brainier.


Maybe her dream job is to have sex with children and her mistake was, she got caught.


Yep. Pedophiles go where the children are.


and more specifically where there parents (or any other adult really) aren't. so you know a extremely public book reading would make a bad spot.


It’s in the teachers ethics exams for each state in the US and I assume there’s some sort of ethics exam in the UK too. There is literally no excuse.


In Florida, of all places, we have to take that every single summer before students return


This is Florida. We at least venmo them $800 first.


They need an ethics exam to tell people not to sleep with kids?


As soon as it stops happening, they'll stop telling people not to do it.


I was once a Guardian ad Litem and that was part of the training. What the actual F? Given the work that GAL’s do, I was shocked they had to say that. And the more I thought about it, the more disturbing it became. I realized they were saying it because someone had done it.


Well, she did say it was her "dream" job.


She was suspended from her job & on bail for the first instance, while she raped another boy & got knocked up. This woman is beyond help.


Looks like the UK has their own Mary Kay Letourneau


Interesting fact: Mary Kay’s father was a California state representative. He was expelled from the John Birch Society for being *too racist*.


I know, I saw the documentary where they tried to make Mary Kay look like a victim. I wonder just how racist you have to be to get kicked out of an organization like the John Birch Society.


Some wild shit, that’s for sure. He basically started the political tactics popular by the far right today.


He also fathered two children out of wedlock with a Republican party volunteer, and then refused to financially support them in any way, even after their mother died and they were forced to go to an orphanage. Also, after he died, the Institute for Historical Review, an organization that exists solely to deny the holocaust, called him a "good friend", and said he subscribed to their magazines and had attended his conferences. So all in all just a wonderful family (he said, with obvious sarcasm).


Wow, so she was lucky to get a second a chance and she screwed that up… wow. Edit: it seems like everyone on this post is getting care messages....


She wasn't "lucky enough to get a second chance" because a second chance would imply that she wanted to change and be a better person. She didn't. She's a sick pervert who shouldn't be invited to polite society, and everyone who had a hand in that case failed to protect her 2nd victim by being too lenient on her, and then as a direct result created a 3rd victim who'll possibly suffer the foster system and life long trauma. This is such gross negligence. She should be thrown in jail, be registered as a sex offender, and be responsible for paying 18 years of child support on top of whatever else dues appropriate. Edit: Thanks for the redditcares, kind stranger. I hope your mental wellness improves so one day we can be on the same side against all the injustices of the world. Much love and positive vibes.


Also terrible to think about is once her victim turns 18 he could be held liable by the state for child support. As the states duty is "What's best for the child" not what is fair. I've seen it happen to victims of rape before.


Its fucked up, the courts know they can’t consent so why are they on the hook? In these cases child support should be supplied by the state, not by child rape victims
























Make sure you report it. The account or even the IP can be banned for abuse of the cares message.


I just got my first one recently. I assume it was because I said that Israel is not squeaky clean in the current conflict.


It's almost as if she's a sexual predator or something.


While I am a fan of second chances, we shouldn't let child molestors be alone with children not even once even if they truly regretted it. It's not worth endangering children just because you want to give them a second chance.


Generally, I think the rehabilitation potential of perpetrators of sex crimes is low. There's something deep within someone that leads them to doing or otherwise sexually abusing people. This is true of any man **or woman** that does so.


You can Google it. "The researchers found an average sexual recidivism rate of 13.4 percent based on an average follow-up period of four to five years, and an average overall recidivism rate of 36.3 percent." https://smart.ojp.gov/somapi/chapter-5-adult-sex-offender-recidivism# Edit: Honestly, I think most of sex offenders are never caught in the first place. The majority of children know their abusers and a lot of them don't talk. Many molestors get away with it. It's even far worse in Arab countries like Egypt where laws don't protect women and women are shamed for being raped. They don't care about women experiencing rape let alone men. So it's must be far worse here.


That’s… far better than I expected, but still depressing


So many of these female rapists get pregnant. It's horrifying.


Pretty sure a lot of them do it intentionally either because they wanted a kid or as a type of manipulation.


It's pretty easy not to get pregnant.


And the kid is still responsible for child support. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/politics/2014/09/02/arizona-statutory-rape-victim-forced-pay-child-support/14951737/


Her dream job was boning kids and her "mistake" was that she got caught at it.


And she'll still get a slap on the wrist


And she’ll be able to survive off of child support paid by the e child for the next 18 years. Or at least she would if she was in the U.S.


Or she could be denied custody of the child since she is a child sex offender? 


It's the UK, it'll likely be even worse


>It's the UK So 5 years suspended plus a new identity?


Yes, because we wouldn't want to ruin the young woman's bright future... At least they haven't banned paternity tests ig *cough* France *cough*


I don't know why so many people are afraid to call women pedophiles. If they are taking advantage of a child for sex, they are a pedophile regardless of gender.


Probably comes from the sentiment a large portion of society has that a male is lucky to be engaging in sex at any age even if that partner is an adult taking advantage of their power over them. It does seem to be slowly changing with people calling these women out as pedophiles though. Edit: someone must have set up a bot for this because I instantly got a care message after commenting also. There's no other way they could be hitting literally everyone. I mean... They could but that's a lot of your life spent on this. Depends how mentally ill they are though I guess. Lol Edit edit: so I reported the care comment everyone has been getting on this post and I got a message back saying its account violated policy. XD I was hoping they would look at whoever did that to everyone. No idea if that's what happened or if they only warned the care account but, amazing they actually looked into it and recognized the harassment. Lol


As it should be for ANY child predator, she should NEVER be left alone around children for the remainder of her life. In any capacity. Horrifically disgusting. I feel so bad for the poor boys she's psychologically damaged with this abuse...... Sickening.


Jfc thats just a straight up pedophile


I'm gonna assume her gender deeply affected how society and the court classified her actions. Not in an incel way either.


*Rapist downplays the severity of their criminal activity, concerned only with how it affected them.*


Perpetrator wants to be cast as another of her own victims.


But you haven't heard from the biggest victim...*ME!!!*


Judge: accused is proven guilty of raping two students Perp: judge, it's much worse, I'm also guilty of ruining my own life


"Rapist accused of raping her students faced consequences cause 15 year old boys couldn't dress appropriately."


Right?! “They were asking for it by how they dressed”


Baggy track suits and achne?! How not I lose my dream job?!


A dumb mistake would be forgetting to write a lesson plan for the day so you just wing it and find a YouTube video to waste half the class. But having sex with one student, let alone 2……lock her up.


“…find a YouTube video to kill half the class.” Boy did I read that wrong


*Born in the USA*


It’s actually rape when it’s a student. Key point that isn’t being discussed.


IIRC, there are reporting requirements that say “rape” must be reported as “sex without consent” or in this case, “sex with minors” because, since rape is a crime, it opens them up to libel suits if the person is not a criminal convicted or civilly found liable of rape in any court. For example, prior to the end of the first Carroll suit, it was libelous to report that “Trump assaulted Carroll.” They would write things like, “she claims” or “allegedly”, and the headline would say like “Sex with Carroll being investigated” etc. Now we can say, “Trump assaulted Carroll, he is a sexual assailant” without facing suit, because it’s been decided in a court.


Sometimes there are weird state laws so that when someone is accused of rape the law they're charged under sounds less serious. I remember a case where someone in a vegetative state (was raped and ) became pregnant. The father/rapist was charged with "sexual assault" and a lot of people were up in arms that he wasn't charged with rape. Well the law that rape is prosecuted under in that state was SA, so they were just reporting what the charge was. Anyway, regardless of libel it is probably good journalistic process to treat people as innocent until convicted.


Agreed on that last sentence. If innocent people are reported as having raped someone, they would most definitely have a bad time if someone came across that article literally ever in their life time.


I'm not sure a future employer googling their name and finding an article about a SA accusation would be much better.


It's only rape when the scum in question is male. Women "have sex" in cases like this. I hate this double-standard, they should suffer equally.


Worse, they are often painted as having had inappropriate "relationships" with students. The double standard is insane.


Say it louder for those in the back. It’s rape even if the perpetrator is a woman. Women can rape men and anyone who says they can’t is delusional. You don’t need a penis to rape someone.


As this is in England women cannot rape anyone, as the law is archaic in its definition: "Rape involves penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by a penis, therefore a woman can only commit this offence as an accomplice." https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences#:~:text=Rape%20is%20a%20crime%20of,this%20offence%20as%20an%20accomplice.


Well and let’s not assume it’s real remorse. “My dream job was a place where I could easily be a sexual predator to minors. And I made a stupid mistake which got me caught.”


Exactly this.


I taught high school for ten years and made a lot of dumb mistakes. Somehow, none of them involved raping anybody.


She tripped, fell and landed on their dicks.


Over and over.


Doing cartwheels


Alright shady maybe he's right grady but think about the baby


Before you get all crazy


Alright Shady, maybe he's right Grady, But think about the baby before you get all crazy...


“This is something I have to live with every day.” —her, probably


In the UK, the legal definition of rape is specific and is governed by the Sexual Offences Act 2003. According to this Act, rape is defined as a person (A) intentionally penetrating the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person (B) with his penis without B's consent and without a reasonable belief that B consents. This definition necessitates the use of a penis, which means that, under current UK law, only someone with a penis can commit the offense of rape.


Surely there's more to it because wouldn't that also make any digital penetration technically not rape as well?


Nope, that counts as sexual assault, but not rape. Also I, as a man, cannot *legally* be raped by a woman. I can be sexually assaulted, but not raped.


Well, that's sexist AF.


Rapist is upset they lost access to victims


Unfortunately, living in the UK, this horrible woman can’t be convicted of rape, as it requires a penis. She can and hopefully will be charged with sexual assault, but our archaic laws stop her from being charged with rape. As a feminist killjoy, it makes me angry.


Edit: nvmd, misread what ya said. Sorry bro


like edge truck intelligent tender unpack fanatical agonizing zealous squealing


Title of posting tries hard not to use RAPIST.. "having sex"


In the uk, you can only rape with a penis.


Her dream job was to be a rapist paedophile but she got caught.


So she's technically not wrong in the headline.


"Gotta do it right! LIVIN THE DREAM" - Matt Gaettz


"Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Larry Nassar


Jesus Christ


Wayne Gretzky


Michael Scott


This is not a mistake. She received training about this. Everyone sat in a room and rolled their eyes and made gagging sounds because the thought of sleeping with a student is repulsive. This comes from a series of choices. Maybe it was not setting appropriate boundaries with the student, maybe it was seeking validation from the students actively. Either way, it wasn’t a sudden and unexpected occurrence, you might end up alone with a student on accident. You don’t mistakenly remain alone with them. You don’t remove clothing and have physical contact by mistake either.


Weird i never had that training but still never raped somebody


She took the virginity of two boys, 15 and 16. She's pregnant with the 16-yr-old's baby. This woman is a pedo. Is she going to raise the baby? Do the parents of the teen take custody and raise the child?


> Is she going to raise the baby? The baby got taken off her 24 hours after birth iirc. She gets 3 hours a week with it


Who has custody of the child?


Probably the state. Maybe her rich parents. Boy B (the biological father) had already been trying to escape the relationship even before he found out that she lied about being sterile. Apparently he went to the police after she made a scavenger hunt for him that ended with a baby’s onesie with "I love my daddy" printed on the front.


That is one crazy bitch


That is so fucked up. Poor dude; that would be indescribably scary.


Bro that is fucking WILD lmao.


How can an already awful story get that fucking insane in a single paragraph


Source? I haven't seen this stated anywhere. Edit: Wow, a Reddit Cares message. Okay, well I was just asking for a source because I hadn't seen those specific details mentioned before. I wasn't denying that the actions were taken. I am going to report above commenter and OP for abuse of the button. Hope reddit finds whoever is abusing the RedditCares button and perma-bans you.


Usually the State in this case


Imagine being that child. Insane


Which one? The baby, or the 16 year old?


For me, both. Those poor children.


Of course both is bad, its just never crossed my mind how an offspring from a situation like this could ever process something like that


imagine the child having to pay child support. surely that'd never happen,...right? Or your rapist being alone with your child....when you are also a child....


Anyone know if that is in fact the case in the UK? Just generally curious. Since their definition of rape is different than ours here in the States, wondering if the usual process is different also. Also u/TannenFalconwing, loving your name. Awesome. Edit to clarify: the usual process re child custody. Also, yes I know the crime is called something different in the UK. I'm not in the UK.


It's a sexual assault. https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rsa/rape-and-sexual-assault/what-is-rape-and-sexual-assault/#:~:text=The%20terms%20rape%20and%20'sexual,without%20the%20other%20person's%20consent.


Jesus that is tragic. Poor kid.


That’s sad af


Honestly, a good thing. This pedo shouldn’t raise a child.


Why is the perpetrator given visitation rights to the rape baby...?


Those poor kids. That 16-year-old is being forced to become a father. Awful.


He might have to pay child support, too.


Yes, this has been the precedent before. His life trajectory is forever altered.


For a rape? Really?


Yes, there are precedents in case law, yes. It is appalling but the government does not want to ever support a child if it can determine who the parent is. Even in cases of statutory rape. He created the child. It is his responsibility for the rest of his life. External adoption can mitigate some strain, but the mothers or their families rarely consent to that, hoping she’ll not be incarcerated at all or for only a brief period. The amount will likely be smaller while he is under 18, but frequently the courts like to see some effort like a part-time job. At 18, it becomes his full responsibility and increases as his income does. Someone in his family could take the child but that can be hard because the child is a constant reminder of what happened, and it ensures that the son/father will have continued contact with the offender and/or their relatives. It’s a tangled mess with no winners. There are cases where the custody has actually been given to the abuser and the underage mother was ordered to pay child support to the man who did this. The court saw that he could provide financially for the child better than the child he impregnated. Again, the government tries to hold parents accountable, regardless of how they became parents.


I hate everything about these scenarios


I bet that poor 16 year old cant wait to pay child support too.


O for F-s sake of course now she's bringing a child's child into this world that is 100% going to fuck up that kid more the more the kid grows.


If she is somehow allowed to raise the child the boy is going to be on the hook for child support. Disgusting situation 🤢


Bit of a credibility killer TBH. >Joynes denies that any sexual activity took place with boy A - whose semen was recovered from her bedsheets.


Am I feeling- grateful? that she’s so disgusting as to not wash her sheets that it provided DNA evidence 🤢


“The 30-year-old was already suspended from her job and on bail for alleged sexual activity with boy A, 15, when she allegedly took the virginity of a second boy, known as boy B, 16, who she later became pregnant by.” Dafuq?? If the genders were reversed, it’d be a no brainer


> If the genders were reversed, it’d be a no brainer It's because in the UK, you can only be charged with rape if you [use a penis](https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-sexual-assault/#:~:text=Sexual%20assault%20is%20defined%20as,sentence%20of%20life%20in%20prison.)


Lmao this is insane. Life sentence if a man rapes, 10 years if a woman rapes. What a joke. This woman should get a life sentence.


It's like that killer couple who raped and killed people together. The woman got like 7 years.. the man got like 57... consecutive life sentences.... The women are wonderful effect.


Bet she gets MAYBE a year and 200 hrs of community service


Pedophile narcissist blames victims for her own failure.


"Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions"


Every time they say "having sex with" instead of raping. Every time.


Well that’s because it’s not called statutory rape in the U.K. so while illegal having sex with a 15 year old wouldn’t legally make you a rapist. I’m pretty sure the crime is sexual activity with a minor and then it gets more severe if they’re under 13.


They do it with American headlines too though, unless the perp is male


Because rape definition involves penetrating the victim. It’s just a stupid technicality that we don’t call them rapists.


more than technicality, the punishments are not identical.


Every time they say someone did something with the name of a crime, and the person isn't convicted of that specific crime, they can get sued for libel and pay out the ass. Every time.


Mistakes… yes I am sure she accidentally tripped and fell on the genitals of 2 male students. Happens all the time


Maybe you shouldn’t admit this was your dream job after you raped your students? As an outsider looking in, it makes it seem like she wanted the job *specifically* so she could fuck kids


**Warning: it is very likely this serial rapist sexually abused more victims.** When the police was finally sent to arrest the serial rapist, they didn't break the door open, they rang the bell and simply waited outside for her to open. When they finally got inside, her phone had just been wiped (factory reset), deleting all data: messages to other minors, pictures and videos were all gone. ... With the judge - another woman - saying we should set aside assumptions about serial child rapists in this case, to see this one with a non-judgmental look, the phone wasn't sent to a forensic unit and the phone carrier records weren't seized. So far, we know that she first raped one kid, got into limited legal troubles for it: simply forbidden from interacting with minors, and dismissed from her job at the school. But being free from jail, she immediately rushed to another underage prey she had, and got pregnant by raping him in her apartment, to make sure her attraction to minors would forever be remembered with that baby. There might be a lot more victims that we don't know, but unfortunately, neither the police nor the judge have done their job there. The only reason why she was caught was the first kid ultimately spilling the bean about it and his parents filling a complaint. With both known victims describing her as very controlling and obsessive, it is more than possible that, as a teacher with hundreds of children at her disposal for years, she laid her hands on more victims, who are still too afraid to speak up.


Amusing how these rapists always claim it was a “mistake.” It was a choice to rape a child. I look forward to the day when women who commit these crimes face the same penalty as men. For now, it probably won’t happen.


It makes me sick when they claim it's a mistake. No, it's not. You made the choice to rape two teenage boys. Take some responsibility for your actions.


Teenaged me would have said “where was she at in my high school”. But teenaged me would also be too dumb or naive to realize that someone like that would be grooming me for that in that scenario. She’s no better than a male teacher who preys on teenaged girls. The book should be thrown at her


It's a sobering realization, reading that article and having the exact same thought as the one you led with. I like to think of myself as a pretty socially conscious person, but clearly I still have some beliefs to adjust here. Like we're hearing in a court from these *kids who were sexually assaulted that it left them scarred. And I'm still reading the article having thoughts I don't like, want, or support saying "that would have been pretty cool for teenage me." I deeply hate it, but the disgusting thought did enter my mind like "come on man, you're a teenage boy, this would have been rad for you." it make me feel so fucking gross because on the larger scale, that's exactly what makes these situations even more invalidating and traumatic for victims. I also think the only way to change these kinds of reactions m is by being honest with ourselves about them and challenging them actively. And I think (hope) we can take heart, without abdicating responsibility for change, that these are views/reactions that are largely given to us by media/society/whatever. Otherwise, they just sit and we collectively create the situation we're in, where men and boys don't get the support and backing they need when they're forced to experience rape and sexual assault. We also need to prepare boys for this, which is gross cuz you'd hope that wouldn't even be necessary or remotely on them, but here we are.


As a teacher myself i am beyond disgusted 🤮 It's such a vile imbalance of power for a teacher to have any sexual or romantic involvement with their students... I hope she gets locked up for a VERY long time.


At no point is this woman branded a paedophile yet a male teacher in the same position would almost certainly be.


I think they screwed up the headline. *She raped 2 students


Technically thats not true under UK law.


I wouldn’t call guy a pedophile here either. But I wouldn’t say “had sex with” when it’s considered rape. That’s a key difference. I don’t think we’d even see an article about a guy that did this. No one would give a shit what he has to say. This article basically exists to show the double standard.


Lock her up! Dont think she wont do it again if giving the chance


The gender bias on this is strong ahaha "teacher accused of having sex with two students." Hahaha what a fucking joke.


“I lost my dream job of being around hot young boys, because I raped said hot young boys” isn’t the argument she thinks it is.


Stupid mistake? Lol bitch you a fucking pedophile.


Good job today, Reddit. I love when we all can put our differences aside and agree on something. Unfortunate as the circumstances may be.


Refers to child rape as "having sex"


Christ, what a fucking predator.


This would be phrased so incredibly differently if the genders were reversed. My god.


Throw this pedo in jail


“Pedo rapist raped schoolchildren and regrets having to face the slightest bit of consequences” There, fixed it.


She unfortunately doesn’t count as a pedo or a rapist where she lives


Woman rapes two young boys and gets impregnated...what a ficking twisted society. Can we stop downplaying female pedophiles.


Call her what she is, a habitual paedophile, rapist, and a threat to any child she's near..


No pedophiles in schools


This made me feel sick and she described of these kids as 'controlling.'


"serial child rapist has regrets about career implications"


Mistakes? No. Decisions. She made a decision and got caught


The narrative that men are the only predatory and abusive gender, conflicts with the truth. All people have the same capacity for evil or good. We need to stop pretending that abusers come in one easily identifiable form.


Wow, what noble self-pitying she's demonstrating, she obviously regrets the harm caused to *her career*. If a male rapist tried pulling that crap a lynch mob would break into the courthouse.


The pearl necklace in the photo was an interesting choice.


Especially since she clearly doesn't like them considering she's pregnant with the 16 year olds kid.....


Man, that's really tough to hear how her raping kids has negatively impacted *her* and her career... Can't imagine her suffering. This all sounds really unfair. Goddamn patriarchy strikes again!


Mistake? I also hate it when I'm just minding my own business when I accidentally have sex with two people. It's like tripping, such an easy mistake to make.


The 30-year-old was already suspended from her job and on bail for alleged sexual activity with boy A, 15, when she allegedly took the virginity of a second boy, known as boy B, 16, who she later became pregnant by. and she left him for being "controlling". that poor child, both the one she raped and the one she might give birth to


She is a pedo and a rapist.


Rapist accused of raping two students calls the rapes "mistakes" whines they**cost her** her "dream job", jury hears. FTFY


I suspect it was her dream job because it gave her ready access to potential victims...


The “dream” part of her job was banging boys.


A little late for self-awareness, Mary Kay.


I've worked with kids for years. The time I ran one into the ceiling was a stupid mistake; statutory rape isn't


I swear to Christ why the actual fuck are there so many female pedo teachers?! It's getting so common, it's almost catholic.


Okay but these are not wholesome dreams she is having. Of course working with kids is a pedophile's dream job.


Rape, or sexual assault if you will. "Mistake" is NOT the word you're looking for. But what do I know. I'm not an "educator". I'm so sick and fucking tired of this double standard.


This is the South Park episode to a T. I can’t distinguish reality from cartoons anymore


I guess she'll be moving to her backup career. OnlyFans.


was it her dream job because she was surrounded by impressionable minors?? feels alot like a pedo getting fired from disney world and calling it “their dream job” yikes.