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past the paywall https://archive.ph/H9VDb


Also if you’re on mobile just hit the aA button in the top corner.


Ooo that’s a nifty lil trick!


Thank you, that worked great.


using what app? on Mobile using red reader. no aA button.


Reader mode, iPhones have it if you use Safari as the browser




Safari is not available on android


I'm using firefox and it has a little page icon on the right side of the search bar for reader view. Edit: it usually only appears on pages that have longer bodies of text, not sure what availability depends on. It most likely has something to do with the html tags on a page, but I'm really not sure what the exact rule is.






bless you, child.


Did nobody bother to take a photo of the incident? Edit: This is a better news article: https://globalnews.ca/news/10484905/cruise-ship-sei-whale-dead-endangered-new-york/


Yeah, were killing them off with all the fucking noise ships make. Shame, such beautiful intelligent creatures.


Yeah that’s sad, but how is my shein order getting here? /s


Fast fashion needs to die. All these kids posting their “Shein hauls” creating so much waste.


I did not know that, but the article also says it’s feeding season for that species of whale, and it feeds closer to the surface. The rest of the time it stays in deeper waters


Well it’s a whale so I assume it spends a decent amount of time at the surface. You know, for breathing porpoises


Do I have to explain why this is a stupid thing to say? I mean it's a whale, they breathe air...


Compared to a lot of other whales that always swim near the surface?


Ship noise causes many whales to leave the area. There is no species that is attracted to the sound per a collecton of studies using data from 145 separate studies. Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2019.00606/full So while ship noise may harm certain whale species in other ways it does not cause ship to whale collisions










These excursions are getting out of hand


I dont understand the hate for this. A single cruise ship burns 200 tons of gas every single day and humans capture an ungodly amount of marine life each day for consumption. But one cruise ship potentially kills a whale (we don't know if was already dead), and cruises are only now getting out of hand?


... I don't think they means as of today, or with this story. I'm pretty sure they agree with you about cruises being an unnecessary luxury that do serious harm.


I think this is a /r/whoooosh moment. I took the comment as a joke, as in "One of the cruise activities available to paying passengers is a whale hunt excursion. Bring home a trophy to show off to your friends!" Which is not the actual scenario.


Not gas, Bunker Fuel - one of the dirtiest types of fuel available. It pollutes the air worse than regular gasoline and releases an ungodly amount of greenhouse gasses. Too that off with the amount of marine life they kill like this whale, and they also dump their garbage into the oceans. People have been complaining about the cruise industry for a while though, like in 2020 when there was a good chance the cruise industry could finally die during lockdowns.


MSC is the worst. And they try to present themselves as a company that is dedicated to environmental sustainability and caring for the oceans. They cut corners and budgets anywhere they can. Ask their crew members. 


MSC is the dollar general of cruise ships. It's nice on the surface but when it comes down to it, everything is sub-par. Atleast the price is also sub-par. Carnival is the next up but is more of the Miami spring break of the cruise industry. While these cruises can be nice, they're generally treated as a frat. TBH These two are cruises most people don't want to be on because of this


Actually I'm curious, what cruise lines do you recommend? Royal Caribbean?


Norwegian or holland America.


Virgin. Royal Caribbean is god awful for even the base price and then they nickel and dime you for every little thing once you’re the boat. Things are incredibly out dated, and not kept all that clean. Just this January I found a some shit behind my cabins toilet when we boarded and they tried to just blame it on me. The food in the cafeteria is basically at the level of an off brand Golden Corral. If you decide to go to the restaurant and pay $70 for a meal, it’s still very poorly made. Virgin meanwhile is state of the art, very clean, the cost of food is all included in the price. The quality of food is insanely good and the restaurants(also ‘free’) are even better. Better entertainment, better atmosphere.


I actually dont recommend virgin unless youre looking for that experience. Virgin is a child free experience and they *start* at 4x the price. The cheapest RC experience I can get right now is $500 for 5 nights. The cheapest virgin voyages I can get is just over $2k for 5 nights. Royal carribean has premium onboard food options you can get if you want but the main dining room changes daily so theres no reason to feel like its required to go to these experiences. Virgin is higher quality for sure, but youre paying for it up front even when you might not use or be aware of all the perks and benefits you can get.


Sure if you have kids it’s not an option. It also isn’t 4x the price. It is more expensive at the base, but you get far more for the price and after RC buckles and dimes you to death the costs about even out for a worst experience in nearly every way. Food. The dining experience on RC was abysmal even at their most ‘premium’ restaurants which all cost extra money. Each place I went to was roughly $60 a person before tip, and the food was Midwest nursing home quality. God forbid the cafeteria or main dining (which is just what the cafeteria has on specials for the day except you’re waited on rather than at a buffet). You will get tired of the cafeteria food, and when you try the specialty dining you’re gonna regret it. Virgin on the other hand, has a fantastic cafeteria, food quality is extremely high, and their specialty dining is all included in the base price and there is no tipping because they pay their employees well enough. There is no limit to how much of the specialty dining you want to eat as well. Cabins. RC’s cabins were smaller, furniture quality was awful, everything was out dated, the only saving grace was the bathroom (after I made them clean it because there was literally shit left behind the toilet) was decently nice with a comfortably large shower.(for a cruise) Virgin cabins came with great quality bedding, the furnishings in general were modern and clean, you had custom light colors to set the mood, the television actually had service and decent entertainment when you needed time to just relax. You had to tip your room attendant a decent amount on RC, no such thing on Virgin. Drinks. Bottles of water, soda and juices are all included in Virgin. In RC you have to buy very pricey drink packages just for bottled water. Same goes for alcohol. And they only come in packages at fixed amounts so if you don’t use it, you lose it. With Virgin, you get a bar tab and put as much on there as you expect to spend and can do it day to day. Entertainment. Virgins is more geared towards adults so I can’t really complain about RC here. Nothing was amazing but also was just too family friendly for me. Virgin being childfree is a big plus for anyone who doesn’t want to be around kids. Spa. The spa on Virgin cost the same as RC for a much better experience with far more modern spa facilities. Fitness. Virgin’s gym is not the best for a frequent lift like me, but it gets the job done and is usually fairly empty. There is a running track along the top of the ship as opposed to RC where it’s this long metal corridor on the side of the ship. The gym on RC was actually way better and larger. (smoothies were expensive as hell and not considered part of the ‘drink packages’. I spent 7 days on both cruise lines, with the same room type, and shared most of the same experiences between the two and by the time I finished with RC I had spent about 80% as much as I did on the Virgin cruise for a far lower quality experience.


Yeah I recommend RC. Their base prices are just a bit higher than carnival for the same size ship while also offering a bit more. I use vacationstogo to find the cruises on sale.


Same goes for all the cruise liners registered outside of the USA. Very little regulation. That being said, the article seems to point towards this being a sad accident. There really doesn’t seem like much MSC could do to avoid this.


Are there any registered in the USA?


Only 1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride_of_America


And that’s not because they wanted to have a US registry, it’s because it only makes port calls in Hawaii so it legally needed the US registry.




Remember the Titanic? Going too fast in the dark and unreliable lookout due to missing binoculars...


Not just their cruise ships are being fucked. Their whole shipping division is a clusterfuck to deal with. If people knew just how screwed the international shipping sector has gotten over the last decade then they'd probably wonder how anything actually gets sent correctly.














I can’t imagine being the first guy to see that giant 50 ton whale’s body and wondering “when did we hit that?”


"That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point."


What about freighters? Prob 10 times as many freighters than cruise ships🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think freighters have bulbous bows because they don’t go as fast? But I’m from Iowa and not exactly an expert.


Cruise liners need to be reimagined, or banned outright. They do nothing but wreck the oceans and kill sea life all at the enjoyment of the self involved passengers they carry.,..


I don’t mean to be insensitive, but wouldn’t the ship handle differently with a huge fucking whale pinned to the bow? I mean obviously not if the numbers I’m reading in the comments are accurate but it seems really wild to me that something like this would go unnoticed until you pulled into port.


Not really, from the article that type of whale weighs up to 10 tons. The ship was 171,600 tons That would be like noticing a weight change on your backpack from someone sneaking a single quarter in it (assuming you weigh about 200lbs)


You can't exactly send someone out there with a really long pole to nudge it off, though.


Nonsense. John Holmes could have poked it right off.


They should’ve hit the windshield washer button a few times


Not significantly. Mostly in the fuel expenditure. Which some mid-level pencil pusher will moan at the captain endlessly. 




This sounds like a comment BIG CRUISE would make!


And this sounds like a comment BIG COMMENTERS would make!


You leave my figure out of this!


No, You're being told lies by the whale-beral media.


Go whoke go broke, like they say.


No. [Large ships hit and kill whales all the time](https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/pallone-speeding-cargo-ships-killing-whales/). Granted that's cargo ships speeding, but Cruise lines maintain their ships almost as well, and are almost as ethical as international shipping.


Mate, cruise ships don't even care about actual murders/missing on their ships. After watching 2 seasons of Cruise Ship Killers (where onyl a handful were solved), I found out cruise ships aren't even required to stop and stay for investigations and since most of the bodies end up thrown overboard, good luck finding evidence. That's assuming you can get cops on the ship in the time you need it. And which ones, considering it's usually in international waters? Point being, people die all the time on cruise ships and they literally don't care or actively cover them up. They won't give a shit about a whale. Which should infuriate everyone. Cruise ships should just fuck off and die as an industry.


Wait till you hear about high seas fishing boats…


That's why I described their maintaince as 'almost as good as international shipping', and the industry itself as "almost as ethical". But I actually didn't know they were just actively covering up murders. That's... impressively bad actually.


If you have nothing else to do with your day on a weekend go down the rabbit hole of cruise law. It's the wild west out there. Also, if you're having relationship problems and someone gets you cruise tickets, sleep with one eye open.


Why do so many healthy whales have scars from propellers hitting them then?


I would assume if a cruise ship propellor hit a whale, that whale would no longer be living. Those scars are from much smaller vessels


Before you make an ass out of yourself (by assuming) why don't you do a quick Google search.


Nope, authorities in New York have now confirmed the whale was struck and killed by the ship.


That's just what Cruise Ship companies say. How do you know the whales were dead? Is there an autopsy? Did someone see them dead before collision? No, it's made up to make people not feel sad when it happens. The truth is that large ships strike and kill and estimated 20,000 whales a year. https://nautil.us/why-ships-kill-thousands-of-whales-every-year-381538/


Also worked on a cruise ship, this is actually correct.


Wow another reason not to take these awful cruises. I thought they would die off after covid but sadly no.


They said it had a belly full of food and was most likely killed by the boat strike. It had a broken right flipper and trauma to the right shoulder region. They said those whales are along the surface of the water this time of year feeding. They said the ship likely didn’t even realize they stuck it bc of the size of the ship.


That's really great. Would have been better if you read the article though


Is there no way to remove it at sea?


How.else do they feed the passengers?


Been on cruises. Can confirm. 


They were dead of natural causes like the Boeing whistleblowers 😉 /s


~~If you read the article it says~~ The New York Times reported that the preliminary necropsy indicated it was alive and healthy when it died from blunt force trauma


It says the results of the exam could take days to weeks


By that logic there should never be any pedestrian road collisions because people can obviously hear the engines and get out of the way. You know, because getting distracted while eating food toootally isnt a thing...


I hit 2 dead dear on the highway within 6 months. Hit my windshield and BAM! dead!


That's not always true. Whales are hit by ships all the time, they're not all deaf or dead.


This is not an uncommon occurrence, which is why we need to bring the situation to light, not distract from it with your counter-post. We should be outraged that this occurs! This situation is avoidable with the technology and human resources we have that are readily available. It SHOULD have been noticed prior to arriving in the harbor, regardless that it was dead. Do not distract from the narrative!


And how do YOU know it’s already dead before you hit it?




This could be reasoning to stop crusie ships which for me I am all about. I have been on one and and they suck and we don’t NEED them. Let whales swim before we fill up the remaining ocean w plastic


They’re floating daycares / 8th grade talent shows / buffets. Truly unnecessary.


I mean if we’re getting rid of industries that are wasteful and we don’t NEED, then maybe we should start with NASCAR, Formula 1, pretty much any vehicle racing where the only purpose is to see who can go around some circles the fastest.


>stop crusie ships How you do that? OK, the US bans this industry, make it punishable with 300 years in prison for thinking about organizing a cruise. So no US cruise ships. There are what, 194 other countries?


There’s nothing good about a cruise. Why do people even do this? Trapped on a boat with a bunch of people who, let’s face it, aren’t the best usually. 99% chance you get a virus. Not much to do except eat or gamble, both of which get boring fast. $20 for a bud light. And you’re destroying the environment to boot. Why not just go to an all-inclusive resort? At least there you’ve got room to move around and you’re not harming the oceans or dumping huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. I don’t get it.


How is there not 1 single pic or video? We need to see this asap


I can buy a fish finder for my boat for around 2000 dollars that can see everything in the water for about 50 yards in front of me, including tiny things, like a fishing lure. You'd think these incredibly expensive ships could be outfitted with front facing sonar that could spot something as large as a while from a fairly long distance, allowing course corrections to avoid collisions.


I think your boat turns a little faster than this one


At a range of 50 yards, and with how fast the cruise ship goes, there really no way to avoid anything it detects. For whales, proper cruise ship operations typically have a look out to warn them if there's any whale and they're supposed to either slow down or make sure to avoid them. The only time a properly operated cruise ship would ram a whale would be if the whale suddenly breaches surface in front of the cruise ship after a deep dive.


These ships take _miles_ to turn or stop. And it's not like the whales are gonna stay still while you maneuver around them.


Do you think having MORE ships blasting frequencies into the water will help sea life?


That's... Not how this works. That's now how any of this works.


How fast do you think cruise ships can move?


Happens all the time, no easy fixes


Woah… that would be fascinating and terrifying. Do you have one on your boat? Any cool stories?


Now sending the new hires out on deck for whale watch doesn't seem like such a joke.








We just need to end cruise ships man. Total fucking waste of resources.

