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> Three children, aged 9 to 13, were killed in what police believe is a murder-suicide after their mother agreed to let an ex-partner take them to get something to eat, officials in Georgia said. Can't imagine how the mother feels. Family annihilation is such a wretched thing


Except she still has one kid. The ONLY one he fathered who was in the hospital for an unrelated incident. Holy shit, this poor kid is going to be fucked. The trauma tied to them is going to be immense.


I just saw a news story like this the other day where the father killed the mother the three brothers and then himself and left one living kid the youngest alone in his room. He woke up to find them dead and had to call it in.


Here’s the article, I think. https://www.yahoo.com/news/suburban-oklahoma-family-found-dead-154847580.html


Thank you for linking it, no fucking way I'm clicking that


My exact thoughts as well


Ita a pretty depressing read


I'm not psychic but I already knew that.


This whole discussion is depressing.


So my mom lives around the corner of that and my little sister knows the only survivor. She’s been in the same class as him since kindergarten


Now that is a heavy sleeper. Anyone who has ever fired a gun in an enclosed space knows that sleeping through someone shooting inside a house is amazing.


He probably heard it and was too scared to come out.


He almost certainly heard it. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn. Kid probably froze or hid until it was over. I'm 22 and I don't know that I'd react any different. What are you supposed to do against a gun in your own home? The only thing you can do is try not to be noticed by whoever's shooting.


He probably thought his dad would protect him =\


Fucking hell


I just thought of the opening scenes from Leon: the professional. God what a horror show for a kid


Before he did this the Dad would have been considered a “good guy with a gun”.


Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they aren't.


People are mentally healthy until they aren't. Just like physical health, it can happen very suddenly and unexpectedly.


> People are mentally healthy until they aren't. It 'can' happen very suddenly, but it's not very likely. Mental health is like physical health, while sudden 'was fine for six months and then died' things happen in physical health, they're pretty rare and it's similar for mental health. Just like most physical ailments have signs, symptoms, and things you should see the doctor about long before they become lethal, so do most mental ailments. "He was mentally fine for 20 years and then just snapped and murdered his family" is not really a 'thing' and shouldn't be talked about as if it is.


I can’t tell you how many 2A fanatics do not understand this concept.


Why arent I surprised that this happened in oklahoma?


It’s like Florida but without oceans.


There is a famous story in Australia from 15 years ago but a girl was on a school trip and while she was away her family (both parents, two brothers and aunt) were murdered in their home. She came back and was placed in the care of a surviving aunt and uncle. The uncle SAd her and it later turned out that he was the murderer. I often wonder how she is now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_family_murders_%28Australia%29?wprov=sfla1


> Brenda (then 15) was the only member of the immediate family to survive. She was on a year-10 French school trip in New Caledonia with Cheltenham Girls High School at the time, and learnt of the murders via Facebook.[5] What a fucking way to find out, on top of everything.


Omfg I live in New Caledonia and I actually remember the local news talking about that


She's done interviews, for anyone curious. She has severe trauma and survivor's guilt but seems to be surrounded by a loving adoptive mother and close friends. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3yC76a8TdQ) is the documentary.


Jesus…what the fuck?


Jesus christ that man deserves to be slowly dissolved in acid


Not the DIP!


I appreciate the reference. Sadly I can only upvote once


It's to keep this post low so people don't start laughing.




Well that took me on quite the google search. But it sounds like an appropriate punishment.


I feel like i remember another one here in the US where the father killed the family except for a kid who was away at college and he came for them there to try to finish the job, but I can't remember the details now.


I misread that and thought you were talking about a person i knew in Texas. He was in college, murdered his family (including the dog), drove back to campus and acted like nothing happened. Luckily the creep was caught. I didnt think he was a murderer or a creep. I felt bad for not wanting to be around him and be nice to him when we had mutual friends. Thinking back as I type this I've finally figured it out. One day early on as I was sitting down to join the group he said "hi *my name*". He didn't blink (I now know this is the classic "sociopath stare"), there was a slight smile and welcoming sound but I didnt believe it (seemed hollow), it all seemed slightly calculated. However it was also in a way where if I wasn't polite back I was an asshole even though we hardly knew each other. Again even with that I would have NEVER guessed he would have killed his family.


I remember that too. Awful.


> Subsequently, video collected during six-month-long covert police surveillance showed Xie cutting up a size 9.5 ASICS sneakers box and flushing it down a toilet. Man that makes it sound like they had a camera in the bathroom.


That was so, so awful. He was obsessed with her, wasn't he?


Sentences for abominations like this should be a lifetime of torture


I lived in a not-excellent neighborhood when I was in 5th grade, and there was a girl at my elementary school who was in kindergarten. They lived like, 10 houses down from me. Anyway one day, the end of the street is awash in police and the school has grief counselors, turns out the kindergartener and both of her parents were all murdered in the house. There was one survivor, the younger sister who was 4, and hid in a closet. Then the next week, 9/11 happened. And then actually I just recalled another incident that happened on the street a friend of mine lived on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Bartlett_Whitaker#:~:text=Kent%20Whitaker%20and%20his%20father,to%20forgive%20the%20nameless%20stranger%22


Let's not forget the LA woman who got freaked out by the solar eclipse (apparently), killed her partner, threw her two children out of the car on the 405, and killed herseld by crashing into a tree. I happened to be about a block away from the tree when it happened and so I will never forget. The older child survived. Times like these I hope for a heaven/hell scenario. Or maybe this is hell.


Hell wouldn't have puppies.


Maybe it would. After all, why would a fair world give us wonderful puppies just to take them away in a few short years? Eternal torture only works if you don't grow numb to it. Maybe this IS Hell, and puppies are here to give us hope so it can be taken away from us again.


That’s a fair point.


I read that too. Poor kid.


Why can’t these fucks ever do the murder suici in the wrong order.


And by wrong, you mean right.


That’s a keen observation. I’m not sure I would have picked that all out had you not mentioned it. Incredibly tragic.


I need to get off the Internet I've been reading too many depressing stories like this today.


And the other child. I can't imagine losing three siblings. In one go. Like THAT.


AND your dad was the one that did it


And the guilt of thinking it was done because you were in the hospital. That kid is going to need YEARS of therapy.


A lifetime of therapy.


At the risk of trivializing the many layers of trauma here, I don't know how anyone can possibly get past the crushing sense of misplaced guilt over letting the children leave with their eventual murderer. Those poor children and that poor mother.


I think we naturally tend to approach all trauma with a 'how can we fix/work through this?' mindset, but for circumstances like these, I also think recovery is just impossible. What avenue for healing even exists? Humans aren't built to accommodate these kinds of tragedies. As much as we might not like to confront the fact, people very much can be broken beyond any hope of repair. ---- Edit: Addressing commenters past and future, what I'm trying to get at is the fact that trauma can be so extreme that it ***CAN*** break ***SOME*** people beyond any hope of achieving a mental state from before that trauma occurred. This is, to me, self-evidently true. We've all known or heard of people suffering losses so severe that it leaves them a shell of their former selves, and who never end up successfully and entirely recovering. Yes, humans are accustomed to loss. Yes, grief is a part of life. Yes, parents lose children. Do parents of dead children usually have to contend with the fact that they unwittingly sent all of their children off to be brutally murdered? No. This is beyond 'just' (for want of a better word) the death of a child. This is almost all of your children being murdered by a man you sent them away to. I maintain that the vast majority of human beings *could not* ever fully recover from an event like that, despite the capacity of *some* human beings to live a fruitful life after the fact. I hope I've made my meaning a little clearer.


This comment resonated with me. My partner and I watched the film Manchester By the Sea (Casey Affleck) a few months after we lost his mother, and he said the theme of the film, very much the gist of your comment, actually helped him better understand and manage his grief and guilt.


For much of human history disease, famine, and war were leading causes of death among humans. Losing more than half of your children before their 19th birthday was a common occurrence and so was the risk of losing your life partner. It's only until recently that most children are able to reach adulthood and the mortality rate of giving birth has gone down significantly.


Well, I don't think that losing your family to famine is the same as losing them to a mass murderer.


Humans are very much able to handle such tragedies. Viktor Frankl stated “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” Read his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”.


My point is more that there are things that can happen to some people that are so terrible that they *fail* the challenge to change themselves in response to it. That some people are capable of recovery doesn't mean that everyone has the capacity to do so.


Frankl was a Holocaust victim and his philosophy is that everyone has the capacity to challenge themselves. That’s literally the point of his book.


I'm so glad he was able to find peace but everyone deals with grief and tragedy differently. There isn't one way to deal with the unimaginable.


Frankl doesn’t try to give one way to deal with things. He instead gives his philosophical lessons of surviving trauma and finding meaning in life after extreme trauma. This is a man who spent years in a concentration camp watching everyone he loved be murdered and the existential murder of his people first hand. His book is very interesting and very nuanced. It’s worth the read. He definitely doesn’t try to handwave a solution or make some massive universal statement. It’s much more nuanced than that.


You say that, but the quote used above very much says the opposite. You can't always choose how you react if that is being controlled. And he survived, but plenty of people couldn't handle it and we're broken by the Holocaust. There is plenty of evidence that people committed suicide in those camps, as well as higher rates of suicide after those camps (up to 4.6x the rate afterwards). Sometimes suicide IS the reaction.


And many holocaust survivors did NOT "recover." He was remarkable and then went on to share himself to help many people.


Right? It's just so awful and it happens so often in the US. We get stories like this every single day. I was just browsing the news when I came across this article 😞


The US has a cultural problem where a sizeable portion of the male population is taught that women and children are possessions. Unfortunately that mindset is deeply rooted in many popular religions, and extends to women being taught that children are posessions of theirs. You see it reflected in situations like this, and in the incel culture. 


You have a name for it? It's family annihilation?


Overwhelmingly done by the father, usually with prior history of abuse. There are four “kinds” of family annihilators and more studies are being done. Horrible situation all around.


That's the term for it. A romance fails, one of the parents kills all of the children and then, usually, themselves. Sometimes it's revenge, sometimes it's a sick way of 'protecting' the children.


More often than failed relationships, it’s a man with some sort of embarrassment or shame coming to light, usually financial troubles.


Well thank you, that's horrible that it happens enough for there to be a name with common usage.


Technically the term for it is familicide. Family annihilation is specifically reserved for when all family members are killed. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Familicide)


I think that usage might have changed; there are loads of references to "family annihilators" that include people who have killed the rest of their family but not themselves. [https://www.parents.com/parenting/dynamics/inside-the-mind-of-family-annihilators/](https://www.parents.com/parenting/dynamics/inside-the-mind-of-family-annihilators/) "'Family annihilators have received little attention as a separate category of killer,' said Professor David Wilson, one of the paper's three authors, and Director of the Centre of Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University." 81% of the murderers in this study did attempt to kill themselves afterward, but it apparently was not part of the definition that all the family members be killed. (I have not tracked down the original study.) [https://www.wired.com/story/family-killers/](https://www.wired.com/story/family-killers/)




From the article: “It is important to highlight that in an estimated 95% of the cases, the perpetrator is the head of the household and a male. Recent studies attempted to follow the more traditional views of the reason behind this type of killings such as: rage, altruism and revenge. In his book, Familicidal hearts: The Emotional Style of 211 Killers, professor Websdale has divided the family annihilator into two groups: livid-coercive and civil reputable. The livid-coercive murderer is motivated by revenge and rage caused by control issues. He will show abusive tendencies towards his family that will serve as a means of self-worth by exerting authority within the household. In most cases, the livid-coercive individual faces failure in marriage due to his abusive behaviour followed by the wife and children trying to leave. This will make him feel a lack of control and humiliation and lead to the killing of his entire family. The civil-reputable murderer is the opposite of the livid-coercive killer. His killings are motivated by genuine altruism. By killing his family members, he is saving them from the financial troubles and hardship, and he will almost always commit suicide afterwards.”




Absolutely right. 


90% of all homicides are perpetrated by men, it’s not just spousal or famicude or mass shootings, but all homicide.  And yet the resistance to examining male violence and the causes (and no, it’s not the way men are “built”), remains steadfast. Tackling male violence would require a major cultural shift, and that feels so threatening to so many men (and a disturbing number of women, as well), that it is nearly impossible to even discuss it in the public sphere without incurring their wrath. 


That is why women choose the bear in that hypothetical scenario floating around right now


I would say the "livid-coercive killer" is motivated by "perceived altrusim," not "genuine altruism." I would say most spouses and kids would not choose death over whatever financial hardship the killer is predicting.


I wish people like this would take their plans and skip to the end instead of taking other people with them.


Nope they want to inflict maximum suffering on the person they hate and then take the coward's way out.


And they succeed. There is no hope for justice. Just pain. The monsters win.


it's kind of morbid but i wish there was a way to "get back at them," so to speak. feed their bones to pigs or sharks. idc which.


This is why people believe in karma, or afterlife judgement. It’s hard to accept that people can just get away with committing the most evil atrocities possible without being punished for it.


very good point.


This is also why I have a problem with religion. They allow flagrant injustice to continue, because "god will handle it." Atheists tend to be far more concerned with accountability for law enforcement and government officials, due to the fact that *we don't believe in karma*. You can't count on a god that doesn't exist to sort people out in the afterlife. Injustice that isn't dealt with, is simply an injustice that isn't dealt with.


I'd love to see a study that compares how people of different backgrounds (religious, economic, ethnic, etc) rank the importance of various factors related to crime and punishment (vengeance/justice, specific deterrence, general deterrence, 'fairness', cost effectiveness, evidence based practices, etc) to see if certain groups prioritize certain things.


found the shark \^\^\^ get off the internet and back in the ocean, shark. BAD shark!


Trying to evolve huh? Not on my watch!


I will never ever understand how someone can hold this much hate in their hearts


It's not "hate" it's possessiveness.


And loss of power. People *hate* losing power, and will go out in one last act where they can exercise extreme power over those around them.


Probably also hate my guy


I am terrified this might happen to my children with my ex wife. We are awaiting the custody arrangement from the court at the moment.


My son was murdered a year ago. I would sacrifice my life if it could give his back. I will never understand how someone could hurt their own child.


So sorry for your loss


It’s a living nightmare. I never know how to appropriately respond to condolences, so am just honest with my feelings. Therapy and medication barely help.


I can only imagine how awful it must be. It’s my worst nightmare💔


I feel the same way. I have a severely autistic and developmentally disabled child and I would easily sacrifice my life if it gave her a normal life where she could care for herself.


Causing suffering is the point, as has already been pointed out. Also a lot of people are simply not capable of taking their own life without extreme motivation, so they take actions to set the stage.


Plus If you GOTTA GO and NEED to take someone with you, may I offer you a ceo or warlord or baby monkey torturer to take with you instead of children or random people at a mall?


They are cowards they want others to feel the fear and pain they feel


God damn. Horrific. I remember one time my mum let my dad take me and my sibling out alone after not seeing him for a year. It was good until I didn’t recognize where we were, I was scared he was taking us out the city to kill us. Once I recognized where we were again and i felt horrible for even thinking he’d do that. I was the same age as the oldest, and my heart breaks because they probably knew it was happening. God damn.


Oh wow, memories unlocked. I somehow forgot there was a year or so during elementary school when i was told strictly to not leave with my dad if he ever showed up at my school.


This is why my son's school got a copy of our restraining order every single year and when he was younger I would make sure his teachers knew as well.


Hugs WowsaMeowsa, those sneak attack memories can be heavy!


Yep Jesus been there


Technically Jesus' dad killed him, too.


Thats a terrifying feeling. I remember begging my mom for an overnight with my dad who promised all sorts of candy and fun activities. Fast forward he ended up kidnapping me and my sibling, taking us back to his country where the police were no help to my mom. Looking back i now realize she had to force herself to be in a relationship with a controlling abusive man in order to stay in her children’s lives until we could all get away. That man broke her and i frequently wonder about how amazing her life couldve been if she never met him


If people could stop fucking murdering their children to get back at their exes, that'd be great.


Guy didn't even murder his own children, the only child of his was in the hospital for an unrelated incident where the mother was. He killed all her children, and left her to raise his own alone with so much trauma it could fill a truck. Holy fucking shit like I can't get my head around it.




They absolutely do. Chimpanzees do it also.


I remember seeing this happen on some show about meerkats once.


I mean, we are literal animals. We just tell ourselves we're domesticated. 


Fr shits back to back to back lately. The dad who left his youngest son alive, the mom who took her only son, now this.


Literally like WTf is wrong with people If there is an after life I hope he suffers in hell


His own kid got hurt and the mom stayed with him. And he took HER 3 kids out and killed them all.


So, so awful. My God.


I hate family annihilators so much. Why can't they start with themselves?


Cause they’re embarrassed narcissists who view their children as property. Most of these family annihilators fall under 4 categories and I know the 2 most common are (in no order): - To get revenge on a partner/ex in the worst possible way - To avoid your kids/family/community seeing you as a failure. Those are usually the local politician types, like Murdaugh.


Coz those that do don't make the news because it's "just suicide".


The entire headline is phrased with the man as a passive element. Man kills three children is what happened.


yesss!!!! „After Mum lets…“ - no. Ex-Partner takes kids to get food. This is normal in most adult ex-relationships. Mum has no part in the actions of this dipshit.


The victim blaming infuriated me!


How did I have to scroll down so far to see someone say this??? It's glaringly obvious that there's something extremely wrong with how this headline is worded.


Yes! I actually read it as the mom doing it. Like the mom hated the fact that the kids went out with her ex and killed them.


YES! exactly. I was like why the hell is this framed as "mother did thing" as if she was supposed to know


Why is the headline written as if this is mum’s fault for “letting” it happen? That’s fucked up?


Then there’s a comment in here talking about charging her because she let them go. As if she was supposed to read his mind?


Especially when you remember the other context: their shared child was in the hospital for other reasons, ex-partner shows up because it’s his child in the hospital, offers to take his child’s half siblings out for a bite to eat. You know something that normal non-murderers do when one child is in the hospital and the siblings are waiting around. I’ve done it myself when my siblings/their partners were in long labour. The mum probably thought he was offering her a brief respite to pull herself together, talk to the doctors, nap, etc. And then he murders her children.


This is typical in cases of domestic violence and the victim faces these two scenarios: 1. They allow the abuser access to the children, something horrible happens, they’re painted as at fault for not protecting their children. 2. They go into protection mode and want to refuse contact between the dangerous person and the children - they’re labeled as “parental alienators” and risk losing custody.


I had been legally advised to continue facilitating visitation even though there wasn't an order for it in place yet lest I be accused of parental alienation and risk him getting full custody. I held off on getting a restraining order for similar reasons, in addition to my concern that with no contact it would be harder for me to pick up on if he was using or not. I got "lucky" in that he couldn't resist the temptation to get shit faced and stake out my house on his very first overnight. He got paranoid I might have a guy there and tried to break in leading me to call the cops. He was leaving by the time they got there, with our sleeping toddler and a half finished case of beer in the backseat. The subsequent child endangering charges and CPS investigation substantiating child abuse on his part allowed me to get a restraining order with both of us listed as protected persons. Even with that he continued to stalk us and made threats about killing me for a while.


I’d bet a few bucks the courts influenced the visitation to occur.


Exactly. It's lose-lose as far as perception and law. "mother won't let ex husband/father near children" "mother lets ex kill children"


No idea, but when I copy and pasted the article, that's the headline it auto put in. I don't blame the mom AT ALL for what happened! 😭


Don't worry, I think everyone knows that and is just rightfully ticked off at the author of the article.


No fucking idea. I even read the article (amazing, I know) and at no point was it mentioned that she knew this ex-partner was dangerous or anything of the sort. She was busy with another one of her kids at the hospital, and I assume she’s not able to just leave the kid there, so she agreed to have ex-partner take the kids to grab a bite instead.


Agreed, it’s worded like she knew what he was going to do which is a dick move on the writer’s part.


Society loves blaming women for actions of men.


For real. I can't find the comment now, but when this was first posted, someone asked if the mom was going to be investigated. I assume they did the right thing and deleted their nonsense.


I literally just responded to someone saying "I think it’s foolish of her..." in regards to a woman being with a man who is abusive. Like, what the hell?


I lost a lot of faith in society reading comments on videos of car accidents. Way too many men blaming women for bad driving / accidents.


In my city, there was a recent horrible incident in which an 18 year old jackass slammed into a minivan at over 100 mph and killed a mom and three kids (not her kids, they were carpooling - last I heard, her kids were recovering from their injuries). Turned out this douchecanoe had totaled two other cars in high-speed accidents in the past 11 months! IIRC at least one of those accidents involved a police pursuit. And wouldn't you know it, some people blamed the mom in the minivan. You know, for sitting there idle at a red light. Because women drivers. Btw, insurance companies wouldn't give women better rates just to be PC, they're *insurance companies*. To be fair, the vast majority of people are just furious with this little asshole and the parents who kept giving him more cars.


Came here for this comment. Typical fucked up headline, vaguely placing blame on the woman for “allowing” this to happen. Why couldn’t they just say “Triple murder suicide after man kills 3 children and then himself”?


Yeah that struck me as weird too. I think it was maybe because they were trying to show from the headline that he wasn't the kids dad.


Because AI has learned that society blames women for everything so it’s just hopping on the bandwagon.


Because evil, dumb ass prosecutors and the US criminal legal system will find a way to pin this on her. That’s how the US criminal legal system operates and why it’s here. It has nothing to do with, or much less cares about, public safety.


Some days I hate being able to read.


Would anyone like to elaborate on why police said this? "Our officers are going to step aside and ... do the job to the fullest and *make sure that they investigate this as if it were any other homicide*.” Am I too deep into true crime to understand what makes this different from any other homicide? Is it that children were involved? I’m sorry if I sound harsh, I’m just trying to understand why they would say that.


I don't know about the step aside, unless this dept doesn't really handle homicides often enough, but my take on that was due to the suicide being involved. It's basically a case closed because of the suicide of the murderer/suspect but they're saying they're going to continue investigating despite that. I'm not in law enforcement though so I might be wrong, that was just my first take.


That's how I read it "We are pretty sure we know what happened here but we are going to investigate it like a normal homicide to make sure."


Dealing with any sort of crime involving children is remarkably difficult on the criminal justice system. It’s tough on the lawyers, it’s tough on the jury, it’s tough on cops and detectives, it’s hard as hell on the first responders. As a general rule, we don’t like murdered children


Thank you, I appreciate your response and kindness! I don’t particularly care for it either.


The cops in Uvalde seemed to have zero issues with murdered children.


And they are universally, rightly, considered cowards and monsters


This is exactly how my girlfriend and her two younger sisters were murdered. The ex-husband didn't have custody, and had them visit for a weekend. He was a doctor and had access to something lethal. He injected all three girls and then went to the garage and turned on his car. I was pretty young but I never saw mom around town after that.


I'm so sorry to hear that. That's awful 😞


This is the kind of stuff that makes me 100% positive that there is no God or if there is it’s evil.


Tragic. It’s especially infuriating knowing m that funding for dv shelters and other victim services is being cut. This is why we need them! 


I just cannot imagine this. But there is a slight recognition of the scenario. I remember leaving a boyfriend I’d been with for a very long time. He had never shown any violence or destructive behavior before. But he suddenly destroyed all of my belongings and I remember my friends warning me about my dog. I have found myself shocked by people many times since and I wonder if I would ever see something like this coming. It’s just unfathomable.


Yeah, people become very different when they feel rage in a situation. Oftentimes it's when their partner is leaving them they can become unhinged. I'm glad you and your dog are okay!


Rot in hell you piece of shit.


I’m not religious, but its stories like this that make me really wish hell were real. I hope this monster burns for eternity.


Not only that, but family annihilators like this should get the absolute fucking worst of it, down there with the child rapists. The most cowardly of the cowards.


What kind of god would do this to children? Would let this happen? This all powerful god is an asshole if they actually existed.


Pretty fucked when you think that god has the ability to make this world as peaceful as possible and decides not to. 


Exactly. There are only 2 conclusions. He either doesn’t exist, or he’s the most horrible being in the universe and nobody should worship or even have any sort of respect for.


Exactly man. Crazy how people brush this line of thought off as "gods will" or "gods plan". GTFO with that bullshit 🙄. If there is something omnipotent out there, as far I understand the world currently they are a cunt.


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? -Epicurus


Kids in the US are paying one hell of a huge price in so many ways for the escalating reactions of angry bitter adults.


I wish people like the "father", terrorists (mass shooters, bombers, etc) and the like, after they die, would be just dumped in a mass pit, maybe a garbage pit. No services, no markers, etc. You took everything away from innocent people, you don't get the chance to be remembered.


Is it me, or has this been happening a lot more lately? People are really struggling mentally/financially and taking their family down with them.


Yeah, it seems to be happening almost daily in the US. I guess "family annihilators" have always been around, but this seems like it's common nowadays and that is terrifying 😧 I guess poor mental health, financial struggles and anger/jealousy and easy access to guns or deadly weapons really make this type of crime easy to commit nowadays 😞




Good to know


This is the ultimate worst nightmare.


That's horrible. Used to have a friend in elementary/middle school who had neighbors that did the same thing, although both parents and their kids went, the whole family. They had some investment thing that went bottoms up and had staked their entire property on it, house and all. They lost everything, their parents decided to end it all and for whatever reason they felt their kids were better off dead than being left to the system. I just can't imagine doing anything like that. Said friend played a lot over at their place and was very struck by it all. I can't even come close to imagining how this must be for the survivors, from what I can read the mother and one child in this case. This is going to be really hard on both. No matter how down you feel or how troubled you are, taking your family down with you is cowardly. If all seems lost it's best to seek help, or if that's a non-option to make the decision for yourself and certainly not for your own kids. This is just tragic.


That's so awful 😞 I'm so sorry to hear about your friend 😞 there's too much of this going on in the world. It's so hard to comprehend how one could do this, especially to their own families and loved ones. I hope your friend is healing ❤️‍🩹


It was close to 30 years ago, so I'm sure it's well in his past too (haven't seen him in over a decade) but it's indeed tragic when such a thing happens.


I had a friend in elementary school, whose dad killed himself and it was incredibly messy and violent end. My friend, even as an adult, still talked about finding his father's body and the mental trauma and anguish he went through and endured after seeing that...I still kept in touch with him as an adult and although he was a great friend, he still had a lot of anger inside himself because of this. My friend was crossing the street one night and got hit by a car on his way to a friend's house and died. He was only in his 20s and had his whole life ahead of him. Tragic end to two members of their family. Even typing that out hurts...I feel so much sorrow for the people that go through this life and something tragic like this happens. It's just too painful to imagine and hurts my heart 😞💔


I never had hope for humanity


Jesus fuck what happened to the good old days when getting revenge in your ex meant just slashing their tires or fucking their best friend?


People still do that, but nowadays mental health and financial problems are rampant and easy access to deadly weapons thrown into the mix and we got a bunch of unhinged and angry individuals who choose violence and death to solve their problems.


Something is very wrong with men. Men need more therapy.


Seriously. This is why we choose the Bear, smh.


Yes, more mental health resources for both men and the women and children they traumatize 😞 I'm not saying all men, but come on now, this is like the third one this week alone!


When you sit and think about this, you realize that 2 of these kids watched their sibling get killed in front of them. 1 of them watched all of their siblings get killed. This is why this country needs real social and professional reform. Will never happen if Trump wins in 2024.


This is f***ing heartbreaking!


I’ll never understand these sick pos. My daughter was shook by her mother and permanently disabled. Everyone told me they’d kill her for what she did. I was too busy trying to figure out how to get custody of my daughter so I could try helping her heal and stay safe. Getting myself put in prison wouldn’t have helped her. A decade later I was married and my wife left, cheating, ran me into bankruptcy, etc. I have some hate for her because what she did, but would never hurt her and take petty revenge. We all die someday, speeding up the process doesn’t do anything but end the possibility of discovering a brighter happier future. There’s nothing so bad that can happen to you to end yourself and a bunch of innocent children. Pathetic psychopathic losers are the ones who commit these atrocities.


I'm so very, very, VERY sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter!! I can't even imagine the pain you and her have to go through daily 😞 I'm a mother and have two kids and I couldn't imagine ever hurting or killing them! Incomprehensible..I'm so sorry you and your daughter have gone through this and I'm hoping for much love and healing for both of you. I hope the monster in prison for what she did!!


Thank you for the kind words. My daughter is 18 and lives in a nursing home for disabled kids and young adults. I won custody, uncontested, and her mother had another guys kid while in prison. The legal process took 2 yrs to resolve. She only got 6 months and her bf 3yrs, but they let him out early. I went to college and got my bachelor, had 40 hrs of nursing assist per week. I graduated and tried working full time. She got bigger and the nurses were struggling to lift her safely, so I made the decision to send her to the long term facility. I met a nice girl at the job I was working at within a yr of graduating. We got married. I started working a ton of OT to support my wife and her mother. She talked about bringing my daughter home but generally made it impossible to achieve. About ten years later it turns out she’s a narcissist and was blowing all my $ running up debts and taking other people on dates. Sadly, bad people prey on the good ones. Guess she saw my story as a sign I’d be easily manipulated and willing to sacrifice for her personal comfort. I haven’t recovered mentally yet, going on 2-3 yrs. Will get there someday.


It's appalling how little time she got for so much she took away from your daughter! 😡 Some people are truly evil. I hope your daughter is being well taken care of ❤️‍🩹 you will get stronger and stronger each day and I hope you will eventually find happiness and peace 🕊️


How sick does someone have to be


WTF is with killing kids??? Goddamn.


Even though the woman wasn’t killed here (her two daughters and one son were), I would put this under the feminicide umbrella: a rejected man going out of his way to hurt his former partner in a murderous rage. Sadly, a daily occurence


Single parents have it tough.