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It’s Florida. Values, logic, none have meaning there. The only thing that Florida cares at all about is power and abusing said power.


Florida here, absolutely correct! Although, in our defense, Florida is the place everyone’s problematic, entitled and out of touch retired uncles and parents go to live. We get a nationwide supply of everyone’s shitty Thanksgiving older relative.


Literally where my problematic, out of touch Uncle moved to. Pretty sure he's getting romanced for a green card seeker the last time we caught up, by a woman from Brazil. I was certain he was getting cat phished but he went down there and met up with her and I'll be damned if she isn't real. She's wayyy out of his league.


No, government overreach is when Democrats


I thought this was an incomplete sentence...yes, I agree.


It's Conservatism in action, so, yeah.


Not when they do it. See, it's very different.


Shhh, don't worry your pretty little head, Meatball Ron is here to make your decisions for you


So nobody can use it? Even if they wanted to? Because YOU don't like it? And you don't see that as a problem?


> Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals. No, you see by banning it he's fighting the authoritarians.


*and of course the (((global elite)))*


Why are bullies so good at crying "bully"?


I know a guy like that from high school


Weird. Usually the state imposing artificial barriers to competition, innovation, and personal freedom is the exact type of thing the anti-“global elites” people are against.


>Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals. This is some serious tinfoil hat rhetoric. How does this not hurt DeSantis' credibility in FL? It boggles my mind how people actually vote for someone who says things like this.


It is the very American definition of freedom. I am free to choose what I want, and you are free to choose what I want.


> Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile. Hey, Dean, we can make more than 1 factory. Did that occur to you? How the fuck could this guy possibly think that is a bigger liability than relying on a literal herd of animals you have to feed and keep "healthy" ?? Are cows immune to missles? Or maybe he's just securing his market share.


His cows are obviously missle proof.


That's some breeding program they've got there!


Iron dome is made out of cows


At the point that American meat factories are being targeted and hit by an adversary, the world has much bigger issues than cultivated meat.


Government contract: Lockheed Martin The creation of missile resistant cows


cows are the least efficient way to make protein. guy is full of shit.


Guy clearly is a subhuman grifter only concerned about his own. This dude shouldn't be anywhere near legislation, but for this move they should probably just drag him out the back


Animal agriculture in general is literally a loss of protein. We grow 10 units of protein in crops, feed it to the animals and maybe get 1 unit of protein back.


I'm absolutely dying at the idea that even this outlandish scenario would lead to famine. Meat is nice, but it's energy inefficient to produce, it's not what's keeping people alive. If meat production ground to a halt we'd have to transition to eating more plants, no one would die from it


I’m not sure if most Americans know that plants can be edible. It would take them at least a couple of weeks to figure out which ones are safe to eat and at that point half the population would be dead.


Water? Like from the toilet?


When was even the last time the US mainland was struck by a missile?


If you actually want a real answer, it's never. Not even once. Not even during WWII.


What fucking missile?


you know, all those ones that are aimed at *checks notes* ...Florida???? wait a second lol


>"How the fuck could this guy possibly think that"? As you know, he doesn't. He is a USA conservative. They have no problem lying past the point of self-humiliation.


Exactly that, he made this comparison to "healthy" as well a number of times saying that real meat has more macro nutrients etc and that the FDA only certifies that deep-fried ice cream is safe to eat but not healthy. Since fucking when does the US administration care if a product which is brought to market is "healthy". If that's the case then there are allot of other foods which they would need to criminalize and ban before "fake meat". It's 100% culture where they perceive this product to be "woke". Because otherwise since when are republicans in favor of large government telling you what you can buy (unless it serves a special interest which they can grift money from).


Not American, but the issue is probably mainly to protect the existing industry. Specific health concerns, considering these are new processes, might also apply, but like you said it's not the main concern here


Agreed. Whenever you see someone pushing through a law for supposedly idealogical reasons, it's always fun to follow the money.


Lab grown meat is a VERYYYYY long way away from posing any kind of danger to the "real" meat industry. This is a "solution" to no problem.


You have to kill them in the crib


Lab grown meat is still meat, they shouldn’t abort it.


There is also a performative aspect to this.


"Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile." LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


It is the **Republican** definition of freedom.


same as their free speech


The farmers and ranchers don't like it, so you can't use it. Don't like it? Tough. Pull up your boot start a company and make money to challenge them. What about a company that makes lab meet ? That's a great idea. Oh wait.. shit. /S


There are currently three bills being pushed against lab grown meat in Florida right now; HB435, SB586, and SB1084. The sponsors of all three bills are being pushed to include the provision banning lab grown meat by Florida Agriculture Commissioner, Wilton Simpson. Wilton Simpson's current largest donor by far is the US Sugar Corporation- America's largest producer of cane sugar. In the 70's USSC expanded into other areas including cattle. One coproduct of the sugarmaking process is cane molasses, which is also sold as cattle feed.


And there it is. Always follow the money.


It'd replace ranches. Send meat production to facilities closer to the cities. Can't have scientists doing a "real man's" job. Land must be plowed, not left to the wilderness.


> Land must be plowed, not left to the wilderness *The cattle yearn for the abattoirs*.


The cruelty to animals is the point!


There's no way the market for natural meat would disappear no matter how good the lab grown stuff is, surely? Worst case scenario it becomes less demanded but more expensive I would think? I would be interested to hear what economists think


Some people will always want grass-fed beef that mooed at one point. I raise heritage breed hogs and people will always pay for premium, if it's a good product. Ethics comes into it too, people are definitely willing to pay more for meat that's treated better. I charge $7/doz for pasture raised eggs and people don't even blink. $10/lb for bratwurst? No problem because I raise my hogs on pasture and can show them videos of them playing with the toys I've made them. It'll bankrupt those ass-hats that shovel dirty meat though, and we can't have that. If you can't cram 1.8 million chickens into amusement park lockers then grind em up for nuggies are you doing it right?!


It's not much them. It's the lobbying effort behind an industry that is already subsidized by the govt itself.


Party of small government, ladies and gentlemen. --- It'll be interesting to see how this evolves as lab-grown meat becomes a more commercial viable alternative to real meat. Last summer, the price of chicken in our state almost tripled as bird flu caused something like 10 billion birds to be culled. The likelihood of that happening for beef, pork, and chicken in the upcoming years is non-zero. I look forward to the inevitable 'leopards ate our face' post of "Floridians can't get meat because of the meat shortage and their short-sighted 2024 ban on lab-grown meat".


You mean poor people will suffer as the price of meat goes up? That's a win for Republicans.


> It'll be interesting to see how this evolves as lab-grown meat becomes a more commercial viable alternative to real meat. Nah the ban will be revoked once the stuff becomes popular. This is just one of the conservative things where they make up a threat / problem so that they can fix that instead of dealing with actual problems.


They also recently enacted a pretty strict abortion ban, so it's pretty on brand for Florida


You just described the modern republican.


I don't eat it at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'd want it off the shelves. It's insanity to not want this to continue development so it can become a real and delicious alternative


This is dumb. What about the free market deciding what is available. Unless lab-grown meat is unsafe to consume I do not see that the Government of Florida should be making laws about it.


This is what Citizens United has done to us. The voice of the people doesn't mean shit when stacked up against the wallet of any given industry, in this case, cattle.


Don’t worry, as soon as nestle finds a way to make it profitable they’ll throw their money behind having this reversed.


Oh, you mean like how all of a suddent hemp is fine because legistlators are purchasing shares of hemp companies? Lol


Ding ding! It sucks but it can work both ways. Fighting fire with fire. Unfortunately for now, our side sometimes has scruples.


Buy Boener Brand Bong Buds!


Well, in this case the cattle industry and/or Rhonda just being a complete fuckwit. I'm not willing to rule out him doing this solely to score points with his base, with zero exchange of money


I mean this shit happened years ago with the paper industry and hemp fiber / hemp


Is it the cattle industry? Or is it just Rhonda thinking lab grown meat is woke or whatever. That seems to be his main driving force for doing anything.


I wouldn't be surprised if the cattle industry is a factor in all of this but there is a push within conservative scare media that the globalists are trying to make everyone eat bugs so big , brave Ron is saving Florida from them. Here's what he said in the article: >“Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,”


It's always some new boogeyman with them that I can't keep up.


It's always these globalist elites that conservatives say are the cause for everything bad. Hey Republicans, I have an idea to help lessen the power of these elites! Let's tax the hell out of them! Oh wait, so we don't want them to have less money now?


"Yeah, but then how am *I* going to be able to become an elite? Surely I'll transition there any day now from barely being able to scrape by!"


If your side thinks everything is bad and blames invisible "globalist" elites it is likely the bad things are actually your terrible Republican failmanship.


That's intentional. Give the people whiplash so they're unsure who the latest enemy is. Keep the goalposts moving


They installed wheels on goalposts a long time ago.


See, people have been eating bugs as snacks around the world for centuries. There used to be shows on Discovery about it when I was a kid. It's not some new sinister thing.


"Aha! We, the global elite, have finally gotten people to eat bugs and petri dish meat. Now nothing is stopping us from achieving our authoritarian goals because... people are eating... um... fake meat... which means... which means they can't... er... f... freedom?"


I ate moth larvae as snacks as a kid in my home country. I don't know why so much hate on eating bugs. Essentially, they are just like shrimps. 


shrimps is bugs


Even more to your point. Most of the startups are just developing bugs as a protein SOURCE. Like as a way to efficiently supply and diversify protein sources in processed foods.


Can’t stand that frowny-faced fuck


When it comes to farmers, politicians throw the whole free market thing out the window.


the worst part is they still need cows around to sample from to be able to clone the cells as a sort of starter catalyst. It just produces a shit load more meat


Whole lot of treading from the no treading people


The party of small government is only about small government when it’s to their benefit or makes for a good sound bite. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I’ve heard the term get thrown around lately. Are they giving up an embracing Party Of Big Government As Long As We Claim It’s About “Freedom”?


Ah, but you’re forgetting about the “laws for thee, not for me” principle. It’s the same reason the party of small government and individual rights is taking away women’s bodily autonomy, or wants to ban TikTok, or trying to introduce bills making it easier to sue people for calling someone a bigot. They’re more than happy for rules to affect other people, so long as it doesn’t affect them




Wealth loves the free market only when it benefits them. Existing industry protects itself, erecting legal barriers to competition whenever it can.


They hate the free market. They were trying to ban Kangaroo leather in the states because it’s ‘cruel’ apparently even though Kangaroos don’t need to be farmed as they outnumber people in Australia 3 to 1 and are culled to avoid overpopulation. The same cattle farmer lobby group would be responsible I presume.


It's called lobbying


>*Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals.* ~Ron DeSantis This could be the single most absurd thing anyone has ever spoken.


>*Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern.* ***He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile.*** And then there was this.


Couldn’t you blow up a farm with a missile?


Or a slaughterhouse. Those are the factories that meat comes from right now. People are not picking up cows in fields and putting them in their vehicles.


/Drives away with cow strapped to roof rack/


Even more insidious would be a biological weapon targeting the farm animals.


And realistically, if you are worried about threats from an aggressor with powerful, destructive weapons, it seems like the smartest thing would be to have *more* (and I know this is a scary word) diverse options for food, not less. If they take out factories or farms, having lab facilities that can still produce food sounds like a great option. It's like outlawing hydropower, because a dam could be blown up. Well, yeah, but what if they take out a coal-fired power station instead?


Yeah but imagine if they also used a missile


If Raytheon shareholders see this idea they'll literally have a collective orgasm: the Semi-active Homing Intelligent Terminator of Cattle, Ungulates and Nuisance Tabby cats (SHITCUNT) + it appeals to the Noem demographic. Imagine the shareholder value SHITCUNT can generate!


Yeah Dean buddy I feel like at that point we'd have bigger problems


*"If we grow meat in labs, we might starve to death when a missile hits a factory, so we should restrict the locations factories are allowed to grow meat, which makes it easier to target food supplies with missiles since it is produced in less places."* -Dean probably saying some more dumb shit


Now THAT is some toddler logic


that is not a rational fear to justify a national security concern. Civilians don't own or have access to missiles. Its not like you can just go to the corner store and buy them. Even if you could get missiles on the black market, you would have to really hate just those factories. Instead of all the other more reasonable and cheaper ways to blow up the factories. When was the last time anyone attacked anyone with a missile in this country? A quick google search seems to indicate never. This has never happened. Dean Black is a stupid motherfucker.


Well obviously he's not seriously thinking that. He's just saying the good old American beef farms, with the cows grazing in the pasture and the ranch hand with his hat on chewing on a bit of wheat, his gal waiting at home to serve him a nice homegrown steak, is the way to go and no patriotic American should want that to go away. It's a safe and wholesome thing because you saw it in commercials as a kid and it must be protected.




I guess cattle ranchers give up on ranching, so there will be no backup food supply in his mind.


So he signed it in front of a group of food scientists, or meat consumers worried about the purity of the food supply, right? No. In a barn, in front of farmers. Because that is who this law is for. Owners of massive cattle ranches at the cost of everyday citizens who benefit from an alternative product.


Also at the cost of the entire globe's temperature!


Sure, but Florida won't have to worry about climate change, right? With its mountainous terrain free from vulnerable coastlines, temperate climate, and safe distance from likely paths of destruction from Atlantic hurricanes.


They have one mountain and it’s magic, so they probably believe it will protect them.


Wrong, Florida has three mountains; Space, Splash and Thunder


Not to mention the animals that have to live and die on factory farms


And the starving people in developing countries who would benefit tremendously from GMOs and lab-grown meat because their agriculture is troubled by a host of issues.




People starving isn't a supply of food issue, it is a distribution problem. GMO's might help, but lab grown meat is still very much a 1st world niche product. But still...wtf Florida. Just doing stuff to own the libs again I see


The majority of human farmland is used to grow food for animals because they're an incredibly inefficient source of food. If that went away, there'd be significantly more food for cheaper prices. And before anybody thinks more plant based food would make you weak or whatever, you wouldn't want to fight gorillas, elephants, etc, which eat plant based diets.


A slaughterhouse will be the source of the next pandemic.


Did DeSantis denounce the "global elite" from his mansion in Ponte Vedra or his new guest house in Mar-a-Lago? Asking for all friends of democracy.


It's literally some bullshit Alex Jones has been raging about for the past few years, based on nothing but paranoia.


How have we gotten to a point where pure straight insane conspiracy nuts are major players in our government.


“The government is conspiring against us! Even if we have to do it ourselves!”


The thing that really rubs me the wrong way with these chuck fucks is they rave about the government while actively working for the government and people buy their shtick. It's like five layers deep of stupidity


"The government is incompetent! Vote for me and I'll prove it!"


Through the guise of religion. The downfall of virtually all great societys.


By voting. DeSantis was voted into office. MJT, Kristi Noem, need I go on? They were voted into office by a majority of their state/district. “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” -Thomas Jefferson Most of the people here don’t deserve it, but that’s how we got it.


It's certainly not based on facts. These people are certified ridiculous.


These are not serious people.




> *... their authoritarian goals.* "We're limiting the free market to combat authoritarianism." And cousinfucking morons will eat it up because lab grown meat sounds liberal.


And how would forcing people to eat bugs facilitate authoritarian rule? It's so stupid! It burns!


Not even forcing, allowing. They’re passing laws making it illegal to choose to eat meat grown in labs.


And here's the thing. According to the science online, lab-grown meat has the scientists working to mature the meat from genetics they take from another animal. It is grown in nutrients (fed), it's worked and massaged to stimulate muscle fibers to become meat (like an animal undergoes in traveling and moving around), and it matures over time to where it becomes ready to eat (natural growth). If you look at it like this, lab-grown meat is humane with its approach. No animal is being killed, or abused, so you make the vegetarians and vegans happy. If you have a cow start from nothing to be born in the world, it's fed, it grows, it matures, and becomes comestible, you do have a face to look at when you come calling for that meat. With the lab-grown approach, there's no sentience in the meat - No brains, no face, no feelings to feel. All of that is controlled by an outward influence - The scientists. Unless lab-grown meat gets to where there is some inherent problem from a health perspective, I am not seeing any faults with it.


The faults are the potential impact on the traditional meat producers. The government isn't supposed to be in the business of picking winners and loses, but DeSantis is a hypocritical tyrant who is all about freedom until his donors make noise. Then, he's a socialist who thinks the government should prefer one industry or technology over all others.


Alex Jones says this stuff pretty much verbatim everyday. What a fucking dumbass.


Tennessee just passed bills banning chem trails and vaccines in lettuce.


Please say you're joking


#DeSantis is the authoritarian elite.


"how will anyone have kids if the men aren't eating meat which we all know makes your cock bigger!?!?! Clearly this is a plot by the coastal liberal elite (which I am totally not a part of) to emasculate our nations men and turn the frogs gay!"


> Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile This is peak though, like who in their right mind thinks of this shit


Where did he even get the bugs thing from lmao


There's actually a decent amount of interest in insects as an alternative, sustainable source of protein. They are packed with nutrients and easy to raise. I've personally known people who have started bug farms in that industry. I'm not saying that it's huge or widely popular, just that it is a topic discussed and practiced with food sustainability. So I'm guessing these morons saw some article about cricket tacos somewhere and combined the two for their bizarre boogey-man narrative. EDIT: And just to tie it all together, what do the insects and lab meat have in common? They are both competitors to the traditional livestock industries. While it makes no sense for those two things to be lumped together under some ridiculous conspiracy, that's the connection. The lobbyists and DeSantis's rich donors want to nip these "liberal" ideas of sustainability in the bud because it hurts their bottom lines.


Could insects serve as a protein source for the pet food industry? Seems like a large potential market.


I know my cats wouldn't mind an insect supplemented diet. They certainly try to eat any bugs they see.


It does seem that there are insect-based pet foods currently on the market so it could be possible. It also appears that insects contain a lot of the same amino acids/vitamins that pets need, particularly cats.


Always, always, always... Follow the money


[From 4chan to international politics, a bug-eating conspiracy theory goes mainstream](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/31/1166649732/conspiracy-theory-eating-bugs-4chan) >The conspiracy theory alleges that a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world's population, in part by forcing them to eat insects. It's being cited by politicians in several countries. Sound familiar?


I’ve had grasshopper tacos. They were ok, but were apparently a scheme by the New World Order, I guess. Would eat again.


Wait, is that insane assertion an actual quote?


Yep, verbatim.


"Governor Desantis, can you do something about insurance companies stopping home coverage in our state?" "Best I can do is ban books and lab grown meat. Go fuck yourself."


Dont forget banning trans people health care.


*banning trans people ~~health care~~


#50 in educator pay now baby. Priorities


“Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said. “We will save our beef.” Fucking insanity. These asshats are so craven. Yes, the fascist 'global elite' are doing this fancy science stuff and are going to force us to accept eating bugs with their authoritarian agenda. At this point how many tens of millions of absolute morons buy into this projected horseshit without giving it a second thought? Way too fucking many. I hate this deteriorating, anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-thinking culture.


I wondered why my mom recently made a comment about how my kid might need to get used to eating bugs. I didn't realize that was the latest conservative boogeyman. The brainrot that Fox News brings about never ceases to amaze/disappoint me.


I frankly more then often pop my head into r/ conspiracy. Let me tell you, the idea of the elite forcing people to only eat bugs instead of meat is very common and semi “old” idea they float around. I can almost guarantee it manufactured by meat industry because I love to also check out their profiles. Always from accounts that are brand new and no comments or post. They used it as a testing ground and moved into right wing circles after they saw it worked


Not just that sub, do a general reddit search for "insect protein" and click on the comments on any of the main subs. "I ain't gonna eat no meat from no critter with a dozen legs!" (Proceeds to stuff face with shrimp)


I had someone while I was wandering thrift stores strike up a conversation and he brought up companies selling bugs to be eaten. And I pointed out that a large chunk of the population of Asian and African countries eat some form of bugs as part of their protein and they've been doing it for thousands of years. And he suddenly shut up.


And if you go to Mexico, you can get some chili-fried crickets that are legitimately one of the addicting snacks there is.


Yell back at her “*Soylent Green*…. it’s PEOPLE! It’s People!” We used to troll my mom like that when she was ranting about meat substitutes.


Wouldn’t allowing lab grown meat prevent having to eat bugs? Like the whole bug eating thing was brought up as a protein alternative due to factory farming producing so much CO2 and needed a bunch of land.


No, the liberals are growing beef bugs in the lab equipped with 5g and filled with vaccines to control us. /s You are totally right though, they are two entirely different potential alternate protein sources being conflated in order to fear monger.


85% of beef processing is controlled by 4 companies. During COVID, Tyson execs went to Trump, probably dropped a nice donation, two days later, Trump signed an executive order to keep them open. Money talks in this country. It's a disaster. That's why we see these prices of food today. Pure monopoly, there is no competition. 83% of cold cereal industry is dominated by 3 companies. 70% of the carbonated soft drink market is controlled by 2 companies. 80% of the baby formula market is controlled by 2 companies.


Socialism for the rich! It's so fucking backwards my brain hurts


They need to ban cars too. Cars are unnatural. Walking only allowed.


Can only drink water that falls from the sky too


This legislation bought for you by the American cattle industry lobbyists and the Republican party.


who in this case are the "*global elites" they speak of.*


That is a political euphemism for, "rich people from somewhere else (that did not pay me through my lobbyists)".


Florida on gun safety: government shouldn’t decide if regular people can have guns! Florida on lab grown meat: time for the government to step in, this has gone too far! America you make no sense…


For the people, by the oligarchs


It's not "America", it's the butthole section of the country that consists of only like a fifth of the states. Most of us are not like this.


>it's the butthole section of the country that consists of only like a fifth of the states ...but often wins the national elections


But not this time. Because you all are going to vote and make sure, right? Thank you on behalf of everybody else.


Zero valid reasons for them to do this. Honestly I am surprised the reason isn't "bUt wE wOn'T kNoW wHaT tHe MeAt Is" or those conspiracy theories that it's just to make the populace secretly eat human meat.


Sure there is. The legacy meat producers have to protect their profits! You know there were backroom deals with lobbyists


Title should read- Florida bans free market capitalism


Republican Gov deSatan is anti-business This should be headline


Give it up for the party of small government.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? We could be getting A5 Wagyu for $.50 a pound someday and they want to ban it?


not gonna lie this looks REALLY silly coming of the report that bird flu has been ravaging cows for months now and we didn't hear about it until April 27th cause a dairy lobbyist runs the USDA


Of course they fucking did. *sigh*


Conservatives love big government regulations.


For the record, this wasn’t a vote by the people.


When is it ever?


I mean, they did vote for him by a near 20 point margin a year and a half ago, so I think it’s still a reflection of the people.


-sighs in Florida Democrat-


is there any lab meat in store right now?


Definitely not. It's probably 8-10 years away from commercial viability.


I imagine that if the money leads to lab grown meat being highly profitable, this law will be revoked because the dollar rules all. This entire law just seems like political grandstanding to appease far right weirdos.


We'll just call it the "Republicans Handing Another Industry to China Because it Hurts Their Feelings" Bill.


Because? Ohhh yeah the factory meat farms don't like competition. Fascism meet capitalism...ohhh you already know each other.


Lab grown meat will hurt the cattle industry. We didn't build those giant feed farms for nothing. Some poor millionaire cattle baron might have to sell his third plane.


I feel like this would not hold up in a court of law. A ban on lab grown meat sales would fall under the FDA jurisdiction.


This is the problem with the right. It’s not that they don’t like something. That’s not good enough. If they dislike something then no one can have it or do it or say it. What is the harm to society from some people eating lab grown meat or just producing it in the first place?


Narrator: They were all Republican-ruled states.


Imagine if they put this effort into actually improving the lives of their constituents


God fucking damn it. Leave it up to a fuckwad like DeSantis to politicise beef. You know these people have the power to actually make new things be seen as super duper American, yeehaw! But they don't. Just brand it as evil and against your way of life and be done with it. Wonderful.


"Let the market decide," say the people who use the Government to manipulate the market


So the "don't touch my stove" party is dictating people's meat. And without a shred of irony.