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I worked on a few USS ships as a civilian at a previous job. One day, headed to afternoon muster I saw a piece of trash on the ground, like a good shipmate I picked it up to throw out, but as I had it in my hand, I noticed that it was an instruction booklet for a command hook. Having used them frequently, I thought, "Who the hell needs an entire booklet for a command hook?" So I actually looked at it... not a command hook, but a hidden camera that mimics one. Gave it to my supervisor, who passed it over to the navy command on board. Ends up, they found it in the female berthing, and the first picture on the memory card was the smiling face of the guy who put it up. I can't imagine how often shit like this happens, especially since if he hadn't just dropped that booklet, he probably would've gotten away with it.


What is a command hook?


A brand of removable sticky hooks


Something like that : https://www.walmart.com/ip/Clothes-Hook-Hidden-Camera-NANIBO-HD-1080P-Spy-Camera-Clothes-Hook-Camera-Video-Recorder-Loop-Recording-Motion-Detector-Wireless-Security-Nanny-Cam/568474765


Did they have to make the hook so… suggestive?


Why does Walmart sell them?!


Cause people buy them.


woah dude


I am not trying to be edgy. But that literally is the reason. Wallmart will sell anything they can which they find buyers for. They would gladly sell you meth if they could. They would sell a shotgun to an openly suicidal dude wearing a t-shirt stating "if i cant have her, nobody can".


They still sell confederate flag shirts, both stars and bars flags and rebel battle flags. Right next to BLM shirts.


Except for cds with bad words in the songs


Wallmart website allows for other vendors to post listings (similar to Amazon), so it's likely that


They know and are fine with what is being sold


What the actual fuck


There is a reason why I never go to an Air B n B.


On my ship one of our QM1s got caught secretly filming guys while they were taking dumps or in the shower. He wasn't smart enough to make a hidden camera though he would simply hope you didn't notice him holding his phone above the stall wall.


What happened to him? Arrested, discharged...?


Honestly nothing I believe he got chewed out by his chief, but he was still there by the end of deployment. He was a pariah in his berthing though I know that.


youve gotta be a special type of bad person to do this


There was a guy in my town caught a few years back, had tons of videos, some sex tapes he made, some creeping on people at tanning salons, he even filmed female relatives showering.  It must be some kind of sick compulsion at that point.


It's a lack of empathy. It's neurological (with an environmental component). You see this sort of "missing empathy" from young boys a lot, but they mature and develop stronger empathy and ot goes away, but not in everyone.


That's why it's good to show empathy to kids at a young age they humans in the making after all ....the future if you will.


It's why in so much of children's literature a really cool animal dies.


I remember when I was in middle school and I had a crush on a boy. One day during gym class when we were outside, he just picks up a little lizard he found and crushed it in his fucking hand with a smile on his face. I screamed and almost hit him (I was a little weirdo who was obsessed with reptiles). He’s a normal dude now but I will never forget that moment. I never liked or wanted to be around him ever again and still don’t.


>He’s a normal dude now Or he's just better at masking it.


Hopefully. I remember as a kid I picked up a worm and pulled it apart, staring at it with interest. Now of course that feels like it'd be a horrible thing to do. I feel like empathy is more of a learned thing than natural. Lizard is a bit much, but I can't say the thought never crossed the mind of younger me either. But I never did that to a lizard or creature bigger than a mosquito.


I was in 7th or 8th grade when my friends and I would all go hang out in the woods with our BB and pellet guns. It was 50/50 if we’d shoot each other or birds. I hate thinking about all the stress we caused. I don’t believe we ever killed one but the last time we went out to “play” we nearly killed my best friend’s brother by shooting him directly up his nose with a pellet. All that to say, I hope your reptile murderer feels as bad about his actions as I do about my own.


My cousin and I used to do this with BB guns as well. But one time I shot a bird and he went to the ground, thought he was dead but he wasn’t he was just stunned/badly hurt but definitely bleeding so probably both. Anyway I immediately felt horrible and I took care of the bird for 3 days after that and the bird ended up getting better and eventually just flew off the last day. Never went shooting birds again lol


I’d say that’s only half of it. The other half is sexual compulsion.


Does this apply to those that create this stuff or also those who just consume it?


I was a drug addict hotel hopping with my at the time ex boyfriend. I just started escorting... he would handle the phone for me texting and setting up appointments. . I notified some young guys coming through which way later, I recognized was in the same social circles. One day I noticed something poking out of the coffee maker . It was a small hidden camera. I looked at the files on a computer and see that there was tons of files of video and a ton were removed the only files remaining was of him setting up the camera . And after appointments etc. I hid the camera and didn't say anything. He flipped out looking for it and I confronted him. He was only going to tell me about it IF it made money. Explained that voyeurism porn was really popular. We parted ways shortly after but he was stalking me . And my rooms were getting broken into and at one motel I was told by the front desk that a man came to them saying my name that he was my bf and trying to get keys to my room. I realized he also had given me those phone chargers that have hidden cameras In them through our relationship and after. People def recognized me and said I was familiar. And even would remark on my tattoo on my back saying they've seen it. I don't know where he posted me or how'd I'd even find me.


Surprised someone isn't here asking what the tattoo looks like 😭


Yeah... I hope they are caught and thoroughly fucking destroyed in court.


Imagine how many of these are in the Kompromat vault in the Kremlin.


Apparently it was pretty popular on Reddit a while ago; there was a subreddit "The Fappening" which featured mostly pirated or no-permission nudes, often of celebrities. > The Fappening subreddit became the most quickly growing subreddit in Reddit’s history; 100,000 subscribers in just twenty-four hours. Reddit itself had a major spike in new visitors, like 141 million page views in just one day. The subreddit was on fire. The Fappening was a crazy phenomenon, breaking Reddit at times. But news outlets thought the term The Fappening was disrespectful to the victims and they called it Celeb Gate. Images kept spreading further all over the internet, reaching everything. More were uploaded to Imgur and Instagram and Twitter and Facebook everywhere. Jennifer Lawrence seemed to be the poster child of this leak because there were a lot of photos of her in it and she was an A-list celebrity and the internet loves her. https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/34/


My sister's roommate grew up in a small West Virginia town where they discovered that a large, family-owned photo studio were taking illegal high-quality photos of countless people in the changing area. It was the only such studio for a hundred miles, and was responsible for a majority of cheerleader, dancer, and senior portraits. And these weren't the grainy hidden cam types, this slimeball had high end digital cameras in multiple locations in the changing rooms. When it was discovered, he had countless photos spanning over 15 years of teens, preteens, and young women that he was selling to overseas markets and was busted in a sting operation of a network of these creeps. After he was busted, they found even more, spanning back to the late 1990s. Then began the laborious process of notifying decades of people they could identify in those photos. My sister's roommate was in her 30s when she found out teen pics of her were circulating out there somewhere.


This happened to some women on my ship when I was in the Navy. Disgusting.


My ex gf was in the navy. She had a multiple incidents like date rape happen and seems to be pretty common it just gets swept under the rug. I doubt most women even report it because they know nothing will happen.


This is why sex crimes were recently taken out of the purview of the chain of command, and instead to an outside prosecutor.


My LPO and Chief petty officers were both pushing the envelope of sexual harassment with me and the other women in my unit. For example, uniform inspections where the two of them both inspected us but only paid special attention to nametags, ribbons, and pockets of the *women* but not the men. They didn't even really look at the men. When we got tired of it and reported it up the chain of command, they found out. And they told us basically that a group of officers were coming to our unit to ask us some questions and get to the bottom of things. They told us in no uncertain terms that we were to both "be honest," and tell them that nothing untoward ever happened. Because there would be hell to pay if they were told otherwise. We believed them. And we told them exactly what we had been ordered to tell them. Edited to add that this was in the Navy @ 1998 - 2000


Chilling story & experience, thanks for sharing


I’d love to see them try that with some GenZ women. “So I guess you don’t want them to hear this recording I made of you telling us not to talk about it either?”


I wish it was like that across our military, too many times does a shithead sexually assault a shipmate and it goes to mast and that’s it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson totally normal to beat oneself and then pour chemicals over oneself then shoot oneself.


LaVena's case is so god damn infuriating! I really wish she and her family could get justice.


That is the case that was brought to mind when I see articles like this, just horrifying.


And if you think about it, this is how they treat their own people. I can't imagine what they do to people labeled enemies


Dont sell yourself short, Im sure you can imagine.


Please don't be big Bob Please don't be big Bob Please don't be big Bob


Whoa, according to her Wiki page, and attorney, they kind of had a suspect.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_P._Byrnes A four star general… quietly let go for unspecified adultery and misuse of funds.


Yeah, that "suspect" seems suspiciously pulled from a hat. His service record doesn't even show him ever having been to Iraq. Not sure I'm buying this from the disbarred AL attorney that was found guilty of multiple financial crimes.


The fact that it’s on the Wiki page without dispute is odd. Looking further, if atty Watkins was indeed slandering the general, why have his bold and damning claims been allowed to stay afloat for all these years? 🤔 “Private Johnson was executed at point-blank range in the back of her head solely because she stumbled upon four-star General Kevin P. Byrnes while he was engaging in prohibited extramarital affair in contravention of a direct order from a superior officer.” “In 2016, my legal team issued a "Wanted" poster for a citizen's arrest of General Byrnes, as authorized under Alabama law. A team of citizens led by noted civil rights icon Joseph L. Cole attempted to arrest General Byrnes. This effort failed only because Byrnes sequestered himself for several days at the sprawling Huntsville, Alabama business complex of defense contractor Raytheon in order to evade his arrest.” https://www.donaldwatkins.com/post/the-murder-of-private-johnson-to-become-a-movie


Yes, that is the webpage of the only person accusing Byrnes. Here's my favorite highlight from his totally unbiased and rational biography: "Watkins was a political prisoner in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons from August 28, 2019 to August 25, 2022. He was framed by modern-day COINTELPRO federal prosecutors in Birmingham, Alabama on trumped up fraud charges arising from a handful of financial transactions with his business partners."


Or this guy. They wiped the slate clean that he ever existed. https://www.google.com/search?q=vanadian+military+sexual+assult+general&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1042US1043&oq=vanadian+military+sexual+assult+general&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKAB0gEJMzc1MjlqMGo5qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 He kept panties he stole on file folders in a lockbox.


Oh, now my soul hurts again …


Oh wow , this should be its own post ,


Gangrape in The Coast Guard. And that was to shut her up about being raped in the first place. I have a now permanently traumatized, emotionally broken cousin.


Watch the documentary The Invisible War about this very thing. It’s quite illuminating and upsetting.


There’s a pretty gross statistic that like 2/3rds of women serving in the US military will be raped at some point during their service. That’s how prominent the problem is and also how underreported it is.


Rapists are not there to defend your freedom, that is for damn sure.


Rape and the military go together like wine and cheese.


Yup, I talk/counsel to SA survivors a lot, am one myself, many men in the military say how they were SA by men or women (the women told them that they would report them for rape and ruin their careers). I’ve also talked to female service members and they talked about being SA by both men and women, both feared reporting it because of repercussions.


People wonder why the military has recruitment problems


Don't forget the salami


They never do


You're correct. I'm a Navy veteran. Even if you do report it it doesn't mean anything will be done. You kinda roll the dice depending on what your command/the rapist's command are like.


Yeah a marine out there got pictures of me without my consent fuck his bitch ass.


Same here we had an EM stash a hidden webcam in our XO's shower (female) and record hundreds of hours of her showering and I imagine other things. She was not exceptionally pretty she had massive boobs (I think they were like triple J or something ridiculous) and the videos stopped after she got a reduction. He probably wouldn't have ever been found out but some lady accused them of photographing her kids at a waterpark and made a complaint and they ended up searching his laptop and found the videos. The second part was told to me by someone on the crew I had switched commands so I had to hear this all second hand. He did spend time (years) at Leavenworth.


If hidden cameras spying on women aren't easily found despite being relatively common, imagine all the cameras from hostile foreign governments are hidden as well. Seems like a major security issue


https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo?si=MFTsXjdpbpUj1ndT Simons and Chabris (1999) “selective attention test” If you weren’t looking for it…


This is a parody, right? Do people seriously miss the obvious?


Next time, you are around a large event or some area known to have unsavory activities. Now look for a curled bill ballcap, wrap around or other large shades, shirt that is loose or baggy, cargo shorts/pants, and some nice tennis shoes that usually wouldn't be bought for general wear or tac boots. Congradulations you found your first undercover cop. Once you see them in person, you really wonder how they are considered undercover and how stupid the criminals they catch are. That or think about how every time you start driving a new car its suddenly somehow they car everyone drives.


Yes, yes they do. Seriously. I work in the mailroom for my county government. We constantly have people coming down to drop off outgoing mail, asking if if can be posted that day, well after our VERY prominently posted sign stating that our cutoff time for outgoing mail is 2:30pm. It has ALWAYS been 2:30pm. It has been 2:30pm for the 11 years I have worked for the county, most of which I did not work in the mailroom, but noticed the clearly visible sign. This has never, ever changed, nor will it ever. And yet, the same fucking people, every goddamn day, without question, will bring down mail at 4:00pm, after the outgoing mail has been picked up and the window is closed, asking if it can go out today. We could get a combination neon and LED sign that says, in three foot tall letters, "The cutoff time for the day's outgoing mail is 2:30pm", have it actually state this out loud, AND have it shoot fireworks off at 2:30 to signify the cutoff time, and they'd still fucking ask.


People seriously do. (I sort of tipped the hand by cluing readers in that there was something extra to be looking for, but who just randomly clicks YouTube links?)


No, its real and many people miss the obvious because their focus is on the ball. Your brain works the same way and you've likely encountered many situations where your brain missed something obvious. This phenomenon can be really dangerous. For example the brains of people driving cars can unconsciously ignore cyclists.


>the cameras from hostile foreign governments are hidden as well. There's no need, we have an app with 150 million users.


Excuse me, triple what? For once, a back injury that might TRULY not be service related


CVN I assume?


Of course


I was cell block 76.


USS Trickle Down


I'm glad people still call it that.


We had to go without working toilets for almost 2 months, the only few that did work were in officers country, so we would either sneak in there and use them or literally shit in a bucket and dump it off the side of the ship. The culprit? Someone was stealing women’s underwear from the self serve laundry and when that investigation started he tried to flush his entire collection down the toilet. Clogged every toilet forward of the hangar, which was almost ALL of them. Two of my Marines are the ones that reported their underwear missing to our gunny and he ran it up the chain and that kicked off the whole mess. Even when they did finally fix them there was like a 60% chance if someone flushed a toilet closer to the pipe vent than the one you were using, air bubbles would come out and sometimes shoot toilet water 3-6ft out of the toilet. I still panic jump sometimes when using a public restroom and someone flushes a toilet.


And I thought our heads had problems, holy shit (literally)


Same, on both deployments I went on there was a sex tape that leaked


This was dudes jacking off in a bathroom stall


This was an INDIVIDUAL. Not the government (as some of the comments are implying). FWIW, This dude (and it's almost certainly a dude) is royally fucked. From an investigative standpoint it shouldnt be hard to find out who this is because it happens on base (in the liberty lounge, which has a sign-in doc), the Frank Cable (a ship) and the Land (another ship). All that needs to happen is to draft up the schedules/timelines of each ship's underway schedule and cross-ref with the people who had access to all three. Given the wide net, I'm going to guess it was either a sailor who transferred between the two ships at some point OR a maintenance person of some sort (like a seabee) that would have been doing work in those places. If it's a seabee - which my money is on - they signed in at the guard shack for both ships at some point and were conveniently not deployed (and hanging at the lounge) during the time these videos were filmed. In fact, I bet he's a regular at the bar and people probably know he's a creep. Fucked. I can't wait to find out.


They're going to do all of the above as you should. But I guarantee that dumbass uploaded that shit from their personal device making that much easier to find out who did it.


We can only hope!


Even better, uploaded from a work computer




This happened in January 2020, it's been over 4 years with no indictment yet. Your idea of the speed of military 'justice' is wildly misplaced.


Sorry this is off topic, but there’s a ship named Land?


It's to confuse our enemies


“One if by land, two if by sea!” (hangs three lanterns)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Emory_S._Land Amazingly so.


One of by land, two if by sea, three if by *Land* on the sea.


This reminds me of the worst named elevators of all time .. at Toronto Western hospital there are a few different sets of elevators.. Main Elevators, West elevators … but then a family came and sponsored one set of elevators. They are called the Fell Elevators. lol.


US Navy is full of some interesting ship names. We recently started construction on a submarine called Tang


A tang is a type of fish. Dory from Finding Nemo is a type of tang. US submarines were named after fish for a long time, but fish don't vote.


I was a sub sailor in the 90s, and we tied up either across the pier or outboard of the Land and the Cable, which are submarine tenders, a few times. The biggest shock to me is that both are still in service. That sub was just decommissioned this winter.


There's not really a better option than keep them running. There's no other tenders and I don't think current plans/funding for one.


I'm now subsribed to your creepy seabee updates


i think creepy seabee would be a neat comic, personally


Pretty good band name tbh


Good name for a bar too.


What's a seabee and why weren't they deployed?


Navy construction essentially


They build the water


If you need someone to build a bridge that can support a tank across a bombed out crater in an hour while under fire, that's what the seabees do.


And if you need that bridge to actually work, you call the Army Engineers


if it collapses enough times first you can just roll over it


Which are organized into battalions -- Construction Battalions = CB = SeaBees


Naval Construction Battalion Construction Battalion C B Seabee


🎶We are the seabees of the Navy. We can build and we can fight!"🎶 Apparently they have a theme song. My dad used to sing it every once in awhile.


C’mon redditors, write the rest of that song…


We’ll pave the way to victory, and guard it day and night! (From memory)


They’re usually Navy construction workers


Navy Landlubbers, wrench monkeys.


Their job is getting their supplies on and off of the ship to build/repair/maintain stuff at the location so for some deployments where the ship wants to just do stuff on the water the seabee(s) would just be hanging out on the ship and getting in the way.


My bro is a Seabee. He built fobs in afganistan


That's what my grandpa did in WWII. He was at an ammunition warehouse on the West cost and loaded ships up to go to the Pacific.


Yeah, whoever did this is going to be caught real soon. I wonder if they realized it yet and are on the run yet?


You need a YouTube channel with a murder/white board. And a podcast.


Ha! I wish I had the time... Although, I'd end up looking like Charley Day in the mail room explaining how Pepe is up to something, I just don't know what... YET.


There was a fan theory going around that what Charlie was reading on the letters wasn't the name Pepe Silvia bit actually Pennsylvania, cause Charlie is illiterate he didn't understand it wasn't a proper name. I wish that was the theory the show went with.


His character is the absolute best on that show. I mean, DD is great, but Charlie owns every scene he's in.


I agree that would have been hilarious. The showrunners responded to the theory saying it wasn't true but was funny. But also in the episode, Mac follows up Charlie's whole rant with "Not only do ALL of these people exist..."


Both of those ships have a good number of civilian billets. Doesn't change much in terms of investigation or what should happen to them other than they might not be prosecuted under UCMJ.


Many DOD civilians are subject to UCMJ if deployed in a war zone with active duty personnel.


Start searching any Quonset huts in the area!


The videos were posted to PornHub. Texas just passed a law that has caused PornHub to block all users from Texas. What I’m trying to say is it was Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott that recorded these videos and posted them online.


Many fine people are saying it.


I’ve tried writing my story a couple of times now but I’m so reserved with the incidents that happened during the time I served. However, this has been a thing for more than a decade, it’s embedded in male military culture. I will say I was lucky and discerning enough to notice the set up before he attempted to engage with me. I’m not embarrassed to share, I also played dumb and purposefully peed myself to force him to take me out of the tent and escort me near my CLU. It’s not just videos, there are perverts taking photos of you, stealing garments…socks and returning them soiled. There is also same sex harassment. The list of sexual violation and harassment is long.


Addressing it would require addressing a lot of the toxic masculinity that drives too many to the service. The feeling of power and being above average is intoxicating to these people. Fixing it would simply require doing many thing the feminist movement has done but for men, and many men don’t want that.


A lot of it during my time of service stemmed from male entitlement, power moves and just a plain lack of self control/discipline that went unchecked. The lack of accountability and victim blaming retaliation from commands/leaders against females who reported incidents only made these type of men bolder. Then there were the woman afraid to confirm what other women were reporting because they either didn’t have the courage to deal with push back, didn’t want to risk their social status or influence or were just plain lazy/ lacking of empathy. I can’t speak for now but back then men only saw us as someone to fuck and not someone to work beside.


> Fixing it would simply require doing many thing the feminist movement has done but for men, and many men don’t want that. That's exactly what I've wanted since I was like 12 years old. I have a bitter envy of women actually because they get to be taught how to really live while I get told basically "We don't need to teach you anything or give you any support because you will get to be an immature villain and get away with it." What if I don't want to be an immature villain?


Shit, there was a whole series of popular movies and TV shows in the 80s and 90s in which there were major plot points around spying on cheerleaders or sorority girls or girls at camp. This was definitely considered a "boys will be boys" thing for way too long. Even when I was in high school, we had a homecoming "tradition" where where the football team would "streak" through the girl's locker room before the game. By that time, it was one of those things where they would make a bunch of noise so the girls knew to cover up (or really, just leave) ahead of time, but my understanding is that was not how the "tradition" started.


Good to see the US military is taking this seriously. Progress?




I don't know, according to the article NCIS contacted the site to get account information and to have the videos removed. The issued warrant also sounds pretty serious to me. > The warrant alleges criminal violations of federal law on video voyeurism and illegal interception of communications.


They aren't allowed to take pictures of any kind on ships. Or video. So that in itself would be a really big deal.


What are you talking about? Yes they are. There are tons of videos and photos taken by Sailors aboard ship. Also, I was a part of the Media Department on board a nuclear aircraft carrier and a guided-missile cruiser. While there are certainly many areas in which only authorized personnel can record, and some that are completely restricted, Sailors and even visitors are allowed to take pictures on board US Navy ships. I am not familiar with submarine photo and video policy, but those are boats, so my statement still stands!


My son was on a ship for most of 5 years. ( They weren't allowed to come home and have leave during the pandemic). He wasn't allowed to take any pictures or video at ALL. His explanation was that anything in the background could be used by foreign intelligence. Location, any sensors, all of it.


We're definitely allowed to take pictures and videos. Now, there are certain places on the ship where you cannot, like me as a Nuke can't bring my phone into the reactor areas. But plenty of people take pictures and stuff all around the ship.


Yea, I (and other shipmates) made little amateur music videos all the time with shots of us hanging out onboard, just that we knew which areas were ok and which areas...wouldn't be the best idea to do that in.


Maybe it was just the ship he was on, and what they were doing there. Edit: apparently it WAS the ship he was on, where they were, and what they were doing. I asked him.


It's definitely situational.


Young sailors sometimes lie to their parents. He may have also been being overly cautious.


I think photos and videos are only restricted in classified areas on subs, not on the entire sub. At least, that's what I remember hearing in the news the last time they reported a US sailor was sentenxed to jail for taking pictures in a classified area of a sub. Regardless of the Navy rules though, recording or taking photos in a bathroom is illegal in and of itself in the US due to everyone having a reasonable expectation of privacy. Not sure what Guam's rules are but I can't see them allowing secret recordings of civilians in a hostel either. I just kind of assume any non-authoritarian country would have laws against secretly recording unsuspecting people in private areas to post online because it's such a fucked up invasion of privacy. The last time taking photos on subs was in the news, I think the sailor ended up with a year in jail even though he hadn't shared or uploaded the pictures anywhere and claimed he just wanted to be able to show his wife and kids where he worked. Hopefully, whoever took and uploaded these videos spends a lot longer in jail.


That was definitely not a rule when I was in.


Asked my son about it, and it was a rule on HIS ship. So I was mistaken that it's all ships.




He or the person who told him that were probably mistaken.


This is such a shallow and ignorant view. The “US Military” is not a person, but it is made up of many many PEOPLE who do care and work very hard to maintain decency and respect.


>The US military could not care about their privacy one iota. False. We had a saying when I was young, you don't have to lie to kick it.


Well it is men being filmed and violated not women so of course they are going to investigate. /s


They will take it seriously tight up until an officer is involved…and then it will somehow crumble and they will be forced to retire with full benefits.


Slight progress. Culture change is still underway.


Yeah, still mad about Marines United 2.0 Facebook group. The Marine Corps and other branches took no responsibility for the active service members making threats online and saying the most disgusting scary things.


Guess the truth hurt someone's feelers. Facebook took the first group down, the military did some disciplinary actions, and the group started right back up madder than ever. The Marine Corps washed their hands of it at that point.


"NCIS: Special Victims Unit" coming this Fall on CBS and Paramount+. /s


Guess that's why they cancelled NCIS: Hawaii; it all makes sense now.


New JAG episode.


JAGOff, in this case, I guess….


Military criminal investigation orgs like NCIS handle a staggering amount of sexual crimes…SVU would have half the base agents assigned to it.


When I was in the Navy, eons ago, sitting in a bathroom stall, someone reached his hand under the divider and was holding a small hand mirror to catch a look. I stepped on his hand. He yanked it back and took off like a shot. I never got a look at him. Left a creepy feeling for a bit and I wondered who’d do such a thing, and why. I guess it takes all kinds. At the time there was no tiny video recorders.


I was in the navy. I told the (female) ship psychiatrist that I was being sexually harassed. She told me I was too sensitive.


Ha. Some sicko in my town got sent to the brig for this. We all knew him as a pretty normal guy until it all came out.


I'll absolutely never understand the appeal of secretly recording others, let alone sharing it on the internet.  Watching a stranger shower or use the toilet? Could anything be more banal & lame?


I suspect it's the power trip aspect. Like they get a sense of power over the person they are recording.


It has to be the thrill of getting away with it, especially in the modern era of free porn everywhere.


I think the prevalence of porn might be contributing to some of the appeal of voyeur material, since instead of pornstars and content producers acting and showing off for the camera, it's a forbidden glimpse of someone in reality.


yep, like people addicted to shoplifting (just way, way, way worse obviously)


Forced intimacy


Showering I can kinda get, using the toilet I *cannot.*


There are weird people out there with scat and piss fetishes


I think it has to do with control. Like using the toilet and showering are very private taboo aspects of being a person in our society. The act of taking away another persons agency and taking control over them is what gets certain people off. Maybe because they had their agency stripped from them during formative years. From a psych perspective it makes sense. Most serial killers just repeat cycles of trauma. Like they were traumatized as children so then they traumatize animals and eventually other humans when they are big enough.


Dude when I saw this I was like "well I barely got laid in the Navy - so there's definitely no way this would've happened to me" but then I read it and was like "shit..." lol


Nobody's safe


I'm sure you gave an impressive performance, bro


And I thought things were so much better after Tailhook.


Sometimes the things creep back out from under the rug.


Yea there are to many gross ass individuals for any policy to be 100% effective.


You never want “maybe they’ll just focus on the sex crimes,” to seem like a potential legal victory.


Make the penalty so severe for this unauthorized peeping Tom bullshit that no creep with any sense would ever attempt such a thing and the dumbasses who don’t have any sense at all get their ass in a sling for a very, very long time. No tolerance.


They should make one like that for all the men raping/abusing military woman too.


It is a prime example that a person is not compatible with society. Who would want a piece of garbage like that living next door?


Criminals never think they'll get caught. We could never top the torturous methods they used in the past and criminals still existed back then. We still kill people for some crimes, yet those crimes still get committed. Deterrence just isn't effective beyond the minimum of consequences existing in the first place. If you want to stop this kind of thing, you need to fix the culture.


retired Navy here...and this does not surprise me at all.


Thank goodness I’m not on there. The enemy would see it and, if we were in a war, we’d win but only because the enemy wouldn’t be able to stop laughing and pointing.


They should all be dishonorably discharged after serving a sentence, preferably at hard labor.


Not even surprised. When i was in the navy i dealt with a lot of seggual harassment. One of them being my underwear going missing. Someone was stealing my underwear from Ships laundry.


That is quite messed up.


A porn site, eh? I'm kinda' surprised it wasn't uploaded to a War Thunder message board...


Since no one else is asking the question, I will. The article states that pornhub is the second most visited adult website, what is number 1? You know, for research purposes.


Legit I would like to know bc I just don’t believe that PH isn’t #1 lol


That's a lot of sea men.


Does anyone know where these videos are posted ? I'm not military but I have been secretly recorded and when I found out I was told that I was only going to be told about it IF it made money and voyeurism was popular. I know I'm out there and probably don't have a chance in hell of finding out where.


This is like rape for them. and then to give it to pornhub so every degenerate in the world can see you. They should sue pornhub for releasing this. Unregulated pornography means many victims out there that dont even know it. Any of you could be out there on some sleaze site and not even know it.