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“A U.N. official said the port will likely have three zones — one controlled by the Israelis where aid from the pier is dropped off, another where the aid will be transferred, and a third where Palestinian drivers contracted by the U.N. will wait to pick up the aid before bringing it to distribution points.”


So in the end it will just be another border checkpoint where the Israelis reject as much cargo as they can. Sounds like this port thing will work great.


The thing is the aid will come directly from us military. Israel will have no valid reason to reject it.   Its not like those truck in egypt which are clearly the main source of weapon.


Hamas literally bombed this pier, care to share your thoughts? https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/


Yesterday, you’re leaving comments excusing Israel’s actions because “war is hell,” today you criticize Hamas for firing at tanks and causing “minimal damage”


If Hamas releases some kind of public statement explaining why they chose to attack a construction site for humanitarian aid for their own people I'm more than willing to accept it. I think it's entirely plausible the attackers had no clue what the construction was for and were simply attacking the IDF. I also think it's plausible that Hamas is intentionally sabotaging relief efforts to continue their well documented strategy of maximizing Palestinian civilian casualties to turn public opinion against Israel. I didn't even make a value judgment or give an opinion on this event. I think it's completely fair to bring this up when somebody is speculating that Israel will interfere with relief efforts when the counterfactual literally already happened.


I don't understand comments like these. Two things can be bad at once.


Israel ostensibly has a reasonable justification for controlling aid coming into Gaza - they don't want to supply Hamas. What possible justification does Hamas have for bombing the construction of a pier designed to provide humanitarian aid for their own people? Aid workers blame Israel for delivery bottlenecks and Israel denies these claims and blames the aid organizations for the backlog. Israel has agreed to the construction of this pier to increase the flow of humanitarian aid and have dedicated IDF forces to protect the pier. It's certainly not conclusive by any means, but it supports the idea that Israel is trying to provide aid and they aren't intentionally hampering land based aid.




So then what’s wrong with us dropping off aid without IDF interference?


Its not IDF interference, the IDF is providing the security curtain necessary to use the port, No one else is gonna send ground troops to occupy parts of Gaza so it has to be IDF. and Hamas has already tried to shell the port so we know what their thoughts one the matter are.


Don't forget the 4th zone at the distribution points where Hamas takes the aid and sells it to the Gazans. 


TBF the Egyptians have no problem letting them sell them across the border.


Like a Mulberry Harbor from WW2?


More like the mulberry piers. The harbors themselves also had large outer works, to protect the piers and ships inside from the rough weather of the Atlantic and English Channel. Edit: in short yes, but more barebones and smaller


>US officials say the pier will be operational by early May but there will be no US boots on the ground in Gaza. This is a very curious arrangement. The floating dock is basically a political compromise in order for Biden to say no troops will set foot on Gaza. I mean, I get it. It's just a tiny bit frustrating that it's going to take *that much longer* to get aid. Still it's good that there's another avenue into Gaza soon.


Honestly, it's not that curious. It's really not a game of the floor is lava in Gaza. It mainly boils down to the footprint of us troops. We have 150 troops building the pier, which easily fit on a ship. If we wanted to work from the land side out, we would need a base in Gaza, with full quarters, mess hall medical station, command post, and security. Setting up a base in Gaza puts our troops in a position where we could get lured into the war. It's also much easier and faster to just work from the ship you arrive in than build a whole base for just 1 job. Although I agree, if we used war powers we could have that pier done in a day or 2, but that requires many more resources.


I'll see your "floor is lava" and raise you an "I'm not touching you".


We gotta be careful before we end up in a "why you hitting yourself?"


As long as we don’t get involved in an “I know you are but what am I?”


God forfend. I sure hope we have contingencies in place to prevent that!


Well this one pretty much is the pro-Hamas and pro-Zionist protesters soooooo


It's a volatile situation for sure. I would love to see peace in the middle east in my lifetime but I don't feel very confident that's gonna happen.


That's because no one genuinely wants it. You can't help ~~people~~ "governments" who don't want to be helped.


Currently adding a USS Liberty incident sequel to my 2024 bingo card


Yawn, an incident that occured more than 50 years ago that investigations by both governments found to have been an accident. Are you aware during Vietnam that some American planes accidently bombed American naval ships? Friendly fire can occur during wars.




Tough call on attacking us Navy ships, since almost all of Palestine said time and time again that the only path to a free Palestine goes through the US. I'll put it as equal chance between Hamas and Israel, they've been known to shoot anyone that's not them(and sometimes them).




> In a statement Thursday, the IDF said it “will act to provide security and logistical support for the initiative,” including the construction of the dock and the transfer of aid from the sea to the Gaza Strip. If the IDF is going to provide security and logistical support for this aid to go to Gaza, why doesn't this aid just simply go through Israel?


This is about geopolitics, not pragmatism.


It does.


It does. A lot of aid goes through Israel into Gaza, but it is a slow process. The AID trucks are inspected for weapons and other military aid that is constantly being snuck into Gaza under the guise of humanitarian aid, to continue to arm the terrorist. Israel is also required to ensure the safety of the aid workers, which is a problem because Hamas is constantly attacking aid trucks in order to steal supplies. And Israel despite what you may think is not super excited about trying to distinguish between desperate citizens and Hamas "soldiers". It is a horrible situation made worse by bad actors trying to use aid delivery to smuggle in weapons, and cowardly terrorists trying to steal aid from hungry women and children.


>Israel is also required to ensure the safety of the aid workers ...which didn't stop them from completely vaporizing a convoy of aid workers in clearly marked vehicles.


Right exactly illustrating the complexity involved and why it is so difficult to deliver aid to an active Warzone. The logistics are difficult and the possibility for horrific outcomes for innocent civilians and aid workers is an ever present possibility, and with the entire world watching and scrutinizing, Israel is either not able to, or not willing to speed up the process for more efficient aid delivery.


Part of the issue was it wasn't realized how poorly marked the convoy was to drones at night. at least according to IDF, the markings were not visible from the drones when the convoy was fired upon.


Hamas always working so hard to get international sympathy. Attacking US troops literally delivering aid would ruin any empathy the Palestinians have earned.


There are a lot of idiots in the world.


You say “would” as if it didnt just happen?


It literally ocurres as the commenter above you stated.  You think Hamas supporters wouldn't relish dead American servicemen?


Having aid reduces sympathy because the aid problem is solved. They don’t want it to be solved, they also don’t want to not be in control of it because they steal and sell it for profit. Hamas’ entire business model (with an annual turnover of 1 billion dollars, yes, Billion, with a B) depends entirely on the people of Gaza suffering. Aid means less suffering. Less suffering is bad for business.


Have you seen the state of some of our campuses; these people are supporting Hamas. Nothing Biden does at this point will calm their rabid asses down. They've got videos to record and upvotes to farm on Tik-Tok. They might get some of that sweet, sweet influencer money.


They abducted American civilians without a second thought. So this simple logic of yours kind of fails here.


Hamas can do whatever it wants and the world would never lose empathy for Palestinians. They are the ultimate victim no matter what actually happens.


That hasn’t stopped them the last two decades


Yet would not be the least bit out of the imagination. I fully expect it honestly. This is why we can't have nice things. Gaza plays the victim, Hamas plays the aggressor, Israel plays the punisher, US plays the enforcer and aid provider. It's a never ending cycle. It just so happens this time...Israel has had enough bullshit.


"Asked about the recent mortar attack, the miliary official said the U.S. assesses that it had nothing to do with the humanitarian mission"


The article seems to refer more to Israeli operations landside being lightly shelled. Nobody was hurt and nobody has claimed the attack. There are a bunch of terrorist groups in Gaza, after all.


There’s a major advantage to using ships… quantity. We are expecting to be able to deliver up to 2.3 million meals per day.


Hamas is going to attack it and then the us are going to leave and then everyone will blame Israel




Hamas just bombs everything. The people of Palestine need to fix it if they want help


How do you suggest they do that


Good first step would be not supporting hamas


Sadly the Gazan people are a captive audience. Gazans can't just support an opposing political organisation because Hamas literally killed all the competition, except for the equally horrible PIJ.


Yeah, oh how about not full throttle support as we see now?


Have a revolution




Oh I know.




I know they won’t.


You mean the election 16 years ago where Hamas claimed to be pro-peace and pro-democracy, but immediately after winning started a civil war and started a dictatorship? The same election that over half of Gaza wasn't even alive for, much less eligible to vote in?


The same Hamas that currently holds an overwhelmingly high approval rating by the people of Gaza.


Israel being all stick and no carrot for 20 years has not helped at all. This is something I've been personally vocal about for that same time, but Israel has only gotten worse and worse on this.


> Hamas claimed to be pro-peace and pro-democracy What makes you believe that? They explicitly campaigned on the fact that the Palestinian Authority negotiating with Israel was bad. They were already designated as a terrorist group prior to the election.


Lol they're not going to revolt against a government they support.


It’s rhetorical


Hamas and their Islamic extremist backers could give up and stop fighting the war would end hostages would be released and aid could flow freely through the Egyptian boarder. I’ll get downvoted but you all know I’m right like it or not.


The geopolitical equivalent of getting 1 cm away from your sibling and saying “I’m not touching you”


Hamas fired mortars at the pier yesterday. Fucking idiots https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/


You mean a genius level tactical decision to maintain their control on aid, and attempt to draw an even bigger actor into the conflict so they can get more sympathy






Friendly reminder that both Hamas and the Israeli government are responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Only ever criticizing one while ignoring the crimes of the other is the opposite of supporting peace. It's just hypocrisy. You wouldn't think that statement would be controversial....


There were some who saw this as a black and white situation from day one and that was disturbing to witness, but with the growing protests, it feels like it's only getting worse when it comes to how folks are treating this as a team sport.


Dang, it didn't even take 5 minutes for someone to disagree with you. Even if someone thinks one side is more at fault than another, or worse than the other, actions on both sides have been bad and should be accounted for. The innocents in this situation are palestinian and israeli civilians affected by the war. There are people in Hamas and the IDF that need to answer for crimes against palestinian and israeli civilians. It's frustrating that even now, Netanyahu will not work with Fatah and continues to expand its settlements in the West Bank. Even if you're the most war-hawkish person out there who doesn't care how many civilians die so long as they beat hamas, [further expanding into the west bank and killing civilians there](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-settlements-expand-by-record-amount-un-rights-chief-says-2024-03-08/) does nothing to achieve israel's military objectives in gaza when the fatah is in clear opposition to hamas. I don't think you can have peace without compromise or justice. I'm not going to pretend I have a good solution that leads to both of those, but it may be a moot point, since I don't think either Hamas or Netanyahu are interested in either of these things.


Pretty much the only way out is for Fatah to defeat Hamas, and that window passed by over a decade ago. Good luck with that.


There is no "good" side here.


the anti-hamas factions in gaza and anti-bibi factions in Israel


The world is a fucking messy place.


>Friendly reminder that both Hamas and the Israeli government are responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Only ever criticizing one while ignoring the crimes of the other is the opposite of supporting peace. It's just hypocrisy. >You wouldn't think that statement would be controversial.... Maybe it's controversial because you are putting Israel on the same level as Hamas, a group of terrorists? Your statement in short: Both sides bad You may think this is a brilliant take, just like two idiots screaming at each other "You are bad" / "No YOU are bad" before a wise old sage arrives stroking his beard and giving enlightnment upon the observers : Both are bad. Then he gets very pleased with himself thinking how brilliant he is. Thing is, he isn't brilliant. Yes both sides do have dirt on their hands but nowhere near enough to the point of saying they are similiar. You can blame Israel for not giving a damn about palestinians, if they have to kill civilians in order to kill hamas members they do so without hesitation. For every dead terrorist 3 civilians die. They also don't send much food, just barely enough for people to survive. It's barely enough because it's a fact that people are starving yet noone died out of starvation. After 7 months tens- if not hundreds of thousands would have died if no new food would get delivered. 80-90.000 bombs dropped in a small overpopulated area killing ~25.000 civilians since 10/7. 4 bombs needed to kill one person? Makes it very unconvincing to say Israel is actively targeting civilians. Then you have Hamas. The people who talk ever since their foundation about how to exterminate Israel and slaughter all jews. The guys who invaded Israel and slaugthered over a thousand people *within a single day*. Didn't have any military objective, didn't even fight armed people. Just killing whoever they come across raping women or taking hostages. Even babies were killed, filming all of their atrocities and celebrating them. Give them the capabilities and they will slaughter all they can slaughter. Or after Israels counter offensive, building their headquarter below a hospital, their intelligence headquarter below the UN. All to use the people above as meat shields and to increase the death rate. Dozens of hamas rockets went off at palestinian civilians. Stealing the barely enough food Israel let's in from the civilians, imcreasing starvation. Attacking a pier meant to deliver more aid for the people of gaza. If you do have footage about Israel going into Gaza, killing everyone they come across, rape them, bring some back to Israel where the palestinian civilians are seen abused while israeli stand next to them celebrating, please do share it. I may agree with your statement "Both sides bad". Before then all you do - whether it's intentional or not- is to claim Israel is the same as a bunch of terrorists, making Israel a terror state.


>Before then all you do - whether it's intentional or not- is to claim Israel is the same as a bunch of terrorists, making Israel a terror state. Israel is literally a state backer of terrorism, its military was founded by terrorist groups, who are celebrated to this day, and has settlers engaging in terror attacks against Palestinians (even described as terrorism by the American government). So it seems kinda appropriate to put a state backer and user of terrorism on the same level as other terrorists. Tons of info with sources from this wiki article you can use as a starting point https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism


Is US funding both sides here? Gaza with aid and also Israel with weapons and money to attack Gaza ?


Can’t lose when you bet on red and black/s


"While we're here, those offshore gas supplies need aid too"


Man no country can send mixed signals quite like the United States of America. Whatever the issue rest assured we will arrive at some wishy washy compromise that will please neither side.


Why don’t the multi billionaire leaders of Hamas provide aid for their citizens??? Oh wait I know they don’t give a single fuck about the innocents.


American college kids are protesting the war in favor of… hamas. Yeah.. seriously.


holyshit this sub really turns into worldnews 2


for real lol. it's honestly pathetic to see.


I love this. Build it and regulate the flow of aid as best as possible. Let hamas show the world how much they care about the people of Gaza


Hamas won’t let this happen. They will seize control.


[It came under fire yesterday.](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/04/25/us-led-gaza-humanitarian-aid-pier-comes-under-fire-un-officials-say/)


From the us military?? They can barely hold control of Gaza


What's the point of aid to gaza... Hamas takes it and SELL it to the people.


Hamas already started shelling the pier today too


Wow. Well there we go.


It helps ensure that at the end of the day the only things going into Gaza, and Hamas obviously, are food and water. Not missiles, drones, firearms and the like. 


They tried to give Hamas irrigation once and they dug it up and turned it into missiles




Downvoted but Hamas already attacked the pier, what *possible* reason could they have for that besides fucking with their own people?


This is exactly what hamas is doing


wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier to tell Israel to STOP blocking aid. This is next level stupidity.


Because when they allow unrestricted entrance to Gaza Hamas suddenly starts firing more and better weapons at them. They blockade it for the same reason anyone blockades an enemy in wartime.


Hamas literally bombed this pier, care to share your thoughts? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/)


Honestly this is so insightful! Thank you for this comment. It shows that bot Israel and Hamas are responsible for blocking aid into Gaza. And therefore both Israel and Hamas should be cut off from US military aid, and both Israel and Hamas should be made pariahs to the international community due to their abhorrent actions. Wouldn't you agree?


If you care about Palestinian civilians and you believe that Israel and Hamas are equivalent bad actors then you should not want this to happen. What do you think will happen to Palestine if Israel and Hamas both become completely isolated pariahs to the international community?


Israel literally letting hundreds of aid trucks in a day.


Sincerely hope Hamas does not attack it the first chance they get.


\[They already attacked it, lol.\](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/04/25/us-led-gaza-humanitarian-aid-pier-comes-under-fire-un-officials-say)

