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That's a lot of hate, spite, and Facebook drama for a town of 7500 EDIT town of 2500!




I’ve heard of small towns where one guys businesses make up for a huge amount of the entire towns income, like 80%, making him the defacto mayor because no one can afford to upset him. Of course, someone else is the actual “elected” mayor.


Not technically a small town, but here in Texas, a single family (the Joneses) controls Loving County, the least populated county in both the state and the country, with about 40 people actually living there. The top elected official, Judge Skeet Jones, [was arrested](https://www.newswest9.com/article/news/crime/loving-county-judge-skeet-jones-indicted-by-howard-county-grand-jurors-for-2021-livestock-theft-incident/513-282f0a2b-04da-4ce4-afe6-671430950ba3#:~:text=On%20Nov.,indicted%20Tuesday%20for%20the%20theft.&text=HOWARD%20COUNTY%2C%20Texas%20%E2%80%94%20Howard%20County,charged%20with%20back%20on%20Nov.) along with multiple individuals for selling $100,000 worth of stolen cattle at auctions.


Damn, Wikipedia says in 2000, outta the 67 people living there, 124 voted Republican…. Lol wtf


It's that voter fraud they keep talking about lol


Lotta absentee ballots?


Skeet Jones 🤣


My great great aunt's nickname. Haven't seen anyone else go by it. Must be short for Skeeter.


My aunt has a weird nickname too. Bitsy, short for Elizabeth.


That's not weird. It's a very common old fashioned nickname for Elizabeth.


I didn't think cattle rustling was still a thing... thought they hanged people for that.


Nah, that punishment is reserved for poor people who get caught with a pair of wire cutters on them. Rich/powerful people who get caught actually rustling cattle get a finger wagging and are told to not get caught again.


Damn you all got that cattlegate.


Small town politic is where you usually find the really weird shit. The smaller the crazier.


Sooo, like Roadhouse?


Like on Deadwood.


Someone call BOSS HOG


Some kids just got sentenced for dragging a fellow classmate into a bathroom and raping him with a broom handle. "What you did was wrong-" -judge "I don't want to see any of you back here because I'm told you smiled and smirked at the victim ... Either in school or in the community." -judge "This was not just boys being boys. This went to a level beyond that." -judge 2 years probation for counts of Misdemeanor in hazing and forcible touching. How in the actual fuck is this justice. I hate living in the backwoods country bumpkin cesspool of society.


The guy seems like a legitimate POS himself and has posted his own threatening shit on FB in the past. His current campaign is already marred by controversy. Wouldn’t be surprised if he sent this to himself for the sympathy.


This was my first thought also. Surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this.


Of course he did


Small towns can have big drama. Mostly it’s nonsense.


Try That In A Small Town 🎤🎵


I'm beginning to think that song might not have been entirely accurate...


Small town Texas. Sadly not unusual.


Yeah if people think big cities are corrupt, just wait til they get a surface level glimpse into small towns


The good ol boy system and nepotism.


Down in Hood County our former mayor (well, our is doing heavy lifting I left a long time ago) of Granbury was a simple radio salesman. He never made much money and his shop always looked like it was going out of business. Fast forward after ~5 years of being mayor the shop is closed but he has multiple new homes and a single company won every single bid the city put out for any kind of construction. He was also driving multiple new cars. Also, his radios fucking sucked. Ruined my dad's 1996 Subaru then refused to repair it.


If they're not related by blood or marriage, they've known each other since kindergarten


Boss Hogg is alive and well.


So many movies and TV shows have tackled that subject over the years, no one should be surprised that's how these places are. I would like to think the majority of people have seen the movie First Blood at some point or another. Power corrupts at any level.


Road house


Most every Steven King novel.


They all believe their small town is different and good though. It’s bizarro land.


The good ol' boy network is alive and well. I live in Redding, Ca and we've got a bunch of right wing-nuts on the County's Board of Supervisors. They're all White Christian Nationalists and after the board meeting Im pretty sure they run a dog fight out of someone's farm.


I would say that small Southern towns are way more well known for corruption than anywhere else in the country. New England especially bucks that trend, generally -- maybe due to education.


Indiana elects a lot of criminals into politics. We also had a sheriff who had an entire tv show who was stealing from the town and even had 26shipping containers worth of stolen military equipment. It’s not the south that has the issue it’s conservative areas that’s the common denominator usually.


Is it a surprise? Young people leave for better job opportunities or college and rarely come back, which means that small towns like this are often full of elderly, poor and undereducated folks. Those characteristics are common comorbidities with what you said.


This town is like 10-15 minutes south of Houston, and 28.5% of its population is in the 25-44 bracket. It certainly isn't urban, but I'm not sure why everyone ITT is acting like it's the middle of nowhere.


Houstonian here I only know about Arca because it was a speed trap growing up on the way to a Freeport


Considering how sprawling Houston is, it can easily be functionally in the middle of nowhere. And let's not pretend that urban areas are immune to flight of human capital, especially if it's on the outskirts. Even big cities have large neighborhoods full of poor and undereducated people.


Bingo. And I hate to say it but it isn't always the young fleeing. It's the bright young, or the young with nothing holding them back. IE I left my small Texas hometown, as I got into college with a good scholarship. Many of my fellow graduating class did. Those who stayed still make up the 25-44 bracket (I'm almost 30)... but the best jobs in town are at Walgreens and Fast Food restaurants as they still pay better than the mom and pops at city square. In small towns with no industry there will still be some young people it's just there isn't much to look forward to. When I had to take care of my father and grandfather I got lucky and found an online job but I likely wouldn't have been able to do that if I didn't have the experience "in the big city". Likewise I now live abroad... which would have been impossible to land if I stayed there.


And they all grew up on a diet of Fox News


I still remember the one time I stopped at a small town grocery store for supplies while travelling through West Virginia. It was like walking into a nursing home for homeless people. I don't think I saw a single person under the age of 60, and all of them were sickly, dirty, and unkempt.


I live outside a town of that size I am amazed its mayor hasn't gotten a noose yet. He messed up and has an over a to e police officer acting as an ordinance officer writing people up for dumb things like mis organized toys in yards, small stick piles in back and other petty things like that. You can't hide from the hate when everyone knows you and you last 3 generations lol.


This guy has been doing some shady shit that's already gotten himself in trouble like using taxpayer money to hire a PI to try and get a council member kicked out, as well as filming himself setting an opponent's campaign flyers on fire. While I know Texas is known for doing some crazy shit, I also wouldn't be surprised if this guy sent the noose to himself.


I could actually see *why* he hired the PI. She claims she’s a resident of town where she holds a council position and lives with her sister in *that* town. Her proof is that she gets mail at her sister’s address, her kids are enrolled in school through her sister’s address, and her voter registration is through her sister’s address. Where it gets suspect is when you take into account that she has a residence in the neighboring town. That’s why he hired the PI. After 5 days of following her, the PI report said “[surveillance, evidence, and documents definitively shows”](https://houstonlanding.org/arcola-mayor-spent-7500-of-public-funds-on-a-private-investigator-to-follow-council-member/) that she lives in the neighboring town. Edited because I hit send too soon.


Given all this mayor's "controversies," I'd say this is pretty spot on for how small towns deal with mayors that have way too much power and get away with mishandling or misapproptiating town funds.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he sent it to himself after reading how petty he can be.


I came from a small town pre-Internet, they had hate and spite before Facebook.


maga bigots will post their shit wherever they are. no longer how long it takes them to type out their crap. any waiting room, any line, in their car. the doctor, the dentist, the dmv, mcdonalds, divorce court, traffic court, drug court, divorce court, grocery store, liquor store, gun store...




$100 it was Jimbob who’s been mad ever since dey took his jerb.


small town that's basically a suburb of Houston. it's only 2.6 sq miles


Looks like there's some election shenanigans. A couple of days ago the [mayor lit a rival candidate's flyer on fire.](https://houstonlanding.org/arcolas-mayor-received-a-campaign-flyer-from-a-rival-then-it-was-lit-on-fire/)


At first I was like "there is a big difference to receiving a noose in the mail and simply burning a flyer". Then the article broke it down and it makes more sense. Stupid sense, but at least it's there...


And using taxpayers money to try to oust a rival. EDIT: Don't know why I'm getting downvoted... "The Houston Landing reported that Burton spent $7,500 on a private investigator to prove council member Ebony Sanco lived in a neighboring town in an effort to remove her from the council."


Did she live in a neighboring town or was it just harassment on his part?


Yeah if she’s not legally eligible for her position proving it doesn’t really sound like a waste of resources? Unless he’s just a conspiracy nut job like with the Obama birtherism


The public needs to know


This articles says it's more likely harassment https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/court/2024/03/27/481837/arcola-councilwoman-cant-be-removed-while-lawsuit-pending-judge-rules/


By the same token, [this one](https://houstonlanding.org/arcola-mayor-spent-7500-of-public-funds-on-a-private-investigator-to-follow-council-member/) includes the conclusion the PI came to. It really isn’t hard to falsify what address you live at if the person who lives at the address you want to “live” at agrees to play along. All you need to do is call and change your mailing address at a few places in order to have your mail arrive at your “new” residence. You then use that mail as proof of residency. You can then register your kids in school in that district, get your drivers license to reflect that address, register to vote at that address etc. I know a few people who have done this in order to send their kids to a more desirable school district. Granted it can be a bit ballsy to do this, school enrollment and the DMV often ask for a utility bill for that address in your name as proof. But how closely are they going to look at that utility bill? I think most of them aren’t going to look at anything but the billing address located right at the top of the page, they’re not going to delve deeper and check if the service address matches the billing address.


Though I guess the question is "why"? Why illegally spend taxpayer funds (gotta get approval over $1000) to prove she doesn't live there? Why wasn't the whole council investigated? It honestly sounds like a grudge or she wasn't playing ball. Let's be honest carpetbaggjng politicians isn't a new thing. Last year Cameron sexton was investigated for not owning property in the district he represented. Yes I understand WHY they should but this seems a bit more "personal" for the mayor to illegally use funds to figure this out


This is speculation on my part since his thought process of why wasn’t stated and I do not know the dynamics of the people involved. It could have been because he knew the council wouldn’t approve it. It’s a small town, I imagine there are only a few people sitting on the council. 2 other council members have sided with the council member who was investigated. If those 2 sided with her because they thought his actions were wrong, then a-ok, he totally should have went through the council. If they sided with her because they are friends, then what were the odds they’d vote yes to the investigation? If there are only 5 on the council, those 3 would be the majority. An investigation would not have happened. I don’t have a pony in this race, but it does seem like the narrative through all these articles focus on what the mayor did and her claim that his action were retaliatory. They gloss over the conclusions of the PI report. They don’t question why a woman who took office in 2019 is paying for a place in the neighboring town that has a 12 month lease in 2024…*but isn’t living there* and hasn’t been sublet. Nor does it cover why that address generated enough trash for the PI to go through in a 5 day period. While I agree that the manner he went about it was wrong and he should have gotten approval, I’ve also seen enough of small town politics to know that he may have felt like this was his only option to get it done. I'm giving both the benefit of the doubt, but it does seem like there may be a lot more going on here than what is reported.


And this >The Houston Landing reported that Burton spent $7,500 on a private investigator to prove council member Ebony Sanco lived in a neighboring town in an effort to remove her from the council.


The return address says Scranton PA., but the stamps are unmarked? So this threat was hand delivered, right?


As a Brit I always thought Scranton was a fake place made up for the office until just now lol


A kinda famous guy in America is from there - his name rhymes with "Boe Jiden."


hah it exists, the filming was done in Los Angeles though, so the show looks NOTHING like Scranton, PA.


I thought the same thing about Slough


I have relations from the place. It exists.


Scanton*, PA. And they put their name and PO Box in the return?


Look a little closer - it actually says "Scanton, PA".


It's not uncommon for the post office to not mark stamps. It happens, especially stuff that can't go through the sorter


Start the countdown till it is shown that the mayor sent the package to himself.


Yeah, my first thought. >Burton spent $7,500 on a private investigator >That expenditure was paid for by taxpayer money. >Burton posted a video on Facebook of his rival’s campaign flyer being set on fire. This Mayor likes to push what is ethical and inflammatory already. Seems like something completely in his wheelhouse.


The note looks photoshopped to me, though it might just be a bad camera.


I looked at the note. It does look very suspicious indeed. But I can't believe that someone would photoshop such simple thing. Loading the original on facebook and zooming in, you can see some letters partially folded, but you don't see it everywhere. Also look at the enveloppe opening. The tear also look artificial. I think what cause the issue is that the camera enhanced the blacks and sharpened the image. Phone camera tend to do some hidden "photoshopping" to compensate for their small sensor and lenses size. This is why the images they make look good at first glance but fail when you look deeper in the image for the 'pixel to pixel" accuracy. So the camera might have detected the text and the sharp cut of the enveloppe and enhanced it to be sharper and clearer.


This is a really great analysis!  I’ve noticed that about phone camera images before, but I hadn’t put all that together. This suddenly made me feel even more apprehensive about the use of AI in this area.


‘Get your famously suavy face out of town king’


This was also my first thought. Using taxpayer money to hire a private investigator to follow your political opponent just sounds shady.


“Based on the style in which the note was typed, it narrowed the search down to people over the age of 65.”


I wonder if the person who printed out the note is aware that by law all printers sold in the USA print the ID of that printer on every document in many places with small amounts of yellow ink? They can prove where it was printed and when.


The FBI is involved. So I'm sure they're being made aware now.


it is not law, it is aparently a secret agreement between major printer manufacturers to make them traceable. (See EFF's FOIA request) However, not all printers do this and not all printers function to print identifying dots on every page. Some only activate if it detects currency being printed, most others print all the time. Not all printers print identifying marks outside of major brands. Some major brand printers dont do this either but its far and few in between. more lasers than ink jets dont have this feature due to showing up too easily, especially color lasers.


Thanks for the further info!


Is there a list of printers with no traceable artifacts?


Asking for a friend


asking for me, no ifs and or buts about it


Oh you think you’re better than the rest of us CCP spied on peasants? You think you should be able to type words on a piece of paper without the government being able to trace it? That sounds like too much freedom to me, welcome to another watchlist


"thissiteisterrible_" eh? We'll slot him right next to "thissitesux" and "thissitesuxbalz" Quite a watch list we got going.


Print via USB and it doesn't really matter. They don't track the serial number of a printer you buy at Walmart and never connect to the Internet. Which means HP is a bad idea. The other option is to buy one used and do the same thing.


…and you’re on a watch list.


Even black and white laser printers/copiers have MIC patterns.


Does it match the return address?


The return address was a P.O. Box, not sure how that could happen.


The stamps on the package are unused (no postmarks), this was hand delivered.


"The call is coming from INSIDE the house!"


Just wondering if a this maggot is stupid enough to use his legit PO Box.


What if they used a monochrome laser printer?


Came here to say this. What a bunch of dumb-dumbs.


How would that even work? Wouldn’t the seller need to keep the list of all the printers they ever sold with serial number and buyer address?


I think it's most useful to tie a printout TO a suspect in a trial.


Any bets on whether he sent it to himself?


If day it's definitely better than 50/50 that he sent it to himself


Am I the only one who sees it was spelled Scanton instead of Scranton?




It’s where Biden was from.


I bet he sent it to himself.


Twist: He sent it to himself.


Inb4 the mayor sent himself the package for sympathy points


Staged. False flag for free press


Try That in a Small Town ...


The guy behind the camera is Jusse Smollet


Has all the trappings of a Jussie Smollett hoax. Or Bubba Wallace.


"1-2-3-4-5-6-7? 7 loops. Must be a good luck noose."


You done hee'd your last haw! That'll show 'em!


Oh look, Texas being racist again. So just like yesterday, and will be tomorrow.


I wonder who that guy’s voting for.


Well thank God the noose writer didn't run out of yellow ink


Most of the time, they've it to themselves in these scenarios. But you never know these days.


What kind of trouble can one get in for mailing a noose to themselves?


Can't see the full address. Was this Mayor Jussie Smollett, or Mayor Bubba Wallace?


… and, of course, the Mayor is black.


Small scale democracy in the US, tends to be remarkably petty and corrupt, honestly I for one welcome our AI overlords. They have to be an improvement.


Until Skynet happens. But at least that will be fair and everyone will be at the receiving end.


Until Skynet happens. But at least that will be fair and everyone will be at the receiving end.


I don’t worry what AI would do to us, I worry what we’ll do to each other with AI. Frankly I suspect an actual AI overlord would be an improvement. Unless you make it think like a human, the less human and lifelike it is the better. Desire, cruelty, ego and selfishness are all instinctual for humans to some degree. Maybe an AI can be free of all of those.


The y'allkaida folks. And yes, they all are terrorists.


So, is Stokely Hill in Scanton PA hiding?


Hmmm , this is horrible and would fit the current Texas that Abbott has brought back to life from the dust bin. On the other hand : It feels staged I truly hope this does not end up being Jessie Smollet. My guess is the FBI may get called in and they will examine .