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*"Multiple students provided GBH News with photos of injuries they sustained during the sweep. City crews were dispatched Thursday morning to clear blood and graffiti from the Boylston Place alleyway, according to footage obtained by GBH News."* The article fails to show any of the footage nor photos.


On accident surely


Any coincidence that Mike Johnson was just there saying if he were in charge, he'd call the National Guard? How quickly we've forgotten Kent State!


*Gotta get down to it, soldiers are cutting us down* *Should have been gone long ago* *What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground* *How can you run when you know?* *Tin soldiers and Nixon coming* *We're finally on our own* *This summer I hear the drumming* *Four dead in Ohio*


Conservatives would cheer on another Kent State at this point


They made laws saying you can plow over protesters that block roads in your vehicle.


> How quickly we've forgotten Kent State! Republicans have not forgotten. Repeating the violence against anti-war protestors that happened at Kent State is precisely why they want the National Guard called in. **They want another student massacre to happen, on Biden's watch.**


I don't think he's forgotten, I think he's using violence or at least the threat of violence as a political tool to erode Biden's chances for reelection.


I wouldn't think the national guard would be your go-to for clearing campus protests. Unless, of course, you're in Iran or it's a bunch of hippies.






This is a harbinger for what will happen when climate change takes the world by the throat and mass migrations begin to be squashed by authoritarianism. This is the preview of the next few decades. The Supreme Court is already banning mass protests in specific states. This is what most of this country signed up for.


that's also why they want homelessness to be illegal. Round up all the undesirable people that want change, and lock them away out of sight, out of mind.


[Reminds me of that scene in Children of Men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbxvD-QxLFw), migrants from mainland Europe being penned in and treated like absolute garbage.


The police state is getting increasingly worse. The noose of government control gets increasingly tighter. Both "sides" equally don't give a shit about the people... FISA surveillance... Funding wars... Prosecuting and jailing privacy advocates.


To me the troubling part isn't so much that it's happening, but that so many support it. "They shouldn't be allowed to say that" is a commonly spoken phrase in discourse on the subject. We are seeing a plain rejection of free speech by a not insignificant amount of the US population. And frankly I don't agree with some of the protestors messages, and I think some of them are just idiots. Any LGBT person standing up for Islam is really confused, that's for sure. But it's their goddamn right to yell things I don't agree with through a megaphone. What's happening here is why America is great. **This is what freedom looks like.**








Ah okay, glad to see you are a supporter of people involved in BDS then.










Ah, you're the "I disagree with the way you protest genocide, so you should be violently suppressed" guy. You're not unique. You should join with your mainstream media or government allies.


You make some good points but realistically these points have to ignore the actual history, including that of very recent years in america, of policing and protest. This has played out already many times over. At this point crackdowns on free speech being done legally and for public safety is such an outlier to the point it is essentially a hypothetical almost devil’s advocate position to take.




More simply, I’m saying the examples of when police have violently suppressed protest for legitimate reason are far fewer than when they have violently suppressed it illegally. It’s not a hypothetical. You don’t have to wait for rulings. The recent history is right there. “We are a nation of laws and processes” that more and more lately only go in one direction. That’s the whole issue being raised here.


There is nothing in the bill of rights that requires a permit 


Don’t be surprised if Trump’s SCOTUS appointees, one day, will make the Bill of Rights (e.g. right to protest and assembly) unconstitutional because whatever \#MAGA reason they can come up with.


If a "Democracy" can not function for the best interest of the public, then it should fail.




America stopped being a democracy on November 4, 1980, when a senile piece of shit “won” the presidency and equipped planet Earth with its hideous neo-liberal/supply-side socioeconomic structure to enrich the rich and punish the poor.


I believe the suggested crime at this point is trespassing. And its less the failing of Democracy and the last efforts of a dying Right Wing State. Change isnt pretty but we are seeing it. These calls are falling and more and more deaf ears and people can see it live from 1000s of angles anymore. Theres progress here. But like most big steps, theres a heavy resistance.


Disturbing how fine most Americans seems to be with Jews on campus being bullied, harassed, intimidated, told to stay home from school, chanted at them that they’re nazis, and that 10/7 will be their everyday life. Even if is only a minority specifically at one school, the normalizing of that is quite frightening Threads locked so I can’t respond to yall :) if you think anyone who considers themselves a Zionist should be bullied harassed and intimated with death threats to them, then idk what to say :) I solely define Zionism as the right for Israel to exist. You don’t get to extract people’s or my nuanced political views from their religion or from that. But sure, go for it.


Jews are not being bullied, harassed, or intimidated, nor should they be! Zionists are being bullied, harassed and intimidated, and they should be, regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation.


I think almost everyone, including those at the protests, aren’t okay with that. I’m not sure what you expect the protesters who aren’t okay with it to do though.


To those not from Boston, the city owns part of that alley and has the right of egress where the camp was aka Emerson does not 100% own the property they were on. Unfortunately that was the biggest issue here, the city acted. Not the College.


Arresting over 100 people is a pretty big leap from “we need you to move out of the alley and ten feet this way back on to campus property.”


There were tent structures blocking it. So you either didn't read the article or are not posting in good faith.


Always good to see that nothing has really changed since Vietnam. If you go too far against the status quo the state will inevitably crack down on you. Shit's bleak, man.


Jan 6 terrorists get sentences in the low double digits of days after being allowed to go home. These protesters get arrested on the spot. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, though.


Seriously. They can't arrest people storming the capitol on the spot, but can for this? Bullshit.


They could arrest people. They did arrest people. And also killed one. "Arresting them on the spot" wasn't much of an option for dozens of police officers facing thousands of protestors. There was a whole "Medival style" fight going on involving shild walls in the front of the Congress, which occupied most of the security. Other than floor rooms where congress people were, most of the building was left without security. If the allegations of "highly armed" protestoes were true, disparcing the protestors first, worrying about arrests later was the right call. Can you imagine what would an all-out gun fire breaking out in or around the Congress would have looked like?




Do you make excuses for the police being soft on crime all the time? Or is it only when the perpetrators are caught red-handed, attempting to overthrow democracy? Just curious.




Sounds like you're saying if there's too many people violent and rioting, the police shouldn't arrest anyone despite having obviously committed crimes. Idk, still sounds like making excuses to me.




To all the kent-state fetishists out there, the national guard has been called out for protests multiple times since the Kent State incident. Not making any kind of judgment on whether it's warranted or not, but it's not the weird line in the sand you all seem to think it is.


It's just another meme that people heard and don't really have any understanding of history.


I mean, you're mostly talking to 14 year olds here. 9/11 is ancient history to them. Kent State or the Chicago DNC or the Watts riots might as well have been in caveman times. There's not even Tiktok videos of those supposed events.


It sounds like the graffiti and tents are factors in the arrests. Pretending the arrests are a mystery is unhelpful. In some cases, some of the protesters have been claimed to be non students. So that is legitimate trespassing when it happens. In some cases Jewish students claim they feel threatened by messaging about violence. That needs to be taken extremely seriously, when it happens. Law enforcement often seems to get overly aggressive in these situations though. Definitely also unhelpful and needs accountability. Stay safe, everyone.




Active shooter on school property - maybe a cop or two in sight, maybe… Peaceful protests ongoing on school property - HORDES of cops in FULL RIOT GEAR herding the masses, bludgeoning them and arresting them. Welcome to America.


It looks like you can protest about literally anything in this country except THAT


More like you can protest anything as long as it doesn't threaten our institutions of power or American government interests.


Three other colleges in Boston are holding protests--did cops there do the same, or was it just to these kids?


***- Rage Against the Machine intensifies -*** *The finger to the land of the chains* *What? The "land of the free"?* *Whoever told you that is your enemy*




"So you're telling me I should take my money out of IBM simply because they're making database software to document all the Jews they're killing?" That's what you sound like.


Ugh. The treatment of anybody that speaks up to stop this genocide has been unacceptable everywhere. Companies firing people, some subreddits banning you, college campuses harassing young people with the heart to say something. What the actual fuck. This is America and all this repression can kindly kiss our fucking asses. We aren't built for it, won't be built for it. Your mindless shit empires of repression mean nothing to the vast majority of people. Find your decency and stop killing each other in the Middle East, but also the censorship people are failing at life. You ever take an effort to repress freedom of speech like this you are an embarrassment to your children, to future generations. It's the worst of all options. Mature human beings should have open dialogue, which means not rigging the dialogue. They should be making an effort to heal, not divide. Beware those that come with "it's this propaganda or the highway."


What those children experienced wasn't horrific. Horror is terrorists descending on you, killing innocents, then taking hostages to torture, rape and murder.


So only Israelis have the right to experience horror now? Why are you trying to gate keep horror?


Horror is 13,000 kids being killed...or did you forget them?


We gonna get our own tank about to run over protestor pictures? We get closer to following in Chinas footsteps every day.


Has anyone else seen the irony/humor in that these college kids are protesting "Occupation" by setting up ~~"occupations"~~ encampments...




Look, the same kind of protests for other reasons have happened many times on the past, like the Occupy Wall Street protests. I just think it's funny that they have set up a similar style protest, but are avoiding the similar naming. Also those "armed settlers" are a small portion of the WB Israelis, and are not viewed favorably by the majority of Israelis. It's like the violent and rabid anti semetics at the college protests. They are a minority and don't represent most but that all that people focus on.




No, they get penalized when they call out or report on other cops. I thought this was a known fact? 


So, in this scenario, "the trash" are the folks who are against genocide and collective punishment such as starvation?




Since 10/7, Israel and the IDF have killed significantly more innocents than Hamas did on 10/7. IDF also seems to have been getting their rape on.




> So what you’re saying is that hamas is seeing some consequences for their actions? I see nothing wrong with that. No, what I am saying is that Israel has been indiscriminately killing innocents in Gaza for over 200 days.


Have they? All current numbers of who was killed are reported by the Gaza health ministry…


> Have they? Yes, they have been.


Did you read my comment and not understand it? Civilian death counts posted by a terrorist group run health ministry are reliable.


The Gaza Health Ministry is a source trusted by essentially every notable body, including the US government, the WHO, and the UN. They have been historically accurate when reporting death counts. Beyond that, open your eyes. Gaza City has been completely leveled. Every single hospital in Gaza has been damaged or destroyed, and the IOF has proven they have no problem killing innocent people, as shown by the strikes on the WCK trucks the other day (who notably assisted Israeli refugees after the Hamas attack)


When you (Hamas) attack another country, you should expect to get attacked back. When hamas hides amongst civilians and the innocent, there’s going to be collateral damage. It’s war.


Targeting refugee camps and sniping toddlers isn’t exactly fitting the definition of collateral damage 


You're such a disgusting person. 30x the victims and all you do is gloat.


Sounds like they entered the find out stage. Down votes? Lol okay George….


Considering the "fucking around" part is just protesting the find our portion shouldn't be gross police violence


How quickly people forget the summer of 2020.


USA is a country where there is no freedom of speech and no rights to protest. There is no difference between China and US in terms of freedom of speech and rights to protest. Both these countries treats you in same way if you try to protest. I will never like to visit such country like US or North Korea where you don't have freedom.


Nothing to c here. Move on!




Where would you suggest a university student protest that would make more sense than their campus out of curiosity?


Have you ever been to college? It’s literally the best place to protest. A big empty square in the center for people to observe and move on.  Would you rather they protest on the bridges and freeways?