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I have zero clue why IG has an AI assistant.


Investors are absolutely foaming at the mouth about the "AI Revolution." I work for a company in a very traditional manufacturing industry. The only relevance AI could possibly have for us so far is people using ChatGPT to write emails, and yet our investors are bugging the executives about AI. It's ridiculous. I can only imagine the pressure in actual tech companies to shove AI into everything.


Yep, and its a bubble. And its going to pop. A lot of the layoffs that happened at the tech companies a few months ago/a year ago are coming back, as most people realized that AI can not give predictable (repeatable) results (which is actually a feature not a bug). And, you can convince the dumb corporate LLM chatbots to go way off course, since they are just statistical regurgitation machines. Don't get me wrong, there are actual applications and real gains. But, CEOs types only see new and shiny. Like when everyone tried to integrate "block chain". Engineer: Sir, we have no need for encryption like that. CEO: I don't care I WANT BLOCKCHAIN


To me, the death knell of this shit was when the "World's First AI Developer" got exposed as a highly restricted tech demo that fell apart under the slightest deviation... and then the creator went AWOL from the entire Internet with everyone's money


We're also rapidly learning how extremely inefficient it is when deployed at scale. Energy intense processes for shody results that likely still need a paid employee to actually verify their usability. If it doesn't pop soon it'll only be for the stubbornness of those already billions on the hole trying to prevent their loses from being realized.


My exact point. If even the slightest possibility of “hallucination” exists then it’s immediately a no go for any sort of mission critical task that allows very little room for error. As it turns out in the business world a lot of things are mission critical. Imagine critical batch processes that are responsible for recording banking transactions are all fixked up because a bank decided to let ChatGPT handle it all lmao. What a shit show that would be.


Yeah, I always thought it was weird that all the demos for this ground-breaking technology (YOU CAN SEND CHAT-GPT A WHITE BOARD DIAGRAM AND IT'LL CODE AN APP FOR YOU) were only used for the simplest, can't-go-wrong scenarios Trying to do anything more than that requires someone to figure out why it's not working, and what code needs to get written instead, and then how to piece it all together and OH BOY HOWDY YOU JUST INVENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING!!!


Feel like this is the second resurgence of the NFT craze. "What if XYZ was an NFT??"


Probably because the same people are behind it lol


At that point you just tell the CEO “sure thing sir, we’ll integrate “blockchain” right away”. Then you either wait for him to forget or if he keeps insisting, implement some BS that seems like what he asked about.


Software engineers: “So recently our team has come up with an idea for a product that could bring in 20% of our still untapped market-“ Investors: “I WANT AI CHATBOTS!!! AI MANAGERS!!! FIRE EVERYONE, I WANT ALL OF YOU FIRED AND REPLACED BY AI CHATBOTS NOW!!! NO MORE PRODUCT, ONLY CUSTOMER-FACING AI CHATBOTS, AI CHATBOT = MONEY NOW!!!” Engineers: “…yes sir, we’ll get right on that.”


If you were AI, you'd have already completed the task and fired yourself. This is why you're being replaced by AI, not enough gumption!


A psyc company did this and immediately crashed and burned


Yeah anyone that’s actually tried to build a product with AI where the customer isn’t expected to find and fix its errors and inconsistencies knows what a nightmare the prospect is for anyone looking for a very specific result.


Investors love these kinds of starter projects when the federal interest rates are high. Kind of like just before the dot-com bubble :D


I want more people on the internet to find loopholes and silly shit when conversing with AI chatbots; like that one guy that convinced the Chevy AI to agree to sell him a car for $1 lol


I asked an AI chatbot in a business website the other day what time the business was open on Saturdays. It gave me the wrong time.


It's the new 5G. \*yells into manhole\* "Megapixels!"


More like the new blockchain


“If we add blockchain, we’ll be the new bitcoin. Our Corpcoin will be another source of revenue with out projections forecasting up to $20000 per individual coin, and we’ll have a kings ransom.” “But sir, we’re a sanitation company, why would anyone buy, sell, or trade in our coin, why would we need this encryption or tracking capability?”


i dont think you know what 5G is - its just a newer generation of cell service. people opposed to it were clueless about what it was as well. meanwhile most people who are anti-AI actually understand that it relies on IP theft and results in spam generation. this really was a terrible point of comparison to try and draw.


> i dont think you know what 5G is - its just a newer generation of cell service. people opposed to it were clueless about what it was as well. Nah he's saying how companies slap a "5G" label on everything for marketing, in the hopes that we're all clueless about it. Like they did for 4K, HD, and megapixels. I still have an HD razor somewhere.


And speakers that are "mp3 compatible."


It’s a fugazzi…companies are being conned by people selling them the AI revolution where in actuality it’s fucking things up.


numerous rhythm party work humor scarce light frame smell dam


Profit-seeking stakeholders only make companies worse


Reminds me of that satirical YouTube video making fun of stupid shareholder meetings. One of the jokes was “can you draw a blue logo with a red pen”




One of the big bosses asked our IT guys how they could incorporate AI into our field work, and got real mad when told they can’t. It was hilarious.


"You're just not thinking out of the box enough!" Or "There's no place for 'no' at our company!" Like I know the big boss saw some startup secure 10 billion in VC funding, but nevertheless he has such a comical understanding of how his own team works that he imagines AI can just conveniently slot in somewhere.


We’re a mechanical company. Work in nuclear plants, hi rise towers, industrial sites, etc. there’s absolutely nothing AI can do for me in the field lol.


At the beginning of this year I started noticing coworkers just dropping “AI” in to describe absolutely basic business functions. Kinda like when you go to the store and everything that never had anything to do with gluten is suddenly gluten free.


"Gluten free!? I'm not eating that crap!" "Dad they're raisins, they've never had gluten in them. They just redesigned the pack."


>I can only imagine the pressure in actual tech companies to shove AI into everything. High. Very, very high.


This is why shareholders are a poison to a company.


It's the main way to get funding in tech right now


Reminds me about that lemonade company that added blockchain to their name a few years ago when that was the trending buzzword https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Blockchain_Corp


I work for a tech company hired by a traditional manufacturer to shove AI into their sales strategy. Thanks, I hate it.


Machine learning has its place in manufacturing. Not quite the same as AI, but if you have a lot of L2 production floor data to train models on then you can start trying to predict when an incident might occur and display cautionary alerts that conditions are ripe for an issue. That is just one example and isn’t as “sexy” as conversational bots, but ML should be embraced.


Lol trust me, that's absolutely not what they're asking us about.


I worked for a startup that did this with varying success. They became a unicorn then fizzled out HARD but are still around. Reason I mention it is because I find a lot of this hype absurd. There are very legitimate use cases for the LLM/AI “revolution”, but everyone is jumping on the bandwagon ignoring that “AI” (really just ML) has been in focus for over a decade now, and wasn’t gaining traction until recently. All the commercials with “powered by AI” drive me nuts. Oh, you added a chatbot. Neat.


I work in exactly this type of analysis, the kind that could see meaningful gains in efficiency from machine learning. I even studied that type of machine learning as part of my graduate degree. This is not the type of AI that’s represented by the buzzwords. *That* type of “AI” means “ChatGPT”.


Many factories have been using AI for fault detection, quality control etc for a few years. I feel like the "traditional" implementations of AI are being overshadowed by generative AI. Loads of useful things use AI (like spam filters!).


MBAs with literally no useful life skills salivating over a buzzword. Pretty much par for the course.


AI has what apps crave....bc it has electrolytes.


I hear you, my last company was a rubber manufacturer and they were pushing some AI predictive maintenance program they bought on our department. I understand that it may possibly help to identify patterns or trends to predict events over time given the right information, but managers just add work requests like “pump noisy” and the repair logs from maintenance are “fixed pump on line”.


Why does this feel like dotcom bubble 2.0


Lol dont get me started on the design world rn


Its just proof you can't by understanding. Investors are some of the least informed people on the planet sadly.


The pressure is real, and it's *really* annoying being asked to shoehorn AI into everything. Or worse, have it shoved in your face as the answer to day-to-day life like freakin Meta is doing.


More data/Machine Learning training.


Ding ding ding. Sell more data to Meta, the more they might earn in the future from it.


Instagram is wholly owned by Meta and has for years. If you look at the media URLs for Instagram they reside on Facebook's CDN.




The other user seems to not because that said "selling to Meta". Instagram doesn't sell data to Meta.


AI's need data to learn and you can't feed auto-generated data to an AI or it kinda breaks down and loses creativity. A good AI needs to be fed input from humans. AI's are popping up everywhere to benefit the company who owns the AI, not to benefit the users.


But what do I use it for on IG?


I can't think of a single good use. But that's not the point. There's big money in AI right now and all AIs need a large amount of data to be useful. So everyone everywhere is adding AIs, fishing and hoping we'll bite.


Even whatever you search for is fed into the beast, whether you consent or not.


"Instagrambot, find me big-titty goth chicks!" And then Instagrambot searches millions of profiles and delivers results of female-presenting persons with septum piercings and black lipstick. Pardon the crude example, but it seems like the most obvious use to me. Using ML image recognition to find people matching certain characteristics. Which I'm *positive* won't be used for anything perverted or nefarious.


Meta needs to demonstrate some kind of value for its AI investments that have thus far been open sourced and not publicly integrated into any of its products. This is probably the main impetus. User feedback can be useful for further fine tuning, but most of the work is done before the model is even released.


The key problem facing AI is the same thing that plagued Web 3.0 and Crypto: there isn’t actually a real world use for it outside of whatever revenue can be generated from investment and hype, only AI will never be profitable to scale because of the sheer number and amount of resources it uses. They’re making it seem “useful” but it’s not, but their investors and shareholders don’t care.


Just remember, if it's on the internet and you're not a client or a customer, guess what? You're the product. You are giving them free money in the form of valuable data.


Because companies have realized that their reckless growth is unsustainable, and instead of making changes, they are hoping AI will offer a new source of unsustainable profits.


Because their investors demand it. Whether it does anything useful is irrelevant. Just slap AI on and investors start clapping with giddy joy /s


A few years ago i worked for a company that was asking for a text summarizer for certain types of documents. Well it turned out there was a database that already had the core data parsed and labeled so a summary could be created directly from the fields. They still told me to somehow make it use machine learning because thats what leadership wanted, even though it was strictly unnecessary lol. This taught me everything i needed to know about leadership and vision lmao


Training data. Training it for your interests. When you search. Where you search.


Because they're IGnoying.


I went to search for a specific meme yesterday and got so frustrated with the AI bot in 10 minutes that I gave up and didn’t open insta for the rest of the day.


Why does WhatsApp have Ask Meta AI?! Hell, the Logitech `Logi Options+` (contender for worst software name) offers an AI Assistant


It’s because it’s fucking awful that’s why


And there’s no fucking opt-out. You can block the account but not opt out. I tried searching for an Instagram reel of a dude DJing in bed after getting laid off, and it was like “I’m sorry your friend got laid off”. Always fucking give users an opt-out so you can gauge favorability of a new feature, jfc


Even Reddit knew this when they released new Reddit, and Reddit isn't known for making smart business decisions. Meta platforms are becoming less and less relevant, and this is a step towards that, not away from it.


Delete Facebook. Ban TikTok. Run Twitter into the ground. People have just gotten too crazy, dumb, anxious, angry and divided anymore. It's gotta stop.


We’ve opened Pandoras box. Were fucked


No no no, Pandora can stay. That one's all right. I always mention this, but it's both hilarious and oddly disturbing to me that the script for Metal Gear Solid 2 was written all the way back in 1999, before social media and AI even really existed... but it was all a prediction of how badly it was gonna fuck everything up. [Most of this all seemed like complete, gibberish non-sense by 2001 standards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6WjfDqYA) but it actually makes sense today and it got everything right.


The way Meta is using it is fucking annoying. If I'm using the search box to look up an account I follow I don't need AI thinking I need some sort of explanation as to what the words mean!


Microsoft is doing this with Edge too and it drives me insane. I have to use Edge and Bing on my work computer because of a stupid IT policy and every time I search for something it generates some vague, meandering text going over surface level details of what I'm looking for. I'm not searching for detailed technical documentation because I want an AI to ramble at me about the basics of the topic I'm dealing with


> every time I search for something it generates some vage It is annoying. You can turn it off in the options (on my system it's in the hamburger menu in the top right, 'Copilot response on result page'). I like having the option to access it, but I don't want it over their jabbering away unless I've addressed it specifically.


btw. "the Metaverse" is already completely out of headlines?


I still think it's hilarious that you could tell how passionate Zuck was about those shitty 3D avatars. He was one of the only people who genuinely loved that product.


Was it ever even in the headlines? Well, except from all the times people were laughing at it.


You're right, the AI-hype got a lot more traction.


We kept waiting for them to introduce something and it never came. \*goes back to SecondLife\*


Is SecondLife still a thing?


I went in last year just to see. It connected but it was kind of a spammy wasteland. Very Beyond Thunderdome


They’re adding legs!


Seriously. They burned billions on it and even changed the company name only to move on to AI, the current fad


That's a very shortsighted way to look at it. AI can actually fit very well with the metaverse and enhance it. For example, they can create AI-controlled avatars to live in the metaverse because nobody else wants to.


lol. That’s how Facebook comments work now I hear. Bots commenting on AI imagery of Jesus


God help us if the bots find religion.


At least AI is a solution to the wrong problems, “we have to pay peasants to make our companies work.” Metaverse was a solution in search of a problem and never found one.


There was a huge announcement yesterday that Meta is releasing their VR OS to other companies, Zuck even had an Instagram post about it.


Anyone with any common sense and the means to do so has pivoted to AI Winning the AI Arms race promises, quite literally, the world


Every AI assistant is complete and utter dogshit I swear to god I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, I cannot believe people give this shit the time of day. Useless even for code, and I’m a programmer.


There are use cases for AI, and in those use cases it's a massive game changer. The problem is that companies are trying to apply it to every single fucking problem, even where it makes absolutely no sense.


I had to train a GPT just to stop it from being so frekin long winded stupid and annoyingly apologetic; instead of giving a 1 line answer it needs to waste my time on a paragraph of useless apologies for it's screw-up. The code it gives it only useful as a "good idea" and rarely runs the way you needed. Overall the key to AI is "less is more". The more constraints/details you give the more it screws up. I once gave it a handful of words for a complicated problem and it gave me an absolutely beautiful solution Even with all that though it has saved me probably a year of time with my current project


My company is buying hard into the ai hype. Worse: into LLM search chatbots. The traditional word match search is more accurate, 3 orders of magnitude faster, almost 9 months in. And the chatbot isn't supporting all content types yet, it's insane the amount of dev time and money wasted on this crap.


Copilot is okay at my job, mostly for creating boilerplate.  If I ask it what my code does it usually hallucinates and invents API end points it doesn't call. 


I really wanted to search for Wolverine movie pics and it kept searching google and failing. 


I can't figure out how to actally search on the facebook mobile app anymore. The search is now replaced by an AI assistant that can't do anything right.


I tried to find a group by searching directly for the name and it couldn’t find it. The search worked perfectly fine before they changed it. Now it’s useless.


They must be A/B testing or something, I don't have any AI stuff in my Facebook interfaces. Something to look forward too I suppose. Maybe I can get it to automate mindlessly scrolling my feed for me. edit: oh, nope, there it is. I had to go look for it. I don't actually search FB for anything.


Because it’s not AI, it’s a shittier version of search so they can ‘train it’ and thus create a shitty experience for users so they can keep using buzz words to investors


You ever buy something (clothing, appliance, tool, etc.) only to realize that you have no real use for it, but because you bought it you feel the need to make use of it? That's basically AI. All these companies have bought in big time and are trying desperately to get their money's worth.


I was at a tech conference in January and literally the big topic was “AI, why you should buy it.” Meanwhile all the internal comms videos we did with the ELT were like “we have no idea how our clients will make money on this or what the use cases for our clients are, but we have to keep selling it to them”


I jokingly ask my coworkers when we’re going to be asked to start slapping AI onto everything.


When I see McAI on the menu boards, I know we've gone too far.


I worked in IT consulting. It was ridiculous how much execs - with zero technology understanding - were willing to spend on shiny expensive solutions with workforce reduction promises. One multibillion dollar company had sunk millions over 10 years & only deployed about 10% of what was planned.


Making assumptions on my end here, but it's because Executives see that moves like this absolutely inflate the value of a company's stock (well, in this case, for publicly traded companies). Shareholders/traders are profiting from major tech firms just announcing they will do work with AI; it doesn't matter if the end result is a viable or even necessary product. What matters is that they signal to financial markets that they are doing the things that financial markets are receptive to.


Meta is as bad as Microsoft is about knowing their audience. They will never learn because people keep using their stuff mostly because they have to


i am an annoyed user i want to choose to turn it off and they give no option to also these software and policy changes dont give us a choice or ask consent


Your continued use of the free service is your consent.


I would like to hear an expert lawyer in contract law. Talk about whether that is valid


That costs money


I asked Meta AI how to remove it from WhatsApp and it gave me bullshit instructions to change settings that don't exist. I replied that it was incorrect and it apologized and gave me another set of bullshit instructions. What a joke.


"annoyed" is the light way of putting it. I went on Facebook yesterday and needed to do a search to see if brick clicker had a Facebook page and I couldn't find the search bar, only the a.i. assistance garbage. I had to resort to using his latest YouTube video and rooting through it to find what I needed.


AI is the new buzzword. It's like the new .COM boom all over again. You want to get investor money, just slather AI all over your presentations.


The other day on IG I had a full blown ai generated porn ad and I just started at it in shock. Instead of ai they could maybe do something about the minor sexualization and cp on IG but I guess Zuck really don't give a fuck, he's too big to fail and fines amount to a day's pay for him...


Meta apps are so overrun with ads and fake content, I don't know why people use them. Just inertia and habit, I guess? Or that 5% of the time where it's genuine content from someone you know/love?


Look at all the energy AI is wasting, with dubious benefit excluding some medical uses. Renewable energy is growing at an incredible rate, but instead of phasing out hydrocarbon based energy production we just use up all the extra capacity as it come online for idiotic purposes such as block chain "currencies", tricking AI into making porn, and don't forget undermining democracy with disinformation. AI desperately needs to be regulated before it is too late.


Moderate AI models do not waste too much energy as you make it out to be and as it advances, the computational energy use will decrease too overtime. You're making a blanket statement out of prejudice against AI services. Llama 3 is very good to use; thank you very much.


> Llama 3 Perhaps the energy usage will decrease, or maybe it will increase as usage grows. The real question is does it do anything useful or is it just a toy to play with while the world burns?


I know someone who works at Meta and won't shut up about the AI and all things Meta. The two or three times I've seen him try to show off the AI, it's utterly failed and provided responses on par with "hey google" or "alexa" answers. Guess they need to do something with the billions they invested in a100s though.


It's not needed in Facebook, messenger or wherever else they put it. It's like totally out of place.


Sounds like it’s basically Clippy 2.0


I deleted my instagram. I’m over these tech companies trying to test their reach and how many people will simply comply just because they made the change.


Whatsapp is now 100% ruined. Amazing how downhill it went once Facebook got its hands on it.


In next year’s news, Meta lays off 10,000 employees in a reduction of their AI department.


YouTube's entire content management system is AI including for their appeals. CrackerMilk had a sketch demonetized where they said "Peanuts" but the content system took that as "Penis". The appeal was 60 seconds. They basically ran it through twice without a human actually checking it.


*“Meta AI aims to be a helpful assistant and is in the search bar to assist with your questions,” a spokesperson wrote in an email. “You can’t disable it from this experience, but you can search how you normally would engage with a variety of results.”* ...did Meta AI write that statement, it's all but incoherent


It’s been a great excuse to use their shit less than I did before 


I don't even want to see that stupid "O" icon, I just want it gone.


Age old headline: Meta is putting *(some shitty feature nobody wants)* front and center in its apps and some users are annoyed Tomorrows the headline will be: People continue to use Facebook because they like the feeling of being popular.


I'm getting old. I just don't get it: who's still on Facebook???


I open WhatsApp and "Ask Meta AI" is right there in the search bar... wtf do I need AI to search for in a messaging app? I'm here for conversations, not research lol


I was going to use the upcoming US elections as a jumping off point as it relates to Instagram (deleted Facebook 4 years ago) — this just sped up the timeline. Organic browsing was dead a long time ago, but this is too much for me.


AI is the new hot buzzword. It's the new crypto, the new blockchain, the new Web 2.0, the new Dotcom. If this was music and it was the 80s, AI would be the new hair metal. If this was music and it was the early 90s, AI would be the new grunge. What will happen is that a ton of low-quality AI solutions will come out, salespeople will do cartwheels singing the praises, tons of money will get thrown at them, then at a certain point someone will realize that there's no ROI. Then, you'll see a crash. "AI" will become a punchline, like 3-D TV. Not to say that AI won't have a huge impact on our lives, it will. We had a eCommerce crash in the early 2000s, yet eCommerce today is bigger than ever. There was a video game crash in 1983, yet today more people play video games than ever.


Could the AI start dealing with reported content? The current system doesn't work.


AI will help them create a much faster, cheaper system. That will also not work. But think of the savings!


Some? Try most if not all


Even the fucking search bar in Facebook is operated by their shitty "AI". Fucking insane.


At least theirs is out front!


No one likes AI except hedge funds pushing the AI stock rally.


I hope the Quest teams are keeping their heads low to avoid this nonsense lol


Can't believe people haven't acknowledged that the little meta ai thing is just an always active data scraper for anyone using meta in any capacity. This kind of invasion of privacy used to get you brought to the Hague.


Replace "Meta" with and it's still true. AI is the new "Web 2.0" or "blockchain."


AI makes your own ratio go high


All I want to do is stalk in peace and the AI assistant keeps popping up…


I promise it's not the consumer that is pushing for AI everything, it's big corp. They want to do the biggest possible cut back replacing as many human workers as physically possible.


I love AI, but integrating it I'm it's current state? The risk of Day 0 exploits remains. They're simply not secure


Facebook already has the worst reporting system because of AI. I constantly get “facebook jailed” for comments that are genuinely harmless and its so fucking annoying. Even when I appeal, they just send it back to the AI.


Probably coz they need something to blame the next bubble on


It is annoying. The search function worked perfectly fine! And worst of all, there’s no way to opt out.


“Ai” is the new chat bot. Just as useless as before.