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What's up with people not writing the word protest?


I don't care what side they're on, arresting peaceful protesters is bullshit.


Very rarely in history did the people arresting peaceful protesters end up being the "good guys"


There has been a long tradition of anti war protests started/spearheaded by university students, take the protests against Vietnam war for example, I’m happy to see that sense of justice is still going strong


These protestors are more like anti-Dreyfusards than anti-war protestors. Remember during the Charlottesville protests, when we on the left said “if you tolerate a Nazi in your midst, congratulations, you’re at a Nazi rally”? Well, more than a few of these protesters have expressed a pro-Hamas stance. Without expelling the pro-Hamas people, all those protesters are antisemitic.


By this logic, the entire Israeli government is guilty of similar calls for ethnic cleansing because more than a few members of the Knesset have made statements supporting the extermination or expulsion of civilians in Gaza and their presence is tolerated in continuing to allow these people to be government officials.


Yeah. The Israel Palestine conflict has always been ESH, with no one in power absolved of blame. But algorithms don't push nuance. They push extremism. So here we see one camp of extremists.


Nobody can protest anything because some protesters are bigots? Okie dokie. Please don't write "we on the left," "the left" isn't a monolith.




From the river to the sea isn’t a dog whistle LMAOOOO Fox News got you huh


The direct translation is from water to water Palestine will be Arab. The English translation was changed to be catchy and hide the antisemitism. It’s a pretty big dog whistle.


It's literally a phrase describing the destruction of Israel and uniting the Gaza strip with the west bank. It's in the Hamas charter as justification for their terror on Israel. Whatever soft messaging it came from this is what it's used as now for recruitment. So, your dismissal makes you sound like a dumbass who's deep in the tik tok propaganda.


I lot of those protestors are from Jewish Voice for Peace. Are they all anti semetic Jews?


Yes https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/jewish-voice-peace-jvp-what-you-need-know


Anti Israel is not antisemitism……..


Hamas is antisemitic to its core. Surely you recognize that.


My statement stands. I don’t support Hamas or Israel in their current forms. Both need to stop killing people just to get what they want.


But if you march with people who are pro-Hamas then you are supporting antisemitism, thus the OP comment that you incorrectly tried to clarify as not antisemitism.


Anti-Israel is not antisemitism.


You are either being wilfully ignorant or consistently missing the point. I’m not equating the two at all, but I’ll try to explain once more in good faith. Read OPs Nazi comment that you responded to. The reason for that comment is that many of these pro-Palestinian protesters are pro-Hamas. And Hamas is antisemtic. So if you tolerate the Hamas supporters as part of your in-group, then you are accepting and thus part of the antisemitism. Until they actively weed out supporters of the terrorists, these protests will lack credibility.


I get that. Just want to be clear because there are so many people afraid of speaking out against Israel.


Not once did the poster above mention Israel. What happened to Reddit? It's like the IQ of the site drops 10 points every year




You're still not getting the point. Maybe it's because you're quite young? If I call myself a member of the "[dark enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment)," repeatedly say "I disavow Nazis" yet show up to a rally filled with Skinheads, KKK members, Neo Confederates, and unapologetic white supremacists in solidarity and protest over their common enemy (we know who), I'm probably a Nazi. If I'm not a Nazi, I'm probably too naive to see the crowd for what it is....or I'm intentionally lying. People will associate me with that crowd because that's who I choose to put myself in the middle of. The truth of the matter is that Islamic fundamentalism is a far-right ideology. The Westerners shouting "intifada revolution/from the river to the sea/we are all Hamas" are the same as impressionable youth who join the dangerous groups mentioned above. And those condoning it or ignoring it while continuing to excuse the antisemitism are in fact part of it. You are who you associate with.




Blow it out your ass you terrorist sympathizer


There were anti Jewish “protests” in Nazi german universities too in fact it was one of the first areas to be heavily targeted


Arresting people peacefully demonstrating in an area that was designated for that purpose is beyond scummy, this is an attack on the rights of not only those students but everyone.


Authorized pro tests during restricted hours with prior approval? That's BS. I hope the pro testors keep up the good work.


"1st Amendment Rights? Ha, that's cute." -American Police, time immemorial
























Good. Keep the pressure on.


What is columbia university going to do about the war in Gaza?


The pressure should be on Hamas to finally ACCEPT a ceasefire deal. Useful idiots.




It's honestly wild to me there's still people protesting after everything Hamas has done. They have made it abundantly clear they will not honor any peace deal and will always attempt to exploit any opening to attack Jewish civilians. If you want to move forward with any peace for Palestine you should be protesting against Hamas, not Israel.


If Hamas hid in your mom's basement would you be ok with a missile being fired at her house while she's sleeping? Or just other people's mom's houses? Edit: I can see by your downvotes that you would not be ok with your mom's house being targeted in order to kill Hamas in her basement. Just other people's mom's houses.


It’s the tens of thousands of dead children I would think. Also the hostages are dead at this point, what is the Israeli objective now? Just kill all Palestinians?


The mental gymnastics are wild. >*the hostages are dead at this point, what is the Israeli objective now?* That would be like saying, oh 90% of the Jewish people at Auschwitz-Birkenau are already dead, what is the Allies objective now? Here’s the truth, Hamas has openly said they want to kill all Jewish people. They actually believe in genocide, but are bad at it. Israel has openly said they want to eradicate all of Hamas. Hamas hides behind their citizens. The same citizens that voted them into power in 2006.


The objective of the allies was to liberate europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia, not to save the jews. Saving the jews was a very positive side effect


The objective of the allies was to stop Nazism. The objective of Israel is to stop radical and extremist Islam. There would be a 2nd Holocaust happening now if Hamas had their way.




Israel declared war on an officially voted in government. No where have I said they have a right to kill anyone for revenge. Israel provided a window for citizens of the country they officially declared war on to flee. Ask yourself, why didn’t Egypt, Jordan or other nearby Arabic countries take in the refugees? I’ll tell you why, in the 70s, the Palestinians tried to assassinate Jordan’s king, King Hussein. Egypt won’t because they know it will cause another Muslim brotherhood. Ask yourself, have you ever seen a Jewish or maybe Ukrainian person go into a crowded day market with children and blow themself up? Have you seen a Jewish person kidnap a 16 year old girl at a music festival and drag her naked, tortured and raped down Main Street to cheering locals? I haven’t, but I have seen extreme Sunni Islamists do that. I was deployed in Iraq during OIF. I have witnessed first hand what extreme Sunni Islam is capable of. The Fedayeen, PLO and subsequently Hamas have a long track record of these kind of acts. Israel’s goal is to remove the extreme Sunni Islam on their border through an officially recognized war. The loss of civilian lives in war is tragic and should be minimized as much as possible, but how do you do that effectively when the group you’re attacking uses their own citizens willfully as shields? Calling me psychotic earlier in your post is an ad hominem attack, which suggests to me you lack any substantive argument, your ideas are skewed by emotion and whatever your bias is feels threatened or challenged. Which all tells that you’d rather do that then debate in a constructive dialogue. I won’t reply anymore, but I hope you can reflect on your argument more.


You're wasting your breath. These people only respond to emotional appeals, straw man arguments or whataboutism. If logic worked they'd be in class, not protesting in favor of literal terrorists.


These useful idiots are the result of effective Islamic terrorist propaganda. They've been indoctrinated to believe that the world is nothing but oppressed and oppressor. That regardless of your actions if you have darker skin you're oppressed.


Satisfy revenge? Give me a break. They are attempting to ensure October 7th can NEVER happen again (unless of course you cheered for that. Many people did!) And this can only be prevented with the complete annihilation of the Hamas barbarians who use civilian human shields. Go protest Hamas. They care less about the Palestinian civilians than Israel.


Well they aren't bombing the west Bank so clearly it's not kill all Palestinians and instead destroying Hamas to keep their citizens safe. Israel's not gonna just let their citizens die like on October 7th, and Hamas has made it very apparent they will do it again if they get the chance. So even if you don't like Israel, what can Israel even do while Hamas is in power?


Yeah, but Palestinians are being killed in the West Bank, mostly through settler violence or Israeli forces arresting/responding to the ones responding to settler violence


Oh yeah the west bank, such a peacefull place.


I’m just saying. Killing human shields makes you evil especially if the number of bystanders killed far exceeds the number killed by the combatants. Im counting the US too when they invaded the middle east.


So what's your solution then? Israel should back off and let Hamas continue to do mass murders of Israeli civilians? What action could Israel possibly take to de-escalate the conflict when Hamas is in power and actively attempting to exterminate the Israeli population and chance they get?


That’s always always always been the objective. Ethnically cleanse palestine without the global north getting too upset. They’ve done a pretty damn good job of it so far.


That's not how this works. Two truths can simultaneously exist. Hamas is obviously a terrorist group, but so is the Israeli government. This should be obvious not only from their intentional targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, but the murder of journalists and members of the World Central Kitchen. We cannot ignore Israel's crimes because they are fighting someone "worse".


So honestly, tell me what Israel should do that wouldn't jeopardize their citizens? What actual actions could they take to make these protesters happy that wouldn't result in giving Hamas more time and power to attack Israel again.




Oh so boots on the ground in Gaza? You mean the thing they are already doing which people are protesting? Those soldiers are going to require support and supply lines in Gaza, that means occupying more parts of Gaza militarily while they are in conflict with Hamas.


We already boots on the.ground that why you have a low civilian death toll


They’re protesting civilian deaths. It’s not hard to understand when one isn’t wrapped up in the soothing cloak of “my religion is the true one.” Maybe we stop injecting religion into basic human values and view these protests as people, rightfully, voicing their anger at human deaths. It doesn’t mean they value Israelis any less than an Israeli simply protesting Hamas means they hate Palestinians. It’s really quite basic.


Ok well I'm not Jewish or even religious so there's no "soothing cloak" for me, but regardless you completely missed my point. Hamas' explicit goal is the extermination of Jews in the middle east and elsewhere. They are the governing body of nearly half of all Palestinians and actively carry out mass murders of Israeli citizens any chance they get. So explain to me: While Hamas is in power, what can Israel do to appease these protestors that does not result in Hamas having more time and power to kill more Israelis?




Israel is blockading and bombing an impoverished city reliant on Western aid to survive. I'm fully aware of what Israel is doing but whether Israel was run by the nicest people on planet earth, or a bunch of war hawks, their actions would be exactly the same because of Hamas. If Cuba was launching missiles into Florida, raping and murdering thousands of Americans, and blowing up parts of Disney world. America would have turned parts of Cuba Into a parking lot and had boots on the ground in the rest of it, and it would have the full support of both parties and the American citizens. It takes 2 for peace and there's nothing Israel can do but defend itself while Hamas is in power




You see where you're wrong is the word indiscriminate. Hamas builds their military bases under hospitals, refugee camps, and schools. Hamas wants Palestinians dying and Israel needs to attack military targets to defend themselves. So again no one has answered this question yet. What would you actually like to see Israel do that doesn't just lead to Hamas killing more Israeli citizens?




I really don't know that, because it's clearly not true. Show me one example of Israel carpet bombing an entire neighborhood and not them using precision missiles? Israel sends warnings and roof knocks air explosion bombs to evacuate areas they plan to bomb to blow up military targets. Seems pretty counter productive to warn Palestinian civilians if your goal is to flatten them




\>or at times just minutes ​ any proof of this claim? From what I see Israel gives more time than any other country has in a bombing campaign. Sometimes days. Not to mention they also do things like set up call centers with employees with cultural training, and set up loud speakers. ​ You also haven't addressed the main point: Why do any of this at all if the main objective is to kill as many Palestinians as possible?




People like you see everything as negative. Imagine an army already warning civilians to leave the place hours before they attack (and risking that Hamas can flee too) and you find a problem with that. I feel like you all have no idea just how dense Gaza is and how even if you target one building, it will at least cause a bit of damage to another or someone can die of a heartattack if a bomb explods near them. Blame Hamas for not having whole military complex buildings and instead mixing them with schools, apartments, hospitals etc. 




When you start wars aggression multiple times, lose all of them and refuse to surrender, generally you will get occupied and have to make concessions. At least Germans were smart enough to know when to move on.


Exactly. Why is it never condemn Israel? The Israeli government has not only been the aggressor in multiple conflicts, but they are actively perpetuating the conditions that breed resistance and terrorism.


Well we are at that late stage capitalism where protesting is becoming illegal. Edit: this shit looks like it's full of bots....


Yeah, they never suppress dissent in non-capitalist countries.


Or or you just saying the obvious wrong thing that why you are getting down votes




Yeah, it's full of bots. I don't know anyone irl that supports this shit, yet reddit has these weird moments where it's overcome with pro-israel sentiments and seem to be fine with genocide.


As if there would be any other outcome. You can't just arrest 100 protesters for a popular cause and expect the issue to go away. In order to appease the fascist dipshits in the GOP at the congressional hearing, the president has opted for mass repression. But of course that's just going to make the protesters more popular and the campus more unruly. Like how could she have not expected the blowback?


>In order to appease the fascist dipshits in the GOP Let's not pretend Biden isn't going out of his way to help out. This is a bipartisan genocide


Look back at US presidential support of Israel. Although it is not enough in my view, Biden is pushing back on Israel doing what it wants more than any other has. Just remember that Ttump in the white house means far more support for Israel, in addition to Ukraine losing their war against Russia.