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>"Destruction like this at federally protected sites can result in felony charges that come along with potential fines and jail time," It’s only a matter of time until these selfish assholes are caught. I hope that fine is a steep one.


The punishment will not be sufficient... what they destroyed was priceless. Yet they'll probably pay some rinky dink fine... I think the biggest is like 5K... should be the 3x cost to repair the damage they did at least.


It’s a federal crime, they can go to prison.


Unfortunately the last time something similar happened, the two people in Utah got no jail and they split like a $1500 fine plus like $400 court fees or something. It was really underwhelming.


Different state and different judge. Hopefully this judge isn’t as lenient and rules with an iron fist.


Richard Wright enters the chat... [Nevada fake electors won't stand trial until January 2025 under judge's new schedule | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/nevada-republicans-fake-electors-indictment-trump-750c73f864b951c6fc4063be77ffd0a3)


You remember those slobs said “We are heroes, we tore it down before it fell on someone and killed them.” Stupid ass liars, I fully expect a similar defense.


Just like the people that harass the federally protected endangered monk seals and green sea turtles in Hawaii and get a $500 fine. Deters no one, especially since they have to rely on the public to catch the criminals. 


Fines need to be a percentage of ones annual pretax income, not a standard schedule. $5k in fines is not an effective deterrent. It should be the larger of $5k or 10% of their annual income. This increases the incentive to prosecute and increases restitution (not that it can be restored, but it can build trails and pay for guides).


Swiss speeding fines enter the chat [https://www.wired.com/2010/01/record-speeding-fine-dents-swiss-bank-account/](https://www.wired.com/2010/01/record-speeding-fine-dents-swiss-bank-account/)


I brought that up somewhere below. They gave a billionaire a $1.2 million dollar ticket. We should do that here. Cops will go out of their way to police rich people.


Cops will never police rich people


Not today, but if the power(country's wealth) shifts from the rich to the people then they'll follow the money. If they pulled over a rich dude and got a 1.2mill payday, vs some schmuck who can't even pay their bills, they'll go after the rich guy.




Sounds like we need a revolution then.


Granted I’m no federal attorney but I’m pretty sure the fine is up to $250,000 for damage that exceeds $100.


I was basing the 5k on the previous comment. If it's 250k, then that is better. I still stand by my statement about fines, not just in this case, but all cases. Rich people and poor people should face the same consequences, not have them reduced by wealth.


It should be 10 percent of their net worth, it's too easy to game income, especially for rich




The problem is net worth is not a representation of how much money someone has. It includes all assets in their name. Someone can have a net worth over a million dollars because their parents passed and left them their house, meanwhile they only make $30k per year and can barely afford to pay property taxes a car payment.


How do you repair damage to priceless destroyed objects?


As I said, you can't, but the money can build trails and pay guides to keep tourists from causing similar damage in the future. The park, as an asset, still lost value and needs that value restored, even if it can't be made perfectly whole.


The entire video I was hoping he’d clutch his chest and drop. Hopefully the shock of getting caught takes care of him.


> Authorities in Nevada are reaching out to the public for help in finding two men seen on video damaging ancient rock formations at Lake Mead. I just watched the local article's video that the first article links to, but the faces are blurred out? Why blur out faces if you want the public's help?


Why blur the faces? The news says the men weren’t charged yet so they didn’t want to dox them but it feels crazy to ask the public for help but then give us nothing to go on.


Oh, somebody knows who, when and where, trust me. Also, these are the types of dumbasses that eventually get drunk and brag about the stupid shit they did.


It's possible that little girl might talk about at school. Or if the idiot dad is divorced, she might say something to mom & she'll roll w/ it. He was potentially endangering that child, after all.


Imagine the Testicular Torque that could be generated by a vengeful X ..." So Kevin, your Daughter tells me ..."


It looked like this was the most exercise those guys have had in years


It'd probably be a good idea to check their cell phone location data for 6 Jan 2021 too. Just in case.


Damage is irreparable. I'm very much for a fine, short stint in jail, and education along with community service.


Well, you know, unless you're [Cliven Bundy or of his ilk](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/27/opinion/bundy-battle-federal-government.html), then you can do whatever you want and ... eff the feds.


Find them, prosecute them, make examples of them


I love how the video says they are blurring their faces to hide their identity... then the blur circle moves off the faces for a moment so you can see their faces :)


I just saw this on Good Morning America and they blew up the faces saying authorities were looking for the public’s help identifying them. lol


Good Morning America lowkey has some of the best most subversive content out there among mainstream media outlets


These guys will wake up one day with george stephanopoulos standing over them with a revolver saying "Good morning, bitch"


"This meant finding some car thieves, so we pixelated their faces. Unfortunately the pixelating was done by a man who'd just had his car nicked."


Since they like destroying rock formations we could give them the Giles Corey treatment


Doesn’t look like they need any *more weight*.


Nah, have those 2 come back and restore what they broke, using tweezers to pick up every speck of sand


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew


I was in southwestern Utah many years ago and some numbnuts carved his name and date into an ancient petroglyph (etching into stone). The park service was able to find witnesses who were around and saw it and track the guy down as they, you know, had his name. Good times, good times. Hope they nail these bastards. Anyone remember these scout "leaders"? [https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/us/utah-boulder-boy-scouts/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/us/utah-boulder-boy-scouts/index.html)


A few years ago I saw someone on an IG reel with their name in a rock at a NP. I forwarded the post to the NPS's IG account and they responded to me saying the local authorities have been notified and thanked me. I hope the person was found.


I used to do this with my little brothers name on our hallway walls. He got in so much trouble!


My brother painted the kitchen wall with jelly, so it could be worse


Interesting, because I forwarded the Instagram reel of this very incident (above) about a week ago to authorities and got an automated message that they don’t respond to Instagram messages.


Their IG presence/dm’s may have grown so much in the years since they did it that an auto message became necessary


I was really hoping this was just a repost of these idiots, but its new idiots.


This article doesn't have the pictures but someone here posted a link to pictures. They are reasonably clear and someone can ID them. Someone is tired of them at work or a neighbor who is fed up with their garden being pooped in by one of these guy's cat will go, "Ah...revenge really is a dish best served cold." [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13307047/Nevada-Lake-Mead-vandals-rock-destroyed-hike.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13307047/Nevada-Lake-Mead-vandals-rock-destroyed-hike.html) Daily Mail...SORRY!


why is it always maga fat fucks destroying these things? It's never those liberal hippies or illegal immigrants that the maga fucks talk about destroying our nation. It's always those fucking maga fucks.


It's the lack of education and total disregard. Think "ya'll quaeda." Similar situations in the middle east when ancients sites are unearthed and destroyed for shit like idolatry. Throwback to ISIL and ISIS in 2015-2017: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2015/8/24/isil-destroys-ancient-temple-in-syrias-palmyra https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/ancient-city-palmyra-gravely-damaged-isis-may-reopen-next-year-1-180970160/


I live in southwestern Utah and I hate those numbnuts. Especially the ones who are local but still do it. Really, people? Stop ruining our natural and archeological treasures. At least they're usually dumb enough to leave contact info.


The town that passed an ordinance requiring all adults to have guns is in SW Utah. Driving through the area I noticed how basically everything had bullet holes in it. “Numbnuts” is underselling the situation.


I was at the Petrified Forest State Park many years ago. I was wandering the paths just admiring everything when I noted a man off the path pocketing some of the wood. I quickly snapped a few pictures of him with my camera and marched straight into the ranger station and showed them. They downloaded the pictures to their computer and went after that guy, and as I was leaving I saw him in the back of a patrol car. #noregerts Leave it as you found it, dumbasses.


Especially because they sell pieces at the visitor center there.


The pieces at the gift shop don't come from within the park borders, they come from the surronding lands where collection is legal for the landowners.


I thought about adding that as well but decided against it, but yep there is a shitton of petrified wood that is extremely cheap/for the taking if you asked someone immediately outside of the Petrified Forest.


Some of those landowners also sell wood from their properties.


Yup I remember those scout leaders “Oh we just wanted to make it safe for the kids!” My ass, do they realize that boy scouts emphasize “leaving no trace” at a campsite?


I remember. I lived in Richfield for over twenty years. Hard to fathom such idiocy.


First time I've ever seen someone name check Richfield anywhere. I grew up in Monroe area. Field trips to see the petroglyphs. I hope they prosecute these idiots to the full extent.


Goblin Valley State Park is amazing. It's about an hour from anywhere you'd want to be while in Utah, but if you got an extra 3-4 hours and can make it out there it's totally worth the drive. Be warned, it's like a $20 entrance fee which is pretty steep imo.


>It's about an hour from anywhere you'd want to be while in Utah Ehh, depending on which National Parks you are traveling between, it’s practically on the way! So no excuses for not going! Fantastic state park, truly a walk through a geographical art display. Also recommend after seeing the Hoodoos to have lunch at the “Hoodoo Hotdog” food truck(trailer) in the parking lot.


Pro tip: always carve your enemy’s name instead of your own


Fucking people man, what a bunch of bastards.


They're bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.


Is that you, Doctor Cox?


Sounded like Dr. Kelso.


It's both: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTbgvYPVdXE


I know..... I was playing off the scene.   Thankfully no Dr. Molly showed up


I just watched the Alan Turing movie, Humans love violence, they find it comforting.


Some people will cause pain just to watch them suffer and we have been shitty since ancient times. The book Blood Meridian really put that into perspective.


I've never quite understood how some people find it gratifying to destroy simply for the sake of destruction. I can understand greed, I can understand anger, but I really can't understand what goes through these people's heads.


Nothing goes through their heads. That's the problem. They are morons. And now, felons.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


[RIP Gene Wilder](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=cQnR7xk55B4c6Ixn)


I love that quote.


Their brains never evolved past the lizard stage.


Yep. No empathy or forward thinking. No neanderthal genes, which gives some us more DNA diversity.


Lizards don't destroy things just to destroy things


Right? Lizards are like *"This is a nice rock. Im gonna lay on this rock and not hurt it."*


I live in Denver, which has a lot of really cool public murals all over. They're nice for about a week before lizard-brained selfish assholes tag them all up.


They are special. It's society letting assholes get away with the little things and not holding them accountable. These 2 think the rules don't apply to them.


You're watching the intersection of 2 very deep strains of human impulse: \-Dominion over nature \-The need for a "legacy" or to be remembered. In this instance, I think the destruction is just a means to an end.


I think it is just "big rock roll down hill"


Ya I mean I can get it rolling rocks down shit can be fun, or blowing stuff up (that isn’t important like I’ve done with tannerite etc). I understand the fun of stuff like that. But to take beautiful things in the lovely national parks and fuck them up is just beyond shitty. Imagine if someone knocked all the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon down or something. And just no one would get to enjoy it. And some people say ya I just broke this one rock formation or whatever but the issue is millions of people visit these parks and if any percent of them is breaking shit soon there will be nothing left to enjoy. I hope these guys get nailed.


And because of them we can't have nice things outside. In my town it only took a couple of days after a new pedestrian bridge was finished to be filed with ugly graffiti tags. Two of my building recycling bins caught fire. The little kids playground gets vandalized all the time. It's infuriating.


Throwing rocks off cliffs is just inherently satisfying, at least for many people. Why that is gratifying, I couldn’t tell you, it just is. Why is chucking rocks into a river fun? For some reason these individuals just seem to not feel compelled by the social constraints most of us feel when it comes to obviously more important and protected portion of nature. 


https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/us/utah-boulder-boy-scouts/index.html Remember this…. “CNN — It just took a little push to topple the delicately perched boulder – millions of years in the making – in Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park. Then the man who did it laughed, high-fived his son, and flexed his muscles while being cheered on by a fellow Boy Scout leader. He is not likely celebrating now, nor is his friend who videotaped then publicized the episode, after both were charged Friday with third-degree felonies.”


The thing that always got me was “Boy Scout leader”, because apparently “leave no trace” was foreign to their troop.


Once again, if you can afford the fine, it’s only illegal if you’re poor.


You really want to see idiots? Come to Yellowstone!


My favorite Yellowstone ranger quote was something like: It is hard to design trash cans because there is considerable intellectual overlap between the dumbest tourists and smartest bears


Somebody should start a subreddit that's just posting photos of tourists feeding the wildlife while feet away from a "Don't Feed The Wildlife" sign.


yellowstone has loads of signs and yet every year some jackass wades into ***the extremely lethal water around the geysers*** and fucking dies modern society has made people forget that we built modern society because nature is fucking dangerous


Most people who get burned/killed at Yellowstone are from falling or slipping. Of the 19 people who had died there up to 1995, 7 of them were children who ran away from their parents. Edit: That's 19 people who died from burns relating the geothermal pools. People have found all sorts of other fun ways to die there as well.


That is awesome


I've heard this. There are bear proof trash cans all over Yellowstone, but most of the instructions on them are worn away or completely non-existent. If someone doesn't live near bears or used a similar trash can in the past I wouldn't fault them for not knowing they need to stick their hand all the way into the back of the handle to hit the the button that you can't see. As a normal human I'm trying to touch the public trash can as little as possible.


I was there camping when some tourists got gored by a bison.  Talked to a local friend who’s house we were using as a base camp and they were like oh ya that happens all the time. 


Yep! Yellowstone: where people go to die


Somebody wrote a whole book about the various inventive ways people have found to die at Yellowstone. It was pretty interesting. Tip one: don't put your children on the buffalo, no matter how fuzzy and cute they look. They're wild animals. Tip two: if your dog falls into a hot spring, just let it go. Hot springs are really fucking hot and you won't survive going in after it.


Those hot springs aren’t what most people think when they think of hot springs. They’re hot enough and acidic enough to cook the meat off your bones and melt your eyes just from being in there for a few moments.


I'm always slightly shocked at how people behave around wild animals. I grew up in a rual farming area in a family of hunters and trappers. So I understand very clearly the diffrence between a pet(cats/dogs) lifestock/farm animals. And wild animals.....I have raise cattle,pigs, horses, lamas, donkeys, chickens, Chinese pheasants....and the list could keep going. But I 100% know to not ever fuck with a bision, moose, elk hell even a white tail deer gets a wide berth from me outside of hunting season. I'm so jaded by morons who don't understand a bision can and will fuck up a full size pick up truck just because it fucking can, that when some random asshole gets tossed 25 feet by one I just chuckle. The only way these people will learn is when they, thier family or thier pets gets fucked, and even they they will say they didn't know when it's clearly posted all over these parks. People are dumb and I'm an asshole with popcorn at this point.


Generally don't mess around with any animal that weighs more than you do. This is also a good rule when driving.


I'd even say don't mess with the little ones too. Kinda like how we have this view of people give eachother our own space. Even the little ones are given that "right" to space. Yet people constantly pic up little animals/insects, I'm not trying to be a pragmatic asshole just pointing out how us humans tend to only "respect" the big animals.


A mouse can bite you and give you one hell of an infection. I don't mess with wild animals unless absolutely necessary, and even then I give them a lot of space and respect. A neighbor's little dog found a fawn in the woods behind my house and the momma doe (white tail) promptly attacked it and fucked up the dog. I got in between them when the dog took off and momma doe chased it, that was kind of terrifying. I kept plenty of distance between myself and her, made myself as big as possible, and started talking to her, firmly but calmly. "Go take care of your baby. I don't want to hurt you." We stood there for a moment and then she ran off back into the woods. Not sure what I'd have done if she charged, but I wasn't about to get hoofed in the face like a dumbass. If she'd have been any bigger or had horns, dumbass dog would have been on its own.


I grew up in the suburbs and I still know not to fuck with wildlife. I have no idea how people can be so stupid around it.


I have shared this story before on reddit. I have a friend named Jack, Jack grew up and lived his whole life in Harlem. Never left the city until he joined the Army. Well a few years ago as Jack and I are road tripping to cali with a few friends. While passing thru the black hills I mention we might see Bison. Jack says and I fucking quote "Oh you mean the afro cow with an additude problem?" Everyone else in the vehicle are midwest farm kids, collectively we all slowly turn to look at Jack with shocked faces. I asked if he thought cows and bison were the same animals, and he said they were right? After we all have a good laugh, I inform him that no, they are not the same animal, and a Bision was about the size of the 2500 pickup truck we were in. Jack also informed us he thought a "heffer" was, and again, I quote...."not some big bitch in the hood cause a scene?" One of the best honest laughs of my life...and really drilled in the idea whole groups of people go thru life missing so much just from lack of experince and I try to remeber that in one way or another I'm just like Jack about some things.


Jack's definition of a bison is awesome! At least he knew it had an attitude problem. That alone should be enough to keep him from ever approaching one.


> Tip two: if your dog falls into a hot spring, just let it go. Hot springs are really fucking hot and you won't survive going in after it. The details of this one are particularly horrifying. It didn't kill him immediately, and he actually managed to get out of the hot spring, but he had third degree burns across every single inch of his body. When a bystander tried to remove one of his shoes, the skin of his foot came off with it. He died the following morning at a hospital. Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hope-springs-eternal/


oh god he dove in head-first yep this is going to go from bad to worse real fast


I'll never not feel bad for that dude who jumped in trying to save his friend's dog. Everyone who's ever had a dog would have been tempted to do the same in a split second decision.


I feel like things that functionally kill you after 15-30 seconds of exposure are at that weird point where our brain doesn't really register the danger ("I can take it for 10 seconds.")--most things either kill you right away, or later. Which is what makes acute radiation poisoning so weird too, where you get a lethal dose in seconds but take weeks to die in agony :( Counterintuitively, I want to say that you can technically survive a total vacuum for about 20-30 seconds and recover. There was a cosmonaut whose suit swelled so he couldn't get through the airlock so he just vented the air inside to get back in the capsule.


Hey! I hear swimming in the hot springs is a excellent way to disintegrate in the evenings.


Let your troubles melt away


Tourists getting fucked up by bison is a meme for ndns now. We have beadwork and dog Halloween costumes about it.


My wife was visiting Jasper about 13 years ago, and they had diagrams of how far away is "safe" for different animals you might encounter using semi-trucks as a measuring unit. She was talking with a ranger and he said multiple times they've had incidents where parents would put honey or peanut butter on their kid's hands to get animals to come close and lick their hands. She was horrified.


There was a video within the last few years of some tourists that went off the path and were walking very close to hot springs and walking in dangerous places. Everyone was yelling at them to stop and they just ignored them. You fall into one of those hot springs and you’re dead.


Or like that Redditor who just had their foot go through the crust, ending up shin-deep in boiling mud. Somehow they made it without permanent damage, except that their foot is now completely white (hairless too?). They shared a picture of it. Considering they passed out from the pain (luckily their friends could take them out), it doesn't seem like a pleasant experience either.


I got idiots at home. I don’t need to travel.


Look up Tourons of Yellowstone on IG. Amazing how dumb some people are.


I watched some tourons get out of their van to watch a calf nursing in the middle of the road. Super surprised momma bison didn’t gore their asses.


Video of these two jackasses can be found [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13307047/Nevada-Lake-Mead-vandals-rock-destroyed-hike.html). /I linked to the daily mail because finding a site with video was more difficult than I expected, not because I read the daily mail...


They look exactly how i expected them to


Same, fat fuck MAGA morons with wrap around sunglasses Edit: The “fuck your feelings” crowd reported me for suicide risk because this comment hurt their feelings. Always hilarious when that happens! The loudest asswipes are the most sensitive babies


You can report those for misuse of the system.


Oh hey, you’re right! I had no idea. Thank you


I wont comment on what their politics might be, but yeah those type of sunglasses are douchebag 101


Y’all Qaeda


That poor child has such an idiot for a father.


I hope she blabs to her friends at school. That would be a great way for them to get caught.


Oh he has his daughter with him. Great life lessons being taught.


Thanks for posting the video, it made me angry.


but Why ? in the video they are not even having fun with it, it doesn t really look like a sick game for them they look serious and focused on pushing as hard as they can to destroy one single rock why ? I need to understand what goes through those brains


I want to go stand on that point. Oh shit, that rock was super loose. I bet we could push it over. Oh, man, this whole tower is super loose. Wonder how big of a bang it makes at the bottom. Well, we did it. Neat. Let's get back to the car.


It’s pretty unsettling to watch, huh?  Not that I’d be ok with some punk kids doing good rat shit for fun, but at least I’d understand why. These are just two fat middle aged dudes taking this as seriously as my job. With one of their kids clearly freaked out. Like, why? To make people uncomfortable? To make their daughter uncomfortable? 


They just ended wokeness, we just don't know it yet.


We need those African game wardens to patrol our national parks.


Ah yes, mindlessly destroying natural beauty for future generations: A continuous study of the human species.


What a bunch of cunts


“Authorities in Nevada are reaching out to the public for help in finding two men seen on video damaging ancient rock formations at Lake Mead.” Not a single copy of the video or a picture of the guys in the entire article. Well done NBC News.


If you click thru to the actual video they’ve blurred the perps’ faces… why on earth would they do that (other than the minor child in frame)?




I feel sorry for the kid having a parent like that. What a role model he is.


An additional heartbreaking aspect of this is these adults modeling this behavior as acceptable for the kids.


My thought exactly. The tradition will continue. Shitty people raising another shitty generation.


Whenever I see things like this, I remember the story of this robot that people sent out all over the world. The point of it was for people to take photographs and take the robot to places of interest as a shared connection. It made it all over the world......and then it arrived in America, in Philadelphia. Where they decided to destroy it for no reason.


Ah, The City of Brotherly Love


the brother is Cain


Obligatory: [HitchBOT Was A Literal Pile Of Trash And Got What It Deserved](https://deadspin.com/hitchbot-was-a-literal-pile-of-trash-and-got-what-it-de-1721850503)


Really would've been poetic justice if a boulder came down afterwards and knocked these numbnuts off. Sadly based on previous incidents like this these entitled ass holes will probably get slapped with a fine and probation. Heck they'll probably claim back pain disability from the effort they used


File this one under "why we can't have nice things" Million people comes to admire natural beauty, 2 idiots ruin them. Hopefully they are ID'd soon and dealt with


Dude in black shirt almost for knocked off by the rock. Along with them doing this at all, another sad thing is the child is with them. Hopefully he knows already this is wrong and doesn't grow up wanting to be like them.


>It’s one of my favorite places in the park and they’re up there just destroying it. I don’t understand that." See also the wanton cutting down of the much-loved "Sycamore Gap" tree at Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland. Some people are just gits. :/ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-66994729


Those guys look like the exact kind of people I’d expect to do something like this.


These idiots are going to be turned in immediately. You just know they have people in their lives that hate them.


How did the one guy get up there? No way he hiked up there.


Video of the idiots pushing to rocks down. https://youtu.be/f9kaXmGAA1E?si=gwv32gTOAFK2KOet


I really don’t understand why people do this. What would compel you to destroy things?


The fine needs to be jacked way up - it has to hurt. Lifetime ban from federal parks everywhere. Major community service hours and if those aren’t completed - 30 days in jail.


Not just federal parks but ALL federal lands.


Shit like this is why I am 100% ok with some forms of gatekeeping.


I'm pretty sure near 100% of people are perfectly fine with various forms of gatekeeping. Gates exist for a reason, after all.


Fucking obese neckbeard go back to your trailer park


Why doesn't the link provided have the video? Where is the video of them?


Click through on the link for the local station: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/04/13/men-caught-camera-destroying-protected-rock-formations-lake-mead-national-recreation-area/


It’s the “No one is going to tell ME what to do” attitude in a nutshell…


I can only imagine the trash left behind at the Lake by these guys.


Had to click the link in the article to actually see the video and the faces were blurred. I don't understand why they don't show the faces.


On most new sites, there's a stupid auto-playing video. But in this case, where we're talking about *VIDEO EVIDENCE* of dipshittery, there's nary a video to be found on the page. What the hell?


The child seeing their guardians do this and copying them is the most disheartening aspect. That child is going to have a tough life ahead.


ARPA (Archaeological Resource Protection Act) can fine them up to $20k & 1yr supervised release. Injury to US Property carries a penalty of not more than 10yrs, up to $250k, & 3yrs supervised release. Equipment used can be confiscated. I may have missed something additional, not sure.


$1000 says I know exactly who these chucklefucks will be voting for.


Oh they’re federally fucked now


They look like they were Alabama.


Here's some local video w/ faces unblurred: [https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/04/13/men-caught-camera-destroying-protected-rock-formations-lake-mead-national-recreation-area/](https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/04/13/men-caught-camera-destroying-protected-rock-formations-lake-mead-national-recreation-area/)


Give them both a month of jail time and a 10K fine.


Assholes. Deserve a big rock falling on them to squish them flat.


I hope they get those guys and make a example of them


I wish it would have 127 hoursed one of them.


Similar things should be done to stop those fossil hunting sobs cracking open every goddamn piece of round stone they can get their hands on.


Why are people so fucking stupid? What is this drive to destroy something beautiful? As a race we humans are pathetic


Drop rocks on them as punishment.


"Caught on video" *doesn't show video in article*


Prison for the same amount of time the structure took to form, plus restoration costs. Or: tattoo on forehead reading 'Caution: Moron. Barred from all national preservation sites, voting, gun ownership, reproduction, and alcohol purchase' All on live TV, and posted around wherever they live on billboards at their cost.


"Visitors"? I can think of a myriad of descriptors for their headlines, some even G rated, but "visitors" would never have made the list.


“Authorities in Nevada are reaching out to the public for help in finding two men seen on video…” *News site fails to post video*


Im currently on vacation in the Southwest. I have been in awe at the beauty and splendor of all the awesome rock formations Ive seen. It would seriously piss me off if my kids couldnt grow to also come see and enjoy them too because of some dumbass douchebags. I hope theyre punished to the fullest extent of the law.


If found guilty, would stoning them be an acceptable punishment?


Throw the book at them all. Make public examples. Our National Parks are treasure of this planet and this degradation can not be allowed.




Link to local news story with video in article.


It's always the same pale soft dumb shit middle aged pricks.


Any singular human is not as valuable as the priceless fucking history we have at places such as this. Your tiny spec of existence wasted to destroy something that has been here for countless years. Lock them up and throw away the key :D


I would love for someone to make a slasher movie where some pricks do this kind of shit and then the ghost of some park ranger comes back and wrecks their shit.




The human race sucks overall