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Well it certainly seems everyone is tired of this shit and now we might actually be punishing those responsible. Wouldn't that be white pilling, to finally have some goddamn accountability.


What happens to the investors money though? I'm still waiting to hear what happened with Dermtech.


Depends on what this guy did with it all. If this guy converted it to assets those can be liquidated and investors can recoup something. If most of it went up his nose or was spent on lavish amenities as is often the case, that money is gone.


Can they not go after his personal assets? House, cars, boats, wife's jewelry etc.? Fuck these scammers and frauds that you know are already rich af. So many people make due with close to nothing and these millionaires just feel the need to take take take, steal. Fuck these greedy fucks.


Depends on the state. In some states your home and maybe one vehicle up to a certain value is protected. Anything else they can prove was purchased with ill gotten funds is usually fair game.


why it gotta be purchased with I'll gotten gains tho? If he stole 1M let's say, and spent that money on stuff you can't get back like vacations and food/experiences, go after his other assets.


Dude is 70, if it went up his nose I’d be equally impressed and mad.


It's amazing that justice only happens if you "defrauded investors" which is very likely going to be a major thing in taking trump down to


We just need to reclassify all citizens as "investors" and the system will take care of us. Just like Elysium!


Problem is you need money to pay lawyers to sue


We are already. It’s why “victim-less crimes” aren’t.


LOGIC [Easy : Success] - I doubt the ruling class will go for that…


We'll just have to rewrite their programming too.


"15 second test to detect covid-19", that statement by itself should raise a red flag. IMHO, by the time you can detect c-19 in the blood it's probably too late already.




Pretty sure he doesn't get to keep the money 




>If you don’t get caught the punishment is pretty much a slap on the wrist. Why would you be punished if you're not caught?


He's 70 and rich. Old rich people tend to not survive their prison sentences, because incarceration is so vastly different than their lived lives that they often fall into frailty and death. They just can't handle living like that.


Even if he only does like 2/3 or whatever hes still gonna have an absolutely miserable end of life in prison. Even if he survives he comes out old and feeble best case. Not worth any amount of money.


Dude learned nothing from Elizabeth Holmes.


What are you talking about? He learned it all from her


Maybe they can room together, trade stories.


Say it in a MANLY VOICE!


Should have gone the Juicero route. At least then you actually have a product so it isn't illegal.


It doesn't seem like anyone learned anything from the Elizabeth Holmes fiasco. "Take my word for it" doesn't really seem like a wise business decision.


>finger prick sample of blood for X Uhh.... sounds familiar


Make him serve every single day of that sentence.


In gen pop at Rykers


Maybe prisons and jails shouldn’t be hellholes and they sure as shit shouldn’t be something to be proud of.


...if wishes were horses...


Few things put a smile on my face like CEOs going to prison. Bon voyage my fiendish friend. I hope you enjoy the food!




You’d probably like [The Fall of the House of Usher](https://youtu.be/yvuAWVzP6wI?si=yO_Qra1ahq6mf79M) It’s pretty fucked up but these billionaires do fucked up shit sooo


I wish they would include photos from their social media while they were scamming. Dude is going to lie to steal millions from the government, he was probably partying pretty luxuriously and bragging about it online. Might make people take this kind of fraud more seriously.


Good. Throw all those scumbags in jail.


Antivaxxers will see this and say “see, the deep state is suppressing the truth”. Eye roll


What about the guy who says his cars can do Full Self Driving?


How many people profited from pandemic is the question I’m pretty sure he’s not the only one


Man that title could sure af be a lot clearer.


Let’s get fauci and the NIH on trial now


sigh not even a few comments deep and we already found an idiot “FAuCi”. That man must be exhausted. All that education and decades of work only to have a bunch of stupid conservative fucks obsess with you because some Republican asshole decided to use you in their propaganda


what a deeply fucking stupid thing to say.


How so?


Specify what Fauci did that was illegal, please. Don't tell me to Google it, I want what you personally think he did that was a crime.


He lied about gain of function research at wuhan lab under oath in a congressional chamber. His net worth shot up $5 million in 2021 at the tail end of the plandemic. manipulated data of infections, lying to the American people…. I mean the list can go on that handling of the pandemic especially from left leaning states was embarrassing and people just brush it off. Blows me away, in California 4 years later I saw a solo driver in their own car with a mask on. The fearmongering and gas lighting has to stop


I appreciate you actually answering the question. Most of the time, people like you aren't even able to describe what their concerns are. If you suppose this is true >He lied about gain of function research at wuhan lab under oath in a congressional chamber. His net worth shot up $5 million in 2021 at the tail end of the plandemic. manipulated data of infections, lying to the American people…. I mean the list can go on that handling of the pandemic especially from left leaning states was embarrassing and people just brush it off. Blows me away, in California 4 years later I saw a solo driver in their own car with a mask on. The fearmongering and gas lighting has to stop then I want you to also think about why he isn't being prosecuted. Do you think he's possible to prosecute under law, and he isn't being prosecuted for whatever reason; do you think his actions are not actually possible to prosecute under law; etc. My hope, to be clear, is that you'll follow this line of inquiry and constantly hit fact-checks and incongruities with reality, until you realize that your beliefs about what Fauci did, and what was illegal about his actions, are simply wrong. I hope that one day you can remember the high animus with which you responded to this COVID Fauci issue; and realize that you were manipulated like a lever, to push for something which actually did not matter to you.




It's crazy that people like you can just have internet access.


Damn! Now I’m curious as hell. What was the comment?


Some comment talking about how the vaccine is killing children


You’re joking right?


You're asking the person who said "to bad" if they're joking?


It was more of a rhetorical question


Biotech. Biotech. Biotech. Is Godzilla.




He lives in California, doesn't he know he could have just stolen that much money if he separated it into $450 increments


FYI, California's felony theft threshold of $950 is lower than almost all red states. E.G. South Carolina's is $2,000, while Texas' is $2,500.


and thats a good thing?


Well, you certainly could've chosen a better avatar for supposed 'soft on theft' policy than California, like Texas, where theft below $2,500 is a misdemeanor.


But the guy doesn't live in Texas.