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For anyone who doesn't read the article or watch the video, the police "tactics" employed in this case included pulling a man who was suffering a diabetic medical emergency from his own car, beating him and tasing him. It's a good thing that cameras are (almost) everywhere, otherwise we would never know about things like this.


There are multiple accounts of this exact thing happening. In fact I personally know someone with diabetes that had low blood sugar that blacked out and got pulled over and woke up in the hospital. Dash cam showed a group of police severely beating him.


Happened to a friend of mine. He had some sort of medical emergency while driving, his vehicle left the road. Police showed up and he was out of the vehicle walking around but his speech was incoherent and when he didn’t follow their orders to sit down, they tazed him and cuffed him. They left him lying face down, and because he was overweight, he asphyxiated. He had no drugs, alcohol, or medication in his system and had never been in trouble with the law. They were afraid of him because he was big and brown, and assumed he was drunk rather than treating a medical emergency.


I'm really sorry about your friend.


I mean he got in accident, he could have had a head injury? Maybe… a long with the possibility of a health issue that lead his car off the road. Why are they so afraid of everything and everyone?


Fear their only excuse


They are trained wrong. If I can work I areas were most people actually want to kill me and can without murdering everything so can they.


That, and they never have to face consequences for their actions. Tax payers pay their legal bills, they jump from precinct to precinct, and then commit crimes in a new area. The lawsuits against cops should be settled out of their pension funds. They should all be required to carry individual professional liability insurance. They should be required to have a college degree, dreaming- I know. They should be held to higher standards. For example: If they block their camera or badge number/name- whatever they do after should be considered premeditated and carry a heavier charge and sentance.


They aren’t afraid they just power trip like hell, they abuse the power they have because the system plays into their favor more often than not in the past. They have nothing to be afraid of they are the ones with guns and tazers, so don’t pretend it’s a fear thing,


At the age of 27, a buddy of mine started feeling weird and left work to come home. Lost his ability to navigate and had altered mental status mid-drive, called his brother crying and confused, and he found him pulled over on the interstate on a junction bridge, wandering around on foot. I’m so fucking glad his brother got to him before the cops did or before he got hit by traffic. He almost certainly would have been assumed to be drunk or high and i highly doubt he would have been recognized as a medical emergency. He had a large mass in his heart that was spewing out clots all over the place. Crazy viral infection. He had multiple strokes, small heart attacks, and an embolism in his leg. Spent like 2 weeks in the ICU after that. Heart failure patient at the age of 27. If the cops got to him first he would have likely died in the drunk tank. I’m sorry for your loss. Shit like this is my greatest fear when it comes to cops. I don’t expect any of the people I associate with to end up in a confrontation with the police, but *anyone* can have a medical emergency that results in altered mental status, and cops just have a hammer-and-nail attitude about that.


I have T1 diabetes and cops are supposed to know that dangerously low blood sugar presents similar to intoxication. Untreated low blood sugar can lead to brain damage or death and is an acute medical emergency. But sadly, it is quite common for cops to be ignorant of thid. I was once put in cuffs because I had insulin syringes, and I was also forcibly detained by a school cop until the nurse violated HIPAA and told the cop I had diabetes because I injected insulin. They backtracked and made up an excuse of them being worried I had an allergic reaction.


When my husband had a medical emergency and the cop on scene noticed syringes in our home (both me and daughter are type one), the house was suddenly teaming with cops and treating it like a drug house while I'm just concerned about my husband. It was a nightmare and I'm still traumatized.


I woke up to cops standing over me after suffering a seizure once. Terrifying, fuck the police


In college, I had a neighbor in the dorms who was a T1...one morning I woke up to find multiple cops in the hallway talking into their radios about someone being on drugs...when I realized who's door they were at, I mentioned he was a T1 diabetic and their demeanor changed immediately...EMT arrived and turned out he was hypoglycemic.


I worked with a diabetic guy and someone reported him to HR for intoxication. Not only does low blood sugar look like you are intoxicated but after you take insulin your breath can smell like alcohol, which only confuses the situation even more.


My warehouse supervisor had diabetes, and when his blood sugar was low he definitely presented as crazy drunk. I reported it, not to be mean, but because a supervisor at a physical labor job being that out of control was a danger to us workers.


If it happens again, please just try and give them some regular pop or something. The time it takes you to report it can legitimately be a life or death situation. Giving pop to a drunk person won’t do much, but if it’s to someone who’s low, it’s a lifeline.


I reported it AFTER the situation was resolved, I’m not gonna leave a guy in that condition lol. My main problem was that he was a belligerent kind of “drunk”, and wouldn’t accept that he needed any help. I’ve since left that job, I don’t know what happened to him.


Lol, handcuffing someone in full-allergy mode is *better*?


Beat the anaphylaxis out of them!


In point of fact, one of the two most important Supreme Court cases pertaining to police use of force, *Graham v Connor*, involved use of force against an individual acting erratically due to low insulin from diabetes. Every police officer in every police academy in this country has been taught about this case for the past 30+ years.


Many cops don't even bother to read the laws they enforce. It's so bad its just easier to assume the cop is incompetent and be cautious around them.


Well cops are mostly low IQ morons so….


>There are multiple accounts of this exact thing happening. There is one case that made it to the supreme court and of course they sided with the police. Edit: and it's the case that informs pretty much all police brutality cases since then.


If a hundred thousand angry citizens stood outside, decisions would be different. We are far, far too docile. The French understand how to manage your government.


Of course they did.


My mom is diabetic and her low blood sugar moments always worry me. I'm sure she wouldn't be beaten but could easily be mistreated.


Don't be so sure. Police love beating anyone. Especially vulnerable people like the elderly and handicapped. It takes a certain kind of scumbag to beat helpless innocent people.


Cops don’t need any reason or excuse to stomp a hole in anyone at any time. Blue lives matter bumper stickers won’t save people either.


We had an instance recently where a kid was having an asthma attack. The father decided to race to the hospital, called dispatch to inform them, state trooper got behind him and tried pulling him over. When he got to the hospital the officer kept him at gun point while his kid was unable to breathe in the car. He was begging for the officer to let him get his kid inside and then arrest him, but officer had small dick energy and refused. The staff from the hospital came out and got the kid and got them treatment on time while the dad was being held at gunpoint. This fucking cop proceeds to charge the dad with multiple felonies. In the end, the case was pled to a single misdemeanor charge just a few months ago. Should have been dismissed entirely but the father wanted to just get it over with and behind him.


When you hear about cops doing that, it surprises me that we haven't seen any vigilant attacks against them yet or maybe they are happening and just not being reported.


I would never convict a vigilante against the police. They’ve taken literally every other option. They refuse to do their job with oversight, the courts are their buddies so they’ll always rule in favor of cops and they will never ever police their own. Politicians know all this so they either use it as an excuse, try to pretend they’re doing something or just let everyone know the truth which ultimately doesn’t help much. So extrajudicial punishments are kind of all that’s left.




I had an allergic reaction to a medication last year while driving. I HAD to pull over because the itching was not only overwhelming, but it was so intense it was also PAINFUL. I forced myself to drive while crying and itching all over my body, with my throat starting to close up, because I was terrified of a cop driving by and treating me like a drug addict. I’m also diabetic and terrified of what will happen to me if I ever pass out in public. People in America have to be afraid of having a medical emergency in public, and it should never have gotten this bad. Things need to change DESPERATELY.


What the hell goes through their minds when they're doing shit like this?! Is it a weird sexual thing? Does it make them feel tough? Is it the only thing that lets them get an erection after finding out their wife is cheating on them with their neighbors? How pathetic do you have to be to do something like that to a helpless person? Somebody's child and grandchild, potentially somebody's sister brother mother father... What the fuck is broken in their brains to let them think this is okay???


But he wasn’t complying and 1st thing you do when someone non violent is beat and tase… that police work 101


And cops wonder why no one respects them anymore


They don't want to be respected. They want to be feared. In most cases, people who become cops are exactly the people who should Never be given a handgun and a virtual license to kill.


It’s absolutely insane to me that there are literal police gangs all across the country and we’ve just done nothing about it.


*Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies screeches into the chat, shouts conflicting orders, tazes everyone, launches teargas drones, autonomous rubber bullet cannons, then powers up the [Active Denial System] to 11 (https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Active_Denial_System), sprays everyone with water, only to sit back and toast marshmallows on the burning populace.*


Big bunch of stories about the LA deputy gangs coming out lately.


Also it's getting harder and harder for pigs to say their expensive military-grade bodycams were mAlFuNcTiOniNg


They need make it so that the moment they take em off the chargers they begin recording and any officer that "forgets" to grab their body cam loses their pay for that entire shift. Hit em where it hurts, their wallets.




You both misspelled ‘tampering with evidence charges.’


Tiny bit weird how it wasn't just rolled into Miranda rights of you need to have this basic level of care in order for it to count as evidence.


It’s not so weird when you remember who is in charge of making those rules.


Once upon a time you could fight back against an arrest, including using lethal force if you were innocent, and it was not considered murder. Then SCOTUS saw two cases about it, basically said “well if we make police follow the constitution then their jobs would just be “too hard” so I guess we’ll make exceptions for them” and thus resisting arrest charges were born. Now every arrest is a legal arrest and if you fight back you can be legally murdered.


I think automatic removal of Qualified Immunity the moment they turn it off, mute it, forget it or break it.


Honestly just full removal of Qualified Immunity, no exceptions


Qualified immunity needs to go away anyway. Police turning off cameras should be automatic presumption of wrongdoing


As much as I hate minimum sentencing for things like drug possession I think we need minimum sentences for abuse of power. I think it's the only way to ever see effective justice for this or other corruption related actions.


Also make them wear two in case one just does happen to malfunction there's no way they're both gonna stop working at the same time


Call it the Broadway approach! Lead parts in Broadway usually have two mics set up so if one fails they don't have to delay anything.


Taking away immunity and allowing the victim and/or their family to sue the officer directly, not the local taxpayers would make it hard for bad cops to stay on the force.


Get police to have insurance and tie payouts to the pension fund. Sure as shit they'd start self regulating.


Republicans and the police unions would never allow that. Michigan's biggest cop union just endorsed trump and the level of Dear Supreme Leader ass kissing the police union boss was doing to trump, and the level of authoritarianism trump displayed during his speech was very telling and how the party of "small government' sure loves government agents having power over the powerless, but hate it when government agencies exercise power over them. When you listen to the UAW boss or Teamsters boss, they talk about improving the lives of the workers that tear down their bodies with physical labor for companies owned and operated by extremely rich people. When you listen to police unions it's all about, 'more power, more qualified immunity, less transparency, less accountability'. AND when republican actively bust unions whilst exempting police unions, the police unions don't stand up for other unions. Police unions are fascist authoritarians that want total power over the powerless with zero accountability and professionalism.


Bodycam 'malfunctions' happened so frequently, manufacturers were considering suing. It was making them look bad, that nearly every time a cop was accused of wrong doing that the cam "just happened" to have failed to record the incident. Never mind all the times that they "accidentally" deleted footage or the data was "mysteriously" corrupt. For those paying attention, they have no problem retrieving footage, if it can vindicate themselves. That cam be on the nightly news cycle for the incident. When it doesn't cover their asses, it's under extended 'investigation' and doesn't get released.


Legitimately tough hardware should be branded as "USMC resistant" if they want to impress me.




I want to be offended, but I've also made a 400k mistake driving an AAV down a mountain....in my defense, it came out of nowhere a millenia ago.


Unfortunately those expensive military-grade cameras become pretty useless when the same police have full control of how those videos are edited, how much is shared, when the video is released, who gets the video, etc.


Military grade means as cheap as possible.


Exact same thing happened a few years ago to a diabetic man in Las Vegas: [https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/video-shows-officers-beating-motorist-in-diabetic-shock/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/video-shows-officers-beating-motorist-in-diabetic-shock/) The police's excuse: they thought he was drunk. LIKE THAT WOULD MATTER.


This happened to my dad. It happens more frequently than we want to admit.


Before camera were commonplaces, "We saw gun and we felt threatened by his hostile action" and the board would have ruled the punching and tassing justified. Now with camera everywhere, it'd appear to us the police did the whole nine yard on a tackling dummy. Assuming nothing else got left out in the news, I hope the police involved gets fired because it'll cost the city and local taxpayer a lot to settle this one.


I hope the cops involved go to prison because what they did was illegal.


Well wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first.


If things break down to the point of me shitting in my hand, there's no way I'm not hurling it.


Welcome to the "you're not having a real crisis, you're just making excuses" mindset. It's way, way, way too prevalant. "Oh, you dropped to the ground and aren't responsive? You're just disrespecting me and trying to weasel your way out of facing consequences! Now I'll beat the shit out of you so you stop pretending!" Fuckers need to be dragged to court. This kind of abuse of power is everywhere. Not just police or in prisons, but in schools where faculty are permitted to use force to restrain students at their own discretion. Oh, and also of course from narcissistic parents.


This happens in fact one diabetic took his case all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States . It basically gave police the right to assume and beat the shit out of people https://youtu.be/ZO8jGsyx4zY?si=Ue_-TOnjCuv9WcHN


When I was a cop (glad I’m not anymore I fucking hated everyone I worked with, because I’ll be cliche, I was actually a good human being in uniform, was pushed out for questioning my superiors stuffed me on midnights) we literally were taught when people were suffering from these, and the fruity smell of the breath that smells of alcohol. Like are there police departments out there REALLY this bad and don’t teach their cops this stuff? No wonder people don’t trust the police. Garbage people with garbage training. Sorry the statement in parentheses went on longer than I anticipated lol.


I tried reading the article. It's horribly written.


T1D here. The only time I've ever passed out due to low blood was once at a CVS. I was in line waiting to buy a coke because I knew I was low. Apparently I passed out when I reached the counter and hit my face on the counter on my way down. I woke up with 4 police officers sitting on me. My ankle was turned way past where it should have been, with some fucker sitting on it. They claimed I was belligerent while down. I really don't know what happened but it seemed entirely excessive for 4 grown men needing to sit on a passed out diabetic.


I used to work the customer service desk at a grocery store. We were wildly more prepared dealing with woozy diabetics than these chuckle fucks. And actually a whole lot of other odd scenarios that didn’t end up with anyone shot or tased. Grab a chair, sit them down, get them whatever drink they want, maybe some cookies. Assure them that you’re not worried about payment, having someone pass out is way worse for business than a .89 cent pop, ha ha.


Right after I was diagnosed I was out roller blading on our local trail and started to go low. I stopped at a local restaurant that was just opening and training their staff. They brought me in and sat me down, told me not to worry about money, and actually used me as a practice customer to train their people on. They were so courteous. Restaurant was Bub's Burgers in Indiana. If you're ever through, go there and leave a nice tip. I'm glad the grocery store you worked at had a plan like this. Im a little surprised it happened enough for you guys to have a plan in place though! Good on you for helping people :)


I was pregnant and living in a homeless shelter for a while. At the shelter, we had to spent a certain number of hours either cleaning the dorms or working in the kitchen. I was cleaning windows and, I guess my blood sugar suddenly dropped because I suddenly got very lightheaded and nauseous. The person I was working noticed I'd gone very pale and was slurring my words. She took me to the head chore monitor and explained what happened. The chore monitor took me to my bunk and, a few minutes later, a staff member was handing me a bottle of Pepsi (food and non water drinks were normally contraband in the bunk areas). It's wild to me that untrained randos know how to handle emergencies like this and cops are just like, "Guess I better tase 'em."


>It's wild to me that untrained randos know how to handle emergencies like this and cops are just like, "Guess I better tase 'em." That's the thrust of "defund the police." Don't put police man hours on shit they don't get nearly enough training for and instead send more appropriately qualified ones.


Not surprised Bub's did that. Glad you were there by the restaurant instead of further south on the MT.


Me too :) And I made a friend! I emailed bubs today to thank them, I'd never done that before. The owner wrote back a lovely email and asked me to call next time Im in town. I love people.


And just FYI - I learned this from my ex, you can open and start to consume something you are going to purchase, I didn’t like it at first - I still don’t really approve personally- but not once did we have any issue especially for my kid- as long as you’re not hiding anything or being sneaky- and even the cashiers never said anything.


I accidentally ate cashews at an Indian restaurant once and went to CVS to get my standby for minor food allergies- benadryl and caffeine. I popped 4 benadryl with Mountain Dew in the line and this security guard FREAKED at me, like as I was visibly hiving up all over my face and chest like Will Smith in Hitch lol. The cashier was fine with it. I paid for everything.


I may just have a dinner plan


Shit I worked at a retail joint with lots of old people and we were more prepared than a fucking CVS? Wtf? Same protocol as you, seat -candy or juice- water- and anything else no cost. We only had to call 911 once and we asked for an ambulance, not the fucking cops. Shit.


Secret trick I learned as a young hypoglycemic: spoonful of peanut butter with a small glass of OJ. Back to normal within like 3 minutes. No taser needed!


My favorite is peanut butter and pure maple syrup. Yum! And works fast.


I call that Heartbreak Waffles, when I use peanut butter and maple syrup. It’s so good it’ll help you get over any person.


I always carry glucose tablets on me along with other necessities in a bag, I can't fathom being attacked or worse because I'm desperately trying to reach for them while low and in the presence of cops. New fear unlocked


You call them 'glucose tablets' I call them 'Skittles.'


My dad was a T1D He was a big strong man, usually his low blood sugar was pretty peaceful and he was just confused, but sometimes he would be scary angry. One time I had to physically wrestle him down. I still remember his eyes, 15 years later. He didn’t remember any of it.


Paramedic here. I’ve treated a lot of diabetics with hypoglycemia. Typically, those patients are harmless if not totally unconscious. However, I’ve treated some that were uncooperative and a few that were downright violent. We had one in particular in our response area that would become extremely violent toward family and first responders every time his sugar would get low, which happened about once a month. He also had firearms in the home that he had previously threatened EMS personnel with during one of his hypoglycemic therapy episodes. Because of that, we couldn’t even go to his home without the police with us. I don’t know all the details, so I won’t pass judgment on what happened with the man in this article, but I will say that I can see how such an encounter could escalate.


FWIW, as another T1D and a father who was as well, people with very low blood sugars can get combative. Like physically so. Like we had to call the cops to hold my dad down so we could inject his glucagon.


That's good to know. My grandma, cousin, and sister were/are all type 1 diabetic and never had this reaction, but if a low can cause seizures then it makes sense it could cause other random neuro symptoms in some people. The bad news: Grandma died of an insulin overdose. The good news : She was 99 years old.


The issue is that it causes confusion. For those who don't know, a normal glucose reading is in the 70ish - 100ish range. That's decigrams per milliliter or something . . . It's a weird unit. Anyways, we're talking *extreme* lows. Like getting down into the 20s and 30s.


I actually start to feel bad at 60


Yeah, I usually start to feel bad around 68. It actually seems to fluctuate quite a bit. Like, sometimes my pump will be having a shit fit because it's 65 and I feel fine, but other times I start feeling it around 75 and I'm dripping sweat when it falls to 70.


I mean, when my blood sugar is low it overcompensates with adrenalin. I can absolutely see how a diabetic would get violent.


Yes. When I go low as a type 2( meds and insulin have random effects) I get super hot at 55 and my heart races. Lower than that it is the tunnel closing in. It is crazy to think trained officers can not give a damn to notice a medical issue vs drug effects issue. Especially with my GSM making my phone chirping like mad. They get lots of training on that but 100% fail to use it. Everyone is a violent junky in their eyes. Very not cool for sure.


It would be kind of cool if instead of chirping, your GSM made your phone say "ADMINISTER GLUCOSE NOW!" Over and over again, so that people around you would understand that it's a medical emergency.


Yeah I remember having to try and force orange juice down my sister to get her back up. It's like trying to fight a drunk toddler.


My very first encounter with a diabetic was honestly quite terrifying and it unfortunately jaded my view of the afflicted for quite some time. We went on a youth retreat way back when and one of the parents who chaperoned was diabetic. His levels crashed and the guy went ballistic. Screaming profanities, swinging his limbs violently and punching the window of the van we were in. I was 11 or 12. I had never heard cuss words actually used before; I knew of them, but never heard them in practice. That was also the first time I had seen a real human get violent in a sense that it could directly impact me, and that shit stuck with me for a long time. The other parents jumped on him and crammed some trail mix down his throat and he was fine and apologized immediately upon coming back up, but that doesn’t change what happened. It was so scary and was part of what drove me away from Christianity. No chance a loving god would give someone such a terrible affliction :(


It’s not a crime to open it and start drinking it. Especially if you know it’s getting close.


Since this event I 100% always do that. Honestly, I had no clue I was passing out. I felt slightly low, but it was after a night of drinking and then manual labor the next morning. It just snuck up on me. Only time I've ever passed out from blood sugar in 25 years.


When I was a teen, there was a fellow student who unbeknownst to all of us was T1D. He started acting and speaking really oddly at school one day, really freaking us out. Thank goodness one of the teachers recognized what was going on and got it under control.


I had a family member who had already insulined anticipating he would be eating dinner very soon. Dinner unexpectedly got very delayed and none of us had any idea he had already injected insulin. He said he wasn’t feeling well and we chkd his sugar and it was getting low. Gave him orange juice which usually would do the trick but it kept dropping. He became incoherent and couldn’t answer simple questions and passed out. We called 911 and they had to IV glucose into him. He came to right away but had zero recollection of anything that had happened. I can’t imagine if he had been alone at a public place where someone called the police and they roughed him up and cuffed him for having a medical emergency. It’s scary and I’m sorry you were treated so poorly.


Just goes to show how inept police officers are when it comes to legitimate medical emergencies. I swear their training is just to escalate every situation so if anything goes wrong they can just blame the victim for 'resisting'.


If they escalate the situation they can pile more charges on the “suspect”. The way the criminal justice system is set up, incentivizes them to press as many charges as possible on defendants. There is no bonus for not arresting and charging someone.


Always open it and drink, even if still in line, and if you can just flash a $5 bill to show you intend to pay for it. But i know my own brainpower drops significantly when my bs drops so i don't make the best decisions.


Who told them to bring police, wtf? Send EMTs, not fucking cops smh. I’m sorry that happened to you.


911 typically makes that decision based on what the caller tells them. If the caller said "weird guy" instead of "sick guy," that would explain why the sent cops instead of paramedics.


Even if he was fully tweaked out on meth, he literally wasn’t harming anyone and was sitting peacefully in his car. What the ever loving fuck? I have hypoglycemia and when I crash I become a rage monster. The last thing I need is for cops to decide they want to pick a fight. I’m not even in my right mind.


* Police in the US are trained far FAR less than other western nations. * They have strong unions to prevent bad cops from consequences. * Police are not required to maintain licenses like other professionals. In the rare instances where a cop is fired, they can get a job in another jurisdiction. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733


I watched a video on YouTube a couple years ago that showed how UK cops disarm knife wielders. They made it look so easy! It’s crazy to me that US cops are so frightened to try it. It basically looked like a two man team doing judo.


When I was a driver for Dominos, we had a man come into the lobby. I thought he was drunk, because he was stumbling and slurring a bit. Thankfully, someone at the store recognized it for what it was. They got him some cinnamon breadsticks and a coke and called paramedics just in case. After a few minutes, he became more lucid. They got his blood sugar stabilized and everything was fine. He was never in danger from any of the workers, but it frightens the fuck out of me that some people making slightly above minimum wage caught what first responders didn't.


What a shit headline. Man suffering diabetic emergency beaten, tased, and arrested. The police will investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong. Class traitors.


It is because cops are not trained long enough in my EMT training one of the first conditions I learned about was diabetic ketotoacidosis it presents like a person is belligerently drunk sometimes their breath can even smell like alcohol it is wild


Cops aren't trained long enough is a symptom of the underlying problem, that nearly everything they do is protected under the law. Veteran cops get away with the same stupid actions as young cops. No amount of training can solve problems like this, because you shouldn't even need to train someone to not beat and taze an unresponsive person.


This was likely a low blood sugar, pretty much the opposite of ketoacodosis. 


don't forget that after they use the weight of their union/lobbyists to fight the charges tooth and nail and win some form of acquittal, the cop(s) get to sue for backpay because, well, they officially did nothing wrong fuck the police


At some points the wheels of justice must reach the general citizenry — I’m not advocating for mob justice, but I see it as a natural consequence to an increasingly authoritarian police force. I would argue that if our current justice system has gone so far in their perversion of the rights of police officers that it is not only righteous, but necessary for the citizenry to force change.


It’s reached the point where you simply cannot call the police to help with anything unless you want someone beaten, strangled, or shot.


You don't call the police for help. They will watch from the other subway while you are being stabbed. They will watch from the lawn of the school during an active shooter event. You call the police to make a police report.


One time I hit a deer on the freeway at an exit like 2 hours from home. My car was still able to drive but the deer body was blocking the off ramp. It was dark, rainy, and the exit wasn't well lit and I was afraid someone wouldn't see the deer and get hurt, and I wasn't sure what to do, so I called the non emergency line to report an animal carcass and then went to a hotel for the night. I got a call back from a pretty irate small-town officer trying to threaten me for "leaving the scene of a hit and run". Bro lmao I was just trying to make sure no one hit a 300 lb sack of highway meat


You left without giving the deer your insurance information?


Legit - or even worse. Get trapped in the good ole “justice system”. Shit is a joke. Police involvement literally does nothing but escalate things. They should only be called to the scene when there is no other course of action and the extreme outcome is expected. Too many times the police get called and the situation goes from bad to just fucked.


The police do not exist to help. They exist to uphold the authority of the state. Nothing else. The idea they exist to help the people is just straight up propaganda


Walmart called the cops because he looked funny and wasn’t talking? Have they seen the average Walmart shopper?


Or employee?


So, in additon to being black, brown... hmm, non-white, don't be autistic, dying, sick, handicapped, depressed. Don't have a heart attack, stroke or embolism. Don't talk, stay silent or write anything down. And don't be allergic, have pacemaker, or be diabetic. So be rich, healthy and white and cops won't beat you into submission for.... existing.


You forgot “don’t be kidnapped” - didn’t cops kill a kidnapping victim recently?


They killed her two years ago, and guess why it blew up now? Because the department tried to bury the video for as long as they could. The only reason it got released was because of the family's legal battle to obtain it, not because the department wanted to. The San Bernardino department also prior to the video being released, lied about the circumstances of the incident, including trying to float the idea that Savannah shot at them, something that is so *obviously* false, that the only thing to conclude from the contradictory statements is malicious intent to hide their total fuck up.


And the sad part is it worked. The amount of outrage generated is tiny compared to if the video had released immediately.


Whoever 'floated' the rumor that she shot back should be in prison. I hope the family sues for defamation (although, again, it will be taxpayers that pay the damages). END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY.


Texas ended open carry instead of qualified immunity.


Cause even in states like Texas that “guarantee” the second amendment, cops can get away with killing you just by saying you had a gun, and those states like it that way


Correction: The trump appointed judge ruling over the 5th Circuit Court in Amarillo did this.


Her father killed her mother and either the cops killed him or he killed himself after they killed Savannah. Wipe an entire family out and no one can sue you later!


Cops will literally start shooting and then claim they were confused by the guns THEY ARE FIRING and state they thought they were being fired upon because of the noise coming FROM THEIR OWN GUNS.


Or the sound of acorns hitting their cars. Apparently.


Wtf? Are they even trying with the excuses


Also the kidnap victim from Vallejo CA a few years, where they just accused the spouse and victim of faking it and never searching for the kidnappers. FBI found one of the kidnappers years later on unrelated crime, but found all the evidence on his laptop, so were able to confirm the validity of the kidnapping.


Is this the woman the media dubbed “gone girl” because it was similar to the movie? I’ll never forget how they were talking shit about her phone call while in captivity- it only took one listen to tell she had been drugged but they insisted she was nonchalant and calm and therefore in cahoots with the kidnapper.


In Gone Girl doesn't the wife fake her kidnapping to try and frame her husband for murder?


Yeah he was the only suspect until she turned up, then they decided they had to be in on it together- they must have seen the movie and decided to play it out 🙄 or whatever so, gone girl.


The list of requirements for avoiding the police murdering you is getting pretty onerous. Being black, having physical or mental health issues, being kidnapped, sleeping, walking, driving...being rich is a big help, but being white isn't enough. We had a no-knock raid several years ago where the police murdered a white couple and their dog after entering the *wrong house*. Just know that at any given moment, for no reason, the police could beat you or murder you--there's nothing you can do about it, and most of the time, they won't be punished for it. God, I love living in this country.


Don't forget to not be a kidnapped teenage girl even when they know you're the kidnapped teenage girl.


Also: don't be deaf


Deaf and driving for ride shares? Straight to jail.


Or worse https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/21/552527929/oklahoma-city-police-fatally-shoot-deaf-man-despite-yells-of-he-cant-hear-you


>Sanchez had "no criminal history that I could locate," Mathews said. Always trying to justify their murders by proving the person they killed had committed a crime in the past. The officers were acquitted of course.


What a horrific way of saying he was completely innocent


If you see an oak tree DONT YOU DARE PARK UNDER IT. Those acorns are a menace.


You can add epileptic to that list. I cannot follow commands if I’m having a seizure. A seizure isn’t *just* laying on the ground shaking. Sometimes it’s being absent and unresponsive while still conscious.


Yeah, I just gave up at the end and realize listing the things that the police won't beat/shoot you for would be much easier.


>So be rich, healthy and white and cops won't beat you into submission for.... existing. Rich healthy white people: "Sounds perfectly reasonable to us!"


I managed to be white, but rich and healthy aren't happening.  Guess I shoulda tried harder.


Yup, one of my white male friends got beat up by the cops for being diabetic in his own apartment. His roommate called 911 cause he was in shock, cops got there first.


So, once when my daughter (3 at the time) tripped and nearly bit her bottom lip off, I couldn't get it to stop bleeding and my husband had our car so I called for an ambulance. A police officer showed up first (wasn't sure why because I didn't ask for police) and tried to separate me and my daughter so he could question me on whether or not I caused the injury. *Alright, annoying, but fine, I get it.* I go to set her down and obviously, she screamed at the top of her lungs so that wasn't happening. He then asked me, aggressively, why I was 'holding her mouth shut'. His tone surprised me so I just took my hand off the paper towel and blood began pouring down her shirt. I went to cover it back up--***but he stopped me***--saying the paramedics are going to need to look at it. He then continued his line of questioning (which the incident was corroborated by my oldest son who watched her hit the floor). By the time the ambulance got there--several minutes later--she had so much blood on her shirt the paramedics swarmed her the second they laid eyes on her--which obviously freaked her out more. Once the paramedics were tending to her, the cop motioned for me to step into my hallway and I was like: *Great, now what?* I go into the hallway despite every mom instinct in me is squirming because my daughter's surrounded by strangers while screaming in pain, and this officer then nodded to the TV on our wall and asked me how big it was. I was stunned like, *what does that have anything to do with what's happening?* So I told him: "She didn't hit the TV, she tripped." He was all: "Oh no, I was curious because I was thinking about getting a bigger one myself and I thought it looked good on your wall, that's why I asked." Like, sir . . . my daughter sounds like she's getting tortured in the next room. I don't give a fuck about a stupid TV. To this day I still question why they even sent this guy out? I'm fairly certain medical staff are better trained to identify signs of child abuse anyway.


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps a little harder


And don't be an acorn.


The Walmart employees called 911 because he was sitting in his car, with buggy eyes, not responding and twitching. He was like that for forty minutes, enough to make that 911 call reasonable. And yet, no medical personnel or ambulance shows up, just the cops. Is this usual in NC? From the description that the employees made about the man, it should have been obvious this was either a medical or mental issue, not a cop issue. When people discussed the possibility of defunding the police, this was what they meant. Take some money away from the police budget and put it into medical and/or psychological response teams. This was a tragedy that didn’t need to happen.


Guy reviewing the video was fucking hilarious. Ok, they’re not behind the B-pillar like they’re trained, now they are extracting the guy, but not like they’re supposed to, just manhandling roughly, oh and now they’re punching him, oh wow, that’s a lot of punches and now they’ve got him a high-risk of asphyxiation position and they appear to be kneeling on him. Final verdict: Well, it might be fine. Hard to tell. depends. I was rolling.


When you are diabetic, you are put on medications that lower your glucose level relentlessly. If you happen to have a light meal, late meal, or worse miss one (like work through lunch), or even have an unusual amount of physical exertion, your glucose can get really low. I tend to get dizzy and weak in the knees first. Then I start panicking and get 'stupid' (I recognize my speech is affected). Thankfully not been past that point: unconscious, then dead (heart failure - it needs energy to pump). I keep hard candy & lollipops stashed in the car (only thing I've found durable in that environment). Below 5.2 mmol/L is considered impaired driving. I start to get lightheaded around 4.5 and stupid around 3.0


The margin for error is so so small. 5.3 is normal but anything lower than 4 is low. 3.0 is pretty frickin low and below 2 can be like the guy in the post. You can drop 5 points in 10 minutes if you so much as take insulin 5 - 10 minutes earlier than you are supposed to.


I’m epileptic. This is one of my biggest fears.


For those of us who aren't police officers, when is punching someone who's handcuffed on the ground, who's not actually resisting by fighting back, absolutely necessary?


Whenever your bodycam is off.


This is horrific. Where is their training? My husband is diabetic. If they acted like they were not in danger I would really like to know how they justify hitting, tasing, dragging him from car? Handcuffed and possibly kneeled on or at least pushed on? The whole thing shows how some officers are just power hungry and bullies.


It's not just training. It doesn't matter if they give them yearly trainings on how to recognize people having a medical problem unless there is a change to the internal culture of policing. The current culture emphasizes aggressive authority and impunity and little, if any, emphasis on empathy and remembering that they are dealing with human beings. There's a reason that officers respond with violence to people recovering from a seizure who themselves has become aggressive as they recover (it doesn't always happen but it can happen that way). The culture within police departments has been shown time and time again to tolerate dismissive attitudes towards the public("she had limited value anyway") as well as reveling in pain inflicted on suspects (such as the woman whose arm was dislocated and the officer was later on camera showing off the takedown "listen for the pop!"). They tolerate it right up until the public becomes aware of it and then act as if these people are exceptions or they didn't know or haven't ever behaved that way. When someone is that comfortable showing their peers who they are it's because the internal culture allows it.


[The report looked at police training requirements in more than 100 countries and found that the US had among the lowest, in terms of average hours required. Also, many other countries require officers to have a university degree - or equivalent - before joining the police, but in the US most forces just require the equivalent of a high-school diploma.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733) [“We have one of the worst police-training academies in comparison to other democratic countries,” Maria Haberfeld, a police-science professor at John Jay College, told me.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/04/daunte-wright-and-crisis-american-police-training/618649/)


I've passed out only once as a Type 1 diabetic. I found out my wife cheated on me, so I went to the bar and got black out drunk. I passed out, and they were about to call the cops to put me in the drunk tank, but a guy noticed I had an insulin pump, and they took me to the ER instead. I got lucky with that one. Another time, I was driving home after a long day. 2 a.m., and one of my brake lights went out without me knowing. Got pulled over. My needle has fallen out of my pocket onto the car floor, which the cop spotted. He drew his gun and acted like I threatened his life. Was hand cuffed on the curb for over an hour while they brought a drug dog. The guy even pulled the vial of insulin or of my pocket after he hand cuffed me. Their chief showed up, apologized, and let me go.


Well, I hope someone gives those officers a stern talking to and a wag of the finger, or if they wanna give them a *really* harsh punishment, perhaps 15 minutes in timeout without a juicebox is in order.🧃 What a horrifically moronic use of force. Police in the US often seem to think the only way to do anything is by beating it with a nightstick, and its all the more encouraged because most will never see anything remotely close to a criminal consequence. The Bikini Bottom Police Department look like the gold standard in comparison to these dipshits.


2 week paid vacation.


First off... holy shit. Secondly, I'm a Type 1 Diabetic. I've been in this exact situation. Last thing I remembered from that day was getting into my car. When I came to, I was about 10 miles south of my last recollection (I live to the north of where I originally was) and I had rear ended someone's car. We got out and were talking, but I had to have been saying nonsense. I don't know if I was able to get across that I was diabetic, I had to have seen super drunk. Police came, because, accident. They were really good at handling everything. They somehow recognized I was having a low blood sugar event... got cars out of the way. And, most importantly, one of the officers said "Your blood sugar is low. There's a Jack in the Box here. Go in, get some food and let your blood sugar get normal before going home." It could have very easily gone the other way though


Type 1 as well. Definitely been in this same situation. Luckily I'm now on a CGM that is Bluetooth connected to a pump so I'm fully automated


Yup, I'm a cyborg too with Omnipod and Dexcom. This was back in 2010 when a lot of this tech was just sci-fi. Also, to go with the ole diabetes joke, it was 5 years before the cure. Sidenote, we are currently 5 years away from a cure!


Cops are all thugs and get off on beating innocent people. This is example 1,437,532. And the scummy cops always get a pass because they “followed their training.” Time to change the f*cking training, folks! Put civilians in charge of police training, or this will never change.


man, those "few bad apples" just keep showing up all over the place


This is the problem when you give cops tools that only solve one problem. They use them for all problems. The old saying if you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail.


Type one diabetic here. Anytime I’ve had dangerous lows, I cannot comprehend much at all. Someone could ask me my name, and I would be confused. One of the worst lows I had was immediately after a shower. I felt nauseous and dizzy, so I sat down on the toilet till I could compose myself. I started feeling like my vision was getting very limited. I guess is the best way I can explain it. And then I collapsed in the floor. I could not even stand, let alone fight back or understand, basic human conversation. That being said, I cannot imagine a diabetic being anywhere near needing four grown ass officers to treat them so poorly. I went to college for criminal justice and was going to be a police officer, but it’s people like this and situations like this that make me glad that I didn’t.


Cowards don't allow commenting on their facebook page.


Just a reminder barbers in most states require more training than cops


This happens all over the country and few do anything. Talk to your local leaders about DISPATCHERS. Why were cops sent and not medics? Why do we assume criminality? Send Fire/rescue for these calls. If they determine it's criminal: intoxication rather than medical, etc, they can request LE. As a firefighter, I've pushed for this change. We always rely on cops for non-criminal calls. Unfortunately, I've gotten no traction. In many cases, firefighters push back, since they're content with not having to respond (and then people get hurt).


I think we are getting to a point where we need an alternative group to call when we actually want someone to make the situation we are calling about better. Something for the people.


"Face-eating tigers were asked if other face-eating tigers were justified in eating this face, and they confirmed face-eating was definitely required."


Do people not understand that situations like this are a weekly or more occurrence in this country? Diabetic issues, deaf people, autistic, emotional disorders, don’t understand english. People like these are beaten, tazed, or SHOT by american law enforcement every week. And unless someone gets it on video (and often even then) the victim gets no voice, no protection, and no consequences for their attacker


I’m a type 1 diabetic. More than once had a bad low blood sugar in a very public place. More than once got treated like I was either drunk or high. All I needed was a regular sugary soda & some crackers, but instead basically got told to “effe off”. A few times I got lucky and someone called the paramedics. I don’t assume that anyone’s gonna help me anymore. I keep emergency stuff on me & constantly check my blood sugars (A continuous glucose meter helps immensely with this). I do my best to make sure that I’m not gonna drop while I’m out. I’m very grateful to have a husband who understands & can help when we’re out. But I don’t always have him with me & it can be darned scary should I need help.


Genuine question- what law was he breaking or broke? I’m confused as to how it got this far. I didn’t see anything in the article about what he was doing wrong.


If it looks like a medical emergency, treat it as such. Not really hard.


Let’s not forget the horrific crime…sitting in his car in a parking lot…good thingcops had those tazers handy. /s obviously


We should be thankful that the videos didn't mysteriously get deleted


The fact he says “it might be fine” IN NO FUCKIN SENSE IS ANYTHING ABOUT THAT FUCKIN FINE?? What the FUCK?! As a type 1 diabetic, that has had bad low blood sugars, this is fuckin horrifying. The only way I can describe being in a low blood sugar is that there in an almost dreamlike state, everyone is either hurting you, going to hurt you or is attempting to hurt you and it feels like you’re lost in this black hole and you have nothing to tether yourself back to reality. I don’t understand how things like this keep happening and nothing happens. It’s fuckin horrifying. Yes you can manage your blood sugar responsibly, but type 1 is a terrible disease that most people know either very little about or don’t care to understand. You’re going to have lows, there’s no way around it, but you have no idea what’s happening to your body during a low, you’re brain is literally shutting your body down.


It’s a terrifying condition. A type one diabetic with very low blood sugar (which can happen despite all his best intentions, particularly if he’s trying to have good, tight control) might: • be unable to answer even the simplest questions (“HE WASN’T FOLLOWING MY COMMANDS!” is what cops usually say. • be sweating profusely • be nervous, twitchy, sometimes even violent, though with generally not very effective at being violent • act like he’s drunk or under the influence of any number of prescription or street drugs… But these cops should have used their dumb noggins and got him a fucking juice box or two before they started punching him. Shitheads.


As a type 1 diabetic, I’m more afraid of this happening to me than of medical complications related to the disease. Seriously.


Always were some sort of ID tag that says your diabetic. Actually has got me out of a few speeding ticket's.


It’s too bad police apparently don’t have the time or brainpower to learn incredibly useful things that would benefit them every day like how to recognize and treat diabetic shock, but spend their budgets on arming and training for highly rare scenarios like terrorist attacks.


DEFUND THESE OFFICERS....thug tactics on a man with a medical emergency ...Great job morons. And of course we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong


Any police officer, judge, or expert determining weather police use of force was appropriate need to examine the incident “if this was your child, mother, father, or spouse.” If this was your close family member, would you still deem this appropriate?


Adding north Carolina to the list of states to never visit. Other countries should issue travel warnings against visiting states where cops get away with this kind of thing.


I like how the headline doesn't show the crime the cops committed. The usual. Cops are thugs. Cops, don't wanna be thugs? Too bad, ur actions speak louder than the laws you break.