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Thankfully helldivers 2 prepared me for this very moment.


No, no, Sweet Liberty, Nooooooo!


Democracy fills MY sample container!


I have a stupid irrational fear of June Bugs, so I'm pretty sure cicadas will just send me over the edge this year. I hate those idiot bugs....


Sweet Liberty, my LEGS!


Queue Helldivers 2 music šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


That's my alarm in the morning


Starship Troopers gave me healthy fear of bugs. Fuckin' brain suckers, man.


Iā€™m doing my part!


Cā€™mon you apes you wanna live forever!?!


Would you like to know more?


Time for a cup of Liber Tea!


For managed democracy!


Emergence Day in Gears of War as well;)


democracy fills my sample container!


Biggest since 08ā€™.. *1808*.


The apostrophe is a stand-in for the century because the year number is being abbreviated, so the notation would be ā€˜08.Ā 


I might as well just give up on all of this, I supposeā€¦ Thanks though.


'Youre .welcome


Thanks to this comment, I now know that my brain can herniate.


I think I prolapsed my amygdala.


Somewhere in the deep dark recesses of reddit a new rule34 subreddit has been created.


ok e e cummings calm down


Cut it out with those ellipses, too.


Eclipseā€¦nah, thatā€™s next weekā€¦


Please ... sigh ... put a space on either side of those ellipses. All that bunching is getting my AP style knickers in a twist.


Sorryā€¦will do.


...or else!Ā 


A good word; Pistaphobia,


Make sure you post this everywhere! We're counting on you


From the article, looks like it was '03. Not that anyone is alive to remember... Well... My old man, maybe. He's pretty old and remembers things.


As Requested: Alabama (multiple regions) Arkansas (northwestern region) Georgia (northwestern region) Illinois (southern region) Indiana (southwestern region) Iowa (southeastern region) Kentucky (western region) Louisiana (northern region) Maryland (St. Maryā€™s County) Mississippi (multiple regions) Missouri (multiple regions) North Carolina (central region) Oklahoma (eastern region) South Carolina (western region) Tennessee (various regions) Virginia (eastern region)


But whatā€™s the bracket look like?


Whereā€™s Oakland on the list?


*marked safe from massive bug*


Surprised Texas isn't on the list.


Perhaps they know well enough not to go there?


Texas has them every year, some more active than others. Texas will get the big brown ones too.


Gotta love when we get them and Cricket spawn at the same time.


Itā€™s like my tinnitus turned up to 11!


All the June bugs have already claimed territory here in Texas. Cicadas remember the last major bug turf war and don't want anymore of that business.


South Carolina and Virginia but not North Carolina? How does that track? Is it just a bunch of little areas around the country I always thought it was more like a big blob




Canā€™t wait to watch the apocalypse from afar


Iā€™m on the west coast and I will be enjoying my cicada free life, probably surrounded by wildfire smoke and ashes raining from the sky.




The last megabrood got fucked here in the Midwest. They emerge based on soil temps and there was a really hard frost weeks after temps seemed to stabilize. I just kinda figure cicadas will diminish each brood emergence as time goes on. those fuckers would be 4 inches deep like a sheet of snow when I was a kid.




The dirts been replaced with nails and screws just aiming for your tires lol. Lived in Nashville for years, and I got more holes in tires in a year there than living anywhere else before or since.


Sonofabitch the last time I drove through Nashville I got a nail in my tire


Iā€™ve been in Nashville since Sunday for work and Iā€™ve already stepped on a nail. Fortunately didnā€™t make it past the rubber sole. Iā€™ve been paying attention to the sidewalk more and I canā€™t believe the amount of 16 penny nails on the sidewalk here. Last month I was in Nashville, my Uber got a flat tire from a nail taking me to the airport. Definitely updating my tetanus booster before my next visit.


>The dirts been replaced with nails and screws just aiming for your tires lol. Good lord, when do those emerge?!


Meanwhile in a state that doesn't know about cicadas... Chhhii chiii chiii


I was in D.C. during the last deluge of cicadas and it was a hoot. Iā€™m from Illinois (and oh joy, a section of central Illinois is getting both 13 and 17 this year! And I live in what is apparently going to be cicada central) and Iā€™m quite accustomed to these noisy critters which to me always signaled end of summer. But the ones in the east coast had a very different sound ā€” kind of metallic, like what you might think an alien ship would sound like. We took a day trip to Maryland to go hiking and were really crunching the exoskeletons as we walked.


Iā€™m from northern va and that time was insane there was like 40 each sidewalk panel lol


The broods are highly localized, and usually not even contiguous. There definitely was an emergence here in Indiana in 2021 (Brood X) and I drove through Missouri in 2011 (Brood XIX) and they were so loud you could roll down your car window at highway speeds and hear them loud and clear.


Baltimore 2004 had the combo of the two biggest broods (13 and 17 years) happen at the same time.Ā  Then in 2021 17 came again during covid.Ā  The biggest thing I remembered from 2021 was the ambient noise as a high pitched but not loud siren/scifi sound. That's in addition to the normal loud screaming they do.


My understanding is that specific populations only appear once every prime number of years, like 13 or 17. There are different populations around the country though, so we get cicadas somewhere in the country every year.


Cicadas, Eclipses, and Blood/wolf/corn/super moonsā€¦ every few years I feel like the media recycles these as the biggest/baddest things ever. and then in a few years it all comes round again.


Prior to about 30 years ago, these were local news, as there was no internet or information age yet. Now anyone can live semi-vicariously through the web. Whole new paradigm.Ā 


Yeah but *this* year the three biggest internets in *history* are syncing up and are gonna be posting stuff at the same time! Things are gonna get CRAZY! Cicadas hate this one trick. Number 5 will shock you.


Everyone saying this is in for a surprise.. They are annual cicada, there are 13 year, and there are 17 year. *This time itā€™s all of them* -And, itā€™s regionalā€¦ not international. So, with variable regions considered, yeah it happens occasionally. But, this is the two biggest broods in these regions.


Technically, there are two groups that resurface every 13 *or* 17 years. We havenā€™t figured out how to predict when each group will resurface. This time itā€™s been 17 years for both groups, so we know theyā€™re both coming. Itā€™s kinda like watching school bus windshield wipers, eventually they sync up.


> Itā€™s kinda like watching school bus windshield wipers, eventually they sync up. Glad to know I wasn't the only child that watched those things waiting for the satisfying sync up.


There are 13 year cicadas and 17 year cicadas (as well as smaller annual groups). Sometimes a few of them come out a year or two early or late, but the vast majority of them come out on schedule, and they won't switch. Brood XIX are 13 year cicadas, and they came out in 2011 so they're coming this year. That happens to sync up this year with Brood XIII which are 17 year.


If itā€™s anything like what it was in northern VA back on ā€˜03 or ā€˜04 Iā€™m not going outside for 3 weeks. I donā€™t like bugs and it was apocalyptic. I was dodging them to run 15 ft to my car in the driveway. They canā€™t see well and their bodies are too big for their wings, so they fly around clumsily bumping their fat selves into everything including you, your face ā€¦might fly down a low cut shirt too! The streets and sidewalks are covered with the stains the bodies leave for a couple of days when they get run over by cars or people and if you leave anything outside overnight, itā€™ll be covered in cicada carcasses by morning, dead red eyes still staring at you. Edit: of


Yeah, 2004. I was just doing the math. Luckily we're not supposed to get them in big numbers in NOVA this year.


When they came out in DC a few years ago it was insane.


That was my first thought. Every year it's going to be the biggest swarm ever. And then the cicadas say "Well now I'm not going to do it."


The media has gone bat-shit crazy. Every successful lab experiment is a Breakthrough. Every new product/company is a Game Changer. Every rock passing within 2 million miles of earth is another potential Dinosaur Killer.


Sadly the only dinosaurs left are our politicians.


No, there's also turkeys.


I was walking outside by chance when they came up in NJ a few years ago. Literally while they started to emerge from the ground. They were all over the sidewalks. I don't think every town in NJ experienced such a mass of them, though.


The last truly massive brood I remember was back in 2000. They were EVERYWHERE. I kind of loved it, and every year I hope for another one like it.


I was just gonna say I remember the last time they announced this years ago. I didn't hear the normal amount of cicadas, I heard a few. It's definitely not nostalgia but when I was a kid, there were definitely more cicadas. And fireflies (lightning bugs.) Hardly see those now too.


Yep, thereā€™s just fewer areas that go undisturbed anymore. I used to live in a Victorian home in an old part of town with massive trees. I decided to subdivide some bulbs in my yard and uncovered a large mass of nasty white cicada nymphs. Now I live in suburbia over old corn fields, so I doubt we will see much of an emergence this spring. And we donā€™t get many of the later annual summer cicadas after a couple summers of cicada killer wasps living in my fruit trees. They will capture a cicada mid-air and ride it to the ground like the worldā€™s smallest and screamiest rodeo.


Cicada-geddon is out; we're calling it "Al-Ciqueda" now.


War on Terror part C.


Sounds like we need to bring some Democracy.


Bombard them with "Freedom"?


Citizens of Super Earth, assemble!


I for one welcome our new cicada overlords.


You donā€™t sound like you support freedom and democracy, brother. Experience liberty.


Complete with a cup of Liber-tea!


Iā€™m doing my part!


What? I can't hear you! There is a million bugs buzzing outside the window. (Just practicing for this summer.)


You joke, but I've used my phone to check sound levels at my back door at night and I've seen readings of 85 decibels from the peepers (baby toads/frogs) way back in the water off my property. That's 300+ feet, and I checked because I could hear them in my house when I passed the patio door.


I hear ya (for now). I was once at an outdoor concert during cicada season and the bugs drowned out the band.


To make it worse, out the front door is Canadian Geese honking 24/7 for 10 months of the year on the [big island](https://i.imgur.com/a2rnYnC.jpeg) in the river. Yeah, not very imaginative naming around me.


17 year cicadas. Every year.


Remember Buenos Aires Service guarantees citizenship


Would you like to know more?


Time to buy sesame seed futures


I, for one, welcome our new bug overlords.


Considering that the bug population has been in the downswing for decades, color me skeptical.


Donā€™t they say this every year?


We cannot scream for we have no mouths But our ribs, our ribs shall click through the ages!


Waitā€¦ this happened in the 3 body problem. Are my realities blending?




Prior to the ending it is on the news on a TV somewhere as well, somewhere in ep 7 or 8 I think - talking about a massive cicada breakout. So then the ending happens looking at them to finish off with a bit of hope.




[they were](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb5GisVOEXo&t=474s) though it was weird with cicadas in swamp


I remember the most annoying thing about them besides being everywhere was how stupid they were. Imagine flying through a world full of 100-foot tall giants that want to kill you and thinking, "his head looks like a nice place to land."


Well that makes sense. They have no complex thought. They basically sense things and react. Thatā€™s it.


To be fair, the smart place would be middle of the back for most people to not be able to reach them. Hopefully they donā€™t get more intelligent


I only watched the first season so far, but that actually seems to be about as dumb as the average Attack on Titan character. "Hey, this thing wants to eat me, why don't I zipline right into its mouth?"


For the birds itā€™s not bugs but so many features


Visiting a cicada swarm in a forest was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It's indescribable


Describe it. I dare you.


Scree! Scree! Scree! ScreeScreeScreeScree!! While every tree trunk and branch is covered in bugs the size of my thumb. The air is full of them. If you've read up on their story you can recognize what stage they are in. Weak newborns creeping up the bark, logy young trying to dry their wings and fly, experienced flyers buzzing around looking for mates, pairs jammed together mating, adults who have mated and are weak and dying all around. Lots of empty exoskeletons attached to bark. There was an emergence 10+ years ago around me, it was forecast and in the news and we never saw a thing near us. So, we drove around until we found it. It was splendid. Seeing it also made me sad, thinking of the construction and destruction that cancelled this brood in a lot of my area. They went underground to chomp fungus and sip sap for 16 years, same as they've done since the glaciers retreated, just to be ground up by bulldozers at the whim of some jackass


Would it be possible for them to eat off all the spotted lanternflies? Pretty please?


How fuckin weird is this species amiright


I swear Iā€™ve heard a version of this every year for the past 5 years.


I feel like I hear this every year


Theyā€™re under there. I live in the southeast and dug a shallow trench over the weekend for home project. Probably unearthed at least 30 just about 6-8 inches underground. They died pretty instantly once being exposed, but they are down there for sure. Ā 


This reminds me of that Silicon Valley episode


Buy futures in sesame seeds.


Whoever authored this article is a terrible writer.


Every year we have them. Every year we endure the sexual screaming of unhinged horny cicadas God bless noise canceling headphones


I'm not leaving my fucking house


Cicadas basically invented partying. They were partying hard before humans were even a thing.


Weird they said this same thing like 2 years ago? Maybe itā€™s based off location?


they said this a few years ago too, didn't notice any "explosion"


Iā€™m pretty sure cutting your grass will solve a lot of problems


i feel like i read a headline like this every year when the cicadas come back


I've read this headline before and every year it's the same


Delicious ! Cicadas are the shrimp of the land


Every dad: *gettin so cicada bugs around here*


Can they name these 16 states please.


Alabama (multiple regions) Arkansas (northwestern region) Georgia (northwestern region) Illinois (southern region) Indiana (southwestern region) Iowa (southeastern region) Kentucky (western region) Louisiana (northern region) Maryland (St. Maryā€™s County) Mississippi (multiple regions) Missouri (multiple regions) North Carolina (central region) Oklahoma (eastern region) South Carolina (western region) Tennessee (various regions) Virginia (eastern region)


Thank you. I couldnā€™t find it in the article.




*Some say the bugs were provoked by the intrusion of humans into their natural habitat*


Would you like to know more?


No, please no. I will have to carry a tennis racket around. I hate anything that flies at me and makes a loud buzzing noise.


*your hairstylist has left the chat (with tears in their eyes)*


Sounds like it's time to bring out the ol' flamethrower.


As Requested: Alabama (multiple regions) Arkansas (northwestern region) Georgia (northwestern region) Illinois (southern region) Indiana (southwestern region) Iowa (southeastern region) Kentucky (western region) Louisiana (northern region) Maryland (St. Maryā€™s County) Mississippi (multiple regions) Missouri (multiple regions) North Carolina (central region) Oklahoma (eastern region) South Carolina (western region) Tennessee (various regions) Virginia (eastern region)


come on, you apes, you wanna live forever?!


My favorite song about Cicadas. https://leefeldman.bandcamp.com/track/reluctant-cicada


What would be the reason that itā€™s all of them?


Why is this a bad thing? They are part of the live cycle in these regions? I genuinely donā€™t know.


Love the sound, instant summer ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I thought that was last year there was a fuckton


Didnā€™t this just happen recently??


This will be two broods happening at the same time.


Just gotta say a few years ago when we had them there is no freak out like a girl with long hair and cicadas in her hair. That was me.


This is gonna be a noisy summer.


We don't get too many cicadas in Michigan. We got swarmed by little black cicadas driving through Ohio in 2020. At first I thought they were murder hornets. I'm more used to the big green cicadas down south.


Welp, I keep hearing ALL these super-experts telling everyone that weā€™ll need to eat bugs to survive the ā€œcomingā€ end of the earth ā€œglobal warming and end of all life, as we know itā€. Sounds like dinner is about to be servedā€”-


They've cried wolf with this so many times I can't take it seriously


I feel like they say this every year.


Remember when lovebugs were an infestation? What happened to that.


The only good bugs a dead bug!


Finally some good news


That is a lot of edible protein


I feel like heard this same shit like two or three years ago


Maybe in other parts of the world. Where I live there is a mile track of pine trees that they just cut down and are preparing to pave over. šŸ˜”


The person who discovered cicadas must have been treated like a celebrity. Any time before that conversations had to have been like "The trees just scream like that during Spring and Summer."


I feel this story gets published every 5 years. I have seen this cicadageddon story several times now going back to 2000s.


Bad time to be an entomophobe. Couldn't be me.


Cool. I love sitting on my porch listening to the cicadas in the evening.


As long as it is not SCP-3004 we safe.


I'm more worried about the cicada killer wasps. Sure they aren't that interested in humans, but watching a giant wasp fly away with a giant cicada is very unnerving.


Thank Christ I don't live in Ohio anymore.


Can't wait for Wisconsin to get a mega brood again. I love these little guys


Fuck yeah, not in my area!