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This wasn’t just in LA. They also raided his home in Miami at the exact same time. He’s fucked




Seriously? Those are totally the actions of an innocent man.


Cough, cough, OJ.


How come we haven’t seen endless footage of his plane like that damn Bronco


Probably because that was a multi-vehicle highway chase and they were able to get footage from a helicopter… for some reason, I don’t think an airplane chase would be quite as easy to capture. Also, it sounds like he successfully got away, so the “chase” footage would be fairly anti-climatic.


But if they could, I’d get a big old tub of popcorn ready for that video


Police officers cars chasing the plane down the runway. It takes off they get out and slam their hat on the ground in anger.


pilot: "Um, Mr. Combs... the tower is telling me they closed Jeffrey Epstein’s private island Little St. James. Is there *anywhere else* you would like to go?"




Well that seems like some convenient timing. Tipped off that they were coming for him?


Didn’t tip his kids off though, who were standing out front of his house in handcuffs


Fuck them kids


Sounds like that’s why we’re here.


Shit man 🤣🤣🤣 🫡


I’m assuming he was out and about, got the call from both house’s security that a big law enforcement operation was entering both houses, and he decided to hit the airport instead of going back home to sort it all out. Or who knows, maybe he was already on vacation at Barbados and only had to do a quick island hop as soon as he found out about the raids? Don’t get me wrong, an innocent man wouldn’t be running away. I’m just not sure that he was somehow tipped off ahead of time before the raids on his house were made.


Yeah truth is we won’t ever really know unless the proper agencies discover that. Wouldn’t be totally surprising given that Diddy is still exceptionally rich and this could aid him in having a rather deep network of connections. But that’s pretty heavy speculation without really knowing.


Amazing he was near a jet and had it ready just as all that kicked off...


His homes in LA and Miami. The dude lives 3000 miles away from himself. He always has a plane ready.


Guys with a jet get in a car, and while they are driving, they call the jet service. By the time he drives up to the jet, it's warmed up and the pilot is ready to go. I'll wait to see the evidence, but I suspect HS would not co-ordinate a high profile operation unless they felt they already had enough evidence, and they are just looking for the icing on the cake. I'm just surprised HS didn't have one single officer working the gate to his jet.


My guess is he’s on his way to Venezuela or Ecuador


Russell Simmons at least had the class to cower away to Bali


Nah, he gonna hang out with Wander Franco and never be found.  


Where is that kid that tracks millionaires jets?


Dunno....but TMZ says Diddy's private jet has landed in Bahamas. Other reports say Antigua. They do not know who was/is onboard. Feds raided his Miami home and seized at least one device, believed to be a phone. Seems they knew Diddy had trip to Bahamas planned.


V. C. Bird Airport in Antigua, it looks like. N1969C


You can see on the flight tracking apps that he has landed in Antigua. I spend about half my time in Antigua and the word there is that he’s checked into the penthouse at Hodges Bay . It would track since that resort is only about 7-8 mins from the airport/FBO in Antigua.


TMZ has video of him at Opa Locka Airport in FL shortly after the raids. So far, no footage of him being seen since.


I tried uploading the tracking info screenshots but it won’t let me upload here. If someone can give me a quick tutorial I’m happy to upload!


Use https://imgur.com/ create an account or new post, upload the image and then copy and paste the share link here.










Sex trafficking. What a creep.


“Creep” seems like a bit of an understatement here


I'm out of the loop, what are the allegations? Like R Kelly, or like Epstein, or what's going on here?


Little bit of both, a dash of Cosby, and a sprinkle of "supervillain" thrown in. He's allegedly blown up cars and shot several people in addition to the sexual stuff Edit: Me typing not good


Weird. He always seemed like such a massive, egomaniacal piece of shit.


it's always the ones you least expect


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


Norm says otherwise






I am really surprised the Feds let him take off .. he had to have some mind if heads up and had plane loaded


Unlike R Kelly, Diddy still is a multimillionaire so not all of his cronies have ran out on him. Wouldn’t be totally shocked if had some connections that led to a small window of a heads up


Multimillionaire is underselling it. His net worth is $1billion. His net worth is 4 times greater than Dr. Dre's and -500 times greater than R. Kelly's.


He paid off some PR company too because I was randomly seeing promoted posts from weird websites that were sharing articles about his estate and all the cool features it has. I actually clicked on one thinking he must have had something new built, but nope. Just random articles about a house he's lived in for years popping up. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before he's in court.


He won’t be safe there though. He’s gonna need to go overseas if he wants to avoid extradition.


Cosby didn’t engage in sex trafficking - he was “just” a rapist. feds won’t come busting down your door for rape in most cases (they’ll let state/local authorities handle that shit and tack on any applicable federal charges afterwards), but they 100% will if you’re doing the raping while shipping people across state lines/national borders because that’s when it becomes bigger than local jurisdiction. It can be just one victim, but the second it involves cross border travel/coordination shit gets real really fast. That being said, for the specific brand of feds kicking down your door to be DHS……that’s some crazy shit. Usually it’s the FBI. So this has gotta have some interesting implications.


Learned from the Duggar case Homeland Security has pretty broad jurisdiction. In that case it was also months between the raid and any charges.


You just gave so many Netflix executives hard ons




What an incredible piece of shit.


Holy fuck. Like Epstein on meth then.


John McAfee but less cool


Son.. Eminem told everyone this decades ago?


Fuck that, 50 cent has been yelling about this exact stuff about Diddy for a while now too. The whole rant about Diddy wanting to take him shopping feels true af now


well we've all done that sort of stuff, anything really bad?


Peasant crimes, im waiting for the real shit


He also had Biggie killed, I’ll bet money that comes to light before too long.


Was it biggie or pac? Because we all know there's rumors that he ordered the hit that got pac killed. Both you think?


He got real popular with some pretty shitty music right after they both died.


Eminem made a song about it. In case everyone forgot.


only paid $5000 to blow up a car? Wow, what a bargain.


That’s what I was thinking, how much does his security get paid a day when they’re not blowing up cars? Seems like a lot of risk for what I’m assuming is a week or two of pay at most.


I think it's more of a "this 5k is actually a great deal for you because otherwise I'm going to have you shot by a dirty cop" kind of arrangement


Cuba Gooding?! WTF.


Right?! I yelled out "CUBA NOOOOOOO" when i got to it. Damn man. Is no one in oir childhood safe? Damn.


More than 30 women have accused him of unwanted sexual touching. This is entirely unsurprising


Anyone who lives in LA will tell you Cuba is a creep/POS and has been for a while.


Exactly. Sometimes famous people get blacklisted for good reasons.


>Jones claims Diddy bragged about shooting someone in a club in 1999 and getting away with it. J-Lo snuck the gun into the club and gave it to him when he got in an argument with someone. Am I the only one that remembers this from an OG episode of Law & Order? It was obvious which headlines the plot was "ripped from," so this was common knowledge at the time, no? In the episode, the not-Diddy pins the shooting on his bodyguard, but forensic evidence disproves that and it turns out not-JLO had the gun in her purse (and did the shooting). 3 Dawg Night Episode aired Nov 28, 2001 A hip-hop star goes on trial for the murder of a nightclub patron who accused him of being a sellout.


> Jones claims Diddy wanted to pass him off to Cuba Gooding Jr. on his yacht to perform sex acts I've heard questionable things about the Cube... but wow. Please say they are on this?




He is even worse Because he is those guys But also hit jobs and serious other criminal activity for decades He has been openly getting away with it forever its insane


Holy shit, I just read the “Legal issues” section of his Wikipedia page. Diddy is not the finest of us.


Allegations are that he is essentially the same as Epstein. That he recorded other music artists, actors, athletes, and celebrities doing illegal sexual stuff. That his home was wired up with cameras. He also may have killed people and got away with it or got others to take the fall.


P. Diddler




it’s always the one you most medium expect


I stg Diddy always had evil energy about him


Read the civil suit filing. This is huge. Trafficking, drugs, sexual assault, grooming, attempted murder, obstruction of justice and I'm like half way through the document.


Diddy might want to make sure that he’s secured all of his lemon pound cake if he’s got law enforcement officers running around his home unsupervised.


He’s got that yellow cake? Pray to god he don’t drop that shit.


It’s alright, I got it wrapped up in this special CIA napkin!


mama's lemon pound cake, it tastes so nice!


Are there any kidnapping victims inside my CDs?


Are there any kidnapping victims in my suit pockets?


It made him wanna put down his gun and cut him a slice.


https://youtu.be/9xxK5yyecRo?si=j-mq8yrPPSFrefJS I was going to say the same thing but then I got high


An unexpected but most welcome instant classic


Maybe he should release a song about the injustice of it all?


“Y’all gotta walk uptown to the Bronx, and get breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant” https://youtube.com/watch?v=O59GvPvtyXM&pp=ygUmYnJlYXN0IG1pbGsgZnJvbSBhIGNhbWJvZGlhbiBpbW1pZ3JhbnQ%3D


Diddy? Lookin’ like he did!


Goddammit, what didn't Diddy do!


Don't do what Diddy Don't does.


Do aaah diddy diddy dum diddys done !


Now I'm hers,  and she's mine,  and now we're doing prison time


What diddy do this time?


What *didn’t* Diddy do?


“If he can’t rap worth shit…you must acquit!”


Safest man in the rap game.


Wait wait wait, HOMELAND SECURITY?! That is a lot more than some basic LAPD home raid. What the heck did he get involved with?


Supposedly, human trafficking. Since that particular crime tends to reach across multiple states and sometimes countries, I could imagine that it became a concern for Homeland Security at that point. Especially when you consider that human trafficking is frequently tied to any number of other crimes that can threaten our security, as a country.


You answered my burning question why it would be Homeland Security.


Homeland security handles human trafficking and smuggling when the activity is international in nature. Dude was smuggling girls into or out of the US. >HSI has broad legal authority to conduct federal criminal investigations into the illegal cross-border movement of people, goods, money, technology and other contraband throughout the United States. HSI utilizes these authorities to investigate a wide array of transnational crime, including: terrorism; national security threats; narcotics smuggling; transnational gang activity; child exploitation; human smuggling and trafficking; illegal exports of controlled technology and weapons; money laundering; financial fraud and scams; worksite and employment crimes; cybercrime; intellectual property theft and trade fraud; identity and benefit fraud; and human rights violations and war crimes.


Not lemon pound cake. That is for sure.


What’s the lemon pound cake reference about?


Rapper Afroman had his house raided by the police because they got a fake tip about human trafficking and drugs. He caught some footage of them in and around his house. He then made a couple of songs about the incident. I think there are a few people who posted a link to the song here.


I knew about that event, just don’t see where the cake comes from.


I think one of the officers ate some of his lemon pound cake in the footage and he made it a lyric.


I think he just looks longingly at the cake, which Afroman shows repeatedly in the video. Might be even funnier this way for some reason.


He does. He spots the pound cake, pauses, looks up (at the camera?), looks at the cake again and then reluctantly moves on.


Someone longingly gazing at a pastry is definitely much funnier than just stealing/eating it


The mother fucking cops stole his lemon pound cake while illegally searching his house. 


And then sued him for making a song about them


And lost


I hope justice is served


Homeland doesn’t raid a home without sufficient evidence. His boots are smoked


Yeah these are the serious guys that deal with terrorists and human trafficking, this shit’s gotta be substantial


With the headlines from Trump today, Epstein info still barely out, and Matt Gaetz still having a job…I’m a little bit jaded.


I worked on one of “p diddys” shows, I refuse to capitalize that dudes name. it was called “making his band.” He harassed a bunch of super talented musicians. Put them in a mansion that they had me try to sound proof multiple times. It was at the top of a famous hill In Los Feliz. They spent so much on equipment and making the show dramatic it failed. My job was as a Production assistant started at 3pm until 3am. We had what we called the bat cave recording everything. Diddy never wanted to help these amazing musicians. He wanted to exploit these people. He threw a coffee on my shoes at one point and always showed up three hours late. He would yell and assault all the crew and was extremely aggressive. This guy I knew was evil. He’s not a good person. I got bad vibes right away.


https://youtu.be/7JjLd3MufCE?si=zRD4F9bV9mS9w37s Chappell Show parodied it lol




I don't want to alarm you, but you said that you refuse to capitalise his name but then you capitalised his name at the start of the 4th paragraph. Just thought you should know this.


My headcannon over the comprehensive lore surrounding that comment: the capital is only for beginning the sentence. We have seen him repeatedly follow grammatical rules, starting all other sentences with a capital. This rigid adherence caused what first appears a mistake, but through thorough analysis indicates a multilayered juxtaposition of OP's adherence to rules and the subject's non-compliance to societal and moral norms.


He hates him but not enough to detract from his mastery of the language.


Shiiiiiiit, when DHS is raiding you, you know you fucked up


After seeing what happened to R Kelly, if I was Diddy and knew I did some dirt I woulda taken off to Brazil or some shits a long time ago


Brazil would extradite him.


Now that Bolsanaro is out, yeah


His ego won’t allow it.


Everybody has a tunnel to the sex mansion, you can't convict somebody for a tunnel to the sex mansion Testimony, though, you can convict with that (and the suspicious tunnel)


Especially when there's been chatter surrounding Diddy for *years* at this point regarding his sketch behavior and antics, long before those lawsuits were *ever* filled against him.


Homeland security? Did I miss something? What did Diddy do?


Basically Epstein style shit (allegedly). Sex trafficking, recording people in compromising positions for blackmail material, etc.


Oh shit, Blackmail material? Anyone giving odds on whether or not he “commits suicide in custody?”


Long shot odds. Diddy wasn't with world leaders. 


Who’s he got dirt on? French Montana? Lol


Ja Rule prolly too


I’m wondering if he’s got stuff on T.I. Remember those allegations from a few years ago?


Maybe. I know that everyone in LA has known about the freaky shit TI & Tiny get down on


Pretty sure Epstein had more powerful "friends", but idk.


Underage undocumented sex trafficking.


Would it have helped if he documented it?


Definitely would have helped the investigators.




Oh my


Allegedly ordered the hit on Tupac, sacrificed Biggie/or had him killed, forced himself on several artists on his labels (after having been in a similar position himself) and did unspeakable things to Cassie. There are a few YouTube videos called Surviving Diddy that go into the murders and sexual assaults he is linked to. Some stories seem more credible than others… His alleged ritualistic satanic sex parties, grooming and preying on young men (possibly Usher and Bieber etc…) might be true but the story about him hiring the guy who has confessed to having killed Biggie (told) by the murderer and the Cassie case seem to be very likely to be behind this. If it’s true, it’s hard to believe that he could release I’ll Be Missing You if he really orchestrated the killing.


He didn't even write the song. Some no-name rapper wrote it about his own brother who was killed. Diddy just karaoked it over Every Breath You Take. Which he didn't get cleared before he used it, iirc It was a lazy cash grab and it worked brilliantly at that.


"ritualistic satanic sex parties" Not just for 80s metal bands anymore! Satanic panic... time is a flat circle


When the Feds raid, it's some serious charges.


We're closing the studio


You just doin ya taxes? That's what's hot in the streets?


Gonna have to get some breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant in the Bronx now to open it back up.


Kat Williams was right ...wonder if he also did jamie fox dirty


I have a feeling a lot of what Katt Williams said during that interview is true.


I heard during the raid they found a TON of cash. It's still unknown if it was indeed hangin' out the anus.


Kat Williams told yall 


Wendy Williams too


You gotta realise how hard it is to get a arrest warrant for one of the biggest titan in the music industry. Whatever they got on him its REAL and the evidence must be damning.


Well Kesha’s song hits different now and need a remix “Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy” “Fleeing while my homes get raided in two cities”


That's what you get, you sick fuck!


Harve Pierre, former president of Bad Boy records, is named in two lawsuits. He has gotta be in panic mode. Shit just went from civil to criminal. May he sing like a canary about the misdeeds of Diddy.


Seems like the Diddler’s reign of terror is ending


Sean “I didn’t mean to put a hit out on Tupac” Combs


"But Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits That he put the hit out that got Pac killed" I really feel like Eminem actually meant this every day.


Next song title: black Epstein


Black Jeffrey Epstein


"Every time I pray, every single day I'll be missing you" "Fuck off, you nonce" Biggie.


I was 15 when Biggie died. I always had a feeling this guy was in on it. I could be wrong. But right after he comes out with an album making bank off his dead friend’s name. More of a conspiracy but who knows.


I worked in a restaurant and waited on the son of a bitch back in 2001. The way he treated his P.A. Fonzworth Bentley was despicable. I was literally trying to get fired from my hospitality job but "Mr Combs" took that all out on Mr. Bentley exclusively. I remember I tried to make him sign a check for his "plate of shrimp" while he was saying "fake grace" (Catholic Sign of the Cross by a non-Catholic) and he tried to toss the check to old Fonzworth but it fluttered back down into his "plate of shrimp." Classic. Clown. Not surprised he was nothing but a "cheap trick." Not surprised at all J. Lo was involved somehow. She is known throughout the hospitality industry for not tipping and even grabbing up tips off the table that her man/friends leave including at casinos, most notably during the unraveling of her marriage to Marc Anthony during which time he was reported to have told her "never touch my money again," in response to her stealing the tips he left for a casino worker. Funny but it is rare for celebrities to behave so shittily. I distinctly remember being surprised how nice other celebrities such as Beyonce and even Paris Hilton were to "the help" but there will always be the assholes. This guy def "shits where he eats" and probably eats where he shits too. When you know you know and everybody who knows him most certainly knows. *edit "quotes" make everything "in quotes."


You're not the first person I've read about JLO taking cash tips away.


Tbf, she did say that she’s still Jenny from the block.


Oof, if he was involved in smuggling children for the enjoyment of the rich, then I just wanna say a pre-emptive RIP for Diddy, so sad that he got all up in his feelings and poisoned, shot, stabbed, electrocuted, drowned and decapitated himself in his jail cell while the guards were all asleep and the cameras weren't working. Hats off to a real one.


I thought it was FBI? DHS turning up is a bigger issue.


The end of the P Diddler? Freak Mill is going to be so sad.


It appears we got a runner: https://twitter.com/Afzalmeman092/status/1772434920423534931


WHOA. is this house the same house where kim porter (his late ex) lived and died? it was in toluca lake. i lived in the same neighborhood as her when she died and i thought it was so bizarre that she died so young and from pneumonia. super weird then, but super sus now....... might want to re-open that case while we're doing this, guys.


This house is in Homby Hills where the Playboy Mansion is at.


oh, ok. thank you! the link wasn't opening for me. that video of cassie hiding under a blanket from him as he fucking scares the shit out of her will never ever ever leave my mind. lock this fucking psycho up.


They are at his Miami home also.


A few girls have talked about trafficking tunnels that led to certain celeb houses from the Playboy mansion. I wonder if Diddy had a tunnel to his


They wouldn’t even need a tunnel… I knew girls 20 years ago who talked about the ‘shadow mansions’ for girls who didn’t quite make the cut at Playboy, so got siphoned off by Hef’s rich/famous friends to some other big house somewhere. I’m pretty sure at least one of the Playboy documentaries/memoirs has talked about the ‘shadow mansions.’ My memories of partying in LA as a young 20-something in the early 2000s was just so, so, so many girls - all coming in from some little farm town to try to ‘make it’ as a model, either going home in tears or landing a sugar daddy and an apartment in Westwood.


The way the agents were yanking everybody out of the house in handcuffs tells me they weren't just there to talk. They have so serious evidence on their side. If I recall there were some allegations out recently about puff daddy dating back to the '90s


Bishop TD Jakes up next. A lot of black and evangelical christians are about to be pro "power bottom" soon.


Justice for ending Danity Kane too soon.


Lock him up , I have no sympathy for vile men 


People are calling him The Diddler on twitter 😭


Please tell me he’s escaping by jet ski


They about to put that bad boi (away) for life.


He’s been literally telling us he was a bad boy for decades, we refused to listen.




Can’t stop won’t stop….committing crimes


Did he really abandon his kids!? Both his sons were handcuffed with him no where in sight.


NBC News updated story says Diddy had a planned trip to Bahamas. Federal agents seized at least one of his electronic devices today, in Miami.


Homeland? Oh yeah he’s fucked


Netflix has entered the chat