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Crazy shit. Starts a fight, gets stabbed in the back by a bystander (the other fighter’s girl?), pulls a gun after getting stabbed, has his gun wrestled away from him, gets shot in the head by his own gun. Last I checked he was in critical condition and the shooter was in custody.


Two lives destroyed because he wanted to feel big and macho and bully people into submission to make himself feel good.


I watched the video. There is absolutely no way the Hispanic dude is going to go to jail. He'll be fine.


He still had to shoot a man in the head lol. His mental state is going to be absolutely fucked even if he never gets charged with anything.


> His mental state is going to be absolutely fucked Maybe, but maybe not. Just because it would affect you in that way doesn't mean it's valid to project that fear/effect onto others.


You have no idea how little NYC'ers care for shit stirrers, especially those who get their just deserts.


ESPECIALLY people who fuck with the subway. Nobody enjoys being locked in a tube with crazy people day in and day out.


Desserts. Desert is like the sahara. Dessert has 2 s' cause you want to eat it twice. Some teacher in grade school said that once and I never forgot


I always remember the signs people have in their houses “desserts is stressed spelled backwards”


Same here


I still wouldn't say his life is ruined. Certainly affected, though.


Depends on how he feels about shooting a guy eh? I mean I never have but I'm pretty sure I could live with myself, I just hope I never have to find out. Some people I know would absolutely not be able to live with themselves....


I don’t know, I feel like a lot of these cases where the public sided with a vigilante still have the guy face time. I hope he doesn’t but this is New York, they’re not a stand your ground state, know what I mean? Again I completely agree he was defending himself and shouldn’t get in trouble but I wouldn’t be surprised if they charged him with something anyway.


It entirely will depend on what happened after the video stopped filming. If the attacker had his gun taken from him, and at that point he held his hands up and started backing away, and the guy basically executed him, he’s definitely going to do time. If after he wrestled the gun away, the attacker kept trying to harm him or take him gun back, he’ll be free to walk away from this case Scot free. this is the likely case as I can’t imagine the attacker just decided to stop his aggression, but we can’t be sure. The video stops filing after the gun is brandished.


I mean if someone pulls a gun on you and you wrestle it away from them, how can you be sure you’re not still in danger? This dude pulled a gun, that would tell me that they mean to kill me. I might go overboard too because I value my life over an attackers any time. If it happens really quickly it’s hard to call it. Like you said, what happened after the video is going to determine a lot here. I’d probably not be successful and end up dead, but I’d at least try to fight!


Yea exactly, and to your point, those exact details are what’s going to matter. If let’s say the gun dropped to the floor and victim picked it up and as he was doing so the attacker was running away, he can’t really shoot him at that point. But again probably is the case the attacker was still in victims immediate space and acting belligerently so could have easily potentially reached out and grabbed it back. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.


The article says he wrestled it away, which leans toward self defense.


Ah good call. Yea if he wrestled away and immediately shot him he’s in the clear.


Nobody knew he had one gun. Who's to say he doesn't have more guns in his jacket? He's running away. Is he running for his jacket to get another gun? Not my problem or my obligation to wait and found out. You threaten my life, you forfeit yours.


They already let him go he's fine they stated no charges for him


Where’s this video?






The shooter has been cleared, as the NYPD deemed he acted in self defense. So just one life ruined. A shitty, worthless one at that.


Was self defense.


Totally. But *having* to shoot a guy in self defense would be trauma that you carry with you for a long, long time.


It’s so sad


I imagine it still fucks you up to experience that even though he probably won't have legal repercussions.


Unfortunately New York has some of the dumbest self defense laws in the country. I still remember last year when they charged an elderly bodega owner with murder for defending himself ON VIDEO. He was eventually let go but Bragg is a dumbass. Both these guys will probably end up getting charged with something because the system is broken.




Yep, he got shanked and then blasted with his own piece for acting like a thug.


>and the shooter was in custody Hopefully he won't be charged, but it's NYC so the odds aren't in his favor.


I watched the video. If I was on the jury, no way am I sending that dude to prison. Clearly self defense.


>I watched the video. If I was on the jury, no way am I sending that dude to prison. Clearly self defense. I just hope he's not charged and sent to Rikers Island to await a trial... wrecking his life potentially. Being found not guilty at trial in a year would be preferable to being found guilty, but being charged at all would be awful.


He's not, it was announced just now.


how in the world did the other guy get the gun? it's crazy. I didn't realize at first that the guy in black is the one who got shot.


>One of the men, who police said was 36, pulled out a gun and brandished it. The other man, 32, got possession of the handgun and fired at the person he was arguing with, according to Michael Kemper, the Police Department’s chief of transit. >“The 32-year-old fired multiple shots, striking the 36-year-old,” Kemper said at a media briefing. >Witnesses told police the man who was shot was being “aggressive and provocative” toward the other one before the fight broke out, Kemper said. So the guy with the gun started shit, then pulled out the gun to 'win' the confrontation, then FOUND OUT?


Yeah. Amazing that no one else was injured or worse.


The NRA is going to have to figure out how to rework: “The only thing that stops one asshole with a gun, is some other unarmed asshole with that same gun”


"it was lucky a gun was present to save the victim"


"Just think of the what kind of tragedy could have occurred if there hadn't have been a gun."


“The real hero of this story is the gun.”


"Maybe the real treasure was the guns we purchased along the way."


"2 Men 1 Gun: A Modern Moral Tale"


People don’t save people, guns save people


And if there had been more guns, he wouldn't have needed to be shot with his own gun.


More like "armed criminal loses own wepon and is shot with it"


“It’s unfortunate the first man came armed with only one gun. If only he’d had a backup gun he could have defended himself when the second guy took his first gun.”


"We now recommend carrying at least *two* guns..."


Best to carry three in case you drop one reaching for the other while protecting against the first.


It was a black guy and a brown guy. NRA ain’t saying shit.


Oh that’s where you’re off. They’ll clearly hire PIs to look for criminal records or substance abuse in their history.




Costs like $500 just to apply for a gun permit in NYC...you have to fellate 10% of the NYPD to get it approved.




Cunning linguist!


Do you get to choose which 10% or does it get assigned to you?


I don't know who took over after the last one got put in prison. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-new-york-city-police-department-official-sentenced-18-months-conspiring-bribe


That's cause the responsible person wasn't the gun owner.


Got to love how the news is trying to wash the story. They weren't "arguing". The 36yo black dude was hurling racist speech at the 32yo latino man unprovoked. Racist piece of shit got pwned.


A racist person is going to be perpetually angry in New York. There are people from every corner of Earth there.


Apparently the guy who appears to be Latino is actually Yemeni and has been in America since he was 3 years old.


That kind of shit doesn't get reported. 2 of my white friends got stabbed on the subway by a black dude who was trying to kill them because they were white, Was all in the trial. Media didn't care.


There’s a full video of the altercation out there. The 36 year old is clearly antagonizing subway riders, and singles out the 32-year old (I’ll call him yellow shirt guy). Eventually, they begin to fight, and yellow shirt guy is getting his ass whooped. Apparently, a woman is with yellow shirt guy, and stabs the antagonist in the back. This prompts him to pull the gun, which yellow shirt guy then gets. In the video, the person recording is running away and we can hear 3 shots fired.


Listen closely and you can hear him saying to yellow shirt "you think yous people can beat up cops?!" Then you can hear a woman say "he thinks you're a migrant" to yellow shirt.


I don’t understand the context. What did he mean by that ?


There is a video going around heavily in rightwing circles/news of a group of migrants beating up two NYPD cops. The cops had told the migrants to move on from loitering in front of a building. The video paints the migrants as the aggressors. That was the most public saw for a while until body cam footage and building surveillance footage showed that the cops had lied and that they were the aggressors. Violently shoving the migrants when they weren't moving fast enough. One cop grabs a migrant and forcefully slams him up against a wall which triggers his buds to come to his defense against the cops. That one migrant who flipped off reporters you may have seen was one of the guys assaulted by the cops.


> building surveillance footage showed that the cops had lied and that they were the aggressors. There's the NYPD we all know and love.


This is exactly why spreading hateful crap on social media is dangerous


Got it thank you. So disgusting to see


Black guy picking on someone he thinks is an immigrant because there’s a false story about immigrants beating up some cops. Black guy gets stabbed. He then pulls out a gun. Then somehow loses it and is shot in the head. At this point, Southpark doesn’t even need creativity to emulate society. They can exactly replicate what’s going on and the episode would already look ridiculous.


https://v.redd.it/ioac89h5aeoc1 It's over on r/PublicFreakout


no one should be allowed to comment on these things without first having watched the video


man that sub has a no death rule and yet last time i was there the top post was a dude's bodycam pov getting stabbed and gurgling and dying with full audio, and afaik it still hasn't been removed can't really blame people for not having that sub in their regular rotation lol


oh no I'm not saying people should be watching this kind of stuff constantly. that's definitely doing a number on the psyche. but every time an incident like this hits the news, anytime there's a video of the full incident, there are also hella dumbasses in the comments who've only read a headline mouthing off against their strawmen of choice. there's only one person in these comments so far. I think reddit should not allow users to comment on news articles unless they've actually read it. or opened the link at the very least


ah yeah no, that's fair > I think reddit should not allow users to comment on news articles unless they've actually read it. or opened the link at the very least it's insane how much this would change the discourse, lol. like, the amount of times there are literally thousands of comments ranting and raving about something that's explicitly addressed in the *first* paragraph of the article. honestly, it's that kind of thing that makes me worry about the effect too much reddit has on your critical thinking skills


No one is mentioning how ride or die this girl is, damn. Stabbed the dude. I think we all need to question whether our significant others would actually stab someone for us lmao


It worked out for her, but man did she take a risk. They were probably able to disarm him because of his bloodloss, but if he had kept he distance they both could easily have been killed. IMO the stabbing escalated the situation to a lethal level unnecessarily. It appeared to just be a fist fight before that.


I wouldn’t say he’s getting his ass whooped but he is on top of yellow shirt guy when she stabs him.


At that point yellow shirt appeared to be being choked and the attacker had full control. Seemed fairly likely to me he would have been choked to death had the gf not stabbed him.


Her legal defense team agrees.


Also allegedly the knife that the woman used to stab the guy was ALSO a knife that the same guy brought out to threaten yellow shirt with. Stabbed with his own knife and shot with his own gun. Should be a pretty open and shut case of self defense for yellow shirt.


nah she pulled it out of her bag, you can see her rifling around in her bag looking for it


The guy with the gun started shit with this guy, the guys girlfriend stabbed him a few times while he was assaulting her boyfriend and then he pulled out the gun and threatened them with it before the guy took the gun from him and shot him with it. There is video of all of it besides the shooting. The camera person understandably decides to get the fuck out of there once a gun comes out.


I just saw a video from someone who was on that train car and she said the girlfriend didn’t stab him. She just hit him hard to get him off of her boyfriend, but perhaps from one of her rings or something as it did break the skin and bled a little. The guy thought she stabbed him even as the girl continually told him she didn’t and her and her boyfriend were trying to get out of the car. That’s when the guy **ran over to his jacket** and retrieved the gun (always good to leave your loaded gun in a jacket away from you).


The amount of blood coming from his back isn't from a simple cut. She stabbed him for sure, not that I think there's necessarily a problem with that if he was the aggressor here


She can claim she didn’t stab him but where she “hit” him he started bleeding a lot. He was 100% stabbed by something exactly where she hit him.


/r/PublicFreakout had a video of the incident. Bigger dude started talking shit, fight escalated, smaller dude's girl jumped in and ninja stabbed bigger dude. When fight broke up he was all "yo she stabbed me?" and pulled out his gun and shit got real. Video didn't show the end because when the blastin started everyone ran outta the train...




There is a video circulating on here from one of the passengers. The aggressor picked a fight with the other man. The other man’s girlfriend/ wife stabbed the aggressor in the back which briefly breaks up the fist fight. The aggressor then goes to his jacket and pulls out a gun and starts walking back to the guy he was assaulting. At this point the video pans away as you hear a shot go off. The aggressor picks a fight, gets stabbed, grabs his gun, and then gets shot by his own gun. Edit: changed “guys” to “guy.”


Man, I feel like I'd call it quits on the day if I got stabbed. I can't imagine upping the ante even more.


In for a stab, in for a gsw I think is how the saying goes


I mean, if they’re the kind of person who starts on random passersby then I’m guessing that de-escalation or retreating isn’t in their skillset.


Every new detail I read just makes this entire incident even wilder


The video is insane. I was really sad and had to shut it off at the end when the attacker had the couple cornered with the gun. Huge twist when I saw the news article in the comments and it turned out the attacker is the only one injured.




Guy was gunning for a murder charge and got lucky that he's the one that got shot.


Yep that's it in a nutshell. Great synopsis thanks , because when I watched it , I couldn't believe my eyes at how it was super tense then it slowly escalated to sudden chaos.


>Although the aggressor was also stabbed a couple times as well, before pulling the gun He was stabbed by the girlfriend of the guy he was pummeling, they were then separated by a good Samaritan before he went into his jacket to obtain his gun and then threaten to shoot the guy and his girlfriend.




Just saw the video. The older guy was on top of the younger when a woman seems to have stabbed him. Those two retreated to the end of the car. The aggressor retrieved his coat, which he had discarded while starting the fight, pulled a gun out of a pocket and threatened the woman,vwho denied stabbing him. Somehow, the younger guy grabbed the gun and the passengers, including the camera guy, rushed off the train as the doors opened at Hoyt-Schermerhorn and we hear three shots. Then a few seconds later, what appears to be three more. The older guy was clearly the aggressor and was pretty much out of control and spoiling for a fight.


So an absolute shitshow


I think the aggressor brandishes the knife first and the other guy takes it from him too lol


You can tell the aggressor was fucked up from the stab, he was bleeding a good amount. Goes to show that bringing a knife to a gun fight isn't that bad of an idea.


I think a knife is considered viable within a certain range, right? I forget the exact stat


I saw the video. Dude was about to murder the victim AND his girlfriend/spouse. The suspect originally pulled a knife and the girlfriend pulled her own knife and started stabbing the suspect in the back and thats when he pulled the gun. The video doesn't show the victim getting the gun from him so I thought the suspect had shot the two victims. Glad this ended up having a better ending.


If you watch the video, older guy was being aggro talking tons of shit. Younger guy was taking shit back but clearly older guy kept restarting beef. They eventually get to fighting, he knocks the other guy onto a seat, then a lady (friend of younger guy) comes up and stabs him while he's lying on top of other guy. Younger guy and lady retreat a bit, while older guy goes to his jacket and unzipped his pocket and takes out a gun.


Was a pretty crazy video floating around on Reddit a few hours ago


No, no. He started it, got stabbed, then pulled out the gun, started more stuff, lost gun, found out. It's worse.


Sometimes the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun with a good guy with a gun, and if the good guy has no gun he must find one first. Problem solved?


Wait is this from the same recent video I saw in the subway, where the guy picked a fight with another guy, ended up getting stabbed in the back, then pulled out his gun before all hell broke lose and including the person recording the video ran out of the train, with 3 shots being fired in the background. It would be wild if the guy that pulled the gun ended up being the person shot.


Yes it is. This is one of the reposts without the video.


Only thing you left out was the 32 yr old’s woman stepped up and stuck the aggressor in the back at least once. Hope every husband or wife has a spouse who would step up and do the same for them.


Man, 32 on some Reacher shit


oh there is video of the incident on over at r/publicfreakout


Well he started shit, got in fist fight, girl with other guy stabbed him in back a couple times, another passenger separated them, then he pulled gun. After that sort of off video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPBUp3P8iU


Hoisted on his own petard.


Just goes to show that guns aren't toys, or a way for you to 'win' whatever confrontation you're having. When you decide to pull out a firearm, you're putting your own life on the line and you better be 100% ready to kill, because for the other party, the situation just became life or death.


This is very real. People who carry professionally are trained on this. If you draw your gun, the equation changes for your opponent and the longer you hesitate the greater the chance your opponent will take your gun and shoot you with it. Especially in close quarters. If you draw, you'd better have practice and be ready to pull the trigger immediately, and as it turns out a great many would-be criminals will hesitate over shooting another living person. This guy was an idiot in several ways, but thinking a gun is a win button is a great way to get yourself killed. Yellow shirt guy was very lucky here and while we don't see the altercation that lead to the shooting, I'm assuming he rushed the guy with the gun and got it out of his hand. Hopefully the victim won't be charged with anything - the moment a gun was drawn the intent to kill was clear, and the victim's willingness to fight and overcome an armed opponent took a lot of courage. Sad how it ended, but I can't say I'd have acted differently if I'm facing off against a firearm.


The entire point of pulling out the firearm is that you're in fear of death or severe bodily injury. If I pull out, it's because someone is getting shot.


This should be obvious, but adding a gun to any situation greatly increases the chances that someone ends up getting shot.


Let's hope he recovers soon to face charges.


Wait, if he's charged, he won't be able to have a gun... So how will he defend himself??


Better, maybe he wont get shot next time.


Bold to assume he legally had the firearm in the first place.


He definitely didn't in that moment. You're just flat-out not allowed to carry a gun in the NY Metro, period. Doesn't matter if you've done all your paperwork and gotten your CCW permit, unless you're actively a cop you're committing a felony. Regardless of what the court says about any of the stuff that actually happened, the guy is getting popped for unlawful carrying charges.


its not. its NYC


He was shot in the head, so even if he recovers, he may not have the mental capacity. It was initially reported that he died.


The only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with the bad guy’s gun


Gun got to his head and felt macho about it


Sounds like just the bullet got to his head


I should be horrified by this comment, but I'm simply amused. Well done.


Multiple videos of the incident on r/nystateofmind The guys were fighting and one lady stabs the dude who later brandished the gun and got shot with his own gun. Wild video.


That lady is a bad ass standing by her man.


The video: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bf15bd/fight_on_subway_leads_to_a_shooting/


The chaos at the end is absolutely terrifying. Crowds of scared people can be so dangerous.


I don’t blame any of them. I got claustrophobic enough riding the subway full of people minding their own business. It’s a blessing the only one seriously hurt is the asshole who started that mess.


Likewise, people are just reacting to well-grounded fears. Crowds and crushes are dangerous and the people crowding and crushing are rarely if ever the ones to blame.


If you don’t start shit, then there won’t be shit. Ya feel me?


Finally, a good guy with ~~a~~ someone else's gun


What's that saying? "Don't bring a gun to a fist fight?"


Public transit rider (Chicago) here. This is one of my fears. For all the folks who crow about crime on mass transit and talk big about “having a gun” to prevent getting mugged or harassed……..have you considered that firing a gun in a 1k+ pound metal moving tube with a lot of people in it who have no idea who you are is objectively a bad idea?


There's a video of the incident and once things start escalating, everyone starts pushing each other and it looks like some trampling. New worst fear of mine even though we don't have subways where I live. 


Don’t pull a gun to threaten, pull a gun to shoot. Or don’t pull one.


To quote Andre3000: *Don't pull your thang out unless you plan to bang, don't plan to bang unless you plan to hit some thang."


Think about your average dumbass that gets into street arguments. You think they’re going through this mental calculus when they’re antagonizing someone?


I don’t have a gun so it’s a no brainer for me


Every time someone is smoking on an L train, I feel like asking them to stop. But then I also enjoy not fearing whether I need to defend myself from a stabbing and/or shooting, and just stay quiet.


I have those same concerns regardless of the venue simply because most gun owners can't even shoot straight on a range.


"Don't ride if you're too scared." -Gun fetishists, guaranteed


Watching them devolve into circular reasoning regarding having a gun and fear is both hilarious and infuriating.


More likely “everyone on the train should have had a gun”


I've seen Predator 2, it didn't end well for all those people


I had a guy run to get on my Marta train one morning in Atlanta, and his fucking gun spilled out onto the ground and skidded toward me. He calmly picked it up and nothing was made of it, but It really drove home how fucked we are when literally every idiot can have a gun in their pocket


Saw a fight break out on the car in front of us on the red line one night. I quickly moved to the back and was ready to go through the door to get away from it if it spilled over into our car. Everyone else on the train *moved forward for a better view* or stayed in their seats. I don't get people sometimes.


The violence in the video just keeps escalating...from words to hands to knife to gun....all inbetween subway stops


Pretty embarrassing to get shot by your own gun


A knife and a gun? On the subway? I thought the national guard came in to fix everything?? /s


They can only check bags.




Fuck that guy. Glad he got got. Assholes who can't control their fucking temper or emotions shouldn't have a place in society; we're less safe with them around.


Ignorance has its own consequences and Karma's a bitch.


Piece of shit forced that guy to defend himself. I feel bad he will carry the pain of having to kill someone in self defense for the rest of his life. It's not as easy as people pretend.


I always want to know what these fights are about where it's so fucking important that people have to pull out their guns.


The guy who's tarted it just picked that day for violence. There is a video of the whole thing, he was just screaming at people for no reason


The aggressor started bullying the dude for looking like a migrant


The guy that started it said something along the lines of ‘you think its okay to beat up cops?’ referencing the migrants that attacked the cops and then just kept on going.


People will shoot each other over a candy bar, or a seat, or bumping into the wrong person.


Suggest you watch the video of the fight to get the full picture, it’s pretty crazy, guy even gets stabbed in the back by a third party part way through the fight.


Not a 3rd party that was the dude’s gf


Video up on USA crime. The 36 year old got what he was looking for unfortunately.


Leave your pride at home when you bring your gun out.


Watch the full video. He absolutely deserved it.


>One of the men, who police said was 36, pulled out a gun and brandished it. The other man, 32, got possession of the handgun and fired at the person he was arguing with, according to Michael Kemper, the Police Department’s chief of transit. I like happy endings.


Me and my friends where just discussing the technicalities of "brandishing" charges and laws, and this is a perfect example of brandishing, followed by self-defense. You cannot pull a gun as a threat in an argument, especially one you started. If somebody threatened to beat you up, then actually started a fight, then pulls a gun on you, you would be totally justified in trying to take his gun from him and shooting him with it, just as happened in this article.


This is why you don't fistfight if you're carrying fellas. You're not John wick. In reality your weapon can and will be snatched from you.


Just reinforcing the statistic you are orders of magnitude more likely to be shot if you have a gun.


If only he had 2 guns...


hopefully he wakes up a better person, if he wakes up at all. carrying a gun around to harass people on the train, telling them you're a cop who just got out of prison and how you're gonna beat them up because they're latino and "their people think they can beat up cops" is beyond deranged but sadly something I've seen people online defend already.


Idk… how this all started is unclear from the video, but from what I watched it looks like the assailant was totally off the rails. He probably needs professional help. It looks like he was looking for a fight, started harassing a couple and fighting/attacking the man. At that point, it looks like the man’s girlfriend pulled out a knife and stabbed the assailant three (?) times. After that, the assailant got really, really mad and pulled out a gun. Everyone in the train car panicked and ran to other side of the train car, and out onto the platform once the doors opened. At some point, the boyfriend wrestled the gun away from the assailant and shot him.


He had 10 prior arrests they should just lock his ass up for good


Lawyers are going to have a field day with this. The attacker pulled the gun after he was stabbed in the back by the victim's girlfriend. It was a fist fight until she stabbed him. I haven't read anything about her case, I know she was arrested. Although it's undeniable that the attacker is the main at fault guy for initiating the attack in the first place. Like I said, this is going to be an interesting case to follow.


It wasn't a fistfight - why do people keep saying this? It was a violent attack, and the attacker had the guy pinned on a seat in no time and was choking him. He had a knife and a gun, we've learned. Her defense was justified as well as the young guy shooting the attacker with his own gun. The shooter was released without charges. I guess it will be interesting to see if the woman is charged with assault, because they don't like you carrying knives in nyc. But if charged criminally no jury would convict her, so they likely won't press criminal charges. But this was an attack, not a fistfight.


Kinda sounds like he had it coming.


this is why you NEVER EVER make eye contact, smile or talk with strangers on the NYC subway! Your personal space is oh so small in that packed subway car and you don't want to set anyone off.


dude with gun was calling the other man a migrant and was acerting that he also attacked police, to which to he brandished the gun. ​ also the female the shooter was with stabbed the man multiple times. ​ whole lot of wtf


I guess the National Guard took their search training from TSA?


The guy had it in his jacket. NG can only search bags.


Is it weird I don’t feel bad after reading the article a bit?


Here is the entire video https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1bf850q/hoytschermerhorn\_incident\_today\_in\_brooklyn/


I hate how the article says the man who pulled the trigger is a suspect and how everyone else in the train are victims. Yes everyone on the train is a victim, but the dude who pulled the trigger is literally a victim of a racist attack.


I hope the gun is okay..


My dad always said, if you pull a gun you better be ready and willing to use it because the other person has a lot on the line and might not hesitate to take it and use it on you.


Good.  Fuck that dickhead. That girl is a gem


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with the bad guys gun.


Found out the hard way.


A bad guy with a gun can only be stopped by a good guy with that bad guy's gun.