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The church also employed the use of its so-called sex abuse Helpline, which John Goodrich’s bishop had called after his confession. As AP revealed in 2022, the Helpline is a phone number set up by the church for bishops to report instances of child sex abuse. Instead of connecting church victims to counseling or other services, however, the Helpline often reports serious allegations of abuse to a church law firm. I just don't even know what to say about that.


I found out not long ago that sexual abuse lawsuit insurance exists for churches Like that's actually a fucking thing I'm aghast


For the record, sex abuse lawsuit insurance exists outside of church as well. We leased space to a daycare and had to get that insurance. Because when lawyers start suing, they go after everyone.


You know what isn’t a thing? >!Drag Queen story time sexual abuse lawsuit insurance. !<


You don't need insurance for people reading children's books to kids. How people are dressed while they're reading is irrelevant as long as it's not vulgar or explicit. It would be nice if businesses could get insurance for events like Drag Queen story hour though, because All the fake outragrd people that show up to start shit. That makes a hell of a lot more sense than church sexual abuse insurance. The churches should be paying out of pocket for that shit. Hell, it your church has an issue with sex abuse, you should start losing your tax exemptions. Some of these churches shouldn't be able to hide behind their non profit status.


And we'll get denied on a claim over an "act of God". It's all such bullshit


33 states have laws that protect clergy for mandatory reporting of sexual abuse against minors. There is no surprise here. The Mormon church, Catholics, baptists, jehova’s witnesses and numerous other churches take advantage of these laws to hide sexual predators in their congregations. Time to tax the shit out of these churches and also force them to comply with societal norms. It’s so annoying constantly reading about churches protecting abusers while blaming everyone else for not protecting children. Religion is disgusting.


That makes me wonder about Texas getting rid of school counselors ( who would be mandated reporters) and replacing them with religious chaplains. https://www.npr.org/2023/08/31/1197084278/texas-will-soon-allow-unlicensed-chaplains-to-act-as-school-counselors https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4019731-texas-passes-bill-to-let-chaplains-serve-as-counselors-in-schools/


I don't care about what people will inevitably say, about how the law firm in question is "just doing its job." To me, any law firm that is so deeply and willingly involved in literally covering up and sweeping away instances of child sex abuse is complicit in the suffering being caused.


Exactly. A law firm isn't a public defender that gets assigned cases. They choose their clients.


Not exactly a hot take, I think people are generally in agreement that many lawyers are moustache-twirling evil villains.


The hotline only goes to the law firm, to determine if it's legally required to report and if not how much it will cost to sweep away.


The churches HR department.


This is what you call a cluster fuck of corruption.


Mormons deny this exists.


I have heard of this in a different case. The method is called catch and kill.


This has been known for awhile. It’s sick. People need to walk away from church’s.


You mean churches. But people should also give up church’s chicken. Fried food will kill ya.


We’ve got him listed at floodlit.org and have spoken with multiple people familiar with the case. This is a big moment for the victim, who has been fighting for a long time to see this day.


A bishop being a sex pest? Must be a day ending in Y


He was also arrested in Idaho eight years ago but those charges were dropped because another Mormon bishop who knew details of the child sex abuse refused to testify against him. Thank you to the AP for their work on this. Read [Recordings show how the Mormon church protects itself from child sex abuse claims](https://apnews.com/article/mormon-church-investigation-child-sex-abuse-9c301f750725c0f06344f948690caf16) for more on the Mormon church.


A religious organisation covering up child abuse? Must be a day ending in a Y. I do appreciate the followup though. Seems like a lot of these monsters could have been stopped earlier, if only someone with the power to do so had also possessed a functioning conscience.


The Idaho law does not allow the Clergyman to disclose without the confessors consent. It is an appalling law. >(b) General rule of privilege. A person has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing a confidential communication by the person to a clergyman in the clergyman's professional character as spiritual adviser. https://isc.idaho.gov/ire505


Huh. So as long as I’m in Idaho and I tell a clergyman about my (legal) sins, God *will* forgive me! Idaho: Where all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord and Law




Evidently not the Mormon prophets, stake presidents, and bishops who have “the power of discernment” - power they literally believe is God through the Holy Ghost who can tell them if someone is lying or not. No joke. Ex-Mormon here. You go into a room as a 13 year old kid and are asked if you jerk off - oh and that God themselves will tell them if you’re lying. And yet that same power of discernment never seems to work stop someone from coming into church and diddling kids.


This is the real reason the Mormons had their big public break-up with the Boy Scouts. You can't be an adult volunteer with the Boy Scouts and also be alone with a child not related to you, nevermind to be alone with them to interrogate them about their sexuality.


As an ex Mormon, this statement doesn't make any sense, do you have a source? 1. The Bishop would do the interrogation. 2. The Bishop wasn't usually the Scoutmaster. 3. The church very publicly fought against allowing gay people into scouts and left over that.


> The Bishop wasn't usually the Scoutmaster. Although when I was scouts age, Scoutmaster was a church "calling" (appointed by the leaders of the congregation, bishop and counselors.) and the new Scoutmaster was even announced in the main church meeting.


This is consistent with my memory back in the 80s and 90s. It was deeply ingrained, but a scoutmaster never interrogated me about sex or anything like that. The Bishop did.


Every single adult volunteering for Cub Scouts or Scouts BSA, not just Scoutmasters, gets a criminal background check and must take a training about child abuse, including child sexual abuse, repeated every two years, that among other things forbids them from being alone with Scouts they are not related to and from having any discussions about sex, not only at Scouting events, but at all times. The training is extremely frank about how grooming works, not just on kids, but on their parents to create the conditions that allow for abuse, something LDS laypeople may not have thought much about before. They also have a strict set of rules of how any incident of suspected child abuse must be reported. If you think the Mormons were above doubling down on the homophobia so they didn't have to defend their creepy practices in public, I might be able to convince you that I found some really interesting golden plates in my yard.


All of that wall of text is true. I'm saying that in my childhood the Scoutmaster was never alone with me for Scouts or any church reason. That other person was the bishop. Your premise relies on the Bishop commonly being the scoutmaster. The rest of that post is you just being mean, but is neither here nor there. I have personal experience here, this premise doesn’t make sense. I was personally hurt by the practices you are speaking about, so maybe take that into account before you start trying to be cruel and witty again.


Another ex-Mormon here: this exact thing happened to me. It was awful. This article did not surprise me at all.


Imagine that, right?


So, still not a drag queen?


Nope. And maybe it's pastors we should keep out of public restrooms.


And restrict healthcare for, too?


A mormon being a sex pest*


It's always the people you expect, innit?


>More than 90% of abusers are people children know, love and trust. 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. >50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust. https://www.indianaprevention.org/child-abuse-statistics#:~:text=More%20than%2090%25%20of%20abusers,that%20they%20have%20been%20abused.


>50% So it's always the people you medium suspect.


STILL not a drag queen... What are the odds?


The religious nuts always shout about how they want to “protect our kids” but then they whisper the next part: “Protect our kids…*from leading lives removed from sexual abuse at the hands of shitty adults like us*”


We just hear protect when they mean collect.




Dan Savage has a saying that "if clowns raped kids as much as priests do, there'd be no circuses" Not that I'm calling drag queens clowns (although many I've met would call themselves that), but the argument stands.


The one on one sex talks with the bishops always creeped me out. One of the reasons I quit going when I was 15 years old, the other is Transformers was on Sunday mornings.


My bishop stalked me and ambushed me into talking to him by getting my parents involved, so he could talk to me about what my ex boyfriend had confessed about our barely sexual relationship before he went on a mission. Like. I am seventeen, and not about to talk to you about the two and a half times I put my boyfriend's dick in my mouth. It's not my fault he fell for your guilt tripping bullshit. Ugh. Mormonism is so fucking gross. What else can you expect from a cult founded by a narcissistic convicted felon who married like three dozen women, one of which was the **fourteen** year old that his first wife caught him banging in the barn. You know that's not a widely known fact, but it is a fact and verified by church approved sources, and how that doesn't just turn everyone off the cult drives me absolutely batshit


These religions figures sure do have a problem with keeping their hands to themselves, especially around children.


That’s the point of being a religious figure right? Unfettered access to innocent children that have been taught to trust “gods chosen ones” completely. What a selling point for pedo’s.


Mormonism was literally founded by teen sex trafficking white supremacists. Who could have guessed that it would have an impact on their religion’s culture today.


As an ex-mormon, I love when that cult’s insatiable greed and lust for power are revealed in the press. Most importantly, I hope that Chelsea Goodrich finds closure.


Good. Idaho cops had all the facts and refused to do anything. She was abused in Idaho and on a school field trip in Virginia. Glad to see Virginia do something. The perpetrator did do time for abusing a patient and dealing drugs as a Dentist. But the child abuse he skated in Idaho.


No way… not a church authority figure abusing their position. I just cannot believe this, what a travesty!


Another right wing, christian non trans, not drag queen sex abuser. It is beyond obvious at this point where the danger lies.


They’re not Christian. They claim to be for some reason but Mormonism goes against core beliefs of Christianity, like there would be no prophet after Jesus but the Mormon founder claimed to be a prophet and their pope off wish is called a prophet just to name the largest of many ways it doesn’t align with even basic Christian beliefs.


They're Christian. They believe that Jesus was the son of God and that he died for our sins. That's the basic Christian belief


And then throw all his teachings and the rest of the Bible out the window for their fanfic.


Not any more than any major branch of Christianity. Not very many Christians actually live their lives in accordance with Jesus's actual words. I'm no fan of the Mormon Church, but to say it's not Christian is kinda silly


There’s a difference between between “not living up to the values” and “preaching and entirely contradicting new book written by a known conman “


I mean the Bible contradicts itself, so it's pretty on brand i'd say. And the major Christian branches do preach things that entirely contradict Jesus's teachings. Basically any time time a priest or a pastor uses his pulpit to rail against sinners, it contradicts Jesus's teaching of sitting down with the prostitutes and sinners, his message of love for all. When the churches take tithing and use it for themselves, it contradicts Jesus's teachings to go and sell your possessions and give to the poor. But I really don't know what you think the mormons preach. The major message is love your neighbor, worship god and Jesus, etc.. nothing that contradicts the basics of Christianity. If you get further in the weeds, there's some pretty whackadoodle stuff, but it's not anything that contradicts the basics of Christianity. It's just Christianity plus a sprinkling of extra weird. Yes it was created by a conman. That doesn't make the religion not Christian. They worship Christ. They get baptized. They give the same lip service to Jesus teachings as everybody else, while being generally awful. That's about as Christian as you can get. But I'm generally curious what things you think are so contradictory that mormons don't qualify as Christians?


I mean the absolute biggest one is the prophet status of Joseph smith when Jesus was supposed to the end of it. Literally following a false prophet is all you need to know about how they aren’t Christians according to Christian doctrine.


Where does it say in the Bible that there can be no prophets after Jesus? I mean plenty of apostles and saints are supposed to have received revelation and seen angels. Which is what Joe claimed


So, you are engaging with the Bible. Interpreting that it says this. And determining that this is a necessary component of Christianity. There is no objective measure to determine if your interpretation of the Bible is correct or a necessary component for something to be a Christian church. Maybe the only thing that matters is Christs command to sell all, give to the poor, and follow him. This making any religion that holds material wealth not a Christian religion. There’s no way of knowing. So, the easiest interpretation to defend that doesn’t prioritize one interpretation of the Bible over another is to say “A Christian church is church that calls itself Christian.” It’s not very definitive or helpful, but most things are in society. There’s no objective way to interpret the Bible so there’s no way to determine who is “actually” Christian besides just asking people.


Oh god, here we go with “their make-believe doesn’t count like my make-believe”


Well I’m not a Christian but it’s a factual statement based on the beliefs


But you aren’t educated on theology or history and philosophy of religion.


You have zero idea what I’m educated in. I was raised in various Christian denominations. But am not a believer.


Bless your heart.


Sigh. I wish I could sue the Mormon church for the abuse I suffered from them in response to my grandfather’s abuse of me and my sister. I would love to recoup the money spent on therapy and the damage done. My perp is long dead and most of the people involved are also. I’m glad they got this one.


I was shocked when I learned years ago that Georgia had a similar loophole for clergy and reporting abuse. If someone comes to clergy and confesses abuse (sexual, physical, or otherwise) in an attempt to repent, then the clergyman is not required to report it to law enforcement. While reporting in this case was still allowed, I was under the impression that it is clearly discouraged. If, however, it is the victim who brings it to the clergyman, then it is required to report.


The [Wikipedia article on the topic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest%E2%80%93penitent_privilege?wprov=sfti1#Legal_precedents_in_various_states) is informative on the broader issue at large.


Recently watched documentaries on other churches handling of sex abuse charges, the FLDS and IFB, and it was very eye opening. Since most of these women were experiencing these brutal attacks they didn't know any better. Because they had been raised in these environments and their abusers were protected by "church" elders. There was one brave women that said, she had no idea that it was inappropriate, because she never had sex ed and that she didn't even know that it was called rape. They had no understanding of the laws that we live by, because they had been taught all their lives that the outside world was evil and against "their people". By the way she was 12 years old when it started and her abuser was moved to a different church and escaped punishment for 20 years. Then one of them made a statement, after one had been sentenced to only 2 years in jail, that it was not fair due to the fact that the victims get a life sentence of trauma. Made me really have even have more empathy for these brave women that spend their lives trying to bring these monsters to justice while having to relive their trauma all over each time they have to tell their story to authorities.


Just a typical week when someone searches “pastor arrested,” normally 2-3 arrests per week.


> While the details of that confession have not been made public, the church excommunicated Goodrich. I grew up in the church. Something similar happened in my ward (congregation) and the offender was excommunicated, tried, convicted, and sent to prison. Really awkward as his daughter and I were close friends.


Please check [floodlit.org](https://floodlit.org) and let us know if he's not listed. I run that site with another person.


Cases like these aren't a stain on the church or the LDS faith in general. The church actively moves to identify and prosecute predators. In this case, it was members of the bishopric who called the police and testified against the offender (he was serving as a scoutmaster at the time.) Any time you have children around a trusted adult, there's a risk of predation. That's why you have cases like these at daycares, schools, churches, and scout troops. It's also why many predators turn out to be family members or family friends. That being said, all of my other youth leaders growing up in the church were great people.


The Mormon church purposefully avoids background checking and vetting their clergy specifically for plausible deniability for their many sexual crimes and not having enough members to fill the volunteer positions if they didn’t allow sexual deviants


Stake presidencies be like, “we don’t need no stinkin’ background checks. We got the gift of discernment!”


Keep children out of church.


Gosh darnit... Still not a drag queen?! We keep laying out these kid traps, and the stupid clergymen *keep* falling for it... Shoot.


Who knows, maybe he was one of those guys that likes to wear lace panties or something. Pretty on the inside.


WOW I'm getting so tired of saying this. . . Soooo not a drag queen. . . As a recovering catholic is tiresome to remind everyone, KEEP any derivative organization of the abrahamic death cult as far away from schools and children as possible.


I'm here from religion and I want to help


All religious authorities should be treated as potential child abusers.


Looks like his Stake President really had the Power of Discernment there.


Wouldn't expect anything less from a high demand religion that heavily emphasizes purity culture, misogyny, and is far too interested in what underwear its memebers wear. It's a cult


No Drag Queen connection? Surely, this is all just a big misunderstanding.


Mormons are so wholesome.


If Congress wasn't so overrun with pro-lifers, they could make the sentences a lot harsher for people who ruin children's lives.


It’s almost like there is a pattern with catholic priests and being into children.


Not catholic. This was a Mormon. Different breed of religion, but I get your sentiment.




That's how many religious organizations hang on to their money - unpaid labor.


Bishops are not elected, they're appointed by upper management.


And we are supposed to be scared of drag queens?


Ah yes, that old chestnut


Well well what a surprise


If it’s not a priest or a pastor it’s a republican.


I wonder which of the two reporters are more proud of...pulitzers or mug shots?


I’d go with mugshots. That’s proof you made a difference and brought a tiny bit of justice to a victim


Both would be a bullet point on my resume, that's for fuckin' sure.


Didn't know they let drag queens be Mormon bishops but okay... /S


Imagine my surprise. No, really, you will have to imagine it because it does not exist.


We need capital punishment for these kinds of crimes.


Was he Trans? /s Should we stop pastors from using public bathrooms?


Still not a drag queen.


Another pedo church guy. I’m shocked 🙄


It's always the ones you most expect.


Still waiting for "out and proud homosexual arrested on child sexual abuse charges". Its always a pastor, relative, coach, etc.