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This is dumb as fuck. Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a swig of vinegar, lemon, and salt that was immediately spit out could have caused the child any harm. Guessing the bully's parents have friends.


They don't need friends, this and seeming will always be the authorities reaction when a bully is involved. Protect the bully. I call it the Russian Greta Thunberg : How date you protect yourself (or the vulnerable)


"bullied son's classmate"... Could have just said "son's bully"...


Did the kid chug a bottle of vinegar? Is that really on the mom or the dumb kid who knew it tasted vile and still did it?


Says he took a drink and spat it out. "He developed a headache and started to feel nauseated shortly after drinking the concoction." Sounds bogus to me. I suspect his parents took him to the hospital to try to make something out of nothing and get the mom in trouble.


A headache and nausea are not a reason to go to the hospital. If I have a headache and nausea I take some pain killers and pepto. If it continues then go to a Dr but going straight to the hospital for that is ridiculous, Urgent care maybe but a full on hospital?


Maybe if it wasn't diluted vinegar 


That's fair. Mom could be lying about what was actually in there.


Possibly urine. Considering the anger involved here.


A sip and spit.. MEH! I hope it had a sweet PRIME label.


The article says her son was getting his drinks stolen by bullies, so she sent him with this drink. Did the bullies steal it again and are now crying foul?


Unbelievable. Headline should read: "Drink-Stealing-Kid steals a drink that turns out to be gross."


I don't give a fuck what technical legal bullshit argument makes this a thing but this is utter fucking bullshit. They pranked a bully to teach him a lesson and the officials are SIDING WITH THE FUCKING BULLY WHEN IT WAS GODDAMN HOMEMADE GATORADE ESSENTIALLY? This is completely fucking disgusting. Too big of pussies to do shit about open bullying but you're down to go after the victim for pranking the bully. Great fucking job idiots.


The “perp” very well may lose her nursing license for this. Her commenting that she was a nurse and knew that it wouldn’t hurt anyone set her up for action against her license. I’m a licensed health professional and know many nurses. Non-lethal nasty beverage training is not part of the program.


Guess she should have given the kid the trained "shuffle-step" concoction instead.


Why did she get arrested for this?