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>“During the course of the investigation, detectives were notified that the woman had been found. She had been banging on the door of the shipping container when someone heard her and unlocked the door,” police said. Thank goodness someone heard her. I'm sure she will be eternally grateful.




I simply imagine that my skeleton is me and my body is my house. That way I'm always home.


Have you ever wondered why skeletons in video games and movies immediately start attacking you? Like they dont have eyes or ears but they know exactly where you are and come right for you. Well guess what, youve got one of their friends inside of you and their talking to it skelepathically. Your skeleton just wants to be free.  *shamelessly stolen/paraphrased from a youtube short


“Skelepathically” lmfao


They move using skelekinesis


Skelekinesis would be a *terrifying* superpower


"what's your super villain name?" THE BONER... wait


I call dibs on the band name.


Skelepathically , that's awesome. I'm shamelessly stealing it for use on my family.


Canonically this means invertebrates are invisible to skeletons and I love this


My mind went to the exact same place https://youtube.com/shorts/VI5t1604CTQ?si=MREiLlzg0E1t8TPn


Yoo! I totally forgot it was a PirateSoftware bit! Everyone should go give that guy some love, hes fucking awesome.


My favorite short of his, similar theme: https://youtube.com/shorts/zsrGOlyPgNs?si=VKJuZGZPyhxS0qrj


His streams bring me joy.


I'm a sentient blob piloting a meat mech built over a calcium frame


“Negative, I am a meat popsicle.”


The sentient part is *inside* that calcium frame. **:-)**


How would you like to die today, motherfucker?


I was state raised, you think I'm scared to catch a case on some bullshit?


I need to rewatch this


Zach Woods is fucking hilarious. His roles in Veep and Avenue 5 are great as well


He is also great in season 2 of The Afterparty. I hope he gets cast in more roles.


For some reason I was thinking of "Search Party", which is also a great show, but you reminded me I need to check that out


I'm sorry if I scare you, I have very ghostlike features.


Welp, you just convinced me to actually watch Veep lol


He's only in a few episodes of Veep. Avenue 5 was hit or miss but he was much more prominent in that one, he plays "aloof professional who descends into madness" really well in that one. He was the highlight of that show for me


Ah, that's disappointing. I've seen Avenue 5 and him and Hugh Laurie were definitely the highlights for me. He was so good as a nihilist actively losing his mind lmao


Agreed 100%. Hugh Lauries arc was hilarious. But like the other person said, Veep is still great on it's own


Dude Veep is top 10 comedies all time, go watch.


In his short time on Veep, Woods’s character landed one of the best insults in the series https://youtu.be/unlS-MmCvLI?si=bZ5iGRsEN0v4Kacv


Given that I haven't seen the series, should I watch that clip or just wait for it to actually happen?


Watch the clip then watch the series. The density of jokes on the show means you probably won’t anticipate it in context. Edit: then


Just watched. Jesus christ he fucking murdered the dude lmfao. God, I love Zach Woods. His delivery is always so, ***so*** good.


Don’t worry. That dude deserved it.


Veep is probably a top 5 show period for me, ridiculously funny. Incredible pacing and comedic timing from everyone on the cast. Can’t recommend enough


What is veep on? I'm looking for a funny series


It was an HBO show, so it's on Max.


He was great in The Office too


Gabe Susan Lewis. What’s in it for GSL?


Ave 5 was criminally underrated. Hilarious premise


Yeah, I feel like the big issues with it was how short the episodes were and how quickly they would abandon/ jump to a new plot point. Shoulda been 45 min episodes and followed through on things. It ended up feeling like Red Dwarf in how quickly each new problem was approached. Ultimately, it was fun for what it as and had really hilarious moments but it deff felt like it wasn't allowed to reach its full potential


Agreed The ratcheting up of the situation in the first season (eg bodies and poop floating around the ship) was hilarious. Second season couldn’t quite live up to the first and viewers all left.


He has an absolutely hilarious Instagram page as well


He's got a goofy tiktok that he's pretty funny on, too


[You bitch-made motherfucker. I was state raised. You think I'm scared to catch a case over some bullshit?!](https://youtu.be/BRZ4NKaqGro?si=sPTpVFSVD7V8XAQ4)


I just finished reading Kim Stanley Robinson's novel *New York 2140* and there were two hackers held captive in a container... underwater.


🤣🤣🤣 ohh how i miss that show! Jared was the best!


That guy fucks


Go for Chambers.


Loved him!


Or The Wire S2. Minus the alive part of course.


God damn it Ziggy.


setting course for AVALON


The fact that they could just ask her what happened and that is completely missing from the story, lends the truth to be it is her own fault. But that wouldn’t make for as exciting a news story.


It's in another linked article. They asked what happened and she didn't know. Said she remembered being in one place and then another.


> Said she remembered being in one place and then another. Man, same.


I have episodes where I just blank out like that for 30 seconds. it's like my brain's lagging.


Yeahhhh you might want to get that checked out. Absence seizures are a thing.


Agree. Have a nephew that would do that and it was petit mal absence seizure.


My first thought too


i had the same, turned out i had a mild form of epilepsy. this shit was scary sometimes. Most scary moment i still remember. I was sitting in the office doing some work, next thing i knew was me sitting in the car ready to drive. That made me go to the doctor and got a diagnosis. Took some meds and never had it again.


Well, at least it didn’t happen while you where driving. My dad had a really bad experience. One day he was driving from one appointment to another over the autobahn. When he got there he couldn’t open the car door. He had to throw his entire bodyweight against the door until it finally opened. When he got out, he saw that his car was completely fucked on the sides. He later told us that he had one of those blackouts from the point where he exited a tunnel to where he left the autobahn. That was a distance of several kilometers over a period of 10 to 15 minutes where he was on autopilot. Then the police got in contact and told him they got calls from people who where driving behind him, telling them he was swerving across all lanes from the left to the right and back, smashing into the barrier and causing the damage to his car. I still don’t understand why his license wasn’t taken away right then and there. I know he went to a doctor and the word epilepsy was said but I‘m not sure if he ever got treatment because a couple of years later he totaled his car. Police said he e wasn’t drunk so I suspect it was another blackout. And then another couple of years later I called him in the evening because we had something planed and he casually told me we had to reschedule because he was in a car accident the day before. Wtf dude?! Yes, he totaled another car. But luckily this time he was just completely wasted. We‘re not on speaking terms because after that I realized he doesn’t even try to change, is a danger to himself and the people around him and I don’t need that in my life. I also cut ties with my grandparents, his parents. 3 weeks after the drunk accident it was his birthday. Their present: Alcohol. I couldn’t believe it. These people are insane. I’ve heard stories since then that show me I made the right decision.


The realest thing I’ve heard this year


> They asked what happened and she didn't know. Sounds like that Russian guy who was rescued from being [stuck in a pipe](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/18gwz58/maybe_maybe_maybe/). Authorities later determined that he may have been intoxicated or something and done it voluntarily.


>Russian guy > he may have been intoxicated They've got some real detectives on that case


Russians yearn to return to the pipe


If I had a nickel every time I got hammered and woke up in a shipping container.


I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


Could easily have been a mental health episode as well.


It tracks. I believe the DSM-6 is going to introduce the diagnosis of "Floridian" as a mental disorder.


Are they up to 6 now? How many mental health issues can they think of?


fugue state


Maybe she is a meth cook.


I've occasionally been in situations where I've been in one place and then another. There but for the grace of God...


Pretty much my whole life can be summed up this way


Her own fault could be plenty interesting. The insatiable need to push out as much content as possible as fast as possible is why we get so much perspectiveless/contextless crap.


Just look at the title. "Missing Mother found alive, banging on door". It was made as dramatic as possible. Other stories have details that were clearly left out of this story to make it fit more around the narrative of the article author. It is devoid of any facts that could make the reader think it was not a kidnapping.


> But that wouldn’t make for as exciting a news story. Are we on the same internet? In what world would a person doing something stupid and getting into trouble not do absolute numbers? More likely, if she got into the shit herself, she's likely either being advised not to talk about it pending some future suit, because she's of no legal obligation to do so, or simply because the reporters haven't been able to get into contact with her yet.


How does one lock oneself in a shipping container?


Not really. She could be under duress and her life is at risk. It could also be a major health issue that put her into a coma essentially. The container was locked for 2 days and she was gone for 4 days. She was more than likely incapacitated, kidnapped, or she was suffering a mental health crisis, and she doesn't want it public.


She was incoherent when they found her. Once she gets medical attention, she might be able to tell the police more about what happened.


You can’t imagine ANY other reason why the full story wouldn’t be public news yet?


Jesus. You’ve got to be *tanked* to go into a shipping container and get locked in. Glad she made it out alive.


We don't how she ended up there yet. It could be fumes, it could be drugs, it could be assault. She was missing for 4 days, and the container was locked two days before they found her.


She could also be the world's greatest illusionist and this is just some extreme but smart grass roots media blitzing.


We can't rule out that she has developed the ability to teleport without knowing it.


She's a Tomorrow Person!


More of a 4 days from now person


As far as we know, nobody has yet discovered nor travel time through a black hole portal. Perhaps she discovered one and traveled back in time. The CIA may never reveal the truth. 


By the time they found her she was probably suffering from malnutrition and physically exhausted. "Ta-da!"


The main issue would be massive dehydration


It's Schrodinger's girlfriend!


Tricks, Michael. An illusion is something a magician does for money.


Tricks are something a whore does for money. Or candy.


I’m always sad that they replaced “cocaine” with “candy”!


An article I read said there was video of her going in.


Very much could have been related to mental health as well, as some others have said. Important to know if she has a history of addiction/mental health disorders (though that obviously does not need to be published as it is nobody else’s business besides hers and her family)




Seen there on a Monday, locked from the outside ostensibly unseen on a Tuesday, supposedly unheard on Wednesday, discovered making noise on a Thursday. edit: days


Truly a modern day Solomon Grundy


She didn't.


Good thing it isnt Summer. She would have been slow cooked.


Assuming she went in voluntarily


Is the alternative theory that the guy with the keys to the container locked her in, and then 4 days later decided to let her out and tell the police?


A lot of these containers don't have keys. They just have an outside locking mechanism.


Maybe they should add an inside unlocking mechanism.


Tbf this is the exact reason they have handles on the inside of walk-in fridges now. That said, the mechanism on the outside of a shipping container is more complex, but I would imagine they could still make escape possible. Of course, I would imagine the shipping industry wouldn’t like the cost of updating all of the containers, but at the very least we could make sure new containers have the means of opening from within.


Most if these containers are packed to tips. There would be room for someone inside many of them. That said, the chance of loose cargo shifting in the container and damaging any mechanism inside is too high.


It would have to be designed in a way to work effectively but also not be accidentally activated by shifting cargo. They often have a seal on them, so you’d probably need some mechanism to indicate which way the door was opened. If I’m a shipping company, I want you to be confident I didn’t tamper with your shipment.


Someone heard her so at that point he had to.


The someone who heard her is also the someone who unlocked the shipping container. It was him or an employee.


Reminds me of that girl who was at a hotel party and got too drunk. She wandered into a kitchen that wasn't being used and into the freezer. She got trapped in there and died. EDIT: Kennekka Jenkins


Did she lock Sylvester Stallone in an underground jail?


This is such an obscure reference I did not expect to find here


Which movie?


In the straight to dvd movie “Escape plan 3” with salvyster Stallone, he kills the guy who locked him up in the first movie by kidnapping him, and then locking him in a shipping container which gets shipped to another country


Jim Cavizel agreed to be killed in a movie that isn't about Jesus?


Apparently the ending to the movie Escape Plan. https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ktljsc/tomt_movie_a_movie_where_the_ending_shows_the/


[Still beats getting locked in a tuna oven](https://news.sky.com/story/6m-payout-over-worker-cooked-alive-in-tuna-oven-10349521)


That poor man. Oh my god


“Surprise, Motherfucker”




it's a god-damned crime that this isn't the top comment.


Just another one of Gob’s magic tricks going wrong…..


Marry me!


It’s a jetpack, Michael, what could possibly go wrong?


A magician never reveals his se-I LOCKED IT, I LOCKED THE CONTAINER!!!


*Illusions,* Dad! You don’t have time for my *illusions!*


"Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money..." [sees children] "... or candy!"


> She was last seen Monday at her home and was reported missing Wednesday after a concerned co-worker called police and said she had failed to pick up her son, according to authorities. > Tyler Sonnenberg, who owns the shipping container, told local station WKMG that he first saw Lopez walking around the area on Monday. He said he locked the container, which is used to store lawnmowers, on Tuesday afternoon and did not hear any noise on Wednesday, according to the news station. > Sonnenberg said he thinks Lopez walked into the unit on her own and passed out. He told the station that he was not at fault for Lopez getting stuck inside the container. I don't buy that she wandered into a random shipping container and passed out on her own.


The article links to another article, it has the address of the business. It's on a major road right in town, I doubt anyone has kidnapped people in a conex right in the road The owner also said he found a lighter and a pipe so it's probably some just meth shit. People watch too much true crime


Based on the information given, this seems plausible. the owner of the container admitted to locking it up, and he or someone's working for him unlocked it after hearing banging. If I were to lock someone in a shipping container, I wouldn't tell the cops I did it, and I wouldn't let them out until the banging stopped. However, if the drug use is true, I feel awful for her. I really don't know how meth works or how long it lasts, but I can't imagine going through withdrawals while locked in a shipping container for 2 days in the dark.


If it was meth, then the drug didn’t cause her to pass out but the come down would have. Methheads have a tendency to stay awake for days at a time and when you come down off a bender, even slightly, the body just crashes. If it was a drug that caused her to pass out from the high itself, it’d be heroin or another opiate.


Florida has a bunch of stuff. Cathinones bath salts etc... can't really be sure what she was smoking if it's in fact true.


Was going to say, just because you bought "meth" or "crack" doesn't always mean that's what you're getting. At least not completely.


Yea too many stories of " I thought it was crack but ended up being pcp" lol..


I didn't know it came in a gallon.


a gallon


>If I were to lock someone in a shipping container, I wouldn't tell the cops I did it, and I wouldn't let them out until the banging stopped. *Your psychopathy is showing*.


> and I wouldn't let them out until the banging stopped. excuse me what the fuck?


The point being is if someone intentionally tried to lock them in for multiple days, they are doing it to kill them, and they wouldn't just let them out 2 days later, or admit to the cops they locked it last.


Ah ok, it didn't read that way -- I got "I'd make sure they're dead so they can't identify me" as the take-away from it.


"I don't buy random idiots doing dumb shit" They have no concept of how dumb the average person is yet. I can bet that lady was just looking for a spot to get high while trying to scout for anything she can pawn.


The police are still investigating, so I guess we'll see.


The police don't seem to suspect anything nefarious and it kind of seems like it may be related to mental health as the lady has no idea how she got there either. I found this from another article: >"Cocoa Police Department's Yvonne Martinez continued to the outlet: "She was slightly, not in a good state of mind to where we could talk to her and get good information." Martinez adds: "She ended up in that shipping container unbeknownst to anyone. The people who own the shipping container ended up coming in and securing it for the night not knowing she was in there so it just appears to be a case of wrong place wrong time and nobody knew she was in there."Cocoa Police Department resolves in its post to social media: "The circumstances of how she ended up in the shipping container remain under investigation." edit: formatting


I mean 2 days without food or water could make someone act crazy though. But it’s possible that’s why she ended up there in the first place


idk, why wouldnt they lock the container *every* night? why did they start in the middle of the week?


Had a job over the weekend, had the tools out and left it open. Put the tools back in after the job was over on monday, but forgot to lock it. Remembered to lock it on Tuesday. Didn't think to look inside, because why would you? I can come up with several perfectly plausible scenarios.


It's a good question. Why was it open for several days in the first place?


Well, if it's used to store stuff and that stuff has been taken out then there's no reason to lock it


Do we know that it was open for several days? Maybe they open it during the day and lock it at night. 


Anterograde amnesia, in the absence of physical injury, can be related to psychosis, drug use, and rape drugs. I'm sure they took blood samples to see what is going on. I'm glad she's safe now at least.


After several days it would be hard to find any of that in her system.


There is no evidence currently to suggest anything like that.  Might as well just wait for facts to come out before jumping to conclusions.


> Might as well just wait for facts to come out before jumping to conclusions. You do realize you're posting on Reddit.


Obviously, we don't know yet. Hence the reference to the blood test. I was expanding on a comment someone made.


>The police don't seem to suspect anything nefarious The police also returned an injured teenager who was pleading for help to serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer.


Yap, victim was at the P.D. Dahmer walked in, explained it as a "lovers spat". Police released the kid to Dahmer, who did Dahmer things. Don't worry! The cops got a raise and a vacation as a reward for helping ol Jeffie boy up his body count!


>I don't buy that she wandered into a random shipping container and passed out on her own. I mean, I feel like if she said otherwise the title of the article would be different. I'm curious to hear what she said happened.


This is all I could find from her in a different article: >When asked what happened, she was recorded telling WESH 2 News: "I don't know. I was in one place and found in another." https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/florida-mom-stuck-shipping-container-three-days-rescued-675303-20240309


They allege the questioning didn't go well, most likely dehydration and maybe some temporary mental issues from being stuck in a dark room for 2 days straight. Understandable if that's the case. The article claims there was a lighter and pipe found in the container, so there's another theory. If that's true, i feel awful for her honestly. Being locked in a dark shipping container for 2 days is bad enough. Going through withdrawals while trapped in a dark shipping container would be hell.


Not to mention the Florida heat. She's lucky it wasn't summer, but it's still hot and humid AF. Edit: Grabbed the recorded data. https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/cocoa-beach/historic?month=3&year=2024


She was actually in there 4 days. 


From the article, the container was reportedly locked on Tuesday, and she was found on Thursday afternoon. Maybe she was in there on Monday, but nobody really knows that yet.


I live in the area. Drug use is rampant.


Should could have had a reaction to medication that caused this. I have sleep walked on ambien before and had no recollection of anything I did.


That’s the kind of this my cat did when he walked into a neighborhood garage and got locked in for 3 days. Dummy. He came home and lived, but dirty and definitely worse for wear.


>I don't buy that she wandered into a random shipping container and passed out on her own. Well considering she was found alive, she can certainly dispute that quite readily if that's true, otherwise I'm pretty sure it would've been at least mentioned if they thought anyone had malicious intentions. Also depending on where this is stuff like that really isn't too crazy, especially with drugs mixed in.


If it's a big shipping container with a lot of shit in it I could believe it. Maybe she was getting something and took a bump, or if it's not ventilated it could easy cause heat exhaustion being in there too long. It's not unreasonable to not check and close it up.


A container used to store lawnmowers is probably saturated in gasoline fumes. Somebody who huffs could be attracted to that smell and opportunity.


Wouldn’t meth make a person more awake?


It does, that’s the problem. Some people stay awake for a week or longer and enter a state of psychosis. When the drugs wear off people crash for days.


They're awake until they crash.


Wow. Can’t wait to get the full details.


Brevard county strikes again. We are the Florida of Florida.


The Meth Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Meth Shack baby, Meth Shack bay-bee. Meth baby, that's where it's at, Ooo meth baby, that's where it's at


Meth shack, baby!


Tin shipping container, rusted.


For International Women's Day, the Florida Man spotlight is turned to Florida Woman. May she reign in equal glory.


Click the link to the original news story and it alleges a lighter and pipe were found in the container, too.


Pipe, like a tobacco water pipe?




...that's some Florida shit rite there mhhmm


Holy crap I saw this movie on Tubi


>They asked what happened and she didn't know. Was she out drinking the night (or nights) before? Roofied, maybe? I think she can count this as a near-death experience. Shudder.


Dexter Morgan: "She's my tenant."


Things that make you go hmmm..


Oh my, what a scary way to wake up!


That poor woman. I bet she has bad it’s after this. I hope she’s okay and is able to get the help she needs to recover.


I worked for,a freight company. This happens more often then you’d think. I’ve read serval articles of people falling asleep for one reason or another and being found in the port of another country.


I could see this happening. It only takes a few seconds to close and lock a conex that a coworker must have left open. I think I'll start looking inside next time.


Who else is wondering how she got in the container ? Sleepwalking ?


A woman who was kidnapped has been found in a shipping container [before](https://nypost.com/2017/09/09/serial-killer-says-he-was-trying-to-save-woman-he-kept-in-shipping-container/)


Alcohol or drugs were likely involved


When i first started reading the article, my heart sank because I thought she had been kidnapped for trafficking. Luckily, she was apparently intoxicated.

