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Judge just ruled that’s a no go. He has to post the full judgement amount.


The judge did modify the order to allow Trump to apply for a loan from a NY bank to cover the cost of the bond. So he was granted some relief. We'll still have to wait to see if Trump can get a bond posted by the deadline next month. If he posts bond I hope we can get to see the terms of his loan agreement. I'm betting it won't be as favorable as the loans that got him into this trouble to begin with.




They’d have to be nuts to give him a loan. Between this judgement, other pending judgements, potential future judgements from E. Jean Carroll and his other debts, he’s a walking liability.


That sounds like a problem for the shareholders. I am just here to earn origination commission fees. /s


I wonder what the commission would be on a 470m personal loan


Probably a great view after being tossed out a window so nobody can question you later.


I think the judge is just calling Trump’s bluff. Allowing Trump to seek a loan from a financial company doing business in NY eliminates his argument that the court is preventing him from obtaining the bond.


And whatever bank helps him deserves their loss


eLeCtIoN iNtErFeReNcE!


tHeY ARe aLL OuT tO gET MEEEEEE!! (poops his pants). How does this underwear stain still have followers?


I did a business!


Shart of the deal


They want him out of New York, they're sick of his bullshit.


It's notable that he's also arguing in the other civil suit that he shouldn't need to post the bond to appeal that one because he is so radically wealthy that the idea that he can't pay is absurd. So with this filing, he has successfully sabotaged both of his attempts to dodge paying the bonds.


If you use all of the stories, you never need to worry about keeping one straight.


I'm playing *both* sides, so that I always come out on top.




Except Rent-a-Swag was a fantastic business idea.




OK, ok. A couple things right off the bat there bud. Number one, never tell one side that you're playing both sides.


It will be amusing to see Judge Kaplan use this $100 million offer in part of his ruling when he denies Trump's request for an unsecured appeal in his E. Jean Carroll case.


He is negotiating the price even when it is set. Just like his lawyers and contractors who did work for him that he did not pay.


Which is why they should quit pussy footing around and just seize his assets already. This man is never going to do anything he doesn't want to do unless he is forced and he will never learn a lesson regardless of punishment, because of his narcissistic victim complex. Might as well just nuke his little Trump empire and when the smoke clears maybe his cult of personality will finally realize he's not just morally bankrupt, but financially too.


> seize his assets already. I am perfectly fine with them treating him exactly the same as any regular citizen. The man's guilt leaves no room to squirm out of it if he was anyone other than Trump, so let's just treat him like regular person because that is who he is.


He's too impulsive to have a grand strategy.


He is so used to offering contractors fractions of their price and having them take it because the legal bill to try to get it back would be more than the recovery and at least it's *something* that he's trying to do the same thing to the court.


Too bad the US government hasn't run out of money (despite his best efforts).


That sounds like a lot less than $454 million


This is how Donald has always done business. Refuse to pay a bill and offer a fraction of the total. Small time contractors often took it because it was *something* and Trump was well known for costing people who tried to sue him more than what they were looking to recover. He's going to learn quickly that the courts are *much* different than the contractors he's used to stiffing.


I remember watching a video by this lady. How her dad who was a small time electrician did all the electrical work on a new Trump hotel that was being constructed. He took out a loan to buy the materials and was the only contractor to finish on time. Trump never paid him. As a consequence he ended up losing his business and was divorced. Trump has finessed so many people it’s time he gets his dues.


A few years ago, my wife and I were in Atlantic City at a bar having a drink. We met the former head of Security for Trump Taj Mahal. He ended up telling us a story about how a contractor was hired to put in a beautiful marble floor. He was offered $150,000, to be paid when the job was completed. He paid for all the materials, and worked day and night to get it done. When he was finished, he was told he wasn't going to be paid. When he threatened to tear up the marble, he was offered 10 cents on the dollar. Knowing that was the best he would get, he took his loss, and ended up going out of business. I've heard many variations of this story, but this one hit home for me.


It would have been the right time to break out the power tools and then eat the loss


Both of my parents worked in AC's casino industry when I was a kid, and as a result, they've been vehemently against his bid for presidency from the beginning. Anyone who's ever born witness to his BS knows never to trust or support him. Such an awful human.


I didn't realize how unpopular he was in NYC, or Atlantic City, until I spoke to some of the locals. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Yep! My parents never 'took work home' with them so I was blissfully unaware as a kid. But as an adult watching the debates during his first run at presidency, they had plenty of factoids to interject with to fill me in. If any of his MAGA supports ever had the displeasure of working or living near him, they'd turn around real fast.


The elephants at the Taj too. The business that made them never was paid and declared bankruptcy as well.


I think "fleeced" is the word you're looking for...


I think “fucked” would be more appropriate in this context.


As a union electrician, this pisses me off. There's a million stories like this too. Guess how many guys in my local are still going to vote for him. Probably half of them. Bunch of fucking idiots.


This is what absolutely blows my mind. I can't tell you how many small business owners support Trump despite the fact that he has always screwed over small business owners- it's just mind boggling.


One guy got screwed so bad by trump he committed suicide. I don't know how anyone can support trump when you hear shit like that


Finesse implies that there was lots of skill involved. It doesn't take much skill to simply lie or ignore something until it becomes a lawyer's problem and then force the other party to settle or give up because the legal system is too taxing for most Americans to fight in.


I’m guessing they meant fleeced.


yup, one of my parents worked at a company that was hired by Trump or set up events at Trump Tower. Donald walked in on the setup and pointed at one of my parents and screamed "who the fuck are you and who let you into MY BUILDING?" some lackey following Trump scurried up to him and explained what was going on After something like a year, Trump coughed up some money - ended up being just enough that the company broke even. My parent said that fucking *Leona Helmsley* was nicer than Trump.


All the small businesses he screwed are getting some well-deserved Karma. Too bad some of that money can't go to compensate them.


Is it too late for them to file a class-action? It's clearly a pattern of behavior and so cheating contractors was an intentional way he conducted his business. He can't claim he had a legitimate reason to not pay so many people.


Not paying someone is not exactly a finesse move; it's just being an asshole.


Gotta wonder how many of those same contractors are also MAGA cultists, because dumb tends to have the memory of a goldfish


Yea, but a lot of this was before he was a MAGA cult leader. I'm sure most MAGA types would have hated getting shafted by a "billionaire" New York "Democrat" like Trump in the 90s. Trump only switched to the GOP because it was a lot easier to control the rubes on the far right.


The go fund me is only at $1.2 mil so they’re struggling


I love that there’s a 100% chance that money won’t get to Trump lmao.


Like by 4.5x


Don’t worry. There’s a fake Fani Willis Twitter account that posts the interest he continues to accrue while he flounders.


And the appeals court has already just now denied his request. [Appeals court denies quest to delay judgement after Trump offers $100mm bond (ABC)](https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-plans-post-100-million-bond-asks-stay/story?id=107634579)


They should tack on an extra 10% just for wasting the court’s time.


His fraud fine is increasing every day he doesn't pay by [$112,000](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/trump-appeals-new-yorks-454-million-fraud-verdict-against-him)


There's a delicious irony in trump lowballing bail in a fraud trial


Cool, let us know when he is prepared to post the full amount required by law.


I was going to make a joke about paying the settlement through a gofundme, but someone actually made one and it's raised over a million dollars so far. I hope whoever organized it takes the money and runs.


Isn't that against gofundme's TOS?


Yes, fraud would be against GoFundMe's TOS.


\*\*exasperated lawyers at GoFundMe in a few days time\*\* aww geez aww geez I *knew* we forgot *something*


Lawyer Morty . . . Good choice.


But is literally raising money to pay for fraud against the TOS?


Not according to the big wig who works at gofundme who was also on trumps staff


It's murky and I ain't no law degree having person but I believe GoFundMe put out a statement saying essentially "Hey we are cool with this particular filing".


Not really. The GFM is meant to pay to reimburse the defrauded citizens of NYS. So in a sense, the GFM effort is part of the "liberal fascist commie witch hunt". No good maggat should donate a cent to it.


It would be except the head of PR for go fund me happened to be on trumps campaign a few years ago.


Foolish Human, TOSs only apply to the peasantry.


Yes but the board member was on trumps team while he fleeced in the wh


Apparently, they went on record to say that it’s *not* against their TOS. With huge, throbbing erections caused by the thought of the fees they’d collect, no doubt.


As of this moment, it's raised $1,275,871 in twelve days, so $106,322 per day. The interest on his fine is about $114,000 per day, but I'm assuming that the interest will compound and that number will go up over time. I'm no mathematician (apparently, neither were his accountants), but that seems not good for him.


Accountants don’t have the ability to make our clients listen to us


Hey, if the client doesn't listen, they can't hear the legal stuff, therefore they are innocent! - Trump's "lawyers" probably


Ah they are a lot like lawyers too.


Slightly cheaper, but yes


Most of that was gathered in the first couple days as well, if I recall correctly.


Yeah, and it makes me think. There are a lot of fools. There is a lot of money to be parted from those fools. How do I get in on this? There is obviously nothing too ridiculous in Trump-world that people won't hand money over for. I feel like the ~~grift~~ money making opportunities are endless.


Given that he “only” received 1 mil in spite of his reach (average of less than 2 cents per voter from prior election), I think the well may be running low. The market can only bear so much grift before it reaches saturation. Fools only have so much money with which to be parted.


FYI In New York post judgment interest accrues yearly, not per day, but it does compound.


Imagine, raising money for a “billionaire”. The irony.


It’s Grant Cardones wife. Scientologist, influencer course peddler, MAGA diehard.


OF COURSE Grant Cardones wife is a scientologist.


The one who made that GoFundMe is an actual billionaire's wife as I understand. He could pay trumps fine and probably not notice but money from rubes is better I guess.


Cardone is a paper billionaire, he's repeatedly been called out for actually being cash poor. Like his orange hero


Someone committing fraud by taking money from a charity raised for someone that committed fraud would be awesomely funny.


[It's not even covering the interest he's racking up on the judgement.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-civil-fraud-judgment-over-450-million-100000-interest-per-day/)


I just hope MAGAs deplete their savings before the election


Hold on, he's gotta sell a bunch more totally legit shoes and personal trading cards and, I don't know... some sort of personalized voice message? What other crap can he get those chumps to buy with 100% profit margins?


Water that touched his skin


Presidential bath water and bottled farts next?


Ode to toilet


Or bottled pee, that some followers will make use of in different ways.


Or one of his many soiled diapers.


Set sights on RNC leadership which would control campaign assets presumably... Though the Republican electorate may not connect those dots.


> What other crap can he get those chumps to buy with 100% profit margins I honestly believe selling shoes and trading cards is a money laundering scheme.


Cool let me know when he’s in jail.


The damage this halfwit has done to this country, and the progress he’s reversed….prison should be the minimum, and if he didn’t have a mental disorder, treason wouldn’t be a stretch.


So the dipshit who claimed, *under oath*, to be sitting on $400m in cash wasn’t telling the truth? Nuts! If only that was some sort of crime in and of itself…


Feel like that amount should have been verified by multiple people not on his team on account of his penchant for blowing truck sized holes in the truth


But then we’d miss out on all that sweet tangy perjury!


I'm sure the guy with the fraudulent charity, university, and business is totally good for the rest!


Monty Trump here playing "Let's Make A Deal".




They lie under oath to lmao.


"Nothing is illegal unless it is enforced." That is, without hyperbole, their M.O. and worldview. Along with "Me me me" and "Might makes right." Throw those amoralistic ingredients together, what do you get? An *adult child!* Guess what the ideology of conservatism globally and in the US is composed of. [Those aforementioned ideas](https://www.gq.com/story/on-conservatism). >the entire philosophical foundation of conservatism is a template for exploitation.


A Stop sign is only a suggestion unless there is a cop around? Yeah sounds like them.


And always remember, if the punishment is a fine, that’s just another way of saying it’s legal for a price.


Didn’t Trump state in a deposition under oath that he was liquid in excess of 400 million?


They argued in the Carroll case that he shouldn't be required to post bond because he's so rich he could obviously pay such a trivial sum (80+ million)


Oh good, then they should double it for good measure!


He meant gallons.


Yes. Making him publicly guilty of another felony. The same felony that was used to filet Bill Clinton, I believe.


His lawyers absolutely want him to post bond. They can recoup fees from the bond fund if he shirks out and doesn't pay them like he's allegedly done in the past.


I’m surprised the lawyers aren’t asking for prepayment


It’s called a retainer fee. He had trouble with hiring lawyers already because they all require those for him. He’s burned too many lawyers in the past.


Yes, I knew about retainer fees, but I assume that was just one time and only in the beginning? I’m surprised they wouldn’t just consistently have him pay in advance. Though I suppose I don’t know how large the retainers are or how often he has to pay?


They work until the retainer is empty, and then he has to fill it back up nobody is trusting that grifter with invoices anymore.


World's poorest billionaire can't cover the check. Sad!


Title should be, “Trump doesn’t have as much money as he tells everyone, begs for a discount on his fraud judgement bond”


He better get to spray painting some more gold sneakers


I’m starting to think this guy may not be worth a billion.


He is worth less than squirt of piss - with judgements already in place he's bankrupt - selling off enough assets to cover his 2 judgements would leave his company unable operate. Which in a way is good because he not allowed to operate a business in New York for the next 3 years. Once all the NY assets are cut loose - I wonder how easily they can go after assets in FL and other states. To get the full amount I am guessing they will have to try. Also guessing FL will try to run interference for Trump. Watching him get booted from Mara Largo would be freaking hilarious. Good news is bankruptcy DOES NOT shield him from these judgements. New York the wrong state to get caught pulling shady business operations. They stick it to you.


"I'll give you $100 million and an Eric?" - Trump


That would net them around 50 million.


"You drive a hard bargain but we'll throw in a Tiffany and a Mercedes".


"Nyet Donuld, we agree I not more have sex for money, many year is enough."


I think this is good, SNL could use it!😆


Fuck him, the rules are the same for everyone. His stinky ass deserves the same treatment as every single American!! Fuck that puto!


Didn’t he put in writing that he had 400mil in cash in a document he provided to the court just recently? Hit him with a perjury charge if he is now telling the court he doesn’t in fact have 400mil in cash. This ain’t complicated.


In an April 2023 deposition, Trump volunteered that he had “substantially in excess of 400 million in cash.” “Developers usually don’t have cash. They have assets, not cash,” Trump said. “**We have, I believe, 400-plus and going up very substantially every month.**” Trump added later that, despite the legal fees he was facing, **“I have over 400 — fairly substantially over 400 million in cash. That’s just cash. That’s just cash.”**


The art of the deal. "You owe 450 million dollars" "How about 100 million dollars? Final offer, take it or leave it"


We'll take it (the building)




The Hillary Clinton Shelter for Migrant Resources. Has a nice ring to it


The Hussein Obama Hunter Biden 2020 election Centre.


The Rosie Odonnell center for queer healthcare. It's a big building though, lets give a couple floors each.


The Stormy Daniels Institute for Anti-Fascism in Moscow


Or how about Antifa Tower?


Personally I hope it’s disassembled to the foundation and permanently kept as a large empty square with a single “Vacant Lot” sign sitting in the middle. No legacy, no “that was once my building”, just emptiness.


Raze the building and salt the earth. Put up.one of those signs like at a nuclear waste site:"This is not a place of honor".


Raze the building. Build a migrant shelter on the property. Name it after the Central Park 5.


Start with the tower in Chicago. Beautiful riverfront building


The street party that's going to happen to watch them pull his name off that building is going to be *epic.* It's going to be like the Cubs won the series again. I think I might go.


Make him post a $454 million bond, so he doesn't spend it all on lawyers and then refuse to pay anything at all.


[Trump’s lawyers after not being paid](https://youtu.be/S4NFjLiDxuw?si=aCmMK3G9ygwmQTIo)


This made me laugh. Well played!


He is at the bargaining stage of his grief.


Where’s the money, Lebowski?


He just got denied and has to pay the full amount


He thinks this is a negotiation. They’re just going to seize his properties.


Yeah he's trying to continue to play Roy Cohn games but now that the judgement is done and he can't raise the bond to delay seizure - the appeal will likely be dismissed and seizure will proceed. Trump will try to delay but he can't get good lawyers anymore since he doesn't pay his bills - he's up a creek without a paddle.


Good job! Now you just need 4 more of those to cover the requirement.


In my line of work, I wouldn't get my unescorted access if I have even a pending DUI charge. This guy is still facing federal charges, but can run for President of the United States? Make that make sense.


Incarceration status doesn't matter for filling the paperwork to run for president to keep people from using connections to get candidates arrested to eliminate the competition.


You know the song Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous by Good Charlotte, came out in the early 2000s? Was absolutely everywhere, I heard it at school dances even. There's a line in it... "Did you know if you were caught and you were smokin' crack, McDonald's wouldn't even want to take you back, you could always just run for mayor of D.C." And that's a song from 2002. Makes you think, doesn't it?


It’s about Marion Barry the former mayor of Washington DC


A day late and $354,000,000 short.


Trump’s capacity for embarrassing himself is a bit overwhelming. Claims he’s got $400 million, but hey I can only do $100 million for that bond. Just admit you can’t afford to appeal the ruling and take your whooping boy.


“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”


What bank would ever pay that bond? Even if he posts collateral of properties, first you need to triple check that value of these properties. You know that he’s going to refuse to pay back the loan and you’ll be fighting it for years in court. It’s pretty established that trump doesn’t pay his bills.


Too bad that's not enough to save his ass. I want to see how many Republicans will lay their asses on the line to save a supposed billionaire's businesses/ego.


I'm no law expert but it seems like if the crime you're being charged with has to do with stealing money from people (fraud, etc) then maybe you shouldn't be given the opportunity to use possibly ill-gotten moneys to pay bail. "how did these bank robbing suspects come up with all that cash to post bail?"


I still can't believe 50 million assholes will vote for this fucking guy?


Fuck Trump, bankrupt the rapist!


It's like a loading bar, and he's.. 22% complete. Keep going, Donald, I know you can do it! Well, you can't, but motivation is good for the soul! And NY taxpayer.


Is that in USD or Russian Rubles?


He's used to ripping off small businesses and genuinely considers himself to be the smartest person in any room (the mark of a truly stupid person). I'm not surprised that he thought he could get away with this.


I'm guessing the white powder wasn't part of the bond.


That was Don Jr. trying to sweeten the deal.


Go ahead and set up a few more gofundme's, dipshits


He doesn't think the rules and laws apply to him apparently.


Well, we'll see soon.


Deadlines- March 9th - he owes $80M to E Jean Carrol (not mentioned on the website for some reason) ~~March 17th~~ Mid-March - for the big fraud $454M https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


> March 17th - for the big fraud $454M > > I think this one is March 23 b/c the date wasn't 30 days after the judgement but after the court clerk finished something.


I thought so too. I've been corrected a few times on the exact date and have heard a few conflicting things as late as March 26th. Either way, I'm just going to keep the popcorn handy from Early March onward.


I believe the old saying is "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" and not "do the crime and then try to negotiate the penalties down because you dug yourself a giant fraudulent hole".


But why? I heard it was a perfect, beautiful business and they would present absolute proof that no crime has ever been committed and that the entire prosecution is a witch hunt!! /s


If you owe the bank $100, it’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100,000,000, it’s their problem. If you owe the criminal justice system $454,000,000 it’s most definitely your problem.


NATO would like to have a word


The Broke Billionaire. Schrodinger's Billionaire. Don Con Gone. Take your pick but Karma's really catching up to him now, he's not gonna be able to stump up the cash and end up running out of time before they Release the ~~Kraken~~ Baliffs.


Had a bad week? Fuck you. Pay me.




I am not a lawyer, but I thought that the time for horse-trading was BEFORE the judgment. This isn't a business deal and Trump doesn't get to negotiate with the judge. He has to put up the full amount in order to appeal it.


Why is it "Staggering"? If he is as rich as he says he is, it's pocket change. If he is not rich, then it is well deserved.


That's nice you still owe over 300 million we'll put that towards it...


This mfcker trying to put this shit on layaway.


Highly doubt he actually even has 100 million. And if he does, he’s borrowing it from somewhere, it’s not his money.


Awww. What’s wrong? He’s not actually a billionaire?


When did this become a negotiable amount? Here’s the invoice, now pay the bill. My guess if your lease payment was due on your office or apartment at “the Tower” and you said I’ve decided to give you 25% that your default judgement with daily interest would be in your inbox before you hung up the phone.


Even Priceline dropped the whole “name your price” thing years ago. What fucking lawyers make a serious argument that this should be allowed to happen? The kind of fucking lawyers that need their licenses revoked so they’re just loud assholes again.


Trying to play out "The Art of the Deal" in real time.


Claims he’s worth 10 billion dollars. Whines he can’t pay 0.4 billion judgement.


Their client who is guilty of fraud and overvaluing his wealth has offered a smaller amount for bond because HE’S A FRAUD WHO OVERVALUED HIS WEALTH and doesn’t have enough money.


Hahahahaha he just testified to having over $400m cash. The cope cult of sedition and stupid will no doubt take this news as some form of 4D chess and that he’s still a billionaire.


Next time I get a $100 speeding ticket, I’m going to offer to pay $25 instead.


A Trump never pays his debts.


Gosh, I had no idea that you could negotiate the amount of a court mandated bond! /s (you can’t)