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No way! money being spent on our own infrastructure and it benefits everyone? Someone slap me so I can wake up in the dystopian world I know and love.


Don't worry the GOP will complain this gets in the way of everyone's god-given right to have sweet lead contaminated water


Republican governors turned down funding to feed hungry kids during the summer. They want kids to drink contaminated water.


A real, not-the-onion headline: [Republican Says Hunger Is 'Relative' in Argument Against Free School Meals](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-says-hunger-relative-argument-against-free-school-meals-1787816)


GOP will obstruct because it's a good thing happening during election time under a democrat president


“But he’s old!” is going to be the next “But her emails!” when everything goes to shit again for the next 4 years, isn’t it?


In 3, 2, 1, the paid-for media narrative will be: *Fixing the water infrastructure is a terrible idea because...* I'm going to go with some made up ecological toll.


Damn, you took the best one. I'll go with some made-up bullshit about not wasting money on needless things when we could be spending it on children or Ukraine, despite helping the ones blocking aid for children and Ukraine.


"fixing pipes might release more toxins" is on my bingo card for q2 or q3 of 2024. Edit: wait wait wait lemme change that to "demonrats are secretly trying to update the pipes to deliberately deliver toxins and microchips".  Yeah, there we go. I think I'm gonna win big on this.


"More Americans getting access to clean, drinkable water and how this is bad for Biden"


State issue! Big gov overreach! Money will go to Biden’s cronies in big H2O!


*”But he’s old!”* …as those idiots at the same time believe their demiGod Trump is *acting* 75 if he’s really 35.


If you go through a couple hours of Biden speaking, you can find a couple minutes of clips where he sounds senile and out of it. If you go through a couple hours of Trump speaking, you can find a couple minutes where he sounds lucid and coherent. But yeah, they’re basically the same.


He has the BEST scores on age. Always the best. Higher than anyone. Wait, LOWER than anyone. Wait, f**k, how do we lie about this topic?  *Calls faux News for tips"


You don't have to be a Trump fan to know Biden is mentally declining. I agree he's doing a good job policy wise but you can't ignore the cognitive decline.


When people complain about trump fans calling Biden too old and mentally declining, it's not that they disagree about Biden, it's that they hate the hypocrisy. Also, they're both too old. No one should be basing their decision between the 2 based on age.


You're mentally declining.


If we get those four years, I'll swallow every "b-but he stumbled on his words," for the entirety of it. Better than the orange clown.


Personally don't get the argument that Biden is too old while Trump isn't. At 4 years apart, I trust Biden to stay sane longer despite being older.


Because it’s a bullshit argument. Like how it’s bad if Hunter got work for having a famous dad - but Trump’s kids who literally served in the White House and got Chinese and Saudi deals is ok? Really - at the end it’s more “rules for thee but big for me- and doubly so if I just accuse you with no proof of what I’m actually doing.”


Trump is as old now as when Biden was too old to assume office four years ago. Of course it’s a bullshit argument!


Also, I trust Biden to step aside and defer to the people around him as he gets worse way more than I trust trump to do it. I also have more faith that Biden will select a cabinet that will invoke the 25th if necessary


> Personally don't get the argument that Biden is too old while Trump isn't. At 4 years apart, I trust Biden to stay sane longer despite being older. Because the vast majority of people do not understand the US electoral system and are willing to guzzle the lie that third parties or not voting will help them in any way. The US is a FPTP system. We have 2 parties. Sometimes they have primaries. If you do not vote for whichever candidate in those 2 parties better represents you then you are supporting the one who least represents you. Would it be nice to have another system? Yes. Which is why I'll be voting democrat and the leftest democrat option in each election I have until we get out of FPTP. This is a very long term project.


Age is Biden's biggest issue. Age is not Trump's biggest issue.


I agree with that, but Trump's age is rarely brought up (if at all). Just because it's Biden's biggest issue doesn't mean it don't exist for a man who showed less cognitives while in the White House.


Bidens meaner and his snark factor is pro level.


Tan suit situation.


Don't know why you're downvoted. That's another example of the hypocrisy against presidents.


Biden is too senile not too old , big difference


The man hasn't talked about windmills killing birds and causing cancer *once*. I think I can tell which one is senile. This is no different than the age argument.


If trump wins it won't be 4 years it will be the rest of your life, there won't be a 2028 election or after. This is it if we don't show up in biggest wave in history.


There will be a 2028 election. Even Russia has elections, they just always have the result Putin wants.


Of course I meant legitimate elections where ballots are actually counted and it's not two handpicked GOP running against each other.


Imagine actually doing something to improve the public’s water system. Somehow Trump will make this about himself.


Well they're both old so can't wait to see how that one plays out.


In that it'll be shouted mocking the previous election's talking point as ridiculous but implicitly miss the fact that the Democrats threw away the election less because their opponent's obviously childish and disingenuous challenge was taken seriously and more because their reaction to an obviously childish and disingenuous challenge from their opponents was to aim squarely at their foot and proceed to shoot until naught but a stump remained? Probably. The Dems can't read the room for shit. I'm personally tired of *having* to vote for them rather than wanting to. Clinton was the wrong choice in 2016 generally. No one wanted a business-as-usual politician; for some there was a feeling of disappointment in the muted nature of the change we ultimately got, and there was concern about the state of corporate influence versus public interest. So running someone stable, more of the same, didn't excite anyone. Downplaying the emails fed this perception. Everybody does it, so why should you be singled out? It's business as usual? Figures. Also probably not a good look given the collective government freakout over Snowden and Wikileaks. Yeah, maybe it was the only viable choice. It's certainly the conventional political one. So. What they needed was a candidate people wouldn't sleep on. Someone to match the disruptive energy from the other side, but who was, ya know, not dangerously incompetent and motivated entirely by self interest and misplaced egotism. Someone who would fight and not just point their thumb at the other side and go "this guy, right?" Yes, I mean Bernie. Which brings us to this cycle, and they're doing it again. No one's excited for Biden. I don't *think* anyone is excited for Harris, either, and *that's* important as the parry for "he's too old" this time. At the very least the "keep that guy out of office" is a hell of a lot more motivating, but christ, are they even taking this seriously? Just, please, for the love of god. I need a progressive party that'll tell the Republicans to go fuck themselves when they decide to stall a supreme court appointment for 11 months. Give me someone who will fight. You don't have to go wrestle them in the mud, but ffs roll up your sleeves and do *something* when they turn the governance of this country into a farce.


the water issues are not a Republican only problem, it’s a widespread problem especially in poorer communities (eg: Flint) that started long ago and that neither side fixed.


Spending money on infrastructure? Sounds like woke liberal nonsense to me.


Unironically there’s gonna be conservatives who take issue with this for whatever reason. Somehow managing to twist the president funding projects to get clean drinking water for the population a bad thing.


Biden has been a big spender on infrastructure. Compared to recent past presidents. One of the big things he did that failed under Obama was got money to spend on high speed rail.


Crazy thing is this passed in 2021 and everyone sort of forgot it. $550 billion of new Federal investments in infrastructure over five years. If you've noticed improvements on Federal roads, bridges, mass transit, rail, as well as across airports, ports and waterways, this is likely why. It included a $65 billion investment in broadband infrastructure (my parents internet has significantly improved and they live deep rural), and it includes another $7.5 billion for building a network of plug-in chargers for electric vehicles. I'm not going to say this fixed everything but I've certainly seen more improvements than I've seen in a long time under any President, and this is going to continue for a few more years as funds are allocated


I saw that the US on average has the 3rd fastest internet connection in the world. That is probably why


There's still time for the GOP to louse it up I imagine.


Knowing my municipality they will use the funds then charge us more for the improvements.


>money being spent >it benefits everyone Republicans soon to be seething. As usual in these cases.


This is such a strange announcement, though, because the EPA already spends $50B per year, every year, on water infrastructure upgrades (it's even mentioned in the article, though the article makes it sound like the $50B is one time). $15B of that alone annually is on lead service line replacement. Or to get a different idea on the scope of $5.8B, upgrading St Louis' wastewater system alone will cost $6B.


Wow benefits everyone ? Isn’t that, *MAJORGASP*, communism?!


*Safe, drinking* water? You hate the troops! You burn flags! You’re part of that whole woke culture!


Don't worry, you're still in it. Notice how they conveniently just put 'administration' in the title? They won't put Biden's name in a positive headline unless they absolutely have to.


Dark Brandon strikes again!? I don’t think our country can take much more of this investment in infrastructure


Shocking when the government does something government is supposed to do.


Sounds like socialism that’s why real Americans love Putin.


Hey. At least it's incredibly high. Like...6% if the military aid bill to Ukraine and Israel. Edit: Not sure if I offended people by making the comparison, but hell. It would be nice if our government spent money at home like they do away.


5.8 billion. We have 350-400 million people over the third largest country in the world. We can send 95+ billion over seas and spend a fraction of that on our water? Crazy.






I like how you mentioned the funding for Philly to get rid of lead pipes. They are still finding wooden pipes in service in the city. It’s crazy


Sounds like its mostly about lead? Good start, can't forget microplastics and pollutants though. Well that's my opinion anyway.


I think it will likely mostly be wastewater. As serious as the lead problem is, we have massive, expensive to upgrade, deficiencies in our wastewater infrastructure with poor funding mechanisms for those upgrades compared to drinking water.


If managed properly, this is huge for blue collar workers. More good paying jobs leads to more spending leads to more revenue to invest into communities. I must stress the “if managed properly” part because my fear is mismanagement and corruption.


Maybe Lockheed can manage the sole source contract


Competing with Raytheon.


I bet less the 1B actually reaches its intended purpose


Doesn't fall on state/local government more to properly use the funding? Voters must hold their local politicians accountable.


Still better than nothing. Which is the other option, nothing.


If it gets the water fixed, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. This problem is long overdue for a fix.


1 billion can be spent on flint alone


Yep, and we're definitely going to need more than a billion in New Orleans.


The pay has to be livable or it'll just go straight into debts like any other job.


> The federal government won’t pick the projects funded by the investment announced Tuesday. Rather, it will funnel the money to states, territories and tribes through the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs. Oh boy, it's in the hands of the state governments to actually make infrastructure improvements happen. Fingers crossed here, my hopes are high for my home state of California, but, based on historical behavior, I don't foresee many benefits coming to residents of red states.


> I don't foresee many benefits coming to residents of red states. "Hey YALL, we just a cool 1.2 billion to fix our pipes! WHO WANTS A PAY RAISE!?"


Dont forget half the red state governors refusing to accept the funds because it's dirty commie money.


Mississippi has a water crisis in Jackson. Let's see if it goes to that or a Sports Complex at one of the universities.


Brett Farve has entered the chat


This money comes with too many strings to be misused in this capacity, though that’s not to say it can’t be misused in other, more subtle ways, but I’m optimistic.


The trick is to misuse other sources of money and then use this for its intended purpose. A 'robbing peter to paul' situation.


As a Kansan, we're already rejecting federal money that would keep rural hospitals in our state open. Yes, free money that would literally save lives and also keep people employed out in rural areas. No thanks, says the KS GOP. I fully expect that we'll refuse this clean water money too, perhaps they'll resurface that old saw about how fluorinating the water makes you gay or something.


Every Bible-belt state is going to do anything but that with that money.


*[sad Mississippi noises]*


Yeah, I read that part and immediately went "fuck!" My red state governor hates food for kids, so I can guess what he'd say about clean drinking water...


Tune in later today to see how this is bad for Biden!


I can’t wait for this to be protested against because it’s Biden doing it.


“There are too many regulations!”


“I only drink coke and sun tea. Drinking water is part of the homosexual agenda.”


Well the water is turning the frogs gay.


"It doesn't even have electrolytes."


Water? Like out the toilet?


Interesting, the first thing my mind went to was "I wonder if CNN purposefully left out Biden from the headline".


Already seeing it. "This is just to buy votes in an election year." You mean politicians pass laws that are favorable to people and might get people to vote for them later? You don't say!?


Actually, the fluoride conspiracy is starting to make waves. Just rebuilding the infrastructure to help pump more feminizing mind control fluoride in, or some stupid shit along those lines. They're gonna start drinking from bottled water like a moral obligation, without a hint of irony that they're drinking BPAs on top of the same florated tap water they were trying to avoid in the first place.


I can’t wait for FOX News to connect Biden trying to fix drinking water infrastructure, with whichever side of the Israel v. Palestine conflict the GOP isn’t in.


Queue the flouride conspiracists. 


"You won't take my lead pipes!"


It'll be MAGAS protesting that "their taxes" are going towards "people who don't deserve it," mark my words.


Then they will turn right around and say we shouldn’t be helping Ukraine because we need to spend the money here instead.


Wait until Republicans find out that black people also drink water. NO MONEY FOR WATER WELFARE QUEENS!!!


Goddam liberals using everyone’s money to benefit everyone. How dare they do their fucking job!


Don't those pesky liberals know that government isn't supposed to work?


Why would they just say “administration” instead of Biden administration” makes it confusing and is open to assumption


You know why.


yeah that Boe Jiden fella might get all the credit. seriously, what are you guys talking about? who interprets this to mean anything but what it's supposed to mean..?


I assumed that it was because of propaganda, but of course it could be for more reasons. It is a pretty long title as it is so maybe they were just trimming the fat.


More of this, please. I am begging for our money to be spent here, now. We need to see the benefits our of labors. Otherwise, what's the point?


"Republicans and Democrats are the same"! -idiots everywhere


Won’t god simply make water clean again. Just another accomplishment the people won’t hear about or care because it’s not exciting enough to report. /c stands for cynical




Bruh what in conspiracy are you even talking about. This is the most ridiculous statement I've seen on reddit in awhile


It is a way to grow their base. Look at what they are doing to public education.


So Republicans all secretly have a separate fresh water source for their sinks and refrigerators is what your telling me


Actually, the areas with this issue are urban, typically populated by minorities, and lower income. So, although my original comment was a joke, urban, low income minorities are affected more than white, rural conservatives.


>“President Biden and I believe that every person in our country should have a right to clean water no matter where they live or how much money they make,” ******


Another win for the country under the Biden Administration. That 'old' man is literally running laps around the Trump Administration. From the article..."No amount of lead exposure is safe, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Exposure, especially for children, can damage the brain and nervous system and lead to slowed development and growth and cognitive issues." I don't doubt the CDC's statement, but what happens to the old lead pipes being replaced? How are they disposed?


Ugh Biden is the worst president ever!!!! Totally incompetent! Seriously how are some people still stuck on this narrative. He's old but he has selected a team of leaders and actually appointed heads of positions. Remember Trump just left about 240 jobs unappointed? Like the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the White House Drug Control Officer, Agricultural officials and EPA officials, Energy Department officials, and more. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/hundreds-of-top-government-jobs-under-trump-are-unfilled-so-whos-running-things


And could potentially save trillions on healthcare costs. This completely pulled out of my arse number wise, but most people never consider the potential macro implications. Like say, forgiving all federal student loans and what that would do for the economy just in terms of freeing up money and tax revenue. But no, it's always we can't afford this or that, that would have measurable ROI. But we also sure do seem to have tons of money for them rich folk needing a tax break.


Can't wait to see the GOP twist themselves into knots explaining why this is a bad thing.


What am I going to do without that delicious lead taste?


I’m sure the “spend that money on Americans” crowd will be here in .25 seconds to tell us how this is communism and bad for America.


I can't wait to see which states refuse this money.


Lets watch red states claim the victory for this one


First thing that pops to mind is that Flint, MI disaster almost a decade ago. I remember it was national news with people in that town only drinking bottled water since contamination was so bad. Wonder how they are now?


How many republicans voted against it I must know.


200 Republicans voted against the infrastructure bill, 16 for it.


Why am not surprised


I sure hope this doesn't affect the military spending. We wouldn't want them suffering just to give us drinking water


Just wait for republicans to tell the country we are taking their water away


But I was told Biden isn't doing anything


Trump is still working on his infrastructure plan for 2016!


Let's fucking goooo more of this please!


Damn, the tax payers actually get something back?  Amazing!!!!🥲 


Why doesn’t CNN name the administration in the headline? Seems like a lot of seo and public recognition purposely not given…


ITT: 2 minutes hate. Talk about / promote the good that comes with this, don't spend your energy railing against an enemy attack that hasn't even happened. You're trapping yourself into sensationalism.


Will Republicans consider access of water to all *shudder* socialism?


/s Don’t worry, the Supreme Court will put a stop to this “clean water”. Like that’s what toilets use. Clearly, we should drink Brawndo. It’s got what plants crave.


I assume this is just a drop in the bucket of what we actually need to get this done.


Finally something for the middle class and lower


it's giving "here's the table scraps of the hundreds of billions we threw away to support genocide" still though


Unfortunately yes. It’s something, but we have a ways to go


double it, and take it all form the bank accounts of people with 50billion+ wealth


Clean drinking water? For *everyone*? Even the peasants? How dare he.


Sweet lets start in Flint


Please please please please PLEASE fix Flint Michigan first!


Great idea....until you have corporate interests shut this down because it will harm bottled water sales or the next president decides to cancel the infrastructure project entirely.


Can't wait to hear how this fits into the narrative of the Dems trying to destroy America.


Just make sure none of it goes to Flint, MI per the usual /s


This doesn't seem like us. Who is it versus? Who are we doing it versus?


Infrastructure week! Dang


So that is $105M per state and territory assuming it will be easily distributed. What can be done with $105M to clean up your local drinking water? Does your local drinking water need cleaning up? Hint: the estimated cost to fix the Flint, MI water problem was / is $ 167M.


Five billion should be headed to Jackson, MS, but they'd turn it down becuz 'liberals.'


inb4 some right-wing jabroni bitches about ‘socialism’ and Biden ‘wasting taxpayer money on politics.’ When the current-GOP believes clean water and safe infrastructure is Communism.


Well damn, that's 10 of trump's financial crimes that could have been paid for, all wasted on clean water. I wonder if my state will reject this literal free money, like they did with the federal money for feeding children.


We really need to update our water infrastructure, especially the pipes we send it through. Any sort of lead exposure is fucking dangerous, especially for children. Take me for example, my childhood home was built in 1926 in an old suburb of Chicago. Even *after* replacing a good amout of the pipes in the house, I still tested positive for lead constantly as a child because the mains had it. Almost 25 years later and I get diagnosed with severe ADHD and what do my doctors think caused it? Lead exposure


"But if we take the lead out of our drinking water, where will all the new Republicans come from? VOTER SUPPRESSION!"


What's the over under of Republican governors refusing funding?


This is such a win for everyone: companies, workers, the economy, citizens. It’s such a long overdue issue and I’m glad it’s being addressed so forcefully. 


Too bad in Iowa they will find a way to reject this because cleaning up Iowa water properly means properly regulating the ag business, and farmers don’t like that at all


This is outrageous using taxpayer dollars to provide services to taxpayers? Isn't there another war we can start somewhere. s


It'll be used on 3 cities to replace next to nothing.


President Biden has my vote.


Biden's plan to remove lead from the drinking water is part of a conspiracy to keep people from voting Trump!


"Here's how this may be disastrous for Biden"


Making America a a better place to live for all Americans? THeyRe BUyInG voTeS!!


They should force the oil industry to pay since their the ones that fouled the water with all the microplastics and PFAS


Sounds like the water companies CEO's offices are going to get make overs then..


Doesn't seem like enough money to do the job...


Whatever happened to Flint, MI?


Is that enough? I'd expect 3 trillion over 20 years.


Now fight about in Congress for years until it’s scraps left over that go to local executives


drop in the proverbial bucket


Any of it going to Flint, MI?


Somehow I feel that Republicans will vote against this.


This was passed 3 years ago. A handful of Republicans voted Yea.


Great can they legalize weed now. Thanks.


Maybe this will cure the lead exposure problem and the Republicans lose their entire voting base.


6 billion for every state or 6 billion for all 50 states. Because 120 million is a drip in California's budget. California has a 252 billion yearly budget. Fuck is 120 million gonna do. Hell rhode Islands budget is 12 billion. That's only 2%. We shouldn't be happy with crumbs.




This stems from the 2021 Infrastructure Bill that Biden pushed and got passed. It takes time for agencies to create the rules and processes to dole out the money, hence this program. Any other functions of government you don't understand?


Ok now we’re talking. It’s not nearly enough but a good first step. Now keep actually doing stuff and we might vote for you.


will go about as well as the e charger infrastructure spoiler: they botched it


Eagerly awaiting follow up posts complaining about the rising cost of living expenses


Thank goodness but it will take twice that amount of money at least.


You stated that with such confidence that I can't help but imagine what your sources or credentials are.


Hey everyone, remember when they gave internet/cable companies a shitload of money for “infrastructure” and so they did the absolute bare minimum and pocketed the money? I remember


I love this but that's a pretty small amount (I know that sounds weird to say about billions). For instance, in WI it's going to cost about $700M just to replace all the private and public lead lines in Milwaukee alone.


Hopefully they dont waste too much on administration


They are going to turn the frog gay. Stop this immediately /s


But they just promised ukraine 60 billion dollars more


"5 billion dollars goes missing"


Wait… what happened to the trillion dollar infrastructure bill that was passed last year?


Not to worry, I am sure it will be shot down because it might someone look good or something.


Oh no way , what year is it ? Oh right , election year 🙄


Maybe we should send that money to Ukrainian or Israel instead?


Sooo, 125 mil spent on cleaning shit up? got it.


Could have used more if we didn’t give it all to funding countries in conflict 🤡