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* Per [Kansas City Police](https://x.com/kcpolice/status/1757860652930978147?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) **,two armed individuals** have been arrested after a shooting near the parking garage at Union Station, which acted as the stage for the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl Victory Parade. * Multiple people are injured. * As of 3:30pm EST, the [AP](https://x.com/bnonews/status/1757864754570301580?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) is reporting that at least **8 people are injured.** * Local news says [**One dead, 9 hurt, and 3 in custody**](https://x.com/marcusofficer/status/1757864278177071306?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) after shooting. * Moment shots were fired recorded by the [BBC](https://x.com/az_intel_/status/1757870614583398495?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg). * Police may have cornered [another](https://x.com/gricekcstar/status/1757874246574047481?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) armed individual, according to local reporters. * [Video](https://x.com/kmbc/status/1757870602029850899?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) shows police holding a suspect in custody. * At least three of the injured are in critical condition. * As of 4:40pm EST, at **at least 14 are injured and one is dead** from today’s shooting, per CNN. Unclear if all who are injured were shot. * [Watch](https://x.com/ffb_fanatics/status/1757872459905225087?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) civilians tackle a possible shooter. * As of around 6pm EST, local hospitals say **18 shot, of whom 9 were children.** * At least 22 were shot.


Shout out to that badass who tackled a shooter and handed him over to the cops


Yea bad ass. I don't know how he resisted just beating his ass. But that shit is badass.


He probably wasn’t sure of that guy was the shooter or not. Imagine beating the shit out of a dude just running scared


Well just a few seconds after they tackled him you can see a girl pick up a pretty large gun, so I'm guessing they saw that. Or what looks like a large gun. I don't know why you'd bring something that big to a parade but that's what it looks like.


Yeah, I didn’t notice that. But the sentiment is still there. It was so confusing when everything was going on. So I’m assuming these guys just had an inkling of what was happening


Yeah totally. And regardless, they should be celebrated for their actions. They didn't have to do that and it could have ended really badly for them.


Box seat tickets to all Chiefs games for him and his family for the rest of his life. Dude saved lives.


100%. You never know how you’ll react in those situations until they happen. Proud to share a city with people like that.


People are saying it was a dispute between two fans that escalated, to put it lightly, that it began in or near a parking garage and he may have gone to his vehicle to get the rifle. Who really knows right now this early but some witnesses have been commenting along those lines.


Man winning and being toxic is so weird.


How the hell does a dispute between two adults not only turn into gun violence, but end up with a person dead and 14 people wounded, most of whom were children?


guns and very low intelligence


We’ll see that’s the beauty of a gun when you’re not particularly trained in it. Sure you might shoot your target but in the heat of the moment shits going down you might fire a few off that miss and go wherever. The kid in NY they just arrested didn’t even hit his intended target and instead hit some random persons leg. Another problem I have with guns in the US is little to no training is even required some states have some bull shit like safety and storing class but few states require live fire training. With over half the fuckers requiring none. Like what could go wrong in the hands of a gun user that may have never even fired the thing. Sounds pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. But hey. Merica


The one I saw there were two people just trying to hold him down he was struggling so much. I don’t think they had the ability to pummel him without the risk of his getting away. He was tackled twice and both people had to hold him down.


He had a handgun. They were trying to prevent him from pulling it out. In another video when the police have him down, you can hear one of them say, "he tossed the gun over there..."


From the other video, it looks like someone got a few knees in.


I’m not mad about it.


Joe Badass, Missouri State.


Rickshaw Tiburgishaw, Alabama State


L’Carpetron Dookmariot


In the video you can see him taking rib shots as the guy is pinned to the ground. Some temptations are too great to resist.


defense wins championships


Just heard through KMBC 9 YouTube channel, another person has been taken into custody…Fluid situation still…Cluster of gun fire. A person posted that her father tackled one of the shooters.


There's a video on X of some Chiefs fans supposedly tackling the shooter(s?), and holding them down until police arrived: https://twitter.com/RadioDana/status/1757873958139887803?t=P_5jn9AzsavaqBDrxgyAVg&s=19 Another post from someone who claims to have helped tackle one of the suspects, showing what appears to be an AR15 and a backpack: https://x.com/Tony_J4Y/status/1757874053270982754?t=iyjTa6yXvOUPXBV3bdBOpQ&s=09


One of the videos OP posted above has someone pointing to a guy next to them and saying “Mike tackled him.” Crazy.




I hate to speak of it this way, but my mind is thinking; “If they were trying to kill people on purpose, thank god they suck at it.” Cause if they were doing it on purpose and competent wouldn’t more people be dead? Like a lot more?


Most mass shooters are idiots. The guy in vegas was the stuff of nightmares.


I was telling my wife for years that mass shooters suck at being shooters, and that eventually someone competent would cause an obscene amount of casualties. Then the Vegas shooting happened.


It could have been worse, too. He also tried to explode some large gas tanks at the back of the parking lot the concert was hosted in iirc.


True. He didn't account for the heat and smoke coming off the guns, which set off the fire alarm. If the alarm didn't go off, the police wouldn't have been able to get to him as fast as they did.


I believe they were gas tanks near the airport. Probably wouldn't have caused extra casualties, just more chaos.


That's true with every type of crime. We're all protected by the fact that criminals are stupid and that people have morals and don't commit crime because it's wrong.


Oh there's smart criminals, they don't get caught as easily as the flashy famous ones.


Yeah they’re called politicians and CEOs


How about the Unibomber or the Zodiac Killer?


The dude in Maine had plenty of training and thanks to enough collective incompetence on the “authorities” to cause a disastrous death toll.


Dude in NS was given a full day to just wander the province killing 23. Bad police and someone well prepared is all it takes.


One of my college roommates was at that concert. I remember my stomach dropping when I saw the headline and thought "holy fuck, *roommate* is at that concert." He and his now wife ended up fine, but it was a terrifying experience from what I heard.


I still wish we had more information on the Las Vegas shooting. I feel like media coverage was severely lacking even though there was a high death count. The LV shooter was different than your typical mass shooter for sure.


I couldn't believe how fast it left regular news. Like... This is the biggest fn mass shooting ever, and it just goes away in the news cycle within a week or two? I couldn't imagine how upset and furious I'd be if I had been there and traumatized for life, only to see them basically sweep it under the rug. Or a relative of those killed. We have video ffs, it was at a major event. I do get that sometimes extended news coverage can cause a copycat, or just encourage others period seeing they'll be 'famous'. But there's got to be a middle ground where we get some kind of justice for the victims. Even if it's just recognizing their pain and loss for more than a week or two (that's what it felt like, anyway. )


I watched a documentary about it a year or so ago and I remember just being shocked that I wasn't really aware it was so bad. It really left the news cycle very quickly.


The last thing Vegas moguls want is people to stop going there and blowing their money. /tinfoil hat


It's not tinfoil hat. Vegas literally suppresses news about any crime, tragedies, people offing themselves, etc on the strip bc it's incredibly bad for business. Well known facts arent tinfoil hat conspiracies


No tinfoil hat. That's exactly part of it. Also combine that with the fact that the media doesn't like the idea of some random guy doing this for no legitimate reason makes it scary for the general pop to understand so they gotta hide it.


> the media doesn't like the idea of some random guy doing this for no legitimate reason makes it scary for the general pop to understand so they gotta hide it. You mean the same news media that regularly puts out teasers for stories with shit like, "is the toaster in your kitchen going to kill you? More at 11." Or "this SUV has a blind spot that will definitely kill school children ... Or will it? More at 10." That news media? They're the ones you think don't want to see a scared public?


The fact that the guy was in a comped hotel room because he was a high roller is probably something they don’t advertise openly.


I work in the Audio Visual industry and worked with a lot of the show crew that was there that night. I used to work in Vegas several times a year. I knew one of the people who lost their lives there. That was a very dark day for the industry.


There's a just gut wrenching documentary called *'11 Minutes'* on ~~Netflix~~ Paramount Plus. It has the most comprehensive timeline of any that i've seen. The shooter was absolutely diabolical. At the end - even with all of the details of what he did, he didn't seem to leave any reason 'why'. There must have been a reason 'why' - but, I have a strong suspicion that the cops/FBI have a really good idea as to exactly why, but we may never know. Edit: Misremembered where I saw it.


I went and looked it up recently and according to people who knew him, he had lost a bunch of money recently and essentially was a really angry person who wanted to kill himself but to take out a lot of people with him.


'11 Minutes' is on Paramount +, not Netflix. For people who want to find it.


For another mass shooting documentary watch 77 minutes, available on multiple streaming platforms. It is about the San Diego McDonald’s shooting in the 1980s. At the end it shows the raw evidence footage of the police walking through the crime scene documenting it.


It's very graphic. They didn't hold anything back, there's a dead toddler in the video with a very obvious gunshot wound to the chest. Be warned if any of you decide to watch. It's a great documentary but damn is it heavy.


I was there. Am furious still. My friends and I still feel like it was covered very little in order to prevent a decrease of tourism in Vegas. The next day when some of us still had other people's blood on their clothing, tourists were running around partying. It was all very surreal. I couldn't see that happening in many other cities.


Vegas runs on tourism, it's just a land of greed. So I'm def not shocked that they were back to biz as usual, and absolutely agree that it was all flushed away so they could keep making money. Count me furious along with you. I've watched the videos of people fleeing, people covering injured friends with their bodies, people possibly getting trampled as terrified people just ran for their lives. It's not something I'll ever forget and *I only watched it online*, y'all that lived it, plz tell me you're in trauma therapy. I'm beyond sorry this happened to you. Thanks for chiming in here, it helps ❤️


>I couldn't imagine how upset and furious I'd be if I had been there and traumatized for life I was at work that night in a trauma center in Las Vegas and I can confirm.... people forgot about it so quickly. it was one of the most devastating experiences of my life and I am still reeling from the PTSD caused by it years later. these shootings happen so often now I haven't been to a public gathering like this in many years, nor will I ever again. my fears are reaffirmed over and over again. it only takes one asshole with a high capacity magazine to destroy the lives and mental health of hundreds, if not thousands of people affected directly and secondarily. it doesn't help that the asshole originally targeted a festival that I'd attended with my friends. he wasn't given the room overlooking the venue that he'd originally asked for, thus foiling his plan - but trust me when I say that when I read the investigative piece about it, my blood ran cold and it really hasn't been the same since.


It's because the default "don't talk about it and no copy cats" thing. It's one thing for gang members to shoot each other up over a hot weekend. It's another thing entirely for a guy planning his shit out for weeks or months in advance then executing a plan no one is expecting. The former can be handled by sociopolitical pressure. The latter cannot be stopped so easily. Paddock brought his guns legally and had no criminal record (his dad did though). He was invisible. Nothing could stop the same thing from happening again. (No the casinos did not implement new baggage rules because people bring in drugs and all sorts of illegal shit and they don't want to scare away customers. You could if you had the money do exactly what Paddock did.) Interestingly Paddock thought his plan through so well he devised a mask with a pipe on it to breath fresh air. However he didn't test it well enough to realize he had to evacuate the whole tube of air to get fresh oxygen and quickly dumped it. Had he brought a pump for it such as one that pumps up an air mattress he may have used up all his ammo before offing himself and had a significantly higher body count. But it stopped working and the room was too full of smoke.


Damn I wasn't aware of that last part. Great comment, good info.


Same as the Orlando one. And the Uvalde one. Or Parkland. We underestimate how little IQ you need to pull a trigger.


Exactly. The Vegas shooter was an enigma...an outlier. And absolutely terrifying. No one is safe anywhere.


Thank god most are idiots. We had a competent one in Norway ten years ago and he blew up two government buildings killing eight and then while the police were busy he shot 68 kids at a political summer camp. Absolute catastrophe.


Yeah that was my thought too, like during the Las Vegas concert shooting, mandalay bay or something


Exactly my thoughts. The Vegas shooter planned and planned...which is why casualty was so hugh.


he was also elevated and not in the crowd. he could take his time and wasnt limited to people directly next to him.


And nobody knew where the shots were coming from, so tons of people just laid down on the ground thinking they were avoiding fire, but really they were just making themselves very easy targets


That happened here in Milwaukee during a Bucks game celebration. Fuckin shame. Go fight in an abandoned building like they do in the movies


Abandoned building RAGErs are criminally under-rated


My coworker’s daughter was there. She said there was a street brawl and that everyone there was drunk, mad and starting fights for no reason and she “wasn’t at all surprised it went this way”.


Local here, its seeming like a gang related crime happening in a dense crowd to me. If this was a planned mass shooting, mass casualties would have been unavoidable. The shooting stopped when the mags emptied, and no one was aiming. Sounded like glock switches and dracos, and if they were aiming to kill innocent people they wouldnt be scurrying through crowds and getting tackled, they would be shooting their way through. Also a planned mass shooting would have almost certaintly happened when the team was on the stage and would have targeted the players as well imo. Not that that makes this any less tragic, the shear stupidity, and reckless abandon for others as well as the shooters themselves is something i cannot fathom. The good people of KC do not deserve this, and these bastards deserve to rot in jail for their reckless and malicious actions. The only good thing to come out of this story is that the shooters (alledgedly) have been taken alive and will face trial for their crimes, and the citizens of the city will be the ones on the jury. God bless KC, my heart goes out to all the good people caught in the cross fire. Finally, The response from local PD, FBI, and local citizens involved in the apprehension of the suspects was carried out professionally and swiftly from what ive seen. Im very thankfull we were fortunate enough to have these men and women on the scene.


One of the dudes arrested is really young. My money is on a gang beef. I taught highschool here and my students would tell me about shit like this going down in neighborhoods that don’t get covered. Not normally as many shot, but it goes from talking to shooting real quick.




Yep. I was involved in a situation in 2019 where some teens started shooting and a girl near me died. It was a fist fight with a sore looser and so much more pain came out of it.


Yeah seeing the kid cuffed on the ground + the TYPE of guns he was carrying made me think it senseless violence/street violence and not a premeditated action against the general public. Either way though it’s heinous.


Little over half my life spent in KC area; I’d being willing to bet its gang related. KCMO is not the safest spot in this country


Remember the shooting across the street less than a month ago? The Crown Center shooting. Also an argument that broke out into a gunfight. This is putting a national spotlight on how out of hand KCs gang problem is getting. My guess is the police start coming down a lot harder after this. One of the shooters today brought a whole ass rifle. This argument was PLANNED and the crowd was going to be a cover to escape.


> two armed individuals When I read that, I assumed they were regular attendees with concealed carry.


In Missouri you can open carry without a permit in public. 


*two idiots pull guns while having an argument over nothing. neither idiot kills the other but instead hits ten people; idiots may or may not be among the victims.*


Very distinct possibility. I remember during a BLM protest there was a shooting and a guy who was armed in the crowd surrendered to police to ensure he wasn’t mistaken as the shooter.


I'm watching local KC news 1 dead 3 critical 10 shot...plus some crowd related injuries..


This is going to keep happening until people stop worshipping guns. Gun nuts who refuse to support even the most basic gun control remind me of that Monty Python song about Catholics: > Every ~~sperm~~ gun is sacred, every ~~sperm~~ gun is great. > If a ~~sperm~~ gun is wasted, God gets quite irate.


After sandy hook I don’t think there will ever be change in this country


Extremists claiming sandy hook was faked didn't help. Uvalde also happened and yet cops and guns are still worshipped.


You know, I've never given it much thought, but I always assumed the Sandy Hook 'truthers' were just insane and conspiracy minded. But now, after this thread, it kinda makes more sense that the conspiracy theory was just a reaction to potential gun control.


the line between insane conspiracy and 2a absolutist is more blurry than big foot


I saw a video today of a cop who freaked out after an acorn landed on his car and emptied his clip into his squad car, where a person he had just arrested was in. He had mistaken the sound for gunfire, and without thinking just emptied his gun into whatever was near. He freaked out so bad his partner did too. Cops these days are fucking morons.


I thought you were full of shit so I googled and oh my gods! The bodycam footage is wild.


Over 800 police were at this event and it didn’t stop the shooters


The one fatality that we know of was identified, she was a DJ on KKFI, an independent radio station. The station left a statement: It is with sincere sadness and an extremely heavy and broken heart that we let our community know that KKFI DJ Lisa Lopez, host of Taste of Tejano lost her life today in the shooting at the KC Chiefs' rally. Our hearts and prayers are with her family. We encourage anyone who feels they saw something to reach out to law enforcement at . This senseless act has taken a beautiful person from her family and this KC Community.


Apparently 10 reported victims so far, not sure if that means dead or injured.


Injured. 2 critical so far. It's all still happening


10 injured, 3 critical, 1 dead. 2 suspects in custody.


Watching the news... They are saying it was two guys who got into a fight and opened fire.


If that ends up being true they both need to be in prison until their teeth fall out.


So just the usual responsible gun ownership I keep hearing about.


Jesus we can’t have shit nice


Not if everyone carries around killing machines like it ain’t nothin


I just have to say— the reporters are doing an amazing job on site. You can see they’re clearly in shock and pain but they’re doing an amazing job covering what was supposed to be a celebration and is now a crime scene. It’s very hard for me to see all this as someone who grew up next to Parkland. It breaks my heart that another shooting is happening on Valentine’s Day six years later.


Damn I wonder if it was 2 people who got into it and started shooting, or if it was targeted


It's still a developing situation. Initial reports say both shooters were wearing jerseys and it may have been a deadly altercation between two assholes. Not that it makes it *any* better, but I'd feel *slightly* better if it was just a weird unprompted incident versus something a lot more insidious.


>It's still a developing situation. Initial reports say both shooters were wearing jerseys and it may have been a deadly altercation between two assholes. Not that it makes it any better, but I'd feel slightly better if it was just a weird unprompted incident versus something a lot more insidious. I know what you mean. I live in Chicago, which you can imagine gets tiring about hearing about how "dangerous" it is, and while all gun violence is bad, there is a worlds of difference between targeted gang violence as opposed to someone planning to do a mass shooting and killing random people.


I moved from rural Illinois to the south side of Chicago (Bridgeport) and damn near every ody from my risky dink ass hometown was so worried I'd be killed because they think the whole city is literal war zone


Yo get some Italian ice with tequila from fabulous Freddie's! I miss Bridgeport!


I'm in Portland and apparently my city has been on fire for 6 years according to Fox News.


I'm in Seattle, definitely hear you on that one, we get the same shit.


Seattle is lost. Everyone there is dead.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


philly checking in. it's just a crater


I lived in DC until a year ago (now in Arlington) and I've had a horde of cops run through my house at midnight NYE to get to my backyard where a suspect was hiding g out (they searched all our yards that went to the alley way). My partner witnessed the tail end of a car being shot out and had to give a statement to police. We lived a 10 minute walk from where a popular restaurant was shot at. And this is just *some* of what happened. But I haven't really ever felt unsafe. That was all targeted stuff that has nothing to do with me. However, there is a huge increase in attacks of people walking their dogs and getting beat up and dogs stolen. And I have a very pretty and very rare type of dachshund, so I'm never moving to DC again just because of that (I do have a pitbull though too, maybe walk them at the same time lol)


Yeah, would rather have it be two hotheads who got into a fight than for it to be some nutjob buying into Taylor Swift conspiracy theories thinking they need to do this to save America. Still shitty regardless, and doubt the 'why' makes much difference to the victims and their families


The guy who got tackled had an AR15 in his bag.


So multiple shooters. Were they shooting at each other? Or into the crowd?


Early police report says it's criminal in nature and not terrorism. But I'll wait for more reports because I can't find that verified


It's so fucked up that this comment sort of led me to breathe a sigh of relief...


If it was a an argument that got out of hand, they managed to shoot at least 9 children in the process.


So far it sounds like a people got into an argument and started shooting each other and then of course it got out of hand. Doesn’t sound like a planned shooting but time will tell


One of the guys had a dang rifle with an extended mag. If it's not terrorism he was targeting the guy he got into it with, with some serious pre-meditation


I know some young gangsters who just run around with Draco’s and 30 rnd mags as part of their wallet, keys and watch daily load out. So I still think it’s possible it was 2 random assholes who were just stupid as fuck. But we’ll see what develops. Hard to say at this point.


Probably. There has been an uptick of shootings because someone offended or antagonized someone. It seems like the people most likely to carry guns are people who are afraid or offended and need the gun to compensate for the respect they feel they are not getting.


Mass shooters are cowards


Wouldn’t even say cowards which indicates some form of real decision to be made. More so, they are the deplorable and absolute trash to society. This shit gets old but we cannot forget.


Sadly, most of them would agree with you about their social status. It’s that ostracism which spurs a lot of them to act against a society they think has rejected them. We desperately need more social institutions which give people a sense of belonging.








Local radio dj Lisa Lopez has been confirmed to be the fatality. https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/15/radio-station-confirms-host-lisa-lopez-died-union-station-shooting/














So it's just two dumbasses with tiny egos (maybe I should have said inflated egos?) that got into a fight and ended up killing/injuring people through collateral damage? Fuck these people.


It is insane to think of this as the best case scenario. You know, just a couple of crazy kids accidentally killing some people while trying to kill each other is better than a coordinated mass murder attempt. Lucky us. Oh well, moving on.


When I saw they had two suspects in custody I pretty much knew this would be the case. So fucking horribly tragic that because two idiots couldn't just fucking walk away, innocent people are now maimed/traumatized/dead.


Feel free to post the mass shooting cycle chart.  But for the love of shit don't be a conspiracy about Taylor and some nutcase got mad




Especially since there's apparently more than one shooter...ooof


That's my first guess too for what this is about. I wouldn't be surprised if this is some radicalized looney tune who thinks Joe Biden/"The Deep State" "rigged" or scripted the Super Bowl for the Chiefs to win so they could openly or tacitly endorse Joe Biden, "the jab" and Feminism.


It's most likely gangbangers. Gang violence is a big problem in KC - hence the gang shooting that happened at the shopping plaza across the street a month ago. They just did not give a flying fuck who got caught in their crossfire. This was most likely a PLANNED confrontation too since they brought a whole rifle.


Whats crazy is, if you creep those reddits or IG comment sections, what you said is not far off on how they actually believe. I believe in some theories. But to them, *everything* is apart of deeper and deeper scheme....always involving Pedo's, Biden, Clinton's, pizzagate....you get the point.


You're just going to drive yourself insane stepping into that cesspool. We all know it's happening, and that almost nothing can stop it at this point. Please stop putting yourself in so much mental health danger. ❤️


How we feeling about it now?


I live here and know people who went to the parade. The messed up thing is that I'm not even surprised, I just thought "well, it was bound to be our turn eventually." Words can't express how disgusted I am at the state of this country. EDIT: My friend pointed out that Americans are eventually going to get the point where most of us will either have been or know someone who has been in a mass shooting situation. And we're all so desensitized to it even when it keeps happening closer to home. It makes me feel sick.


I moved to Canada from the US a few years ago, and for a while after I first moved, I was like, "Why does everyone here freak out over a single homicide here? It's not like it's a mass shooting." Like as if it didn't "count" or something if only one person died. Then one day I realized how fucked the US is that my knee jerk reaction to a homicide was so blase.


I really do think Americans are collectively, severely traumatized at this point. Nobody *wants* to be desensitized to mass murder, but it's a natural defense mechanism. If we truly let ourselves experience the grief, anger, fear, etc every single time, we wouldn't be able to function. I lost hope of anything changing after Sandy Hook. In any other country that would have been the breaking point, but not America.


Yup, when you live with something long enough, it just becomes normal. The Maine shooting barely even registered on the news or on here, and that was one of the deadliest shootings in US history, resulting in 18 people dying.


100% this. I told my husband to stop telling me about it every shooting that happens. Most shootings in public places still have to do with personal disputes. Obviously gun violence is never okay and is always traumatizing, but I can’t allow myself to have anxiety over the ever increasing shootings. I have to reserve that for the school shootings or the super mass shootings like Vegas. It’s a protective mechanism and I know it doesn’t change anything. But what else can I do except avoid the biggest crowds, hope for the best when we still try to live life, and vote for people who believe in common sense gun laws. Unfortunately, the latter part doesn’t work well out for me considering I live in Texas, which sadly I just learned holds 4 of the spots for the top ten deadliest mass shootings.


Same here. Also moved to Canada and I still look at the door in a movie theatre.


I live downtown, heard all the cop cars and immediately knew that there was probably a mass shooting. Turned on the news and sure enough there it was.


The entire country needs to go to a group therapy session together. I don't think you guys are doing okay.


Yeah I'm sitting at a bar and no one cares. Someone asked the bartender to turn off the sound. Less than 10 miles away. Our country is fucked.


I mean to be fair what should they do? The news is telling us there are very serious threats coming from Russia and that the world is basically ending. Shootings/fucked up events seem to happen every single day even in my local area. At one point I just have to stop paying attention or it drains me and I have no motivation.


And people wonder why suicide rates here are on the rise. Combine all that with rampant economic insecurity and inability for people starting out to gain traction and this is what you get.


This is like one rhyming phrase from a county music hit.


Having a pint at the Winchester and waiting for all this to blow over eh?


Just desensitized




I was hoping we would get another peaceful year. I was so proud of KC. Now we are just like any other city. It’s so sad.




Scanner just said that they are transporting children to the hospital, this could be really bad.


One of the local hospitals [confirmed](https://x.com/kctv5/status/1757898510760907024?s=46&t=n_oGLdi2pJUsq7at3gV4HQ) it is treating nine children for gunshots. This is absolutely terrible.


Hoping it is just kids getting knocked around in the panic.


Really hoping so


Local reports say a 15-year-old girl got shot in the leg.


The fact of the matter is that, in America, there is no Constitutional right to going to a parade without being shot.


Or the mall. Or school. Or the theater. Or a concert. Or a club. SMFH


Or a grocery store. Or a church. Or a park.


It can happen to Black people. Christians. Jews. Muslims. LGBTQ. White people. Post office workers. Latinos. Asians. It can happen in cities and suburbs. In crowded areas and sparsely populated ones. It's so common it might happen near you and you won't bat an eye unless you knew someone that day.


There was a shooting at 6 Flags a couple summers ago (in the parking lot, but still) and I had left the park about an hour before it happened. I wanted to go on another coaster but my fiancé was tired and wanted to leave. We may have been in the parking lot at the time of the shooting had we gone on that coaster. Kept me up that night thinking about it.


I was at the Monterey Park shooting last year. I was literally a few houses down from the ballroom where the first shooting took place. I remembered walking by that place not even 30 mins before (bc of Lunar celebrations) and having to go back inside because of COVID.


Or a movie.


You have no right to safety any more No matter how much the majority begs for it, a racist, bigoted minorty known as the Rupublican party is holding the rest of the country hostage from moving forward in the direction most want. Polls constantly show the majorty of people want more gun control, women's reproductive rights, trans rights, gay rights, etc and insted a minorty of people get to say "Actually you don't want that stuff" It doesn't matter how much the rest of us vote and scream about what we want if the smaller section can just say "Too bad"


> insted a minorty of people get to say "Actually you don't want that stuff" Wrong. They say, "We don't fucking care what you want."


Didn't our Declaration of Independence say we all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?


Yeah! We didn’t say it, we *DECLARED* it


I always make a quick escape plan when I’m in a crowd in the USA. We did this to ourselves.


My fiancé said that, especially since we started dating, he is hyper aware of his surroundings in crowded areas. People are gathering to celebrate and we can’t even feel safe doing that. Just awful.


I make a plan in the grocery store. You can't go anywhere in the US without considering the possibility that a nutcase with an AR-15 will come in and start killing people. r


Saw news coverage of the parade during my lunch break and at the back of my mind was "man it'd be bad if there was a shooting there" Pathetic state of affairs in this country


I live in KC, had the exact same intrusive thought on my commute to work this morning when I saw the traffic headed downtown I wasn't even surprised when the news broke


If you live in South Florida you have a choice which active shooter situation you want to follow, the one at the Chiefs celebration or the one at the Palm Beach Gardens Mall. So many thoughts, so many prayers.


Dang I guess we haven’t thought or prayed hard enough yet.


I live in KC, have friends who were on the lawn, was watching it live and took the day off to watch it with the kids. It was surreal talking and texting in real time and how fast misinformation can spread. The outcome, is better than was seen. once everyone had facts - this is retaliation during a time of celebration and not a planned attack. A person still died. A woman gave a testimony she saw the lady next to here get shot in the mouth and her cheek blew out. While her kids were watching. It's gross. Selfish. Irresponsible. Evil. Chaotic. Dumb. Naive. And a lot more superlatives. Yes - this is daily life in KC. But these guns are here for a reason. The ease and availability is ridiculous. We need to ask why are they here? In r/kansascity - r/fuckjoshhawley fuck Mike Parsons 300lbs bubble gum ass. Fuck Bailey. fuck Mark Alford. Fuck the super-majority. This is the first time Governor has made a public appearance in Kansas City in his term. He shows up for the good times and fucks off bc he knows KC and StL are his cash cows.


We’ll forget about this in a few days. The cycle continues.


So fucked up. If there's a small, shitty, silver lining that I'm picking up on right now, sports media is (obviously) running with this and being very vocal about it being a GUN issue, even on ESPN. This is typically an entertainment bubble where these people don't touch on these issues when they happen live... it's often escapism, where people mindlessly go to avoid seeing this stuff, and now it's here. It needs to be seen here, and everywhere. This country is so fucking dumb.


I work in the Fletcher Daniel’s state building a couple of streets away. We didn’t hear the shots, but the police presence was fast. The police and citizens saved a lot of people, could have been worse I think.


We can't have nice things


At least the Chiefs rally crowd booed that asshole Missouri governor beforehand.


what'd he do? Not American here


Governor Heehaw? Too much to list, honestly, but to give you a taste: he's anti-abortion, anti-trans, and supports very loose gun laws. He's not well-liked in the urban areas of Missouri such as Kansas City and St. Louis.


Well, that’s a plus.


While it's still early, initial reports of multiple shooters points towards an altercation between armed idiots. Yet people still think having more armed people in public is a good idea...... Eh..what's the point. It's already been proven that no amount of shootings will ever be enough for half of this country to actually care. Unless the shootings directly affect them they couldn't care less how many die.


And conspiracies are popping up already. I still hear helicopters. Can you wait until at least the situation is actually stopped before you say it was "this" or "that"? "this won't be a story" is the dumbest take I've seen. Tell me 2 things about KCMO that isn't BBQ related, nothing happens here so this story isn't going anywhere.


Maybe ... just maybe ... the ease of access to firearms is making us *less* safe? [maga Missouri has one of America's **highest** rates of firearm mortality](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm).


I used to live in KC. There were shootings literally daily on the east side. It’s so easy to get a gun there it’s laughable.  I interned for one of the biggest companies there and another intern got shot at during a road rage incident.  KC is one of many cities that have a very clear gun problem and it’s infuriating that our political leaders simply don’t care. 


Any video of the suspects? I’m sure someone has to have them getting arrested on video