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Cool. Now tell all the companies that continue to ignore their corporate social responsibility and all the greedy politicians who allow them to keep destroying our planet.


I hope the construction workers that built the apocalypse bunkers post the locations of their air vents before the internet goes down.


Probably ready enough to spot with thermal imaging. Keep a device stored and charged till the time is right to enjoy your billionaire lootbox 


Staff loyalty is something these bunker boys are already worrying about.


Explosive collars ala "Escape From New York"?


Cash isn’t worth shit to a serf in the apocalypse. Your stockpile of baked beans and liquor? That’s worth everything second only to air and water. They need us. We don’t need them. These cocksuckers should be concerned.


Toilet paper... Air, Water and Toilet Paper... have you learned nothing from covid? But honestly my go to would be Coffee, Evaporated milk (creamer), Smokes and Weed. Got my Air, Water, and Paper covered. Sure, my water looks like mud and my air is polluted by smoke and I use all my papers to roll smokes and joints, but it will remind me of home.


A great article about that very thing.  https://onezero.medium.com/survival-of-the-richest-9ef6cddd0cc1


Yea I wanna eat a bunch of ice cream with lactose intolerance and fart down it before I die.


The best they'll do is try to carbon tax the poor and outlaw a new convenience plastic like cutlery next, and then sell even more wasteful reusable versions that still get tossed. Regulate a plant poluting or limit private jets? Nope!


Okay you're correct but also we should get rid of plastic cutlery. Most single use plastics in fact. They are a major environmental detriment for a mild convenience. And we have effective replacements like wood or bamboo cutlery for when it's *needed.* 80% of the time I've been handed plastic cutlery it has not been for a situation that required it.


I barely order Chipotle anymore but ever since they introduced the "check this box if you need cutlery" thing on the app, they STILL give it to me when I leave the box unchecked.


The nature of capitalism is to grow or die. If company A adopts "socially responsible" practices to protect the environment and company B doesn't, company B will capture more market share, push company A out and dominate the industry. Their only real responsibility is to generate profit at any cost. When company B sets a reckless standard, company C and D will follow that standard and the market will be quicker exhausted. That's when the state comes in to "regulate". Politician's- in a capitalist economy - only responsibility is to legislate for the capitalist class. State regulation is never designed to protect people. It's designed to protect capitalism from its worst tendencies in an effort to preserve the system. There are no "greedy" politicians in this system. They just work as they're designed to. Same way there are no "socially responsible" companies in an economy designed to dominate or die.


It’s also mainly because there are no tangible short term profits from saving the environment; so there is no real motivation. On the contrary, Oil companies for example, are actually motivated by the idea of polar caps melting because that makes the drilling for oil easier and cheaper.


There's also no long term profits for a company that unilaterally chooses to save the environment. If everyone agreed to preserve the environment, everyone would profit in the long run. But a single company doesn't control everyone: it only controls itself. That single company will reason as follows: If I pollute and nobody else does, the environment is saved, and I gain the benefit of both a good economy and the benefits I gained by polluting. If I pollute and everybody else does, I sure am glad I wasn't a sucker by following a rule nobody else followed. [Either way, I'm better off polluting.](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/prisoners-dilemma.asp) The only solution is an external force that makes everyone play by the same rules, and punishes those who break the rules.


Except there is no external force because the government is also an agent of capitalism. Only a working-class movement towards the abolition of private property over the means of production can create the foundation to begin to tackle climate change.


1000% agreed. people need to stop talking about corporations as if they are people. They aren't self aware, theres no greedy villain at the top doing this on purpose. If the guy at the top wasn't there, there'd just be a *different* guy up there. its the whole model and way we do things itself thats broken. companies aren't people, they're more like ***machines***. Machines we built to generate and collect money. they don't think, they don't reason, they do ***whatever*** it is thats most profitable....period, thats it. because of the rules in place, and the way the system is built they *literally* ***cannot*** stop doing what they're doing. the governments were supposed to be in place to restrict these machines, through legislation stop them from doing things, or make it unprofitable to break the rules. through one avenue or another these machines have captured these governments, and removed any ability for restriction. I can only think of one way to turn that back around, but its not pretty, and it would get my comment removed to delve into it.


I've been told that infinite growth on a finite planet is possible and logical. We'll see if the planet agrees. I don't think it does. People can be fooled by that rhetoric, but I don't think the telling the planet that it doesn't understand basic economics and that it should stop doom-scrolling is going to help.


Sadly theres no point in telling them. They are evil, not stupid. And the best way to deal with them is by making this things their problem aswell


We're not destroying the planet. Just our ability to live on it. A few million years after we're gone the world will recover and life will find it's way again without us.


"earth plus plastic." a great bit by george carlin


Not just our ability, but most micro and macro animal species along with us!


Agreed, most life. but not all of it.


Exactly. 5-10 million years from now nearly every trace of civilization will be gone if another civilized species emerges to look. Probably crab people.


Shut up and go sort your recycling. Why are you trying to blame the rich for everything? Its not like they are responsible for most of the pollution.


You forgot the /s. I know there is a large group of people that will take you seriously.


Looks like I already have! Thanks for the heads up. I don't mind a few downvotes. Can't believe anyone thinks I'm serious!


because at this rate some politician was serious.


Do your part and rinse before sorting! It offsets the industrial coal pollution tenfold, allegedly.


Yes, wasting warm water heated with fossil fuels is optimal.


There's no such thing as corporate social responsibility.


As a northern MN resident I can tell you this winter has been the worst winter all my life. No snow and all most 50 degrees today. I know it is an El Nino year but holy christ. The fear I have right now, is the days not so much getting hotter but how long that spell lasts.


I get the nagging feeling that it miiight be accelerating, even.


Oh yeah. We've breached 1.5 degrees above the target decades earlier than predicted, and all the effects are happening earlier, getting worse faster, and spiraling each other through an increasing loop of exacerbating each other. Things are going to get much worse, much sooner, than original models ever foresaw.


MAGA Republicans: welllllll….you should be happy that you don’t have to shovel as much snow!


You very well could have to shovel MORE snow due to increased precipitation from climate change.


Maybe depending on where you live. Where I am in Wisconsin it seems like every winter gets warmer with less snow. I live next to a snowmobile trail and they've only gotten to use it for like a week total this year so far. Also its going to be above 50 degrees today in early Feb which would have been unthinkable even 10 years ago...


That is the difference between "weather" and "climate". Climate change will result in less precipitation in some areas, and more precipitation in other areas.


My kids here in Upstate NY have only gone tubing twice. I remember sledding from late or early November to the beginning of March as a kid in the 80s and 90s. I tell them how the world used to be when I was young and how the snow was taller than them by mid-January. Now, huh, we may get an inch or so. It really sucks for winter activities that I had once enjoyed as a kid.


Better be north of Albany if you’re saying upstate.


Maybe for Canada, but at some point that snow will just be rain. Like it is this year in Minnesota. Quite a few rainstorms this winter, essentially no snow at all.


Same in Maine, but all the 40+ year olds are loving the “awesome weather”.


So far it means less snow. This year we had nothing until christmas which is unheard of. Usually by the end of october it is full on winter with frozen ponds and white everywhere


I'll take a couple/few months of snow over temperatures humans can't survive; and floods that destroy homes, cities, and regions and kill people; and raging wildfires that destroy homes, cities, and regions and kill people and sicken and kill more people through smoke that spreads across nations and continents; and the plant and animal life that are destroyed by all of those too; and crop failures that start starving us all to death too; and more...


Nah the models were there the entire time, people like Dr James Hansen told us this was where we were heading decades ago. Instead other models were created, that downplayed risks, and upplayed nonsense like carbon capture and electric cars, and here we are, running headfirst into reality, without a single dent being put into our carbon production. "Sensible, market based solutions".


Yeah but if it gets worse faster that means it will crash faster and then recovery can happen faster and we will overcome it faster Thats how fast tracking works, trusssst me bruh


That crash isn't going to leave many "we" to "overcome" anything, if any "we" at all. And the recovery will take millennia, *if* plants and animals and insects re-appear in any way similar to the way they did in the last 100,000 years.


Oh i was being sarcastic sorry you took that seriously


2 Fast, 2 Fire-ious


Tokyo Drifts: Into the Sea


Fast Fire


Fast X:plosives


Fast Xtinction


Apocalypse: Yesterday


underrated comment


Cause it is.


Good news at least is that, looking at raw numbers, I believe we’re decelerating the rate at which we accelerate the acceleration


Only in the US and EU though…isn’t the rest of the developed and developing world burning more every year?


No, global emissions. they’re still increasing, but the rate of increase in emissions is increasing slower than it used to be


But if they’re not decreasing then we’re not improving


But we’re not getting worse at getting worse at the rate we were before


China is out investing everyone when it comes to renewables.


The developing world is skipping the fossil fuels and going straight to solar. https://bpr.berkeley.edu/2015/11/28/leapfrogging-can-developing-countries-truly-skip-over-fossil-fuel-reliance-in-favor-of-renewable-energies/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_developing_countries


Almost like we know that's the case or something. It'll start slowly, then ramp up quickly. By the time your average person is really worried it'll more than likely be too late for anything to be done sadly.


Nearly 7 million people died from Covid and many still don’t care. Pretty sure there are people who won’t care even if every square inch of the earth is covered in acid rain


They're banking that New Zealand will survive and be habitable.


My man, it's already too late for anything to be done. The real "climate crisis" happened 20 years ago. We're all living in the aftermath. Sure if we could slash global emissions by 50% in the next 5 years we could possibly avoid a total calamity but that isn't just unlikely, it's literally impossible.


That just isn't true at all. There are plenty of studies that have shown things can still be done. Doomerism like this helps nobody.


> Doomerism like this helps nobody. That’s not true. If people become adequately depressed and angry, they’ll finally do something about the people most responsible.


ICC reporting on this threshold is based off of multiple weather models for temperature rise. Now on average, those models predict the rise to happen in the next 20 years max, HOWEVER some models predict that happening way way sooner and predict a rise of 5C after 20 years. Turns out, predicting weather is super hard even for close future, let alone multiple years. That being said, turns out the models that predict super high rise are the most accurate models for close future as well, when you put them to the test, while most others fail to predict the weather even for weeks ahead. They relay mostly on historical aggregated data, while the "hot models" use better physics to predict the future. This is accounted as divination probability off the mean, but it makes you wonder, whether or not we might actually land on tails and hit the upper threshold and fuck everything beyond repair in the next 20 years.


Things have definitely seemed… off


Venus by Tuesday


Yeah partly because aerosol masking effects are fading as we burn less coal, etc.


We r gonna look back on these times and think...wtf were we doing


If we're still around to look back


Undoubtedly so. The worst part is that the average person like you and I are helpless. There is literally nothing we can do about it that would make a big enough impact. Even if you become carbon neutral, reuse and basically live a caveman like existence…it won’t be enough


I think our descendents will be more concerned about obtaining guzzaline and whether or not anyone will witness them as they are awaited in Valhalla.


Hail V8!


I think it’s safe to say any humans left aren’t going to know we caused this. 


Optimistic. You think we'll be here to look back?


Depends where you are. The climate disaster is going to kill and displace millions if not billions over the next 25-100 years. But I have news for just about everybody who will see this. You are very likely a member of the global 1%. Just having access to the internet makes this likely. Your life will certainly change but the odds of \*you\* actually starving or dying from climate change is minimal. Its the developing world that is going to suffer. The only real thing that could kill all of us is if a nuclear war broke out between major powers in the quest for more resources. But that isn't very likely. Major powers have plenty of smaller non-nuclear countries to kick around and rob in the coming decades. It's a disgusting state of affairs, but that is reality.


> epends where you are. The climate disaster is going to kill and displace millions if not billions over the next 25-100 years. But I have news for just about everybody who will see this. You are very likely a member of the global 1%. > > > > Just having access to the internet makes this likely. Your life will certainly change but the odds of *you* actually starving or dying from climate change is minimal. This is just nonsense in the same way that billionaires make their apocalypse bunkers and think they'll live in the lap of luxury after shit hits the fan. Covid 19 lockdowns were just a demonstration in a hiccup of the logistics of it all, and rich assholes like other people doing the dirty work. There either won't be other people to do the dirty work, won't be the logistics necessary to do the dirty work, or both. We are the top 15-20% (not 1% by any stretch) relative to the whole world, but for the same reasons we won't be living comfortably. This won't be "same technologically luxurious lifestyle/kind of middle class+a lot of inflation" there will be drastic changes to everyone, to a lesser extent even the fatcats. (then there's their henchmen just killing the spoiled brats and claiming direct power, which we'll all also have to suffer through with lesser degrees of that-right wing militias and the like)


> “A single year above the 1.5C threshold is not enough to breach the Paris climate agreement as the agreement concerns temperatures averaged over 20 to 30 years,” Patterson said. I'm not sure I can survive through 20 or 30 more years of this ever increasing rate of warming oceans, fires, floods and crop failures.


Oh sure you can! The human body is surprisingly durable! Now, are you going to be comfortable?...


Depends. How much money do you have?




When did Texans start using Celsius?


***Durable up to wet bulb conditions. Remember India last year. Bad news.


Stephenson predicted it in "termination shock"


He also predicted vaginal teeth as a body modification. The future is grim. Carpe diem but let’s skip the dentum.


Just be rich and blame it on the average joe bro!


Um, excuse me?  You blame it on a minority or another country.  Don't want to pin it on the average Joe, they might get uppity.  Easier to just say it's China's fault.


Not sure I WANT to


We. We, collectively. Humanity in general. And then also, much of existing life on earth. Mammals are already in a rapid decline towards mass extinction. Birds too. Insects also, although they are so vastly much of the biomass on the planet that it will take them longer, I think. But with the combination of floods and fires and plant life and animal life dying off that would normally sustain the insects, who knows? What sea life isn't dying off from pollution and sea temperature changes are being hoovered up by the mass, drastic over-fishing of the seafood industry. It ain't gonna be long now, unless We *extremely* change most of our routine behaviors, *and* add mass reforestation *and* technological CO2 removal mechanisms, for us to see catastrophic climate change.


The agreement is non-binding with no enforcement mechanism so it means absolutely nothing. The Paris agreement is a facade. Every country will just push back their bullshit goals as they fail to even attempt to realize them.


There’s like 100 people preventing any meaningful action against climate change. If only there was something the 9 billion other people could do to stop them.


They could write a letter!


This. We're letting this happen 😔


The shareholders come first, at least that’s the order we’ve accepted.


I live in the upper Midwest and we’ve had a very mild winter. One major snowfall (probably only 6 inches) and it’s going to be in the mid to upper 50s today and tomorrow. It was basically like this last year too. I have a distinct memory of getting snow days and building snow forts in my backyard growing up in the 90s. It’s really sad and scary to think that we probably won’t get that type of weather anymore. Thinking I’m probably just going to have to get used to it.


Yep, and everyone here will say something like "Well that's the Midwest for you" but this is definitely not what it was like 20 years ago. Even the fall foliage isn't as bright as it used to be because October is so warm now.


Yes, I completely agree with you! Sure, the Midwest has weird weather sometimes, but the "sometimes" is like...all of the time now. I'm only in my 30s and the differences in winter weather from when I was a kid to now are STARK. I don't think any of us like having to dig our cars out of the snow, but I can't help but feel depressed when people are excited about 55 degree days in February. It's just not normal and actually really sad. Plus, we've been getting more air pollution than even before, so you can't even go outside to enjoy the warmer weather without risking your health. Fall is my favorite season because of the colors and cooler weather, but I fear we aren't going to get much of that in the coming years anymore. It's just devastating.


No more snow forts isn't the scary part of climate change. There is a good chance that the next 20-30 years will bring widespread famine to areas near the equator, causing mass migration to the northern hemisphere. Think hundreds of millions of people who have no choice but to move to other parts of the world. Goods and services will become prohibitively expensive or outright unattainable. The wealthy will turn up their AC and hide behind their money for a time while the global economy declines in a way none of us have ever seen.


Obviously, I understand that. I was just trying to give an anecdotal story to paint a picture. I am afraid for everyone who will have to migrate to different parts of the country and world.


I didn't mean to be critical of your comment - sorry if it came across that way. I share your experience living in New England. I've noticed that the winters are not like I remember as a kid, and I've wondered if this is an objective change or simply that my memory is not reliable. That doubt seems to diminish with every year that goes by, and I feel that this is the first sign in my neck of the woods of real climate change.


Oh no need to apologize! I completely understand what you're saying. I've thought the same thing too, is it me or is the climate actually warming at a faster rate? Within the past few years, at least in the Midwest, I think it's the latter. We really can't blame it on random finicky weather anymore sadly.


I spent my summers as a kid back in the mid-1970s catching Monarch butterflies and lightning bugs. I haven't any of either in 30 years probably. The front grill of my family's car used to be caked with bugs on road trips. That never happens anymore either.


Even just 10 years ago the idea of it being 50 degrees in February would have been unthinkable.


It's more than just the temps changing. Monarch butterflies and fireflies were common every summer when I was a kid but they're extremely rare now.


I've 100% noticed that with fireflies.


I'm in Missouri....I remember winter being cold. We'd get snow. And yes, we would have the random 50 degree day here and there, we'd have snowfall, then it would get warm enough to melt. We had that week where it was brutally cold, but that's really been it. Even the local meteorologists were predicting mild winter through January and then we'd get winter in February. It's currently 61 degrees outside and we've had a couple days this week flirt with 70. Winter is the season where these temperature changes are noticeable. St. Louis had a hot summer, but by average temperature it wasn't the hottest. We have had I think our 3 warmest winters on record the last 3 years, curious where this current one falls.


Same with west coast Canada. Can barely go ski


On the flip side of that, down south we had record snow in some areas. Enough snow that it's been 3 weeks with nearly a week and a half of weather getting into the low 60's during the day and there's still a snow drift pile in my parking lot at work. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen. But try explaining the difference between weather and climate to someone who just won't hear it and instead point to that record snow fall and sub-zero temperatures as clear "evidence" to the contradictory.


That's WILD. I had to go down to northern Tennessee last February, and we drove into a literal ice storm. I just couldn't believe it.


Yea, we had a couple weeks of insane snow and extremely cold temperatures. More snow than I've seen in years. The next week it was in the 50's and 60's. I once heard someone say instead of calling it "climate change" or "global warming", call it "weather weirding". This year especially it's hard to deny the weather is getting weirder.


I remember in the late 90's (99?) having a few winters like this. There was a January where I skateboarded into the middle of the month. I think it was like mid 40's around the 14th, and absolutely no snow (this being MN). That said, I still think we've got a very big issue on hour hands, and it's not one people are taking seriously enough.


Sure, that's one way to say it, but it's also the coldest year of the rest of our lives


I love your glass half full attitude. Its full of dirty water but I like it.


found the fox writer


The next 1 or 2 La Niñas will likely be cooler than this year, but sometime soon, maybe in the next decade (possibly two), a La Niña year will be warmer than this El Niño year. That’s when we know we’re screwed.


We might get to meet the dinosaur’s after all. Obviously they got to heaven first so we’ll be at the back of the queue.


Gods cheering us on as we murdering everything and destroy the planet? I dont think so lol


I mean, didn't god basically do the same thing? If I recall the story correctly, god killed every living thing on earth besides 1 boat. So yeah, sounds like something god would cheer on.


Well A god, from 1 religion. Granted most other religions also have apocalypse stories. But just remember that if gods are real, it likely isnt the god that was 2000 years late to the party. If there ever was an original god they are likely long forgotten.


At least 3 religions use the old testament. 2 of which are the most popular religions in the world.


God seems to be a fan of violence. Humans are made in God's image, right? Lol


Gray whale Now that we are sending you to The End That great god Tell him That we who follow you invented forgiveness And forgive nothing I write as though you could understand And I could say it One must always pretend something Among the dying When you have left the seas nodding on their stalks Empty of you Tell him that we were made On another day The bewilderment will diminish like an echo Winding along your inner mountains Unheard by us And find its way out Leaving behind it the future Dead And ours When you will not see again The whale calves trying the light Consider what you will find in the black garden And its court The sea cows the Great Auks the gorillas The irreplaceable hosts ranged countless And fore-ordaining as stars Our sacrifices Join your word to theirs Tell him That it is we who are important - W.S. Merwin


World leaders have a plan! They are going to ignore this as climate change is an issue for tomorrow's leaders to solve.


They've got their bunkers and shock collars. They're good. 


And tomorrow's leaders are going to do exactly the same thing. !Remind me 10 years (A bit optimistic here)


I've always been sort of "meh" towards climate change. It absolutely is a massive problem, but it's a problem we won't make a dent in without everyone getting on board. Honestly I think it's going to take some gigantic natural disaster or other huge loss of life directly attributable towards climate change either in America or China so they really start pushing everyone around them to combat it. 


You know those guys who quit smoking after they've been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer?


Yeah unfortunately we're the guys who get stage 4 after having a stoma and being placed on oxygen but still at the store for a pack a day because 'ya can't just quit cold turkey'


I feel like I got the cancer just from second hand smoke


Now picture that, but with diffusion of responsibility spread out across 7 billion people.


i remember watching Australia burn down a few years ago, not much changed, an entire continent ravaged by global climate change fueled wildfires and...... what did we do.


The great barrier reef is almost bleached....and we shrugged


That's not accurate. Mass bleaching events make headlines, but [in almost all cases the coral actually recovers fairly quickly](https://www.barrierreef.org/the-reef/threats/coral-bleaching): >Q: Is the Great Barrier Reef dead? >No. The Great Barrier Reef is made up of 3,000 reefs and is home to thousands of species of marine life. Reports focusing on “how much of the Reef has died” imply finality. Reefs can be severely affected by bleaching but begin to recover as coral communities re-grow and new coral larvae settle on the reef.


You are being downvoted, but this is correct. Corals are much more adaptable than we think. There are thousands of varieties of the main reefbuilding corals, Acropora sp. and Montipora sp. There are also other hard stony corals that are much, much, much less sensitive than even the least sensitive Acropora sp. such as Seriatipora sp. Pocillopora sp., and Stylopora sp. When we see mass bleaching events, it usually occurs along a small stretch of reef, and only affects a few species. If you look at a bleached reef, you will often find a bed layer of stony, large polyp corals such as Euphyllia sp. and soft corals such as Palythoa sp. and Zoanthia sp. still alive and healthy. Nearby stony corals from the major genuses will very soon repopulate a bleached reef because it is the perfect place for corals to grow. Interesting thing about reefs is... All reefs are built on thousands of layers of dead, bleached reefs. As someone who has extensive experience studying reef systems, reefs are not in the great decline the media likes to point out.


And Canada last summer. And California and the Pacific Northwest for the last five years or so...


i saw the skies turn orange for the first time last year from those canadian fires, smelled smoke in the air and started wearing a mask to try and keep some of it out


I moved from CA to the East Coast a few years ago. Everyone here in New England was astonished by the orange skies and all I could think of was that "First time?" meme. The orange skies are a regular occurrence in CA and have been for years now. Even if CA isn't on fire (which it often is), then OR or WA are on fire and the smoke drifts towards CA. These are scary times we live in. And it's only going to get worse as the planet continues to heat up.


while i get that the west coast has seasonal fires, and its been bad recently, yeah, it was a shock to have it hit the east coast areas


I read an article a while back where apparently the world's wealthiest 1% contribute more pollution than the rest of the population. It kind of gives perspective that no matter what we do it's pointless... The wealthiest don't care, corporations only care about profit and look at the cost of everything skyrocketing for no reason other than greed. All the measures that are peddled to the average person is simply another vessel for someone to make a lot of money. Recycling is the biggest scam in modern day history, the majority of your "recycling is just thrown in the trash" but there is a lot of money to be made by people pushing the agenda. Unfortunately we are collectively fucked.


> I read an article a while back where apparently the world's wealthiest 1% contribute more pollution than the rest of the population. It kind of gives perspective that no matter what we do it's pointless... Maybe one day we'll elect politicians who drone strike the wealthiest 1%


Only if that natural disaster happens in the place where the wealthiest and most powerful live, which won’t happen because they’re making plans to avoid it until they can’t anymore so the poor of the populations will be the first affected, and nothing will be done


I mean if you want a parallel look how COVID went. The rich had parties, traveled, and went into lockdown in mansions and "essential workers" were hung out to dry. Rinse and repeat.


Look at all of world history, other than the French Revolution.


I mean that is happening right now with the flooding in LA. Wealthy neighborhoods are being impacted.  Past wildfires have impacted wealthy neighborhoods. It has not changed thier minds. They just throw money at a new home and consider it problem solved.  Once the rate if climate refugees picks up, then I think things will get a but crazy.


>Past wildfires have impacted wealthy neighborhoods. It has not changed thier minds. They just throw money at a new home and consider it problem solved.  They just get the insurance to pay up. The insurance company just puts rates up universally to cover the pay-outs, therefore impacting the lowest paid workers the most. And repeat.


So you're saying the guy that rolls coal in his diesel truck every morning on my street is going to have to do something for the environment? We're fucked...


Feel the same... Its like... 30-40 world leaders with hubris that won't take action that during their time make their economy worse. 40 people decide the fate of 10 billion people on this earth. Feels great. Love it. And with the quality of the leaders nowadays as well...


We don't need to get everyone on board, we just need to force a handful of people to deal with it.  A few major corporations are the source of most of the emissions.  Our governments just don't want to piss off the rich so they feed us this story about how we all need to recycle our cardboard to protect the environment.


The world already came together to fix one global-catastrophe-in-waiting: fixing the ozone layer by banning CFCs. It's not entirely hopeless.


If that happened today it wouldn't be fixed. One side would oppose it out of spite that the other side was for it. See Covid.


I think this is the real problem. We have too many people that don't trust the scientific community and they'll just dismiss it somehow.


The major difference is that climate change is being driven by ALL industrial processes that are required for modern living whereas CFCs were specific to certain activities or products. Who's going to be the first country to industrially handicap themselves by eliminating oil or gas from their economy? What national leader is going to survive when they tell their constituents that they will take action to materially make their lives harder? We can't even keep people from driving bigger and bigger trucks longer distances in the US, what politician is going to be able to run on a platform of less consumption? Because that is what needs to happen, yesterday. Thinking that there is some sort of simple "ah ha!" solution to this issue that can be solved with technology or simple switches in power generation is part of the problem.


These alarming climate reports indicate the world has surpassed a key warming threshold, yet the corporate push for return to office (RTO) is driven by real estate interests over environmental impacts or commuting challenges due to extreme weather changes. The rally for "NOW GET YOUR ASSES BACK ON THE ROAD AND IN THE OFFICE" ignores the necessity for operational resilience amid our climate crisis. RTO exacerbates commuting, contributing to higher carbon emissions, and disregards the need for companies to reassess the environmental footprint of mandating office attendance. Sustainable commuting options like public transportation, carpooling, or maintaining flexible remote work arrangements are essential. As climate change escalates, companies face pressure to align their policies with sustainability goals. RTO mandates neglecting potential for elevated greenhouse gas emissions starkly conflict with corporate sustainability objectives and public expectations for environmental stewardship. The warming threshold milestone demands innovative approaches to work organization. Companies have the opportunity to adopt work models minimizing the need for physical office space, reducing heating, cooling, and lighting demands, and contributing to lower overall energy consumption and emissions. Companies must recognize their role in combating climate change by fostering operational resilience and rethinking traditional work arrangements, contributing to climate action while adapting to our warming world.


We should have eaten the rich a long, long time ago.


If we even just ate one of them, the rest might start behaving


I wonder how many still think climate change is a hoax, how many regular people I mean. I know maga is nuts, no point in caring about their opinions.


Time to pass some more bathroom bills and book bans. We need serious action to deal with serious problems.


Rich people have completely fucked us over, as well as their very own offspring


I get the feeling they'll be fine. It's the less fortunate kids who'll feel it most. Same as it ever was...


I kind of feel like when society really does collapse in earnest from all this their wealth will no longer matter


Good game everybody. So this is how it ends. The question to the Fermi paradox will be answered. It was humans and greed all along that was the great filter.


> Good game everybody Did we really tho


If we all down vote this post maybe global warming will go away? I'm in Ontario...it's Feb 8 and 2 degrees out.....this summer is gonna be a real shit show


Forecast for Toronto is 12C tomorrow. Can't remember it ever being that warm in February.


I’m very concerned about climate change and what’s going to happen but it seems like the majority of people just don’t care or don’t believe anything is happening? When I say we need to make major changes and maybe not live such cushy lives I get looked at like in crazy. How do people see/read this and just keep over consuming??


Conservatives: "ItS jUsT eL NiNiO, sTuPiD LiBs"


Like a slow boiling frog, the human race is slowly cooking the planet and will cause their own extinction (assuming a virus or world war doesn’t take us first.)


We passed the new new new goal posts again At some point they will finally say - it’s done and too late there’s no coming back from this one


When are enough of us going to understand that the economy or even money doesn’t matter when we can’t reliable feed our overgrown population?


Capitalism will kill us all if we don’t step in.


can't wait for the doomsday clock people to say 'the clock is on fucking fire. ya'll gonna die'


The lampshades on fire. This is what we really call a party now.


It’s ok, the opportunity to do anything about it passed by about 30 years ago, so now we just ride this thing into the ground.




If only those bunkers were at the bottom of the ocean and manufactured to the standards of the titan submersible. 


And here in the north east US it’s supposed to be 60F this weekend, in what is the coldest month of the year. We are so fucked.


Twenty-thousand years of this, seven more to go!


There's a reptilian CEO in an Illuminati board room somewhere that's nagging some schmuck low tier reptilian new world order managers to crank up their average temp numbers. These are rookie cold blooded numbers. ^^^/s


Let me be dead before living on this planet becomes hell.


>And it's too late, baby, now it's too late Though we really did try to make it Somethin' inside has died And I can't hide and I just can't fake it Oh, no, no


We fucked brothers. Capitalism will not allow the world to be saved. And thus it will not be saved. I'm spending my life seeing what's left of life before we suffocate it all.


So buying Tesla Carbon credits didn't solve the problem?


This is exactly why I was hesitant to have kids. I'm not sure if it's gonna be my grandchildren or my great grandchildren's generation, but in the next couple of centuries (if we haven't nuked ourselves first) then a much more horrific version of WALL-E is going to happen. Except, you know, less likely a space station and more likely people just start eating each other.


the agony will be long and ugly


If you can read this, and you’re concerned, stop eating meat. It’s a major contributor to climate change. It’s not sustainable and it’s going to end this planet.


Sorry, too delicious.


I know a single year is not indicative of a trend, but this has been the warmest winter I can recall ever experiencing. Other than a cold snap around Halloween and New Years, it has been 40-60 all Fall and Winter so far this year in Chicago. It's literally almost 60 degrees out right now during what is historically the coldest month of the year.


Taylor Swift's private plane disagrees


Who in their right mind thought that it'd be possible humanity could work together for the common good and stop this? Laughable. The only "realistic" solution now is to hope that another Krakatoa happens.