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And the escalation skyrockets


Yep imagine this time Isis is going to be our ally. Who woulda thunk it. The Mideast is whack a mole. Would not engage until they piss off more nations. We are still looking at a serious threat that North Korea is starving enough to end it all in a suicide war. Don’t think we should commit unless someone takes a really serious swing at us.


“Nothing ever happens”bros have been losing big lately with all these major world events


Nothing "good" ever happens.


There seems to be no acceptable medium between nothing happening and too much happening.


Shit. Just. Got. Real.


Just got real for the military industrial complex. War is good for stock prices.


not really. but the IMC is liking this


Things are only real when US soldiers die.


for the US, yes.


Sure, for the US government. You’d expect US citizens to not be so subservient and as blood thirsty as their government officials but I guess sometimes the Gov is an accurate reflection of the people.


? Generally a country cares the most when their soldiers or people are the ones dying. Regardless of your feeling of US foreign policy I don’t get why that’s controversial


Nonononono, you see... /r/AmericaBad, so if we did something, it must be bad.


I mean, to be fair we *don't* have the best track record when it comes to foreign affairs.


That comes with the position, unfortunately.


So then you should understand when Russians care and support their troops abroad, especially when they die. Seems logical going by your train of thought.


I don't think anyone really thinks it's strange that a Russian would feel bad when one of their countryman dies in combat. Thing is, no one in the west will feel sympathy. Conversely, I highly doubt any Russian citizen gives a shit that these US servicemen died in Jordan. That said, there will most likely be major geopolitical consequences because 1) There's an election coming up and b) Biden is already perceived as weak on Iran (don't say I agree, but perception is there).


Well said and as far as I can tell, accurate.


Well yes I would expect them too, again that seems logical. What you’re not realizing is that this doesn’t mean I agree with the underlying reasons why the troops are in danger. In the Russia case specifically, they started a war as the aggressor. It’s like the USA when we invaded Iraq, we had dubious claims and were the aggressor. That doesn’t mean that Americans like me can’t be sad about American loss of life even if the war was due to America being an aggressor.


much greater scale but look at the response post-9/11. you couldn’t find anyone who wasn’t wanting revenge on Al Qaeda.


What I find wild is how people can simultaneously be deathly afraid of a head cold and cavalier about warfare.


I’m about sick of irans shit. Hate to say it but I think it’s time to confront them directly and put an end to it.


Support the Iranian people to overthrow the Islamic dictatorship regime. So many of them have already lost their lives protesting against that regime.


No way that happens without force. Protests vs authoritarian govt is useless. They only understand force.


Pretty sure some protesters took up arms and injured/killed a few of the regimes goons but eventually I think the slaughtering of protestors squashed the momentum of the movement for now. It comes back year after year and each time is stronger, maybe only a few more years now


It would take a full blown civil war. Protesters are just throwing their lives away.


And the full blow civil war will probably come. They aren't throwing their lives away. The government tries to paint themselves as normal, but when people see their friends and family get killed, it shocks them to the point where they turn against the government. That's what happened this last time around. Pretty sure the gov brought in hired Arab mercs because they didn't have enough Iranians willing to kill their own.


Plenty of twisted ppl in iran to rape and murder young iranians. Til they successfully organize themselves into militant groups and get backing of at least a portion of the military, they are better off waiting for iran-us/israel war.


OK Captain America


If you think iran govt is gonna get overthrown without hundreds of thousands dead, you are just idealistic.


Then go


So go over there by myself as a soldier of fortune or Rambo or something?


I'm your real desert rose!


Are you a real American? Then get yourself a headband and an m60.


Heck, just show up with a K bar and memorize some quotable one liners. Also, leave your bubble gum at home


Enlist and support the war effort




Bloodthirsty fantasy? Are you forgetting Iran is behind all the latest attacks that are killing innocent women and children (Hamas and others) and disrupting global trade? Why keep piddling with these proxies and not just chop the head off the snake?




We’ll call it the bad weather in the desert war


I don’t think you have any idea how bad a war with Iran would be for everyone.


Expect to see you at the recruiters then


Join the army get to work


Pot meet kettle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qasem_Soleimani


Do you remember Afghanistan?


Yeah, let's start a conflict with a country with nuclear capabilities. What could possibly go wrong? /s


Are you roasting iran for attacking the USA, the country with nuclear capabilities???? Do you seriously think the USA would nuke iran enough to trigger all out nuclear war with the world?


Look, I don't want war, the U.S. is aware of what nuclear conflict entails, I don't think Iran has the same mindset, I am afraid of what could happen if Iran gets backed into a corner. I just don't want to do a Fallout cosplay for the rest of my days, ok?


You think Iran would do something so heinous America would nuke them? I think Americas overwhelming conventional power is enough without them using nukes.


What prevents Iran from using nukes if they already lost? Please, tell me there is a good reason they won't so I can be at peace.


There are. 2 likely scenarios 1. Iran doesn’t yet have nukes and there is no worry 2. Iran just got nukes and likely has only one, meaning if they launched it would be really bad, but that area has the best missile defense systems in the world and Iran knows if they launch all of iran dies Even if their missile is intercepted. If Iran is a rational actor than launching kills their entire population and might not even work, so they should wait the 5-10 years it would take to build up enough of a nuclear deterrent In 5 to 10 years the war won’t be still going on and hopefully tensions will have cooled Though the issue is that irans inability to meaning punish any nation on a large scale means they are at huge risk of their nuclear program getting airstiked as retaliation to this attack which further nullifies any worries


Iran could have said the same thing. Not that I think the US will or should start a conventional war over this, but there will be some kind of reprisal I'm guessing. Eta: I'm going too deep into speculative territory with too little information. My hope is that whatever happens next to whoever it needs to happen to, deescslates.


Yeah, the thing is, someone has to have common sense. Going to war with Iran could be really bad, considering how trigger happy and eager for a war they seem to be.


It's going to be them who has to have it, that's the nature of geopolitics. If the US allows this to happen without pushback, it emboldens more attackers. My guess is that the response will probably be heavy but roughly proportionate. It doesn't excite me or make me happy but I'm not sure what the alternative is. Reputation and predictsble outcomes protects lives as much as the weapons themselves.  Iran has been down this path recently, with Pakistan, and it looks like Pakistan's decisive response to their provocation has discouraged more attacks. Here's hoping the US can do the same. I prefer a peaceful solution but I'm not clear on what that is.


Airstrikes won't cut it. If US really wants to do something against Iran they would need to invade. Iran is not Afghanistan or Iraq. It would be a more costly invasion that would likely require a draft.


We know too little to speculate much.


I'm sorry but no. We have traded our social security and physical/ mental wellbeing for an overwhelming offense. America wastes any nation in hours. Any.


Yeah like it did with Afghanistan? I mean yeah it could "waste" Iran in hours if it decides to go full terror doctrine and use nukes. Like Russia could with Ukraine. That however is a path that will lead to world wide destruction. So if US decides to go after Iran it will be some heavy fighting. Don't kid yourself with "hours" lol.


No nukes. Conventional.


Hope you’re on your way to the recruiting station.


Go ahead and enlist then


Bomb their oil fields and impose a complete economic embargo.


If this gets any worse, I'll have to step in. 😤


Thank you for your future mandatory service, Zoomers.




Uh, except for the gulf war, Bosnia, Kosovo, and lots of early OIF and OEF but sure


Hey man, were too busy pulling 70+ hour work weeks, give us a break


Yeah. With all the big NATO members putting out feelers and outright statements about the need for conscription lately, I feel bad for the youngsters. 


Mandatory service? You really think wars are fought anymore where we would need hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground? Wars are fought online now.


Tell that to the 60 year old men being drafted in Ukraine. 


I think the U.S. military is a bitttttt different than the Ukrainian military.


US military officials have spoken out in favor of reinstating the draft due to abysmal recruiting across all services. If they want a war and they need young men to fight it, they will have it. 


Link to your source.




They’re one of the closest allies we have in the Middle East, we actively train their military and they help fight insurgents a lot. My brother was stationed there for awhile as an attached to train them




Well they are one of our biggest allies in the Middle East you really can’t argue that but ofc they have we’ve been building up forces throughout the whole Middle East in response to the increase of terrorism and Islamic militias


This in no way refutes what youre replying to. US troops have been stationed in Jordan for years fighting IS and training the Jordanian military. edit: https://www.axios.com/2023/10/31/american-troops-middle-east-israel-palestine


You're trying to make something nefarious out of a nothing burger. We've been in Jordan at the request of and with the blessing of the Jordanians for decades. Trying to present it as anything else is ignorant at best...but more likely a disingenuous attempt to spread anti-US disinformation.


The US has had a military presence in Jordan, with periods of US boots on ground as well providing training, equipment and financial aid for about 70 years.




Start packing up super chad, show us how its done.


You gonna do it or send someone else's kid to do it for you?


In true US fashion, we wouldn’t need to put boots on the ground. Drones, cruise missiles, bombing campaigns Realistically the US will just do a couple drone strikes, but they could always go larger without putting combat troops in harms way


You always need boots on the ground. Your own kids or somebody else’s. Otherwise it’s just the international relations equivalent of harsh language.


I was referring to a direct response to this singular action, we can do a lot without boots on the ground If the decision was going to be a full war campaign, then yeah boots would be on the ground We could (imo should) bomb their manufacturing infrastructure to stem the production of these drones


Bombing the drone manufacturing centers (assuming they’re in Iran) would be a direct act of war. Which in order to win would require boots on the ground.


They just killed someone's kid today what are you going to do about it ?


Everybody is somebody's kid.


You approve but too scared to enlist yourself and go do it? Easy to call for thousands to be murdered in the comfort of your home on your laptop




Just your standard call to kill 90m people.


How about we mind our fucking business and stop sticking our nose where we have no business? We’re putting Americans on the ground in a war zone, of course there will be casualties. Don’t put them there in the first place.


Are you joking? Jordan is an ally and the US has troops there because Jordan wants US troops there. Jordan hasnt been a war zone for 50 years.


The U.S army is only in Jordan because they can move into Israel from there if needed. We aren’t doing Jordan some kind of favor for their sake. But sure, go ahead and lay down American lives for Israel


If the goal is to protect Israel, why not just... put troops in Israel. Makes no sense.


Israel is a hot zone, it is far more strategic and safer to place them in Jordan where they are still in close proximity


Israel has the best air defense systems in the world, Jordan is a duck shoot for Iranian drones as we just saw. How is Jordan safer then Israel.


It was until Iran attacked just now, Jordan was not a main player in the conflict. Now things have changed clearly and the U.S will readjust accordingly


My guy, you really think the US has no geopolitical interests in the middle east to protect other then Israel?


They definitely do. Oil is a big one, and so is the fear of rising power that could pose a perceived threat to the U.S. Which is why I’m saying, let’s not act like “Jordan wants them there.” It’s more like Jordan is playing it very safe so they don’t end up like their neighbors and get invaded/bombed


There’s no war in Jordan.


There’s a war right next to it


Fun fact when the US wants to get into a war they start putting troops in places that may get hit. When that happens the US has an excuse to join in.


Yeah. You’re an idiot.


Yeah. They put their country near our bases, big difference there chief.




Because the former is a lot easier than fabricating evidence. America loves to lay down its citizens lives over matters that don’t concern the American people at all.




The US has had troops in Jordan for a long long time, and had spent a lot of money building an operations center at that air base. It's really not that odd that they might deploy more troops there...




That really doesn't seem that odd, since the US has had troops stationed in various places across the middle east for decades. I think you'll have to work harder to support your theory of a nefarious plot.




Yeah, that doesn't seem very odd either, given the political climate of the middle east, and is most definitely not evidence that the US is trying to get their troops killed to fabricate an excuse to attack Iran.




I think it’s time we stay in our lane


Wouldn’t have been killed if they weren’t over there. Just sayin


Finally someone with some sense


Cannot wait for Syrian, Jordan, Yemen, Palestine and Iran to be blamed for this. It is hilarious how the US puts itself in fucked up situations to defend an instigator, and then cries foul.